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05x15 - The Great Awkward Bake-Off

Posted: 04/19/22 11:10
by bunniefuu
-Morning, campers.
-Morning, Lou.

Nobody's ever said it back before.

Just wanted to see what would happen.

And you folks did not disappoint.

Anyway, we're having a fundraiser for
our camp's annual Midsummer Party,

because we may be only
halfway through camp,

but we are all the way through
our party budget. Any ideas?

Oh, hey, look, it's, um...

Dante, counselor from Walrus cabin.

Dante, of course.

The growth of this camp
has not at all affected

my ability to remember
everyone, Dante.

Well, what if we do a fundraiser
where campers can buy cookies,

add a message in icing,

and send them to whoever they want?

That is such a great idea.

Sorry. You go.

What was that?

I can be positive about stuff,
like the rest of you losers.

So, you're saying I
can order a cookie,

put a big question mark on it

and get it sent to Matteo?

-Why a question mark?
-And why me?

You like a good mystery.

You'll never guess who sent it.

-Wouldn't it be you?
-Dang it, you're good.

Well, this idea is about as tasty

as Chris Evans in
a cable knit sweater.

So, who wants to join
the cookie committee?

You're volunteering to make cookies?

What? I like snickerdoodles.

Do you like snickerdoodles
or Dante-doodles?

Why would I be interested in a guy

who is smart, and athletic,

and currently has one of my
favorite books in front of him?

I mean, gross.

Why is there a question
mark carved in my oatmeal?

The game is afoot.

♪ Kikiwaka, Kikiwaka

Hey, Parker. How are you liking

your newly right-side-up RV?

I'm so pumped you got her fixed.

She's not in pain anymore.

Listen, I wanted to
ask you for a favor.

Yesterday, a family of
possums got into my cabin,

put holes in the waterbed,
flooded the place.

Even for possums, it was quite rude.

Wait. Possums are real?

With those crazy little faces?

This is a bit, right? I'm on camera.

Anyhoo, mind if I bunk
with you in that huge RV

while my cabin gets fixed?

Hmm. Never had to share
the RV with a friend before.

Unless you count my
bathroom attendant.

But Tim made it clear he was not.

So, what do you say?

You know what? Let's give it a shot.

Yay. Thank you.

Yeah, sure thing.

Whenever you're all packed
up, just feel free to head on...

Sure, I'll let myself
in. See you at home.


It's my Midsummer Party theme idea.

Our cabin needs to submit one soon,

so Lou can choose her favorite.

And is your theme idea
jarring and smelly surprise?

No, Matteo.

Jarring and smelly surprise
was the theme of my birthday.

For the Midsummer Party, I want
to have a camp-wide pillow fight.

I was actually thinking
of a different idea.

Picture this.

Glow-in-the-dark dance party.

We can use this bioluminescent
algae I found in the lake.

It's either that or
radioactive medical waste,

but I do love a dangerous puzzle.

Maybe you just didn't get my idea.

Let me pitch it again.

Finn! What is happening here?

We both have a different
Midsummer Party theme

for our cabin to submit to Lou.

Oh, I had an idea, too.

But you guys are the campers,

so I'll hear both of you out.

And nurturing your creativity
is on my vision board.

Right next to "make a vision board."

Man, I'm k*lling it.

Hey, have you seen...


Okay. Yes.

Wow. You've got it bad.

I do not have it bad.

If I actually liked Dante,
I'd be trying to impress him.

Like how you look a
little extra pretty today.

This tinted lip balm has
nothing to do with him.

But thank you for noticing.
The color is gooseberry.

Hey, Dante!

Is it hot in here or is
it just all the baking?


Oh, here, let me help you with that.

Oh, careful. Those are heavy.

It's nothing.

I do this stuff all the time.

Are you okay?

Never better.

You know what? Let me just
go grab those cookies for you.

Oh, wait. Don't grab that.

Wow. How are you holding those?

They just came out the oven.

Did they? I can't even tell.

Maybe a tad warm.

What are you doing?

I'm fine. Just give me a minute.

Looks like I'm gonna have to
take matters into my own hands.

Especially since mine are
the only ones that work now.

Whoa. What's all this?

Hey, roomie. It took me
an hour at the claw machine,

but I finally won that watch
with the bananas on it.


You do realize you can just open
up the door and take stuff, right?

Nonsense. She must be earned.

And this is your office now?

Yeah. I really love working
out of this massage chair.

It's like all those tiny
mechanical fingers

are patting me on the back,
saying, "You can do it, Lou.

"And if you can't,

"that tractor-racing scout did
give you his business card."

You seem to be getting
really comfortable here.

I feel really comfortable here.

I've got a lot done. I think
I'm gonna hit the steam room.

Hey, you wanna go bowling later

at that alley you've got upstairs?

Maybe around three bananas?

-Uh, sure.
-Great. Then it's a date.

What is that for?

Oh, it's for the steam room.

I hope you don't mind,

but the aroma therapy
scent I prefer is...


Hey. What's with the pillow?

It's Lou's.

I took it from her cabin for a
presentation I'm doing later.

I think this little pillowcase will
really class up my farting pillow.

Hey, how did the
director's cabin look?

I'm surprised the
repair people let you in.

What do you mean? The cabin's fine.

Or as fine as it can be with
those curtains paired with that rug.

Certainly not Camp Chic-iwaka.

Wait. If the director's
cabin is fine,

then why is she living
with me in my RV,

and spending all of her time there,

and getting so comfortable

that she invites me to go
bowling in my own alley?

It's just not done.


What? Do you know something I don't?

Like this possum thing
everyone was keeping from me.

Well, Lou moved in for a fake reason,

and wants to spend
all of her time with you?

Parker, I think she wants to
spend all of her time with you.

What are you saying?

Oh, Parker, so young,

so Canadian.

Lou has a crush on you, ya hoser.

No way! Really?

Parker, I know things.

I dated a lawnmower
for a whole afternoon.

Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and assume

the other adults in your life
handled that appropriately.

Why is it dark in here?

The light's not working.

Matteo, did you plug in all your
hair tools at the same time again?


Imagine if you will,
the place, Kikiwaka.

The time, midsummer.

The party, now.

I give to you my
glow-in-the-dark party theme,

brought to you by
bioluminescent algae

with a possible assist from
radioactive medical waste!

The tests were inconclusive.

Wow. All this does look super cool.

You're not winning me over.

This beat is just irresistible.

So, you pick my idea?

Is this the theme we're gonna submit?

We would if the party was at night

instead of the middle
of the afternoon, outside.

Oh, right.

Matteo, don't be sad.

We can still use this stuff
inside in the dark by ourselves.

Never mind. That's
actually really sad.

Ava, are you okay?

Ava is gone.

She died of embarrassment
back in the mess hall.

Argh, I can only imagine
what Dante thinks of me.

And my hands still hurt.

Oh, don't worry.

I think you'll know what he
thinks of you soon enough.


Because I did something.


I sent Dante a cookie from you.

And what did it say?

Please tell me it was "I have no
feelings about you, random co-worker."

"I like you a lot. I think we're
a batch made in heaven."

No."You are a dream crumb true."

No, no.

"So let's bake this
happen. From Ava."

No, no, no!

How dare you do that
without my permission?

I had to, after watching
you implode back there.

It seemed like you
just needed a little help.

Destiny, I told you I
was not ready for this.

You were never going to be ready.

I'm sorry, but you're amazing,

and you deserve to be with
someone who makes you happy.


is very true.

But it was still wrong.

And the puns, Destiny. Why the puns?

I keep forgetting.

Oh, man, it's happening.

I'm her lawnmower.

Oh, hey. I hope you're hungry.

I just wanted to say thank
you for letting me stay here.

There is a ton of rotisserie
chicken coming your way

once it's done rotisser-ing.

Looks like you put a
lot of effort into this.

Well, I have to say, I'm really
enjoying my time rooming with you.

Lou, is there something
you want to tell me?

Maybe about why you wanted to move in

or something you're feeling,
not quite ready to admit?

What? Of course not.

Hey, would you look at the time.

The bananas say it's bowling o'clock,

and the bananas wait
for no man, so come on.

Wow. Finn was right.

Before you know it, she'll
be buying me a banana ring.

Mr. Lambert, Mr. Silva,
thank you for coming.

Well, we live here.

Yeah. And I just
came to get a swimsuit.

A pillow, by itself,

just a simple place to lie your head,

or perhaps muffle the farts.

No judgements.

Yes, judgements!

But when you briskly
apply that pillow to a friend,

it becomes magic!

And when you apply many
pillows to many friends,

it becomes a camp-wide pillow fight.

Midsummer Party,
you have been themed.

Thank you for coming to my Finn talk.

Both of my little grizzlies
are getting so theatrical.

You can't seriously
be considering this.

It's just a pillow fight.


Behold my latest Finnovation.

The Pillow-pult.

Leave everything you think you
know about pillow catapults behind.


To demonstrate, I will fire
this pillow across the room.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! The
Pillow-pult looks like an outside thing.


I'm stopping you before
we lose any more decor.

We care about our aesthetic here.

This isn't Lou's cabin.

You know, Steve Jobs didn't have
to put up with this small mindedness

when he invented jobs!


I wanted to talk to you.

Me, too.

I got your cookie, and I was...

That cookie was not for you.

-Oh. -Yeah, Destiny messed up,

and sent my cookie to the wrong guy.

Right, Destiny?

That's right.

I really messed it
all up. I am the worst.

So you don't have to
worry about me liking you,

or in any way hoping
to bake this happen.



Okay, uh...

You don't like me.
Glad we cleared that up.

Well, I have to run to the store.

We're hearing the blue
icing tastes like tires.

Ava, are you... I don't
wanna talk about it.

Let's just go do the
dumb cookie thing.

Finn, I said no more Pillow-pult!

Ugh! Yup. Tires.


I shouldn't have sent
that cookie to Dante.

I had no right to speak for you.

And I promise it'll
never happen again.

-Thank you.
-But you need to woman up.

Well, that took a turn.

You're scared to
put yourself out there

because you might get rejected.

But you don't always have
to be such a tough cookie.

Really? Still with the cookie puns?


I think I have a genius for it.

Anyway, just tell Dante you like him.

Otherwise, you'll always
regret it and wonder what if.

But what if I do and then I get hurt?

More hurt than getting
crushed by a bag of flour?

More hurt than burning your hands?

And I know what
probably hurt most of all

was telling the guy you
like that you don't like him.

It only hurt slightly
more than the hand thing.

Hey, Dante.

Um, I wanted to tell
you something... again.

I lied.

I do like you.

The cookie was right, although I
would not have used that many puns.

It's the lowest form of comedy.

Um, you don't have to like me back.

I just wanted to tell you
and put myself out there.

It's funny you should say that,

'cause after I got your cookie,

I made you one, too.

I was kind of bummed
after what you said,

so there are a few "eating
my feelings" bites missing.

"Ava, I like you, too.

"My day is always
batter when I see you."

Well, in my defense, I thought you
were really into puns when I wrote it.

Dante, thank you.

Do you want to come to the
Midsummer Party with me?

I'd love to dough with you.

Sorry. It's hard to turn it off.

I know, right?

I can't believe I finally
bowled a perfect .

And thank you again, Parker.

You being there made it count.

Maybe you got such a great score

because you were
trying to impress me.

Or maybe it's because I
spent all of middle school

on an elite bowling
team with my nana.

Come on, Lou. How long are
we gonna dance around this?

I know your cabin isn't trashed.

Why don't you just come out and say

why you're really staying with me?

Okay, fine. I'll admit it.

I thought I could hide
my real feelings, but...

I love...

your RV.

-Come again?
-Your RV, it completes me.

And I honestly never thought I'd feel
this way again after my first tractor,

but life had other plans.

I thought you liked me.

I mean, what about that
bowling date we just went on?

Bowling date?

I needed someone there
to witness my perfect

for the Moose Rump
Bowling Association.

That's why I said you
being there made it count.

By the way, can I get your
signature here on my scorecard?

But you set up this
fancy lunch with candles.

I thought if I showed off my cooking
skills, you'd let me stay here longer.

And these are citronella candles.

I was hoping you wouldn't notice,

but I left the door open and
a bunch of mosquitoes got in.

This sweet lady
deserves so much better.

And the romantic music?

That is your playlist.

Oh, yeah. This is "Smooth
jams to comb my hair to."

After a week of living
in this luxury RV,

going home to my little old
cabin was kind of depressing.

But I'm a camp owner. I
need to get back to roughing it.

This is all so wrong.

Even though it feels so right.

Well, I guess I misread
this whole situation.

It's been a long day of thinking
you were yet another casualty

of my Parker charm.

Or as I like to call it "Parm."

But you weren't, like, into my
imaginary feelings for you, were you?

'Cause that would
be ridiculous, right?

Of course. That's ridiculous.

Of course, yeah. Ridiculous.

Okay, well, I'm gonna
head back to my cabin.

Oh, um, I will send for my hay.



Wow. I haven't seen
you both this down

since the Olympics rejected chess

and Synchronized Snot
Rockets on the same day.

We're disappointed our Midsummer
Party ideas didn't work out.

Just like my dreams
of Snot Rocket gold.

The grizzly cabin isn't out of ideas.

I still haven't shared mine.

What is it?

It just so happens the
Midsummer Party falls on June th,

which is also a holiday -called Juneteenth.
-What's that?

It celebrates the true
end of sl*very in ,

two years after the
Emancipation Proclamation,

when enslaved people in Texas finally
got the news that they were free.

Wow, I never knew about this.

And since I didn't know,

I assume Finn didn't either.

Hey! It's true, but I
don't like your tone.

To be honest, I think a lot of people
at camp don't know about Juneteenth,

which is why I would love
to share it with everyone.

Well, I'm glad you told us.

I'm sure everyone else will be, too.

Yeah, I'm kind of sad
that you guys let me run

with pond scum for so long.

Juneteenth has been
celebrated for generations.

You eat red foods like red
velvet cake and strawberry soda,

because red symbolizes
resilience and strength.

In my family, we
always have a barbecue.

This already sounds better

than Craig's "Celebration
of Dandelions" idea.

It is "Craig," right?

And it's not just about the food.

It's about how the food
brings people together

to celebrate something
really important.

Plus, my family always
finds a creative way

to show off the Juneteenth flag.

One year, we painted a mural.

Another year,

we found out my little
cousin painted the dog.

We're not painting dogs, Finn.

Anyway, Lou, if you agree,

I would love to bring
Juneteenth to Camp Kikiwaka.

Noah, I love it.

Thank you so much.

I don't think I need to
hear any other suggestions.

We've found our party theme.

Also, there will be a Pillow-pult.

No, Finn. I am not made of lamps.

Hey, Matteo. I really
liked your reading

of the Emancipation Proclamation.

Finn, you pronounced it right!

Yeah, I did!

High five, Abra-jam Blinkin.

Noah, this is awesome.

I love all the red, white and blue.

The colors of the American flag,

to show that formerly enslaved people

and their descendants
were and are American.

Well, I think we should celebrate
Juneteenth as a camp every year.

That'd be awesome.

Good looking out, Noah.

This is actually my first
Juneteenth barbecue,

and I've always wanted to go to one.

I'm glad.

Especially because we were this
close to celebrating medical waste.

Well, I should go find
my date. Wish me luck.

Good luck. And, hey, if he
breaks your heart, you come to me,

so I can cheer you on while
you destroy him without my help.

Because you're a self-reliant
and powerful woman.

Thank you.


-I know, right?

These ribs, out of this world.

Looks like it.

Can I get you a napkin?

Why? I have a shirt.

Hey, I noticed you were
reading Granite Heavens earlier.

It's one of my favorites.

Can we talk about that, please?

Ew, that book?

I read it to my campers
to help them sleep.

The best book I've ever read is a
biography of my favorite monster truck,

Angry Michael!

This isn't gonna work.


Young love.

Makes me wanna text my ex-lawnmower.

Let's spend more time together, okay?


I'm so glad that you
encouraged me to be vulnerable,

and it won't be the last time.

But I need you to make a cookie
that says, "How dare you, Dante?

"Granite Heavens is a masterpiece."

You got it. It's going
to be so much... pun

to bake him pay.

You know what? I'll just tell him.