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05x13 - Growing Pains

Posted: 04/05/22 07:06
by bunniefuu
' s night should be banned.

LEA: You had a blast.

I didn't say it wasn't fun,

but that decade
was a crime against fashion.

Tonight's club is my pick, my vibe.

Ooh, which is?

Sophisticated ladies.

I can work with that.


♪ ♪

- Shaun?
- Hmm?

Sure you don't feel left out?

I use the time to study less invasive

bowel resection techniques.


Please be home by : .


He's got you on a curfew?

Sex schedule.
Our window ends at midnight.

♪ ♪


It's like I slept on gravel.

Well, that explains your snoring.

Your mattress should be burned.

It's time to end the sleepovers

and for you to ditch the bachelor pad.

You asking me to move into your place?

I'm asking you to move
into a new place...

With me.

♪ ♪

No neutral zone to run to after a fight.

Making up's the best part.

Well, it can't hurt to look.

♪ ♪

This is Trent, his mother, Carrie.

Signs of severe infection
on his left index finger.

I'm ordering a CT.

Sutures are inconsistent and crude.

It's a minor upgrade.

I installed a magnet in my finger.

♪ ♪

Were you having trouble holding forks?

It's body art.

Yeah, he's , immune to common sense.

SHAUN: Art seems like a poor descriptor

given the ugliness of the infection.

The more appropriate term
is "bio hacking."

♪ ♪

I put Neosporin on it and took
ibuprofen for the swelling.

That's worked before.


Show them.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪



- You wanted to see me?

Dr. Glassman, this is Kayla Quinn.

She's been diagnosed with
major depressive disorder

as well as chronic neuropathic pain

from a neck injury six years ago.

The pain and depression are besties,

uninvited guests that travel together,

make it so I can't work,
can't get out of bed,

can't even think.

That's why I'd like to do this
before their next visit.

An anterior cingulotomy
seems like the...

Excuse me.

She is a smart, charming,
successful woman whose life...

Nice ambush.

She's had over a decade of therapy,

five classes of anti-depressants,

and non-invasive neuro-modulation,

including C.E.S. and full-on E.C.T.

She's desperate for real relief

from her pain and depression,

and she's well aware of the risks.


Get me a complete medical
and psychological history

and a couple of residents.

We're just gonna talk about it.

ASHER: Not sure who's struggling more,

the overwhelmed, super-critical mom

or the sad, self-harming teen.

Trent called it an upgrade.

He's not trying to self-harm,
he is trying to self-improve.

Well, whatever the terminology,

he cut into his finger
with an X-ACTO knife.

Okay. His technique was primitive,

but considering he lacks formal training

and used only one hand, I am impressed.

Don't be.

Bony marginal erosion.

If the infection spreads,
he could lose that finger.

For starters.

♪ ♪

It's the modern equivalent
of a lobotomy.

"Modern" being the operative word.

We'd be burning lesions
into a key brain center.

That could alter her personality,

impair cognitive function...

Her depression and
reoccurring acute pain

are already doing that.

Cingulotomies are effective
in % of patients

with Kayla's symptoms.

With a % chance of adverse effects,

like loss of creativity,
it could be a big deal.

This is Kayla Quinn.

She launched her own
company at the age of ,

made millions designing
scrunchies and bangles.

I discussed this with her.

Her focus is quality of life.

Now, I'm sure she feels that way now,

but once it's done, it can't be undone.

Are there any alternatives
that Kayla hasn't tried

or should try again?


Let's do the surgery.

♪ ♪

Wait, possible amputation?

The infection is in the
bone beneath the magnet.

It would have been better to
have brought him in sooner.

I'm a single mom.

Trent... Trent's father
isn't in the picture.

You made sure of that.

I got divorced last year.

Trent and I were adjusting.

But then he started hanging
out with these idiot biohackers.

(SCOFFS) Thanks, Mom.

We should remove the infected implant

and start Trent on IV antibiotics.

What about the other implants?

Shouldn't you take them all out?

No! The other implants aren't infected.

Okay. This is not a decision
you get to make.


Once a patient is ,
it is hospital policy

not to perform a surgery
that's been refused

unless that surgery is
medically necessary.

Leaving in the other implants

means Trent's still at risk
for sepsis and septic emboli.

Dr. Wolke is correct.

With your consent,
we can physically compel

the surgical removal of
all your son's modifications.

(SCOFFS) Good luck. I'm outta here.



♪ ♪

This is much easier than chasing him.

DR. PARK: Head frame is secure.

Stand by with the Gamma knife.


(OVER INTERCOM) Dr. Glassman,
please stop what you're doing.

♪ ♪

This is Justin Quinn,
Kayla's conservator.

I have full authority over
my sister's medical treatment,

and I won't allow this surgery.

♪ ♪

Kayla sees her psychiatrist weekly,

and I check in with her daily,

but clearly, this is not

a weekend getaway at a cabin in Tahoe.

A chance e-mail from
our insurance tipped me off.


She's never lied to me like this.

KAYLA: I was when my parents died.

My memories of them don't seem real,

just clips from a movie.

JUSTIN: It was our grief therapist
who first diagnosed her depression.

I was and so out of my depth.

KAYLA: Justin and I used
to do everything together.

It was us against the world.

I called him Bro-dad.

JUSTIN: She was such a creative kid,
so talented.

She just had a vision
and wanted to run with it.

Who knew scrunchies and glitter
bangles could be a business?

Just took off.

Eighteen years old,
all that money and no guardrails.

She was out of control.

Clubs every night,
the booze, the dr*gs...


I couldn't help her.
I couldn't stop her.

It was during a blackout that
I fell and injured my neck.

Everything just got worse after that.

The arrests piled up,
underage drinking, possession, DUI.

I thought she was going to prison.

The judge agreed to
a diversion program...

She's nearly O.D.'d twice.

...called me a danger to myself.

The judge ruled she was incompetent.

Put my brother in charge of everything.

He took away my life.

The conservatorship saved her life.

♪ ♪

DR. LIM: All I needed
to piss off my parents

were fishnets and heavy eyeliner.

ASHER: Of course you were a goth.

How many times did you see The Cure?


Robert Smith was, like,
leader of our tribe.

Every lonely teen needs a tribe.

I was lonely, but I was not a rebel.

ASHER: My rebellion
was just being honest.

My family preferred the lie.

Meanwhile Trent is
damaging his relationship

with his mom and his body.

That is not his fault.

She is his mother.

Mothers should try to
understand their children.


DR. LIM: Nice thought,
but teenagers are asses.

Scientifically proven.

Their prefrontal cortex
is underdeveloped,

leading to excessive risk-taking

and lack of impulse control.

- Margins in the soft tissue look good,

but keep an eye out for the infection.

Let's close.

♪ ♪


Mr. Quinn.

Your sister's suffering.

It's a roller coaster with her,

good days and bad days.

But your solution is to
fry part of her brain.

She could lose her creativity,
her personality.

Her pain, her depression.

Those other doctors ran me through

the risks and the numbers.

What if I could show you

how Kayla's issues are
hard-wired in her brain?

An fMRI could demonstrate
how the part of Kayla's brain

that handles emotional and pain response

is functionally abnormal.

It'll assure you that "frying her brain"

means only frying the part
of her brain that isn't working.

And it'll get you both
off of the roller coaster.


The scan's harmless.

♪ ♪

Okay, do it.


I've got it. Oh, see?
I can spin it around.

I need to do a post-op exam.


Oh. You have modifications.

I'm Dixie.

My right hand got messed up
in a car accident.

I had RFID chips put in so
I could unlock my front door,

store my medical info,
and do some pretty cool tricks.

Are you attracted to Dixie?

Are you concerned you'll
be less attractive to her

without your implants?

We're just friends.

I host a monthly bio hacker meet up,

and Trent's become a regular.

The only people who get me.

You found your tribe.


Incision sites look good.
Right wrist please.

It was not until I came to
work here at St. Bonaventure

that I felt like
I was part of a community.

I've read about implants
that can operate prosthetics

and an occipital lobe electrode

that receives visual images
for sightless people.

Oh, these technologies
are very exciting.

It's so cool, right?

I was thinking I should be an engineer

and I can design tech
for people like Dixie.


How's he recovering, Dr. Murphy?

Hmm, oh, hello.

The surgeries went well.

Finger looks free of infection and
bacterial cultures remain negative.

We still need to do an MRI to
assess his joints, but I'm optimistic.

Great. Then once I'm ,
I can get all my mods back in

by the pros who did Dixie's.

Meaning the tattoo artist
at the strip mall.

Tattoo parlors require
a public health permit.

Yes, that would be much
safer than doing it himself.

♪ ♪

Rain check for tonight.


A new patient reminded me
I need to spend more time

on my business ideas,
less time on the dance floor.

I see a sparkle in your eyes.
What is the product?


My ingestible sensor
that monitors gut bacteria

as it travels through the GI tract.

Gross yet cool.

How are you gonna collect the data?

Ideally, real-time monitoring.

I'm looking at wireless
open-source programs.

You could connect the sensor

with a smart phone via Bluetooth.

That would be amazing. (CHUCKLES)

But that code would be pretty
complicated to write.

Not for... me.

You'd have time for that
on top of your IT work?

Says the second-year resident looking
to disrupt the med-tech business.


I wouldn't be able to pay you,
at least not up front.

We could divvy up the spoils.

♪ ♪

%, % final offer.

Hell yes, partner.

Welcome aboard.


Put this on your calendar...

May , yacht shopping.

- Okay.
- Yes!

♪ ♪

Dr. Murphy?

Please stop encouraging Trent.

Your interest in his body modifications

comes across as an endorsement.

Oh, I am interested.

Why would I pretend that I'm not?

Not so long ago, we were
talking about amputating fingers.

Someone has to talk some sense
into my son before he does this again.

I'm happy to have a chat with him.

He seems to connect with Dr. Murphy.

If you talk to him, he might listen.

I... would not be very good at that.

♪ ♪

(OVER INTERCOM) Kayla, next
I'm gonna ask you a series of prompts

to help us map your brain activity.

I'll do my best.

Think of a nice memory.

Something from a happy time.


You didn't like any of
the apartments I sent you?

As predicted, altered limbic activity

in the connections
to the cingulate cortex.

The apartments are okay.

I'm shocked you're so easy to please.

(SCOFFS) You're such a quibbler.

"Hate art deco."
"Low ceilings equal doom."

"Berber carpets hurt my feet."


Kayla, now I need you to think
of an unpleasant memory.


Take it as a compliment
that I'm so picky.

Picky's fine, passive not so much.

Send me some links.

More abnormal connectivity.

We're getting motion artifacts.

She's moving around.

Kayla, can you try and hold still?


♪ ♪

I'm sorry. Can we please stop?

- Kayla? Where does it hurt?
- (GROANING) Mm-hmm?


It's back.



You never came to bed.

We were supposed to have sex.

(SIGHS) Sorry.

Our sensor keeps running out of power

halfway through the digestive tract.

It's not on the schedule,
but we could have sex now.

I have to shower.

I shower first.

♪ ♪

Okay. I will be flexible
and make you coffee.

Thank you.


♪ ♪

Good morning.

♪ ♪

How's Kayla?

In pain and on the edge of
a full depressive episode.

I upped her gabapentin and
started a low-dose Ketamine IV.



You know we'll have to
get her off the Ketamine

before we take another shot
at finishing the fMRI.


Do you not want to move in with me?

I've been busy. I have other patients.

Allow me to present multitasking.

Look at that. Three-bedroom, two-bath,

courtyard building with a pool.

We'd have a guest room for
Kellan, a shared office,

and it's minutes from the hospital.

Well, looks like the master bedroom
window's overlooking the courtyard.

I know. Nice.

Not nice. Loud.

♪ ♪

Then show me one you do like.


Oh, hell no.

I'm gonna update the brother.

You paged me?

Good morning, Shaun.

Lea and I missed our sex night.

It is not a good morning.


Mine started with a distraught mother

whose son you refused to
advise against bio hacking?

What he chooses to do
when he is is up to him.

True, but you could advise him

against the dangers of further mods.

Trent enjoys the connections he has made

in the bio hacking community.

You really think the
emotional benefits of belonging

outweigh the physical
dangers for this kid?

Teens do many dangerous things.

If he injured himself skateboarding,

should I advise him never
to skateboard again,

which could alienate him from
his skateboarder friends?

Is there a potential for medical harm?


Then remind your patient of that.

You have no trouble being honest.

I'll do it, only because you're my boss.

Case in point.

Justin's refusing to let me
finish Kayla's fMRI.

He thinks her being in the hospital

is what triggered this latest episode.

He... (SIGHS) He's totally dug in.

It's a judgment call.
Legally, it's his judgment.

I need you to talk to him,
get him to change his mind.

- Because?
- You're the surgeon.

If medicine could persuade him,

we'd be in surgery right now.

So I should just give up?

I don't know. Do you want to?

- No!
- Okay, then don't.

Go find another tactic.


No, no, no.
I do the surgery, you do the selling.

♪ ♪

Okay, fine.

Look at it this way.

The brother has been cleaning
up after his sister for years, right?

So instead of trying to change
his feelings about the surgery,

maybe change his feelings
about his sister.

♪ ♪

Future modifications
could result in sepsis,

severe arthritis, pseudo-tumor
formation, nerve damage and paralysis.

(SCOFFS) Suddenly you're a guy
in a drug commercial...

"Side effects include insomnia,
rash, dry cough, and death."

Sounds like my mom got to you.

She tried.

It didn't work,
but then she went to my boss.

That did work.

I think that it is nice
your mother cares about you.

Mine did not.

Mine used to.

My dad used to travel a lot for work.

He was always off pitching to investors,
conferences in Vegas.

And me and my mom
would hang out all the time.

Every weekend,
she would take me to the Boardwalk.

Never said no, no matter how many times

I wanted to ride the Cyclone.

The Cyclone made me nauseous.

Now she's just working all the time.

And whenever we're together,
she's angry.

Never stops nagging me.

She doesn't like you bio hacking.

I don't think she'd like anything I do.

♪ ♪

(WINCES) Ohh, aah.

Is it your finger?

No, it's my wrist.


Kayla's biggest trigger
isn't being in the hospital,

it's your control over her life.

I reviewed her history in detail,

and over the last five years,

Kayla's major depressive
episodes coincide

with major life decisions

that you've made on her behalf...

Changing meds and moving homes,

making decisions for the business.

You're saying this is all my fault.

She's saying that being in charge
of my own life

would be better for me.

Until you get drunk or O.D.

That was years ago.
I'm not that person anymore.

Because I've been protecting you.

Because the conservatorship works.

That argument means
I'll be in this forever.

If I'm doing well, it proves you right.

If I'm a mess, proves you right.

I'm tired of this, Justin.

I'm tired of living the
life that you want me to.

You pick out my doctors,
you search my cabinets,

you test my urine for dr*gs.

We can talk about relaxing
some of those things.

No! No.

I'm done negotiating over my own life,

of having what you think is
best rammed down my throat.

- Kayla...
- Think acting like this is gonna

change my mind about the surgery?

It shouldn't have to. It's my life!

It's my messed-up brain!

This place is bad for you.
I need her discharge papers.

Stop telling her what to do!
Stop telling everyone what to do!

- Kayla, please...
- Shut up!

I need milligrams of Haloperidol.

Stop it. Shut up.

♪ ♪

The LED light you've
installed in your right wrist

has irreversibly damaged the joint.

You will never regain
full function in your hand.

You'll need physical therapy

until you can compensate with
your non-dominant hand.

Damn it, Trent.
How many times did I tell you?

Thousands, okay?

But I'm such an idiot,
and I never listened.

I never said you were an idiot.

I said to stop hurting yourself.

Maybe some family counseling could help?

No, she's the only one
who needs counseling.

She's the one who failed as a parent.

Your choices are not my fault.

But I'm stuck with yours.

Like how you tossed Dad out.

He walked out on us.

♪ ♪

I didn't want you to hate him.

I hadn't realized that
the alternative was hating me.

Your father was a schemer.

He kept flitting from one
big idea to the next,

chasing fantasies instead of
taking care of responsibility.

That's a lie. You're a liar.

He was a self-absorbed narcissist

who cared more about himself than us.

- That's not true!
- Trent...

Leave me alone! Get out!

(SNIFFLES) Get out!

♪ ♪

DR. REZNICK: Lidocaine to numb you.

I figured you'd want me
to feel every stitch.

I'm used to being the bad guy.

Bad guys don't give up their lives

to care for their little sisters.

Thanks for seeing that.

You feel that?

People idealize what
it's like being a kid,

but, really, childhood blows.

Being told what to do,

where to go, how to behave.

Spoken like someone
who had a terrible childhood.

It wasn't my wheelhouse, or my parents'.

Kayla's first try at growing up,
she flamed out.

Doesn't she deserve a second shot?


Leave it to Kayla to choose elective
brain surgery for a maiden voyage.

Scares the crap out of me.

Tell her that.

♪ ♪

(SIGHS) Jerome's birthday is coming up.

I need to find him a great gift.

Please don't distract me.

I am looking for a surgical
solution for Trent's wrist.

That's valiant,
but he's about to be discharged.

I need a gift that says
"I'm really into you,"

but, mm, without overdoing it.

We could attempt a partial wrist fusion.

Not for another year.
Trent's still growing.

Jordan mentioned you have
some super cute race car pajamas.

I could get Jerome a pair.

They are classic cars,

and I'd prefer not to discuss
my sleepwear at work.

We could give Trent a course
of Methotrexate to combat...

He'll adjust to the bad wrist.

The bigger problem
is that mother and son

act like they hate each other.

I have no idea how to fix that. (SIGHS)

He's managing his feelings
by turning himself into a cyborg.

Trent is not becoming a cyborg...

♪ ♪

But maybe he could!

♪ ♪

I can fix Trent's wrist.

This experimental surgery

uses a customized implant
to replace his wrist joint.

He will have full use of his wrist.

Also, he will be very happy,

because he'll have a
one-of-a-kind body modification.


Would it be covered by our insurance?

Mm, n-no.

I-It is quite expensive.

Which means I'm getting a
second mortgage to pay for it.

If Trent keeps getting
other modifications,

could that cause problems
with this device?

Yes, his body could reject the implant.

Okay, but... Thank you...

Trent should be able to
follow the post-op regimen,

including no further modifications.

Or he'll keep seeing it as a cool hobby

which allows him to stick it to
his terrible and controlling mother.

I can fix your son's wrist...

...with your consent.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪



Looks like our sensor's gonna
poop out before it gets pooped out.

Maybe if we take another look
at the component specs.

I have drawn up a list of house
rules that apply to Dr. Allen

when she is working at our apartment.

One, no work on scheduled sex nights.

I can get down with that.

Two, no brushing teeth
in the kitchen sink.


Three, do not wear perfume.

Four, do not speak in a loud voice.

Five, please avoid eye contact.

- Shaun...
- I'm not finished.

- Avoid eye contact?
- Mm...


Shaun, do you not like
having me at your apartment?

I don't like having anyone
other than Lea at the apartment.

With Lea, I feel safe.

I am not obligated to follow the
guidelines around social interactions.

By the time I'm done with work,

I have had enough
of following guidelines.

Shaunie, I never knew.

We can work someplace else.

The apartment is half Lea's.

I am very happy she has
found a friend and partner.

Dr. Allen...

♪ ♪ are part of my tribe.

You are welcome in our home.

As long as you follow the rules,

six, I am allowed to ignore
you when you are there.

♪ ♪

Does it ever feel to you like
we go round and round,

but we always find our way
back to this same, sad place?

I remember when we first got here.

You were

on a school field trip
to the Municipal Garden.

And I got there and
watched you sketch roses.

So confident,

at peace,


Then I had to tell you
Mom and Dad were dead.

I swore that I'd do everything I could

to keep you from being hurt
like that again.

I know you're just trying to protect me.

I'm protecting me, too.

I've been so scared
that I could lose you.


During the fMRI, Dr. Reznick
asked me to think of a happy memory.

Silver top, Nevada.


You and me on that river in the canoe.

That cabin was such a dump.

(CHUCKLES) It was.

And we were only there
'cause I screwed up

and forgot to sign you up for that camp.

Camp Capistrano.


That was the first summer
after Mom and Dad died.

You had an excuse.

That was a good trip.

Best vacation I ever had.

I want that again.

We can always go back.

Not the trip.

The freedom,

that happiness

without the next bout of pain
and depression landing over me.

This is my chance.

Please let me take it.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

I'm dying to take
this next step with you.

Says the guy who's
sandbagging the search.

It's the money.

Between Kellan's college
tuition and my med school debt,

there's not much left
at the end of the month.

And on top of that (SIGHS)

My credit's a mess.

This is just about money?


If you can't afford it, I got you.

I pay my own way.
Always have, always will.

Your financial issues are no
reason to put our plans on hold.

An easy thing to say when you've
never had to worry about money,

but some of us have had to
live in the real world.

And if you had the money and I didn't,

you wouldn't want to
improve both our situations?

This isn't about the real world.

It's about your pride.

♪ ♪

I have your prescriptions
and therapy referrals.

I can do it.

Then do it.


I'm guessing this is my fault, as well.


The way you behave is
very confusing and frustrating.

It doesn't make sense at all.

You criticize every choice Trent makes

and never ask why he's making them.


You deliberately made choices you knew

your mother wouldn't approve of,

and then were very angry
when she didn't approve.

Even he thinks you took
your bio hacking too far.

She's been mad at me since Dad left.

- Oh, that's not true.
- Yes, it is.

You don't like me.

You don't like my friends.

I don't understand your friends.

You never tried to.

You're just mad at me because...

You're stuck with me.

♪ ♪

I have been mad, but not at you,

at your father for leaving.

Afraid I couldn't take care
of you or support us.

You were so hurt when your father left.

All I wanted to do was make
you feel better, but I just...

I was too damaged

and jealous of your new friends,

when I should've been grateful.

But I was afraid of losing you to them.

After all, you like them.

You're my mom.

I'm not supposed to like you.


Come here.

♪ ♪

Can I do the surgery now?

♪ ♪

You are gonna like this.

Time to prep you for surgery.

Before I go, um...

♪ ♪

I got a little inspired.

I'll hang on to them for you.




♪ ♪

DR. LIM: Carpal resection looks good.

What did you say
to change Carrie's mind?

I'm not sure.

I tried to understand them.

Maybe you could do
me and my father next.

Carpal and radial bones
prepped for the upgrade.

I'd say you get the honors.

Resolving conflict is a
crucial skill for an attending.

Nicely done.

♪ ♪

Placing carpal ball onto
the distal component.

For the next few days,
expect some headaches and fatigue,

but the post-op symptoms
should quickly pass.

Kayla, how do you feel?



Something's missing.

The pain.

And I think I'm still me.




♪ You were listening to
The Dark Side of the Moon ♪

♪ I could barely see your eyes... ♪

We have to go see a judge.

♪ Psilocybin in a hotel room... ♪

It's time I was just your brother.

♪ I'll be your bright side
Baby, tonight ♪

♪ Tonight... ♪

The arthroplasty fixed
Trent's wrist like I said it would.

You will need significant therapy,

but your prognosis is good.

And you better take this seriously.

Take your meds, do your rehab.

Invite that friend of yours,
Dixie, over for dinner.


Well, she seems interesting.

♪ ♪

These are the schematics
of your wrist implant.

The engineering specifications
are quite interesting.

Thanks, Dr. Murphy.

♪ You're stranded on the bridge ♪

♪ You're crying for your kids ♪

♪ I'll be your bright side
Baby, tonight ♪

♪ Tonight ♪

♪ Tonight... ♪

I'm glad my key still works.

♪ ♪

It was about my pride.

And I used that as an obstacle,

instead of being honest with you.

I'm sorry.

♪ ♪

It's a big step, but let's keep talking.

I'm sure I'll get over myself, in time.

Can you do it in a month?

Because I found a house that I love.



And at that price, it should be.

I would be very grateful
for a studly roommate

who could cover the utility bills.

What about rent?

I was thinking services
rendered, like...

Shirtless lawn mowing,
shirtless pool cleaning,

shirtless meal prep.

Well, certain studly men would argue

if we don't start on equal footing,

it'll never be our house.

It'll be our home,
because we'll make it that.

♪ ♪

A pool? What about a hot tub?

♪ ♪

Our power issue is a software issue.

Because your data domain
requirements mandate

a specific chip that requires way
more power than we can actually...

♪ ♪

♪ I could see it in the air ♪

♪ Every word was like smoke
from a cigarette... ♪

What if the sensor had bad manners?

Shuts down when it needs to rest,

ignores what doesn't matter.

It works, it rests, it works, it rests.

We could extrapolate
between the data points.

That could double the sensor's life.

You're pure inspiration, Shaun.

I am ignoring you.

♪ I'll be your bright side Baby... ♪


♪ Tonight, tonight ♪

♪ Tonight ♪