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05x01 - Homecoming

Posted: 04/21/22 18:28
by bunniefuu
I never thought we'd
get back to this table.

I can't tell you how good it felt

to have dinner together again.

We hadn't done that since
the night of the accident.


To be honest..

Sometimes I felt like
we'd never get over it.

But somehow we did.

It took a while, though.

Sarah just tried to move on.

Kevin was busy trying to save
every family in the world

except ours.


It was like she
became somebody else.

But someone came home

and turned out to be a hero..

In more ways than one.

And as for me..

I had to make a choice

that no one should
ever have to make.

Okay. I do not see you.

I'm at the corner of
rd and Figueroa, babe.

Well, so am I.

Luc, I am running late.

This is the biggest business
meeting of my career.

I don't have any
time to waste. Just...

just look up.


Oh, my God.

So.. how does it look?


I can't believe they already
hung it. Oh, it's hung.

It's gonna be a real nice
icebreaker at p.T.A. Meetings.

I'm afraid to leave the house now.

Do me a favor? Don't.

All right, Mateo. Listen up.

When the judge addresses you,
you speak clearly and politely.

So much as blink rudely,

he will ship your
butt to juvenile hall.


Puppeteer for kings

And you've had enough

But the search ends


Where the night

Is totally clear

This is Kitty. Leave a message.

Kitty, hi. I just... I wanted
to make sure that you were...

you were coming to
the dinner tonight.

Uh, Scotty and Saul are-
are planning such a nice meal.

And so... call me.

I'll talk to you later.
See you tonight.

Hi. Hi. Was that a personal
conversation you were having?

Yes, Zoe. That was
a personal call.

And I have to leave
early like I told you,

so I-I hope you don't get upset.

Well, you're here now...

And there are customers waiting.


Your honor, to ship my
client off to juvenile hall

is to say that our
criminal justice system

places more value on
the punishment of a boy

than it does on the redemptive
value of a real home.

Mateo's father is here today,

and he is prepared
to take him home.

I urge your honor,

when you rule on this case,
to let your understanding

of the insignificance
of Mateo's crime

be outweighed by your belief

in the monumental
importance of family.

Thank you.

Okay, then.

I am ruling that the defendant

shall return to the
custody of his father,

where he will behave himself.

Is that clear?

Oh, and now you...

Next case.

You can steer

I would've been fine in juvie.

Trust me. You wouldn't have.

Do you have any kids?

Uh, no. No, I don't.

Um, I think your father's waiting.

You should go.

Cafe - - .

Yeah. Uh, let me check that.

s-c... s-c-h-i-f-f-m-a-n,

Thursday for : .

Yes, we've got you right here.
Yes, that'll be great.

Have you got a vase
I can put this in?

Hang on a second, please.
Any vase will do.

If.. except that one.
It's horrible. Any other vase..

could you hang on a second,
please, Mrs. Schiffman?

-Come on. It's not much better.
-I will, uh,

tell Scotty you like
the polenta. Very good.

Okay. Thanks.
See you Thursday at : .

- Yeah, bye.
- Let's get this...

Lovely flowers.

Thank you.

Okay, where should we put these?
Where are we gonna sit?

We can put the tables
together in the middle.

Why don't I take this? Okay,
let's put the tables together, then.

Nora, why are we having
this dinner here,

by the way? Because I
was working all day,

and I couldn't put
it together. Really?

That's why. I see.
I think it's because you're hoping

that everybody is in public,

that it won't turn into
d-day with entrees.

You're also forgetting

that the restaurant
is closed on Monday.

Oh, damn it. What is that?
This is a two top.


Nora, Nora, Nora, please,
just relax. Come on.

He's coming home safe and sound.

It's a really good start.


Yes, yes, yes.
That's a really good start.

He's coming back safe
and sound, I hope.

Last time he came home,
he was injured.

The time before that,

he came home with a drug problem.

I just hope he is safe and sound.

Nora, it was his
decision to go back,

and there was nothing
you could do about it.

Mom, there's nothing
you can do. I'm fine.

But you're not fine, Justin.
Look at you. You're a mess.

So what? I'm a mess, all right?

Like, what.. what the hell
difference does that make?

It makes a difference.
It makes a difference.

Justin, this is life.

You have a family.
You have a wife.

The accident was four weeks ago.

You have to get up off
this couch and just..

and wh.. and what, mom, move on?

Like, move on. Do... do you think
I like who I am right now?

I left Robert on the
side of the road.

No one is blaming you.

It doesn't matter, mom.
I blame me.

Holly is alive because of you.

Well, I'm not helping
her now, mom.

Rebecca and I can barely
look at each other,

and the only thing I want to do,

the only thing that makes sense to me,
nobody can understand.

Rebecca said she's gonna leave me

if I even consider going off

to w*r... because it makes
no sense! It's crazy.

You can't go off to w*r because..

this is w*r! This is w*r!
Where I am right now, mom!

And I'm not winning! I'm dying.

I'm dying!

And over there,
that feels like my chance

to make things right again.

Mom... then go! Sign up.
Go back to the army.

Sail off to Iraq or Afghanistan,

wherever people are
blowing each other up.

If that's the only thing you
think will make you better,

then go.

Justin. Oh!

Justin. Justin.

Hey, mom. Oh, God,

Justin. Come here. Oh! Oh, God.

I can't believe you're safe.
It's so good to see you. Mwah.

Oh, look at you. Look at you.

You look great. Stop.

You.. you.. you look different.
Different? What have I grown?

Oh, don't make fun of me. Oh, God.

Oh! Oh, I missed you.
Oh, I'm so glad to see you.

Is this the whole
welcoming committee?

Yes. You're gonna see everyone
at dinner tonight. Oh.

They're so excited to see you.
Come on. Come on.

Let's go. Get your stuff.
Oh, let me get my bag.

No, ma. Come on.
I got this. I got this.

Oh... whew.

God. Oh, you're home.


So where do you
want me to take you,

to your apartment?

Uh, no, no. I'm gonna, uh,

try and reach Rebecca first
before I show up. Oh, good

how's Kitty? Fine.

Is everything the
same with Robert?


Have you spoken to Kitty about it?

All the doctors say,
with.. with Robert's kind of coma,

- he could snap out of it at any...
- No, no, no,

mom, it's been a year, okay?

It's been more than a year,

and maybe a doctor
said that at first,

but now he's in a permanent

vegetative state.
This is Kitty's life.

I-I don't think it's our
place to tell her what to do.

Not our place,
mom? Then whose is it?

So I promise I'm
gonna talk to them

about cleaning the windows,

We need to get as much
sunshine in here as we can.

Oh, and I have a surprise for you.

Justin is back.

And I know he's gonna
want to come see you

as soon as he can.

All right.

You are finished.

Okay. Well, I have to go.
I have an appointment.

But I will see you later.

You have a good day. Mwah.

I love you.


You better get down here,

or I am gonna drink this
whole bottle pour moi,

or however the hell you say
by myself in French.

Are we gonna celebrate now?

Isn't it a little
too early for that?

Well, I'm not just celebrating.

I'm also girding my loins. Oh?

Or at least my liver.

We haven't had a
walkerfest for so long.

At least get me drunk.

All right. I will celebrate.

Here's to your $ -million deal.

Actually, it's .

Oh, sorry.

But, you know, you never
stopped believing in that land,

never, and for that,

your entire family is gonna be
financially secure, so bravo.

Thank you.

That's enough about me.
Let's talk about my boyfriend.

Here is to his seminaked self

up there for the world to gawk at.

You sorry I did it?

Sorry? Why?

Um.. you can tell me.

Honey, there is nothing
to be sorry about.

I can assure you.
Tell me more about Paris.

Well, there is this
apartment I know.

It's in le marais.

Le marais. And the windows,

they give you a view into

the place des vosges.
Oh, God. I've been there.

Just lovely. Mmm.

And below, there's the
best bakery in the world.

We could live on
croissants and table wine.

Oh, God. Let's go tonight.

Uh, don't you want
to see your brother?

Of course I do. God.

You know, it's always a little..

It's always a little tense

when he comes back
from over there.

I don't know.

I feel like..

The whole family's in limbo,
you know?

Like we're on hold,
just waiting..

Don't let that be me.



just.. lying there like that.


Promise me that you
would end it. N-no.

No, I am serious. Promise me.

Sarah, I'm sorry. I love you.
I-I can't promise that.

Oh, my gosh.


It's Uncle Justin. Is that Evan?

You know Uncle Justin.
I can't believe this.

Hey. Hey, Evan.
Can you say hi? How are you?

Oh, sweetie, it's okay.
You can say hi.

Could I get a hug?
Wanna hug him? Yeah.

Evan, oh, my God.
You're so big. Oh, my gosh.

Yeah, well, that's what
happens when you feed 'em.

You're so big. What have you
been eatin'? You gonna go play?

Wow. Uh, he's huge.

Oh, my God. Justin.

Oh, come here. Come here.
Hey, come here. Come here.

Oh, my God.

I missed you so much.

No, I'm.. I'm, um, I am.
I'm.. I'm fine.

I just had to drop off, um, Evan,

and I have a meeting at the..
At the R.N.C., actually.

But... but how are you?

I-I want to talk about you,
and I-I..

how... h was it over there?

I mean, well, not that
you could really say.

Uh, no, I can. Um, I'm good.

I'm good. It felt
different this time.

Oh, good. Good.

Kitty, you know, I-I think
about the accident a lot..

I'm so happy you're back.

Do you have any idea
how proud I am of you?

I mean, look at you.

Well, you haven't possibly
convinced my wife of that,

have you? Oh.

Have you.. have you guys
been talking at least?

Uh, some, some.

You know, she sent me a
birthday present and stuff.

You know, things were a
little strained when I left.

Who am I kidding? They were-
they were practically broken.

You know, she begged me
not to go, and I did,

so she may not forgive me.

And I have to prepare
myself for that.

You kn, as hard as it is,
sometimes you..

you just have to let someone go.

Why are you saying that, Justin?

As hard as it is, sometimes you
just have to let people go.

Are you talking about Rebecca,
or are you talking about Robert?

I was talking about Rebecca,

but if you'd like to
talk about Robert.. no,

I-I don't want to.
You know what I want?

I want to know why
everybody in this family

thinks that it's just
so easy to play God.

No, no, Kitty,
I'm not playing God.

You know, there is.. no, no.
There is a chance.

There's a chance of recovery.

Many, many cases, people

have just emerged spont.. okay,
not after a year

and not with his kind of
catastrophic brain injury.

It's not gonna happen.
Oh, really? How do you know, Justin?

You're not a doctor.
There was a woman in , okay?

She was in a coma for years-
he's never coming out of this.

Then why is he fighting?

He's not. You are.


You know what?

You just got off of an airplane.
You haven't been here in a year.

You have no idea what
is going on here.

You know what I thought?

I actually thought that you
were gonna want to see him.

So excuse me, please.
I'm sorry. Kitty, I'm s.. no.

You're kidding, right?

I know.

You can take it to the
living room if you want.

Well, how? I don't
think I could lift it.

I thought you were
working out twice a day.

Uh, no, that would be Luc.

I don't have time to
perfect my abs anymore.

Anymore? Kevin, u never had abs.

Uh, summer of ' .
Remember tae bo?

Oh, sadly, I do.

Can I at least show you
the pertinent parts?

Luc's or the contracts?


When I was driving to court today,

I saw him three times.

I mean, how can you possibly
concentrate on anything else

when you live with
an underwear model?

He's an artist, actually..

I agree. Who got badly affected

by the global financial meltdown.

He needed money. He has a
friend who's a photographer.

This whole thing is
a complete fluke.


Oh, okay. Clears throat

land herein referred
to as narrow lake..

Here we go.

Purchased for a sum
of $ million.

Whoa. That's a lot of money.

One thing's for certain,

tonight I can tell everybody

that the deal's gonna
be signed and, you know,

maybe when people find
out how much money

they're gonna get... Sarah,
you don't have to give us money.

I've told you that. No, I know.
I know, but I want to.

Kitty's gonna need
it for Robert's care.

You can keep practicing

for the law firm of Walker,
pro, and Bono.

And I can go to France. France?

Luc and I have been
talking about the idea

that we might all move to Paris.

When you think about it,
what's really keeping me here?

No, you're absolutely right.

Kevin, that came out wrong.
I'm gonna go.

No, no, I understand.
You should go to Paris.

I wish Kitty'd go to Paris.

I think we should all go to Paris.

Does Justin know? No.

Some homecoming, huh?


What is this for?

The prosciutto.

Yeah? This is for a softball game.

Come on. Find a ripe one.

Oh, for goodness sakes.
I can't concentrate.

While we were still
in the airport,

Justin was asking about Robert.

For one year,
for one solid year..

Yeah. Kitty hasn't been wanting
or willing to talk about it.

And I-I can't tell her what to do.

Well, I've noticed

yeah, well, I lost my voice. Here.

Oh, it's ripe.

Who's that? It's nobody.

Who was that?

It's that guy, okay?

You mean the guy you were playing
backgammon with.. mm-hmm.

Why didn't you answer it?
That's a no-brainer.

I don't know. A-and we have
so much in common also.

Is he positive, too?

Why would you ask that?

I don't know. I'm sorry.

I meant we have a lot in common.

We have music in common,
we have backgammon in common.

I-I-I-I don't define
myself by being positive.

It's not something that I look for

or I'm not looking
for in a partner.

I-I'm so sorry.
I don't know why I said that.

No, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to jump on you.

Saul, life is short and fragile.

If I've learned nothing else this year,
I've learned that.

I thought you lost your voice.

Not with you, I haven't.



How are things here? Oh, wow.
Nice flowers.

Yeah, Nora and Saul
must have set the table,

kind of a stealth operation.

What, you don't approve?

No, no, it-it's beautiful.

I just think it's weird that
your mother hasn't called today,

you know, about the
menu or about anything.

There's a lot of things
that are weird recently.

It's nothing new.

So my client got to go
home to his father today

instead of juvie.

Oh, that's.. that's good, right?

Mm. I guess so.
Kid didn't seem too pleased.

It's funny. He asked m.

What'd you say?

Ah. I said no.

Anyway, I got a lot of work
to do before dinner tonight.

Do... do you want to...
Talk about it?

About what?

You know, you do this.
You bring it up,

and then you just.. what,
the surrogacy?

Kevin, why else did you
tell me that story?

Because it was something
that happened at work today.

I don't believe you.
I think you're in a lot of pain

about losing the baby,
and you want to talk about it..

we had two, Scotty.
We had two miscarriages. Exactly.

And the only way we're
gonna get through this

is if we talk about it.
You have to let me do this my way, okay?

I am trying to move on.
Why do you think I'm doing

this kind of work?
I totally respect

that you're practicing
law out of a restaurant,

that you're helping people that

need your help the most.. yeah,
because right now,

it's the only thing
that makes sense to me.

Well, it's also a convenient way

for you to forget
about what happened.

I haven't forgotten
what's happened.

I just have no desire to
dwell on it. That's all.

Kevin, what happened was
a mistake of biology.

I know you think you can
control everything...

we couldn't even
control our surrogate.

What's that supposed to mean?

I don't blame Michelle for what
happened, but she certainly..

no, I-I think you do,
and until you realize that,

we're never gonna be
able to try again.

Do you have any idea
what I've lost this year?

Not just a baby.
Don't you understand?

My best friend is on life support.

I don't want to try again.

Kitty, I'm glad you
could come in today.

We have been putting together
names of possible people

to take over the r.N.C.

And, uh, you are
on the short list.

Oh, my God. No.

No, no, no. No, no, see,
that is simply out of the question.

See, that would require me to
spend a lot of time on the road,

and I can't afford to be away
from Robert for that long.

Oh, look...

Kitty, I-I.. I'm.. I'm sorry
for the mis-misunderstanding.

I... it's okay. Um...

we understand what you're
going through this year.


We were just hoping.


The republican national committee

needs someone with-
with your intelligence,

your.. your clear-headed

And frankly, your compassion.

Well, we just think you're-
you're too good to waste.


Well, thank you.

Th-thank you. I'm, um...

Why don't we do this?

Why don't we call it a..

So... you'll think about it?

Yes. I'll, uh, I'll...

I'll think about it.

Oh, good. Ye.

Great. Great. Good.



Uh, Kitty told me you were here.

I just wanted to make
sure you were okay.

Mom, where's Rebecca?


She moved out a few weeks ago.

What are you talking about?
You.. you.. you..

you picked me up at the airport,

d you didn't tell me? No,
I didn't tell you.

So... so this is better,
for me to walk into my house

and... and find my
wife's stuff gone, mom?

I didn't want to get
into the middle of it.

What are... what else did she say?

Why do I have to be
the one to tell you?

Why can't you... mom, please.

You know, Justin. You know.

She said it was the accident..

You going off to w*r again.

It was more than she could handle.

That's what she said.

I knew it.

Yeah, I mean, uh...
I knew it was gonna be rough.

I thought I was gonna
be sleeping on the couch

or maybe at your house.

I never...

Justin, I'm sorry. I...

I'm so sorry. I feel like
this is all my fault.

If I hadn't yelled at you...

And you hadn't gone back..

Look, I've got..

I've got a lot of
things I have to do,

so, um, I'll see you tonight.

We're... we're all meeting
at the restaurant...

Scotty's and.. and.. and Saul's..
about : ,

un-unless you think
that's too late.

I don't care, mom.
Or we could do it at my house.

We don't have to go
to the restaurant.

Oh, mom, mom, it doesn't matter.
I don't care where we eat.

I need you to leave.
I need to be alone. I'm serious. Go.

Go, mom.


I know it's boring,
but I made lasagna again.

Holly loves it.

Oh, so do I. Thank you.

You're welcome.

So how is she? You look tired.

Um, well, it's been a rough week.

Uh, I thought things
were getting better.

Uh, yeah, so did I.

You know, then, uh, she forgets,

and it's like we're back to
right after the accident.

David, I-I-I really
think you should know

that Justin is back.


That's all we need.

Look, I-I don't-
I don't want to get involved,

but if you could..

If you could get
Rebecca to call him...

no, Nora, she doesn't
want to talk to him.

I don't want to be
in the middle of it.

Honestly, I don't. I...


What are you doing here?

Um, I brought you
some more lasagna,

and David and I were talking.


What do you want with him?

We're friends, holly.
We're all friends now.

Does William know
that you're here?

Oh, holly, William's dead.

William.. William died
a number of years ago.

Nora just brought
us dinner tonight.

I don't understand
what is going on here.

You and Nora are good
friends now, holly.

It... Justin, her son,
is married to Rebecca.

Get that woman out of my house.

Oh, David. Honestly, she's..

she's going to remember
everything eventually.

No, Nora, she won't.

All she'll do is memorize
the things she forgot.

I'll be right back.


Go on. I mean, tell me.

Did he seem distant or distracted?

Was he going to see Rebecca?
That's what he said.

But you guys think they'll
work it out, right? Yeah.

Um, mom's not
upstairs either. Hey.

Um, well, you know we have
half an hour on the chicken.

Maybe she went to get some wine.

I was fine doing it at
the restaurant, you know?

Mom caught me a little upset,
and I think she freaked out.

I'd offer you some wine,
but I can't find any.


And, uh, you don't drink wine,


Is it weird, you know..

Being back?

All right, guys,
don't be weird. All right?

I made it home with all my
fingers and all my toes,

so just be normal, okay? Yeah.

Be normal. Yeah.

Yeah. Got it. Sure.

- So I, uh, I heard you had a
meeying at the R.N.C. - I did.

And did they offer you a job?

Yes, they did.
Are you gonna take it?

What? No, I'm not.

But I would take some wine
if anybody can find any.

I'm looking. This is very weird.

Yeah. So, uh,
how's the restaurant?

Oh. Oh, we've been open for six-
six months now?

How's the food? It's amazing.
Absolutely incredible.

She hasn't been since they opened.

That is not true.

I've been. Really?



Uh, well, you kn,
I don't think Kitty's been either.

No, I was there. Mom and I
went for lunch over the summer.

Right, Scotty?
You came in for coffee once.

Look, you know what?

Everybody's been busy. So what?

I just want to know,
where is the wine?

Oh. Sorry.

I was just out getting some...

Anyway, they were out of it.

So I'll do the salad. Oh.

Where's the wine? We don't know.

Nowhere to be found. Nora, the
table is set. And here's the wine.

Eureka! Great.

I thought for a horrible moment
that this house had run dry.

God, no. I have set
the table twice,

and if this party moves anyplace else,
you are on your own.

Where's that Luc?
Probably taking his clothes off.

Kevin, that is not funny.

He will be here soon.
Something came up.

Yeah, I bet it did. Kevin.

You'll miss my jokes in France.

France? Yeah.

I told you not to say anything.
No, you didn't, actually.

Well, I meant to. Wait a minute.
You're moving to France?

France. Wow.

That's great. There's
a lot to do in France.

Great? Great? What,
are you kidding, mom? Great?

Kitty, would you just slice
some of these olives for me?

Sure. I'll slice olives.

There you go. Okay, let's make a
toast to our Justin, the hero.

Cheers. Welcome back,
little brother.

Thank you, Uncle Saul.
How are you? I'm go. I'm good.

Ask him where his
boyfriend is. What?

You have a boyfriend? No,
I don't have a boyfriend.

Exactly. You know what,
Nora? We are not in junior high school.

So would you please can it?

Um, I was gonna wait
until after dinner,

but what the heck?

We're gonna be closing
the narrow lake deal

with tevia beverages in a few days.
Yep, she's not kidding.

I've seen the contracts.
It's a great deal. It's a great deal.

Wait a second. So.. so that's
what you're gonna do

with narrow lake is sell it?

I thought you were
gonna save the family.

Well, uh, Justin,
you've been gone.

It's been a long year.

And the money will be
really helpful to everyone.

Okay. Um..

So, uh, what are you
gonna do with the money?

Are you guys gonna try
and get pregnant again?

Who, us? No. That ship has sailed.

Ship? I'm sorry. I thought that was...
that was your dream.

Yeah, I'm confused, too, Kevin.

Oh... not now. Please.

Okay. Uh, Kitty,
what are you gonna do with it?

What am I gonna do with the money?

Well, I-I think

it's obvious what I'm
gonna do with the money.

Okay. I'm sorry.
I'm.. I'm really confused here.

How is this money
helping everyone?

Listen, Justin,

we have all gotten
through this last year

in our own way.

Now I'm not saying that
what you did wasn't heroic,

but you can't come back
here and judge us...

no, no, no, no.
No one's judging anyone.

Well, that isn't true,
is it, Justin?

Look, I'm just
trying to help here.

I mean, I-I feel like
after the accident,

you guys all went to your room

and shut the door and gave up.
Well, I'm sorry if you fee

that me helping my
brothers and sister

move with... Sarah,
you're not helping anyone.

I mean, it sounds like you're
trying to buy everyone off

so you can go to France
and forget any of this

ever happened.
You just got back from hell,

so I'm gonna let that go.

No! No, don't let it go.
That's my whole point.

No one is talking to each other.

Mom, how are you
letting this happen?

What... what would
you want me to do?

Be the mother you
were when I left.

You know, I w... I was right.

We should've done this at
the restaurant. Maybe then...

what... what, we'd behave ourselves?

No, that's the last
thing we need to do.

We need to be in
each other's faces.

We need to be invested
in each other.

We need to be walkers.
You know, k-Kevin doesn't want a baby,

Sarah's moving to France,

and... and Kitty, you know,
forget it, and Saul...

forget it? Forget it? What do you mean,
forget it? What?

What? All I'm trying to do is
take care of my husband, Justin,

which is more than you ever did.
Kitty, Kitty, don't do this.

What? What do you mean, "Kitty"?

Mom, this is what he does.
This is what he does.

He runs away. He r...

no, no, Kitty. It's okay.
You can say it.

Okay, I will say it.

You... you left him.

He was sitting in that car,

he was bleeding, he needed you.

He needed help, and you-
you just.. you just left.

I left him because I needed to,

because holly needed me and
because your husband and I knew

it was the right thing to do.

He told me that night to leave.

He said, "go, Justin.
I can wait for the ambulance."

He said that because he knew
he wasn't gonna make it,

and so did I.

We were two soldiers who
made a choice that night.

And that's what I
figured out over there,

and I think that's why I
went back, to remember.

Well, I'm, um..

I'm very, very happy for you.

I'm very happy that your year
was so productive, Justin.

But see, things haven't
been quite so clear for me.

Okay, see, you don't understand
what you're asking me to do.

I mean, what if... what if it were?

What if it were Paige?
What if it were Cooper?

What if it were Scotty?

I mean, you are basically
asking me to k*ll him.

And you know what? By the way,
he's not a soldier.

He's just... he's just my husband.

And, um..

This is not a-a w*r story, Justin.

This is just my life.

So, um, mom, I'm very sorry,

but, um, I'm not gonna
stay for dinner, okay?

You hungry?

No, thank you.

Sorry it didn't go well.

I was just about to
leave when you called.

Yeah. Oh, God.
He's right, you know?

Who's right?

Justin. We were gonna
take the money and run,

all the way to France.

A little break from them
could be a good thing.

Well, according to Justin,
I already took a break.

We all did. You know what? Wait.
We don't have to move to France.

I grew up there.
There's nothing new to me.

It's not gonna fix what's
wrong with your family.

I know.

Luc, what if this whole
deal is a huge mistake?

Your deal? That's crazy.
Is it? I mean, think about it.

Maybe Justin's right.
If... if we sell the land,

there is nothing holding
this family together.

No one walks away
from $ million.

Yeah. No, you're right.

Okay, what... what if I
go ahead with the deal,

I sell the land,
I take all of the money,

we put it in some
kind of family trust.

I don't touch it.

Okay, so that... that means,
uh, we're not rich anymore?

Yes. Okay.

But I promise,

it'll be a better year
than one we just had.

And who knows?
Maybe you can extend

your minutes of half-naked fame

into half an hour.

Well, you know,
look on the bright side.

At least Justin seems all right.

I know. Maybe I've been in a
habit of underestimating him,

but I was convinced he was
gonna come home with p.T.S.D.

No, seriously. Now I'm
more worried about Kitty.


Oh, no.

Is that a kid under the blanket?

That's not just a kid.
That's.. that's my client.

That's a former client.
That's Mateo.

Oh. What.. what's he doing here?

I don't know. He's supposed
to be at his father's.

This is not a good sign.

Well, we can't just Lee him here.
Whoa. Wh.. yes, we can.

I can't take in every
client like a stray puppy.

This place would be like a kennel.

Well, Kevin, maybe you're
worried about the wrong person

getting post-traumatic
stress disorder, Bec...

don't start down that road with me.
I'm... no, you keeping saying

I don't know how much
you've lost this year. I do.

But I also know you're
not handling it well.

He's a perfect example.
You're off the clock now,

and look what you're doing.

You're willing to let some
boy sleep on the street

who clearly needs your help.
I mean, come on, Kevin...

hey, would you shut up?
What are you doing here? What's going on?

I'm trying to sleep.
The damn garbage trucks

make less noise than you two.
Why aren't you at your father's?

Because it sucks there.
I tried to tell you,

but he was standing
right next to us.

He's drunk now anyway.

It's your call, Kevin.

Come on.

Can I take a shower, too? Bec..

One night.

And don't touch a thing.

Don't say it.

Don't say "I knew you'd be here."

It's too predictable, like me.

Well, you are anything
but predictable.

Well, I'm doing
what I always do...

Digging in my heels
and not letting go.

It's a lot to let go of.

I can't even go in there tonight.

Do you know that every
time I go in there,

it always shocks me..

How much he looks like Robert?

But it isn't him, is it?




Kitty, I'm sorry.

I know what it's like
to lose a husband.

I know.

I-I just...

I just feel so backed
up against the wall.


Out at Justin like that?

I don't want to be
this person anymore.

Oh, sweetheart.

I know that he's never
gonna get better.

I know that he's gone.

And I have wanted to say
good-bye for so long,

but I just...

Just can't do it.


Because I don't know what to do...

Without him.

It's not Robert that I'm
afraid of losing anymore.

I-I think it's me.

You'll find yourself again.

I always get to this point...

And then I just can't say it.



Good-bye, Robert.

It was always right
around the moon.

And then Harold made his bed.

He got in it and
Drew up the covers.

The purple crayon
dropped on the floor,

and Harold Dropp off to sleep.

Oh, isn't that such a good story?

Yes! Guess what, buddy.
I hate to tell you this,

but it's time for
you to go to bed.

Bedtime. Yeah. Come on, sweetie.

No, I don't want to go to bed.

I know you don't want to
go to bed... I don't want...

but you have to say good-night
to Uncle Justin. Thanks...

good night, Uncle Justin.
A high five.

Aw. Yeah. Thanks, champ.

Come on, baby. You know what?

Grandma's gonna be
meeting you upstairs,

and I'm gonna be up
in one minute, okay?

Oh, well, thank you, Uncle Justin.

It was a beautiful service.

Yeah, it... it, uh... it was.

There was a lot of great
tributes to Robert.

Yeah. Even from some democrats.

Oh, you know, Robert
would've loved your eulogy..

the serenity prayer.

"God, grant me the serenity

to accept the things
I cannot change"...

"And the courage to change
the things I can"...

"And the wisdom to
know the difference."

Justin, I'm...

I'm sorry.

No, you did everything you
could've done that night,

and I'm so sorry.
I-I ambushed you.

You know, I-I came on too strong.

No. Obviously, I needed it.

I never would've believed it,
but it's true.

My baby brother came home,

and he knew that I was in trouble,

and he had the courage to tell me.

So thank you.

Do you know who you remind me of

these last couple of days?



Uh, okay, guys. I think
dinner's just about ready,

and your son is waiting
for you upstairs.

He wants a kiss from mommy.

Okay, I'm going.
I'm going. I'll see you.

Come on, Justin. Let's eat.

Wait. Mom, wait. Come here.

I need to tell you something,

and I need you to listen to me.


Thank you.

For what?

For pushing me, for getting
me out of my miserable self

and forcing me to go off to w*r,

and I got to do what I needed
to do this whole last year.

You did that, mom.

Do you hear me?



Then come home.

I did, but you didn't.

We need our mother again.

We need the most overbearing,

in-your-face, nosy,
hovering, little...

I beg your pardon.

In other words,

look at me...

The greatest mother
in the entire world.

We need you.

Come home.

At the airport,
you asked me if you'd grown.

You have.

Want to eat?


Scotty, the food is insanely good.

And here we all are around the
old dining room table again.

Robert would've loved this.

Okay, come on.

That is ridiculous.
Robert would've hated this.


But he would've looked
very good hating it.

That's true. And no one
would've known he was hating it.

He was a politician.
He lied for a living. And so well.

All right. Enough. Let's have a toast.
Come on. To Robert.

Come on. To Robert.

To Robert.

When I'm not sure of

My priorities

When I've lost sight of

Of where I'm meant to be

Like holy water

Washing over me

You make it real for me

And I'm

Running to you, baby

Well, like I said,

it took a long time
to get back here.

I did the right thing.
I know that now.

I would've done it sooner if
you'd been there to help me,

but you weren't.

But I...

I have this feeling that...

* Running to you, baby *

I'm gonna be okay.

* 'Cause you *

I think we're gonna be okay.

That's why

I've been missing you lately

Cause you make it real for me

You make it real for me