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02x06 - The Choice

Posted: 03/25/22 07:00
by bunniefuu
[Lady Whistledown] A march down the aisle

may very well be the longest walk

any young lady ever takes.

It does not simply
cover the length of the church,

but rather, countless floors for dancing,

and meandering paths
for every afternoon promenade too.

It is a wonder, then,
that feet do not tire

or, heaven forbid, trip

under the scrutiny
of all those attentive eyes

keeping close watch, indeed.

Does it fly?

Uh, some, Your Majesty.

What kind of answer is "some"?

[man] Well, it does not soar,
but if you like,

I can place it on a high perch
and allow it to glide down.

Only if you follow its path.

The fireworks are ready, Your Majesty.

Timed perfectly to discharge directly
after the bride and groom utter, "I do."

Whatever you have planned
is not good enough, Brimsley.

Make them bigger, longer, brighter.

Our guests must be captivated.

I believe I asked for His Majesty's wing
to be closed off today.

I do not wish for anyone
to lose their way and end up somewhere...


Of course, ma'am.
Though, you may rest assured

His Majesty appeared
in rather good spirits this morning.

And what of our other grand plan?

- Is everything in place?
- Indeed.

Every young lady that remains
under suspicion of being Lady Whistledown

will have a footman assigned to her,
watching her every move.

Simply watching will not be enough.

We must entrap the scribbler.

Perhaps you might put forth false rumors

so that when Whistledown prints them,
we will be able to trace the origins.

- An ingenious idea, ma'am.
- Yes, that is why I thought of it.

The author thinks she has bested us all

with her illicit spying and reporting.

Well, no one has sharper eyes
on the ton than I do.


[classical rendition of
"Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham" playing]

You must calm yourself, Bon. Keep still.

[sighs] It is all so strange.

I have faced a thousand tomorrows,

but they have
all been leading to this one.

Tomorrow is a day you have been
preparing for your entire life, dearest.

You are ready.

I believed that to be true. But now
that the viscount has hastened things...

Oh, it has caused you doubts?

Bringing the wedding forward
is a sign of true feeling, but,

well, it has unnerved me too.

Rest assured, the viscount adores you.

He has devotedly courted you

and made his intentions clear
from our first arrival.

[Benedict] Ooh.

[Colin] It is meant
to be a sipping spirit.

Have you not heard? The viscount believes
in hurrying things along these days.

First the wedding, now his drink.
I hope, for Edwina's sake,

the tendency stops before the honeymoon.

[Colin laughs]

Have you always been so vulgar,

or has staring at naked models all day
turned your brain to charcoal?

[laughs] Must he choose just one?


That has always been the privilege
of not being the firstborn.

You both get to choose
your passions and adventures,

while I, on the other hand,
must fulfill my...

Tell me, dear brother, once you marry,

will your duty finally be fulfilled
so you can stop reminding everyone of it?

I believe the reminders
are also my duty, so no.

I still wish that when he looks at me,
I could be certain that he truly loves me.

[Mary] Oh...

[Edwina] I fear, in fact,
that he does not look at me often enough.

[Mary and Kate sigh]

Looks can be powerful, Bon,
but also fleeting.

Displays of mere passion,
perhaps. Nothing more.

So the viscount
feels little passion for me?

[Kate] Of course not.
What I mean to say is that

true love is something else entirely.

It is when the rest
of the world goes quiet.

It is not eyes that meet
but souls that dance.

Settle into each other.

Make room for each other

until there is nowhere else to hide.

No need to worry.

Much will remain the same,

apart from the fact that I shall finally
have my viscountess, as is required.

[Benedict sighs] Indeed.
Not much shall change at all.

Though, soon enough, we will have
a tiny Anthony to contend with,

running around, declaring
all of his tiny duties too, no doubt.

Yes, he too shall be a tyrant.

Is it not also said,

when spread on an unmarried person,

haldi will help them find a worthy partner

that makes
the rest of the world quiet too?

- Edwina...
- Now, now.

It is your turn to hold still.

[chuckling softly]

[Benedict] A toast!

What is it we are drinking to
if not the future?

[Benedict] To, well,

the sister.

- The sister?
- [Benedict] The gatekeeper.

I do wonder whether
this blessing would be greater

if the viscount were here
to participate as well.

Oh, I am certain Lord Bridgerton
has his own wedding traditions to perform.

- To besting her.
- Hear! Hear!

You do love gloating
about your victories, do you not, Brother?


[Colin] Mmm.

[coughing, laughing]

My word, Prudence.
Stand up straight. Chin up. Chest out.

However am I meant
to stand like this all day?

Just stop your fidgeting.

Lord Featherington has
so graciously allowed you to borrow

this beautiful necklace for the occasion.

It is very heavy.

That means it's very valuable.
Remember that.

You are certain about this?

The young lady quite naturally
draws attention to herself.

She will get people speaking
of the very valuable jewelry

that came directly from your mines.

I will, of course,
confirm that you are rather quiet

about how well your business is doing,
out of modesty.

And when the husbands come to you,
you agree to the arrangements.

Your confidence is admirable, I concede.

Would you prefer I cower?

Oh, I did not say that.

I cannot help but enjoy
a lady who seizes control.

[Varley coughing]

Pardon me, madam.

Yes, well. [chuckles]

I shall meet you in the carriage.


Mademoiselle Penelope,
I have made the alterations you requested.

Thank you, Madame Delacroix.

It is a great risk
for me to meet you here.

Your mama will certainly know
you do not have a dress in need of repair.

This could not wait any longer.

What do you know of that apprentice
who works for our printer?

A Mr. Theo Sharpe, I believe.

Well, if you know his name,
you know much more than I do.

Have any of our delivery boys
mentioned him?

Is there something more serious you wish
to tell me about our little... undertaking?

Because if there's trouble on the horizon,
I cannot be associated.

- My business is too important...
- As is mine.

And no, there is nothing
to worry about, I assure you.

Madame Delacroix?

I was not expecting you.

- If this is about our bill...
- Ah, no, madame. [chuckles]

I was just saying
I seem to have lost my head.

This delivery is
for the Bridgertons, you see. [chuckles]

I came here by mistake. Good day.

Can you imagine? A woman
reduced to running her own business.

No wonder her mind is so scattered.
Make haste. We can't be late.

[sighs softly]

Didi? What are those?

I brought them with us from home.

I knew this season would be a success.

They are quite beautiful.
How have I never seen them before?

They belonged to my mother.

Amma wore them
on her wedding day and saved them.

For you?

I brought them for you.

I insist.

- Beautiful bangles for a beautiful bride.
- [Edwina sighs]

[Edwina chuckles softly]

Oh, Didi. I know
this has been a difficult time,

and you never much cared for the viscount,
but I hope today we may all find joy.

I am happy if you are happy.


- He has taken my ribbon!
- I have done you a service.

Do not chase each other.
Or, well, perhaps do not catch each other.

You must look presentable.

Why does no one
truly seem ready for this wedding?

- Mrs. Wilson!
- Oh, Mother.

Please, not so loud.

Whatever you have done
to your brother, undo it.


I may never reach
your capacity for drink, Brother.

It's a simple remedy.

If you continue to drink,
there can be no after-effects.

If only you would use
your powers for good.

Has anyone seen Anthony?

Benedict, see that he is well.

I am sure the emotions of the day
have somewhat confused him.



You are ready?

Of course I am. Born ready, in fact.

Shall we?

[rousing classical music plays]

[indistinct chatter]

[soft melody playing]

Lady Danbury.

Lady Bridgerton.

It seems the two of us have not spoken
since our dinner with the Sheffields. Ha.

Yes, it seems so. Though why would we?

It is not as if you have
even more private information

you wish at last to share with me, do you?

- You must know...
- Enjoy the wedding, Lady Danbury.

It is a wonder I have found
the two of you in the midst

of all this opulence, is it not?

Quite. Her Majesty's fondness
for the diamond exceeds

even what Lady Whistledown suggests.

Daphne's wedding was not nearly
as extraordinary, and she married a duke.

Perhaps the queen requires
our attention in new ways.

The weight of the Crown is quite heavy.

Perhaps she seeks to prove herself
still significant and equal to the task.

- Is that not the plight of all mankind?
- I believe it is.

Do not indulge him.
He has been insufferable

since returning from Greece.

Or was it your visit with Lady Crane?

The cause does not matter
nearly as much as the truth.

One must make a name for oneself
if this life is to mean anything at all.

A noble pursuit.

Thank you, Pen.

It is surprising that you and Eloise

remain so familiar
when you could not be less alike.

What can you mean?

Well, you have sense.

[both chuckle]

It is a fool's errand to try to make
an impression on those in good society

who have not a single original thought.

And what good is it anyway
to make a name for oneself

if it is only to be written
on dance cards?

What of Lady Whistledown?
She speaks of everyone without remorse.

No. No, she does not speak of all.

Perhaps she simply does not know

that there are some
beyond the ton worthy of attention too.

Are you speaking of Mr. Sharpe again, El?

[scoffs] I have heeded your warnings.


It'd be foolish of me
to continue to visit him.

And what in actuality?


I visited him the other day.

But it's not nearly as scandalous
as you make it out to be.

- It's only his thoughts I'm interested in.
- It is a friendship, then?

[chuckling] Of course.
What else could it be?

- Sister.
- You are late.

Well, in truth, I was delayed by doubts

about whether the festivities of this day
might or might not take place.

[gasps] Does the duchess
not care for your bride, Brother?

I find Miss Edwina to be
quite lovely and deserving of the truth,

which we must not deny her.

[Benedict chuckles]

I'm confused. Who is denying what to whom?

Benedict, you must excuse us.
It seems the duchess has opinions.

- But I wish to know...
- The best man listens to the groom. Go.



[Anthony breathes deeply]

I've gone too far down this road
to turn back now, Daph.

Miss Edwina will be ruined
if we do not marry,

and our family will suffer equal scandal.

This was always the plan.

And what of the sister?

She has made her own plans for the future.
Plans which do not include me.

We have decided
there is nothing more between us.

There cannot be.

Do you ever wonder what Father
might say on a day such as this?

He was the only one
you ever truly respected.

[chuckling] The only one
you ever listened to.

- [chuckles lightly]
- [Anthony sighs]

- If Papa was still here...
- You cannot know what he would say.

Father had different words
for me than he did for you.

So please do not insult me
with your baseless conjecture.

I have been here.

And I have seen you at all stages.

I witnessed you change the day he d*ed.

Do you know you did not even weep once?

And you stopped laughing,
altogether, in fact.

It was as though you had become
an entirely different person,

consumed by the expectations of others.

And what choice did I have?

I changed so that
our family might survive,

so that you could be
respectable enough to marry a duke.

I am happy for you, Sister,
but I'm not like you.

I have never wished to succumb
to the blind delight of being in love.

I cannot so indulge myself.

You can choose to be happy.

To follow the desires of your heart

instead of pushing away
any feeling that comes to the surface.

It should not be a luxury,
but a right to choose,

to fight for the family that you want.

I fight...


...for the family that I have.

You'll never understand.

You were born
to marry into another family.

I was born to carry on
the Bridgerton name.

That is what outweighs anything else.

It is rather easy to be selfish

when you have no one else
to whom you must answer.

[exhales deeply]

I mourn for you, Brother.

All of these decisions
that you seem to make

and then resent us for.

Though they do not make you worthy
of your family's respect.

They simply make us pity you.

Nothing more.

[somber classical music plays]

[Anthony exhales]

- [Mary] Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

[Mary gasps softly]

My word.

You look so beautiful, my darling.

[chuckles lightly]


Yes, Bon?

I cannot wear them.

They do not belong to me,
and I do not want to feel

as though I am taking
what is rightfully yours.

They were meant for you.

You should be the one to wear them.

[Edwina chuckles softly]

They suit you, Kate.

[chuckles softly]

[door opens]

It is time, my lady.

[both exhale]

Come. [sighing]

Let us put all of the nasty gossip
behind us for once and for all.

Let us give the ton a wedding to remember,

and show them who we truly are.

[sighs, chuckles lightly]

[classical rendition of
"Sign of the Times" playing]

[classical music builds]

[music ends]

Miss Edwina, you look lovely.

Thank you, my lord.
I am happy you are pleased.

[Archbishop] Please be seated.

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered together here
in the sight of God,

and in the face of this congregation,

to join together this man and this woman

in holy matrimony.

And therefore,
it is not by any to be enterprised,

nor taken in hand,
unadvisedly, lightly, and wantonly,

to satisfy men's
carnal lusts and appetites,

like brute beasts
that have no understanding...

[Archbishop fading]
...but reverently, discreetly, advisedly...

- [somber classical music plays]
- [Archbishop continues indistinctly]

[Archbishop, faintly] My lord.

My lord.

[guest lightly coughing]

[Edwina] The archbishop
would like you to repeat, my lord,

after him.

Yes, of course.

I, Lord Anthony Bridgerton...

Allow me.

[slow classical music plays]

[heartbeats pulsing]

[musical tempo quickens]

Might I continue?

- [Anthony] My apologies.
- [Kate] My apologies.

[Edwina breathes heavily]

Viscount, repeat after me.

I... [gasping softly]

Miss Edwina, are you...

[shouts] I need a moment!

- [Edwina gasping]
- [guests murmuring]

- What has happened to my wedding?
- The bride seems to have run away, ma'am.

- [fireworks popping]
- [gasping]

[whistling and popping]

[Mary] Breathe, Edwina. It is just nerves.

We will call for tea, and once
you have something in your stomach,

you will be strong enough
to go back out there.

The viscount...
The viscount will understand, yes, Kate?

- Kate, perhaps you might find that tea...
- It is not tea that I want!

[shakily] What I want is the truth.

[panting] Oh.

- Suddenly, your words fail you, Sister?
- Edwina. Kate.

- I am not sure what is going on.
- I shall tell you what is going on, Mama.

After a lifetime
of filling my head with nonsense,

of all this talk of great,
gallant notions and looks between lovers...

- Edwina...
- You have feelings for him!

All this time,
you wanted him for yourself.

- No, that is not true.
- Oh, you cannot deny it now, Kate.

How could I have been such a fool?
You lied to me again and again.

[panting] You told...

You told me.

You told me we had put
all secrets to rest, but no.

The Sheffield inheritance, that was merely
the beginning of your deception.

[crying] I fooled myself into believing
you had only the purest of intentions,

that your only desire
was for me to be happy.

And you are no one's fool.
That is the truth.

Do you love him?


[Edwina] You told me you hated him.

But that only meant your feelings...

your feelings were strong.

Do you love him?

Edwina, I...

That is enough.

No good can come from this at present.

[Edwina sobbing]

[Mary] Let us all take a moment
to calm ourselves, shall we?

You have kept so very much from me.

Go. Anywhere else, Kate.

[Edwina continues sobbing]

[Mary sighs]

[uptempo classical music plays]

[exhales sharply]


[inhales sharply]

[bangle clattering]


[sighs deeply]

Does this have anything
to do with our dinner

with the Sheffields the other evening?

Or perhaps some
even greater issue has come to pass

that we must discuss, Anthony?

Miss Edwina is merely agitated.
She will come to her senses.

[Colin] Miss Edwina does seem
to have a delicate constitution.

- Perhaps fresh air will be just the thing.
- Flask.

Perhaps the archbishop's talk
of lifelong covenants overwhelmed her.

Perhaps she realized that marriage is,
in fact, a prison for women.

Ugh. Must you always be so... you?

How else should I be? Married and silent?

Perhaps she decided
she must change into a different dress.

Absurd. She looked beautiful.

Perhaps we should
allow Anthony a little respite.

Brother, is that what you need?

[inhales deeply]



- You know something.
- [Daphne] I do not.

Daphne, you may be a duchess,
but you are still my daughter.

Tell me what you know.

A failed wedding
with their queen presiding.

As if I needed the embarrassment.

It is not your fault, Your Majesty.

Lady Whistledown will make it so.

"Her Majesty has picked poorly,"
she will say.

My once immaculate taste now questioned.

Her words carry far too much import
for my delicate comfort.

Your Majesty, with all due respect,

we may very well find ourselves
in a situation that cannot be salvaged.

- It would be wise...
- Well, it must be salvaged.

You vouched for this family,
did you not, Lady Danbury?

I never would have entertained the thought

of making Miss Edwina my diamond,
let alone arranging this elaborate affair,

if it was not for you.

This is as much
your blunder as anyone else's.

You must not forget that.

Indeed, I will not.


Perhaps I may go and find Miss Edwina.

Perhaps there is something I can do.


Escort the guests to the gardens
and do not allow anyone to leave.

The nuptials shall resume shortly,
and we shall proceed with our plans.

All of them.

[pleasant classical music plays]

[indistinct chatter]

I heard Miss Edwina has not eaten
a morsel since the engagement

in order to fit into her dress.

It's no wonder she's been taken ill.

I hear the royal physician has brought in
leeches to hasten her recovery.

Can you imagine?

Rather embarrassing for Lord Bridgerton.

And yet far more worrying for us.

What guarantee do the rest of us have

that these other young ladies
will not follow the lead of the chit?

Jilting their grooms left and right.

A rather fortuitous
turn of events, my lord.

Nothing makes the ton
come alive like a fresh scandal.

All eyes and ears seem
to be open for the freshest detail.

I suppose all we must do now
is redirect their attention. [chuckles]


Do you wish to insult Lord Featherington

by not showing off
this beautiful necklace?

I do not understand why
he should care whether I cherish it so.

We are already engaged,
and he barely speaks to me.

What sort of engagement
is born of silence?

Do as I say, child. Or would you rather
be without any prospects, like Penelope?

- Heaven forbid.
- Oh... Come on.

I've given much consideration
to what you said.

About Mr. Sharpe
and his degree of interest.

No. El, I did not intend you
to think about that.

You should put him out of your mind.

[Eloise chuckles]

I know it is... [clears throat]

...odd, but I had assumed ours
was merely an intellectual bond,

a friendship based in like-minded thought
and rigorous conversation.

But what if you are right?
What if he feels more?

I never said...
El, do you want him to feel more?

My feelings about his feelings
do not matter

if I do not know for a fact
what it is he is feeling.

Perhaps you have
already gone farther than is wise.

Have you not heard
of all the trouble that befell Lady Mary

because she married beneath her station?

No one speaks of marriage, Pen.

I am speaking of... clarity of thought.

- I simply would like to know.
- But why?

I can accept certain mysteries.

I may never know how men
came to be considered leaders

when women are clearly better suited.

I may never understand
why the modiste tortures her own clients

with tight bodices and scratchy fabrics.

I may never even know
who is behind Lady Whistledown.

And you could accept such a mystery?

Of course not, but...
those are mysteries I may never solve.

This one with Theo... Mr. Sharpe, I can.

But what good will it do?
It is not as though you can act on it.

I suppose

if I know for sure, it will be a relief.

It is the not knowing
that makes it feel like... torment.

To turn over in your mind
the events of a mere conversation.

To look at all of the evidence
and still not be sure.

It is a pleasing, stimulating,

thrilling kind of torment.

- Have you ever felt that way?
- No.

I can only imagine such a thing.

[Eloise] Mmm.


[knock at door]

Lord Bridgerton.

Lady Mary.

I was hoping to speak with Miss Edwina.

Of course.

[Edwina] Lord Bridgerton.

I am quite certain this delay is rather



But I must ask if it is, in fact,
a delay and nothing more?

I am considering what more
there may be regarding our courtship

and those involved with its... interference.

- I know you may think that we...
- Please.

Tell me you did not come here to offer me
more lies or half-truths, my lord.

At least offer me that.

I am intent upon this marriage.

The very fact that we have
arrived at this day with whatever

interference there might have been
should be proof enough.


Yet I still wonder
whether it is the marriage

or me that you truly want.

It is both.

Miss Edwina, I have never
wavered in my intentions

since the first moment of our meeting.

It was clear to me then, as it is now,

that what we share
is greater than all else.

And what is it that you believe we share?

Our places.

Our roles. They align.

I, as the viscount. You, as the diamond.

Neither by our own choice.

We are yoked to each other
in that respect.

It is why I never gave up pursuing you,

even when some
thought me a fool to continue.

It is why I was not swayed by the insults
of the Sheffields or your lack of a dowry.

Because... you love me?

I understand you.

I sympathize with you.

In a certain light, I am you.

We do not have the luxury of choice.
We cannot escape our roles.

But married,

we may face these difficulties together.

And what of my sister?

What role will she play
between us in the future?

The thorn easily removed
from the blossoming flower of our lives.

She shall have no place in our future.

Once we marry,
she will return to India, as she wishes.

And you and I will be free of her.

And that is what you now wish?

That is what I now know.

The great distance between us
will only bring you and I closer.

But that future is only possible
if you decide today...

to marry me.

I have been told
what my future will look like

more times than I now
wish to admit, my lord.

But I am no fool.

I know the scandal that would ensue

should the two of us
fail to see this through now.

But I cannot find that reason enough.


I require a moment to think.

Of my future, indeed.

But only in the way
that I might now imagine it.

You must understand.

Of course.

Of course I do.

[exhales deeply]

[sniffles, sighs]

[sniffles, sighs]


[breathes deeply]

You cannot be here.

- Miss Sharma...
- This is my place of refuge.

- A closet?
- [Kate] Yes.

It may not be grand,
but it met my main requirement

when you were not present.
So go and leave me in peace.

We must speak.

- Do you realize how improper this is...
- I've just met with Miss Edwina.


She was harsher
than I knew her capable of being.

Well, you cannot fault her for that.

I concede I do not know her
as well as you do,

but that is why I am coming to you.
You must do something.

What would you have me do, my lord?

More plotting and scheming
to... get her to comply?

It seems my sister
has finally become wise to all of it.

In one way, I should be quite proud.

So you intend simply to cease to help her,

and hide in a closet
as she ruins her life?

I have ruined her life.

You should not be here.

[Anthony] Just, just...

[soft music plays]


Goodbye, my lord.

[door closes]

[Violet] Lady Danbury.

Whatever are you doing in here?

I assure you, it is for good reason

that I am in here and not out there.

It is unlike you to be
off somewhere, hiding.


we all require a modicum
of self-reflection from time to time.

- Do you not think?
- Mmm.

Lady Bridgerton.

I must apologize for not sharing

certain information with you.

That business between
the Sharmas and the Sheffields, well,

it was not my place, but I certainly

did not wish it to be revealed

as it was at that dinner.

This entire scheme
seems to have got out of hand.

Indeed it has.

Daphne has, uh...

Well, she has finally confirmed something

I have been fearing for quite some time.


Something I believe
you too have observed, no doubt.

Her Majesty

wishes me to repair

today's situation.

And for what may very well be
the first time in my life...

I do not know what to do.

[chuckles nervously]


[chuckles quietly]

[both laughing]

[both laughing heartily]

Look! Peacocks!

[Lady Danbury] Dreadful creatures!

They att*ck, unprovoked.

As if the day
could get any more unfortunate.

[both laugh]

You could always tell her
that there is nothing to be done.

[laughing] The Queen of England?

I would rather go out there
and offer my hand to one of those birds.

- It would be less painful.
- [Violet laughing]

[both giggle quietly and sigh]

[both exhale]

Do you think the bride
will return to that altar?

There is only one person
who can answer that question.

- Hmm.
- [knock at door]


- Has Mama...
- You seem to know all.

How could I possibly offer
any insight of my own?

She is off, getting some air.

Edwina, you must know

I never intended to wound you.

I know I should have told you more.

I should have told you everything.

Yes. Yes, I once did
have feelings for the viscount.

But they were no match for the love

I had, and continue to have, for you.

And you must know
I will do everything in my power

to ensure your happiness.

Including going back to India?

That is your solution, is it not?

I wish to make things right.

My feelings for Lord Bridgerton
do not matter anymore.

We do not have a future together. But you...

You, Edwina, were born to be viscountess.

[breathes deeply]

[sighs] The viscount said the same.

I half expect to discover
the two of you prepared it ahead of time.

I am not too proud
to admit when he is right.

- You deserve this.
- Why?

Why me and why not you?

You view your youth
and naïveté as a hindrance,

but it has shielded you in many ways.

You do not remember when Appa d*ed,
when the world fell out from beneath us.

And so, to save us
from an even worse fate,

I promised I would not consider myself
until you and Mama were taken care of.

I gave what I had without regret,
and I would do it again, Bon.

I still do it. I give what I have
in order to protect you.

Say something, Bon. Anything, please.

I do not know which pains me more.

- Your betrayal or your pity.
- Edwina, you are my sister...


What I am, Kate, is a grown woman.

And for the first time in my life,

I am able to make a decision
based on what I would like.

I have already imagined the life
I would lead with Lord Bridgerton

as viscountess at Aubrey Hall.

It lives in my own mind,
and it is mine to do with as I like.

So if I choose to marry Anthony,

it will be because
it pleases me and no one else.

I need you to understand that.

If I go through with this wedding,

it will have nothing to do with you.

[mellow classical music playing]

[Brimsley] Apparently,
it has to do with the honeymoon.

Miss Edwina was not pleased
with the rather simple one

Lord Bridgerton had planned.

She is using the delay
to negotiate a new itinerary

that will have
the queen's particular approval.

It appears Miss Edwina is far more cunning
than we have given credit.

[men chattering]

- Gentlemen.
- Come now, Featherington.

There's a more appropriate venue
for the discussion of business.

We thought you might
be coy, Featherington.

Now, are these mines
as profitable as we are hearing?

I did not make the journey
across the Atlantic for pennies.

[chuckles] If there's interest, I can send
word to my men on the ground in Georgia.

- Very good.
- Indeed.

And do these men
work for you, Featherington?

Why, of course.

Then why send word to your workers
if the investment is, in fact, yours?

Because I must write to my men
to obtain the latest report.

Wise investors would like to know
if it is rubies or amethysts

that we are finding more of these days.

Mr. Mondrich, I must ask
about this social club of yours.

An admirable endeavor,
if not rather surprising.

What can a boxer know
about running a business?

[men chuckling]

About as much as
a gentleman knows about mining.

[chuckles weakly]

Excuse me.

[whispers] Come in.

- Have you yet come to any agreements?
- Almost.

You must know time is
of the essence, my lord.

Who knows how long
this wedding will be delayed?

We may never again
have such an engaged audience.

You must leave it with me.

We must be careful
not to attract too much attention.

This opportunity must appear
for the chosen few. Not to mention,

we cannot risk snaring those who would
bring scandal outweighing any profit.

I think it best we concentrate
our attentions on members of the ton

who are not particularly beloved
and whose regard matters little.

And who would make that list?

The Cowpers, the Clarksons,
the Gorings, the Wallaces...

[chuckles] Perhaps the better question is,
and who would not make that list?


The Bridgertons, I suppose.

They are on the verge
of enough scandal today all on their own.

Well, they do seem liked well enough.

Do not mistake this decision for fondness.
It is pure strategy.

I'd never think
you had affections for another.

It'd make me far too jealous, my lady.

Save your charms for the investors.

Why? I have plenty to spare.

[chuckling] My lord,
your lies are wasted on me.

[Jack] I do not need to lie.

You are far too cunning
to fall prey to that, are you not?

You and I see the truth.

That is why this is
such a promising partnership.

I see you for the capable woman you are.

My cousin was a fool about many things

but none greater than
in leaving this world

knowing he had
a brilliant wife still in it.

We must

return to the gardens
before we are missed.

After you.

I must thank Your Majesty
for such a splendid event.

Every detail.
It simply takes one's breath away and...

While I quite enjoy
the adulation, Lady Bridgerton,

unless you are here to tell me
that your son and his bride

are at present standing at that altar,
I simply do not have the time.

For this wedding to fail is unacceptable.

Lady Danbury, what have you to say?

As always, Your Majesty, I am humbled

by your generosity of spirit.

Though, uh...


It is unlike you
to lose your words, Lady Danbury.

Though it pains us so,

both Lady Bridgerton
and I are in agreement

that it is up to Miss Edwina
to decide her fate.


I did not realize
the diamond outweighed the Crown.

It does not, Your Majesty.

[Mary] Pardon our interruption,
Your Majesty.

It is noted. [laughs]

To be sure.

I do hope my efforts today
have not been wasted.

It has not been a waste, Your Majesty.

But rather further proof of the love
you have for your people, ma'am.

Miss Edwina and I come
before you humbly now

in recognition of all that you...

Is there not a person alive who can think
of something else to say to their queen

other than sheer flattery?

It is the obvious choice.

[Mary sighs]


Are you here to tell me
you are going to marry him or not?

Did you see them?

- Your Majesty.
- Your Majesty.

The fireworks?

They were brilliant! [chuckles]

Will there be more?

Oh, dear. It seems...

It seems I am late for the ceremony.

My king.

Someone. Can someone come and assist?

I didn't mean to keep you waiting, Lottie.

My bride. My... My beautiful bride.

Um, but where is the archbishop

and-and-and-and our congregation?


She is radiant, is she not?

What are they, uh...

What... What are they doing?

Stop! Leave! Leave me! Leave me!


[somber classical music plays]

She will make a most excellent queen,

Your Majesty.

I hear the two of you faced many trials

during your happy courtship.

But today...

Today will make all of it
well worth it, will it not?

Why... yes.

Then perhaps you might
find your rest, Your Majesty,

before you both rule this kingdom

with the kind of love,
compassion, and kindness

the two of you undoubtedly share.

My queen.

[sniffles softly]


Oh, Edwina...

[indistinct chatter]

A celebratory drink?

Have you succeeded already, Colin?

Only if whatever I am looking for
can be found at the bottom of this flask.

I am certain you will find
your purpose one day.

Everyone must eventually.

- Have you found yours?
- [chuckles] Of course not.

But I imagine it to be something
both animating and satisfying.

The type of venture
that speaks not to who I am

but rather who I am to be.

My purpose will challenge me
to be brave and witty.

My purpose will propel me

far beyond the watchful glare of my mama.

My purpose

shall set me free.

What could possibly
measure up to all that?


Your dreams are grander
than you let on, Pen.

Yes, they are mere fantasies, but

I do believe we must
allow ourselves those private moments

so we may face reality
armed with our reveries.

Lady Crane was right about you.

Lady Crane?

What did she say?

That you cared for me.

That you would never forsake me.

I am beginning to believe that now.

[guests gasping]

It appears we had better nab
a piece of cake before it's all gone.


- El, whatever are you...
- I've made a decision to visit Theo now.

Eloise, it is your brother's wedding.
People will notice.

This is why no one will.

Everyone is worried about Anthony
and Miss Edwina. They'll hardly miss me.

Because an opportunity presents
itself does not mean you should take it.

There are other things to do.
Have you seen the peacocks?

It is vexing to think only of his thoughts
when I should be thinking of my own.


- I do not know what to say.
- Say nothing.

That is all I ask.

I am only telling you now
because you are my friend,

and I do not wish
for secrets to set us apart.

- Do you like that one?
- Your Majesty, I...

I wore it
for His Majesty's golden jubilee.

[chuckles softly] Here.

- Oh, I could not possibly...
- Yes, you could.

Miss Edwina.

I chose you
as the season's diamond for a reason.

Yes, you possess great beauty, but

you made an impression.

You still do. And you still can.

Even after all the confusion of the day.

And after, most especially,

all that has been witnessed in private.

All that I have witnessed, ma'am,
is the love a king shares with his queen,

and nothing more.

I should certainly not find
the proper words to discuss it

even if given
a million lifetimes to do so.

[Queen Charlotte] Hmm.

[inhales] The challenge
of the Crown is that it is tangible.

It is a physical reminder of the position.

It is why, say, Lady Whistledown
circulates her pamphlets

instead of trading in whispered rumor.

A whisper is relevant
for only as long as it is spoken,

but a paper represents more.

Its physical form grants permanence.

The same cannot be said
of true love, of course.

It changes. It forgets.

It forces you to remember
who you once were.

And it forces you
to choose how you will live with it,

again and again.

How does one make that choice?

That, I cannot dictate.

I am your queen,

but I suppose even I must recognize
the importance of each person deciding

what to do in the face of true love.

Everyone deserves to make that choice

just as everyone
deserves to feel its power.

But one must know...

it is the hardest
and greatest choice one can ever make.

[Lady Whistledown]
It is a distinctly human act to marry.

Animals require no contracts or dowries.

[door opens]

The hen and the rooster make no vows.

[Anthony] You sent word for me?

I thought you sent word for me.

[footsteps approaching]

I have made my decision.

I thought it best
you both hear it from me.

Edwina, we should speak in private.

I cannot marry you, Lord Bridgerton.

You cannot provide me
with what it is that I want.

What it is that I deserve.

What everyone deserves.

I may not know exactly
what true love feels like

but I certainly know what it is not.

It is not deception,

or wandering eyes,

or a role to be fulfilled.

I cannot marry you
because I cannot betray myself.

You will never meet my eyes
in the same manner

that you met my sister's
on that altar today. You will never...

You will never look at me the same way.

You say you have spent your life
trying to give me everything I lacked,

but really, you simply gave me
everything you really wanted for yourself,

as though my life were not my own.

I did not ask for any of it, Kate.

So, today,

I can be sure that
what I leave behind is not my loss.

It is yours.

Your dream, your plan,
your feelings that I had merely borrowed.


you have lost your power,

while I have made up my own mind.

And that is victory enough for me.

[classical rendition of
"What About Us" playing]

[Lady Whistledown]
Leave it to people to complicate matters

with their ceremonies and their cakes.

Is it not a wonder
that anyone marries at all?

It is not as if Miss Edwina
could do any better than the viscount.

Perhaps it is for that very reason
she changed her mind.

She knows she is not worthy of him.

Or perhaps we might judge
the viscount anew.

Perhaps Miss Edwina discovered something
the rest of us might wish to know of too.

- [women chattering]
- [woman clears throat]

- Oh, Your Grace.
- Duchess.

- Shall we make our way home, Mama?
- I believe we shall.

[Lady Whistledown] Indeed, some may call
a wedding the ultimate act of faith.

While others would venture

that it is the ultimate act of fools.

You've come quite a long way
to ask me something, so go on.

I have thoughts.

I can see how that might
pose a problem for someone in your world.

Thoughts I would like to share...
with you. [chuckles softly]

And are you not sharing them now?

What I am failing to say is that often,

when I read something new or

interesting or provoking,

it is you who crosses my mind.

It is you I would like
to speak with about those thoughts.

I see.


And so I am wondering if

you might also have thoughts of me

when you think.

I have read all of these.



I set them aside for you.

I thought perhaps you might

share your thoughts on them.

[chuckles softly]

[Lady Whistledown]
Eagerly awaiting two words.

"I do."

Bride and groom declare intention alone,

with no guarantee of happiness.

All is not lost today, ma'am.
I have received word.

It had better be a worthy distraction.

Our trap for Lady Whistledown
has indeed produced a result.

[Lady Whistledown] Marriage amounts
to little more than human ritual.

We may not force the rooster or hen,
yet we continue to collect eggs.

Does that make us more complicated,

or simply too stubborn
to believe that we must orchestrate

what nature has already ordained?

I suppose we ought to go.

Lord Bridgerton?

Your sister is braver
and wiser than us both.

She had the courage to act on
what she sensed between us.

And here we are,

standing perfectly still...

having felt it for months.

I stand here...

because the moment we go...

the moment we step foot
outside those doors...

we face the truth.

Of our situations?

Of our failures.

We have indeed failed, my lord.

Of our duties.

Of our responsibilities.

We have failed at it all.

So forgive me

if it is now my wish...

to suspend time.

To delay the inevitable.

To for a mere moment,

not think of what comes next.

To wait.

[soft instrumental music plays]

Goodbye, my lord.

[breathes deeply]

[breathing heavily]