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19x16 - Like Old Times

Posted: 03/30/22 08:47
by bunniefuu

And starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

Whoa, whoa!

Howdy Ross!

Well, hello folks.

Welcome to Dodge.

There you go, watch your step.

Danny here will take your
luggage over to Dodge House.

All right, Roy. Here, Danny.

One more, Roy. Easy.

There you go.

It's a big one, Roy. Easy, now.

There, we got it. Thank you.

Look out!

Good trip, Ross.

You're the freight clerk.

Yes sir, what can I do for you?

You're holding a trunk for me.

How long?

Twelve years.

Twelve years?

What's your name?

Benjamin Franklin Rando.

Ben Rando.

When you find it,
would you send it

over to the Dodge House
together with my bag?

Thank you.

Is Sam not around?

No sir, we lost
him a while back.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

He was a fine man.

Ah, he sure was.

Everybody around
here misses him a lot.

Yeah, there's so many
changes, so many new faces.

Well I guess nothing
remains the same, does it?

No sir, it sure don't.

Can I get you anything?

Oh, a beer.

I'd like to see Miss
Kitty if she's still around.

She's still around, sir.

I'll have to see if she's free.

What's your name?

Just tell her an old friend.

Yes sir.

Hello, Ben.

Doc, Doc Adams, it's so
good to see a familiar face.

How are you, Ben?

Oh, I can't complain.

I'm here, not there.

You've lost some weight, Doc.

Yeah, a fair exchange I guess

for all the wisdom I've gained.

I could've used some of
that wisdom 12 years ago.

I never did thank you for
taking that b*llet out of my leg.

It's the man with
Doc, Miss Kitty.

Thank you.

Ben Rando, for heaven's sake.

Miss Kitty.

- Hello, Ben.
- Marshal.

Miss Kitty you look one day
older and twelve years prettier,

just like me.

Marshal, you owe me something.

What's that?

At least a gold star
for staying away

from Kansas banks
for the last twelve years.

But you can put your mind
at ease, I'm not going back

to that old profession.

Good, it'll save
me a few gray hairs.

You know why I really came back.


Is she gonna be here
tonight, like usual?

She doesn't work at the
Long Branch anymore, Ben.

She quit about six
years ago and left town.

But she did come back
last month and I understand

she's staying at Moss Molly's.

Well, I knew I'd
find her in Dodge,

but do think you know
where I can find her right now?

Um, well I heard she was
working at the Bull's Head.

At the Bull's Head?

That's no place for Carrie.

Well, I guess she felt a little
uneasy working here again

after all that happened.

That wasn't her fault, Miss
Kitty, that was all my fault.

Well anyway
that's all behind us.

I came back here to make
a new life for me and Carrie.

It was nice seeing you again.

Miss Kitty.

Dunno Kitty, don't you
think you shoulda told him?

Told him what?

How can I tell a man that the
last 12 years that he spent in prison

hasn't aged him half as
much as it has Carrie?

I'm looking for Carrie
Louise Thompson.

I understand she works here.

She's over there in the
corner, having a drink.

Thank you.

Carrie Louise?

Got a word for an old friend?

Hello, Ben.

Hello, Carrie.

Heard about you getting out.

Didn't think it was
'til the end of the year.

Got some time off
for good behavior.

Carrie... When'd you
get back to Dodge?

A little bit ago on a stage.

Must've been tough
all those years in prison.

Well, the worst part
was being without you.

I've got to go.

Carrie, what happened?

What happened?

Years happened, Ben.

And all the emptiness
you left inside of me.

We're both different.

I wasn't much of a
prize to begin with.

I gotta see a friend.

Carrie, I've thought only
about you for twelve years.

Well, I would've never
come back to this town

if I'd known you were out.

Can't you give me a moment.

I told you, I've
gotta help a friend.

She's under the weather.
I'm gonna cook supper for her.

Carrie, when can I see you?

I'm working tonight, Ben.

Maybe tomorrow.

Great old gal, Carrie.

Any friend of hers
is a friend of mine.

Haven't seen you here
before, what's your name?

Ben Rando.

You're not the Ben Rando?

Never heard of any other.

Hey listen, we got a famous
man here, Ben Rando!

Why, there wasn't a safe ever
made this man couldn't crack.

Come on Ben, have
one on the house!

Ben Rando!

Hey, see what
they said about you

in the police
Gazette last winter?

All we read in prison
was Godey's Wishbook.

Oh, Ben!

Ben, I just gotta
shake your hand.

You was the best.

Told all about the
Adams Express gunfight.

Oh that, I dunno
why they tell about

that one time fate
got me by the britches,

when they could've told the times
when I got away slick as a weasel.

Oh, I remember
that time in Leadville,

when you climbed down
that chimney at the bank,

you just coaxed them two safes
open in less than 20 minutes.

Well, it was in every
paper all over the country.

Those penny dreadfuls,
they dressed it up a bit.

Actually, that chimney
was just an old stove pipe.

And all I did was lift it up and

down the hole.

That was a long
time ago, old man.

Those safes they got today
might give you a lot more trouble.

Well I tell you
something my friend.

Safes is just pieces
of metal put together

in different ways, that's all.

But safe cracking,
that's an art.

And an artist never
loses his touch.

Hey you figure after twelve
years you're still an artist?

Retired artist,
my friend, retired.


But if I had a mind, there
ain't a safe made that

these hands couldn't open.

Well thanks for the
drink, so long my friends.

Bye Ben!

Well, what do you
think of Rando?



Hello, Ben.

Can I talk to you now?

I'm tired, it's
been a long night.

I just wanna get home.

Well let's go to
the Long Branch,

so you can sit down and rest.

I'm not in the mood, really.

That's where we
first met, Carrie.

Come on, for old times’ sake.

All right, Ben.


Hello Kitty.

It's nice to see you again.

We're just gonna sit
for a minute, Miss Kitty.


Hey is there anything
I can get you?

No, really.

Do you have some coffee?

Always have coffee
at this time of night.

Why don't you sit
down, I'll bring it to you.

Thank you.

Carrie, remember you
used to stand at that piano

and there wasn't a
man in the house who'd

take his eyes off of you.

That was a long time
ago, a lifetime ago.

Well you know, sitting with
you right here, right now,

I feel like maybe
I've never been away.

You're living in a
dream world, Ben.

You're different, I'm different.

We're just not the
same people anymore.

Here you are.

Thank you Miss Kitty.


Carrie, can't we try?

Why did you come back?

Because you said
you'd be waiting.

And you are.

Stop living in the past.

You can't go back,
and if you try, you'll find

there's nothing there anymore.

I don't believe that.

I came here because I
have to work for a living.

I heard they were hiring
at the Bull's Head, that's all.

I want you to quit that place.

Carrie, I've got
plans for you and me.

How are you gonna make
a living, now that you're out?

How are you gonna
make any money?

Well, I can get a job.

Work, you?

The other way, like before.

No that's all behind me, Carrie.

You've got to believe me.

Believe you?

Why do I have to believe you?

After all the times
you lied to me?

I know.

You didn't come back for me.

You came back for
some jailhouse dream.


Ben, this is now.

Look at me.

I'm not the pretty
little fool I was.

I'm flesh and blood,

and full of twelve
years of hard living.

You want the truth?

I didn't wait for you.

There were other men, Ben.

Lots of them.

I almost married one.

So, why don't you just
forget all about me?

Carrie wait, let's talk
this thing through.

Sure, we can talk.

Why don't you come
over to the Bull's Head?

You can talk to me there.

Anybody can talk to me there...

for the price of a drink.

Morning, Mr. Burke,
you remember me?

Well sure, sure, I remember.

You're Ben Rando.

Mr. Burke, I'm
looking for a job.

- You're what?
- I know what you're thinking

and I'd be thinking the
same thing if I were you.

An old safe cr*cker,
12 years in prison,

never did an honest
day's work in his life.

And now he comes hat
in hand looking for work

in a place where
he did his last job.

Why, that must be
the height of gall.


- You feel like saying no, right?
- Right.

But you'd be wrong,
because a man like I described

you can trust more than a man

who's never been
tested by temptation.

Mr. Burke, I'm asking
you to take a chance

on the new Ben Rando.

You will never regret it.

I don't know Ben, I don't
think the company would

want to hire the
very man that broke

into their unbreakable safe.

Why haven't you heard?

The Pinkertons at Wells Fargo,

they all hire ex-convicts
to be their guards.

Men who are experts in the
strategy of the big outlaws.

Now that's the latest thing.

Yes, I have heard
something like that, but I...

Mr. Burke, I've done my
time and I've paid for the past.

All I want is a chance.

Well, I dunno Ben...

Tell you what I'll do,
I'll wire the home office.

They don't object,
well... it's all right with me.

That's all a man can ask.


Ben, wagon's in.

Morning, Marshal.




How's he doing?

Well, when he asked me
for a job, I had my doubts,

but for a man his age,
he's a bear for work.

I appreciate you giving
him a chance, thanks.

This is yours, came
to the office by mistake.

Oh yeah, I've been
waiting for this.

This is our monthly
routing instructions.

- Thank you.
- See you later.

Well, Ben, Burke tells me
you're doing a good job for him.

Oh, for an old man
I'm doing all right.

Surprised how good it feels
to get that pay envelope.

I'll bet.

Marshal, I understand
there was a little trouble

at the Bull's Head last night.

As a matter of fact there was.

Well I was wondering
about Carrie.

- Is she all right?
- Oh yeah, she's fine.

It was just the usual
Saturday night fracas.

Matter of fact, she
was asking about you.

She was?

Yeah sounded real
pleased you had this job.


I'll see you later.

Hello, Carrie.


I hope there's no one
fixin' on walking you home

'cause they'd have to
do it over my dead body.


Heard about your new job
and how well you're doing.

Well, I try.

And I'm sorry about how
I acted the other night.

I deserved it.

No, you didn't.

It's just that I was angry.

I mean you came
barging back into my life

after I spent so many
years trying to forget you.

Then you did miss me.

Oh Ben, you're such a fool.

Welcome home.

I missed you so
much all these years.

More than you'll ever know.

Oh, Ben.

I wish with all my heart we
hadn't lost each other as we did.

But I can't change that.

I can change the future,
though, if you'll help me.

Ben I'm afraid.

I mean it's been
such a long time.

Maybe it's just too late.

Now look, you told me about
not living in the past, right?

Well I'm telling you
there's a new Ben Rando.

I ran into him today, and
he's a mighty sturdy fellow.

Just this afternoon, he
happened to go by a window

where Mr. Burke
was opening up a safe.

Now nature would make him
look to see the combination.

By this time the old Ben
Rando would be thinking

of a job for midnight.

But not the new one.

The new one just
grinned and said,

"Get thee behind me, Satan."
And you know something?

That old devil did.

Carrie, I ain't never going
back to that way again.


All I want is for
us to be together.

Ben, well that sounds like
something we would've said

when we were very young
and didn't know any better.

I still feel that way.

I want you to know about
that man I almost married.

- He was a very fine man.
- I know.

Who told you about him?

Nobody, didn't have to.

You wouldn't have
any other kind.

So much has happened.

It doesn't matter.

I'm glad you're back.

Goodnight, Ben.


What are you doing here?

Names Barker, Aaron Barker.

This here's Lem Hargis.

You remember us
from the Bull's Head?

We're a couple of fast-talking
groomers in town on business.

Lem's in leather,
I'm in pots and pans.

We specialize in banks
and express offices too

and we had a feeling
that you were looking

for a couple of partners.

Well you've got the wrong man.

I'm retired permanent.

You wouldn't have took no
job at Adam's Express Office

if you didn't have
something in mind.

I had a job in mind,
honest work, that's all.

Come off it Rando, we know you.

We did an awful
lot of checking up.

I want you two to get
out of this room right now.

Now go on, get!

We're not leaving
empty handed, Ben.

If we don't take Adam's Express,

we're gonna take you
all the way back to Texas.

What are you talking about?

Why that was 17 years ago.

Still in force,
still on the books.

I served my time.

That was in the state
of Kansas, not Texas.

They're still waiting on you.

I don't believe you.

We checked up on it, Ben.

It's all legal.

I don't believe that.
That was too long ago.

The seven year statute of
limitations didn't come out

until five years ago.

That means that this is
as valid today in Texas

as it is was the
day it was issued.

I'm not getting mixed
up in any crooked deals.

Wasting time, Aaron.

Either he does or he don't.

You're not a young
man anymore, Ben.

You only got a
few good years left.

How you want to spend 'em?

In some Texas hellhole or free
and clean on a sweet payday

from Adam's Express?

You decide Ben. It's your life.

Or what's left of it.

Ben, I've got to go
out for a few minutes.

Could you watch the
front counter for me?

Certainly Mr. Burke.

It's the monthly payroll

for Consolidated
Mines of Colorado.

So I figure it has to be
at least 30,000 there.

Now the Adam's people
are nobody's fools,

they ship under heavy guard

by Express stage
straight through.

Now they're due at Dodge
at 2:00 p.m. and then

on to Garden City.

What would happen if you
two were to knock out the bridge

between here and
Elbow Creek Waystation?

The bridge?

Yeah if you knock out
that bridge, they'd have

to go all the way around back
to Stone Creek Ferry and around.

That would delay them
five, maybe six hours.


They'd get to Dodge
at about sunset.

Now they're not about
to go to Hays in the dark.

So they'll sleep over and
they'll put the fat payroll

in the Adam's Express safe.

That's not bad, old man.

We dynamite the bridge?

No dynamite, no dynamite.

Any deliberately
destroyed bridge is going to

make people wonder why.

I want you to pry the
supports loose and then

throw them in the wash.

Make it look like
a flash flood did it.

Now you're sure you
can open that safe?

Now how do you think I
looked at the route instructions?

Mr. Rando, I heard
you were the best,

and I guess maybe you still are.

Sounds perfect.

We bust in, put a g*n
to the guard's head.

No g*ns.

Now what are you talking about?

The only time I let some
trigger happy hot shot boys

talk me into using g*ns, I
spent twelve years regretting it.

We're going to
do it the easy way.

My way with nobody around.

You're the boss, you know best.

I like to think that.

You know pride's a funny thing.

I figured I was the
best there ever was

until that stupid sh**t.

But now that I
sorta got no choice

and I gotta do it over
again, I wanna do it right.

All I really want this
time is the feeling

in my flesh and blood
that I can really do it.

As far as I'm concerned there
isn't any doubt in the world.

Now when this is
over you two high tail it

out of town with your money,

and I'll be satisfied
to remain right here.

You're the first one
they're gonna suspect

when they find the safe empty.

That's right, if I run.

But if I sit tight right here
in Dodge they'll figure,

it couldn't have been good
ol' Ben or he would've run.

You see you don't need any g*ns.

You just use the head.

It's a crime for someone
like you to retire.

With you calling the sh*ts, we could
clean out every safe from here to Frisco.

Hey, Festus.

Ben, want a cup of coffee?

No, thanks.

Want to play a game of checkers?

No, no, no.

You know Burke sent
these wanted posters over,

came in last pouch?

Oh, much obliged.

If that ain't an ornery
looking polecat.

Look at them beady eyes.

You can tell right
off the bat that

that there is a desperate
yahoo, can't you?

You never was one of them
desperados, was you, Ben?

I mean, you had some
classomeness with what you done,

didn't you?

Yeah, it got me twelve years.

What was it they
used to call you?

"Old Slipperdy Fingers"?

Police Gazette made that up.

You know I've heard
folks say that you was

the onliest feller that could
actual think with your fingers

now how could you
do a thing like that?

Well sometimes you could
do that, depends on the safe.

One is harder than another.

One you can drill,
another you can tap,

another you can feel and pull.

But an old safe like
that, I just like to let it

whisper its secret to me.

- Whisper?
- Yeah.

I put my ear on the
dial, and I turn slowly

so I could hardly feel it.

And then I hear
through my fingers.

What do you hear?

Worn spots on the tumbler
where it stopped at a number

a hundreds of times before.

And then I calculate the
sequence of numbers,

direction of turn, frequency,
until I come to the number

and that's it.

Sounds easy as
falling off a log.

Golden stage.

- I'll see you later, Festus.
- Alright, Ben.

What happened to you, Clay?

Bridge was out.

Had to go down to
Stone Creek Ferry.

We were worried about you.

You don't think
anybody hit the stage

with me and Turk here, do you?

They don't pay me those
tough wages for nothing.

Well you can't go to
Garden City tonight.

It'll be dark in
less than an hour.

We figured we'd
stay here tonight.

Ben you help me
in with the cash box.

- I wanna put it in the safe.
- Clay.

Did you say the bridge was out?

Not only out Marshal,

but a warning sign
close to a quarter mile

before we reached it.

Did you get a close
look at the bridge?

Yes sir, drove right up to it.

Timbers were scattered
all down through the creek

like there was a flash flood.

Was there any other
signs of a flash flood?

I don't know, I didn't
pay much attention.

Why, is something wrong?

No, no it's all right.

Why don't you and the
boys go and get some rest.

You must have had a long day.

It was that, thank you.

Oh, sit down.

Hi, Kitty.

Can I get you a drink, Marshal?

No, no thanks, Floyd.

Anything you want to talk about?

It shows, huh?

Only when you know
someone as well as I know you.

It's a funny thing, Kitty.

You know, I always figured
when a man goes to jail,

commits a crime, pays for it,

why he's got a right to come
out and lead a decent life.


And then, with that he got a
right to be free of suspicion.


Take Ben Rando,
there, for instance.

He's paid his debt to society.

Not only that, he
comes back to Dodge

and gets himself a good job.

Matt, you don't think he's
planning something again, do you?

I don't know, Kitty.

I got no right to
suspect him of anything.

I don't even know that any
crime's gonna be committed.

I don't understand.

Well it's just that when
you've been wearing a badge

as long as I have,
you get an instinct

when trouble's brewing.

And you've got this
instinct about Ben?

Well, take the stage,

it's supposed to
be in at noon today.

Got in six hours late
because a bridge was out.

A bridge that I had checked
myself five weeks ago. It was fine.

That could've happened at
any time since you checked it.

Well, that's true.

But how often does that
happen when the stage is carrying

a 30,000 dollar payroll?

Matt, do you think
somebody deliberately,

destroyed the bridge so
the stage would be late?

Late, all right, too late to
go to Garden City tonight.

- Could be a coincidence.
- Yeah.

Could also be a
coincidence that the money's

being held over here
in an office where

the greatest safe cr*cker
in the history of Kansas

just took a job.

I just don't believe it.

I don't like to believe
it myself, Kitty.

But I can't take a chance.

Would you have Floyd
get Mr. Bodkin and meet me

in front of the bank in
about twenty minutes?


Matt, I sure hope you're wrong.

So do I.

Burke, get that
payroll out of the safe.


I'm moving it to the bank.

Oh, did something
happen, Marshal?

No it's just that the bank
vault's newer and stronger.

Wouldn't it be easier to
post a guard on the safe

right here in the
express office, Marshal?

No easier than
posting him at the bank.

Nobody could argue
the logic of that, Marshal.

- Burke.
- Yes, sir.

Now I'm beginning to
understand how you got

the reputation of being the
best lawman in Kansas, Marshal.

All in a day's work, Mr. Rando.

I wanted that as much as you do.

More, maybe.

But I've stayed out of trouble
a long time by facing facts.

When a deal goes
sour, it goes sour.

And only a fool goes
after it when that happens.

There's gotta be a way.

A lawman outfoxes you,
it's only smart to move on.

You might find better
pickings down Topeka way.

Ain't no pickings worth 30,000!

And it's waiting for us right
down there in that bank.

I never seen the
likes of that safe.

It'd take me all
night to open it.

So we take all night.

We can't get into that bank.

Dillon posted a guard there.

Look, Bodkin opens the
bank at 8:00 o'clock sharp

every day, don't he?

Well, we're just customers.

We put a g*n to his head,
he'll open that safe for us.

No g*n.

Weren't you listening to me?

Prison took more than just
years away from you, Ben.

It took any guts you
might've once had.

You can't do it that way.

Listen, you don't want to
make that trip to a Texas prison,

you stay out of it, understand?

I asked you a question, old man.

I understand.

I'll stay out of it.

And tonight's my last night.

I gave Bull my notice yesterday.


Oh, that's fine.

Well that's what
you want, isn't it?

'Course it is.

Why don't we leave Dodge.

Go west, Colorado,
maybe even California.

Whatever you say.

We could just leave
everything behind us.

Start all over.

I've saved a little money,

enough to get us
anywhere you decide.

I've been doing so much
thinking and planning

for the last few days.

I feel young again
with you beside me.

But you're not beside
me are you, Ben?


You're somewhere
way off, by yourself.

I know that look.

It meant trouble before.

No, you're just
imagining things.

No, please, Ben.

I know when you're in trouble.

You can't hide it from
me, you never could.

Look, this is something
I've gotta work out by myself.

Colorado, California,
it sounds good to me

just as long as we're together.

Good evening Carrie, Ben.

- Evening, Marshal.
- Evening, Marshal.

You don't have to bother
to walk me home tonight.

I'll be fine.

Goodnight, Marshal.

Goodnight, Carrie.

Something wrong, Ben?

Oh, you know how it is, Marshal.

The moods of a woman.

Best not to try to
understand them,

just try to get along with them.

I know the feeling.



- Hello, Ben.
- Evening, Newly.

Miss Kitty.

Hi, what are you
doing up so late?

Just woke up.

Was on my way over to
the bank to spell Festus.

You wouldn't have some
more of that coffee, would you?

Yeah, just made a fresh pot.

It's right behind the bar.

I'll get it for you, Newly.

Thank you Ben.

It's going to be a long night.

Why don't you just
take the pot with you?

Appreciate it.

Here you are, Newly.

Thank you, Ben.

We'll see you.


Hey. Ah.

How are you doing?

Sure glad to see you get here.

This place is lonesomer
than a graveyard at midnight.

How about some coffee?

No, much obliged, Newly.

The only thing I want is
to get myself some sleep.

Unless you want me to stay here

and jaw with you for a spell?

No, that's all right,
you go on ahead.

- See you in the morning.
- All right.

Might be a good
idea if you stayed put

in your room for a while.

I'm not going anywhere.

Good morning.

Good morning Mrs.
Hopewell, it's a nice day.

Sun always shines when I
can put a dollar in the bank,

Mr. Bodkin.

Morning Mr. Bodkin.

Names' Clyde Summers,
National Copperwill.

We expect to close a
big deal this morning.

We'll need a bank draft.

Well, ought to be able
to accommodate you.

My teller should be
here in very few minutes.

After you, ma'am.

Hello, Rick.

What's this?

Rick hold my horse
for me, will you?

There isn't any
money in there at all!

What'd you do with that payroll?

It was in there last night.

Let's get out of here.

Hold it.

I give up! I give up!

Marshal, these men
tried to rob the bank,

but the safe is empty.


You throw that old
coot in here with us!

He was in on it too!

Quiet in there.

Marshal, Ben only
drugged Newly and put him

in the bank closet to save
him from those two men.

I know that Carrie,

and if Newly's willing
to forget it so am I.

But there's still a little matter of
30,000 dollar payroll that's missing,

plus 11,000 dollars
that belongs to the bank.

Oh, that.

Well funny thing
about that, Marshal.

Now let's see.

Three turns to the
right, stop at seven.

You were right about that
vault in the bank Marshal.

It is a good piece of machinery.

Took me 'til just before
dawn to coax it open.

But then I had to do
something with all that money.

You see Marshal,
he put it in your safe.

It's all there, Marshal.

And the payroll is
in the strong box.

Ben, that was a
big chance you took.

Bigger than I thought.

I gotta admit I was
scared this morning

when you didn't go to
breakfast at 7:30 like usual.

Why in the name of common
sense didn't you just tell me

about this last night.

Well Marshal, after
twelve years I had to prove

I still had the touch.

A man's gotta have his pride.

I hope you understand
that, Marshal.

Come on in here
Marshal, we got something

we wanna show you.

What is it?

Take a look at that, Marshal.

This wanted poster
is 17 years old.

May be so but it's still
in the books, all legal.

Well that's what they've
been holding over me, Marshal

and why I had to do this
thing on my own, last night.

I wanted you to catch
these two red-handed.

I didn't want to chance they'd
get away with the money,

just in case
something went wrong.

You throw him in here, Marshal!

He's wanted in Texas.

You know, mister, I don't
know anything about Texas.

I work in Kansas.

It's here, folks.

Come on, hurry up!


Ben, this is for Tom
Dover over at Fort Collins.

It's a letter of
introduction and reference.

Mr. Burke, thank you
very much for everything.


I hate goodbyes.

Just go and be happy.

I can't miss.

You will come and
see us sometime, huh?

Shake a leg folks,
we're running late.

Miss Kitty.

Goodbye, - Goodbye, everybody!

So long, then!

Good luck to you!

- I hate her.
- Huh?

Everybody around here is
getting married except me.

Come on, I'm buying.

Stay tuned for exciting scenes

from our next Gunsmoke.