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04x18 - Shallow Grave, Deep Water

Posted: 04/09/22 07:58
by bunniefuu

♪ Tie me to the scarlet sea ♪

♪ I need to hear you say to me ♪

OFFICER: Ready. Aim.

♪ That you wanted it this way Ready. ♪

- Aim. Fire.
- ♪ And I see ♪


- Present.
- Arms.

[g*ns FIRE]


[g*ns FIRE]

♪ So tie me to the final page ♪

♪ Tie me to an empty stage... ♪

I urge you to consider this,

that no place in the National
Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific

can be purchased; each must be earned.

In life, Bob Braddock honored this flag,

and now, in death, this flag
will honor him.

That was lovely, Magnum.
Thank you for inviting us.

Thank you all for coming.
It means a lot.

Any excuse to put on my favorite suit.

No, it was an honor to be here.

Yeah, you really went above and beyond

for Bob and his family.

Thanks, TC.

I'll catch up with you guys.

I want to thank you and your friends

for being here to honor Bobby.

It was our pleasure.

Bob was a great man.

And I'm so grateful to you

for bringing him and me back together

before it was too late.


these last two weeks with him was...

Well, here.

No, no. Just knowing Bob was enough.

It's not from me, it's from Bobby.

This is from me.

Don't let the years
slip between your fingers

like we did.

Anybody you care about,

tell them how you feel.

And then hold 'em close
and never let 'em go.


Yes, sir.


Thanks, Thomas.

Thanks, Danny.



♪ I like to dream ♪

♪ Yes, yes, right between
the sound machine ♪

♪ On a cloud of sound
I drift in the night ♪

♪ Any place it goes is right ♪

♪ Goes far, flies near ♪

♪ To the stars away from here ♪

♪ Well, you don't know what
we can find ♪

♪ Why don't you come
with me, little girl ♪

♪ On a magic carpet ride ♪

♪ Well, you don't know what we can see ♪

♪ Why don't you tell your dreams to me ♪

♪ Fantasy will set you free. ♪

Nice ride, Detective. Midlife crisis?

I've had this bike since I was .

Oh, yours hit early.

They call me in on my day
off to listen to your stand-up,

or you got a body to show me?

Can't we do both?


Heavy rains last week
must have uncovered it.

A group of hikers wandered
off the main trail

this morning and spotted this.

Looks like a body dump.

Been here about four or five years.

Victim appears to be an adult male.

KATSUMOTO: Hands were bound.

b*llet hole in the temple
suggests this was an execution,

so maybe Yakuza or Triads?


No, they're pros.

This was amateur hour.

The shallow grave, teeth intact.

Shell casing left with the body.

That's not all they left.

REYES: We found this
phone in the victim's pocket.

Using mobile forensics,
we determined that

the battery d*ed on March , ,

at : a.m.

We're out of cell range,

so it would've drained pretty quickly

searching for a signal.

Even fully charged, it'd be dead

in three to six hours.

Which puts the night of March st

as the probable time of death.

Is there anything on there that
could help ID the victim?

Still working on that.

Memory's pretty degraded.

But I was able to recover a voice mail

left about three days
before the phone d*ed.

Sebastian Nuzo.

You know him?

No, but I know someone who did.

MAGNUM: Well, the card on
Bob's gift said:

"Don't drink it alone."

Well, you heard the man.
It's : somewhere.

SHAMMY: Yeah, I hope Bob won't
mind me going with ginger ale.

I gotta fly a tour in minutes.

Gotcha, buddy.

Thank you, Ricky.

Okay, to Bob, and the 'ohana

that helped me honor him today. Cheers.

ALL: Cheers.

That's excellent.




I've got a meeting to get to
at the Cultural Center.

It's on my way. You want a ride?

- Mahalo.
- RICK: Yeah, I gotta bail, too.

Suzy and I are picking out some
paint for the baby's room.

- And I got a lunch date with Mahina.
- Ooh.

And I gotta help Cade with his homework.

So, later, alligator.

- Bye.
- See you, guys.

- See you.
- Thanks for coming.


Okay, what is it?

What do you mean?

Your phone. What did you
not want me to see?

Just tell me it doesn't have
anything to do with MI .

No, no, I assure you
it's nothing like that.

Okay, well, come on. Spill.


You remember Ella?

The -year-old you helped cr*ck
a triple homicide with.

That's who you're texting?

No, not her.

It's her father, Cole.

I mean, we're just texting, okay?

So there is absolutely nothing
to needle me about.

And you can wipe away that silly grin.

This grin isn't because there's
something to needle you about.

It's because there could be
something to needle you about

in the future, and...
I look forward to that.

Right. Wow, what an exciting life

you do lead, Thomas.



Hey, Gordie, what's going on?
Sure. Yeah, yeah.

Uh, we'll be right down. Okay.

What's up?

Gordie says he wants to talk to me

down at the station.

- Just you? What's it about?
- I don't know.

He didn't say.

Have a seat.

Okay, look, I-I think I know
what this is about,

and I know technically it's a crime

to use a fake badge,

but I never said I was a cop.


- That's not what this is about.
- No.

Okay, well, just forget what I said.

Gladly. But I do need to
ask you some questions.

HPD recovered a body this morning.

Homicide from four years ago.

There was a voice mail
on the victim's phone

from Sebastian Nuzo.


Oh, Nuzo...

Four years ago?

That was around the time
Nuzo was k*lled.

You think this could be connected?

Well, this is about six months
before Nuzo d*ed,

but I am wondering if there's
a different kind of connection.

Hey, it's Nuzo. Look,

you're not returning my phone calls,

so let me just make this clear.
You think you can

double-cross me?
When I find your sorry ass,

there's gonna be hell to pay.

Three days after receiving this message,

the victim was sh*t in the head.

And right now, Sebastian Nuzo
is the prime suspect.

Synced & corrected by -robtor-

Look, I know how it sounds,

but there's no way Nuzo had
anything to do with the m*rder.

I know he was your friend, Magnum,

but I can't ignore evidence.

I'm not asking you to ignore evidence.

I'm just saying you don't have
all the evidence.

Who was this guy anyway?

Well, we're still waiting
on Forensics to confirm,

but the cell's SIM card

and a four-year-old
missing persons report

have tentatively ID'd the victim
as Bruce Fletcher.

You ever meet him, or hear
Nuzo talk about him?


No. No.

Nuzo never mentioned the guy,

but if I can think of anything,
I'll let you know.

Why'd you just lie for me?

You know why.

I'm not telling him about
your history with Fletcher

until I have the whole picture.

We both know you didn't k*ll him.

Do we, though? I mean, come on.

You heard that voice mail.

Okay, smart guy, how'd you do it?

How the hell should I know?

I'm just your memories, pal.

If you really want to know
who k*lled that guy...


I'm gonna have to find out myself.

So you gonna take the case?

- RICK: Yo.

Hey, guys.

Thanks for coming.

Did you talk to Katsumoto yet?

Yeah, about minutes ago.

And he called me right after.

He play you the voice mail?

Yeah. And I told him
he's out of his mind

- if he thinks Nuzo did this.
- Same here.

I have no idea who
this Fletcher dude is,

or why Nuzo would leave that message.

But you do, don't you?

So what did you not tell Gordon
that you're gonna tell us?

About four years ago, Nuzo comes to me

and he asks me to find Bruce Fletcher.

And did you?

Yeah. He was a salvage diver

who worked on and off for Nuzo.

About a month before that voice mail,

he borrowed $ , and a bunch
of diving equipment from Nuzo

and then ghosted him.

It looks like you managed
to track him down.

Wasn't easy, either.

He had been evicted from his apartment,

stopped answering his phone.

But I found out he was
a fitness fanatic,

so I staked out his gym.

From there, I tracked him to a bar.

TC: The guy hits the metal,

then goes drinking?

That's a strange post-workout routine.

Well, tell that to the ladies
who have "lava flow lunch"

at La Mariana every Wednesday
after CrossFit.

And then I tailed him
to a friend's house

that he had been crashing at,

and I gave Nuzo the address.

And then Nuzo went to see him?

I-I don't, I don't know.

I checked in about a week later,

and Nuzo just said that he handled it.

Right. So now the police think
that by "handling it,"

it meant that Nuzo had k*lled Fletcher.

We all know Nuzo didn't do this.

But if HPD thinks he did,

it could destroy his memory.

I mean, they could strip him
of his m*llitary honors,

even cut of benefits to Lara and Jake.

We're not gonna let that happen.

I'm gonna look deeper into

Nuzo and Fletcher's relationship.

Higgins, if you can dive into
Fletcher's digital footprint.

Give me the friend's address.

I'll see what I can find out about him.

And TC and I, we'll hit the gym.

Track down his buddies.

Maybe they'll talk to us

if they won't talk to the police.

Yeah, I'd like to see who else

might have had it out for Fletcher.

There's just one thing
you're forgetting, Magnum.

You have to go back
and tell Gordon the truth.

TC: Yeah, TM,

I trust your instincts,
but Gordie is 'ohana.

I think it'd be okay
to bring him in on this.

You absolutely have to
bring him in on this.

If he finds out you lied to him,

which he will, he's not gonna be happy.

HIGGINS: Exactly.

But we know that Nuzo didn't do this,

so we shouldn't be afraid of the facts.

I'm not afraid of the facts.

I'm afraid of what the police,
even a good cop like Katsumoto,

will do if they don't
have all the facts.

Nuzo's not here to defend himself,

so we're gonna have to do it for him.

I'm going to see Lara.

Thomas, can I talk to you for a sec?


Well, you're clearly upset about this.

- I think we all are...
- Higgins,

I'm fine.



I get you lying to Katsumoto,

but lying to Higgy, too?

What lie? I didn't lie.

"I'm fine, Higgins."

Come on.

- I am fine.
- Oh, yeah.

You're just peachy.

What are you doing here anyway?

It's your subconscious, pal.
You tell me.

But they're not wrong, you know.

You should have told
Katsumoto the truth.

Dude's had your back
more times than I can count.

You never even met the man.



Look, Gordie doesn't know
how wrong he is

because he didn't know you.

But he knows you.

And a good cop could be
a real ally here.

So why not tell him everything?

Unless there's a small part of you

that wonders if I really did it.

No. No, absolutely not.

I mean, Jules, Rick, TC, Kumu.

They're all sure I didn't do it.

But then again, they don't
know me like you did.

They weren't there
that day at Tora Bora.




Cover. Take cover!


NUZO: They were
coming at us from all sides.

I had to go hand to hand.

And I went full beast.

k*lled a lot of hostiles,
one with his own Kn*fe.


After seeing all that,

do you really think
I couldn't m*rder somebody?

That was different. That was...

That was w*r.

Yeah. But it was still me.



- Hey. Is now...
- Is now what?

Um, an okay time?

Yeah, yeah, it's fine.

Look, even though we disagree
about Gordon, I just want to say

I really appreciate your help
on this, Higgy.

Well, we'll see how appreciative you are

once I tell you what I found.

So I hacked into Fletcher's

old email, and I found a thread
between him and Nuzo.

Don't tell me there's
a threatening email, too.

Thankfully no, but it appears that

the loan of the equipment and the money

was part of a larger deal.

Nuzo was staking Fletcher
to scout a wreck.

If he found it, they were gonna
split the salvage fee.

What was the wreck?

The emails didn't say.

They must have discussed it in person.

But I mean, even a modest fee
can be over $ , .

Oh, I know. Nuzo was making bank

while I was pounding the pavement

chasing down cheating spouses.

But you see my point.

If Nuzo was expecting a salvage fee

from his deal with Fletcher,
then there was considerably

more at stake than some
equipment and a little money.

Yeah, I know, just...

don't tell Katsumoto yet, okay, please?


I'm almost at Nuzo's business.
I just want to get to Lara

before HPD ambushes her.

Yeah. Fine. But we both know

it's just a matter of time until...

- Looks like time's up.

I'll call you back.

- Lara.
- Thomas!

They just showed up with a warrant.

Do you know what this is about?

It's all a big misunderstanding,

but I'm getting it cleared up.

They're going through everything.

No, I know. Don't worry about it.

I'll handle it.

Really, Gordie?

You're doing the full-court press

on the widow of a decorated veteran?

Hasn't she been through enough?

I already told you Nuzo didn't do this.

The evidence doesn't support that.

The ropes that bound
Fletcher's hands and feet

are a match for the dock line
Nuzo's company uses.

That's what you got? A dock line?

That rope is probably a match

for half the boats on the island.

We've also got financial records

showing Nuzo gave Fletcher $ ,

as part of a deal
to search for a salvage.

According to Nuzo's notes,
they were looking for

the Murakami Maru, a Japanese ship...

That went down during
World w*r II, I know.

He was convinced it sank off Oahu.

It was his white whale.

Mm-hmm. I kind of figured.

The salvage on a ship like that
would be a huge payday.

So instead of having ,
reasons to want Fletcher dead,

Nuzo might have had several million.

Except Nuzo didn't need the money.

And we know he didn't k*ll anybody.

You'll have to forgive me if
I don't take your word for it,

seeing as that you've already
lied to me once today.

HPD dug up a series
of four-year-old texts

between you and Nuzo
in which he asks you

to track down Fletcher
three days before he was k*lled.

So let's try this again.

Did you ever meet Bruce Fletcher,

or did Sebastian Nuzo ever
mention him to you?

When I checked back later
with Nuzo, he just said

everything had been resolved.

That's all I know.

Really. And, look, Gordie,
it's not that I don't trust you,

but we both know how this looks.

Nuzo, he was my brother.

I'm gonna do whatever it takes
to clear him.

Look, I get it. But you do realize

you've made this look worse
for him, right?

When people lie to protect someone,

it's usually because they think
that person did it.

No, I've been telling the truth
about that from the beginning.

Nuzo didn't do this.

And I hope you're right.

But by concealing evidence,

you've made him that much
more of a suspect.


Ballistics report.

The shell casings found
with Fletcher's body

came from nine-millimeter
Luger NATO rounds.

Standard a*mo...

Of Navy SEALs. Yeah, I know.

You also know anybody can
buy those rounds.

It doesn't mean anything.

Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.

But I'm still dutybound

to follow the truth wherever it leads.

And if you get in my way again,
I'll throw your ass in jail.

Are we clear?

Do what you gotta do.

Go honor your friend's memory, Magnum.

I'll honor the facts.



Uh, you all right?

Hell no.

I worked out for five hours today

trying to connect with one of
Fletcher's old gym buddies.

And nothing?


Rick's there now covering
the evening crowd.

What's that you got there?

Oh, it's Bruce Fletcher's autopsy.

Unfortunately there is nothing in there

that's gonna help clear Nuzo's name.

So TM finally came clean
with Gordie, huh?

Yeah. He didn't really have a choice.

Mm. Yeah, he is pretty
spun out about this.

Well, I imagine you
and Rick are as well.

Yeah, but Thomas and Nuzo,
they were tight

before we all met in the sandbox.

Came up in SEALs together.

Saved each other's lives a dozen times.

If the two of them hadn't met,

none of us would even know each other.


I also suspect Thomas has
never really forgiven himself

for failing to save Nuzo's life.

Oh, I know he hasn't.

You can see it in his eyes
every time someone

brings up the man's name.

It's just one more reason
I wish we could find

something that would help.

It just seems like
every detail we uncover

makes it look worse for Nuzo.

RICK: Ow, ow, ow,

- ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
- Hi.


the gym is open for another three hours.

You throwing in the towel already?

Listen, I did so many curls

I can't even lift
a towel right now, okay?

But no pain, no gain,
and I hit pay dirt.

Okay, I met one of
Fletcher's gym buddies.

He told me right before he disappeared,

Fletcher said all his money troubles

were about to be over.

So if Fletcher was talking about
making bank,

he was either counting his chickens,

or he actually found the wreck
he was looking for.

Yeah. That might explain
why he ghosted Nuzo.

Perhaps Fletcher was planning
on cutting Nuzo out of the deal.

And if Nuzo found out...

No, no, you were right
about Nuzo this morning.

He didn't do this, and the facts
are gonna prove that.

Uh, speaking of this morning,

I-I'm sorry if I upset you.

No, Higgins, it's fine.

I mean, who knows, maybe...
maybe you're right.

Maybe I should have told Katsumoto.

You never listen to anything I say,

but in this instance I can
understand you not wanting to.

Nuzo was special to everyone,
but particularly you.

Yeah. He was.

Are you sure you don't want
to just... talk?

No, I want to look back through
everything we have

and just make sure there's not

some angle we're missing.

And then just hit it fresh
in the morning.


Well, good night, then.

Good night, Higgins.


What the hell is wrong with you?

You got a living, breathing,
flesh-and-blood person

who cares about you
to hash this out with.

And instead, you're sitting here
with your imaginary friend.

I thought you were my subconscious.

Where do you think imaginary
friends come from, smartass?

Look, we both know you're a mess inside.

All I'm saying is maybe a little
heart-to-heart with Higgy

will set you straight.

There's nothing to talk about.

You didn't do this.

And tomorrow I'm gonna find out who did.

Come on, Thomas.

If it wasn't me,
if this was any other case,

who would you think k*lled that guy?

- But it's not any other case.
- Sure it is.

A man's dead.

And like Katsumoto,

you should be following the facts.

- I am.
- The hell you are.

You don't want to admit
how this all looks because

you only want to remember
the good things.

No, I remember everything about you.

No. No.

You can't deal with the fact
that I was just a man,

messy and complicated,
like anybody else.

That I had a temper.

And that I absolutely could have.

No, I knew you better than anybody.

And you know what, I still
couldn't protect you

when you d*ed, but I'm damn sure
gonna protect your memory.

Right. Of course. I forgot.

- My death is about you.
- Come on!

Look, spin your wheels
all you want, brother.

At the end of the day, I am still dead!

But you shouldn't be. All right?

You shouldn't be.

You should still be here.

And if you were, this whole thing

would have been cleared up by now.

But you're not. You're gone.

All right, you're dead.

And I'm still here alone.

And I gotta find some way to fix this.

Okay, so this is the friend's place

Fletcher was staying.

Kumu looked into him yesterday.

Oscar Woods, , divorced, no kids.

If Fletcher was talking about
coming into money,

maybe he gave Oscar more details.


You're not coming?

Uh, no. [CHUCKLES]

About four years ago, Oscar caught me

snooping around his property

and kind of ran me off with a shotgun.

So I've got a hunch
he's gonna remember me.

Right. Well, best keep
the engine running then

in case I get the same response.



Hi there.

Whatever you're selling, I'll pass.

I'm late for work.

Well, I'm actually
a private investigator

working on behalf
of Bruce Fletcher's family.

I assume you heard his body was found.

Yeah. Police came by here yesterday.

Told them everything I know,
which wasn't much.

Bruce and I weren't close.

I just let him crash here when
he needed a place to stay.

Right. Did he mention

anything about coming into some money

before he disappeared?

Not that I remember.

Well, did you happen to hang on to

any of his possessions?

Nope. Sorry.

Nothing at all?
You're absolutely certain?

Look, I dropped it all
at the Goodwill on Puuloa

about six months after he went MIA.

- I gotta go.
- All right.

Well, thanks.

FYI, this is exactly what I was
doing four years ago

when he ran me off with a shotgun.

Well, then, you'll be glad to know that

Kumu's research revealed
that Oscar works

-hour shifts at Port of Honolulu,

so he'll be gone for ages.

Why do you think
Fletcher's stuff is here?

Well, I just checked
the local business records,

and there was no Goodwill
on Puuloa four years ago.

So he was lying about Fletcher's stuff.

And when I first mentioned Fletcher,

he started staring at this shed.


Could this be Fletcher's?

Most experienced divers
keep their dog tags

on their BC.

It's Fletcher's.

Let's see if something
in all this can tell us

who else knew he was gonna
come into some money.

Or who might have k*lled him to get it.

- Hang on.
- What?

Well, you're supposed to
store these tanks pressurized.

It keeps the moisture out.

They can hold it for years.

But this one's empty,
and the top's not even

screwed in properly, it's...


It's a nautical chart.

These dates correspond to the weeks

before Fletcher was m*rder*d.

He was doing a grid search.

Checking off a square with each dive.

He was definitely searching
for something.

Look, this last date,

that's five days before he disappeared.

Whatever he was looking for,
maybe he found it.

Hold on. This is for
the windward side of the island.


So Nuzo and everybody searching,
for the Murakami Maru

thought that the boat sank
on the leeward side.

If he wasn't looking for
Sebastian's white whale,

what was he looking for?

There's only one way to find out.

Okay, we're approaching
the location on Fletcher's map.

Okay... here we are.


So what do you think is down there?

Well, either Fletcher got a lead
that the Murakami Marusank

in a different location,

or they were looking for another boat.

Plenty of valuable ships have
gone down in these waters.

Yeah, certainly have.

Time to find out what's down there.



Photograph everything
and get it all back to the lab.

The serial numbers and other IDs
have definitely rusted off,

so the container's origin and owner

will be difficult to trace.

What about the human remains?

Not sure we'll have
any luck with that either.

The fact that there are
children and adults in there

suggests that this was
illegal immigration.

Probably refugees from China,
North Korea, Myanmar.

- Any number of any countries.
- HIGGINS: Yeah.

Not the kind of places
that tend to cooperate

with U.S. law enforcement.

Or admit that some of their
citizens are desperate to leave.

One thing's clear.
If Fletcher knew about

the human trafficking,

it's probably what
got him k*lled, right?

So Nuzo should be off the hook.

Well, it definitely helps his case.

But right now I have
more questions than answers.

Well, I would pose those
questions to Oscar Woods.

The guy Fletcher was
staying with before he d*ed.

Yeah. He works with containers
just like this every day

at Port of Honolulu.


And since Nuzo's no longer
my prime suspect,

can I work my case without
tripping over you every time

I turn around?

Yeah. I'll stay out of your way.

HIGGINS: Why don't I grab my tablet

and give you everything that
we've got on Oscar Woods.


See? I told you I didn't do this.

Yeah. Case closed.

Someone turned this container
into a crypt.

Innocent people d*ed. Kids!

And you're just gonna walk away?

Well, you're in my head.

You tell me.

million square miles of ocean,

and your pal Fletcher just happened to

dive down and find this.

You want to tell me how
he knew where to look?

Thousands of containers
fall off ships every year.

I don't know, maybe he just
stumbled across it.

I checked the harbor's records.

No containers were reported
missing in that area

for more than a year
before Fletcher's last dive.

But there was a surprise
Coast Guard inspection

of a container ship headed into port

just three weeks before his death.

The very next day,
Fletcher borrowed the money

and equipment he'd need
to conduct a search.

Look, I don't know anything about that.

Is that why you lied about having

his diving gear in your shed?

You know what I think?

I think you knew about a
smuggling operation at the harbor.

You didn't know what
they were bringing in,

but when you heard that
they had to ditch a container

because of that inspection, you thought

whatever was down there had to
be pretty valuable, right?

I think you told Fletcher,
and then he dove down

to get whatever was inside so
the two of you could sell it.

But when he got down there,

he didn't find dr*gs or g*ns or jewels.

He found bodies.

So what happened next?

What did you and Fletcher do

after he saw what was in the container?

I want a lawyer.

MAGNUM: We know Fletcher was broke,

and he had information
that could bring down

- a human trafficking ring.
- Right.

So you think he found the traffickers

and demanded a payoff to keep quiet.

Yeah, and got a b*llet for it instead.

That's a good theory,

but we have no way of confirming it.

And you did just tell Katsumoto

that we'd be staying out of things
from now on, did you not?

Yeah, but I didn't say
I wouldn't think about it.

We're just talking.

The traffickers, they've got to
be working at the harbor, right?

Yeah, but Port of Honolulu
employs what, , workers?

And HPD is already obtaining
the necessary warrants

to scrutinize each one of them, so...

Yeah, but by the time they do,
the traffickers are gonna be

halfway to Vietnam by then.

Are you saying you have
a quicker way to identify them?


Actually, I think I do.

I was tailing Fletcher right
before he was k*lled, right?

So if he met with the
traffickers to demand payment,

- I might have a picture of it.
- Right.

Can you run facial recognition

on all the people around Fletcher?

Particularly the people at the bar.

Like TC said, that is a weird
post-workout routine.

Yeah. Maybe he wasn't
just there to socialize.

All right, I'm running the
faces against the DMV database.

I can look deeper into them
once I get back some names.

Okay, the bartender is Morris Clark, .

Some unpaid parking tickets and a DUI.

The man on Fletcher's right
is Chris Bowen, .

Arrested for as*ault in ' .
Clean since.

He works as a container
operations supervisor

at Port of Honolulu.

- I'll ping Bowen's mobile.
- I'll call Katsumoto.

Looks like he's headed for
the marina in Kaneohe.

Where he owns a -foot catamaran.

So maybe he knows
the police are closing in,

and you were right about him

getting the first boat out of here.

Hey, Gordie, I know I said
I would leave this alone,

but I think we just ID'd
one of the traffickers.

His name is Chris Bowen,
he works at the harbor.

He's at Kaneohe Marina
right now, and in case

you don't get this, we're headed there.

Going somewhere?

I don't know who you are,
but you need to get off my boat.

Why? I mean, it looks like
you got plenty of supplies.

It's enough to get
to Vietnam, Cambodia...

Indonesia... basically anywhere
without extradition to the U.S.

BOWEN: Not quite enough for Indonesia.

See, I'm not traveling alone.

Well, I'm sorry,

Chris, but...

we can't let you go.

Not until you answer

for Fletcher and all
the other people you k*lled.

You don't know
what you're talking about.

Well, considering that the four of you

are about to flee the country

rather than face the consequences

of human trafficking for years,
then I think we know enough.

We were saving people, all right?

Got hundreds of people
out of terrible places

and brought them here for a better life.

Right, and you charged
them through the nose,

and bought yourself this
nice boat, didn't you?

And sent of them to their deaths

just to save your own skin.

Yeah, you're a real saint.

You shut your mouth.






Let's go, move.

Oscar Woods's lawyer convinced him

to cut a deal in exchange for testimony

against Bowen and his accomplices.

And we're working to ID
their co-conspirators

on the container ships
and at overseas ports.

So you're trying to take down
the whole trafficking ring.

Well, with INTERPOL's help,
I think we just might.

And of course,

Sebastian Nuzo's been officially
cleared of any suspicion.

His good name is safe.

And so are his family's benefits.

Thanks for your help, Gordie.

I know I don't make it easy.

You never do.

♪ On the island ♪

♪ We do it island style ♪

♪ From the mountain to the
ocean, from the windward ♪

♪ To the leeward side ♪

♪ On the island ♪

♪ We do it island style ♪

♪ From the mountain to the
ocean, from the windward ♪

♪ To the leeward side ♪

To Nuzo.

♪ Mama's in the kitchen,
cooking dinner... ♪

I wish you were here, buddy.

Got room for one more?


So glad you came.

- Thanks, me, too.
- Hey.

You know, for a long time,

seeing you all...

just hurt.

Brought back too many
memories of Sebastian.

But when I saw you yesterday,

it was like getting
a little piece of him back.

♪ On the island... ♪

Well, let's-let's get you a chair.

And a drink.

- Yes.
- Right?


♪ From the windward ♪

♪ To the leeward side... ♪

Uh, well, so...

I guess Bob would be proud.

Yes, he would, uh...

I'm gonna grab us a drink.
I'll be right back.

♪ Grandma gotta work hard ♪

♪ You know my grandma,
she like the pork real sour... ♪

Hey, Curtis, uh, one more round.

Sure thing. Just got to run some drinks,

- and I'll be right back.
- All right, thanks.

♪ We do it island style ♪

♪ From the mountain to the
ocean, from the windward ♪

[FADES]: ♪ To the leeward side. ♪


You remember when we were
on leave near Ramstein

and you were dead set on finding

the oldest bar in Luxembourg?

[LAUGHS]: Yeah...

Oh, God, here we go.

We were walking
all over the city passing

all these perfectly good bars
on the way.

And then when we find
Magnum's special place...

It had b*rned to the ground
two months before.

Oh, man, we sat on the curb,

drinking straight from a bottle

of, uh, what was that stuff?

Cassero... black currant liqueur.

Tasted like rancid grape juice.

Weirdest hangover I've ever had.

[LAUGHS] Oh, man.


What are you still doing here?

Brother... I'm always here.

That's why this was so hard.

You know, they say we die twice.

Once when the breath leaves us...

and again once the last person
we know says our name.

But when they were saying
my name in connection with this?

It threatened your memories of me.

It made you afraid you
didn't know who I really was.

No, no, I knew you.

And I'll never forget you.

It's not your fault.

What happened to me.

Me dying.

There was nothing

you could have done that day.

Yeah, I know.

No, you know here.

Not here.

Not yet.

It's not that I couldn't save your life.

It's that I still have mine.

You know, all these...

moments that I get...

that you don't.

It's not fair.

Life's not fair.

Neither is death.


survivor's guilt?

Is that why you're not living?

What do you mean?

You know what I mean.

Since I d*ed,
everybody else has been living.

Rick's got a baby on the way.
TC's fostering a kid.

And as far as Higgins goes,

well, let's just say the ice has thawed.


Yeah, it has.

A lot has changed.

But you're still the same.

And here you are,

with a chance to be happier

than you've ever been,
and you won't take it.

Every day is a gift, Magnum.

Don't let it slip through your fingers.

All you have to do

is go over there...

and tell her how you feel.