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01x04 - Attachments

Posted: 03/31/22 17:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Good Sam..."

You were shot six months ago.

VIVIAN: You have to be proctored.

I'll supervise him.

I spoke with the board.

They're not just
gonna hand you the reins

at the end of this.
They're gonna choose between us.

Chairman of the Board Byron Kingsley.

Thank you again for considering
me for the position.

BYRON: You seem to have a
personal relationship with Sam Griffith.

I do.

I don't like her pulling you
into her family power struggle.

You always made me laugh so much.

I still could.

(GROANS) You had to call Rhonda?

She is the chief of plastics.

He resents my seniority. Always has.

You let Lakeshore lose
an eight-figure donation?

And pinned it on me.

I did tell you
that the lesson was gonna hurt.

Tell me how to hit him.

My help comes with a price.

Why would my dad keep

- a bovine heart specimen?

No idea. His stuff was moved
down here when you took over.

All his files and furniture.

- Whatever that is.
- Oh.

Amphibian hearts
only have three chambers.

They diffuse oxygen
through their skin...

We're not here for frog talk.

Can you help me move this, please?


(GRUNTS) Rhonda,
what exactly are we looking for?

Donor records. Hmm?

You want the chief position?

Revenge for your father
costing you that ten million?

Here's what you do.

You win over his biggest donor.

You find the head of the snake.

You woo 'em to your side,

I guarantee you, the rest will follow.

So, what, I'm supposed
to cold-call these people

and ask them for financial support?

Mm, it's not quite that easy.

You got to find them first.

Sure, Waxman had his name on the
wall, but he was the exception.

Your father had more anonymous donors

than any other department.



Donors like attention.

That's why we name all these
walls and wings after them.

That much anonymous
money coming Griff's way

tells me something's up.

"Something's up"?

That's your theory?

Call it more of a hunch.

MALCOLM: So she actually said

"head of the snake"?

(CHUCKLES): She's not subtle.


You find anything down there?

Just my dad's address book.

If I were to give you a name,

could you tell me if it links
to a hospital donation?

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry. I'm...

- Just forget I asked.
- Sam,

I can track a donor for you.

Are you sure?


- Okay.

So, in ,

anonymous donations to my department...

...shot through the roof.

That same year,

my dad supervised a clinical trial

for Fletcher Pharmaceuticals.

Now, the company's owner is this woman,

- Helen Fletcher.
- Mm-hmm.

And she's in my dad's
address book and...

all over his calendar.

And look at this.

She's worth billions.

Here, let me see?

- Helen Fletcher.
- Mm-hmm.

- I will see what I can find.

Thank you.


This is a nice pen.

SAM: Hmm.

Med school graduation gift.

MALCOLM: "CT." I am...

going to assume that's "cardiothoracic"?

Caleb Tucker, actually.

You know we used to date?

I do now.

Oh, mm-hmm.

Med school, huh?

It's where we met.

And you dated the whole time?

No, we were...

on and off for a couple years.


Re... Okay.

It's not...


What are you doing?

I just don't want to be holding

another man's pen in your bed.

- Oh.
- Hmm?

But whatever will I write with?

If you want a pen...

I got one for you.

- Oh, really?
- Yes, yes.

It is time to take some notes.


GRIFF: Viv. Vivian. Viv!

Why aren't you answering my calls?

Because I don't want to talk to you.

My badge won't open the parking garage.

- It's kind of...
- Oh, my God, talk to security.

A call from you would be
so much more meaningful.

I don't help people
who hurt my daughter.

That was not my intention.

This is her reputation, Griff.

Everyone knows
about that donation she lost.

What they don't know is
you tricked her into losing it.

I didn't start this w*r.

Well, you need to finish it.

And until you succeed,
my door is closed.


How'd you get down here so fast?
I just got the page.

Donna gives us a heads-up.

That's why we bring
her donuts every week.

And yet, Joey still gets here first.

Adriana Simpson, years old,

single vehicle crash.

Chest wall injury with metal impalement

and left arm traumatic amputation.

Ten of morphine given en route.

What, did he ride in
the ambulance with them?

- Lift!

SAM: Let's start the primary survey.

Where? Where?

The arm is still at the crash site.

They're trying to get it
out of the wreckage.


Breathing sounds compromised.

Adriana, I'm Dr. Griffith.

And I need to listen
to your lungs, okay?

They're not looking hard enough!

It's all right, we're gonna
find your arm, okay?

No, no, not my arm!

- Where's Beth?!
- Beth?

She's my best friend! She was with me!

(SOBBING): Help me, I can't breathe!

We have crepitus over the chest wall.

Need to decompress the chest.

It's lateral to the major vessels.

SAM: And about the right size

- for a French cath.
- Uh-huh.


Let's do it.

Everybody, on three.

One, two...

- three!

SAM: There we go.

CALEB: Ultrasound looks good.

Fast is negative.

ISAN: Central line is in.

Let's pack her up
and get her to imaging.

And somebody please find out
what happened to her friend.


Using the impalement site for

the chest tube, it was nice.


Look, Sam...

it gives me no pleasure to
see your reputation take a hit,

especially after I've invested
so much time building it up.

(SCOFFS) Are you

seriously trying to take
credit for my reputation

that you are actively
working to sabotage?


your ego belongs
in the Smithsonian under glass.

Okay, well...

instead of continuing to fight this w*r,

what do you say to ending it?

And how would we do that?

With a succession plan.

After my proctorship is over,

I'll take back my job back,

and I will teach you

everything I know. The ins and outs

of donors, politics, money...

All the things that you
have no experience with.

Then when you take the reins in...

ten, years,

you'll be ready.

What do you think?

Why would I agree to that when I plan

on winning the board's vote
in three months?


Given the eight-figure donation

you just lost the hospital,
I think your confidence

is... somewhat erroneous.

Unless you know something I don't know.

I know...

everything you know.

What are you doing with my address book?


Synced & corrected by -robtor-


DONNA: Help you, Dr. Griffith?

Donna! Yeah...

(STAMMERS) I was just looking
for my ex-wife's number.

Maybe you could help me
navigate the directory or...?

It's ringing. You want it?

No. Maybe you could
just pass on a message.

What message is that?

Tell her I have an urgent matter
to discuss with her,

and if she could please stop being

so dramatic and unreasonable

and answer my calls.

Sorry, Dr. Katz, wrong number.

Trauma patient's injuries
will heal over time.

And Dr. Glass will spearhead

the reattachment surgery
once the arm lands.

Plastics... it's not all
eye lifts and implants, baby.

It's a big surgery and she is asking

- for residents to assist.
- Me.

Oh, no, no, no,
I've never been in one of those before.

Yeah, 'cause they never
happen... can I go?

I got it. One of me is
worth two of them.

Relax, the three of you will go.

And Dr. Glass will choose
who she wants to be her primary.

What are you doing?

I might ask you the same thing.

You're on the arm.

With Rhonda? Come on.

Why don't I help Dr. Shah
prepare his lawsuit?

He needs me more.

I do?

Arm reattachment, go.


You're having trouble breathing, Noah?

Yeah, it's getting worse.

I hear crackling.

Which means that you likely have
fluid on your lungs.

Your chart says you've been diagnosed

with congestive heart failure?

He's also a stubborn ass,
put that in his chart.

I'm his brother, I should know.

He can't get up the stairs.

Listen, it's just
a little hard to breathe.

- All right? That's all.
- He's sick as a dog.

And still working on that farm
that we should've sold

- years ago.
- Look, our pops worked that land

- well into his s.
- And he'd be the first one to say

that soybeans aren't worth dying over.

Rash on the lower extremities.

Swollen joints. Are you in pain?


(SCOFFS) He's always in pain.

His legs go numb some days.

Just tell them.

Look, it's-it's
the breathing I need help with.

And that's all.

Let's order a chest X-ray,

and then we're gonna
get you on a diuretic

to take this fluid off your lungs.

Yeah. That's what they usually do.


How many times have you been
to the hospital for this?

CALEB: Six times in six months?

That is an unusually rapid
rate of decompensation.

Also, for someone
who's been here so much,

there's almost nothing in his chart.

You would think someone
would've ordered a workup.

Maybe they sent him
to outpatient for follow-up?

Well, he clearly didn't go.

All right, just put the order in.

Add an infectious disease
panel... grain crops

can breed fungus
and blastomycosis would explain

the joint pain and the rash.

And let me know when the labs
are back... I'm going to lunch.

Wait, you don't go to lunch. You
barely stop to eat lunch here.

Well, today I'm doing both.

So while Dr. Glass sutures
the radial artery,

I'm going to be holding down the fort

with the median nerve right over here.

Do I really need help
prepping for my lawsuit?

Nah, they always drop residents
out at the last minute.

Is... that my trail mix?

No, it's communal, but, um... can have it anyway...
No chocolate left.

You know Rhonda might not
pick you, right?

(LAUGHS) Please.

I was made for this.
I dream of severed limbs.

Plus, I got there first.

You got there first because you
have a man on the inside.

Oh, I thought
I detected a spark in the ER.

Dr. Costa, you rake.

You get his name?

That handsome paramedic?

My boyfriend's name is Tim.

Hmm, boyfriend? Well...

in fairness to me,
I was in a coma for six months.

They've been together
for, like, five years.

You might have noticed that
if you'd peeked your head

out of your self-absorbed cave.

Well, it's

"talk to Griff like he's
a resident" day, apparently.

I miss that.

They found the arm and the friend.

She was thrown from the car

into the woods,
probably k*lled instantly.

All we can do is try and make
this patient whole again.

Thank you so much for
meeting with me today.

I know you're very busy.

What I am is confused.

I agreed to have lunch
with Dr. Griffith,

but you're not the one that I know.

How did you get my information?

On a confidential list
of hospital donors.

And why am I here?

Because I think that
you and I could have

a very productive partnership

when I'm made permanent chief
of my department.

Permanent? Your father said

you were just a temp.

The board has yet to make
their final decision.

I assume you're looking
for financial support.

Among other things, yes.

My last donation to Lakeshore

was seven million.
I'm willing to double that.

I'm sorry, did you just say...


But I need you to do something
for me in return.

What could I do for you?

Give up this pursuit
of your father's position.

You're asking me to step aside?

Let him resume his role as chief,

and the money's yours.

Hey, did you actually leave
the hospital for a meal?

Uh, it was a working lunch.

One of Dad's donors just made me

a very weird offer.

"Weird offer"?

What would you say to someone who wanted

to pay you not to do your job?

If she's anonymous, how'd you find her?

It was Rhonda's idea, she's
got this whole theory that...

Wait a minute, Rhonda Glass?

Oh, Sam be careful, that woman...

can't be trusted.

"Be careful"?

My own father

is trying to take me out right now.

The hospital is talking about
the public embarrassment

- that he set me up for.
- I'm just looking out for you, Sam.

Whatever your issue is with Rhonda,

I trust her more than I trust Dad.

It's my first solo case with Sam
in forever today... it's fate.

It's also the rotation schedule.

They drove in together today.

Her and Malcolm.

The universe put us together
because I got to do something.

Before she's cleaning out
a dresser drawer for the guy.

She can give her drawers
to whomever she wants.


we have too much history,
we're undeniable.

I just got a find a way to talk to her.

It's fate.

It's the rotation schedule.



CALEB: Chest X-ray showed
a large right-side effusion

and his blood pressure just shot up.

Flash pulmonary edema.

Let's get him on a nitro drip.

Caleb, get me a thoracentesis kit.

What's wrong with him?

The diuretics aren't taking the
fluid off his lungs fast enough.

We're gonna have to do it manually.



gauge needle.

Here we go.

That's it.

Almost there, Noah.

Take a deep breath for me.


Okay. Okay.

SAM: Diphenhydramine
should've reduced that rash.

He's a mixed bag with his CHF
and a fungal pneumonia.

Should we start him on antifungals?

Not until we have his tests results.

Antifungals can be cardiotoxic.
I can't risk it.

Want to talk about it?


Whatever stress is
inspiring the piano hands.

I'm guessing it's Griff-related.

I just need his test results.

How come I can still feel it?

Your nerve endings are still
sending signals to your brain.

Phantom limb?


I thought that was sci-fi.

No, it's real.

Where's Beth?

No one told you?

ADRIANA: Told me what?

You've been through enough
and you're still here.

So I know you can handle the truth.

She did not survive the crash.


LEX: She's gone.

I'm sorry.

ADRIANA: She can't be gone.

We were together.

How can she be gone?

I don't...


She can't be...

She can't be gone...

She can't be... she can't be...

- Hey.
- Hi.

Your mom have anything to say

- about this whole Helen Fletcher thing?

Turns out she's not gonna be
a lot of help on this one.

But I'm gonna find out
what's behind that offer.

Hey, did we get those labs yet?

Not yet, but Bernie said
he'd put a rush on it

if we went to his stand-up
comedy show tonight.

- "We"?
- I mean, if I'm going, you're going.

We have dinner plans tonight.

That is true.


No problem.

Have you two been

officially introduced?

Not formally, but I know who you are.


Why don't we go find Bernie?
I need those labs.

- CALEB: Well, he really doesn't like me.
- What?

It's like, okay, we got it,
you have plans tonight.

- He was just reminding me.
- Uh, he was reminding me.

Bernie! I'm looking forward
to tonight, bud.

I don't have your results.

- Why not?
- What?

The labs were never run.


Where are...

Utilization review board
rejected the tests

as "exotic"
and "not clinically indicated"

- for congestive heart failure.
- "Exotic"?

I ran this panel
on three other patients today

and they all went through.

Does Noah not have health insurance?


I had no idea he let
his insurance run out.

I mean, I knew
the farm in trouble, but...

We've made an appeal to
the financial review board.

How long will that take?

We don't know.

If you don't help him,

he's gonna follow our father's
footsteps right into the grave.

I'm not gonna let that happen.


Noah doesn't meet sepsis criteria.

Mm, he does now.

You're altering his data.

Doctors buff charts all the time.

Some doctors, sure, but
I've never seen you do it.

Those criteria exist
to protect hospital finances.

Which took a hit because
of the donation that I lost.

I am not gonna let Noah
suffer for my mistake.

I think you just need
to clear your head.

The old-fashioned way.

If you're talking about the lake...

Oh, I'm talking about the lake.

(CHUCKLES) I'd rather go
to Bernie's comedy show.

Besides, the last time I checked,

there's no lake inside this hospital.

If I could find one...

are you in?

Give it up, Griff!

- It's important.
- That thing you're feeling

is called boundaries. Get used to it!

Sam was in the storage locker.

She has my address book.

And the only place she could've
got it is the storage locker.


She's been helping Sam.

We have to get down there.

I just hope your address book
is the only thing she's found.

SAM: I found something!

These are the results of the
Fletcher Pharmaceuticals clinical trial,

and my dad's signature is all over it.

Yeah, I found one, too.

Did they run multiple trials?

I don't know... but even if they did,

it wouldn't explain Helen's
loyalty to my father.




Okay, earlier with Caleb.

He thinks you don't like him.

Oh, well, he probably shouldn't
have asked you out on a date

- while I was standing there.
- That wasn't a date.

Oh, are you sure?
It kind of sounded like it.

- Uh...
- Uh, hey, given your history.

- It's a work thing.

All right, well,
do you want to go with him?

Do I want to go
to Bernie's comedy show? No.

But would it be a problem if I did?

- Oh, no, not for me.
- Okay.

Unless there is something there.

There is nothing there.

All right, well,
then there's no problem.

- Okay.
- Okay.


Well, uh...

- Hey, wait, wait, whoa, hold on.
- Hmm?

MALCOLM: Look at this.

Well, what is that?

These are the same trial
results, but they're different.

Three test subjects suffering
adverse side effects.

This report lists them
and this one doesn't.


This is the report
that they sent to the FDA.

They scrubbed it.

Helen Fletcher is so loyal to my father

because he doctored
the results of her drug trial.

My father conducted a clinical trial

and then altered the results
of the FDA report.

He omitted three reports
of serious side effects...

Heart murmurs, palpitations,
intermittent arrhythmias...

Because he knew that those side effects

would mean a required warning label.

Which can mean billions in lost revenue.

He buried evidence,
and Helen compensates

him with donations to this hospital.

Sam? The trial was over a decade ago.

The drug's not even on the market
anymore, no lawsuits were filed.

Anybody we take this to, they're
gonna want more evidence.

Like the testimony of
the three people in the trial.


Except all the participants
were anonymous.

Yes but you found Helen Fletcher.

All right? If you can find her,
you can find the rest of them.

Blastomycosis is a no... whoops!

I thought you were alone.

- You got the labs?
- It's not a fungus.

But his RPR test is positive.

- Syphilis?
- It could've been dormant

for years, and it can
lead to heart failure.

We have to get him on targeted
antibiotics right away.

I have to... okay.


Nothing there.


ISAN: I looked into it
and if Lakeshore settles,

it's like saying I'm guilty.

I'm not guilty. That's way too harsh.

And... Are you even listening?

I'm studying for the arm surgery.

- What?
- _

Who takes meetings in the lounge?

I'm feeling a little exposed here.

I've covered our tracks.

Tell that to your daughter.

She found me.

Took me to lunch, and informed me

she's going for your job.

Well, that was... she...

she should not have done that.

I'm launching two new
dr*gs next quarter.

A scandal right before a rollout

- is a PR nightmare.
- I understand.

But that drug trial is ancient history.

It could still sink me if it got out.

Don't worry,
I'll be chief again very soon.

Get your daughter

under control, Robert.

There's, like, a million lawyers online

who help doctors fight
malpractice suits.

Quiz me. Come on, ask me
Dude, read the room.

What innervates the bicep.
The C and C fibers

of the musculocutaneous
nerve... nailed it.

You're literally quizzing yourself.

And winning.

Can you stop angling
for the surgery for one second?

That patient lost her best friend.

And her arm, and I can only help
her with one of those things.

I guess you'd have
to have friends to imagine

what it would be like to lose one.

I have friends.

(SCOFFS) I have many friends.

Hi, friends.

They didn't hear me.

I understand you've been
reaching out to my donors.

They might not be "yours"
for much longer.

Does that mean you're
gonna take Helen's offer?

It might even be good for Lakeshore.

I found everything, Dad.


The drug trial that you altered
for Fletcher Pharmaceuticals.

Your patient.

The one with no insurance.

Is there any chance that
you got those labs approved

by doing a little data tampering


I helped a patient
at the mercy of a broken system.

You helped a billionaire
the system is set up to favor.

So spare me the false equivalency.

You don't have
the stomach for this, Sam.

Just take Helen's offer and
let me handle the money.



I'm here! What's wrong?

- He's going into cardiogenic shock.
- What?

Increase his nitro drip
and add another pressor!

Why is he getting worse?

Remove the damaged tissue.

- Rejoin the bone ends, repair...
- The muscles.

- What is this, surgical Mad Libs?
- We're prepping for surgery.

Oh, thank you, but I got it.

I know you're not into team sports,

but you can't do
this surgery by yourself.

I don't plan to.

Dr. Glass and I are going to be

- shoulder to shoulder and before...
- Not today, Jerry.

(QUIETLY): Joey.

RHONDA: You want to impress me...

try building the backbone
it takes to deliver

bad news as well as good.

While you were busy showing off,
Dr. Trulie here

took one for the team.

That's how you make
yourself indispensable.

Lead assist's yours.

The rest of you get in there
and try and learn something.

Except you, you can watch
from the cheap seats.

Let's go put a lady back together.

Any advice for nerves?

Yeah. Reattach them all.

Ah, remember that ER patient

who had a complete heart block
and crashed in front of you?


Well, the attending didn't have
the nerve to run that pacer wire

down to her heart... so you did it.

As an intern.

You got this.


RHONDA: What's the total ischemic time?

- Estimated five hours.
- Gotta hustle.

If we wait any longer,
the reperfusion injury

will be too great
and the arm won't take.

- Dr. Shah?
- Vessels are cleaned and ready.

Okay, Dr. Trulie.

This is your moment.


Nice and...


Make sure that anastomosis is tight.

We can't afford any more blood loss.


You have fans.

Oh, let's hit a home run.

If we take these clamps

off and we've done it all right,

that arm should go pink.

Moment of truth.

Three, two...


What's wrong?

You back-walled one of the sutures.

Happened to me my first time, too.

Don't panic. Take it again.

Me? Shouldn't you just...

This is you, Dr. Trulie.


RHONDA: I think we got it.

Take two.

Dr. Trulie... remove the clamps.

- We have a pulse.

Well done, Dr. Trulie.

Confirmatory test for Treponema
pallidum was negative.

So it's not syphilis.

Something else caused
the RPR to be positive.

Could it be TB? Malaria?
Maybe pneumonia?

I mean, all have been
linked to false positives.

Autoimmune disorders as well.

So we broaden his antibiotics
to cover our bases.

Even if it is autoimmune,
we put him on steroids,

then we're gonna weaken
his immune system.

Which will only make him sicker.

We got to increase his pressors

and prep him for dialysis. I mean,

if we can't control his fluid output,

- this guy's headed for ECMO.
- Chromatic scale?

Oh, harmonic minor, actually.

Oh, harmonic minor means
you're really stressed.

- Hey.

You know you can talk to me, right?

If... there's something on your mind.

Thanks, I don't need to talk.

I just need some answers.

- I just keep hitting...

...wall after wall and...

This might be the answer that I need.

Hi, this is Sam Griffith.

Thank you for calling me back.

Did it work?

That's what we're here to find out.

Dr. Trulie?

Can you wiggle your fingers?


That's what I'm talking about.


Beth is still gone.

I know.

I'd give up my arm
just to see her again.


even just to say goodbye. I...

Hey, you did great.

That was quite some surgery.

That's not why I texted you.

I just reattached all those tiny nerves,

and I kept thinking about
how she never stopped feeling

her arm; even after she lost it,
she could still feel it.


The phantom limb thing.

I get it.

I wish I didn't, but...

I miss you, too.

I know.

Oh, you do?

- Well, how could you not?

It doesn't change things, though.

Okay, so...

uh, why are we in the closet?

Because we can be.

That patient did not get
a chance to say goodbye

to her friend and I just...


I'm glad you're not dead.

Well, that's one of the most

romantic things
anyone's ever said to me.

- Shut up.
- That surgery really

brought out your sentimental side.

Okay, I'm going.


So, go.



This is Dr. Griffith. Who is this?

She did what?

It's so unfair. I studied, I prepped.

I was ready for that surgery,
but, what, I don't get to do it

because I don't "take one for the team"?

Like, where's that class
in medical school?

And how's the patient?

Oh, just peachy.

Lex did a great job.

So it's a win for everyone.

(SIGHS) Not you, too.

Residency is a competition.

We're not a team.

Okay, but...

you did miss out on a major surgery,

and if you don't find a way to play

it's not gonna be the last one.

Also, I love you, but...

I can't be the only one
that you connect with.

You need friends.

I need you to have friends.





A friendly gesture?

(CHUCKLING): Friendly gesture...

I have an idea.

Hey. Hey!

- Stop cold-calling the patients.

I'm only calling patients
who came into the hospital

around the time of the drug trial.

With symptoms like in the
report that you buried.

If there are patients out there,

- I'm gonna find them.
- Oh, you found one.

You scared the hell out of him.
He called me.

No one I've spoken to has confirmed

they were part of your clinical trial.

That's because they...

They don't want to violate

the terms of their agreement.

What agreement?


I signed off on the trial before
I found out about

the three patients who had
adverse reactions.

By then, it was too late...
Fletcher were not gonna

retract the report, they were
not gonna publish an addendum.

You could've gone public.

How would that've helped the patients?

No, instead,
I got Helen to pay them a lot.

Hush money.

You silenced those three people,
and what about the rest who...

I made the best out of a bad situation.

They got set up for life, but
you keep going down this road,

you're gonna ruin it for them.

That money is the only good thing

that came out of that nightmare.

Leave it alone.


- Hey, are you okay?
- Hmm?

Ooh, that's a no.

Oh, yeah, it's a no.
I am in an impossible situation.

I want to help people, but if I
help them, I am gonna hurt them.

And if I take this money,
I'm gonna lose my job,

and if I don't bring
money into the hospital,

I'm gonna lose my job anyway!

Whoa, whoa, I'm lost.

I am damned if I do,
and I am damned if I don't.

And it is all because of him!

I didn't expect that to happen.

You know what? You're coming with me.

- What?
- Yeah.

- I should...
- No, no, no, leave it.

- I can't believe you picked that lock.
- It was open.

I won't tell if you won't.


I just remember the
lake being... roomier.

Well, it's the best
I could do on short notice.


Oh, God, oh, God.



Oh, okay.

- Ready?

BOTH: Now!


- Oh, my...






What were we thinking,
jumping into lakes?

We were thinking it felt good.

Now I'm...

remembering what we did after.

Caleb, I didn't mean
to give you the wrong idea.

You didn't and I'm not...

Sam, I know you're with Malcolm.

And if that's what you want,
I'm happy for you.

But I'm still crazy about you.


Caleb, what we had was...

good, but it feels like another life.

I... I can't go back to that.

I don't want to go back.

That's what I want to tell you.

I don't want to get our old thing back.

I want us to make a new thing.

"A new thing"?

Us... . .

I'm sorry.

I have to go. (SNIFFLES)

- Ow!
- Oh!

Hey, you okay?

Oh, yeah, no.

I'm-I'm-I'm okay, I'm fine.

I just, my legs are
numb from the cold...

Noah. The numbness in his legs.

Meet me upstairs.

Joint pain, rash, fatigue;

they're all nonspecific symptoms.

But then you told us that your
brother's legs go numb

when he's working.

And that made it
a whole lot more specific.

It's called claudication.

SAM: It's a decrease in
blood flow to the lower

extremities during exertion.

Now, we thought this could
be caused by an infection.

But radiology proved us wrong.

It's large vessel arteritis.

What the heck does that mean?

You have an autoimmune disease.

But it's a treatable one.

We've already started you
on an IVIG infusion.

I don't even know what to say.

Say you'll finally sell the farm.

Farming is all I know.

What the hell am I gonna do
with myself all day?

If this treatment works
as well as I think it will,

you can do whatever you please.

GRIFF: So your decision

to alter your patient's chart paid off?

It shouldn't have to be that way.

No, but it is.

And you did, and you made
the best of a bad situation.

Don't do that.

We are not the same.

I did what I did

to cover my patient's care.

And you did what you did

to cover your ass.

Okay, well, just remember

that it wasn't those labs that
saved your guy, it was Helen.

Her money paid for his care.

It's got to be worth
something in the end, right?

I mean, we can agree on that.

Actually, yes. On that, we agree.

I was glad to get your call.

Your father said
that you would come around.

Sounds like him.

He did help me make the decision

to accept your donation
on Lakeshore's behalf.

But I'm not stepping down.

And you're gonna back me
instead of my father.

Excuse me?

Your drug trial?

With the adverse side effects.

And the payouts.

My father didn't tie up

your loose ends as well as
he may have led you to believe.

I have the records.

Why should I trust you?

Because I'm sitting here
with you right now

instead of with the press,
and it'll stay that way,

as long as the $ million
you pledged comes in.

I think you have a real shot
at beating your father.

With your donation in my plus column,

I'm inclined to agree.

I'll have the money wired over
first thing tomorrow.

Lakeshore thanks you.

Hey, how'd it go

- with, uh...
- You were right.

About Caleb. There is something there.

(EXHALES) Okay. Um...

is this the part where you tell
me you're still into your ex?

- Mm.
- Mm-mm.

This is the part where I realize

that you wouldn't care
about what Caleb feels

if you knew how I feel.


I'm in this with you.

Like, in in.

Well, good.

Me, too.

I wouldn't exactly call an
old ambulance a surprise.

Joey, what is this?

I call it a friendly gesture.

I give you...

"the ambulounge."

Dumb name.

But I like it.

♪ I've been lost and found... ♪

No one comes here, so this is

our place. And check this out!

Trail mix.


(CLEARS THROAT) Uh, it's come to my...

attention that...

perhaps I have trouble...

connecting... with patients

and you guys.

So maybe I need a little
less competition

and more, uh...

Friends. The term is friends.

Yes, sure.

It's like when two people connect

- on a deeper level.
- I know what it is.

- Could you please elaborate?

Guys, Lakeshore finished
their internal report.

They're saying I am not
at fault for negligence.

What a relief.

LEX: Cheers to Isan!

CALEB: Cheers!

- Cheers.
- Yeah!

Mom, I'm sorry that
I snapped at you about Rhonda.


I know that you were
just trying to protect me.

And I know that I can
always trust you, so...

Sweetheart, I just...

I worry for you, I mean...

- Rhonda...
- Has her own agenda?


You don't need to worry,
my eyes are... wide open now.


Crisis averted.

She found my donor list,

but she didn't find this.

That was too close a call.

I don't like keeping
this secret from Sam.

Well, we agreed

it was best a long time ago.

It's just so much to carry.

You're not carrying it alone.


Congratulations. Everyone's talking

about the massive, anonymous donation

made to the CT department in your name.

Thanks in part to you.

I assume you're here to
collect on our agreement?

Only fair, right?

I knew your help came with a price.

What exactly do you have
planned for my father?


This isn't about your father.

It's your mother we need to talk about.