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02x06 - Like No One's Watching

Posted: 03/11/22 06:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dance Academy...

I'm always looking for
commercial dancers.

Why don't you give me a call?
I'm really not a dancer.

You should be really proud of how far you've
come, which is why I was so disappointed

to receive this email
from your father.

Sorry? It says he's withdrawing
his financial support.

You could have any career you want.
As long as it's a cardiologist?

Sammy, you can't support yourself,
pay your fees

AND keep up your Academy schedule.

You have to go to Berlin.
Maybe you could stay with Ethan.


I loved it.
I love you.

When Sleeping Beauty begins,

Aurora is celebrating
her th birthday.

By the time the curtain falls,

she's fallen in love with a prince...

been bewitched by an evil fairy...

and woken again
by the prince's kiss.

You have to get on
your hands and knees

and clean behind the toilet.

That's disgusting.
Who would do that?

Aurora's life is like
the perfect crush fantasy

that goes from first glance
to eternal love

in the space of minutes.

am breakfast shifts
are just too cruel.

I feel like
you're ageing prematurely.

You also have egg yolk in your hair.

By the end, everything's so perfect
that there's nothing left to do

but gaze into each other's eyes
and murmur.

Love you!

Yeah, back at ya.

It's like watching a car crash -
gruesome, yet utterly compelling.

If I was batting
that far out of my league,

I'd be singing it
from the rooftops too.

Maybe it's whatever comes after
the 'happily ever after'

that's the real challenge.

And then there were two.
Come on, Kat.

Wasn't your excuse
for monopolising the shower

that you had to be at school
on time?

And I'm going right now.
See, legs moving, very fast.

We should go to the beach.

Don't you have some scheduled event
for the day, like class?

Yeah, excused. Doctor's appointment.

But, Kat, look. Our youth will pass
us by if we don't seize the day.

So it's for the brochure
and website? Oh, OK.

You should get one of us.

I'm... kidding.

So, um, that public declaration,

which I totally didn't mean
to be so loud,

did I embarrass you, or...?

It was loud,

but I have a well-developed
embarrassment threshold.

That's lucky.

Try to ignore Danny, guys.

The dancing will look much better

if you're not posing shamelessly
for the camera.

I don't know where Ben is.

Do you think I could take turns with
Abigail and work with Christian?

Hmm... You're a little too tall
for him, sweetie.

Auroras, hold those attitudes.

Sammy, wake up, yeah? You're lucky
you've got such a strong partner.

Everyone check out Grace.

Her energy's running straight up
through her centre of balance.


OK, guys.

Danny needs a beautiful couple

for the front cover
of the Academy brochure.

Christian, can I get you down here?

You're so dreamy.

Love you!

And... Grace come on down.

You two are a great couple.
You look really good together.

Should we try the attitude position?

Hey, I vote we go to the aquarium,
annoy the sharks.

I hate sharks.


I love you as me.

Uh, thanks.

Who's Anne Black?

She's just some dodgy agent
I met at Showcase.

She wanted to meet with me.
That's awesome! You should ring her.

I bet she gives her card to
every blonde who can do a time step.

It's the agent or the sharks.
Your pick.

Six, seven, eight.

Soutenu and lunge.


Stabilise, and fish dive.

Uh, let's try that one again,
shall we, Sammy?

Please be careful. My unbroken bones
are very dear to me.

Seems you're missing
a few life-sustaining activities.

Eating and sleeping
may seem irrelevant,

but, uh, for body strength,
it's kind of important.

All you guys should be hitting
the gym in your spare time.

Spare time?
Yeah, I remember spare time.

You need total body strength
for these lifts, yeah?

Ari? Aren't the guy ballerinas
meant to lift the girl ballerinas?

Does Mum and Dad know you're here?

What happened to your face?
You get hit with a hockey ball?

He doesn't visit, he doesn't call,
now he sees a tiny scratch.

Maybe I should get beat up
more often.

Whoa, someone beat you up?
Uh, it's no big deal.

No, come on. Where do I find
this dirt bag?

At the bus stop? Hockey fields?

Is he on your team?
He's a mathlete.

Bully-nerd? Must be a new species.

What are you gonna do? Dance at him?

Hey, I can be intimidating.
Never underestimate the g*ns.

It wasn't even much of a fight.

I just wanted to hang out with you.

Grace is really pretty, isn't she?

Yeah, she's alright.

She has really good bones.

Bit too skinny for me.

I guess I'm not too skinny for you.


I guess I'm... other things.

Yeah. You're...
you're kind of odd and chirpy.

Chirpy? I'm odd and I'm chirpy?

That's what you love about me?

Aren't you hungry?

Alright, well, I need to finish
my anatomy homework... now.

There's nothing else
you might like to say to me?

Can you put that in the bin for me?

Oh, and this.

See, not at all dodgy. Wow.

Ben Tickle, her manager.

My friend... who needs managing.

Well, Mr Tickle, your client and I
need some alone time.

You've got five seconds.
What? Oh.

Uh, I'm Katrina,
but my friends call me Kat.

Uh, and I just thought...
No, my friend Ben out there...


That is how long a casting director
will give you

so you've gotta know who you are,

you've gotta know how to
walk through the door.

You're your own business now.
You're Katrina Karamakov.

I am?

But you need to want this,

because when I believe in an artist

more than they believe in
themselves, well, that hurts, Kat.

I'm sorry. Darling, can you hold
for three? Thanks.

Right. We've got an audition
this afternoon.

This could be the start

of a very special and lucrative bond
between us.

Already? Uh, what's it for?

No, I told you we're not gonna
sign that contract.

Well, I want per diems,
I want business class travel

and I want one of those
miniature horses in the trailer.

Well, how badly do you want her?

No, Mum, he just showed up.

Well, maybe he could stay the night.

Well, he said the fight
wasn't serious.

I didn't know that.

No, he didn't mention that part.

Yeah, OK. Yeah, yeah. I get it.

But he's fine now. OK. Bye.

Apparently, you've been bullying
the other kids.

They had to see the principal
about it.

Bullying is such an overused term.

So you're one of those guys now?

The ones who used to throw my bag
into the creek for being a dancer?

As if you know what's been going on.

You haven't been home for the past six
months and I don't even know why.

Get off for a sec.

Dad refused to pay my Academy fees.

He was hoping I'd run back home,
penniless and needy.

So I got a job
and I didn't go back home.

Your turn. Start talking.

If you get a sixpack,
you're still ballerina boy.

It's not cooler.
It is a bit cooler.

Huh. Say it with me.


OK, can we go now?


that's unsettling.
No, we can't go.

That'd be against everything
I stand for.

So you stand for girls in
tight outfits and fluorescent teeth?

Yes, yes, I do.

Are we auditioning
for the Emu Cheer Squad today?

OK, so we're looking at flexibility,

crowd-ability, personal-ability...

I mean personality.

And I wanna see sunshine beams
on all those faces.

OK, let's get ready for
the first position.

OK, big cinnamon rolls, high V,

left herkie, toe touch,

high V, right herkie.

Let's do it all again.

Cinnamon roll, high V...
High V.

Left herkie...
Left herkie...

Toe tuck.

Your friend's picking it up
super fast.

He's a natural.
High V. Left herkie...

You have to stay bouncy,
even when your team's losing.

And with the Emus,
that happens a lot.

I didn't say that.


So, the girls I call need
to come and collect your uniform

for call-backs tomorrow.

Ashley Tamara, Peaches Delight,

Kat Karamakov...

Five minutes living together and
already I have to play the parent.

Your school rang me today.

Oh, well, I gave myself
an excursion.

Purely educational.
She's now master of the left herkie.


Look, it was just a one-off.
A vitally important audition.

For what?

For... the Emus.
Oh, Kat...

Cheerleading is a lot harder
than you think, OK? Here.

I thought you wanted to
make a go of normal school.

I did. I do. I... It's just...

Maybe... this could be my thing.

You're a snob!

Yeah, well, you know what I am.
You gave up the National Academy...

I got kicked out
of the National Academy.

So you could do cartwheels
for a sport you don't even like?

Come on, Kat.
It's just another distraction.

Well, I told the school you're really
looking forward to that detention.


I thought we were gonna watch a DVD.

Can't you call in sick?

Yeah, I could, but then
I couldn't afford to eat.

You'd probably want to watch
Step Up anyway.

I'll just hang out here.

You really don't want to be home
right now, do you?

Well, I can't leave you here.

You might beat up on some
poor, defenceless...


did I mention how exceptional
your pirouettes were today?

For best results, exfoliate first.

I recommend two shades darker
than your natural tan.

A wholesome glow
that's... that's nicely slimming.

Not that you aren't slim already.
Thanks, Ben.

I can help you with the application
if you like.

A selfless offer, but no.

Did he say 'slimming'?

I guess you're not a gamer.

I have no idea what that means,

but I like activities with rules,
an outcome and an undisputed winner.

Welcome to the world of gaming.


Who knew having gigantic fists
and smashing everything in sight

could be so liberating?

It officially owns ballet.
No offence.

Ballet is more pain...
and v*olence... and sacrifice

than you'll ever know, kid.

So why do you do it?

'Cause if I didn't,
I wouldn't be me.

Neither would your brother.


Owned! Suck it.

The problem is, I'm only a C+.

Oh, any topic but school. Thank you.
I mean physically.

Christian's an A or an A+

and I'm only a C
or a C-on a bad skin day.

Uh, it says that you should spray
that about cm away from your skin.

Do you think that Christian knows
that he could do better than me

because I'm not pretty enough
for him?

I think you should spray that thing
further away.

I would give anything
to look like you or Grace.

There's just...
there's just so much wrong with me.

Yeah, like,
you don't have a great boyfriend,

You have no idea what you wanna do
with your life,

and you're completely untalented.

You mean those kind of things?

Has it ever occurred to you

maybe you don't always need
something to work on?

There's always something
that needs working on.

Don't try that again.

So you work this much every day?

We could still do a DVD if you want.

The mathlete,
he took my place on the hockey team.

You got thrown off hockey team?

I get maths tutoring instead.

Dad's orders.

Since you left,
all he does is hassle me.

'One of my sons
will become a doctor.'

I never thought
that he'd put all that on you.

I keep thinking it would be better
if you came home,

but you can't, can you?

I'm really, sorry, mate.

I'm tanned! I'm tanned! I'm tanned!
I'm tanned! I'm tanned!

I'm tanned! I'm tanned!

Oompa Loompa chic.

Sweetie, what have you done
to yourself?

I said two shades.

I hope Kat's not looking like this.

So, that embarrassment threshold -
I've exceeded it?

Yeah. A little bit.

OK, guys, we're gonna work through
the fish dive sequence again.

And speaking for the girls
in the room,

I hope you boys
have had your spinach this morning.

And go.

Hold the arabesque.

Stabilise and fish.

Tell me I'm brilliant.
By all means.

Sammy, you're brilliant.

Nice, Sammy. Much improved.

Can I help you?
I'm here to collect my son.

Let me be completely clear.
This is not happening again.

'Cause fun's not allowed
in the Lieberman family.

You see the effect you have on him?
Yeah, I'm sure he got the bullying
from me too.

Dad, I know you hate my choices,
but do you have to hate his as well?

I'm not having this discussion!
He's just a kid.

Let him play hockey. I really don't
think you want to push him away.

You look tired.
Are you eating properly?


That was a pretty awesome
fish dive thing.

Hey, come over next week, OK?

Games and pizza.


I didn't think you'd be here
on a Saturday.

I just though that you could
return this to the squad.

You have a recall in minutes.

And, no, I don't courier
whilst wearing Prada.

I can't go back there.

I don't care about rugby.
You think I care about rugby?

Look, my friend Ben dragged me...
YOU dragged yourself here.

Something in you
made you perform at Showcase,

the same thing
that made you audition yesterday.

I... I think I miss it. Dancing.

My legs feel weird without it.

So you are a dancer.

What, are you afraid of
not being good enough? Is that it?

Yeah. Then just don't think
about what happens next.

You just see this audition and every
other, because there will be others,

as a chance to dance.

Doesn't matter whether
it's for a ballet company

or to be a cheerleader.

You dance because you're a dancer.

When I first started ballet,

I didn't know my Achilles were tight
or that my back had a slight arch.

After a while, you're told
so many things are wrong with you,

all you can see
are the imperfections.

OK, Kat. You're up next.

Show me your best moves

and I really wanna see
that sunshine beam.

Sleeping Beauty just needed a kiss
to solve everything,

but that's a fairytale.

I have to do it myself,

go back to the beginning and remember
why I danced in the first place.

I will chant for the Emus no more.

I was even gonna take Ari
to the game.

Eh, so I'm not a cheerleader.

I'm still gonna keep
auditioning though,

till I find something that fits.

Let's walk.

You know I think you're pretty,

Yeah, this tan really suits me.

I think I might make it my new look.

I might have had a small freak-out.

You were fine, and then your head
just went all...

It's, like...
It's this contentment deficiency.

Even if I'm happy, I start picking
at flaws looking for things to fix.

You can't just be happy?

Right now, I'm pretty good.

Except I'm really self-conscious
about my toes.

They do NOT belong in public.

And I should be putting in some
extra training at the studio.

Aside from that,
I think I'm pretty...

Christian! Christian!
No, you are NOT gonna do this!


Love you.

It's all out of love.