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02x22 - Win or Lose

Posted: 03/11/22 07:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dance Academy...

You're not going to get there today
but that's what we're aiming for.

I don't need you telling me to win
because that's just not me, alright?

Except you came
all the way over here to say that.

Was that whole ignoring me thing
just an act?

Was that Teacher Psychology ?

I give my attention
where it's deserved.

Tell me you didn't just do that
to mess with Christian.

What? No.
This crush is officially over.

We all know that every four years

the world's top athletes
compete in the Olympic Games.

But you may not know
that the ballet world equivalent

is called the Prix de Fonteyn.

This year, the final
is to be hosted in Sydney

and in just a few moments,
we'll be hanging out

with those talented youngsters

who have just been chosen
to represent Australia. But first...

I have to admit,
being a winner feels pretty amazing.

I know to be a good one,

you're not allowed to be
too pleased with yourself.

Somehow, that's considered bad form.

And to be a good loser, you have
to pretend you're not disappointed.

You've had hours grieving time
since the Nationals.

I'm assuming
you've bounced back by now.

But when the competition's over

and we're separated into
winners and losers,

are we all just pretending nothing's
changed when it actually has?

When does your Dad get here?

Oh, a week before Internationals.

No trophy wife, no step brats.

I can't remember the last time
that happened.

OK, talent is ready.
Stand by to record.

You OK, mate?
You're looking a bit pale.


Yes, it's that time again,

where dreams are shattered
or fulfilled.

Auditions start tomorrow for the
end of year concert of Peter Pan.

Abigail. Why the disinterest?

All the leads are going to go
to third years.

Not necessarily.

Like the seagulls you are.

I bags Peter Pan.
Who gets the most solos?

Captain Hook's probably
the most demanding of this version.

People, this is your chance
to end the year on a high note,

especially while all our Nationals
champs are away showboating.

I want you to give it
your best sh*t.

So, let's just dish the dirt, girls.

What's it like being friends
and rivals?

Any thumb tacks in the pointe shoes?

Oh, no.
Grace is an incredible dancer.

She inspires me
to be better every day.

Oh, Tara says that
but she won the girls' category.

You two are just beyond adorable.

What about the boys?

Oh, well, Sammy and I don't know
each other well yet

but I have a lot of respect
for his ability.

That true, Sammy?

You've been pretty quiet up there.


Sammy had an on-camera meltdown
but apart from that,

we were the perfect ambassadors.

You'll see when
it airs tomorrow night.

I'm going to get Dad to stream it.

Well, I'm glad you're being
so mature about that.

I did tell him how unfair it was.

What's unfair?

He hasn't called you?

He promised he was going
to ring you today.

I probably had my phone off.

A conference came up in Dubai.

He had to cancel his visit.
I'm sorry, Grace.

Grace, will I see you
at the auditions tomorrow?

I thought us Prix champs
were meant to be focusing?

Well, I'll talk to Miss Raine but I
think you can handle a solo as well.

I don't want you
getting bored again.

Um, what should I audition for?

Mischievous and ill-tempered
on the outside,

surprisingly loyal on the inside.

I reckon you'd make
a great Tinkerbell.

Seriously, you were funny.
He was funny.

I don't even remember what I said.

It's like a black haze of shame.

So what I'm hearing is that
you want a party

when your episode screens tomorrow.

Well, it's your minutes of fame.
I'd lap it up.

Excellent. Reedo, I'll need
your help honouring our heroes.

I've got audition prep.


How about you, Tara?


Can you hear that, Sammy?
It's like...

It's like a dull roar.


Look, no guilt obviously

but I've been a dutiful
Prix girlfriend for weeks now.

You don't really want to spend
tonight in the studio, do you?

Why? Because I screwed up
in the Nationals,

I should just throw
the rest of the year away as well?

Ah, didn't say that.
Wasn't thinking it.

Look, Christian,
my only conversation agenda

was that I thought
maybe we could hang out.

Kat, you might be happy hanging
in the Corps

but I'm going for Hook.

You can try and be supportive.

The Company's always meant to take
three guys, three girls.

Now all of a sudden
it's one guy, one girl?

Yeah, but this is a rumour.
With substance.

I mean, no-one's left the Company
this year. No-one's injured.

Well, if the Company's
only taking one guy,

how do you know it won't be you?
It'll be Gareth or Duncan.

I dance better than both of them

but they're the favourites so...

So tomorrow the Company's sitting in
on Peter Pan auditions.

And your interview's
in the afternoon,

which is when
they hand out contracts.

One audition isn't going to change
anyone's mind.

Sensei, do you remember
when I was failing my exams

and now I'm in the Internationals.

Wait. I thought for once,
this was about me.

It is. You did that.

The impossible.

You are the best dancer here
at the Academy.

You can convince the Company
they can't live without you.

I must have been desperate.
He's so... Ben.

No, I'm thrilled
Christian's committed to ballet.

I'm committed to ballet.
I could be Tink.

You would be perfect for Tinkerbell.
I know.

Um, it's kind of earmarked.

Zach basically offered it to me.

And how does that work?

I think he might be having
a Lolita moment.

Don't even joke about that.

Zach's old and married and
it would be totally wrong and gross.

And fictional.

We're going to play cards.
Can I deal you in?

What, for another round
of Tara and Kat versus Grace?

Sounds super fun.

Might be a little dark
for Tinkerbell.

Shouldn't you be rushing home
to wifey?

Well, Peter Pan's not going
to choreograph itself

and I actually booked this studio.

Do you need any help workshopping?
I could be your dance monkey.

So, my Dad's not flying over.

I'm sorry, that's rough.

He never was.

He just occasionally gets guilty
so he books a plane ticket.

Not guilty enough to get
on the plane but...

He must be very proud of you
for making the Internationals.

You should be proud of yourself.

At least you're here.

Whoa! Grace.

What? I won't tell anyone.

There's nothing to tell.
I'm your teacher, you're my student.

Then why have you been giving me
all this special attention?

Grace, I want to be very clear.

Whatever you think is going on
is only happening in your head.

Zach, hey.

Listen, I'm working on
a new audition piece for tomorrow.

Can you take a look?

Look, I've got a stack of notes
to go over at home. Why don't you...

Why don't you do
your Nationals solo?

Because, look, I'm going for Hook.

I really want to nail it.

Don't worry about it.
You're going to be fine.

Hey, do you mind if
I stay in Kat's room tonight?

Abigail's on her musical and um...

Grace, you OK?

You were right about
the whole thing with Zach.

I just... I didn't realise
how wrong it was until...


He tried to kiss me.

Come here.

Ollie's auditioning for Hook.

What? Um, yeah.

I know I'm usually your cheer person

but today's kind of a big day
for him.

Thank you so much for coming.

I really appreciate
this opportunity.

See, I told you.
Nerves had no place here today.

I wasn't nervous.
They're ready for you in there.

It's nice they're letting
the second years have a cr*ck.

Good luck.

If you're sure what happened
really happened...

Trust me, it was pretty blatant.

Then you have to talk to someone
about it.

Zach made a mistake. I'm not going
to ruin his career over it.

Will you come with me
to my audition?

It'll be so much easier
knowing you're outside.

You're still auditioning today?

Well, what do you expect me to do?
Hide under my bed?


So you were right. I've been...
Neglectful? Yes.

Yes, you have.

Can I make it up to you?

I have an audition
in a couple of hours.

Although I'll probably just end up
in the Corps anyway so...

So how was Captain Hook?

And don't ever tell me
I'm not supportive.

I dream of dating a pirate.

Gareth didn't get a contract either.

Also cried like a baby.

Ben wants to know if we're in
on the screening this afternoon.

I thought you made
a tool of yourself.

Yeah, I did but I thought
I'd still check it out.

It's televised nationally.

You realise that if I get into
the Company, we're celebrating.

And if I don't, then I'm not going to
feel like watching some lame TV show.

So RSVP no.

Wow, hot date.
I sure am one lucky girl.

I was putting it off
because of the Prix.

You should get your licence too.

Alright, Christian, are you ready?

I was born ready.

Now you follow me at the start,
then I follow you.

Good work, Grace. Thanks.

That's all you've got for me?

That's been my standard
closing line today.

Well, I think I deserve
more than that.

Excuse me.

Why are you being so cold to me?

I get that you're scared
and you need more time, whatever,

but don't ignore me.

Grace, I didn't tell Miss Raine
about what happened last night

because besides from not wanting
to embarrass you,

I thought you may have realised
that you made a huge mistake.

But you haven't.

So as soon as I'm done here,
I will be talking to your godmother.


He begged me not to tell anyone.
But you're right, I have to.

You going to go to Miss Raine?

What if she doesn't believe me?
It's my word against his.

And yours. She trusts you.

If you could go to her and
just say that I can't face her,

it'll be so much more convincing.

But I wasn't there.
I didn't see anything.

You saw how upset I was.

And you know how much time
I've been spending with him.

Unless you don't believe me.

It's just Zach's always been
such a great teacher.

I know. I trusted him too.

But he doesn't care about us.
It's all an act.

Go, wheels!

Big cinnamon rolls!

Can we do the advanced circuit now?

Next lesson, mate. You did well.

Give me one more minute.


Christian, what are you doing?
Stop the bike!

Slow down! Clutch it!

Oi, mate!

Christian! Christian!

It's just dislocated.
I've done it before, skating.

Oh, look at you,
all cute and worried.

Yes, of course I'm worried.

I just saw you face plant the road
for no apparent reason.

I thought you were desperate
to play Hook.

what if it doesn't heal in time?

Then it doesn't heal in time.

Look, I didn't feel
like auditioning anyway so...

So hang on. You blew off
the end of year production

because you felt like deliberately
crashing a bike at kays an hour?

No, I didn't say that. Nurse
Katrina, where are you going?

You might need excuses
and gravel rash

to protect your fragile male ego
from failing again.

But I have an audition to go to.

'You have a bright future
in the dance world.'

'This was a very tough decision.'

Hey, there are
other dance companies...

No, there's the Company
then there's everywhere else.

OK, well look. We'll just...

Don't take no for an answer, then.
Resit the audition.

We can ask Miss Raine
if you can repeat Third Year.

Then we'd be in the same class.

You and I don't belong
in the same class.

It took me weeks
to get you to mediocre.

You think you're a star now
because of the Prix

but you're not a . ,
you're a seven.

Everyone knows
you were a sympathy vote.

Is that everybody knows or...

or just you?

Because you said before
it was all about me

but you liked it when I was a loser.

You liked it when
I needed you to train me.

I don't want to be with someone
who can't handle being equal.

We're not equal.
Yeah, and there it is.

You're breaking up with me
the day I don't get into the Company?

Guess I deserve that
for dating a confused.

What happened to you?

Suddenly Teacher Of The Year
gives a crap again.

You know, I get it.
You lost interest.

Your personal project didn't make it
through to the Internationals

so moving on.

Days like this,
I want to be a gardener.

Look, I know you were disappointed.

I was fine the way I was before,

You didn't need to make me think
I could win

when I didn't stand a chance.
I said you could win.

And on the day of the Nationals,
did you do your best?

I wanted it.

I worked at it.
So you failed.

Learn something and get over it
because if you want this career,

it is knockback after knockback.

And I care.

I really do. But I can't be around
every time to hold your hand.

I'm busy, Tara. Is it important?

It's about Grace.

And Zach.

I knew she'd believe you.

Lucy sounded like
she was having a stroke.

Uh, she wants us both to go in.

You are the best friend that
I've ever had. Thank you for this.

What is he doing here?

Lucy, can I talk to you? Just us?

Grace, Tara came to me
because she was worried about you.

About what you said
happened with Zach.

What I said?

I told you it's what happened.

Zach and I have spoken and he said
how you got confused and tried...

I'm the victim here!

Grace, it's OK. We're all here
because we want to help you.

How could you take his side?

I trusted you.

Tara, you can go now.
And this does NOT leave my office.

Lucy, OK, I admit, it's a joke.

You're blowing this
out of proportion.

So Zach's letting me audition next
week, depending on my shoulder.

Welcome back.
In the studio...

It was a good lesson -
don't ride angry.

Hey, could you make me one of those?


Guess you're going to be mad at me
for a while, huh?

- Oh, yeah.
- What about the boys?

Well, Sammy and I don't
really know each other that well yet

but I have a lot of respect
for his ability.

That true, Sammy?

You've been pretty quiet down there.


Um, actually, Lena,
Slade and I can't stand each other.

Really? Intriguing.

Yeah, he has a signature headband

and he tried to sabotage
my performance.

Did not. It was a misunderstanding.

Oh! The guest of honour.

- Welcome!
- You won, Sammy.

Oh, no, guys,
can we please watch something else?


There's got to be some celebs
in rehab that need our attention.

My dad was in the audience

and he hasn't watched me dance...

Are you OK?
I just talked to Dad.

In hours, he'll be
picking me up from Heathrow.

Then I'll be reinstalled in
the north wing with the step-brats.

You must have felt
like we ambushed you, though.

You totally did the right thing.
Zach's an awesome guy.

Then why did you lie about him?

Partly boredom.

And partly an experiment to see
if you'd stand up for me.

Friend fail.

I couldn't do that
when I wasn't sure.

See, that's the difference.
I would have lied for you.

Oh, and at the Nationals?

I let you win.

I just want to re-enact
the critical moment.

See, I'm up on the stage
and the music just cuts out.

Hey, Slade, do the part
where you pull the cord.

So then there the music stops.
It's dead silence.

And I'm freaking out at this point,
I am.

I just... I don't know what to do.

So I just start dancing again.

Grace just left for London.
What? Why?

I don't think she's coming back.

I don't know
why we have to pretend

that we don't care about winning.

You should get to celebrate
the victories.

And be disappointed when you lose
something that matters.

Because it's honest.
And then you can move on.

Realising that no win
can fill a void.

And no loss can hurt you
unless you let it.