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Black 47 (2018)

Posted: 03/16/22 21:58
by bunniefuu
[film roll reels]

[dramatic music]

[indistinct chatter]

[music continues]

[indistinct chatter]

Come on then.

[indistinct chatter]

[dramatic music]

[breathing heavily]


No excuse tonight.
It was your accomplices.

I have no accomplices.


I found the g*ns.

If you don't cooperate,
they'll charge you with treason.

And I have no interest
in seeing you

punished unnecessarily.

I sympathize
with the Young Irelanders.

No, you don't.

You're a puppet of the crown.



A subject.

Loyal subject.

So feck off
back home to England then.

I prefer here, Mr. McCormack,
I find it challenging.

There's no place now
that you get someone

to tell the truth.

Or does England
not want you anymore?






[intense music]




Well, inspector

has the prisoner been

Not really. No.


He's dead.

[dramatic music]

[horse trotting]

[speaking in foreign language]

In the year of

a terrible famine
descended upon Ireland.

Within a few short years

one in four of our people
would be gone forever.

Fled to England
and North America.

Or dead from starvation
and fever.

Irishmen who had enlisted
to fight

for the occupying British crown
in its foreign wars

returned home to find
only death and destruction

in every corner of the land.

[melancholic music]

[chanting in foreign language]

Seen by many as traitors
to their own people

they looked on helplessly

as their country
continued to choke

under the rule
of the British Empire.


[music continues]


[horse snorts]

Beartla O'Naughton.

Martin O'Feeney.

Where's my family?

I'm sorry, Martin

your mother d*ed a year ago.

Sick with the fever.


Where's my brother?


Stabbed the bailiff
when they came

to tumble the house.

I couldn't help them.

I had nothing.

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

[horse neighs]

[speaking in foreign language]



[wind howling]

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]


[speaking in foreign language]

[singing in foreign language]

[singing continues]

[dramatic music]

[speaking in foreign language]

[wind gushing]

[instrumental music]

[speaking in foreign language]

[instrumental music]

[knock on door]

This is the final order
to vacate!

This dwelling
will be rendered uninhabitable.

[speaking in foreign language]

We are taking the roof off!

[speaking in foreign language]

For your own safety,
come out now!

[speaking in foreign language]


Are you comin' out?


What's your business here?

Tell your men
to get off the roof.

I'll pay whatever is owed.

Not a question of money.

The tenancy is illegal.

They moved in
from the side of the road.

Move back, please.

At least let them leave

How does this concern you?

Let me talk to them.

I won't ask you again.

Stand down
and let this men do their job.

[speaking in foreign language]

[shouting in distance]


Take that young man
into custody.

You little thief.







Get him out of here.


That's his r*fle.

Here's his boots
and his other stuff.

Breach of the peace.

Interfering constabulary

Sergeant says
find out who he is

and where he got the weapons.




Go on, say it.

Well, he can speak English,


Army musket.
Could be a deserter.



Where'd you get this then?

[intense music]


The prisoner's lose!

Get back down here!

The prisoner..


What's going on down there?



Drop him!


Drop him!

Put him down!



No, please.



[dramatic music]

[horse trotting]

[music continues]

[horse snorts]

[wind howling]

[heavy breathing]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[heavy breathing]

[dramatic music]

[gate creaking]

Inspector Hannah.


What would you say
to a stay of execution?

[indistinct yelling]



We've received reports
of a deadly att*ck

on a Constabulary station
in Connemara.

On the estate
of Lord Kilmichael.

We believe this man,
originally from the area

may have been involved.

One of our Connaught rangers.

Declared absent without leave
in Calcutta three months ago

after breaking
his commanding officer's jaw.

I understand that you know him.

That you served together
in Afghanistan.

That he is an effective soldier.

He is.

You'll be released
to accompany Captain Pope

to Ballybrack and to assist him
in locating

this Corporal Feeney.

I'm retired
from m*llitary service.

Yeah, but you must agree
that your particular expertise

is better suited
to this line of work.

I do not agree.

Might I remind you, inspector

that you're no longer
the decorated veteran

the hero of the rank and file.

You're an ineffective policeman.

An embarrassment
to the Irish constabulary.

A hero who is about to be tried

for the m*rder
of the suspect McCormack

for which you may be hanged.

So think carefully.

Are you agreeable?

Remove the inspector's

Find this man.

Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.

[instrumental music]

[baby crying]

[dramatic music]

[pig grunting]


Ah, it is yourself.

I'm glad to see they let you go.

Will you have a drop?

You will.

To your poor mother.

God have mercy on her.

She was a stubborn woman

who'd rather starve
than take the soup.

What could I do about that?

"Just take it," I said to her.

"Say what they want you to say."

But she wouldn't.

They'd torn
the roof off the house.

I thought it better
to put an animal in it

than to leave it idle.

You know, your mother
was a cousin of mine

better to keep it in the family
then let strangers get it.

Much better.

The judge,
who hanged my brother..

...what was his name?


I'd give anything
to have them all back.

Your mother, my brother.


But I can't.

[g*n clicks]

[g*n cocks]

[g*n clicks]

Damp day.

You should have kept
your powder dry.



[train chugging]

How far do you plan
to travel, captain?

As far as we need to.

I'm compiling a report
on the economics of famine

in the west.

Wexford Independent.


Free copy.

"Galatians" chapter six,
verse seven.

I beg your pardon.

"For whatsoever a man soweth

that shall he also reap."

Drunkenness and fecklessness

is the economics of famine
in the west.

And the continued crop failure.

Failures, sir, lies

in the character of people.

Explain your total
dependence upon the easiest

grown staple learned to mankind.


Potato was the only way to feed
so many over limited acreage.

Food for the contented sl*ve

not the hardy and the brave.

[exhales sharply]

[intense music]


Hey, hey, hey.

[horse snorts]


These will do fine.
Thank you, lieutenant.

Private, take Inspector Hannah
to the stables.

Give him
whichever mount he chooses.

Yes, sir.

This way, inspector.

So, that's the Hunter Hannah.

In the flesh.

Well, you need that kind of
steel where you're going.

They say you're after a ranger

who's taken up
with the Ribbonmen.

I do not engage
in idle gossip, lieutenant.

Nor should you.

Have the horses ready at dawn

and your man
in plain clothes.

We don't want to attract
any unnecessary attention

do we?

[indistinct chatter]

Horik O'Se.. stand accused
of stealing a sheep

from the estate
of Lord Kilmichael.

What say you?

[speaking in foreign language]

English is the language
of this court, Mr. O'Se.

How do you plead?

[speaking in foreign language]


Your Honor, the man was only
trying to feed his children.

He doesn't even speak English

and it is the
legal obligation of the court

to pay for a translator.
Where is the translator?

Inability is one thing,
this man's obstinate refusal

to speak a language
he clearly understand

is another entirely.

You leave me
no option, Mr. O'Se.

I find you guilty as charged

and I hereby sentence you
to six month hard labor

followed by transportation..

[indistinct chatter] Port, to Port Arthur,
Van Diemen's Land

seven years.
Remove the prisoner.


State your business.

You hanged my brother?

I did nothing of the sort.

If I did pass sentence
on this brother of yours

I simply assessed the evidence
and interpreted the law

the constabulary hanged him.

Indeed some might say
that he hanged himself

the day he choose
to commit his crime.

[instrumental music]

Some might.

I understand
that may further bolster

your sense of injustice
to blame me

for your brother's demise.

But I do not cause
the crops to fail

and I am not responsible
for people breaking the law.

I'm merely a servant
of the court.

I bid you good day.

[speaking in foreign language]

[horse trotting]

Good mornin', sir.



What do you think you're doing?

Private Hobbs
is coming with us

to serve as my orderly.

And to tend to the horses.

Time to earn that reprieve,

[intense music]

[indistinct chatter]

Who do you think
responsible, sergeant?

Same Ribbonmen who b*rned down
the constabulary station

and k*lled six of my men.

A magistrate will be
a typical target

for these Ribbonmen.

What brings you here,

We're compiling a report.

May I enquire as the nature
of this report?

You may not.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[indistinct singing]


[indistinct singing]


Was this Feeney?

There was no robbery.

[clears throat]

Private, get outside
and keep watch.


What does this mean?

[indistinct singing]

What was this man's name?

[indistinct singing]

What's this man's name?

They don't have the English.

Do you know
what happened here?

[indistinct singing]

Be quiet.



[wind gushing]

The body belongs
to Beartla O'Naughton.

Rent collector
for Lord Kilmichael.

Somebody came into his house
and k*lled him.

An unexpected end
for the pig

but he'll be ate all the same.

We're looking
for the Feeney house.

There's the rest of him?

He took over this holding

when Mrs. Feeney was evicted.

He learned that
from the Ghilzai.


I've not yet had the privilege
of foreign service

Well that's their punishment..

...for treachery.

What happened to Mrs. Feeney?

Without food or shelter..

...she d*ed.

[instrumental music]

He's headed west.

I suppose we continue west.

You'll need a translator.

How much?

How much have you?

You should inform
the constabulary.

Our orders are clear, inspector

we will not involve
local authorities.

Well, that was before
we confirmed his identity

we tell the police
we prevent him k*lling again.

Confirming Feeney as the k*ller
does not complete our work.

As you well know.

[instrumental music]

[horse trotting]

[thunder rumbling]

[indistinct singing]

♪ Rock of ages ♪

♪ Cleft for me ♪

♪ Let me hide ♪

♪ Myself in thee ♪♪

Time to welcome our new members

who we look forward to seeing

every Sunday at service in town.

What is your name, my child?

[speaking in foreign language]

Seamus O'Suilleabhan.

James Sullivan.

James Sullivan, do you renounce
the Roman Catholic Church?

[speaking in foreign language]

Do you wish
to have your soul cleansed?

[speaking in foreign language]

[thunder rumbling]

Have you made Jesus Christ
Lord of your life?

[speaking in foreign language]

[indistinct chatter]



We do not eat until
service is concluded.

[speaking in foreign language]

We nourish the soul
before we satisfy the flesh.

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

It is not yet time to eat.

You leave it any longer,
they'll all be dead.

God's work comes first.

[intense music]


[speaking in foreign language]

[indistinct chatter]

No, Papists.



Is it true what they said?

About your prisoner?

I k*lled him, yeah.

You were just doin' your job.

Catch this man

keep your pension..

f*ckin' deserters.


No, it's not always cowardice
that makes men run.

You know, they get tired..


All they need is a home.

you can talk to 'em..

...bring 'em back.

One of them even saved my life.

He pulled me out
of an ambush.

Just outside of Kabul.

I thought I was finished.

He was the
best soldier I ever met.

[instrumental music]

He never fought
for the queen though

just for his mates.

f*cking Irish.

♪ Where poor
little Jimmy Murphy lies ♪

♪ On the green
sweet mossy bank ♪

♪ Skinnymalink killymajoe ♪

♪ Whisky frisky tooraloo ♪

♪ Rank a diddle dido ♪

♪ Falero falo ♪

♪ Rank a diddle dido ♪

♪ Falero falo ♪

♪ Young Jimmy Murphy ♪

♪ Was hanged
not for sheep stealin' ♪

♪ But for courtin'
a pretty maiden ♪

♪ And her name was
Kate Whelan ♪

♪ Aah for courtin'
a pretty maiden ♪

♪ And her name was
Kate Whelan ♪♪

[exhales sharply]

There's a lot of tracks.

He could've gone either way.


Probably best to hold
our course.

[clears throat]

Two hours ride up that road

is the house of a Mr. Cronin.

Cronin evicted Feeney's mother.

And a few days ago,
did the same thing

to the brother's wife
and children.

He's Lord Kilmichael's
land agent.



This way, gentlemen.

♪ We are far
from the last route ♪

♪ From the east to Downpatrick ♪

♪ Where poor
little Jimmy Murphy lies ♪

♪ On the green
sweet mossy banks ♪

♪ Skinnymalink killymajoe ♪

♪ Whisky frisky tooraloo ♪

♪ Rank a diddle dido ♪

♪ Falero falow ♪♪

Where are the men?

They went to the stables.
I'll fetch them.

No, I'll get them.

[intense music]

What's the hold-up?

Who are you?

What do you want?

What? The harvest?

I'm only an agent.

For Lord Kilmichael.

It's his land.


It's his grain.

I have money.

Can I help ye, gentlemen?

We're looking for Mr. Cronin.

The master's not here, sir.

He left for town
only a few moments ago.

We didn't pass him
on the road.

[breathing heavily]



Get out of here!
Get out of here!

Just take the horse.


[intense music]

[heavy breathing]

[breathing heavily]

[door creaks]




[door creaks]



[dramatic music]

[g*n clicks]


For God's sake, man, sh**t him!


[horse neighing]



You bloody idiot!

You had him!


[music continues]


[breathing heavily]


[clears throat]

We will continue
to the police station in Carrick

and send a dispatch rider
to warn Lord Kilmichael

that his life's
in imminent danger.

Orders or not,
I cannot allow the m*rder

of a nobleman
for lack of a warning.

Send one of Cronin's servants
to Carrick

we'll stay on Feeney's trial.

- Where does Kilmichael live?
- London.

But when he is here,
the estate house.

About days ride from here.

Let's go straight
to Kilmichael's.

You're in no fit state,
Mr. Hannah.

I'll be the judge of that.

Ah, Mr. Quinlivin.

I wonder if it might be terrible
inconvenience to you

if we borrowed
one of Mr. Cronin's horses.

I'm afraid that would be
quite impossible, captain.

Well, you see, you see...

I doubt
that Mr. Cronin's family

would condone
of my supporting the men

who failed to warn them

that their husband and father

was the target of a madman.

Good day to you.

[dramatic music]

[horses panting]

[music continues]

[breathing deeply]

[g*n clicks]

They sent you to get rid of me?


They can't afford to have
one of their own

someone they called a hero
turn against them.

They never called me a hero.

Only you.

I was just your faithful Mick.

I was sorry they chose
to see it that way.

We did things for them

that cannot be forgiven.

And for what,
when I come home to this?

If I k*ll a man,
they call it m*rder.

If they do it,
they call it w*r.



Where will my family
get their justice..

...if not from me?

Go home, English.

You've got no business here.

I won't be leaving here
without you.

Then you won't leave at all.

[dramatic music]

[breathing deeply]

[instrumental music]

What is all this?

Kilmichael's put guineas
on Feeney's head.

Is every half-wit
in Ireland here?

No, sir.
Your mother went home yesterday.

[men laughing]

Home to London.

[music continues]

Your Lordship, Captain Pope
of the th regiment.

Your Lordship, I'm Captain Pope.
I was sent here...

His Lordship knows full well
who you are, captain.

What he does not know
is whether this report

you've been compiling
will detail how you endangered

his life withholding
vital information as you did.

Sir, you are in grave danger.

We've managed this estate
for years.

Do you think
this is the first time

our lives have been threatened?

This is different.

I have no intention of allowing
some turncoat renegade ranger

to dictate my itinerary.

I have a dozen men
to protect Lord Kilmichael.

Poorly trained police
are no match for this soldier.

Another two dozen local militia.

And who do they fight for?

They fight for the bounty
I've put on this ranger's head.

We'll proceed as planned.

I'll accompany the grain
to town

and from there,
take the train to Dublin.

You may join me if you wish.

[donkey braying]

Excuse me.

Sorry, pardon me.
Excuse me.

Sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry.

What's goin' on, mate?

Just scavengers,
they go after the wagons.

Hopin' for a bit of grain.

Oh, where are they
taking the grain?

People are starving here.

Boat to England.

[speaking in foreign language]

I think we are headed back
to town, Mr. Conneely.

Thanks for your help.

The captain will pay you
what you're owed.

If it is all the same to
yourself, Your Honor.

I'd rather see it out.

Why settle for a sovereign
when there's a share

of guineas to be had.

I beg your pardon, captain,
but after all this trouble

I'd like to witness this
tale's conclusion first-hand

that it might be accurately
retold in the future.

[indistinct chatter]

[speaking in foreign language]

[indistinct chatter]

You better come quick!

- Drop your w*apon!
- Open the gates.

I'm not gonna tell you again.

Drop your w*apon,
or you will be sh*t.

Hobson, what the hell
are you doing?

I can't have it, sir.

Look at all those people, look.

They're f*ckin' starvin'.

Put down your g*n!

This is your last warning.

Everyone's dyin' of hunger

and they're porting food
on a boat.

Open the gates now.

Private, lower your w*apon.

Not till we feed these people.

Court martial me, sir.

Do whatever you want with me

but not till those people
are fed.

Please, son, put down the g*n.

And I don't give a damn what you
think about either, Mr. Hannah.

This is pointless,
it won't change anything.

It will.
I can help these people.



Sorry about your man, sergeant.

I was talking to him!

The boy lost his mind.

You couldn't keep him
in check

so Sergeant Fitzgibbon did.

He was a danger to us all.

He sh*t an unarmed constable.

I only followed
His Lordship's orders.

That seems accurate.

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chatter]

[indistinct chatter]

[music continues]

[speaking in foreign language]

[music continues]

Well, then, captain,
any sign of our assassin?

If not,
does this mean I wonder

that you've lost your man and
that your mission is a failure?

When I inherited
this estate from my father

it was practically bankrupt.

To clear the land
was the only solution.

Consolidate the holdings,
graze not grow

reduce this ridiculous tax

that I must pay per occupant.

I don't need them, I don't want
them, why should I pay for them?

This potato business is
simplified matters considerably.

There are those who look forward
to the day

when a Celtic Irishman

is as rare in Ireland

as a Red Indian in Manhattan.


I take no pleasure on it.

Would you stop worrying, man?

There's hardly a soldier alive
who could get close enough

to get a sh*t through this gap.

Security is assured.

[rain pattering]

[thunder rumbling]

[dogs barking]

[dramatic music]

[men laughing]

The farmer goes into the bath
and he sees the old squire

straddling his eldest daughter.

Well, he's furious
and he lets out a shout..

"For God sake, Mary!

"Arch your back like a good gal

and keep the gentleman's balls
out of the muck."



Everything's in, My Lord.

We'll lock up the exits,
and I'll see you in the morning.

Thank you, sergeant.

You know, Conneely..

...I love this country.

What's left of it?

The scenery.

You peasants are all the same,
no appreciation of beauty.

Beauty would be held
in much higher regard, sir

if it could be eaten.

Well said.

I say one more, shall we?

That we shall, sir.

Speaking of beauty

this one could
almost be English.

- Uh..
- Hair!

Her skin, fine bosom

certainly head
and shoulders above

any of the miserable hags
on the estate.

Take the prettiest
English maiden..

...put her for one season
in an Irish cabin..


Feed her water and potato,
dress her in rags

and make her wade through bogs

and sleep with the family pig.

Take from her any hope

that the future
will be different

and when she crawls
out of her hovel

stretching out her scrawny hand
for a penny.. much will she look like

that pretty English maiden?


One might be inclined
to speculate

that you've lost your passion
for this mission, inspector.


I still have a few ideas about
how to apprehend Feeney..

...but I need to know
you're with me.


Time to turn in.

[dramatic music]

[music continues]


[indistinct chatter]



[door unlocks]

[music continues]

I got you, you bastard.



[Pope grunting]

Well done, Hannah.

Let him have it.

[Pope panting]

sh**t him, inspector.

[dramatic music]


Aah! Get your hands off of me!

[music continues]

[woman screaming]

sh**t the bastard!




Do you intend to try to teach me
some sort of lesson?

Or to t*rture me?

I assure you I'll give you
no satisfaction.

[speaking in foreign language]

I won't beg.

[speaking in foreign language]

What do you say?

I don't understand
that aboriginal nonsense.

Speak English, man!

[speaking in foreign language]

Speak English!

[speaking in foreign language]

[Hannah grunting]



I'll rip your g*dd*mn
throat off.


Who is he working with?


Don't bother threatening him,


[heavy breathing]

Mr. Hannah doesn't have
anything left to lose.

Now that he's committed
a treasonous act.


How long have you been
working together?

Since the beginning?

[heavy breathing]

Where is he now?

Shall I get the whip?

He won't talk.

[dramatic music]

He's out there somewhere,
and we have to find him quickly.

Each of you, take four men
from outside the gates.

Search the area.


[indistinct chatter]

[indistinct chatter]

[bell tolling]

Make ready!


[intense music]


Take cover!


[dramatic music]



Who's f*ring on you?

The man on the roof
in the west, sir!

You men, with me.


It's Feeney.

It's Feeney!

[indistinct chatter]

Open fire!


Who gets the guineas?

Hold those men back!

[indistinct chatter]

[dramatic music]


- Close those gates.
- Close the gate!

Reload your weapons.

Where is Mr. Hannah?
Secure the prisoner.

[dramatic music]





[crowd clamoring]


[crowd clamoring]




[indistinct chatter]


He's here!




[breathing heavily]



[dramatic music]

[both grunting]


[indistinct chatter]



[music continues]


[g*n clicks]

[crowd clamoring]


[instrumental music]

[horse neighing]

[horse snorting]

[horse neighing]

Hey, ho-ho.

[heavy breathing]

They'll come for you now.


Don't fight them.

[breathing heavily]

Go to America.

[instrumental music]

[chains clanking]

[music continues]


[music continues]

[horse snorting]

[dramatic music]

[indistinct chatter]

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

[horse neighing]

[intense music]

[singing in foreign language]

[singing in foreign language]

♪ We marched through the town ♪

♪ And we march
through the city ♪

♪ Our hands
were tied behind us ♪

♪ And the ladies cried pity ♪

♪ We are far
from the last rout ♪

♪ From the east
to Downpatrick ♪

♪ Where lies
poor little Jimmy Murphy ♪

♪ On the green sweet
mossy banks ♪

♪ Skinnymalink killymajoe ♪

♪ Whisky frisky tooraloo ♪

♪ Rank a diddle lido ♪

♪ Furalo falo ♪

♪ Young Jimmy Murphy
was hanged ♪

♪ Not for sheep stealin' ♪

♪ But for courtin'
a pretty maiden ♪

♪ And her name was
Kate Whelan ♪

♪ We're far
from the last rout ♪

♪ From the east
to Downpatrick ♪

♪ Where lies
poor little Jimmy Murphy ♪

♪ On the green sweet
mossy banks ♪

♪ Skinnymalink killymajoe ♪

♪ Whisky frisky tooraloo ♪

♪ Rank a diddle lido ♪

♪ Furalo falo ♪♪

[instrumental music]

[music fades]