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17x20 - The Predators

Posted: 03/27/22 07:22
by bunniefuu
Announcer: Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

I've been looking for
you for a long time, Cole.

Cole? Hmm. My name ain't
Cole. It's Currie. Jim Currie.

It's Cole, all right.

That limp's a dead giveaway.

I've been trailing you and that
Lazy L herd for a whole month,

right to this town.

Now listen to me, mister.

I ain't this Cole, and
I ain't with the Lazy L.

It went out this
morning to Dodge.

I swear it!

Strike a match.


Sure. If you know Cole,
you'll know that I ain't him.

All right.

You keep your
mouth shut about this

or I might transfer
my interest to you.

Mister, it never happened.

There he is.

I think I got him.

Look, there's a trace of blood.

I don't see no sign of it
leading no place, do you?


Guess I only creased him.

Before the light
plays out on us,

we maybe... take a
ride over to that wash,

see if we can pick
up a sign there.

Somebody's dog hurt himself.

Don't get too close.

That sh**ting we heard... Must
be the wild dog they're hunting.

He sure ain't friendly.

'Course he ain't, he's wild.

Marieanne, the blaze
and the white boots.

He ain't wild at all.

He's Dobie come home.

It is him, Marieanne.

It's Dobie.

Come on, Dobie.

We're not gonna hurt you.

Come on.

Come on, Dobie, remember us?

Come on.

You remember us.

Hey, you kids.

Get away from that dog.

You kids belong to that
farmhouse over there?

- Yes, sir.
- Well then you get to it, and fast.

What's the matter with you?

It was Dobie, Ma. He came back.

We could tell by the
blaze and the white boots.

- What are you talking about?
- Their mother, I take it?

Not much more than name
only if you can't teach your kids

not to chase after a wild dog.

About one more minute, he would
have torn the throats out of these kids.

I ought to lick you both
until you can't sit down.

But, Ma...

You know the whole county's
been looking for k*ller dogs.

But, Ma, it was Dobie.

I don't care if it
was Dobie or not.

He was only a pup
when he run off.

That means he wouldn't
remember you no more.

And if he's that wild dog that
everybody's been looking for,

he is a very dangerous
animal by now.

Now get in the house. Go on.

I'm sorry, mister. I
guess I owe you thanks.

Kane. Howard Kane.

You can thank me by
letting me use some tools.

I got a horse with a
loose shoe and a sore foot.

There's a shoeing
outfit in the barn.

There's a box of
nails in there, too.

Oh, evening, Abelia.

What brings you
out this way, Festus?

Well, me and Sam and Burke

has been a trackin' the
last of that wild dog bunch,

an' I want to tell you, he
ain't too far from your pasture.

Well, you're a little late.

Kids come across a dog up
in the hills about an hour ago.

They figure it was a pup they
had about three years ago.

- Do tell.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, I'll tell you, if he is,

he ain't never going to
be the same again, Abelia.

Not after running with
that k*ller pack of dogs.

That's a stranger
just happened by.

He chased the dog away.


He's making hisself
right at home, ain't he?

What's his name?

Howard Kane.

Well, maybe I'd ought to just stay
around for a while until he leaves.

I mean, you not knowin' nothin'
about him or nothin' like that.

Oh, no. His horse just got a
shoe that needs a little fixin'.

I'm... It's awful nice of you,
Festus, but I'm sure we'll be all right.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, I reckon that's about all
I've came by to tell you, Abelia.

So, I'll see you again,
one of these days.

Come by more often.

Yes, ma'am. Much
obliged to you, Abelia.

Be sure and tell the
young'uns howdy for me.

- I'll do it.
- Yep.

How's the shoeing comin'?

Oh, fine.

You're welcome to eat
here, if you're a mind to.

I got a ham roasting in there we
wouldn't eat in a week of Sundays.

Well, I'm much obliged.

Uh, Ma'am, now you
just say no if you want to.

I ain't easily offended, but...

I'd like to keep my horse
off that leg for a while.

Well, there's a room in the barn

for when I hire a man to
turn the fields in the spring.

I'd appreciate it.

Matthew. Doc.

- Festus.
- Just get back?

Yeah, I went clean out
to Abelia's place, Matthew.

What are you pesterin' her for?

I wasn't a-pesterin'
her, Mr. Know-It-All.

Beecher was in. He claims that
dog got one of his lambs last night.

Well, that sure don't
surprise me none, Matthew,

the way that slipperty
hound circles and backtracks.

I'll tell you something. He's
just pure O.D. out-thinkin' me.

Hmm. That's not surprising.

Your mule out-thinks
you all the time.

All right, smart aleck.

Festus, Sam seems to think
that dog may be wounded now.

Well, if he is, he's still covering a
whole heap of ground, Matthew.

He wound up out
at Abelia's house.

Them young'uns of her'n

thinks that it could be a pup that
run off here a couple of years back.

Where's the dog now?

Oh, some stranger
riding by run him off.

And I can't say that I think
too much of that feller, neither.

Oh, you're just
jealous, that's all.

Oh, jealous, my foot.

He just had the look
about him. That's all.

Who is he?

Well, some feller name of Kane.

Not Howard Kane?

You know him?

I know Howard Kane, all right.

It was his g*ng that was
involved in that range w*r

down in Midland
about five years ago.

Oh, yeah. I heard of that.

There was a whole mess
of fellers k*lled, wasn't they?

All of his men were k*lled.
He was the only one survived.

It seems to me he was
laid up for a year or so.

Did he say anything
about coming to Dodge?

Well, I didn't talk
to him, Matthew.

I just seen him, that's all.

Used to be a poster on him.

I'll take a look for it.

What have you been hanging
around out at Abelia's for anyway?

I wasn't a-hangin'
around her place.

I just rode by.

I think it's a disgraceful
thing the way...

The way you lead that woman
on and make her think that you're

anything but a
confirmed bachelor.

Oh, fiddlesticks.

The honorable thing for you to do
if you're gonna court somebody...

Well, who's courting somebody?

Well, you are.
That's what you said.

And I think what you ought
to do is pop the question.

- Pop the question?
- Yes.

Well, you meddlely
old skudder you,

there ain't nothing that says
that a feller and a shemale

can't look at one another

the way that fellers
and shemales does

without the
shemale or the feller

a-figuring that it's got to
be a... A marryin'-mooning,

kind of a courtin'
kind of a look.

Is they?

Evening, Mrs. Johnson.

Got enough blankets?

Yeah. Plenty. Thanks.

This is the time of day I
always look forward to most.

Kids asleep, chores are done,

nothing to do but
look at the night.

How long you been widowed?

Oh, since the kids was
no more than babies.

Well, a woman like you won't lack
for a man's attention for very long.

Well, I guess, um...

when your mind's on raising
kids, the time just passes...

You don't think about
yourself too much.

Well, you get very little thanks
later on for not putting yourself first.

You married?

Got any children?


Well, I wasn't looking for
no thanks from my kids,

but it don't appear to me that
you're one to be passing judgement.

Well, people are people, once
they learn to fend for themselves.

Everybody's alone, once you get
past the smiles and the pretty words.

Maybe you're just judging
others by what you see in yourself.

Maybe so.

Maybe not.

There's more honesty
in that wild dog out there

than any six people I ever
met in my life put together.

Oh, no.

No, if that is true,

there'd hardly be a day in your
life that was worth remembering.

Mrs. Johnson.

When was the last day
you found any more than...

just livable?

You didn't have to get
up and chop that wood.

No reason for you
to feel obligated.

Well, I'm accustomed
to paying my own way.

If your horse still
don't feel up to it,

you can ride into town
on the buckboard with us.

Maybe you can rent a horse
at the livery for a day or two.

Yeah, I could.

Uh, there's something
I was thinking about.

Give you another
chance to say no.

That room in the
barn's a lot better

than any Dodge City hotel room

with a bunch of trail hands
keeping you awake half the night.

I noticed you got a
fence need repairing.

That a fair exchange?

Except, uh, I think
you got reasons

other than a noisy Dodge street
for wanting to stay out of town.

Well, maybe...

Maybe me and the law
don't hit it off too well, but...

I just don't want no
deputy trailing me around.

Are you a gunman?

I have been.

You wanted?

There was a time I was.

That frighten you?

Well, if you admit
it, I guess not.

Hey, it's Dobie.

It's all right, boy.

He won't bite.

I don't think.

Will you, Dobie?

You remember us, don't you?

He's getting friendlier.

Sure. Bet he even remembers us.

Right, Dobie? Remember us?

Gee, look at the blood.

Maybe Ma has some
medicine for him.

Oh, we can't tell Ma.

Then she'd have to tell the
marshal that we've got the wild dog.

But he ain't wild now.

And he belongs to
us. He's our Dobie.

They'd still sh**t him.

Well, that isn't fair.

Grownups mostly ain't.

We can't tell nobody.

Least till he gets better, and maybe
he'll show everybody he's tame now.

I know where we
can get the medicine...

From Dr. Adams
when we go into town.

Yeah. Good idea.

Hear that, Dobie?
We'll make you better.


Now listen.

I don't figure to be here
no more than an hour,

so I don't want to be running
around looking for you kids.

- All right, Ma.
- Sure, Ma.

Well, look.

That's the fella that's beating
your time with Abelia, ain't it? Huh?

Well, that there's that Howard Kane
fella, if that's what you're talking about.

Well, he brought her into town.

Good heavens.

You don't suppose he's staying out
there at the farm with her, do you? Huh?

Well, it ain't none of
your business if he is.

Gosh, he sure is a rugged,
handsome looking fella.

I... I don't blame
you for being jealous.

Oh, oh, oh.

Who's jealous?

Well, good morning, Abelia.

Morning, Festus.

I don't reckon you had no
trouble with that feller, Mr. Kane?

No. Should I have?

Well, no ma'am, but then...

him bein' a stranger and
all, and you not knowin' if he...

Well, kinda him not bein'

exactly what he's
appearin' to be...

Are you sayin' that he's
been in trouble with the law?

He told me.

He did?

But thank you anyway, Festus.

I've got to get on
with my shopping.


- Hello, Dr. Adams.
- Hello, Dr. Adams.

Oh, hello... Oh, well you're
Marieanne and Jonathan.

My gosh how you've grown.

Just like a couple of weeds.

We've come to ask you something.

Well, I hope I can
answer it. What is it?

It's about an animal.

He sort of hurt himself.

His leg. He sort of scraped it.

What kind of an animal?

Well, our lamb.

Oh, a lamb, huh?

Well, about the only thing you can do
for a scraped leg is put some salve on it.

I guess that's what we
need then, some salve.

Tell you what you do.
There's some salve.

Now you just kind of spread that
all over, you know, where he hurts,

and just wrap it in a nice clean
bandage, and that'll do it, I think.

But we don't have
any money, Dr. Adams.

Well... I'll tell you,

I'll just take your note
for thirty days. How's that?

- Thank you, Dr. Adams.
- Thank you, Dr. Adams.

Come on.

We all kept telling him
he didn't have no excuse

for sandflies in the
beans and stew,

but he wouldn't listen good.

So old Wendy and old Horseface,

they go out and they catch
themselves half a dozen rattlers.

Guess what old Cookie had in his
bedroll every night for a whole week?

You don't mean they put
a live rattler in his bed?

Ah, Sam, we took
the fangs out first.

'Course old Cookie
didn't know the difference.

I'll tell you one thing, though.

After that, them sandflies
become scarce in our grub.

Yeah, the cook sure makes
a trail drive, that's for sure.

That's one thing that'll
probably never change.

Cook and a ramrod.

Got you belly and backside.

Oh, that's sure the truth.

Barkeep, I would like to buy
these gentlemen a round of drinks.

Well, thanks a lot, Mister.

Sounds like you rode with
more than a couple of outfits.

Well, I came up the old
Santa Fe a couple of times.

Hey, how is the Lazy L
outfit doing these days?

Doing fine. Be in tomorrow.


Now, I heard they got a new ramrod
that really is pushing the boys hard.

You mean Bowers?

Oh, I thought his name was
Cole, but maybe I got it wrong.

He's a... a big fella
with a stove-up leg.

He doesn't come into town much.

He just camps off by
himself mostly, they say.

No, that'd be Bowers, all right.

Probably saving his
pay staying out of town.


Come to think of it,
that's not a bad idea.

If we'd have done that all them years,
we'd probably be driving our own cows.

That's right. Wouldn't
have had no fun, though.

Your health, Mister.

Listen, you keep defanging
those rattlesnakes.

Good cooks are hard to
come by, sandflies and all.

- You bet.
- We're gonna do it.

- Marshal.
- Hey, boys.



It's been a few years, Matt.

I've heard a lot of stories
about you over the years.

Last one had
you in bed for life.

I finally convinced a
surgeon in Saint Louis

there was nothing to be
lost going in after the b*llet.

That sh**t-out in Midland,

I've heard talk that you're hunting
down the man that double-crossed you.

You don't dignify a back-sh**t
by calling him a man.

Well, he was a man.
His name was Jack Cole.

Any truth to rumor you've been
hunting him down for four years?

Four years hunting an animal?

That wouldn't make
much sense, would it?

No, it sure wouldn't.

Especially if he's
not worth k*lling.

It's always nice
seeing you, Matt.


You know, the trouble with k*lling
a man, whether he needs it or not...

you get hanged for it.

You got the salve?

I'm getting it.

Here. You got the bandages?

Yeah. Whole bunch of them. See?

Let's go.

You seen my kids, Mr. Kane?

Yeah, they're just
heading up the hill.

With some salve and bandages.

That dog.

Maybe we should get him
some milk, or maybe some bones.

Maybe only some milk.

He shouldn't be eating
until he feels better.

Kids, get away from that dog.

Ma, it's Dobie.

I said get away. Come on.

Now get on back to the house.

But what's going
to happen to Dobie?

He's got to be done away
with. Now, you know that.

But Dobie wouldn't hurt anybody.

- Just look at him.
- Yeah.

Well, if he's the dog that's been k*lling
all the stock, he is hurting people.

Suppose he isn't the
dog that did all the k*lling?

I don't know
anything about that.

That's up to the marshal.

Well, can't we just
keep him for tonight?

I mean, until his leg gets better
and he might eat something.

You always said to be
kind to dumb animals, Ma.

Please, Ma. He's really gentle.

We've been petting him,
and he remembers us.

Honest, he does.

Please, Ma.

All right.

But the marshal's going to have to come
out here, and that's all there is to it.

Now just get on
back to the house.

But what about Dobie?

We'll just tie him up
alongside the barn there.

All right, Ma.

You do any snapping, my friend,
and you'll never see morning.

He does act awfully tame now.

Well, the b*llet
just creased him.

Seems a shame.

Well, don't waste
your sympathy on him.

You don't reclaim a wild dog.

Once they've k*lled,
it's in his blood.

That apply to men, too?

Don't try to make
something out of nothing.

Come on.

He isn't eating, Ma.

Well, just leave him be.

You kids get on
in the house now.

You got chores to do.

Go on.

I'll be leaving, Mrs. Johnson.

Leaving for where?

My horse is fit.

I got something
that needs doing.

Be passing through Dodge.

I'll tell them you
got the dog out here.

Oh. Um...

I'd appreciate it if you'd
ask them to make sure

it's the dog that's been k*lling
the stock before they do away it.

Kind of like to set my mind at
rest about that for my kids' sake.

I'll mention it.

You said you used
to be a gunman?

I said that.

Are you still?


You know, I've often
wondered what...

What makes a man use a
g*n against another man.

I mean, when
it's so plain that...

he could be anything
he wanted to be.

It would appears you...

You've just given up on yourself
because you don't want to be different.

Mrs. Johnson,

don't try to tell me
how to live my life

when you're afraid
to live your own.

Who says I'm afraid
to live my own?

I'm not afraid to reach
out and touch life.

I don't sit and dream
into a night sky.

What I want to do, I do.

What you want,
you're afraid to do.

I'm not... I'm not...

I'm not afraid of anything.

I mean, I got...

That dishonesty doesn't
become you, Mrs. Johnson.

You're not all that angry.

Matthew, you want
to see me, did you?

Yeah, the... the
wild dog turned up.

Howard Kane rode in a while ago,
said it showed up at Abelia's place.

Showed up out there again, huh?

Abelia wants to keep the dog

until somebody can identify it
as the one that did the k*lling.

Well, like I told you, Matthew,

them young'uns of hers think
that could be a pup of theirs

that run off a
couple years back.

Reckon they could
be right about that?

Well, it could be.

Ed O'Connor can identify it

because he got a good look at it
the night it k*lled one of his calves.

Take him with
you in the morning.

All right.

Matthew, supposing that there is
the dog that's been a-doing that k*lling?

Well, if it is, there's
only one thing to do.

Yes, sir.

You're slowing down, Cole.

There was a time when you'd
have drawn and fired on instinct.

We'll both feel a
lot more comfortable

if you'll put both hands
back on that bottle.

Howard... Oh, I got
to explain something.

Oh, I knew you'd
have an explanation.

I mean, any man that would sell
out the friends he was riding with,

sh**t one of them in the back,

he's got an explanation.

I mean, you got feelings, Cole.

You didn't enjoy
doing what you did.

No, I sure didn't.

I really truly didn't.

I mean, then there was more to it
than just the money they paid you.

I ain't going to do it, Howard.

You ain't going to do what?

Go for my g*n while you
look like you're lighting a cigar.

I know you better
than that, Cole.

You need more of an advantage.

Like a... like a man's back.

They did pay me, Howard.

But it was more than the money.

Like you said.

They said they'd k*ll you.

That's right.

And they said if I didn't help,
they were gonna come after me.

And they were going to drag
me out in the middle of the night

and they were gonna
slice me up with a knife.

They sure knew how to
size up their man, didn't they?

I didn't see no way out.

All right, stand up.

You can have one more drink
out of the bottle if you want.

Please don't... Come on, Cole.

You're a minute from dying.

A little dignity,
a little pride.

Give yourself that much.

I ain't much for
begging, Howard, but...

I will if you want me to.

See, Howard...

I'm nothing.

I'm so scared, I'm sick, Howard.

Look at me.

I've been like
this for four years.

Scared you'd show
up, changing my name,

hiding out.

Oh, not eating, not sleeping.

Please. Please. Please, Howard.

I'm begging you.

You get on your feet.

You weren't this way then.

Crawling away with
your b*llet in my back,

I heard Stevens
begging for his life.

They were willing
to let him off.

It was you who
said nobody lives.

You put a b*llet in him.

I was scared!

Oh, God, I was scared
anybody'd live to...

Please, Howard.


You keep hiding, Cole,

and you'd better
travel some distance,

because I may change
my mind and come back.

What happened?

You might say an
error in judgment.

You know you
got to see a doctor.

I mean, you just know that.

Except it won't be
nowhere near Dodge if I do.

Well, you can tell the
marshal what happened.

Yeah, I came here
to k*ll a man, and I did.

But you didn't do it on purpose.

I mean, you... You was
just defending yourself.

Four years searching for a man,
and I was just defending myself?

Well, you can't just
keep running now.

You're never gonna have
any chance for a normal life.

A normal life?

I got no more chance of changing
the way I live than that dog out there.

And no more chance of
surviving turning myself in.

How far do you think
you're gonna get?

Well, I can't stay here.

Well, I can't leave
you to go out that door

just to crawl off in
some hole and die.

Well, it's better than
the end of a rope.

Now, wait a minute!
Wait a minute.

What... what about the
kids' place up on the hill?

I mean, nobody
knows they've got that

little hiding place up
there in the bushes.

I'll keep them out of there,

and you just stay there until
you feel like riding out some night,

you know, maybe after
they've stopped looking for you.

Why should you do that for me?

'Cause I got no
brains, that's why.

I'll get you some blankets.

Morning, Abelia.


How are ya, Mrs. Johnson?

Fine, Ed.

I brang Ed out with me
so's he can tell us for sure

whether that's the dog
that's been doing the k*lling.

See, he got a pretty close look at him
that day he k*lled that new calf of his'n.

He's right over here.

Howdy, young'uns.

- Hi, Festus.
- Hi, Festus.

All right, boy. He's all right.

That's him all right.

No mistaking those markings.

He's all right.

He's not wild no
more, Mr. O'Connor.

But he doesn't bite or nothing.
Just wants to be friends with people.

Now, Marieanne, I... I agree
that it might just be possible

for him to make
adjustments to people.

Now... Now, even
some wolves do that.

But when a wild dog, like him,

gets k*lling to eat, well,

you just can't hand-feed
him again anymore.

Especially when he sees live,
warm-blooded farm animals around.

Well, Ed, now, I
know that you farmers

have got every right to want
to get rid of this here dog,

but don't you reckon he's been
around the home place here

and around these young'uns long
enough to where he ain't gonna wanna

be k*lling no more for his feed?

Festus, you know what's
got to be done here.

Well, don't you think what
Festus is saying might work?

Absolutely not, Mrs. Johnson.

Well, you give a
wild dog like that

a choice between
human-scented food

and a live, warm-blooded
farm animal,

and there ain't no
choice. It's just instinct.

Instinct to him for to go
to that animal's throat.

You mean like that there
lamb over yonder, huh?

Especially lambs like that.

Why, that pack he's
been running with,

why, they... they brought
down dozens just this last spring.

Well, Ed, supposing we's to
take that there little lamb yonder

and tie him off down
yonder someplace.

Me and the young'uns
here got a plate full of meat,

stayed up on this side,

and I was to lead old Dobie
there in betwixt the two,

are you saying he'd go
for that lamb's throat?

Festus, I'll bet you
a flat hundred dollars

he'll be at that lamb
in three seconds.

You ain't got a hundred
dollars no more than I have.

I'll tell you what
we'll be doing here.

We'll be a-betting whether that
dog lives or whether he don't.

How's that?


- Let's get some meat.
- Yeah. Come on.



Well, what's going on?

Oh, they're just testing the
dog to see if he's still wild.

- Festus, hurry up.
- Come on, Festus.

Didn't you come about the dog?

No, I didn't, Abelia.

A man named Cole
was k*lled last night.

I'm afraid it may have
been Kane that did it.

Well, why didn't
Festus mention it?

Well, he came out here this
morning before I found out.

Why in the world would
you think it's Mr. Kane?

Well, it's a long story, Abelia.

It goes back a long way.

Abelia, the tracks we've been
following lead this direction.

Are you sure you
haven't seen him?

You want to search my house?

Not if you tell me
he isn't in there.

You can be sure I'm not going to have
anybody around my kids that's a k*ller.

Matthew, we're
fixing to test this dog.

- Do you want to watch?
- Excuse me, Marshal.

It's awful important
for my kids.


You go ahead, Festus. I
want to take a look around.

Come on, Dobie. Dobie.

Come on, Dobie. You can do it!

Come on, Dobie! This way.

Atta boy.

Come on. Come on.

Over here.

Come on, Dobie, you can do it.

- Come on.
- Come on.

No. No, Dobie, over here.

Dobie. Come on, Dobie.

See the food? See
it? You can do it.

Come on, Dobie.

Come on, Dobie. Dobie!

Dobie, get over here.

- Dobie, don't go that way.
- No. Come on.

Come on, Dobie. Come on, Dobie.

See the food, Dobie? Come on.

- Come on. See?
- Come on, Dobie.

Come on, Dobie.

Come on. This way.

Come on. Come on, Dobie.

- Come on, Dobie.
- Good boy.

- Come on, Dobie.
- Please, Dobie.

Come on, Dobie.
Dobie, come on, this way.

Please. Come on, Dobie. Come on.

Just a little bit farther.

- Dobie, come on.
- Come on.

- Come on, Dobie.
- Come on. Come on, Dobie.

- See the food?
- This way.

Come on, boy. Come on, Dobie.

Come on, Dobie.

Come on, Dobie. Dobie, come on.

Come on, Dobie.

Dobie, come on. Come on.

Good boy!

- He did it!
- Good boy!

- All right.
- All right.

- Good boy, Dobie.
- You did it, Dobie.

Man, you young'uns
done good, didn't you?

He come right to you.
Just like I knowed he would.

Well, I guess he's your
responsibility now, Mrs. Johnson.

All right, Ed.

We'll keep him tied up
until we're sure he's safe.

Yeah. Bye, Mrs. Johnson.


Abelia, how bad's he hurt?


I don't know...

It wasn't the kind of k*lling
that you think, Marshal.

I'm still going to have to
bring him in. Where is he?

Can I talk to him?

Do you think it'll do any good?

I don't know, but if you
go up there by yourself,

there's going to be sh**ting.

And I'm kinda hoping
he gives hisself up.

Well, I hope so, too.

Well, he was here.





Give it up.

You know, you said you stood
as much chance as that dog.

Well, you was wrong about him.

He didn't have to die,
and you don't either.

Or maybe you do. Maybe
you don't have his brains.

Maybe you can't change
because you're too dumb.

If you got free, you'd
probably just always be looking

for some hole to crawl in,

some place that no
human should ever be.

What's it going to be, Kane?

All right, Marshal.
I'm coming out.

Anybody ever tell you
you're a talky woman?

Yeah, come here, boy.
Come get the stick. Yeah.

Over here, Dobie. Come on, boy.

- Sit.
- Sit.

- Sit. Sit.
- Sit. Sit.

That's a good boy, Dobie.

- Hi, Mr. Kane.
- Hi, kids.

Hi, Mr. Kane.

- We're teaching Dobie some tricks.
- Yeah.

You kids sure are
doing a good job.

Come on, boy. Come on, Dobie.

You kids get over
there and milk that cow.

Both: Okay.

And see if you can
do it without calling me.

Okay, Ma...

It's been a long week.

The b*llet Doc dug out of
me was from Cole's derringer.

Gave the judge
enough proof, I guess.

Well, I knew everything
would be all right.

Figured I'd ride this
way and say goodbye.

You headed anyplace special?

Just... maybe south.

Just get off by
myself for a while.

Clear my mind of
the last four years.

I wish you luck.

You think you'll be hiring
a man come next spring?

Usually do.

I just might be riding through
this way about that time.

- Bye, Mr. Kane! Bye!
- Bye, Mr. Kane!

Goodbye, Marieanne.
Bye, Jonathan.

Announcer: Stay tuned for exciting
scenes from our next Gunsmoke.