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09x14 - Eva Mason (No. 181)

Posted: 04/02/22 07:14
by bunniefuu
We should've just stayed
at that cute little B&B in town.

It had great reviews online.

And beds.

With mattresses.

Where would the fun be in that?

Where's the fun in this?

It's creepy out here.

We're in the middle of nowhere.

Come on.

This was my family's spot
when I was little.

Where they terrorized you
with campfire stories

about the Whispering Woman.


She haunted my childhood, it's true.

Lucky for you, I'm no longer little.

What was that?

How should I know?

A squirrel, maybe?

Or it's the Whispering Woman.

Mm, funny.

That was bigger than a squirrel.

I think it's gone.

Could you just check?



That was Tadashi.

He finished his dive
into Vandyke's laptop,

as you requested.

Did he discover any pearls,

like who hired Vandyke
to assassinate Elizabeth?


did he at least confirm that Vandyke

was, in fact, tracking her

on the night of her death?


Vandyke was using an app
to monitor her location,

but that is not all there is to it.

I feel a twist coming.

According to the app,

Tadashi believes the
RF device inside Elizabeth

was designed to perform two functions.

It transmits GPS coordinates,

and it monitors timed medication.

I read the toxicology report.

It found nothing unusual
in Elizabeth's system.

She wasn't drugged.

Maybe whoever slipped her the tracker

didn't require full use
of its medical abilities.

But as a medical device,

it was small enough for her to ingest.

We're talking to the wrong people.

We don't need tech experts.

We need medical ones.

We need to talk to Herbie.

I already sent a courier
to his home this morning

with the tracker,

but he's not responding to my calls.

Are you two in some sort
of a disagreement?

A disagreement with Herbie?

The man likes conflict

as much as I like an overcooked egg.

And it's not like him

to not answer. Try him again.

Senator, come in.

Please, call me Cynthia.

Cynthia, I'm afraid

we're not fully equipped
for social calls here,

but I couldn't refuse
your request to meet.

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Well, this is difficult enough, Raymond.

Let's just cut to the gristle.

I need your help.

I suspected you might.

You know I'd only come to you

if my situation were desperate.

It's been three weeks

since my daughter-in-law went missing.

Yes, I've been following the news.

I'm terribly sorry.

The news you don't know,

because I'm keeping it from the press,

is that Sheila resurfaced
last night at a campsite.

No help from the local authorities,
mind you.

She was half dead.

Emaciated, tortured.

Now Sheila is in
a medically-induced coma

while whoever did this
to her is still...

Is still out there,
living and breathing,

enjoying the sun on their face

while Sheila's lying in a coma,

and you're feeling helpless.

When nothing makes sense in the light,

we have to search in the dark.

I had a feeling you'd understand.

Police interviewed the two campers

who Sheila Panabaker found,

but she collapsed without saying a word.

So no idea where she came from.

The woods where she
surfaced are , acres

of rural, mostly unincorporated area.

It's a lot of ground to cover.

Sheila's currently in a coma
at Chesapeake Bay Memorial,

fighting for her life.

I have sympathy for Panabaker,

but does an abduction case

in which the abduction is over

merit this task force's attention?

It does for me.

I'm surprised the FBI
isn't already on it,

given Senator Panabaker's position.

She asked for us.

I think you mean Reddington.

Where is he anyway?

He has a lead on the tracking
device they found on Elizabeth,

but he assured me that he will
be available for whatever we need.

Look, Cynthia's gone to bat for
this task force time and time again.

We owe her this.

Ressler, Aram, go to the hospital,
talk to Sheila's doctor.

Uh, does it, uh, have to be me?

I mean, I... I... I...
I kind of have things to do.

What things?

Oh, uh, you know, just, like,
uh, computer things.

It's all... It's all technical.
It's boring stuff.

Of course. Park, go with Ressler.

If we can find out from Sheila's
doctor what was done to her,

it might help us figure out who did it.

I still don't understand
how Sheila got out.

Well, maybe it's because we have too
many patients

and I'm spread too thin.

What if she leads the police to us?

She won't.

She left at night.
That had to have been disorienting.

She walked for days and
wound up miles from here.

I'm not concerned about her.

But we now have an empty
bed that we need to fill,

and lucky for us,

I think I found a new prospect.

I just said I can barely handle this.

It's not the right time
to bring in someone new.

You know how important our mission is.

We can always handle one more patient.

We always make it work.

Well, she was
hypothermic when she came in.

She's dehydrated, malnourished.

I suppose being lost in the woods

for days in the cold with no
food or water would do that.

A lot of it, but not the heart damage.

- She has heart damage?
- Yeah, it's enlarged,

with a reduced
left ventricular function.

But when I examined her further,
things got... stranger.

At first I thought these
were just knife wounds,

t*rture, maybe,

but when we cleaned away the blood,
we found this.

Are those names?

Yeah, that'd be my guess.

And they appear self-inflicted.

Why would she carve names
into her own leg?


Remember what we talked about.

She can't hear you right now.

She's really sick, Char.

Y-You'll have to excuse us.

This is the first time
she's seen her since...

No, please. We were just heading out.

Perinatologist to ER, stat.

Perinatologist to ER, stat.

Let's go find the bastard who did this.

For just a little bit, all right?

Try to swish it around.

Just one thin layer.

Honey, do you want mustard
or mayo on your sandwich?


Bill! She's seizing!

We spoke with her doctor,

and it seems your daughter-in-law

carved the names of two
women into her own thigh.

Sheila did that?

For God's sake, why?

This is conjecture,
but we believe she knew she might die

and wanted to send a message
to whoever found her body,

to let them know there are
other victims still out there.

And the message worked.

We ID'd the names.

Uh, Crystal Flowers and Maria Holmes.

Now, while both names
are incredibly common,

I was able to narrow down the search

because of a peculiar
connection to Sheila.

I know those women.

Where do I know them from?

Aram discovered the connection

when he conducted a social media search

and saw all three mothers were featured

on the Tiny Fighters Foundation website.

Oh, believe me, I remember
the interview. I was there.

It's a fundraising organization.

They share the stories
of children and their families

facing serious health issues.

I've donated a lot to Tiny Fighters.

How has no one made the connection

that these mothers were
going missing until now?

Well, over , people

go missing in the U.S. every year,

and these cases are
spread out over several years,

in different parts of the country,

and under different circumstances.

We're bringing in the woman who
runs Tiny Fighters. Emily Wright.

We'll see if she has something to offer.


Thank you for the briefing.

And thank you for your work.

You know the new prospect
that I told you about?

I've been studying her medical
records that you obtained.

She's got a long and complicated history

that I think is a perfect
match for our hospital.

So I'm gonna make my move tonight.

By morning, we will have a new patient.

See to it that her bed is ready.

Yes, ma'am.

I don't understand.

Who would want to hurt mothers,
especially our mothers?

They're the most loving,
selfless people I've ever known.

Who in your organization

has access to the database
of your families?

We have hundreds
of volunteer contributors.

They all have access to the database.

I can get you a log
of their names and e-mails.

What were the dates that
the kids of these mothers

were profiled on the site?

October , , Crystal's son.

February th of last year, Maria's son.

And January th of this year,
Sheila's daughter.


All the women were abducted

within a week of
their children's profile.

Somebody's trolling
your website for victims.

This can't be happening.

Who did you profile this week?

Don't you think this is a bit extreme?

He's not answering our calls.

You don't just go silent. Not on me.

Or I'm gonna find out the reason why.



We saw your Vanagon
in the garage, Herbie.

I know you're there.

It's been hours. Give me a second.

My wife's is on a digital detox retreat,

and I can't get ahold of her.

I can't do this, man.

I'm not meant to be a father.

I think I'm actually
losing my mind, seriously.

My baby hates me.

Like, ac... She actually hates me.

No, no, no, no, no. What's her name?

Sue. As in A Boy Named...

My wife's a Johnny Cash fan.

Never mind.

Oh, come here, Sue.
Come here, Sue. All right.

Yes. Come here. Yes.

There you go. Yeah.

They're pretty reliable.

Only a few things cause them strife.

Hunger. Fatigue.


All they need is close
attention and love.

And it's wonderful to
be able to instantly

give them everything they want. Hm.


Cherish this time.

The simplicity.

Because it gets pretty
complicated, I'm afraid.


No, it's okay. It's okay.

- No, no, no, no.
- It's okay.


Oh, my gosh. She senses your fear.

Dear God, Herbie, you must relax.



Can you please stay for a while?

I'm desperate.

That depends on what you can
tell me about my tracker.

We reached out to the four mothers

whose children were just profiled,

and we got ahold of three.

They're aware of the circumstances

and are looking out for anything,
or anyone, unusual.

- What about the fourth?
- Mary Sutton.

We weren't able to reach her,

but I tracked down her husband,

who said Mary and their daughter Sarah

are at George Washington
Children's Hospital today.

Sarah had a seizure.

Ressler, Dembe,
head over to the hospital.

Confirm that Mary's safe,
and brief her on the situation.

Your daughter is a lovely girl,

and I know it's no fun
being in the hospital,

but I'd like to keep her for
a few days for observation.

Usually, we only stay the night

when she has one of her seizures.

Well, the sodium levels in
her blood are unusually high.

I'd like to get her on an IV

to rebalance that concentration.

Has she been vomiting
or having diarrhea?

She could be dehydrated

or suffering from hypernatremia.

She's on a very strict diet regimen.

It wouldn't account for any of that.

Plus, I care for her day in and day out.

I know her better than anybody.

Maybe you want to rerun the tests?

Mother knows best.
I'll see what I can do.

I'll be back.

Are you the night nurse?

Yeah. I just wanted to drop off

the wheelchair for Sarah's release.

I'm assuming she'll be
discharged tomorrow?

I was trying to tell the doctor that.

Thank you.

They keep trying to hold her
for days and days.

It's such an insurance scam.


I know the truth.

Excuse me.

Agents Ressler and Zuma. FBI.

We're looking for Sarah Sutton's room.

What are you doing?

I'm doing you a favor. Trust me.

Somebody, help! Please help! Please!

The room's gotta be
up here on the right.

The nurse, she hurt my mom.

And where is she?

She just left with the wheelchair.

She was medium-build, white.

It happened so fast.

Well, she dosed you with
a pretty powerful sedative.

Why? Why me?

We don't know that yet.

Only that you fit a pattern.

Pattern? What pattern?

My entire life is devoted

to taking care of my daughter.

I barely have time to brush
my teeth in the morning.

We will get to the bottom of this.

And until then, what?

We just stay here where
someone just att*cked us?

We've assigned an agent
for your protection.

He'll be outside your room / .

You're in good hands.

Well, I couldn't ID the
woman posing as a nurse

because the footage was too grainy.

What about the injection g*n?

Well, she was wearing latex gloves,

so no prints to trace,

but I did research the device,

and it is actually pretty nifty.

I mean, if it, uh,

wasn't being used
to kidnap young mothers.

Instead of a needle,

compressed air sh**t
a thin stream of medication

directly into underlying tissue layers.

The challenge is, I can't trace it.

It's not legal and seems to be
a much more powerful version

than what's on the current market.

That means it's on the black market.

Call Raymond.

He's connected to the best
underground medical resources

money can buy.

I think it was designed to administer

and monitor medication.

Some conditions require
dr*gs to be taken

on very strict schedules, exact dosages,

and patients with those disorders

aren't always the most
reliable in taking their meds.

How does it work?

Uh, it has a capsule.

If I'm right, it's pre-loaded
with the patient's medication,

at least one dose,
then sends wireless data

to the patient's doctor or guardian

to track if the meds were actually taken

and the patient's whereabouts.

Well, who uses this technology?

Uh, as far as I know, no one yet.

It's a cutting-edge technology. I...

I did hear about
a medical clinic in Boston

that was considering a pilot program.

I need the name of that clinic.



I'm texting you a photo.

The woman who abducted Panabaker's
daughter dropped a medical device

when she went after her latest victim.

The problem is, it's not legal,

and we have no way to track it.

I think with a little hard
work and elbow grease,

I can find someone who can
take care of that for us.

I'll be in touch.

I hate to pile on,
but something else has come up.

Do you think you can help me
to identify and trace that?

If you keep her happy, there is
literally nothing I won't do for you.

Oh, my! Oh!

Oh, you poor, poor thing.


That pain must be unbearable.

Please, let me go.


We can't take on another patient.

Not after what just
happened at the hospital.

No one got a good look at me.
I was careful.

You're not careful.
You're out of control.

We need to slow things down.

Would Chelsea want us
to slow things down?

You always have to bring her up.

Yes, I do.

Because she is why we do what we do.


The infection has spread.

Why are you doing this to me?

No. Shh, shh, shh, shh. It is because...

Because you're an incredible mother

who would do anything to
eliminate her son's pain.

That's... That's what
you told Tiny Fighters,

and now we are giving you a chance

to make good on your word.

Your boy's getting better

because you're taking
his sickness into your body.

We need to do something to
stop this from spreading further,

or she's gonna lose the leg.

Take me to a hospital.

A real one!

No. We can handle everything right here.

Do we know who his sponsor is?

Wait. What're you talking about?

M-My sponsor?

It's Narcotics Anonymous for a reason.

What? No. No.

We're just trying to remember
who sponsors...

LeBron James.

Yeah. Uh, I saw him in,

uh, some new kicks
at a game the other night.

Trying to... Track down a pair.

Some kicks, yeah?
Now, what game was that?

'Cause I don't think I saw it.

Reddington just called back.

His contact ID'd the
manufacturer of the drug injector.

Apparently, a set of them were delivered

to a rural address in West Virginia,

along with secondhand
medical beds and equipment.

I need a team there, fast.

Should we announce?

No. This place looks deserted.

If there's someone here,

we don't want to tip them off.

Do you think Reddington
got the wrong address?


Help me. Help me.

Help me! Ohh!


Drop it.



So, that's the woman
who's responsible for this?

One of them.

She didn't act alone.

There's another woman out there.

The one who tried to abduct
Mary Sutton from the hospital.

How are the other victims doing?

They're all in serious
condition, one critical.

We also found, uh,
remains on the property.

The victims we've ID'd
all have the same profile,

all were abducted while caring for
very sick children,

just like Sheila.

What we didn't know until now is that,
while they were being held,

they were inflicted with
various medical treatments

to make them mirror the
symptoms of their sick children.

Which explains why your daughter-in-law

and granddaughter both
presented signs of cardiomyopathy.


Why make these women relive that terror?

Why inflict on them
the pain they witnessed?

I don't have a conclusive answer... yet.

But there's light
at the end of the tunnel.

As soon as they're released
from the hospital,

they'll be reunited with their children.

I just hope Sheila gets that
same opportunity with Charlotte.

We're getting nowhere with her.

We've had her in that box for hours.

Now she's asking for an attorney.

No! Absolutely not.

This is our one chance with this woman.

Cynthia, we can't deny her counsel.

Then perhaps we're not the ones

who should be questioning her.

No, no!

You seem ill at ease.

Yes, well...

There is a line I have
studiously avoided crossing

in my career, until now.

I find myself thinking

more and more about that line lately.

You're looking for someone

who has hurt those dearest to you,

and the prism through which
you see the world

has completely changed.

And maybe that line
doesn't exist anymore.

Have you made any progress

tracking down Agent Keen's k*ller?

Actually, yes. I have a lead.

But you're here with me.

Well, it's not out of selflessness.

I'm taking a reflective pause.

I'm considering the extent of
what I might do to get to the truth.

Yes, well, I know what you mean.

Look where devotion
has brought both of us.

My daughter-in-law. Your Elizabeth.

If you're willing to go this far,

imagine how far someone
like me is willing to go.

I got what you needed, boss.

Lucy and Ethel never fail me.

But, uh,
she's not gonna like what I got to say.

I promise you, there is nothing

that can make this situation worse.

Just rip the bandage off, Teddy.

Your daughter-in-law? Sheila, right?

She ain't the victim.

What are you talking about?

She's been slipping your granddaughter

a nasty concoction for years,

making the little girl sick
and keeping her that way.


That's what they call it.

That is the most absurd thing
I've ever heard.

I told you she wasn't
gonna like what I had to say.

That's a lie.

Sheila would never hurt her child.

Charlotte is her entire life.

I want to talk to that nurse myself.

Wait, Cynthia. Hold on.
Please. Let's talk.

I want the truth.

And you may very well have it,
I promise you.

What do you actually know

about your granddaughter's illness?

It was a very complicated diagnosis.

Why am I even answering that?

This is ridiculous. Charlotte is sick.

Senator, I urge you to think
with your head right now

and not with your heart.

Has there never been a moment of doubt?

A red flag?

A few months ago, I wanted Charlotte

to see a cardiologist at Walter Reed.

It takes months to get an appointment.

I was able to use my position
to get on his books.

My son was thrilled, but Sheila insisted

that a care plan was already in place.

I pushed and pushed.
Finally, she agreed.

The day of the appointment,
they never showed.

Charlotte was having so many issues,

and Sheila seemed so stressed.

I didn't think...

That was one incident.
That can't possibly mean...

It's a text from my son.

Sheila's off the respirator.

What should I do?

Stay calm.

Obtain the facts you need.

Your greatest resource
is right through that door.

Mr. Reddington called,

and it turns out we have
this whole thing backwards.

What does that mean?

They got that nurse, Binstock, to talk,

and, uh, she insists she
was never in the business

of hurting innocent mothers,

because those mothers
were never innocent.

So what is she guilty of?

Their children weren't really sick.

The mothers were making them sick.

Binstock says she
was hurting the mothers

as punishment for what
they did to their own kids,

and the longer she kept them,

the healthier their children became.

I've read about it. Munchausen's.

Yeah, well, it's actually
Munchausen's by Proxy, to be exact.

It's a mental illness
and a form of child abuse.

Sir? Can you... Can you please help me?

My daughter, she's had an accident,

- and I need some towels.
- What for?

- Did you page the nurse?
- I-I... It's not working.

What are you doing? There's nothing...

Can you just please

- get us a few towels?
- Mom!

- Please, please, sir?
- Okay, okay. Just give me a minute.

- Thank you.
- Mom...

The darkness in this world
still manages to surprise me.

Let me remind everyone,

this nurse is still a m*rder*r.

She came at Dembe and I with a scalpel.

So, can we trust anything she says?

No. We can't.

But children's lives may be at risk,
so we need to act fast.

Park, look into medical records

of the children of the abductees.

Aram, reach out to the agents

with the mothers being examined.

Have them stall reunification
with their children.

And, Dembe, Ressler,

go to the hospital and separate
Mary Sutton from her daughter

until we learn more.

This is Agent Herndon.

We have reason to believe Mary Sutton

may be a danger to her daughter.

Can you verify their whereabouts?

I can't.

What do you mean?

They're gone.

I don't believe it.
I don't believe any of it.

Well, we don't need you
to believe, Mr. Sutton,

but we do need your help.

Your wife slipped FBI protective
custody minutes ago.

She fled the hospital
with your daughter.

You don't know what
you're talking about.

You weren't there.

All the nights Mary sat up with Sarah,
all the dirty sheets,

all the midnight trips
to the emergency room.

When was the last time
you spoke to your wife?

Earlier today. She said she'd
call when I'd get off work.

How long ago was that?

Hour and a half.

It doesn't mean anything.

Do you have another residence?

Somewhere your wife might
have taken your daughter?

Another residence?
With our medical bills?

I had to find a second job
just to get us by.

I-I take care of the money.
Mary takes...

Mary is the most selfless
mother in the world.

She is.

Don't beat yourself up too much.

Based on what we're learning,

your wife's been deceiving
an entire medical community,

teachers, friends, foundations.

Do you mind if we borrow this?

Take whatever you want.

Just bring my daughter home.

And my wife.
I know there's an explanation.

Ooh! Look at this place!

What are we doing here?

Well, I thought maybe we'd get

some of those cinnamon rolls
you love so much from here.

But we're not at the hospital.

That doctor said I need
to finish my infusion or...

That doctor's an idiot.

You're acting weird.

Why haven't you called Dad yet?
He'll worry.

Oh, you lay back.

I brought some of your
medication from home.

It'll help you rest.

Then you'll call Dad?

Of course I will.

There we go.

Dr. Patterson, Code .


Can you believe it?

It's a miracle.

You okay?

I'm just... overwhelmed.

I know.

I feel the same way.

Bill Sutton has no idea where
his wife and daughter are.

Where are we on medical records?

We don't have them yet.
We're waiting on DOJ authorization.

Uh, maybe we don't have to wait.

This is all evidence collected
from that abandoned hospital

where Ressler and Dembe

apprehended their nurse
friend with the scalpel.

Turns out Binstock and our Blacklister

kept almost immaculate records

of the families they surveilled.

All of the children here have
confusing and extensive medical records,

a clear indication
of Munchausen's by Proxy.

I can't keep track of
the bad guy here anymore.

We're trying to find an assailant

who's harming Mary Sutton,

but Mary Sutton
is doing irreparable harm

to her own daughter.

Who am I slapping the cuffs on?

How about we slap the cuffs on everyone

until that little girl is safe?

Ask questions later.

Fact is, we're dealing
with two criminals...

Mary Sutton and the woman
who tried to abduct her.

Well, I did some digging on Binstock.

She worked as a home healthcare nurse

for a young girl named Chelsea Mason,

who had a rare GI disorder.

After Chelsea died,
Binstock left the nursing field,

and Eva Mason, Chelsea's older sister,

received a fortune in settlements,

all from hospitals that
performed needless procedures

that only worsened Chelsea's condition.

Turns out, Chelsea wasn't really sick.

Her mother was poisoning her.

So, we think this sister, Eva,

has a personal vendetta against
mothers who hurt their children

and that she's the co-conspirator

who tried to abduct Mary Sutton?

Binstock and Eva do share a past.

How do they ID the mothers?

Well, Eva volunteers for
the Tiny Fighters Foundation,

where she films interviews,

looking for signs of Munchausen's.

If a mother fits the profile,
then Binstock,

who works part-time as
an insurance claims adjustor,

confirms she's correct via
medical records that don't add up.

How do we find Eva Mason?

If she's out there,
she's after the Suttons.

Well, I did run a search and
got a hit on her credit card

being used in Delaware a few hours ago,

but she could be anywhere by now.

If she's a videographer
for Tiny Fighters,

I might know where they are.

I was just watching this.

What do you do to cope
when things get hard?

Gosh, I don't know.

Oh, so many things. Um, Disney.

And Sarah has a group of friends

who did a dance-a-thon fundraiser.

And we really like our
mother/daughter spa trips.

Oh. Where do you go?

Oh, we go to a place in Delaware

called Primrose Grand Hotel.

That was the best girls'...

- You said Eva Mason's in Delaware?
- Oh!

That can't be a coincidence.

Verify the Suttons are at that hotel

and get there before Eva does.

Honey, I'm gonna get some ice.
I'll be right back.


What are you doing here?

- S-Sweetheart...
- Where's my mom?

You need medical attention.

How would you know? You're not a doctor.

Oh, no. I'm... I'm more than a doctor.

I am a miracle worker.

And I am going to cure you.

Hey! Get away from my daughter!

It's you. You tried to attack me!

And I did that to protect your daughter,

and I failed, but I won't fail twice.

Oh, this is s-so much
quicker than you deserve,

but I will use it on you.

- Unless...
- Unless what?

I call an ambulance.

Sarah goes to the hospital
for treatment.

You come with me.

She doesn't need a hospital.
She needs her mother.

Stop it! Both of you!

- Sarah!
- Sarah!

Just... No, don't. Before you do
anything, let me explain, sweetheart.

Sarah! Put that g*n down!

Okay, sweetheart, just
listen to me, all right?

FBI! Lower your weapons! Sarah!

What... What's going on?

- All right, put your g*ns down.
- This woman is crazy!

She tried to attack me!

Sarah, your mom
is the one making you sick.

She gives you, what, pills?

How do you feel when
you take them, honey?

You're lying.

Sarah, listen to me. Look at me.

This woman is insane.
I would never try to hurt you.

I love you more than anyone.

Is my mom making me sick?

Please, put the weapons down.
Nobody needs to get hurt.

This woman is a child abuser.

And she will be punished for that.

L-Like my mother was?

We know about your sister.

No, you don't know.

You did not watch my mother
drain the life out of her,

confine her to one room.

Her only friends were dolls.

I knew what she was doing,

and nobody listened to me.

The system is failing these children!

And they do not have time to waste!

Their lives are at stake!


- Sorry!
- Sarah!

Don't move.

I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- Stay there. Do not move.
- I'm sorry.

Sarah, are you okay? Get back. Get back.

She's my daughter! Back!

What is wrong with you?
This is my daughter!

Senator Panabaker.

I-I'm calling to thank you.

I asked you to help me find the truth.

You did exactly that.

How is your family handling things?

My son is devastated.

Took my granddaughter out
for the afternoon.

I didn't want her to be there
when the arrest happens.

She's been through so much already.

Children have a way of surprising you.

They're so resilient.

And now she has a chance
at a healthy life.

You gave her that.

Not her parents, not the FBI,

you, Cynthia.

I am so glad to be getting out of here.

Sheila Panabaker?


You're under arrest.


What are you doing?

Stop. Marshall. Marshall.

Stop it.

Get your hands off of me!

Bottoms up, little lady.

Mmm. Mmm!

Doesn't that just hit the spot?

You know, I used to bring
your daddy to this very cafe

when he was little
after his hockey practice.

Little, but so fast.

Mom doesn't let me have sweets.

Because I get so sick.

Charlotte Anne Panabaker,

this hot chocolate
will not make you sick.

That is a guarantee from Grandma.

That's my girl.

Dr. Jansen?
Of the psychiatry clinic here?


Uh, do we know each other?


But we need a moment
of your time, please.

Dr. Jansen.

Please, don't hurt me.

I have two kids.

Doctor, I have nothing but respect

for professionals
who treat mental illness.

It's a neglected epidemic,

and you're doing exemplary work,

but I don't have time to be polite.

So, please, tell me what
you know about this device.

Where did this come from?

You tell me, and we'll both know.

I'm... I'm not wildly familiar with it,

but it looks to be a prototype

of something I saw last year.

We were going to initiate
a pilot program

with some of my mood disorder patients.

It, uh, monitors medication use,

but patient advocacy groups
were worried about privacy,

so the whole thing
just kind of fell apart.

Who developed the device?

It's a tragic story, actually.

A lot of those going around.

A young man came to my office
begging to be seen.

His wife suffered from an
acute psychiatric condition.

I-I-I-I don't recall which,

but she was always
inconsistent about her meds.

And then one day, she had
a tragically violent episode

that cost innocent lives.

The man was devastated.

He went back to school,
and he developed an ingestible tracker

that could monitor
a patient's compliance

so that no one else would
have to live that nightmare.

He pleaded with me
to give the tech a shot.

Like I said, I had every
intention of testing it...

Do you remember the man's name?

It started with a "K," I know.

Um... Kennison.

Yes, uh, Andrew Kennison.

You wouldn't have actually
shot me, would you?

If she was going to sh**t you,

she would have pointed the g*n at you.


I got here as soon as I could.

Is this about the case?

It's not.

Agent Ressler,
did you attend your NA meeting tonight?

Yeah, of course I did. I always go...

I'm sorry, but what's this all about?

I mean...

Does no one trust me?

I mean, first, Aram doesn't
want to go out in the field with me,

and then you guys are all talking
behind my back about my sponsor?

I'm doing the meetings.
I'm doing the steps.

I'm clean.

I don't need this intervention crap.

Oh. Well, that's not what this is.

Oh, no, no. So, what?
I'm crazy now, huh?

Is that it? Great.

So, in case everybody's lost count,

I just got my two-month chip
yesterday from that sponsor

that you guys definitely
weren't talking about.

Look, I'm trying here.

I'm really trying.

And we couldn't be prouder.

We knew this was
a big milestone for you.

We wanted your sponsor's name

in case they wanted to join us.

For what?

Your party. Ta-da!

Oh, my God.

It, uh, took me a few tries
to, uh, pick up the cake,

but I got there.

Wow. Wow.

Oh, I also made a k*ller playlist.

Oh, God. Not with that
damn playlist again.

He's been obsessing all week.

I'm really dumb.

Look, I'm sorry. I, uh...

I know I'm not always
the, uh, feelings guy,

but this really...


We know what it means.

And you mean the same thing to us.

Thank you. Truly.

- Do you want the big slice there?
- Sure.