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09x13 - Between Dark and Dawn

Posted: 03/27/22 08:22
by bunniefuu

Remind me
how this happened again?


And why
there's a giant turtle

eatin' my family's
entire summer crop?

Oh, dear.
Mr. Tortasnap said he was hungry,

but he promised me

he would only take
a few small bites!

I don't think that thing
knows what "small" is.





[Spike shouts]


Applejack and Pinkie,
you distract him.

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and
Fluttershy, let's save Spike!



Mr. Tortasnap,
I'm only asking nicely once.

Let my friend go!

Whoa! Whoa!

♪ [trumpet fanfare] ♪

And now a simple
teleportation spell should...

Halt, interloper!

♪ [trumpet fanfare] ♪

Stay back, friends!

My sister and I will
take care of the beast!


All the times we've
actually needed their help,

and they show up for this?



That's just what
I was about to do!

Goodness, sister,
that was fun!

No need to thank us.

To be honest,
we've recently realized

we like being part
of the action!

Experiencing life instead
of just dreaming about it.

And making a difference
outside the throne room!


Y'all think they're gonna
be doin' this a lot?

♪ My little pony,
my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared
its magic with me. ♪

♪ Big adventure! ♪
♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪ ♪
Faithful and strong! ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪
♪ it's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best... ♪

[♪♪] ♪ ..friends? ♪



Oh, my! We'd better ask
somepony to fix that hole.

It seems very dangerous.

Luna: Which is why...
we're here!



[excited cheers]

[hooves clacking]


Ugh! I can't
read this thing!

How am I supposed to
lead a Filly Guides hike

if the map makes
us more lost?

Did somepony say lost?

Not for long! Ha ha!



Oh, now this is
just terrible!

Miss Cheerilee ordered
cupcakes for school today

and I forgot to
make the order!

Oh, no biggie!
We can just...


Students going hungry?
Not on our watch!

Let us bake, sister!


Applejack: And then they carried
Granny Smith across the street!

There wasn't even
any traffic!

It's not that we don't
appreciate their help.

But suddenly Celestia
and Luna seem to think

we can't do anything
on our own!

How are we supposed to learn
to be rulers of Equestria

with them fixing every
teensy problem for us?

Maybe the Princesses
changed their minds.

Maybe they don't think we're
up to the responsibility

of protecting
Equestria after all!

Or maybe this week's
just a one-time thing

that'll never
happen again.

[door crashes open]

Ah! A strategy meeting! What
is the danger this time?

A rampaging beast? Evil
spell? Friendship problem?

We're ready to do
whatever we can.

Great. But is
something wrong?

It's just, you've been helping
us an awful lot and we know

you have way more important
ruler-y things to do, so.

We've spent more than enough
time in the throne room.

Real life is
happening out here!

Wait, that's what
this is about?

You're sick of
being princesses?

Not exactly. Battling
the Everfree Forest

alongside Starswirl
made us realize

what we've missed out on.

So instead of spending
the day ruling.

And the night
patrolling dreams.

We wanted a chance to
do the things you do.

Save the day. Adventure with
friends. Shampoo anteaters.

I'm pretty sure Fluttershy is
the only pony that does that.

Well, there are way
more fun things to do

than follow us around.

Ooh! You should make a list of
all the stuff you never tried

but always wanted to!

There's a lotta little
things out there to do!

What an intriguing idea.

Only, it's much harder
to justify a vacation

from the castle
when it's not

an "emergency"
we're responding to.

Don't worry. We'll cover
your palace duties!

It'll be a good chance
for us to practice

for when you retire.

Well, if you're sure you
don't mind the extra effort.


Thank you, Twilight!

What a relief to know the
Royal Swanifying Ceremony

is in good hooves.

The what now?

Fun Not Yet Had.

Ooh! I can't wait to start
planning our time off!

A chance to do
whatever we want!

And you know
what that means!


Well, it's just that
I spend each night

in everypony's
intense dreams.

So I could use some
real-world downtime.

I understand. But for me,
every day is real-world.

Meetings and decrees, and
meetings about decrees,

and decrees about the
meetings. I crave excitement.

Uh. I'm not sure how we
can both be happy. Unless...

We take turns
doing what we like!

Sister Trip!

And I have the perfect
accessories for us to wear!

Wait right here!



Oh! [uncertain laugh]
We'll be... Twinsies.

[excited gasps]

Just like regular
pony tourists!

I knew you'd
love it!

I have a few things
for us too.


Sunglasses, bug
spray, ice boots,

hoof sanitizer, and travel



You have to add water.
What do you think?

It's perfect,

And here are instructions
of how to prepare

for the Royal Swanifying.

If it's written down, I'm sure
we can handle it. Have fun!

One more thing. We're
leaving you in charge

of raising the sun and
moon while we're gone.


[excited laugh]

We have put a small part of
our power in this amulet.

You can activate it with
your magic at any time.

Preferably dawn and dusk.

Ooh. That's not a terrifying
level of responsibility

or anything.

We won't let you
down, princesses.

Please tell me that
scroll says what

the Royal Swanifying is.

it's a celebration of all the swans

in the royal lake.
We round 'em up,

parade 'em through
the streets,

and finish with a
party in the castle.


One question. Why?

It doesn't matter.

This is our chance to
show Celestia and Luna

we'll do whatever
the job requires.

If they can take care
of all this themselves,

then I know we
can, together!

Ah! Jolly good.

You are definitely not
reading the scroll I am.

Remember, sister,
from now on,

we are regular,
care-free ponies.

We're leaving the
princess life behind.

And we're not even
going to fly!

Of course! How
new and different!

It's just like
Pinkie Pie said.

♪ There's a lotta little things
you gotta do in this world ♪

♪ There's a lotta little
things you gotta try ♪

♪ Just a pack of punchy plunges
other ponies all take ♪

♪ That have princess-pony
passed us right by ♪

♪ Nopony knows you like
your little sister ♪

♪ Nopony is a
better confidante ♪

♪ Nopony is truer
than the one you are ♪

♪ Nopony else here
I could want ♪


♪ You can't saunter on a sojoun
hid behind castle walls ♪

♪ You can't throw a
throne down on the beach ♪

♪ So we're gonna
be absconding ♪

♪ Do a little vagabonding ♪

♪ And this bucket list
is gonna be a peach ♪

♪ Nopony knows you like
your older sister ♪

♪ Nopony is a
better confidante ♪

♪ Nopony is truer
than the one you are ♪

♪ Nopony else here
I could want ♪

♪ There's a lotta little things
you gotta try in this world ♪

♪ There's a lotta little
things you gotta see. ♪

♪ But just reading by a river
and resting our hooves ♪

♪ Would practically
be perfect for me ♪

♪ Nopony knows you
like your sister ♪

♪ Nopony is a
better confidante ♪

♪ Nopony is truer than
the one you are. ♪

♪ Nopony else here
I could want! ♪


♪ You can't venture on
adventures ♪

♪ if you're taking a nap ♪

♪ You can't check things
off your checklist ♪

♪ while you sleep ♪

♪ So let's take another hill ♪

♪ Sometimes you can be a pill ♪

♪ And why's the way
ahead always so steep? ♪

[music ends]

[doors crash open]

Princesses, we are
here to... Oh.

We're fillin' in
for Their Majesties.

What can we help
y'all with?

I say. How irregular. Well,
then, we offer our assistance

as heads of the Royal
Swanifying committee.

What a relief.

Thank you. But we
have it all covered!

Well. Good luck with that!

If we ask for help,
it's just like admitting

we're not as good at the job
as Luna and Celestia are!

Besides, how hard can
throwing a "Swan Party" be?

Yeah! All we have
left to do is...

Polish the armor, bubble the punch,
glitter the carpets,

puff the pastry,
float the floats,

and carpet every
road in Canterlot!

Should I keep reading?

Ha, ha, ha.

Celestia, since we're
both a little tired,

maybe the first thing we
do shouldn't be too wild.

Exactly what I
was thinking.

Zip line!

Now every time we have tea, we
can remember this magical day!

Well, I'm glad you
enjoyed yourself.

But now, we're going
to do something

I've always wanted to do,

but never could, because
of my night shift!

Is it another zip-line?


It's the post office!

It is indeed.

Just think! All the mail in
Ponyville goes through here!

Isn't that amazing?

One stamp, please!

Wait for it.

[watch ticking]

You didn't need a stamp

if you were just going
to give this to me.

Yes but, I didn't
give it to you.

A mailpony took it from me,

searched to find who it was
meant for, and gave it to you!

It's about the process.

Did you know that
nopony has ever explored

the bottom of
these caverns?

[animal roar]

[cracking rock]

I wonder why.

I've always wanted to try this!

Isn't this wonderful, sister?

♪ There's a lotta little things
you gotta do in this world ♪

♪ There's a lotta little
things you oughta view ♪

♪ And our little lotta lists
may be a little bit long ♪

♪ And might take a
lotta bother to do ♪

♪ But I'm sure it gets
better, later on ♪

♪ And after darkest
night's, a new dawn ♪

♪ It's my turn to
do the choosing ♪

♪ After river rapid cruising ♪

♪ This adventure isn't
too fun to be on ♪

♪ [busy music] ♪

Princess Twilight!

It has come to our attention
that you don't intend

to serve watercress at the
Royal Swanifying Ceremony.

There's not enough in
the castle kitchens to...

Don't tell me.
Tell him!


And you must do something
about the garbage

piling up outside!
The street sweepers are on strike

and the royal carpeters
can't do their jobs!

Did you even know there were
royal street carpeters?

Oh, dear. I do hope those
aren't the final decorations to the gala.

How rude! for the gala.

Thank you
for your constructive criticism.

But we don't really
have time to chat so...

[door closes]

♪ [soft music] ♪

Well, I hope you're
enjoying yourself

on your super-relaxing
picnic, sister.

I would be,
if you hadn't made us hike

through a million


Well, they hurt less than
that horrible howling

you dragged us to.

That was Ponyliacci
and it's an opera!

And you made us
leave early,

even though
it was still my turn!

Oh, just face it, Luna.
You are never happy.

Because you don't
want me to be happy.

I always have to
do things your way.

I bet you wish I'd
never come back

so you could still
rule day and night!

You think I like that
kind of pressure?

Being responsible for
every little thing

in Equestria and you?

What I'd like is a
sister I can depend on!

You mean boss around!

Calm down, Luna!

No! And don't you dare use
your Canterlot voice on me!

I think this adventure
would be better

if I did it by myself.

I just remembered something I forgot

I always wanted to do.
Be alone!

Guess we have the same thing
on both of our lists then.

♪ [busy music] ♪

You got those appetizers yet?

Still mashing
the guacamole!


So we're just going
have to do with sequins!

Um, sorry for
the bad news,

but the courtyard is full
of swans waiting to get in.


And we're nowhere
near ready!

How do Celestia and
Luna rule a kingdom

and get all this done by
themselves every year?

Ha ha ha. Oh, how droll.

Uh, what's the funny
part, exactly?

The princesses never do
all the ceremony planning

by themselves.

They... don't?

Goodness, no!

That's what the gala
planning committees are for.

Nopony could
handle all this.

Are those... sequins?

Still rude.

Ooh! New plan, everypony!
We're going to delegate!

You! You're on food duty!

I need gemstones
and purple satin!

Tell the ponies
at the gates

that there's a slight
delay on the gala!

Oh, um,
if it's not too much trouble, I mean.

Now who can we get to
clean up all this garbage?


I'm delegating!


So this is how you
rule Equestria!


Ahh. Things are
so much more relaxing

without my bossy sister.


Who needs a gloomy sister

moping around all
the time anyway?




Honestly, princess. Didn't
you wear any sunblock?

That's a thing?
Celestia would have warned me...

if she were here.

Now, was it two left
turns and a right,

or two right
turns and a left?

Luna always handled

♪ [horror stings] ♪


♪ [heavy music] ♪

And scared away
the chickens.

Oh! I thought climbing Mt.
Fillymanejaro was on my list.

I'm not copying you.
I just wanted to watch the sunrise.

Ah! I'm... uh,
here for the moonset.

So, uh, how did the
rest of your day go?

Oh, amazing. Yeah. Fantastic.
Best ever, really.

Yeah. Me, too.

You, you... can walk with me.
You know, if you want, I mean.

Well. Since we're
going the same way.

This is SO beautiful. It must
be amazing in the sunlight.

The night's pretty
special, too.


Lucky star!

You taught me to look for
those when I was a filly.

[soft laugh] Hope I wasn't
too bossy doing it.

You know, being with your
sister all the time is hard.

But being without her,
it's even harder.

I do know.
And I wouldn't trade you

for any of the
adventures on my list.

Not even your Zip-line?


Not even my Zip-line.

I'm sorry I said
those things before.

Sometimes it's just... tough
being the little sister.

It's not always easy being
the big sister, either.

I'm sorry too.


The sun and the moon
together... at the same time?

Now where have I
seen that before?

[laughter] : :

♪ [bright music] ♪

You think maybe
Twilight's having trouble

with the amulet?

We should probably
go help her.

OK, OK! I think
I got it!

Sunburst says we just need to
reset the amulet with this.

Turn the screw on the back. more than one half turn!

Does anypony have some tape?

♪ My Little Pony! ♪

♪ My Little Pony! ♪

♪ My Little Pony! ♪

♪ Friends! ♪

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