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03x07 - Vegas, Baby

Posted: 03/19/22 07:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Good Girls"...

Let me tell you something
about my husband.

Stanley Lamont Hill is a cop,

whether you give him a badge
or not.

He couldn't commit a crime
if his life depended on it.

Well, what'd they say?

They'd be honored
to have me back on the force.

Then I came home,
tried on my uniform.

It made me feel like a fraud.

Will you have dinner with me?

Talk strategy, or...

Whatever you need
to tell your wife.

I really want to,

but I can't.

Are you making money?

It's different this time.

Looks a little light.

I couldn't make as much.

The price of ink went up.

Gonna need to see that invoice.

Thought you might.

Remember that project
you did for us a while back?

Gambling addicts, right?

She's not gonna do it

unless we take something
she cares about.

Meet Dorito Boland.

What's up, ladies?

You cannot finish that plate.

- He said he'd let me go...
- He won't.

Wait. You need us.
You need all of us.

Not all of you.

Have you heard from Lucy?

I'm sure she's fine.

Lucy Lulu?

She's not here.

She just texted me this morning.

And then I drove her
right to the airport.

Where'd you get your bird?

My wife rescued her.

What is this?


You stole from a man who

blew a little girl's
brains out for fun?

- 10% off the top.
- What if he finds out?

He won't.

- What if he does?
- He still needs us.

Until he doesn't.

And then we all
end up in that van.

We have to pay our bills.

We print day and night,
and for what?

To stay alive.

That's not a life.

What did you say?

Materials went up.

Tell him they went back down.

It's not the NASDAQ.

You remember Missy Taylor?

With the eye patch?

Our class bowler.

Full ride to Ohio State.

- For bowling?
- She was real good.

She gave up her scholarship
to stay home with her friends,

and now she's waxing balls
and deodorizing shoes.


Free food, a sick arcade,

and 15 lanes
of unlimited bowling...

All she could talk about
is how she missed her moment.

This is ours, our moment.
We started this.

He can't just come in
and sh**t everything up

and just take it all away.

He kind of can.

You know who stole?

He did.
From us.


Pay your bills.

- Hey, criminals.
- No need to hide that.

Got a private party.

Then I gotta do a shift.
I'll see you tomorrow.



He's under a lot
of pressure at work.

♪ Do you realize?

♪ Can't show anyone

♪ Eye for an eye

♪ Do you ever rise?

Cash tips,
leftover birthday cake,

full control of the jukebox...

There's a scholarship
for bowling?

She was real good.

American dream.

It's just like if I'd been born

with some kind of gift
or something,

you know, my life would
be totally different.

- How old are you?
- You cannot ask a lady that.

You're no lady.

Thank you.

I'm 33.

Big one.

- Is it?
- Yeah, Jesus year.

What's that?

Died a carpenter, regrouped,

then turned himself
into the most successful brand

in modern history.

- Okay.
- Jesus juice,

Jesus hair, the sandals...
I got it.

- Then the expressions.
- Come to Jesus.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
And don't forget the classic...

- Jesus.
- That's the one.

Hm. Well, I think I see
where you're going with this,

but believe me, I am no saint.


All right.

You're a boy's medium, right?


That's all I got left.

Gee, thanks,
but I've already got one.

- You're adrift, okay?
- We've got to right your ship

and find a port.

And children fall for this?

- We'll see.
- It's a new thing.


Oh, by the way, how's
your sister's retinoblastoma?

- Full remission.
- Are you serious?

That's amazing.
That never happens.

Yeah, well,
some guy at Whole Foods

gave her an herb, so...

we'll see if it lasts.

And yes, thank you.

I am a boy's medium.

- Oh, dry clean only.
- The ink runs.

It doesn't work.


That's a chow, baby.

- What?
- We play Szechwan style.


damn it.

How'd you guys
get so good at this anyway?

Locked in those
freight containers for months.

Need something to pass the time.

See, that's not...

oh, y'all got jokes tonight?
That's very funny.

Suck it, b*tches.

- Wow.
- No.

- Yes.
- Really?

- Yeah, sure.
- Pay me.

Oh, man,
you ladies cleaned me out.

I gotta get back to the floor.

- True that.
- All you.

- Oh, wait.
- I gotta pay you for the party.


Szechwan style.

Is all that for one night?

You're worth it.

Yeah, but...

okay, who was that dude?

Oh, he had a sick house, right?

Yeah, I mean,
the man had full-grown trees

in his living room.

You could smell
the cherry blossoms.

And did his friend
look a little shady to you?

I think it's his bodyguard.

- How do you know that?
- I saw a g*n under his jacket.

- What?
- Yeah.

We tried to say it's not cool,
but he only spoke Russian.

what do you got me into?

Does it matter?

I used to be a cop.

And I used to teach preschool.

This pays way better.

♪ Midst in our
traveling hell ♪

♪ Just after Sweden

♪ St. Petersburg

Hey, you.

Craziest thing happened to me
today after the vet.

Want to take a shower?

Do I need to?

I think you do.

You know, I switched
to that natural stuff

'cause of all the aluminum...

With me.




Why not?

- But... I don't know.
- It's just...

it's been kind of weird after...

you know.

Just 'cause he's back

doesn't mean that...

you and I can't stay weird.

Yeah, I'll just put
this boy to bed... this girl.

Who knew, right?

It's okay.

What happened at the vet?

This nutjob...
He got in my face

and then followed me
back to my car.


He kept saying
that Dorito was his

'cause she was singing
some French song.

And I was like,
"Dude, she knows lots of songs.

My kids taught her,
'Don't Worry, Be Happy.'"

I was like,
"Back off."

But he get getting in her beak,
and calling her Abdul

or Apu or Abu.

Au Jus.

- Yeah.
- How'd you know that?

- Here.
- Order anything you want.

It's on me.

Not hungry.

What's in the bag?

You look like
you could use some coffee.

They make a mean Arnold Palmer.

I'm sure
you have a lot of questions.

- Just one.
- Seriously, Max,

what's in the bag?

Where is my girl?

We told her not
to get in the van, but she...

she trusted him.

Sounds like Lucy.

If it wasn't for her,

we would all be...

It's true, Max.

She's a hero.

Y'all get a chance
to think about food?

We did not.

We're gonna need another minute.

Well, the chef's got
a few yummy specials,

help kick
your morning off right.

Got an eggs B that's to die for.

All set.

Uh, here.

I'm gonna do the eggs B.

Yeah, okay.

I mean, if it's that good.

What do we do about this...


That's the tricky part.

I mean, we can't exactly
go to the cops.

Or we'll all end up in that van.

And it's back.

I don't want to go to the cops.

- Okay.
- Good.

I want to k*ll him.

Max, it's not that easy.

Take it from her.

If you miss,

which you will...

Again, she would know.

We're all back in that van.

So he just gets to do this
to innocent people?

And we just sit here
and we do nothing?

Arnold Palmer?

Over there.

Thank you.

I've got a cousin.

He's a former Navy SEAL.

You mean like a...

He'll do it.

How much?

Going rate is 30.

- Grand?
- He won't miss.

Do you have that kind of money?

I was hoping you did.

We don't.

Then I have to do it myself.

- Eggs B, coming in hot.
- Jesus.

Oh, and just some hot sauce.

No, you don't.

I've got nothing else
left to lose.


Who's your cousin?

Hey, you got the bromine
charts for the Spa Master 50?

- I do, yeah.
- Come on, man.

Crazy about Jeff, huh?

- What?
- Called up to the big show.

He got Vegas?

Regional Sales Manager.


And they are
setting him up fine.

Even paying relocation
for the pugs.

You ever think
about transferring?

And give up 11 years
at this party palace?

My wife and I... we're going
through something right now.

There's this guy... I don't
want to get into details.

Anyways, this guy is...

he's bad news.

It's bad for my marriage.
It's bad for my family.

I mean, we...

we could really use
a change of scenery

right about now.
You know what I'm saying?

Well, then you gotta get
your sales up.

How'd he do it?

Boned Gayle.


Well, how'd you do it?

Oh, I don't.

I'm buried in credit card debt
and live with my aunt.

There's gotta be
a middle ground.

You find it, let me know.


Found it.

- Oh, great.
- Thanks.



Who gets Jeff's leads?

They just go back to corporate.

Not if we get to them first.

Well, we can't do that.

Would you rather bone Gayle?

I'm gay.


Oh, you want to talk dumb?

What's dumb is stealing
from a known m*rder*r.


- He's not even here yet.
- Man pops up like a genie.

It would be so easy.

How many times can
three people who look like us

commit a robbery
without getting caught?

Law of averages.

I'm not up on that law.

You're not up on any laws.

There's at least 30 grand
in the safe.

Oh, my God.

Do you not remember
the last time

you thought there was
"30 grand" in a safe?

My way's easier, all right?

We skim from a few more runs,
and we'll have it.

And then what?

We issue a fatwa,

and go home
and make our kids dinner?

Would it be the worst idea?

It would not.

How's it feel?

Still light.

Some fancy ink.

Pigments from India.

Why I get the feeling this
ink guy's robbing me blind?

I can't control
the world market.

Well, bring him by.


I'd like to meet him.

You know, see if we could
work something out.

He's in Oklahoma.

Thought you said Kansas City.

Isn't that in Oklahoma?


I'll see what I can do.


What about the next run?

Yeah, nah,
that's not gonna happen

till I get my costs down.

You're still making a profit.

It's still good business, right?

Not if you don't trust
your partners.


No one even said anything.

Something off with your energy.

We need a loan.

It's collateral.

How much you after?

30 grand.

For what?

Independent contractor.

You doing a remodel?


I mean, it's smarter
to go through your bank

or your credit union
for a home equity loan.

That's not possible.

You gonna pay
through the nose here.

It's for a hitman, okay?

Or we could just waste time
on finance metaphors,

and the next thing you know,
we're back in that van.

So you're looking
for a personal advance.



It's not enough collateral
in the world

for a loan like that.


I mean, when you end up dead,

which it sounds like there's
a real strong chance of,

guess who gets stuck
with the tab.

Metaphor would've taken
five seconds longer.

And been way more effective.

Why don't y'all dust off
those pretty OJ masks of yours?

- Like I've been saying.
- We don't do that anymore.


Because we've evolved.

We're entrepreneurs now.

With no money.

We are not gonna rob
your store, Annie.

Dude, it would be so easy.

I would do it myself
if there weren't cameras.

How easy?

- Like, no security.
- In and out.

It would take longer
to fill up a Slurpee.

Like Lionel Richie easy?

I literally just need someone

to hand the cash to
that isn't me.

Okay, I see.

You know, I wish you all
would've led with that.

I might be able
to help y'all after all.


Is there a different
kind of loan?

Everybody, on the floor!

- Chill.
- It's just me.

Better give me that money,

- In and out.
- Quicker than pouring a Slurpee.

I mean,
how big is this damn Slurpee?

Bogey on our left.


Hi, do you have time
to save abandoned babies?

Uh, kind of in a hurry.

You can't spare a moment?

For abandoned babies?

I just want to get a water.

You know who would love a water?

The more than 22,000 infants

that are thrown in dumpsters
every year.

- Um, definitely against that.
- I just...

I'm happy to work
a volume discount.

How many units
are we talking about?

- Dean, I need a word.
- Sounds great.

You name the time,

and I will have my guys
there to install.


- You know what, Richard?
- Let me get into this,

and I'll call you right back.

Great. All right, thanks.

I just don't get why
all that money

has to go back to corporate.

So you're calling the sh*ts now?

No, but I can't make my numbers

just selling barbecue tongs.

And I can't have my men
going rogue.

It's not how we do things here.

Oh, I know.

What's that supposed to mean?

I think you know what it means.

Pack up your desk.


Forward me your open projects.

That's how
you're gonna play this?

Keys in the night box.


- Excuse me?
- No.

No, what, Dean?

I'm not gonna pretend
like you're firing me

for a legit work reason
when the truth is

you're only pissed off
'cause I won't tap that.

- Get out of my office.
- Oh, come on, Gayle.

I'm about to call corporate
and have you blacklisted

from every showroom
in the country.

- Great.
- Put it on speaker.


I'll tell them how you
promote using only your vag*na.

You think I'm Roger Ailes?

No one cares about me.

And they certainly
don't care about you.

- They care about Eric.
- He's a lifer.

- So?
- So he knows everything.

Why would he risk
his job for you?

Because I promised him yours
once I get you out.

So here's what's gonna happen.
I'm gonna walk back over there.

I'm gonna complete that sale
you so rudely interrupted.

I'm gonna take
another of Jeff's leads

and another and another
and I'm gonna turn

this joke of an operation
into the number one leader

in Southeast Michigan's
regional sales.

- Open or closed?
- Leave.

Is there a website I can go to?

Your donation today

helps get a baby
out of the trash.

I don't have any cash on me.

How were you gonna buy
the water?

We're happy to take a card.

Maybe next time.

How much longer can we do this?

- Deep breaths.
- Everybody just stay calm.

We can figure this out.

- Don't worry, ladies.
- I'm licensed to carry.

- Where is it?
- Get out of here.

Not until I get it all back.

Hey, man,
we don't want any trouble.

Yeah? Well,
you should've told her that

before she cleaned out
my wife's jewelry box.

What's he talking about?

So go to Cartier
and buy her some more.

Or I'll just go to the cops.

Okay, yeah, then they can
take my statement.

I'm not gonna leave out
any details for your wife.

That was my soup.

- Oh. Oops.
- Sorry.

What the hell was that?

Those guys are all dicks.

Is that where the money
came from?

I'm doing his wife a favor.

He's gonna replace it
with something better.

What do you got me involved in?

These guys are all the same,

They send their wives
off to New York to see

"Dear Evan Hansen"
while they hump Detroit.

Jesus, Krystal.

They totally deserve it.

And how much of my cut
is from Cartier?

All of it.

They don't tip, either.

I got another one this
weekend if you're still down.

Do either of you ladies
have a phone?

Because I don't.

Mine's in my truck.


- let me look.
- Hands where I can see 'em!

Okay, go ahead, honey.

Nothing's been stolen, right?

Not a dime.


How about...

before this gets real ugly,

we just...

let him go?


Yeah, that sounds about right.

He looks sorry.

You have no idea.

Call the cops.



No bars.


Is everyone okay?


- Okay, thank you.
- They're on their way.

What do I do?

- What do I do?
- Okay, thank you.

- Try to stop the bleeding.
- How?

Can I get a Gatorade?

Anything you want, baby girl.

When you get your permit,
it's just a stupid class.

The green kind.

They don't let you practice.

Get the woman a Gatorade, Jason.

- Okay, okay.
- All right.

- Okay, okay.
- Can you make it tighter?

Trying. I'm trying.

Where's my drink?

Okay, they're out of green.

They're out of green, baby girl.

Anything else sound good, huh?

- Frappuccino.
- Mocha.

- Frap! Mocha!
- Uh, got it.

- This isn't working.
- There's still too much blood.

- Okay. Sponges.
- Aisle three.

And behind that, Saran wrap.

Here we go.

Ice scrapers.
Back wall.

You want a straw, mama?
Huh? Does that sound yum?

Am I gonna make it?

Will you shut up
and drink your frap?

Here we go.
This is it.

It's go time.

- Need a fluids run up.
- And get a blood ox, please.

Is she gonna be okay?

- Jesus.
- Who did this?



b*llet almost nicked
the femoral artery.

I mean, you saved her leg.

I did?

Maybe her life.

- Oh, no.
- Let's go.

Someone call Stan.

Of course.

Dial it down a notch.

"Lionel Richie easy"?

No one knows you were there.

We even did it on a Sunday.

Yeah, because we don't get
deliveries on Sundays.

Until you did.

He was
supposed to come tomorrow.

And I asked for a knife.

Yeah, well,
what the hell is that?

This is something
you split a bagel with.

- What do I look like?
- Rambo?

- Okay, I did the job.
- I want my cut.


I'm sorry,
what the hell are you doing?

What's 10% of zero, again?

Oh, yeah, zero!

I believe I'm owed something
for my pain and suffering.

You know, at least you didn't
take a b*llet like your girl.

Bunny got shot?

She gonna be okay?


Thanks to me.

You are a lucky lady.

'Cause I got you.

You got grazed.

Want to know what happened?

Mm... mm-mm.

Not now.

Did you get the hospital bill?

Can't look.

I told those ambulance guys
I'd get an Uber.

After being shot?

I'd have got an SUV.

At least the crutches were free.

- Yeah, I stole those.
- What?

They were just
sitting by themselves

- next to the elevator.
- Stanley.

They wanted to charge us
400 bucks for them things.

Hey, how's the patient?

Flying high on painkillers.

Ooh. What color are they?

- Hey.
- Oh, blues and yellows.

- You must be feeling good.
- What feels good is...

- It wasn't supposed to...
- Yeah, tell that to my kids.

The universe
has balanced itself.

Telling you, it's karma.

Dude, you gotta hear this.

Remind you
of any Canadians you know?

Oh, stop.

- I shot a man.
- A man shot me.

I don't think the universe
is keeping score for Big Mike.

The circle is complete.

Well, almost.

I did save your life.

Now I wish
you had let me bleed out.

So what do we do here?

Well, JT says he's down
to try again if we are.

Are you out of your mind?

Well, his nephew
still needs a saxophone.

We are done with that.

Okay, so we just go sit
on the curb

and wait for the van to pull up?

Because, you know,
that's what happens

when you steal from a g*ng.

We should let tampon boy
take his shot.

Yeah, and then he misses,
and gosh,

this looks familiar.
Where am I?

Oh, I'm back in the van
with all y'all.

He might not miss.

Max-y Pad's gonna miss.

Have you ever fired it?

When I was little.

With b*ll*ts?


we'll just
walk through the basics.



Grab the g*n.

Oh, boy.

Pro tip.

Exhale before
you pull the trigger.


most people hold their breath,

which increases your pulse
and makes your hand shake.

How'd you learn that?


♪ You can buy
expensive cars ♪

Oh, oh, oh, no!

Oh, wow.
Oh, that's loud.

I can't...
Shake it.

Shake it.


- Here.
- Oh, yeah.

I brought those for you, so...

Thank you.

- You want some of this?
- Exhale.

♪ Blow his head off

♪ In your dreams

♪ Show no mercy

♪ And all your bad...

Just do a little shoulder roll.

Feel good?
Feel loose?

I'm good.

Oh! I'm sorry.

- Who's a badass?
- You are.

- You...
- Oh, me.


That was good.


I don't know if I could do this.

Just kidding.

♪ Your bad days will end

We'll just get you
close enough so you won't miss.


What is this?

You wanted to meet my ink guy.

You want something?

- Sprite.
- No ice.

Hey, can you hook my man up
here with a Sprite, no ice?

So you fly private
or commercial?

- Pardon?
- Oklahoma, right?

And based on what
you're charging me,

I figure you must got, like,
a G6 or something.

Well, I talked to Max here
about your cost concerns.

Oh, yeah?

And I think he has a solution

to make it all go away.

That right?

Here you go, guys.

- Sprite.
- No ice.

I'm all ears.

Go ahead.

I need to tell you something.



give it to him straight.

I've made a mistake.

I shouldn't have tried
to raise my prices on you.

You almost lost a customer.

I am sorry.

All good.

Glad we could work it out.


That all?

Thank you for the pop.

Yeah, on the house.

You work
with really smart people.

I wet myself.

That's okay.

Are you mad?

My kids do it all the time.

Not about that.

It wouldn't have made you
feel better.

Just makes you feel nothing.

That sounds nice.

It's not.

How do you know?

I just know.

Can I ask for one thing, please?

But we just got her.

I know.

You can have my allowance
to buy her food.

Sweetie, it's not about money.

I'll clean her cage.

Where's Emma?

She says she doesn't care.

Well, Mommy didn't know...

but Dorito already had a family.

Then why'd they give her up?

We love her.

She was sick,
and we made her better.

And now she has to go home
to her real family.

Aren't we her real family?

Well, you know what?

We'll get another pet.

We will?

Only this time, you choose.

Anything you want.

Both: Snake.


How about a gerbil?

Or a hamster?

Oh, remember that cute rabbit
that you wanted

from the farmer's market?


And then we can feed him
to the snake.


Let's go look up snakes.

Yeah, let's go.

I'm sorry.

This is the last thing
he takes from us.

Hey, kids, movie night.

Sam Jackson on a plane.
It's educational.

- Hey, Stanimal.
- You want in?

Make sure not melds drop out
of your G-string this time.

If I do this, I'ma do it right.

Always two parties.

First one, you earn their trust.

You treat 'em like kings
while I case the castle.

Then say you
had such a great time,

you're gonna come back,
bring more girls.

Do it up.

That's when we take 'em down.

But only
the most expensive piece.

'Cause with one,

they're rich enough to think
they just lost it.

Let me know what time Saturday.


Are you sure?

We're talking two horsepower,

zero to 60 in half a day.


But faster
than them damn crutches.

Careful. Watch the corner.
Watch the corner!


That might've been a mistake.

How'd you get insurance
to cover it?

- All right.
- Have to go so bad.

- I know, I know, I know.
- Give him the keys.

Here, here, here.

- There you go.
- There you go.

Go, go, go, go.

Hey, real quick.

Let me ask you a question.

What do you think
about Las Vegas?

I think we can't afford
a vacation.


Like, to live.

♪ You remind me
of a firework, boy ♪

Why there?

It's not here.

- What is that?
- Come on, come on!

♪ But you take your time

You're still in here?

A little privacy, please.

The door was open.

Just give me, like,
one more minute.

What are you doing?

Righting my ship
and finding my port.

- Eww.
- Light a match when you're done.

♪ It's simple

♪ And so complicated

♪ I could walk all day

♪ On the railroad tracks

♪ But there's much more

So how'd you pay for it?

♪ To it than that

You really want to know?

You want to know
what happened in that store?

Why throw stones, right?

♪ You know
all of my secret ideas ♪

♪ The ones I'm giving up on
and the ones I'll keep ♪

♪ I'd tell you why,
but I don't know ♪

♪ It's simple
and so complicated ♪

♪ I could walk all day

♪ On the railroad tracks

- Where's our stuff?
- Shh.

♪ To it than that

♪ I'm so lucky
'cause I asked you once ♪

♪ What are you doing?
Do you want to come up ♪

♪ For a cup of tea?

♪ Come visit with me

♪ We'll play guitars

♪ And I will give you
my number ♪

♪ I'd tell you why

What's it say?