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02x11 - The Missionary Imposition

Posted: 04/20/22 15:01
by bunniefuu
NORA: Previously on
Brothers & Sisters...

A billion people
eat this food every day.

Don't you think it would taste
a lot better coming from your orchards?

Oh, of course, but you're not going
to charm me into a deal.

NORA: I'm having a big family dinner.
Why don't you join us?

That sounds great.

Mom's really into this guy, Isaac.

But if she wants us to go over
to the house and have dinner,

that's what we have to do.

- Tommy had an affair with Lena.
- I never liked that girl.

If you're gonna blame anyone,
blame Tommy.

And your opinion doesn't count,
because you slept with Lena, too.

I'm still sleeping with her.

It's not just that you slept with Lena...


- I did it, too. I slept with someone.
- You what?

We went out in high school.
It was a mistake.

- Was she... Was Lena a mistake?
- Yeah, she was.

Scotty, Jason is coming back.
He contacted me.


Hey, Mom.

Good sweet God in heaven,
was that you?

No, that would be Typhoid Travis
attempting to spread his plague

to the good people of Iowa.

Those good people
gave me this plague.

So, is Isaac sick, too?

No, Travis would be the only one
suffering at the moment. Thank God.

Don't drink so much.

I don't! I hardly drink at all.

I thought maybe if he was sick,
that's why he hadn't called.

And then who could blame him,

you know,
after the dinner party from hell.

No, Mom. He's just busy
with the California primary, that's all.

You don't have to make excuses.
I can take rejection.

Mom, I'm not making excuses.

It turns out that presidential campaigns
are kind of time consuming, okay?

You know what you should do?

Go down to the office
and you should ask him out for lunch.

- God, no. That is just way too forward.
- Mom, you know what?

The man watched our family
disintegrate over paella.

I think you're past
the "too forward" stage,

and whatever happened with
Julia and Tommy anyway?

I don't know.
I never talk to them anymore.

I don't even talk to Justin, who, I guess,
is still sleeping with Lena.

What could she be thinking?

I don't know. Maybe she's wishing
that Kevin were straight

so she could go for
the whole Walker trifecta.

Kitty, that's disgusting.

Oh, look at that, Mom.
We're here. Got to go.

No, we're not.

Mom, do me a favor. Call Isaac.

- No!
- Call Isaac.

No! Bye.

Wow, I have so many questions
about that conversation.



I have to get up early tomorrow.


I thought that we said
we were going to take the night off?


Look, I know. I just really don't feel
like being at home tonight.

I mean, I can't handle another
closed-door phone call between Kitty,

or my mom, or Sarah, or God knows...

Oh, great. Your being here
is only going to make it worse.

I don't care, okay?

I still have to go to work, Justin.

Wait, what...


Work. That's right. Well, how's work?

What's that supposed to mean?

Nothing. Isn't it a little awkward?

Of course, it sucks.

Then why don't you quit?

Because unlike you, I don't live
at my parents' house, rent-free,

and I don't have a bunch of money
in the bank either, all right?

I need this paycheck.

Do you actually think
that I like working for your brother?

You know, okay,
I'm sorry I brought this up, all right?

It's just... What are we doing?

Everybody is pissed at us.

Rebecca hasn't talked to me
since the wedding.

You and Tommy
are practically estranged.

When you and I started
seeing each other,

we said, you know,
we wanted to have fun.

But now, I don't know. You're just...
You're being really intense.

- Intense?
- Yeah, and I'm worried.

So, what do you think, I'm using again?

- No.
- Look, because I'm not, all right?

I'm going to my meetings
and you know what?

I even just found one for vets, so...

That's... That's great.

What's the problem here?

- You seem really angry lately.
- Not at you.

Tommy's the one
who screwed up, okay? Not us.

And I'm just sick and tired of everyone
making us pay for his mistakes.

I think it's more complicated than that.

What, you still have feelings for him?

No. No, of course not.

Okay, so then what
are we worrying about?

You know, Tommy and Julia,
they're going to make it or not,

but you know what? That's their issue.

No, you're really... You're right.

All right? Come here.

Can I stay?


- Is that new?
- Ish.

Did you get it in Phoenix?

Actually, I got it
a couple of weeks ago for you.

That's nice.

You know, I was thinking,
maybe tomorrow I could drive up,

we could have lunch.

If that's okay?

Yeah, if you want to.

I think it'll be good for us to do things
that we used to do before.

You know, normal things.

Yeah, there's this new
seafood restaurant.

We could meet there if you want to.

Okay. Yeah, good. That sounds good.

Sorry, sir. We're closed.
I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

What took you so long?

I don't just cook, Kevin. I also clean.

God, I would make such
a good husband, wouldn't I?

Don't worry. I'm not fishing.

Oh! Speaking of which,

I was left alone on the line
to finish a grilled turbot

when we ran out of
cider vinegar sauce,

so I finished it with
cubed-red peppers and cumin.

- And is that bad?
- Well, it wasn't what they ordered.

I mean, I was sort of flying
by the seat of my pants,

but the server came in
with compliments to the chef.

- Wow! Bravo, poissonnier.
- Merci.

So, what's new with you?

Just depositions too boring to describe.

And Jason called.

And Jason called?

Yeah. He's back in L.A.

And he wants to meet for coffee

Look, if you're at all uncomfortable
with this, I can cancel.

- It's absolutely no problem.
- No, no. It's fine.

I mean, I knew he was
going to call eventually.

And, you know, he's Robert's brother.

It's not like I'm not
going to run into him.

Yeah, and you guys had some
weird phone breakup, so...

Yeah, I mean, go see him.
Resolve whatever you need to resolve.

Look, I'm absolutely resolved.


So, I told him he could drop by.

I hope that's not a problem.

Scotty, if you have any issues
about this,

please say, because I can cancel.

- I said it was fine, Kevin.
- Okay.

Thank you for asking, but it's all good.


Anyway, I am beat. Let's go home.

I just don't understand
what's bothering you, Sarah.

This is a chance for us
to make a huge splash.

Theoretically, but what Graham's
proposing is too much too soon.

But Graham has had
a huge success in China before.

He knows the markets,
he has the contacts.

He has no vested interest
in this company, Saul. He's a gambler.

Are you really willing to risk everything
that you and my father,

Tommy and everybody else
spent years building

for something that has
no guarantees whatsoever?

You and I both know that
there are no guarantees in life.

True, but there's degrees of risk.

There's calculated, sensible risk,
and then there's Graham Finch.

Why are you so invested
in doing it his way?

I am invested in whatever
is good for Ojai.

What about if we just split it in half?

We open with stores.

And what if we
can't meet the increase?

What if there's a frost
or, God forbid, a labor dispute?

What if we overextend ourselves

and end up losing
our existing contracts?

Ten stores, Saul,
in two or three key cities.

We can handle that.

We can control quality,
build reputation, create demand.

It's how Dad did it.

This is your stubborn streak
speaking, Sarah.

You're welcome to try
and whittle away my resistance.

I'm sure Graham Finch will be.

- Sarah Walker.
- Oh, speak of the devil.

How soon can you get packed?

We've just got ourselves a meeting
with the chairman

of Golden Plum Imports
this evening in San Francisco.

Wait. What?
Today this evening, this evening?

The chairman needs to be on a plane
to Beijing in the morning,

and he agreed to meet with us
at the hotel before he leaves.

We're nowhere near ready to present.

Sarah, Simon Lao is the man.

And if we really want this,
we need to be there.

I already booked the flights.

Well, I'm just not comfortable
winging it.

Graham's right.
I think you should take this meeting.

Well, I'm sorry.
I'm not a "wing it" type of girl.

You know, I would've gone myself,

but he would only take
the meeting if I assured him

that the president of Ojai
would be there herself.

Well, tell him you lied.

Sarah, what is wrong with
a wildly successful meeting

followed by a fun night out
in San Francisco?

A fun night out? Why wouldn't we be
on the last plane home?

Because there's no telling how long
the meeting's going to last, you know?

Come on, I already reserved
two rooms at the hotel.

Tell you what.
Fun night out is completely optional.

No. The fun night out?
That's off the table.

Okay, we'll go on my terms.

LAX, : .
Be prepared to argue the entire flight.

Yeah, be prepared
to lose that argument.

That's pretty much all I do these days.

So, I guess,
video games are my new drug.

I mean, it's healthier than smack, right?

My girlfriend thinks it's weird

to try and blot out Iraq
by running around sh**ting things.

Well, it seems to work.

I'm Sam and I'm an addict.

ALL: Hi, Sam.

Well, it's not as exciting
as zombie k*lling,

but the thing that gets me
through is my wife, Pamela.

She's great.

But lately,
she's been doing that thing, you know?

She wants to know
what it was like over there.

I mean, I want to tell her.


But at night,
when I'm lying there not sleeping,

and she's trying to help me out,

the last thing I want to do
is talk about that stuff.

It's like,
"Can we please just have sex?"

It was definitely easier when I was high.

I could just nod out.

But I guess if I wanted
to take the easy route,

I wouldn't have become a Marine.

I wouldn't be coming here.

That's all.

Anybody else feel like talking today?

Nobody? All right.

See you guys back here next time,

ALL: God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.

See you. See you.

Hey, Justin?

- Hey.
- So, how you doing?

- Good.
- Yeah?


Well, what did you think
of our little group?

I like it. Yeah.

Yeah, I was kind of hoping that

maybe one of these days
you'd get up and talk.

Yeah. It's not that I don't want to.

Oh, no. Well, whenever you're ready.

Thank you. Thanks.

I'm going to head up to Santa Barbara
and check out those presses.


You going to be all right here?

Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

Look, it's over between me and Lena,
okay? It's done.

Okay, the affair is over,
but the possibility of a lawsuit is not.

It's not going to come to that.

I hope not.

But while I am gone,
just please go by the book.

You leave the door open,
you won't make any comments

about what she's wearing.
Nothing suggestive.

- I'll be careful.
- Good.

- Hey.
- HOLLY: Hey.

- I hope I'm not interrupting.
- No, not at all. I'm rushing out.

- Okay.
- Enjoy your lunch.


- Hey.
- TOMMY: Hey.

I thought we were going to meet
at the restaurant?

I know. For the first time ever,

the freeway was empty,
so I figured I'd pick you up.

Which apparently was
a really stupid thing to do.


No. It's... It's good.

Well, I can try to reach her,
but she just left for another meeting.

No, okay, okay.

Yeah, I'll give her a call,
and then I'll get right back to you.

Is there a problem?

Well, Holly had a meeting
with Western Trucking tomorrow,

and now they want to do it
this afternoon and...

You know what? Don't sweat it.
I'll figure something out.

No, it's an important account.
If Holly can't do it, I should...

Tommy, why don't we just eat in?

Look, if you're rushed for time,
we can still have lunch together

and you can cover the meeting.

- Are you... You sure it's okay?
- Yeah, it's fine.

Do you have any delivery menus?


So, what are you in the mood for?


Come in.



I was just in the neighborhood,

thought maybe you'd like
to grab some lunch.

Oh, I'd love to, but I have
a strategy session in three minutes.

- Yeah, it's...
- No. Wait, wait.

I'm canceling my entire
schedule for this evening.

Would you have dinner with me?

This evening... Let me think.

I guess I could cancel a few things.

Good. : ?

- : . Well, you know where I live.
- Yes, I do.

Let's see...

- How's that Mandarin coming?
- Oh, very good.

- Yeah?
- I can say "Hello."

After that, it's up to the translator.

Did you know it was
the Year of the Golden Pig?

I... Actually, I did.

It's a very auspicious time
for new things,

new ventures, new relationships.

Actually, it's a very auspicious time
to have a baby.

Well, there's different kinds of babies.

You know, the big, strong,
-store babies.

Tiny, little, feeble -store babies.

- Give it a rest, Graham.
- Sarah, seriously... Sarah, no.

Sarah, you're making a big mistake.

Simon Lao can partner
with any company he likes.

He respects strength. If he thinks
that we're playing it too safe,

he's just going to move on
to somebody else.

And if we do it your way,
we run the long-term risk

of delivering them an inferior product.

Which is fine for you
because if they pull out,

you just find another company
to gamble with.

You know, there's actually some skill
involved in what I do.

When are you going
to start trusting me?

Just drop the flirting.

Close the deal,
and then I'll think about it.

Consider it closed. Fifty stores?

- No. No.
- Twelve kiosks?

So, how's the taco?

It's okay.

You know, this new Mexican place
just opened right by my parents' house.

They have the best fish tacos.

Is that where he took you?


No, he did not take me
for Mexican food,

and how can you even bring him up

when she's sitting right outside
the door?

You're the one who
suggested eating here.

I thought we were going for normal,
which obviously isn't working.

Probably because all I can think about
is did you do it on your desk? On hers?

Like I don't have questions about
the guy you slept with?

Was it really just once? Was he good?

At least you know
what you're going up against.

- Up against?
- I didn't mean it like that.


LENA: Western Trucking's here.

Yeah. I'll be right there.

- I'll get out of your hair.
- Julia, I'm sorry.

See you at home.





Hi, Kevin.

- The loft looks great.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I like living here.

You still have this, huh?



Oh! The wedding!
I forgot to tell you about the wedding.

It was a total freak show.
Kitty ran away from the altar.

Yeah, I can't believe I missed it.

Robert told me all about it.

He must be excited you're back?

Yeah. Yeah, he's already made me
promise to campaign for him.

You're going to campaign?

Kev, don't. He's my brother.

Well, yeah, Kitty's my sister,
you don't see me drinking the Kool-Aid.

Didn't we once agree
never to talk about this?

Yeah. Yeah, we did. You're right.

So, how's work?




- Hi. What...
- I got off work early. Hi. I'm Scotty.

- Of course. Good to meet you.
- Good to meet you, too.

(STAMMERING) You know what?

We're just in the middle of coffee,
so maybe...

Oh, no, of course. Enjoy.

I did bring home
some soft-shell crabs, though.

They're not lobsters, but...

Jason, why don't you join us
for dinner or late lunch

- or whatever it is?
- Uh...

No, no, no. I insist. Kevin,
tell him how well I do soft-shell crab.

You know what?
I don't think tonight's...

I'd love to.


Well, I'll get started
in the kitchen and leave you two alone.


Graham, this is not appropriate.

Oh, really?
I thought they were kind of nice.

They are nice,

but this is a business relationship
and they're just not appropriate.

- Yeah, I know.
- And this card?

"Good luck with your presentation"?
This is our presentation.

If I don't feel that we're together
on this %,

we should just get on a plane
and go back to Los Angeles.

Sarah, we are together in this.

Good. Where do you want these?

I guess I'll just put them next to mine.

Tell the hotel
you didn't approve of their gift.

- The hotel?
- Yes.

They really appreciate your business.
Well, our business.

And you know that
chocolate on your pillow?

It's not from me either.

- Oh, this is awkward.
- Not for me.

I'm going to go get changed
for the meeting.

Don't think you're going to get more
stores just because I'm embarrassed.

REBECCA: What about something
like this one?

Oh, good God in heaven,
these can't possibly be mine.

How much weight can you lose
in an hour and a half?

Becca, I have to tell you.

I found out about
Tommy and your friend Lena.

- I'm so sorry, Nora.
- Here, help me.

It came out at the last family dinner.

Of course. Where else?

Obviously, Julia and Tommy
have a whole lot to work on,

but it really bothers me
that she's still dating Justin.

What kind of girl is she?

Wait, they're still dating?

I thought you knew.

No. No, I had no idea.

I haven't spoken to either of them
since Kitty's wedding.

You haven't spoken to him
since the wedding?

No. No, he hasn't called.

Well, that's what I'm talking about.

He's just spending
every waking hour with her.

You know, I just wish
I never got her that job.

Oh, sweetheart, don't blame yourself.
It's not your fault.

Well, that's nice.


I want something quiet

and elegant and sophisticated,
like he is.

Wow, you really like this guy.



Hey. What are you doing here?

I was just upstairs helping your mom
get ready for her date with Isaac.

- Cool.
- Yeah.


Listen, why didn't you just tell me
that you were still dating Lena?

- Sorry, I forgot to send out the memo.
- No, I just don't understand.

Because, like, don't you care
that she slept with Tommy? I mean...

It was a mistake, okay?

Really? Because usually when people
do something over and over again,

that's not really a mistake.
That's more of a hobby or...

- Or what? An addiction, right?
- I didn't say that.

But now that you mention it,
there are some glaring similarities.

This... Like, this is ridiculous.

Is it? Because it seems pretty
self-destructive what you're doing.

I mean,
you're tearing your family apart.

Like, why is it a secret?
Why don't you just tell everyone?

I don't need this. If you have a problem
with me dating Lena,

that's exactly what it is.
It's your problem, okay?

I don't have a problem.

The bottom line
is you're hurting people, Justin,

and you're going to get hurt.



I'm feeling a little entourage deficient.

Well, I'll try not to take
that comment personally.



Which one's the translator?



You're the translator?

You're at my mercy, aren't you?

Ten stores. Ten stores.

Hey, I just wanted to check in.
Today was pretty awkward.

I just want to make sure
everything's okay.

Everything's fine. Thanks.

Look, I know that it isn't easy
with me being here.

And Julia didn't seem happy.

No. No, she's not.

Well, I'm sorry.

Don't be. It's not your problem.

But Justin is.

Is that your way
of asking me about him?


I just. I don't...
I don't know where it's going.

Join the club.

I mean, I have no idea where
Julia and I are going either.


You know, it's actually easier
to talk to you than her right now.

Yeah, well,
it's always been easy with us.


Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What are you doing?

(STAMMERING) No. I just...
I thought you said...

(STAMMERING) I don't know
what I said, but I love Julia.

I'm sorry.

No, it's...

So how was your strategy session?
Is Robert going to take California?

Well, he has home-state advantage.

And now with his Gulf
scandal behind him,

his numbers are up.

You really think he's going to win.

Well, I never call a race before it's over.


Good. Thank you.

Tell me what you think about this.

It's South African and surprising.

I don't much like surprises.

Well, I think you'll like this one.


That's wonderful.

Have you ever been to South Africa?

No, have you?

Oh, about five years ago.
Before my wife, Claire, got sick.

Took the whole family.

Well, I went to West Africa
to explore my ancestry,

and we went to Mali, Dakar,
Senegal and Gambia.

It was quite a trip.


If I were to explore my ancestry,
I don't know where I'd go.

I don't know where I come from.

I'm a little of this
and a little of that. I'm...

I'm a mutt.

Well, I'd say you're
a very well put-together mutt.

So, what? You just wanted
company on the plane?

Trust me. Your being here
is crucial to us getting this deal.

How? All I did was nod.
I would've liked the chance to present.

Well, you didn't see Mr. Lao talking,
did you?

It makes you seem more powerful
if you let your minions speak for you.

I don't even know what you said.

If I hear anything
about stores, I swear...

Sarah, trust me.

Miss Walker.

We are very impressed
with your proposal.

- Thank you.
- We would like Ojai California

produce on the shelves
as soon as possible.

In how many stores?

Mr. Finch makes a very strong case.

We would like to start
with our flagship stores.

Thank you, Mr. Lao.
That is very good news.

Please forgive me,
but I have a early flight tomorrow.

- Of course.
- I look forward to doing business,

and I wish you and your family
every success in the coming year.


Thank you very much.

My family?

Well, I may have accidentally let slip

that your brother-in-law
is about to become president.

- You didn't.
- Tell me off later over a drink, okay?

So, Jason, where exactly
were you in Malaysia?

Were you...
Were you in the middle of the jungle?

Well, I was just outside of
Koto Kinabalu.

- Koto...
- Kinabalu.

Yeah, it was... It was very jungley.


It must've been hard being
so far away from your home?

It was isolating, yeah.

I thought you were
so engrossed in your work,

you wouldn't have time
for thoughts like that.

I was hoping it would be that way,

but, you know,
truth is I just wanted to come home.

Oh, I felt like that every single time
I went to summer camp.

I think I called home twice a day.

Calling home wasn't really
an option for me.

Why not? No cell phone coverage?

I was having a crisis of faith, actually.

Really? I didn't know that.
Oh, but then you didn't tell me.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I was spending my time talking to God.

At least you were talking to someone.

And you don't need a cell phone
to talk to God, right?

I'm going to go to the kitchen.
Can I get anybody anything?

Why don't you just drop
the hostess act?


You guys have things to resolve,
it's obvious.

So why bring home crustaceans?

Well, I'd love to know
what you think we have to resolve.

- I have nothing to resolve.
- He keeps saying that.

No, no. It's quite simple. Honestly.

We were together, he went to Malaysia,

I never heard from him again.

- End of story.
- Oh, really?

Okay, what about the part
where you promise to wait for me

and then broke up with me
on the phone?

I'm surprised you picked up the phone.

- You want to know why I didn't call?
- Why?

- I thought it would make it worse.
- Worse?

I missed you too much, okay?

I thought if I could just focus
on where I was

- and what I was trying to do...
- You know what that is?

That's the worst excuse I've ever heard.

You made me feel like
we were through. Over.

Like I was some materialistic guy
you had no time for.

And you guys have nothing to resolve,

- Stay out of this for one minute.
- No.

Why don't you just ask him
why he came home?

- I'm sure you want to know.
- Oh, it wasn't for him,

if that's what you're thinking.

He dumped me, that's when I found
my spiritual strength. Finally.

- So God won after all.
- Yes, Kevin.

In a contest between you and God,
God won.

So everything worked out for the best?

Yeah. Perfect.

Well, I'm really glad we had that talk.



What is this stuff?

You said you had some
questions about him,

so I thought I'd answer them.

That's his yearbook picture,

pictures from prom,
letters from high school, everything.

What about you and Lena?
When did you sleep with her?

I told you.

It was a couple weeks after you left,

and you accused me of being
responsible for William's death.

Do you remember that?

So while you were off
dealing with your emotions,

how did you just hook up
with your ex-boyfriend?

I was dealing with my emotions!

I was also bored and Ionely
and I ran into someone I knew

and we had a couple drinks
and I got hammered.

What about you and Lena?
Were you drunk?

Yeah. The first time.

The first time?
So were you sober the second, third...

You went away, all right?
Gone! Nothing!

Do you think that gives you
a right to cheat?

So, what's your excuse?


- I'll get her.
- No, Tommy.

We've got to figure this out.

For her.

I know.


I know I owe you two weeks notice

and that I'm not being professional
or whatever, but I just...

I can't be here anymore.

Did something happen?

Listen, I'm not going to sue or anything,
if that's what you're worried about.

What made you decide to do this now?

I thought I was in love with Tommy.

But clearly...

I'm screwed-up.

When I was with William,

I thought this isn't perfect,
it's a compromise, but it's my choice.

I even thought that I was in control.

And for years, I let that idea
and that man dictate who I was.

When I finally realized
that I was just filling in the gap

for somebody else's relationship,
it was too late.

And I couldn't leave.

It is better if you figure this out now.

I hope so.


use this opportunity to find
something that's yours.

Okay. Make it for :
and then change it to : .

All right. Okay.

- I'm sorry.
- That's okay.

How are you, Nora?


Well, I've hardly seen Justin all week,

but you'll be very happy to hear
that Tommy and Julia

- have said that they really want...
- Nora.

I asked, "How are you?" Not your kids.


How am I?

I have no idea.



I'm not going to deal
with that right now,

so don't call back.

I'm dealing with something
extremely important.

You understand?

I'm sorry.

That's okay.

You're right.

This wine is surprising.

A very nice surprise.

SARAH: I'll say this
for my brother-in-law,

he's certainly the best-Iooking
candidate we've ever had.

Yeah, not to mention he'd make
a damn fine president.

Senator McCallister and his unwitting
assist in today's victory.

And I suppose if my sister
has to marry a Republican,

I should benefit in some fashion.

Well, you know, you're just going
to end up being so rich that

you're probably gonna have to become
a Republican yourself.

That's a depressing thought.

Okay, so what happens if Robert
doesn't make it to the White House?

That connection just got us in the door.

By election day,
they're going to be so impressed

by Ojai Foods and by you,
it's not going to matter.

- I hope you're right.
- Oh, yeah.

- To Golden Plum!
- And its flagship stores.


So now you don't want
McCallister to win, why is that?

Wrong party.

Though I suppose it'd be fun
to go to the inaugural ball.

Oh, fun. You need a date?
I got a tux and everything.

I'm weighing my options.

Oh, damn.

I'm afraid you're going
to have to go on option-weighing

because I got a late dinner.

What happened to our fun night out
in San Francisco?

I'm sorry, but I really thought
our night out was off the table.

It was. I'm just kidding.

YVONNE: Graham?

- Hi.
- Hey.

Sorry. I was waiting in the lobby.

Oh, not at all.

Yvonne Kalo, this is Sarah Walker.

I'm actually doing
work for her company at the moment.

Be careful of this one.

He'll make you a ton of money

and then you'll never want
to let him go.

That's right.

I'll try to remember that.

Come on.

Oh, and just to remind you
that tomorrow morning

the car's coming really early, : .

- Okay. Nice to meet you, Yvonne.
- You, too.



Okay, if you're not going to talk about
what happened tonight,

- I'm going to go out.
- Nothing to talk about.

You ambushed my tea party.

- I got out of work early.
- No, no.

You made sure you got out
of work early.

Okay, fine. Well, actually,
now I know what's going on.

- Well, I'm glad you do, because I don't.
- Exactly.

You don't know.
You don't know how you feel about me,

about him, about anything.

If you did, you might have to choose,

really choose, instead of...

Instead of pretending.

- Is that what we're doing? Pretending?
- You tell me.

Because I don't feel like I live here.

I stay here because you let me.

Do you realize there's nothing in this
apartment that's mine except clothes?

- What do you want me to do, Scotty?
- Be honest with me.

If you're still in love
with Jason McCallister...

No, I am not in love
with Jason McCallister!

Why do you have to be so jealous?

Because if you could
see the two of you together...

- lf you don't trust me, leave!
- Fine.

- Oh, God. Where are you going?
- I'm leaving!

- Isn't that what you want?
- Yeah, it is. Have a great night!



Where is... Where's Mom?

I don't know.
I think she's out with Isaac.

Mind if I join you?

Yeah, well, whatever.

Listen, I know it hasn't been easy
between us,

and we haven't exactly been
honest with each other,

and you're probably
going to want to k*ll me.


Lena tried to kiss me.

I know.

- You do?
- Yeah, she told me the whole story.

- Look, I didn't do anything. I...
- I know. She said it was her fault.

It's fine. We broke up anyway.

You okay?

Not really, but I guess
it's probably what's best for me.

It turns out if you want
to escape reality,

sex is almost as good as pills.

Tell me about it.

I'm sorry, man.

Me, too.

You know, sometimes it really sucks
we can't have a beer together.

Well, we can. You just have to drink it.



Go away. I'm busy.

- Would you please open the door?
- No.

Scotty, open the door!

I love what you've done with the place.

Yeah, well, at least it's mine.

- I'm sorry.
- No, I shouldn't have

barged in on your tea party.

Yeah, enough with the shellfish now.

But you know, when you walked in,
I was secretly so proud.

- Of what?
- Of you.

Of how genuine you are
and how crazy and honest and...


So how do I make this better?

I don't want you to see him anymore.

Even if I did, it wouldn't mean anything.

I know. You're going to run into him
at family stuff.


I just don't want you
making plans with him.

Okay. Promise.


I don't think you get how much
I want us to be together.

God, now I feel like an idiot for asking.

It only makes me want you even more.

You know what?
I actually do have to go to work,

and I don't want to get caught
getting busy in a s Ranchero,

- as beautiful as it is.
- (LAUGHING) Okay.

- I'll see you when you get home?
- Okay.

So, Lena quit last night.

Did you ask her to?

No, Holly said it was her decision.
I don't know the details.

Hey, come on. This is a good thing.

She's not the problem.

We are.

I think we need to see someone.

And I know
you don't like to ask for help

and I know the last thing you want to do

is talk to some stranger
about our personal lives, but...


Whatever it takes, we'll do it.

Thank you.

- Hey there.
- Mr. Finch.

Missed you on the plane this morning.

I hope Yvette made you
a nice breakfast.

- Actually, it's Yvonne.
- Oh.

And would you believe me if I told you
she just wanted investment advice

and I left at a perfectly
reasonable hour?

- Not so much.
- Okay.

I did advise her to invest
in a working alarm clock, though.

Listen, you were right yesterday.
I'd have scared them off.

Well, you're the reason we were there,
so thank you.

My pleasure.
And I still owe you a fun night out.

Don't hold your breath.



- Hello.
- KITTY: Well, hey.

I heard that dinner went really well.

- You did?
- Mmm-hmm.

You talked to him?
All right, what did he say?

Oh, well, that's privileged campaign
information, Mother. Sorry.


Okay. He... He seemed very happy.
Smitten, even.

Smitten, even?

He did. He just...
He said that he had a great time.

- He did?
- Mmm-hmm.

- You know what?
- What?

We had a really great time.

Okay. Okay, just remember, Mom.

Remember what you
always used to say to me.

- Yeah?
- You just take it slow.

You make him wait.


Remember the last time we were here?
I'd just found out you existed.

Yeah, you were like the only one
in your family

that was actually talking to me.

It's crazy, huh?

Yeah, and now you're like
the only one that's not talking to me.

Look, Rebecca,
I just want to say I'm sorry.

Like you were right about
Lena and about everything.

- Say it.
- What?

You know what.

I wasn't going to say anything.

- I told you so.
- I knew it! I knew it!