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02x01 - Home Front

Posted: 04/20/22 14:54
by bunniefuu
NORA: Previously on
Brothers & Sisters...

He's a minister?

I'm a very traditional person.

Jumping your bones
was extremely atypical for me.

Well, I could use
some tradition in my life.

Are you running for President?

Why, yes, I am, Miss Walker.

We've been having
some grown-up problems.

Are you getting a divorce?

William's organs are failing.
He doesn't have much time.

One day, we'll tell you
about your brother.

And how much we loved him.

I can't accept your proposal
until you accept mine.

How's Rebecca?

Saul just told me that
you have been keeping her.

My mother and I have
a very complex relationship.

NORA: When I said you were
welcome here like family, I meant that.

I'm going to be
just as brave as you are.

I love you.

NORA: Is this thing working?

Oh. Oh, wait. There.

Hi. Hi, Justin.

It's your mother.

But if you're watching this,
then you know this already.

Anyway, how are you?

It's been a while
since I've heard from you.

It's just like that summer
you went away to Camp Lackawanna.

Not that Camp Lackawanna
is anything like Iraq,

but you were away for eight weeks and
I never heard a single word from you.

Don't you roll your eyes at me.

Maternal guilt is what I do best.

Not that it's worked very well
with any of your siblings.

I've... I've barely seen them all summer.

Sarah has a lot on her plate.
She and Joe are still separated.

But she says they're getting along,

and I know she's happy
spending more time with the kids.

Think I should get a mommy job?

Is that like a part-time job?

COOPER: Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!
Mommy! I'm thirsty.

Honey, do we have to whine?

Here. You want one, sweetie?

Oh. Sorry.
We don't do processed foods.

No offense, I know you work.

Speaking of which,
I need to make a call.

NORA: And Kevin. My God,

ever since he's been dating
that Jason McCallister,

he's barely recognizable.


Jason has been such
a good influence on him.

I think he's really been
growing spiritually.


(WHISPERING) Now is not a good time.

If you don't talk to me,
I might m*rder someone.

Where are you?

I'm in a park with the most competitive
moms in America. Where are you?

I'm in church.

And Reverend Boyfriend's
giving me the evil eye. Got to go.

- Because prayer is a gift.
- ALL: Amen.

NORA: Tommy's got his hands full
with the winery and the baby.

But it's so exciting,
Elizabeth finally came home.

I offered to help,
but Tommy says Julia's doing fine.

I guess she's just thrilled to be nesting.

- Morning.
- Oh, hey. Good. Good.

You're up. Here. Today's the pitch
to Primary Foods. I got to go.

Give me a kiss.
Wish me luck, all right?

Good luck, hon. Oh.

NORA: What else?
Oh, yes. Kitty and Robert.

They're so busy campaigning

that Kitty can't make it home
for her birthday,

which I'm actually
kind of relieved about,

being that it's also the anniversary
of your father's death.

Well, Senator McCallister,

you now have a future brother-in-law
serving in Iraq,

has that changed your feelings
or beliefs about this w*r?

Not at all.

That Kitty's brother Justin
is bravely serving his country

does make it hit closer to home,
but for a president, it should.

Here's one for you, Kitty.

Have you picked out a wedding dress?

To be honest, I haven't had the time.

I think that right now
our first priority is the campaign.

NORA: Oddly,
the only one of your siblings

I've spent any time with is Rebecca.

She's still not talking to her mom.

And you were right. She's wonderful.
She's sending you a care package.

Everything you asked for,
plus a little taste of home.

I know you're terribly busy,

but when you can,
just let me know you're okay.

I love you, Justin. We all do.

Please be safe.


MAN ON TV: And now to
our exclusive interview...

Oh. Oh, wait. Wait. The interview is on.

We'll multitask.

Oh, you want to make love to me
while we're watching ourselves on TV?

Too kinky?

Well, I am
your Communications Director

and I have to critique
your performance.

... brother-in-law serving in Iraq.

Oh. Oh, I hate it!
I hate it when they bring up Justin.

Here's one for you, Kitty...

Oh, and come on! Come on.
Enough with the wedding dress.

What does that have to do
with campaign issues?

Oh, we get five minutes alone,
and all you want to do is yell at the TV.

The minute the press found out
that we were engaged,

I went from being a key player
in your campaign

to being nothing more
than your fiancée.

Well, even the word
is just irritating. Fiancée.

First Fiancée.
And you knew that was coming.

Well, of course I did.

But it's still infuriating

that people expect me to be
this perfect little wife-in-training,

who only cares about cookies
and babies and shopping.

And believe me, I do care about babies.

And cookies.

And I could go either way
on the shopping.


My point is, is that...

I don't know. It seems like there's
this high-powered working woman box

and then there's this fiancéelwife box.

And I just don't know how to fit
in both boxes at the same time.

Maybe you should take some time off.

That's your solution?

Just take the working woman box
and crush it?


I know how stressful
it's been without Justin.

And now, your birthday
and your dad.

No. No, Robert.
That's not what this is about.

I'm just saying that I don't think
anybody would blame you

if you wanted some time away.

Oh. Oh, well, gee.

Thank you, honey, for letting me
know what my options are.

I'm not getting any, am I?

I said I wouldn't panic
until it was days.

Well, it's been days and
I haven't heard a single thing from him.

Come on, Nora.
That's a completely arbitrary number.

We all knew there would be times
when Justin would be out of touch.

It's a mother's intuition.

Nora, he'll call.
I promise you. He will call.

You don't know that.

Well, sweetheart, you do have
a connection with the senate.

A lot of good that's done me.

Kitty has not done
one damn thing to help,

except talk about her brother
on national television.

Did you see that interview?

Nora, to be fair, they were asked.

They could've said, "No comment,"
instead of jumping all over it,

and using him as some
sort of political selling point.

I had to turn it off. I tell you,
I can't even bear to look at her.


Nora? Nora, what is it?

Someone's at the door.

Oh, God.

What if this is them?
What if this is about Justin?

Please, please,
don't do this to yourself.

It's probably just the postman.

No, he's already been here.

I'll stay on the phone.

Okay? Just answer the door.

I don't know that I can.

You have to.

Go ahead. I'm right here.


Okay, stay on the phone.


Oh, Kitty!

It's Kitty, Saul.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Good to see you. Come on in.

- It's Kitty. I don't know. She didn't...
- Thanks, Mom.

I knew I shouldn't have
mailed her present.

- Now I'm going to look like a schmuck.
- At least you're not sleeping in her bed.

So, what are we doing for her birthday?

Kitty says no fuss this year.

Since when do you listen to Kitty?

- Why don't you take her out for dinner?
- Oh, yeah.

Good luck getting a reservation
somewhere decent for tomorrow night.

Oh, I know a really good Mexican place

across from the Pantages
in Hollywood.

I love that place.
I go there every time I see Wicked.

- Yeah.
- It's always packed though.

Well, I know the hostess.

I really think we should respect
Kitty's wishes. She was very adamant.

Well, she's probably just feeling weird

because, you know,
last year at this time...

What? Dad took the final plunge while
she was blowing out her candles?

- Kevin.
- You know, if I were her,

I'd be afraid to celebrate my birthday.

Maybe there's a Kitty curse.

(SCOFFS) The only thing she's cursed
with are her insane politics.

- I heard that.
- Oh, sorry.

- Hello, Rip Van Winkle.
- Hello.

We were beginning to wonder
if you were ever going to get up.

Oh, well, you know, Mother,
I had some trouble sleeping.

The mattress in the guest room
is really hard.

- I'd be happy to trade with you.
- Oh, no. No, no. It's fine.

Well, now that you're up,
welcome back. I got to go.

- I'm so moved.
- KEVIN: I'll see you tomorrow.

- Bye, all!
- Bye!

Okay. Well, I'm going to go
make a reservation.


Wow. I sure know how to clear a room.


So, what was that about a reservation?

Oh, I tried to talk to them.

They're insisting on getting
the family together for your birthday.

Oh. Oh.

You know, what I would really like
is to go shopping with my mother.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
Justin might call. Sorry.

Well, we'll have
our cell phones with us.

I'll turn mine on loud.

- Mother.
- What?

- I need a wedding dress.
- Oh, yes, you do.

Yeah. You know, so the press
will stop obsessing about it,

and they'll start talking about
things that actually matter.

Like, you know, health care.


It's my birthday.

I'd love to.

- Coop have an accident?
- Juice box expl*si*n.

I stabbed it a little aggressively
with the straw.

It was either that or Monica's eye.

"We don't do processed foods."

God, that is perfect.

If it makes you feel any better,
she's got a masseuse named Tad.

- Oh, yeah?
- Gives her a happy ending.

- Get out! Shut up!
- It's true. Yeah.

What else you got for me?

Amy's had two mommy jobs.

She judges me for working.

Yeah. No. It's a combo,
tummy tuck, boob job.

Oh. Then again, you know,
like a lift, that'd be nice.

You're not serious. You are still hotter
than all those moms put together.

- Oh, come on. You're just saying that.
- Mmm-mmm.

You think I could put up with you
and your family for years,

if I didn't think that...


You're hot.

Well, you know, you have a point.

You know we shouldn't.

Yeah, I know.

Oh, my God.




- Is this a bad time?
- Not at all.

Come on in.

- It's good to see you.
- Good to see you.

You know, I was in the neighborhood,

and instead of leaving another
voicemail, I thought I'd stop by.

- Okay.
- With this.

What's that? Oh, my God!

- It's our trip to Key West.
- Yeah.

Check out your hair.

My hair? Take a look at your hair.
What is that? A perm?


I thought you'd get a kick out of that.

Listen, Milo, I have...

I have a lot of work on my desk, so...

No, no, no, no. No, it's for you.
Take care, Saul.

Hey. Sorry I'm late.

Lizzie was impossible today.

I don't know if it's the diaper rash
or the formula or...

Is she sleeping?

Yeah. She's exhausted from
crying five hours straight.

Well, I'll get the next feeding.

Hey. We got the account.

Oh, that's great.

Do you mind if I call my parents?

No. That's fine.

Hey, listen. Before you go,

Kitty's in town and we want to do
a family birthday for her.

I'm not really up for a big Walker thing.
Just make up an excuse.

Look, I've been making up
excuses all summer.

I mean, Mom's offered
to come by and cook,

Sarah wants to bring by the kids,
so they can meet their cousin...

You know what I think about
when I see Paige and Cooper together?

I think about William.

Our son, who should be here
with his sister. With us. And he's not.

Look. I know he's gone.

And I know it hurts. And I'm sorry.

But look, look at my mom.

Every time she turns on the TV
or opens the paper,

she's reminded of Justin.

And she's terrified. We're all terrified.

But it doesn't mean our lives just stop.

Look, let her help you out.
You guys can talk and maybe...

Tell her to call me when Justin dies.

Then we'll have something
to talk about.




I'm sorry.


I'll go get her. Go make your call.

My God. It's a vision of loveliness.

Mother, you haven't weighed in yet.

- It's lovely.
- You don't think I look like a fish?

No, you look like Ariel.
The Little Mermaid.

Honey, if you don't like it,
just try on another one.

And while you do that, I'll check
in the back for something a little more...

Not ugly?

So, Mom, can you believe
these dresses?


Hello. That was a question.

What are you doing, anyway?

I'm texting another w*r mother.

Since when do you text?

Rebecca taught me.

Oh, Rebecca. Great.

Yes. I didn't think I'd get the hang of it,
but she was very patient.

Oh, I bet she was. Okay.

What do you think of this one?

It's lovely.

Mother, what is going on with you?

This might be the most
hideous dress that ever existed.

I'm just trying to be nice.

I don't want nice. I want my mother.
So come on. Come on.

Just tell me
why you're so angry with me.

I'm not.

All right. I am. I am angry.

Why is it that you and your fiancé feel

you have to talk about
your brother all the time?

- What, are you looking for votes?
- That is not fair!

We don't bring up Justin.
The reporters do.

And what are we supposed to do?
Not speak?

Oh, so I see.
When I ask you to "speak" to Robert,

to ask him to find out about Justin,
you can't do it.

But the minute a reporter
asks you a question,

suddenly you're Chatty Cathy.

How am I ever going
to make you understand

that I do not feel comfortable
asking Robert to pull strings.

Do you think I'm "comfortable"
not knowing

whether my son is dead or alive?
Do you?

It is unethical, Mother,
for me to do that!

Since when do you people
care about ethics?

- "You people"?
- You people.

You want me to ask a US Senator

to give me classified
m*llitary information

just so my little mother won't worry?

- What's wrong with that?
- Everything is wrong with that!

- What?
- It's ridiculous!

And I won't do it! I can't!
It's overstepping!

- Overstepping?
- Oh, yes, overstepping.

You know that's what families do,
we overstep.

The damn definition of families
is overstepping!

Do you know what it would do
to the campaign, Mother?

I don't give a rat's ass
about his campaign!

- Well, that's true!
- Ladies!

- What?
- What?

That man is taping you.





You want some company in there?
I can be late for work.

JASON: Yeah? Well, I can't.

You know, I never complain
we don't get to sleep in on Sundays.

Excuse me?
You complain every single weekend.

That's not me complaining.
It's me wanting to stay in bed with you.

- Right.
- Yeah.

Sorry. The Bishop wants to see me.

Are you in trouble?

Now, why would I be in trouble?

Me. And you. You and me.

Oh, look, my sexuality isn't an issue.
I've been completely open.

I have no idea
what this meeting's about.

So, maybe you're getting a promotion.
Like, vice-bishop. Or pope?

Pope. Yeah, we don't have a pope.

- So no ring?
- No ring.

What about a new robe though?
Or at least a snazzy new collar.

- You know what? You're an idiot.
- I know, but I'm your idiot.

ROBERT: How's my favorite
birthday girl?

Lousy. My mother and I
had a really big fight.

Yeah, I know.
I'm watching it on YouTube.

- Oh.
- AnnieLou gives it five stars.

She says it's funnier than
the piano-playing cat.

Please tell me you're joking.

I'll tell you what is a joke.
That wedding dress.

Oh, great. So now we're going
to have to deal with Bridezilla jokes

for the next news cycle.

Kitty. Why didn't you just tell your mom

that you already asked me
about Justin, and I said no?

Well, because, Robert, my mother
has to love me. I'm her daughter.

But you? Not so much.

What can I do to make it up to you?

Find out where he is.

Kitty, you know I can't do it.

Not even as a birthday present?

I mean, you do realize that
my father d*ed a year ago. Today.

You did not just try to guilt trip me
with your father's death.

It would only take you one phone call.

We haven't heard from him
in over three weeks.

Every day there's another IED.
Every day there's another car b*mb.

Kitty, I hate that you're going
through this. I really do.

But there are , other families
going through the exact same thing.

I can't make an exception for you.

Can't or won't?

- Ben from the RNC is on the line.
- Okay. I have to go.

Then go.


- Happy birthday?
- Yep.

Have you tried putting her
in the papasan or the miracle blanket?


Hey, honey. I got to call you back.
Sarah's here. I will. I will, I promise.

Is everything all right at home?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's fine.

What's up?

Joe and I had sex.

Did you hear what I said?

Me. Joe. Sex.

Yeah. And?

And as a male,
what do you think he was thinking?

I mean, do you think
he wants to get back together?

Because we've almost stopped fighting.

And the sex was amazing.
We were on the washing machine.

Ew! Blocking out that visual.

Sorry. But seriously, I mean,

maybe this separation was what
the relationship needed, you know?

I mean, what do you think?

I think you should talk to Joe.

That's it? Talk to Joe?

What? What?

Look, I'm completely swamped
with this new account.

I haven't finished packing up the office.

I don't have time
to play Dr. Ruth, okay?

I'm sorry.

Oh. Oh, sorry to intrude.




I see my mom doesn't bug you
about keeping your room clean.

Well, it's your room.

And I just couldn't figure out
what to wear.

Wait. Wait a minute. I had shoes.

I had a lot of shoes.
I had really, really nice shoes.

Yeah, I put them in boxes in the corner.
You want me to grab them for you?

No. No, thanks. I'II... I'll get it.


Oh, I found a present for you.

Rebecca, that's... That's so sweet.
But really, you shouldn't have.

I didn't actually.
I just found it in the dresser.

You found...

That's the gift that
my dad gave me last year.

Oh. I'm sorry.

No, no. No. No, it's fine. It's fine.
It's just... Thanks.

But I would really appreciate it
if you would stay out of my stuff.

- Hey.
- Hey.

What were you doing with the Bishop
so long? Should I be jealous?

No. No, the meeting ended a while ago.

I just needed some time
to think, that's all.

He told you to break up
with me, didn't he?

No. No, he's sending me
on a mission. To Malaysia.

- Malaysia?
- Yeah.

I know. It's far.

No. Uh, no.
Actually, that's not far. I mean...

New York is far.

Malaysia's halfway around the world.

So, did you tell him you can't
because you're in a relationship?

It doesn't work like that. Okay?

It's just for a few months. Or a year.

A year? Oh, wow. I'm sorry.
Are you out of your mind?

You're my boyfriend,
for God's sake, Jason.

Oh, no, of course. God's the one
who wants you to forsake me.

Okay, Kevin. Kevin.

I made a commitment to the church.
This is my faith.

Oh, what, so now
I'm supposed to be happy

that you're leaving to convert
the unwashed masses?

Which, I'm sorry,
I find distastefully colonialist of you.

- I'm helping build a school.
- Oh! Well, great. Forget it, you know?

Because, obviously, I can't compete
with poor, needy children.

You know what?
No, you can't compete.

Because this is bigger than me
and what I want.

Oh. What, now I'm a narcissist?

There are people in this world
who need help.

- Yes, Jason! People like me!
- Who really need help.

You know what? We're... God.

Go ahead. We're... We're what? Huh?

Because every time
I even suggested trying to define us,

you change the subject.

- I'm sorry. This is now my fault?
- No! This isn't your fault. Okay?

But you can't expect someone
to just organize his life around you,

when you can't even say, "I love you."

Yeah, well, good thing I didn't
because look where I'd be now.

I'm sorry.
Hey, maybe if you had a little faith...

Yeah, well, I don't.

Fancy meeting you here.

Don't worry, I'm... I'm leaving.

No, stay.

We shared him in life,
we might as well share him now.

Oh. Aren't your flowers pretty.

I think I might've overdone it a little bit.

- So how are things?
- Good.


Tommy and I are working a lot.
The winery office is just about open.

Well, that explains
why I haven't seen him much lately.

So how's my daughter?

Rebecca's a godsend.
An absolute godsend.

I don't know what I'd do without her.
All that youthful energy around.

That explains why it's so quiet
at my house these days.

- I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean...
- No, no. It's okay. It's fine.

Have you heard from Justin?

No. Not in a while.

I can't even imagine.

She reminds me of William.

She's so warm and generous,
but she keeps so much bottled up.

Like father like daughter.


I still miss him.

So do I.


Listen, we're giving
a birthday dinner tonight for Kitty.

Would you like to come?
See Rebecca?

I'd love to. I mean, unless...

I mean, I don't want to impose.

Holly, you being here at my husband's
gravesite, that's an imposition.

You sharing a taco with your daughter,
I can live with.

- You don't think William had...
- Oh, God. Do you think?

- (LAUGHING) Of course not.
- Nah.

Oh. Look, look, look.
They've got enchiladas suizas.

Well, goodie. Maybe some people
will have a chance to eat some.

Oh, come on, guys.
Stop reading the menu.

I'm starving already for alcohol.

We're going to k*ll
at bowling on Friday!


I'm sorry,
but is there anything we can do?

Kathy promised me
we would have a table.

Kathy promised everyone that,
which is why she was fired today.

The party at your table
should be finished soon.

You can have a drink at the bar.

Yeah, I know. Thank you.

(GASPS) Oh, my God. She is...
She's just too perfect.

- Why didn't you bring her?
- KEVIN: Oh, yeah,

because a screaming baby
would have made this evening

so much more enjoyable.

That's why I left her at home.

At least I know what the title of my

(BURPING) autobiography
is going to be.

Kevin Walker: A Lifetime
Of Endless Disappointments.

Oh, come on!
They've got phones in Asia.

KEVIN: Malaysia. And what's the point?

If it weren't God, he'd dump me for
someone else like Shiva or a lifeguard.

Or maybe somebody
who uses a little less product.

- Don't worry. It's fine.
- I don't...


Do we have an ETA?


- What?
- I thought I was late.

- Mom?
- Holly?

You didn't tell them, did you?

It's a birthday. Everyone
loves surprises on a birthday.

Excuse me, please.
I need, I think, a drink.

I second that.

Mom, why didn't you tell me
you were coming?

If you would answer my calls,
you'd know.

Rebecca, your mother
just wanted to see you.

Oh. Well, now you have. Excuse me.

Want to look at the menu?

How could Mom do this to me?
On my birthday no less.

We over hating Holly yet?

We don't hate Holly,
it's just awkward, that's all.

- I hate her.
- Yeah, you hate everyone.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't get
a quickie on the spin cycle

to put me in a good mood.

Tommy! I can't believe you would...
You are such an ass!

Since when are we not allowed to blab?

All right. Relax. I will go talk to her.

He doesn't care about me,
he doesn't care about Ojai.

It's like he's completely
disappeared from my life.

Oh, he's a new parent, Sarah.
He's adjusting...

Oh, God, I look old.

- No, you don't.
- No, I do. I feel old.

And let's talk about Rebecca
for a minute.

I mean, what is that about?

I mean, she barely knows me,

yet somehow she manages
to plan my birthday party?

I mean, I don't...
I don't even like Mexican food.

Rebecca. Hi. We... We were just...

Talking about me, I heard.

You know, for once,
why don't you just tell me to my face

that you hate
that I'm a part of this family?

I should go.

All right. Look, Rebecca. I'm...

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.
It's just that I didn't...

Will you stop trying to be polite
or whatever you're doing,

and just tell me,
what did I ever do to you?

Well, for starters,
you moved my shoes.

You have a million shoes.

Well, Rebecca, that is not the point.

And I just want to know. I mean,
I've been gone for what? Two months?

And suddenly
you're my mom's favorite?

I mean, how did you do that?

How did you go from home wrecker
to surrogate daughter?

Because I was there.

Because I'm not busy
like everyone else in this family.

And, yeah, we go to yoga sometimes,

and sometimes
we cook dinner together.

But at least she's not spending every
waking minute thinking about Iraq.

I mean... Oh, God. And I'm sorry that
I tried to plan you a birthday party.

I thought it would be nice.
I'm done trying. I'm...

It's true what they say.
Tequila makes everything better.

Nobody says that.

Well, when I'm First Lady,
I'll say it and it'll catch on.

Hey, you're not really angry
with me, are you?

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm... I'm too busy to talk.

- Is that what this is about?
- Oh, ding-ding. Give that man a prize.

You know, this is your fault.

What's my fault this time?

The Thorn Birds.
You made me watch it with you.

Richard Chamberlain
in his cute little white collar.

A love that's taboo and irresistible. Ooh.

Mom. Mom, you know what?
This birthday's a bust.

We can't even get a table.
Can we please just call it a night?

- Now that's a bit selfish of you, isn't it?
- Selfish?

I mean, we're all here for your birthday.
And we will be seated. Now.

KITTY: Don't ask.

Uncle Saul, you have the right idea,
you know that?

No ties, no commitments.

You know, if you wanted to spend

the whole weekend in bed
doing nothing

but watching p*rn and doing
The New York Times crossword,

would anyone stop you? No.

Shut up, Kevin. Just please
do me a favor, shut up now.

I'm trying to pay you a compliment.

You are so oblivious.

Do you have any idea
how blessed you are?

Angry? No, I'm not angry, Tommy.
I would say I'm disappointed.

I mean, here I am trying to maybe
get my marriage back together,

looking for a sympathetic ear,
and you don't have time.

Oh, you think you're the only one
with marriage troubles?

I mean, Julia hasn't left the house
since William d*ed.

- I know.
- All right, she won't stop crying,

and the only people she'll talk to
are her parents, okay?

- Julia won't stop crying?
- Yes. I mean, it's not...

- Julia won't stop crying.
- Look, you don't have to...

What? What? What? You should talk.
This is... This is serious.

KITTY: Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Did you just say that
she shouldn't tell me because, what?

What, I'm not your sister?

TOMMY: You didn't have to
yell it across the bar.

Well, she's got a problem.


Hey, guys.

Hey, Walkers!

Robert! What are you doing here?
You're supposed to be in Phoenix.

I have a present for you.
Where's your mother?

And do you know
why he's not here to celebrate?

Because he's off fighting
in that stupid w*r.

And one more thing
that makes this day special,

my cheating husband d*ed
a year ago today!

WAITRESS: Ma'am, you're
disturbing our patrons.

So, maybe, if you could move
your drunken asses out of these chairs,

then perhaps my family could sit down
and eat a damned burrito

and end this miserable day!

- Mom.
- What?

Justin's okay.

- What?
- I can't give you any specifics,

but he's been out on a mission
for a few weeks.

It's over. He's headed back to base.

Oh, God.

Justin's all right. Oh, Robert,
thank you, thank you, thank you.

I knew you'd come through.

Hey, McCallister, you're waiting on us?

Yes. But I hope
I can still count on your vote.

Sorry. Green Party.

So, who's up for some more nachos?

ALL: Yeah!

We're not getting that table.

Oh, I could care less!





- Hi.
- Hey.

I got your message.
I'm so glad Justin's okay.

Yeah. Me, too.

I'm glad you're here,
but you didn't need to come out.

Oh, I wanted to be here.

- So, where's the party?
- It's in the living room.

Oh! Oh! Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie!
Oh, my goodness. Look at you.

There you are. Look at that.
Hi, Julia. Oh, she's gotten so heavy.

I know. She's really been growing.

SARAH: Cooper!

Cooper. Come on. We're having pizza.

I'm going to go talk to her.



It's a great party.

Yeah, yeah. I probably should have
just ordered beer and pizza

in the first place, but...

Yeah. Well, we're not really fit
to be seen in public.

So, I was thinking about
what you said...

I shouldn't have said anything.

No, no. You should've
and you were right.

You shouldn't be the only one trying.

I'm really sorry
about your dad's present.

That's okay.

I guess I was just...

I don't know. Saving it for some day
when I really needed him.

I get that.

Well, I think I'm going to go try and
pry Lizzie out of my mother's hands.


I'm so glad you came.


I know it can't have been easy.

It's actually more okay than
I thought it would be. But thanks.

Hey, how are things with Joe?

Well, you really want to know?
We had sex.

- What?
- Yeah.


I hope it's okay that I dropped by.
Robert told me the good news.

- Of course.
- So, are you still mad at me?

You know what? Justin's all right.

I can't be mad at anyone right now.

Wow, that looks great.

- Can I help?
- No, I think I got it.

Actually, there's some candles
in that drawer over there.

I'm on it.

Look, this summer has been one
of the best I've had in a long time.

Oh, I know. It's like
Danny and Sandy in Grease.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Which one of us is Sandy?

Well, you're about to go help the poor,

so I think that makes you the
goody two-shoes in this relationship.


I don't expect you to wait for me.


Well, that's too bad
because I'm going to.

You are?

Come on. You're the one who's always
saying I need to have more faith.

Besides, what am I supposed to do?

I love you.

I love you, too.

ALL: (SINGING) Happy birthday to you

SARAH: That is so cute.

Happy birthday to you

What is that?

Happy birthday, dear Kitty

Happy birthday to you!


- Should we make a wish?
- REBECCA: Make a wish.

Okay. Ready?

ALL: Yay!

TOMMY: A toast.

- KITTY: No! No, no, no, no. Come on!
- Yes! Yes!

To Kitty, for bringing us together.

To my sister, Kitty, who might
be conservative in her politics,

but has always been liberal
with her love.

No, I mean it.

And who also did the unthinkable
and set me up with a man of God.

And was right. Amen.

- Amen.
- JASON: Amen!

ROBERT: Happy birthday, Kitty.

May you always continue
to defy expectations.

And I hope you never fit
into anyone's stupid box.

The reason I love you
is 'cause you don't.

NORA: And speaking of boxes.

KITTY: Oh, whoa.
JASON: Oh, my goodness.

Oh, wow. What's in there?

NORA: Oh. I'm so glad you're home,

despite the way I've been acting lately.

I've just been so scared
and taking it out on you and I'm sorry.

You're a wonderful daughter
and friend, and I love you,

and this is the dress I wore
when I married your father.

I thought maybe you'd like
to wear it for your wedding.

- Oh, Mom.
- ALL: Oh!

Wow. Thank you.

- Shouldn't we toast Grandpa?
- NORA: Oh.

- SAUL: Oh, that's a great idea.
- Yeah.

- To William.
- William.

- Cheers.
- Dad.

JULIA: Cheers.


Oh, yeah. I love this song.

I love this song too. All right.



TOMMY: Whoa!

NORA: Oh, wait, wait, wait. Oh, no.

ALL: Go Cooper! Go Cooper!
Go Cooper! Go Cooper!

Grinning at his g*n

Fingers start shaking

I begin to run


b*ll*ts start chasing

I begin to stop

- That was General Perez.
- What happened?

Justin's unit was returning to the base
and they hit an IED.

It was sn*per fire.

Was anybody hurt?

Kitty, there were casualties.

But I don't know who.
I don't have any more information.

Justin could be fine.

It's Justin, isn't it?

Oh, God.


Did you hear anything?

No. No, no. Robert is still making calls.

Mom, I really think that you need
to lie down or something.

No. I need to fix Justin's room.


Please, don't ask me to stop.
I have to keep moving.

Please don't ask me to stop.

I promised him I would be brave.
Kitty, I promised him I'd be brave.

Oh, that's okay.




- Joe.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- I hope it's okay.

I mean, you sounded so upset.

- Oh, God. Thank you. Come in.
- Yeah.

I'm sorry. I didn't know who else to call.

Oh, no, I'm glad you called.
And the kids? Did you...

No, I didn't say anything. I...

I just thought we should wait
until we have more information.


- How you holding up?
- Oh. Not so good.

Well, whatever you need, I'm here.

Joe, I want you to come home.

We should talk about it later.

No. Now. Let's talk about it now.

When I heard about Justin,
all I could think of was you.

I wanted to be with my family.
That's you, Joe. That's... That's you.

I know. I know.

And, you know, when everything
settles down, we'll talk about it, okay?

I thought the other day,
that's what you wanted to...

Please don't. I was confused, so...

So you don't want to move back?

- Sarah, I...
- What does that mean?

You want a divorce?

Justin. Hey.

I don't know how you are right now,

or where you are, but I'm just going
to assume that you're all right,

and that you'll be watching this soon.

I've been getting to know your family.

Not that that's an easy thing to do,

because, well,
they're all a little unhinged.

But I think tonight I finally started
to figure them out.

Like Tommy, he's always so stoic.

Taking care of everyone around him.

I'm just not sure
who's taking care of him.

And Kevin. When he's really hurt,
man, is he sarcastic and funny.

God, he's brutally funny,

but I think even he knows
that's not always enough.

Not now. Not for this.

And Sarah's just this force.
Kind of like superwoman, you know?

With the kids and the job.

She's always fighting so hard
for her family all the time,

but I'm sure she sometimes
wishes it was easier.

Not so complicated.

Kitty's the one I don't really know yet.

But I'm glad she came home.
I think she needed to be here.

Especially now.

I think being around her family
is what grounds her,

gives her direction, keeps her sane.

And your mom. Oh, she's like the
most amazing woman I've ever met.

The way she handles everything,
and everyone.

But every so often, I can tell
she's a million miles away,

thinking about you.

And then she just looks
so scared and small.

And you were wrong about
being the black sheep.

You're the heart of this family, Justin.

They need you and...

I need you, so...

Please be okay.
