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05x21 - For Better or for Worse

Posted: 04/21/22 18:36
by bunniefuu
Brody. Hi.


What a nice surprise.

What are you doing here?


I could say I just stopped in
on the way to somewhere,

but Modesto's not really on
the way to anywhere, so--

- Sit down. - No, I-I-I've got
a long drive back to L.A.

This will just take a minute.

You're my father.


It's not that simple.

I could be your father.

No, you are.

You left a baseball cap at mom's.

It was lousy with D.N.A., so...

There's no "could be" anymore.

My goodness.

Listen, I-I-I didn't come up here

for a big tearful family reunion.

I just... I want to make it
perfectly clear to you.

That there is nothing that I
want or that I need from you.

Just think of me as somebody that you

gave up for adoption years ago,

and I've had a really nice life...

And I don't want to get
to know my birth parent.

- Oh, please--
- Have I made myself perfectly clear?

Please sit down. Let's talk.

Okay, obviously I haven't,

- but I'm sure it will all sink
in as soon as I leave. - Sarah--

Just one more thing.
This has been enormously difficult.

For my mother, so please do not call her.

Do you understand?
Do not call or bother anybody in my family,

because we do not want you
in our lives.


Oh, my God. That was so surreal.

Well... How did it go?

He wasn't supposed
to get all teary on me.

Ah. Wow. My heart is pounding.

Thank you. Thanks for driving me up.

Thanks for coming back.

Oh, please, Sarah. I mean, come on.
I'm here for you.

I-I couldn't get on a plane fast enough.

I don't think I can deal with this.

No, you will deal with this.
You will. Of course you will.

I just feel like I'm--
like broken glass inside.

♪ My Daniel is eating his carrots ♪

♪ My Daniel is eating his peas ♪

♪ My Daniel is eating his carrots ♪

♪ So eat some more carrots for me ♪

Oh! Oh, look at him.
He is so adorable.

That perfect little nose--
I want to eat it right off his face.

I think he's gassy.

- Yeah, he is.
- Yeah.

Oh, you got diapers, right?

Yeah, they're in the bag
with the sippy cups.

- I love when he uses his sippy cup.
- Me, too.

Hi. Guys, I need to go.

What? Go where?

Hmm? Oh, my God.
It's Wednesday soccer practice.

Uh, I have a client at : .
Can you take her?

No, no, no, I can't take Daniel in the car.

Remember, I don't have
the right size car seat.

The right one doesn't come
until tomorrow.

I'll just take the bus.

- No.
- You're not gonna take the bus.

I took the bus lots of
times before I lived here.

Well, maybe, but that was then.
This is now.

- I'll just cancel my client.
- You don't need to do that.

- Yes, I do.
- I'll go get my stuff.

It's okay. It's okay.
You're gonna be okay.

I know. I know.

Hey, it's okay. Shh, shh, shh.

C'est pas possible.
I know I made the reservation.

What do you mean, no record?
We booked this room a month ago.

We have guests coming from Paris,

- from--
- Luc, I think we should call Sarah.

No, no. That's the last thing
she needs right now.

- You have to find those rooms, really.
I-I-- - Ms. Altamirano?

There seems to be a problem
with their reservation.



How are you?

Uh, I'm-- I'm great. How are you?

- This is crazy. I was just thinking
about you. - You're kidding.

Yeah, I was staying at
this place in the country,

and they had a tree house, and
I remember the time you and I...

Who could forget falling
out of a tree house naked?

- Right.
- Um...

Sorry. I was just out for a run.

Is there a problem? I can...

Um, no, it's just a big
family wedding weekend.

- This is Luc. He's marrying Sarah.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.

You, too. Well, if you
reserved a block of rooms,

it's gotta be in the system somewhere.

Let me go check. I'll be right back.

Thank you.

This girl really, really likes you.

No, there is no way
she's giving me another chance,

- and there is no way that girl is single.
- You never know.

Just found it.
rooms, paid in advance.

- Thank you. Thank you so much.
- Thank you.

Is there anything else I can do for you?

No, no. That's, uh, that's it.

It was good to see you, Justin.

Very nice to see you, too, Tyler.


You, my brother, are pitiful.


So, um, we still haven't heard
from mom's cousin Lulu.

Lulu never had any manners.
At this late date,

tell the caterer
to cross her off the list.

I talked to Sarah, and
she said we should set her place

just in case she shows up
at the last minute.

Excuse me. You talked to Sarah?

Yes, I talked to Sarah.

Why wouldn't I talk to Sarah?

I mean, we didn't talk about Brody,
if that's what you mean.

Nora, you can't keep pretending
like nothing is going on.

Who's pretending?
I'm not pretending anything.

Sarah doesn't want to talk about him,

so I'm not gonna talk about him.

- That's all.
- Okay, okay. Whatever.

Oh! Saul, it's Brody.

I knew it.

I told Sarah she should not
have gone up there.

I mean, what was the point?
Honestly, what was the point?

Oh, God, Saul. What should I do?

I haven't answered
his phone calls all day. I--

Saul, look, you go to the door,

tell him I'm not here.

Are you out of your mind?
I am not gonna lie for you.

- Just go and talk to him.
- I can't. I can't.

I-I don't know what to say.

And-- and-- and Sarah will be so upset...

And... Saul, if I open that door,

I don't know if I can close it again.


What do you want?

Can I come in? Can we talk?

Brody, Sarah told you,
she doesn't want you in her life.

I have to respect that.

I-I can't do it, Brody.

I... Please just go.

Nora, we have to talk.





Sync by

Poor Sarah.

I mean, can you imagine
what she's going through?

She's tough. She can handle it.

I don't know. You should've heard her
on the phone when she called me.

Yes. Oh, yes.
You know, Aunt Kitty took the red-eye,

and Aunt Kitty does not do red-eyes.

And Aunt Kitty doesn't
normally leave her son.

All the way back east
with her boyfriend.

That is how worried Aunt Kitty is.
Look at you.

I know. I know. I hear you.

Could you be any cuter?

No. I mean, every time I look at him,

my heart literally wants to
jump out of my chest with love.

Looks like Scotty.

- Sorry.
- Oh, shut up.

You know, I thought I'd feel weird

about not being the bio dad.

- I totally feel like his father.
- Mm.

I mean, not that I need to tell you that.

No. I was so meant to be Evan's mother.

You see? It's all about love.

I wish Sarah could see it that way.

Okay. Okay. Go see your daddy.

You take care of Daniel.

And I am gonna go take care of Sarah.

- Wave bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.

Wave bye-bye. Bye, Aunt Kitty.

Look at this.


- We are here for a marriage license.
- Mm-hmm.

Fill this out and bring
it right back to me.

You got it?

Okay. Whoops. All right.

"Current address, date of birth...

Current last name."

They really should make
that multiple choice.

It will be Laurent anyway, so...

Who knew filling out a form
could be this much fun?

"Last name at birth."

Do you think they mean
the birth certificate.

That my father refused to sign.

Or the one he finally did sign
after he realized

- that Brody was out of the picture?
- Are you okay?

Oh, boy. This is the gift
that keeps on giving.

"Father's full name."

See, people ask,
"what is the definition of irony?"

It's right here.

So we're gonna put Cooper, Paige,
and Olivia at this table.


- Wow. Oh, God.
- What?

Nothing. I remember when
we were all at the kids' table.

Well, it's a brave new world.

Yep, I'll say it is,
in more ways than one.

Saul, please don't start.

Okay, okay.

Look, mom... just because
Sarah doesn't want to see him.

- doesn't mean that you--
- Yes, it does.

You don't understand because
you don't have children.

Fine. So we don't have children,
but we've both been in love.

All right, look, Nora,
I-I just want to say something,

and please don't yell at me.

I know this is a difficult
situation for you, but-- but--

Yes, it is a difficult situation.

It's difficult...

Now, but...

There was this one little moment in time.

When it all could've been so simple.

I was almost years old.

I was a freshman in college.



Still think you're gonna
get her running, huh?

Moses parted the red sea.

Anyway, it better.
I'm heading South in a couple of weeks.



And learn.

Well, I don't want to stand
in the way of any miracles.

No. I'm glad you came, slugger.

I hate when you call me that.

I know.

Well, let me get changed,
and we can go grab a bite.

No, I really should go.

I just came to tell you...

William Walker, he, um--

Let me guess.

He wants to take you

to the Richard Nixon rally downtown.

No. He asked me to marry him.



That's it? Wow?

What do you want me to say?

Nothing, I guess.

Just get back to the car.

I can't believe you never told me that.

So you woulda married Brody if...


I have something for you.

I was saving this for your birthday,

but... since I probably
won't be seeing you--

Brody, it's beautiful.

My grandpa gave that to my grandma

- on the day they left Ireland.
- Are you serious?


My bet is, she just picked it up
in a gift shop in Reno.

Go on.

Take it.

So, uh...

I guess this is a good-bye present.

So you won't forget me.

Do you think...

I could ever forget you, Nicholas Brody?

Oh. Brody.


What are you doing here?
Are you stalking me?

Well, I think I was here
before you were.

That'd be some pretty fancy stalking.

Oh, no. I mean, honestly,

what are the chances of me
running into you like this?

I never come here. Not ever.

Maybe we were meant to run
into each other like this.

You know, destiny, that kind of stuff.

Destiny my foot.

It's a random universe.

Well, then I hope I see you
around sometime.

Did you ever get that car fixed?

- What car?
- That big ol' station wagon

you were fixing up to
drive down to Florida.

No. No, I had to take a bus.

Maybe the universe was trying
to tell me something then, too.

Come over tonight, around : .


Oh, hey. No, no, no.
Wait, guys, guys, the bar--

Plenty of time for that later. All right.

Let's check in.

Hello again. How are you?

We have three rooms under
the Walker-Laurent block.

Thank you.


Whoa. Hey. All right. Hey, Pierre.

Let's, uh, try and avoid an
international incident here.

Hello. How are you? Okay.

Very sweet, Pierre. All right.
Let's go. Here we go.

Here you go, gentlemen.
You are all on the fifth floor.

- Fifth floor. Fifth floor.
- Fifth floor.

- Cinq, right? Cinq.
- Fifth floor.

All right. Thank you. Sorry.

All right.


Nothing for, uh, five years
and twice in the same week.

Well, I do work here.


Excuse moi.

- Vous êtes déjà a Paris?
- Hmm?

Okay. All right. That's enough.
All right. Come on, Pierre.

Nice kiss. Mm. I love you.

Yeah, yeah. All right. All right.

I'm sorry. Those are Luc's cousins.

Si vous avez besoin de que ce soir,

demandez au concierge.

Je demande a toi.


You, uh, you speak French?

And a little Spanish.
In my line of work, it helps.

Oh. Nice of you to see them
through the wilds of Pasadena.

They seem like
they'd be lost on their own.

Is it that obvious
that I came to see you?

It's pretty obvious.

Look, Tyler, I'm...

I'm not the same guy I was.

- I'm sober three years now, and I--
- Justin, you don't have to--

No, no, I do.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry how things ended.
I'm sorry that they ended.

I-I made mistakes.

And I'd really love a chance
to make it up to you.

What do you mean?

Uh, I'd love to take you on
a-a date or dinner, coffee,

or-- or something, just to
show you who I am now.

I don't think that's a good idea.


You know, I, um--

I was gonna have them take a cab,

but I heard a story today
that made me realize.

It was important to say
what I feel, so that...

I'm sorry, and, uh,
it was really great to see you again.


Or whatever you're drinking
now that you're not drinking?

Uh, when?

Tonight. I get off late,
but I can meet you somewhere.

I have a bachelor party to go to,

so late is-- great.


All right. I'm gonna-- bye.

Olivia, what were you thinking?
This isn't like you.

You intentionally knocked
over someone's food tray?

She wouldn't let me sit
at their table.

So you knocked over her food?


So what are we gonna do about this?

So that it doesn't happen again.

I don't know.

Okay. No cell phone,
no video games for a week.


Olivia, I-I know this is a
confusing time for you.

It's confusing for all of us.

None of us were expecting
Daniel in our lives.

But if you feel like you
need more attention,

this is not the way to go
about getting it.

You need to sign it so
I can bring it back to my teacher.

Oh! Olivia, be careful!

I will deal with that.


Don't swing your bag like that.
Pick it up.

You pick it up.

- Sometimes they taste like the ones that come
out of the-- - No, for the kids, the kids.

- The kids have to have the fingerling
potatoes. - No, no, no, they're for everybody,

but sometimes they taste
like they come from

- a can-- - But it's good for the kids.
It's good for the kids--

Look, maybe we should just
reconsider the whole menu,

because if we follow the octopus salad

- with the salmon, it's gonna feel like a--
like a-- - Like what?

Like a shark designed the menu.

Okay, okay, I-I see your point.

Let's add steak.

- I don't like--
- No, lamb, lamb.

- Sharks hate lamb.
- What? Honey, Sarah, honestly, sweetheart,

we can't change the menu now.

For heaven sakes,
they caught the fish already.

Mom, if Sarah wants to change the menu,

we will change the menu.
It's her wedding.

It has to be exactly the way she wants it.
Lamb is on the menu.

Okay, fine. Lamb will be on the menu.

Why do you keep checking your watch?

I-I mean, do you not want to be here?
Are we boring you?

No, it's just getting late,
and I should be getting home.

- Do you have plans? We were just about
to order thai. - Oh, thai.

Thai. I'm gonna get the--
I'm gonna get the menus.

No, I'm-- I'm-- I'm, you know,

- tired. We're all tired.
- I'm not tired.

I'm not tired.
We went up to Modesto yesterday.

I know that, Sarah.

I needed closure, mom.

- Uh-huh. - I needed to make
it perfectly clear to him

that he has to leave all of us alone.

Yeah, well, maybe you just stirred the pot.

Why would you say that?

Sarah, you-- you told me
not to talk about Brody.

I'm not, and you are.

Okay. Okay, guys, you know what? Stop.

- We are planning Sarah's wedding.
- Yes.

- And we should be enjoying every
single minute of it. - Absolutely.

- I know. I know.
- All right, we're getting the wonton soup.

- Fine. - Why didn't anybody plan
me a bachelorette party?

Sarah. Sarah, come on. Please. This is fun.

We are planning your wedding.
We're about to do the playlist.

No. No, no, no.
I'm going stir crazy in here.

I've gotta get out.

Okay. Okay, fine. We'll--

L-let's go get a drink-- a-a real drink.

Oh, you know what would be really fun?

If we crashed Luc's bachelor party.

Oh, yeah. I'm sure
he would just love that.

That is an absolute brilliant idea.

Right? We could make sure
that he doesn't end up

- with a stripper.
- Great. You know what?

I am gonna go up.
I'm gonna raid your closet.

- I'm gonna drive, so perfect.
- Perfect.

Well, good.
Then you two lovely young women

have a wonderful time,
and I will, you know,

just call you in the morning.

Mom, you seem like
you're in a terrible rush

to get out of here.

- Are--
- No.

No, no, I'm not in a terrible rush.
I'm just leaving.

Are you sure Brody didn't
try to talk to you?

All right, Sarah, look,

he-- he came to the house last night.

- But I didn't let him in.
- God,

I specifically told him not
to bother you anymore.

Sarah, Brody and I have a history together,

which includes you.

- Is he planning to see you again?
- I don't know what he's planning.

Okay, sorry. Let me rephrase that.

Are you planning to see him?

Because if you are,
I-I would like to know.

I'm not doing anything.

Honey, I know this is complicated for you,

but it's complicated for me, too.

Is it? Because I thought
he got you pregnant.

Then abandoned you to play baseball.

I mean, why would you want a
person like that in your life,


I don't know.

Because, mom,

if-- if you were to choose him over me,

honestly, I don't know what I'd do.

I would never do that, Sarah, not ever.

Have fun tonight.

Thanks, mom.

What did he say?

He said that you're very intelligent.

And he would love to know you better.

- Aww.
- Yeah.

Actually, he said he wants to
ravage her body all night long.

Ah, sex. Those were the days.

I don't understand.
Sarah's not answering any of my texts.

Well, I think she's doing pretty well,

considering the circumstances.

Oh, finally.
Olivia and Daniel are asleep.

Kevin, why don't you go home?

I'm only doing this for them.

- Hey, hey, ma chérie. Hey.
- All right. Check this one out.

Look how beautiful she is.

Ah, they want to go to a gentlemen club.

There's a bar down the block.
It'll be full of gentlemen.

No, no, no, no.
They want to go to a strip club.

I know. Okay.

- Oh, no. - What, did you accidentally
delete a picture of Tyler?

No. She texted. She's not coming.

Well, why don't you go and see
strippers with, uh, with Luc?

- I'm exhausted.
- I don't want to see any strippers.

- Yeah, neither do I.
- What's the big deal with this girl?

- You re-met her like a day ago.
- The big deal was,

I was in love with her, all right?

And when I saw her again, it--

You know what? Whatever.
I'm going to see strippers.

They'll understand.

Luc, let's go.

Hi. What? When?

No, no, no, no. I'll meet you there.

Olivia just, uh,

she just showed up at her old group home.

She-- she snuck out. She ran away.

Come in, come in, come in, come in.

What are you doing? I--

I parked my R.V. around the corner.

I just don't want anyone to see us.

Oh, this is crazy.

Brody, we can't start
sneaking around like this.

I lied to my daughter today--

To our daughter, and
I don't want to do that.

- Brought you some doughnuts.
- Doughnuts?

Don't you still like the
little powdery ones?

Yeah. I-I try never to eat doughnuts,

mainly because I don't want
to end up looking like one.

You don't.



We all need some time. That's all.

Just a little time.

I think we need to figure out

how to say good-bye to each other.

Is that what you want?

- Oh, God.
- Where are you going?

To fix us a drink.

- I.D.s. - Okay, we are rocking
this club like we never left.

Oh, yeah. We're gonna leave

these wannabe "gen-z" hipsters in the dust.

- Hi.
- Hi.


Oh, way to go. Okay, score, baby.

Thank you. That's funny.

You know, when I show you this,
you probably will faint.

- What's wrong?
- Oh, sh**t.

I think I left it at the
county clerk's office.

Sorry, I don't have it.

No I.D., no entrance.

Okay, honestly, uh, I may not look it,

but I'm old enough to be your mother.

- It's true.
- Quiz me on the ' s.

- Sorry, it's policy.
- Okay.

Okay, maybe you could bend
your policy for one night.

I mean, clearly--

Listen, my-- my, um, fiancé's
actually in there--

- Yeah. - Having his stag party,
and we're gonna crash it.

So if you could just let us in-- ladies,

if you don't have your I.D.s,

- could you please step aside?
- Why are you being so mean?

Uh, no. No, he's not being mean.
He's just doing his job.

- Sorry, ladies. Rules are rules.
- Do you know what?

Excuse me, ladies. Screw your rules.

- Sarah-- - You know-- you know
the ironic part of this,

if I had my I.D. on me,

- issued by the state of California--
- Sarah.

- It would be a fake.
- Oh, no. Sorry. Sarah, Sarah--

Because it would say that
my name is Sarah Walker,

which it's really not.

- I mean, that may not be who I am.
- Relax.

Sit down over here and relax. Sarah--
- How can I relax?

How can I relax when everywhere
I go in this whole world,

everybody wants me to
prove to them who I am?

Nobody wants you to prove who you are.

Y-you know who you are.
That's all that matters.

No, I don't. I don't.
That's the whole point.

I have no idea who I am.
Do you know what it's like to

wake up one morning and
realize that your entire life

is built on a lie?

I think dad knew that I wasn't his.

Oh, Sarah.
Sarah, what are you talking about?

No. I'm serious.
I think that's why he left me Ojai foods.

He was-- he was clearly overcompensating.

And wanted to prove to
himself that he loved me

- despite knowing who I was.
- No, Sarah, he left you Ojai foods

because he knows you know
how to run a business.

I'm not a Walker. There I said it.

It's like the weirdest thing I ever said.

I'm not a Walker. You're not my sister.

You're my half sister. This is--

Really? Really?
I'm not your sister? Okay, so--

So I guess then that
it wasn't you and me

who founded the I hate boys
club of greater Pasadena

and swore with blood.

That we would never kiss a
boy in our entire lives.

And-- and I guess it wasn't
you who stole dad's car

and went out to meet Michael Klesko

and ran out of gas on Ventura Boulevard.

And I guess it wasn't me
who-- who bicycled out there

in the middle of the night with a gas can.

And I guess it wasn't you who
held my hair out of my face

when I was puking up after chemo,

telling me that you loved
me, telling me that

everything was gonna be okay
and-- and saving my life.

That wasn't you? You know what?

Maybe it was you, Sarah.
Maybe it was just half of you.

I'm sorry, Kitty.

This one, you can't understand.


Oh, Sarah, where are you going?

- I'm gonna get a cab.
- What do you mean, get a cab? You can't--


How did you even get here?

I took the bus.

Alone at night?

I told you, I used to do it all the time.

Olivia, that does not make me feel better.

Olivia, thank God you are okay.

I was worried sick about you.

Is she all right?

Yeah, I think so.

- So who's with Daniel?
- Uncle Saul,

but that doesn't matter right now.

What matters right now is you.

Olivia, you are never, ever

to leave the house
without letting us know

where you are going, ever.
Is that clear?

Okay, sweetheart,

we know things have been crazy at home,

and that hasn't been fair to you,

but we're gonna solve this problem,

but we're gonna solve it as a family.

You are as important to us as Daniel.

- Do you understand that?
- Why?

He was your first choice,
and now you have him.

But we found you.

Somehow life brought all four us together,

and that is not gonna change.

But you don't need me anymore.

Hey, Olivia, I think
we need you more than ever.

- Yeah. - 'Cause, you know, the
thing about Daniel is,

he is in a brand-new home,
sleeping in a brand-new bed,

meeting all these new people.

Does that remind you of anyone?

You're the only one who
really knows how he feels.

So-- help us show him
that we're his family.

And that we're not going anywhere--


Do you think you can do that?

Oh. No, Brody. It's just a mess--

A-a-a great big, unfixable mess.

Nora, Nora, there's things
you don't understand

about what happened in the hospital.

Of course I understand.

You came to my room and you lied to me.

- So I could be the very respectable...
- No.

- Mrs. William Walker.
- No, no. I came to tell you the truth.

- Well, then why didn't you?!
- Because I was a scared kid!

You looked at me and my baby
and you ran!

And Bill-- Bill-- he twisted
things around in my head.

What did he twist?

I was in Florida

trying to be a better
ball player than I was,

and I got a call
from Bill Walker.

Somehow I drove
from Sarasota to Pasadena

in hours flat.

Which one's yours?

I don't know.

Hello, Bill.


Ah, there she goes.

Off to her : feeding.

Sarah Walker.

I think she has my mother's eyes.

But who knows?
Maybe they're your mother's.

It's a little hard to tell
at this age, isn't it?

Well, is that the only way we're
gonna be able to find out,

her eyes?

Because we do have
a problem then.

There are better ways.

What's your blood type?


Well, then we do
have a problem,

because so am I,

and Sarah's AB,
compatible with both of us.

If there's a chance
that's my little girl,

I'm not gonna just walk away.

And how exactly
would that work,

we all raise her together,
some kind of hippie commune?

I want to see Nora.

- Tell me what room she's in.
- I'll tell you.

But before you go in there
and claim your % chance,

think about a couple of things.

Do you really want to leave
that little girl

never knowing for sure
who her daddy is?

Even if there were some
magic way to prove it was you,

what kind of life
could you give her?

You're on the road,
following a dream.

I'm building a business...

A real business
that'll be Sarah's one day.

You want to take that
away from her?

She married me, Brody.

I'm the one she wanted.

She came to me the day you
proposed, hoping I'd stop her.

But you didn't.

Do you know why she told me
about that day

an hour after Sarah was born?

Because she considered it
a mistake--

Such a huge mistake

that she had to tell
her husband the truth.

You don't lie to the people
you love, Brody.

You want to do the right thing?

Go in there

and tell her there's no way
you could be Sarah's father.

Tell her your blood type is O.

Room .

Just past the nurses' station.

If I had done
the right thing that day,

you wouldn't even be here.



She is beautiful.

William called you, huh?

He's pretty angry.

I bet.

Why did you tell him about us?

He's my husband.
He deserves to know the truth.

How's baseball going?


I'm still with the farm team,

and they seem to be liking me.

So it's a dream come true
then, huh?


Yeah, it is.

I'm so happy for you then.

Do you love him?


Yes, of course I do.

I had to say that.

I didn't have a choice.


Because William said

if I didn't send you away
and out of my life,

he wouldn't sign
the birth certificate...

And he would leave me
and my baby girl all on our own.

He--he waited two weeks
before he signed it

just to make sure
you were gone.

We never had a chance.

Bill had us both.

Puppets on a string.


You know the reason I think...

I told him about us
in the first place

is that somewhere inside,

I was hoping he would leave me

and that you would come,

and everything
would be all right.

So what are we going to do?

It could be our baby.


Nora, uh...

Her blood type is AB...

And I'm O.

She can't be my child.


There's nothing
tying us together then.

I guess not.

My God.

It seems the world

and William Walker
were conspiring against us.


Well, you know what?

They're not gonna have
the last word.

We're still here.

Right now.

And I'd say, there's a lot
to tie us together.

Oh, God. I needed that.

You know, there's something
to be said for living in denial.

Yeah. Well, you know,
it's gonna take time.

- Why can't you be my dad, Saul?
- Mm. Well, you know, being an uncle

has all of the benefits
and none of the liabilities.

You know what... I think
is really bothering me

is just the question of

whether or not dad knew
that I wasn't his.


D.N.A. tests have been around
for a decade or so.

He could've found out anytime.

Stolen my toothbrush and...

It's really unnerving.

Well, if he did know, he took it
with him to the grave,

and we'll never know
the answer to that, so...

I just--
I feel so alone in this.

Well, you're not alone.

There's someone you can go to
right now if you want.

I can't.
I can't talk to mom.

She's already said,
it's very complicated for her.

This whole thing, it's just--
it's such a tangle.

You have to talk to her, Sarah.

I don't know what
your father knew or didn't know.

But I know
that your father loved you.

And your mother loves you,
so... talk to her.


Yeah. Okay. You're right.


Ugh! I am so glad
that you called me.

I swear, I thought you were
gonna be in Buenos Aires.

Buenos Aires?
Why Buenos Aires?

Oh, I don't know.
It's far away.

No, I'm...
I'm right here.

- Okay, good. Saul.
- Yes?

- I'm starving.
- Really?

Can you please
go back there and see

- if there's any stale bread left for me?
- Okay.

Stale bread coming up.


- My behavior was abominable.
- Mm-Hmm.

I can't believe I just left my
sister high and dry like that.

W-wait a minute.
Did you say "sister"?

"Sister"? Like full sister?

I've been promoted
from half sister?

Okay, listen,
even if I find out

that I was left on
the church steps by strangers,

I promise you,

I'll never, ever, ever
use the word "half" again,

not for anything.

It won't be
half past : anymore.

For the rest of my life,
it'll be : .

- Good.
- Okay.

Okay, all right.

All right.


All right.
There's the elevators.

I will see you guys
at the wedding.

Boy, you are working late, huh?

Yeah, that's why I canceled.
I lost my night clerk.

Oh, don't worry about that.

You look like you've been
working late, too.

Oh, yeah.

I've been babysitting drunk,
horny frenchmen this whole time.

And trust me,
the last place you want to be

when you're sober
is a strip club.

So what happened?
Where's--where's the help?

I lost my night clerk
because I told him to go home.

I wanted to be... alone
to think.

Uh, about what?




Tyler, why-- why wouldn't you
tell me you're married?

Because I'm separated.

Well, when...

When were you gonna tell me?


Look, Tyler, um...

don't always work out.

And, you know,
I was married, too.

That makes me feel
strangely better.

It's been a terrible year.

We don't live together.
We barely speak.

I'm sorry.

I should've never led you on.
I just...

needed something good
in my life again,

and I thought...

Maybe it could be you.

♪ ...Know we're men of snow ♪

♪ we melt ♪

♪ one day ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ one day ♪

♪ you will go ♪

♪ away ♪

♪ from this ♪

What are we doing?

♪ Oh ♪

♪ One day ♪

♪ you will know ♪

♪ we're men of snow ♪

♪ we melt ♪

♪ One day you'll know ♪

♪ we're men ♪

♪ of snow ♪

♪ we melt one day♪