04x16 - I Give Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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04x16 - I Give Up

Post by bunniefuu »

It's a lot better than any of the junk

They'll rent ya down there.

It's got fog-resistant lenses

And fitted flanges.


No. For your nose.

'Cause I don't wanna see too clearly, you know?

I mean, there's lots of scary stuff

In that water, right?

Sharks and stuff.

Charlie, could you sign this?

Or is all that shark talk just people trying

To scare me?

Off the tip of baja?

No. That's pretty much great white central.

Anywhere. Anywhere's fine.

Then are you saying I shouldn't snorkel

Down there? I mean--

Do what you want. It's your vacation.

Hey, what's with the tone?

I really gotta get to school,

So if you could just sign it, charlie.

You come over here and bum vacation gear

From a sick person.

Charlie, you insisted!

You didn't have to accept.


Here. I know how to write

My own name, claud.

And we're all very proud.

Thank you.

Wait a minute. Is that an "f"?

You got an "f"?

Claudia, you don't get fs.

I know. I kind of thought it'd be more of a kick,

To tell you the truth.

Kirsten: claudia.

Claud, you know what?


I don't know. Just don't do it again, ok?



That's all you're gonna say to her?

Look, do you want the snorkeling gear

Or not?!

Well, that was the spirit of the armistice,

But what was the reality?

What were the forces that doomed the koreas

To a permanent state of w*r?

Mr. Salinger...

You seem deep in thought.

Anything on the subject?

Um, oh, uh...

The--what were the forces

That were, um... Mm-hmm.

That were doing that?

(Cell phone rings)

That's me. I have it for emergencies,

So that's what it must be. It must be an emergency.


Yep, a definite emergency.

I should probably...

Mercy. Yeah, I'm here.


Ok, tell her--tell her the seafood bisque,

But do the cheese pastries, too, 'cause we're nowhere

On appetizers today.

Yeah. No, don't apologize.

You did the right thing by calling.

You have no idea.

In fact, I have a question.


Why would you say

The korean peace agreement failed?

Why can't I find the ad for the shop?

I see boats for sale, computers, planes.

Wow, someone's even selling used cats.

Look under "business opportunities."

"Pathetic failures."

Hey--ha ha-- griffin, I found it.

It's in a perfect place. Come and take a look

At this.


Griffin: let me see.

On second thought, I'll describe it to you.

It's got "holbrook cycle repairs"

In bold face right above the fold,

And next to it, it's got this practically pornographic

Lingerie ad,

Which, as a woman, doesn't make me very proud, but--

Ah-choo! You know, you've been

Sneezing for days.

Have you talked to dr. Rabin?

It's a cold, julia, not cancer.

So what do you think you can get for the shop?

I don't know. Not much.

That is not true.

It's a choice lease, with really valuable

Tools and equipment,

And you add all that up...

Minus transfer fees, plus what I owe howie.

We could net almost, I don't know...


Right, which is...

Incredibly sad.


No, griffin, no. That is not true.

Because if you think about it,

Zero means we're out of debt,

Which means from now on,

Whatever we make, we can keep.

So now we can stop working overtime

To keep that place running,

And we can start...

We can start being married to each other

Instead of that shop.

Wouldn't that be nice?

I still want those reports by friday.

This was a pop quiz, not an extension.



Well, I've got the parts stocked by manufacturer

Rather than model.

I know some guys like to do it

The other way around.

Mm-hmm. (Chuckles)

I see belt-wise, you're set until the next millennium.

Yeah, well, they ran a special.

I figured I'd be in business

A little longer.

Whatever. It's not like I can't use 'em.

Well, so, what do you think?

Is this what you're looking for?

Uh-huh. Of course,

I'm gonna have to noodle the price

A little bit.

Wait a second. You work for those guys?

No, I don't work for 'em.

It's my franchise. I own it.

You gotta be kidding.

Why would I sell to you?

Well, because I could always use

The extra floor space,

And, uh, money's money,

And there's a "for sale" sign

On your door.

But you're the guy that--

You lowered your prices below cost so you could

Put me out of business.

I--i put everything I've got into this place.


And now who are you gonna sell it to?

Another independent like you?

He's gonna see me down the street,

And he's gonna know I'm gonna do

The same thing to him

That I did to you.

Now, I'm sorry if this troubles you, son,

But I you wanna get out of this thing

With your shirt,

I'm it.

I'm the only game in town.

We couldn't rent this stuff when we got there?

We could, but this stuff's free,

And charlie says it's better.

It's got lenses and flanges and stuff.

Wait a minute. The guy's laid up with cancer,

And you take his recreational equipment.

He offered, paul.


In fact, he pretty much insisted.


(Telephone rings)

He did.

I know.


Charlie... Kirsten--

Will you please tell paul

Kirsten-- that you made me take

That snorkeling stuff?

'Cause he thinks I'm--



I just--i wanna ask paul a medical question

Because if I call my own doctor,

She's gonna charge me, like, 50 bucks

For a phone consultation.

Is it the cold?

(Sighs) yeah.

It's, uh, it's getting worse.

How much worse?

Charlie: well, headache, sneezing, fever.

Headache, sneezing, fever.

And, uh, it hurts when I breathe.

Uh, painful breathing.


Painful how?

Uh, painful how?

Like it hurts.

Like it takes a little extra work.

Mmm. Listen, I don't want to panic you or anything,

But you really ought to get to the hospital.

Hospital? Do I really--

Look, just to be on the safe side,

Why don't you get in the car

And go, ok?




Charlie, do you need someone to take you?

Charlie: no, I'm all right.

Are you sure?

Yeah. (Sniffs)

Ok. All right.


Kirsten, where are you going?

I'm going to meet him at the hospital.

I'd never ask,

Except it's nattie's third-grade class,

You know? I told you, I'd love to.

Just tell me when I'd have to be there.


9:00. 9:00 Tomorrow morning?

Ok, you know what? So what if i--

If I make 30 little kids yawn at me.

Ok? They're 7 years old,

So I will just have to find a way

To make insurance interesting.

No. Stop. I'll do it. I can do it.

I'll just--i'll check on those gas leaks before breakfast,

And I'll cram for my midterm tonight,

And I'll get another extension on the paper.

Would you?


You know what?

I'm a lousy typist,

And you're gonna have to check for spelling

And grammar,

But I would love it

If you would let me type that paper for you.

Great. That's a deal.

Jeff, table 12.

(Telephone rings)

One second.



What? What's the matter? Where are you?

He is?

What? Bailey.

(Sighs) I'll be right there.

What, so all of a sudden you care where the money

Comes from?

It's not all of a sudden.

You took money from howie, and he's like a criminal.

Jule, come on.

It's bad enough that I have to sell.

If I sell to this guy, how pathetic am i?

Griffin, that is not what I mean.

Just--you know, if you'd already made up your mind,

Why did you even ask me?

Because it's your money, too.

I just needed you to back me up on this.

Guys, uh, listen, I'm sorry to just, uh--

I tried to call, but the phone here

Was disconnected.

What is it?

Kirsten called the apartment looking for bailey,

And I tried you guys at the house.

Claudia was the only one there.

I tried here, but the phone--

What's going on?

Charlie's in the hospital.

Claudia's on her way.

Why? Why is he in the hospital?

I don't know. Kirsten didn't--

Which hospital?

Bailey. Where is he?

I don't know.

All the rooms on this floor are even-numbered.

Did you talk to kirsten? Do you know why--

I mean, does it have something to do

With the cancer?

I don't know.

Kirsten. Hey.

He just fell asleep. But why is he--

How is he?

The doctors say it looks like pneumonia.

Pneumonia? How did he get pneumonia?

I guess he was more susceptible because of the radiation.

Yeah. Wait. That cold he had?

So now he's on heavy antibiotics.

And what does that mean? He's gonna be ok?

I don't know. If they caught it early enough--

If? Is it that serious?

I don't know.

What do the doctors say?

I don't know. I mean, nobody knows. Not yet.

I want to see him.

(Charlie coughs)

Bailey, he's awake.


Hey, charlie.

How do you feel, charlie?

Not good.

But how's your breathing feeling?

Is it feeling any better?


Yeah. Are owen and claud ok?

They're fine. Owen's at home

With sarah.

And claud was worried about school,

So I told her she should just go.

Probably doesn't want to get another "f."

Sorry I'm late.

Are you ok?

How's the patient?

Does that answer your question?

Well, the congestion's loose.

That's a good sign.

(Pager beeps)

What? Is it an emergency?

No. It, uh, well, it's the travel agent.

We told her we might want to take off early,

Which obviously we're not. So...

How long am I gonna be stuck in here?

You really ought to talk to your internist

About that.

Honey, come on.

Well, what can I tell you?

Um...your color's got room for improvement.

But it's not-- is it that serious?

No. He's just got a ways to go

Before the infection's gone.

But judging from his energy

And the fact that he's alert,

I'd say it looks, you know...

Not that bad.


Oh. Mrs. Ramos. Aren't you coming

To class today?

Sure. Why?

Well, it starts in 5 minutes,

And you're going in the wrong direction.

I'm sorry. I'm sort of out of it today.

What's the matter?

Well, actually...

My brother is--

He's not feeling well,

And I thought that I'd be ok, you know?

That I'd be able to concentrate--

Well, that's the sort of thing

You should've gotten a note for,

But, well, maybe I can have a word

With the office.

Thanks a lot.

I can replace those missing sockets.

I'm going to, so don't take off for those.

All right.

And don't forget the fixtures

'Cause I own everything right down to the walls.

Yeah, you said that.

So what's it worth?

All in-- like a ballpark?

That all depends.

On what?

Your reasons for selling.

What difference does it make?

The stuff's worth what it's worth.

Not necessarily.

For instance, your tools--

They're valuable, sure, but only as long as

They're part of the shop.

As piecemeal, the market's not too hot for used tools.

The same goes for everything in here.

Your fixtures, your lease--

You sell it all together as a business,

I can get you something for that.

That's why I ask why you're selling.

'Cause unless there's some good reason

Not to sell it as a shop,

I can get you 10 times as much for your stuff.

I'll take one, please.

Shouldn't you be in school?

It's a half day.

I'll take one, please.



Hey. He said he had 5 more minutes.

It's already been 6 1/2.

Don't you have a cell phone?

My battery's dead.

I been on with the restaurant

All morning,

And I really have to get to school.

Are you calling griffin?

About the shop?


About the kid?

How's that going? How's that going?

Oh, don't ask. Oh, don't ask.

Hey, phone's free. Bailey.

Hey, it's dr. Rabin. She's goin' in.

What does that mean?

Charlie, try not to worry--

Yeah, but I don't feel that sick.

I know. It's just a precaution.

What's just a precaution?

What's going on?

They wanna change my radiation schedule.

They wanna radiate me for an extra...

God knows how long.

Doctor: I didn't say that. I said maybe,

Depending on your recovery from the pneumonia.

But I thought he was doing better.

We got his culture back,

And it turns out the bacteria he's been fighting

Is a tough one.

But what's that got to do with his radiation?

I'm worried about his white count,


So I'm stopping his treatments

While he's in here,

And that means more radiation

On the other end.

How much more?


I don't know yet.


It's possible.

Charlie: but that is...

6 Weeks is what you told me.

I know. You're pacing yourself.

I'm supposed to be done a week from thursday.

That was the date. That's what I can


It's just a little while longer.

A little while.

Doctor, every day of that stuff--


Why didn't you say anything to me?

You never... Mentioned a word

About pneumonia or...

Or any of this.

Charlie, I can't predict every complication.

Tell me how I'm supposed to deal with this.

Tell me how I'm supposed to deal with this thing

When no one knows what the hell's

Gonna happen.

Got a message you wanted to talk to me.


Thought I was the antichrist.

You want to talk about price,

Let's talk about price.

You wanted to talk to me?


I still don't have my paper done yet,

If that's--

2 Ds, a zero on this paper

Average out to an "f," mr. Salinger.

I talked to your advisor.

You're still on probation.

That means if you want to stay enrolled

At this college,

You have to get this paper done,

And you have to get it done right away--

Actually, what I have to do,

I have to go to the hospital now

Because my brother's there with pneumonia,

And then I have to cover for him at his work.

Then I have to go to a parent conference

At my little brother's day care because he doesn't have

Any parents.

And then after that, I have to go to my other job,

The one that actually pays my rent.

So you'll get the paper when you get it, ok?

That's the best I can do.

All right. Let me make sure he's ready for visitors, ok?


Excuse me. Can you watch him for a second? Thanks.

Hey, charlie, you up?

Ok, grab onto your tubes

'Cause the little monster is here.

Hey, you didn't touch your dinner.

Are you done with it?

Looks like its been here forever.

What, are the orderlies on strike or something?

Jule, could we not right now?

Look, I know you're tired.

Ok? I know, but this will be quick.

He just needs to see your face,

To see you're ok.

But I'm not, julia. I'm not ok.


I don't wanna see him, all right?

I don't wanna see anybody.

I don't want anybody coming into my room

Trying to clean it up

Or bring me stuff or try to cheer me up.

I just...

I just want to sleep.

All right? I just wanna sleep.

You're making a big deal out of nothing.

It's not nothing. I am really worried.

Why? Because he's in a bad mood?

He is depressed. He is really depressed,

And that's not a good thing for a sick person to be.

It doesn't help you get better any faster.

Come on, julia. The guy has tubes

Coming out of everywhere,

He's coughing all the time, and every part of his body


But as soon as those antibiotics kick in--

Ok, listen, listen.

I'm gonna go by there today, ok?

And I'll--i'll try and distract him

And cheer him up.

I bet he's feeling better today, ok?


Hey, claud, you wanna come with me?

You know what? The thing is

I'd like to,

But I can't.

You sure? I haven't seen you over there since--

Oh, I've been over there.

Yeah. I was over there last night.

You guys were probably just in the cafeteria

Or something,

And charlie was asleep.

Ok. Well, then, come now. He'll probably be up.

Oh, I know, but...

Well, I just have this really big

School project thing,

This biology thing,

And charlie just gave me this whole big lecture

On not flunking out,

So, you know, I don't think he'd really appreciate it

If I was there during school hours,

But...i'll go later, ok? I will.

Ok. Starting at 10:00, it's a stooges marathon.

I know you've got the boxed video set,

But I'm pretty sure that stooges go around the world

In a daze isn't in it.


Hey, bailey, check the hall.

Are there any nurses out there?


I smuggled in some peanut brittle.

Perfect, 'cause I snuck in some lattes.

I'm not hungry.

When was the last time you ate?

I don't know.

The nurse says that it was yesterday.

Oh, here you are. Hi.

I woke up this morning, and you weren't there,

Which was--here you are.

Hey, paul, will you do me a favor

And look at his chart?

The doctor says that he's doing better,

So he should be feeling better.

Well, the doctor's right.

Your temperature's down.

Your oxygen's in the mid-90s.

Your chest pictures look much better.

You hear that, man?

You're doing great. You're getting better.

Dr. Thomas, I thought you were on vacation.

Yeah, me, too.

Paul, could I talk to you for a minute?

What is going on with you?

I mean, are you upset?

"I woke up, and you weren't there."

What was that?

Well, you weren't.

Ok, but what about that stuff with his chart?

What about it? I don't know.

It just feels weird.

You keep saying this or that thing

Is a good sign

Or that the numbers say he's getting better.

Which is true.

But I just keep getting this feeling.

It's like you're putting a spin on things.

A spin? Yeah.

I mean, you're not playing this down,

Are you?

Why would I do that? I don't know.

So I won't worry so much.

So I won't spend so much time here.

Because of the trip. I don't know.

Wow. That's really nice.

That's really flattering.

Paul... I never said

He was healthy.

I said he was getting better,

And he is.

But he doesn't look any better.

Well, he is.

Look, I understand why you're worried.

He's your friend, and it's hard

To see him so sick.

But he's surrounded by doctors.

And he's got his whole family here.

And the truth is, there's really

Nothing you can do.

So when I think of how long we've waited

For this vacation--

He is depressed, ok?

What you're seeing in there--

That is depression.

Maybe I don't know what chest pictures mean,

But I know what depression means,

And I know how scary that is, ok?

Ok, honey, ok.

(Kirsten and paul arguing)

Hey, did you hear about hunter's grill,

Place across the street?

They're closing up,

Turning the place into a pet shop

Or something,

Which means now, for continental cuisine,

We own the block.

(Arguing continues)

You know what? Why don't I close this door?

Could you close it behind you?

What, you mean...

Well, I was...i was gonna help you...

Pick out something to read or--


Yeah, but--



Well, I'm gonna come by later on.

I'm gonna bring owen to see you.

Bailey, don't. I--i don't wanna see him.




You're back. Thank god. The restaurant's

Called about 6 times.

They're having some kind of fridge crisis.

Whatever. I'll call them later.

But they're, like, totally freaking out.

Listen, listen, you were right about charlie.

He's in really bad shape.

He's really depressed, and I'm worried

About him.

I know.

And those nurses over there, they have

No idea what he wants.

They keep bringing him food

And asking him whether he's comfortable or not,

So, I mean, one of us should be over there.

We should take shifts or something

So one of us can be there all the time.


Ok, so then, we're gonna have to figure out

What to do with owen.

And...what about--i mean, you still have the apartment

And the restaurant and school.

We don't have to worry about that anymore.

School...'Cause I made a decision.

I'm gonna quit.

I'm gonna quit school.

Bailey, you--you can't. You can't do that.

Why not?

What's the difference? I'm barely there now.

It's--it's a joke.

It's like "oh, you've decided to join us today,

Mr. Salinger."

Come on. Just because things are out of hand

At the moment--

No. It's--you know what I'm workin' on right now?

Some paper on the vietnam w*r.

And you know what? Just between you and me,

It's gonna suck.

And the professor's gonna read it

And take pity on me

And give me a c-plus for trying, but why

Am I bothering doing that?

What am I getting out of that?

I don't know. An education?

No, jule, no.

'Cause I'll tell you something else.

I am really tired of being the guy who's just...

"No sweat. Bring it on.

I can handle it. I can handle everything."

Because you know what? I can't.

I can't handle everything, so it's easier to just...


All right, here also-- date it--

This one lists all the shop's assets.

Just your initials there.

This one is a release of liability--did I get

Your social right on that?

Uh, full name on this one...

You want to hang around for a while?


Oh, uh, no. I just...

If this air pump ever freezes up,

Just, uh, play with the pressure valve.

That's all it needs.

No...no, what I mean is, we're gonna have to staff

This place up.

You know where everything is.

You're kidding, right? I mean, you're not--

You're not actually--

I just figured that, uh, you're sellin' the place.

You probably need the money.

I'm sorry. Did you not get what

Just happened here?

I just lost my business...

And I lost it to you.

Hey, if I'm wrong...

If you don't need the work...

Ok, charlie, you want some peace and quiet.

And you know what? We get that, so...

We brought you...

Some of these white noise tapes.

Here. The surf at stimson.

Your basic babbling brook.

And, in case you get really overstimulated,

Desert sounds.

Which is...you know, pretty much...silence.

Guys, please, just--

Wait. Well, because the doc says

You're doing much better and what you really need now

Is some high quality rem sleep.


And what?

I'll only have cancer?

All anybody tries to do is buck me up, you know?

You can do it, charlie. You can fight it.


What is that? I mean, I'm gonna knock out

Cancer with optimism?

I mean, I didn't make myself get it.

How am I gonna make myself get rid of it?

I've been doing the positive thinking

Thing for months, ok?

Every single day since I found out.

And you know what? Now I'm in the hospital.

So, is that my fault? Didn't I think

Positively enough?

Well, I'll tell you what, you guys,

I'm done with that.

I don't know if it works or not.

I just know that I spend so much time

Eliminating any possibility

Of anything going wrong.

I mean, I even pushed people out of my life

To make sure of it.

And now I'm just...

(Sighing heavily)

I'm just too tired to keep it up.

Charlie, come on--

Don't. Please, just--just let me be ok

With whatever happens is gonna happen.

It's so much better that way.

If I get better... I get better.

That's great.

If I die...i die.

It's not so great.

But you know what?

It's there, so please,

Just let me stop pretending

That it's not.

So I cashed the check today,

Gave it all to howie.

Really? Where does that leave us?

Well, we're out of the hole.

Actually, we've got about $300 left

In the bank, all ours.


What, that's it?

I thought you'd be more excited.

Oh, I'm--i'm sorry. I'm just, uh...

I missed the doctor yesterday, and I don't

Want to miss her again.

Anyway...the guy was ok about it,

Except...except for one thing.



As soon as it's over,

As I'm handing him my keys to the place--

Or my used-to-be place--

He asked me if I want a job.

He did?

Can you believe that?

I mean, the guy puts me out of business,

Practically steals my place from me,

And then thinks I want to work for him.

So, uh, are you gonna take the job?

What, are you kidding?

Well, if we're ever gonna get our own apartment--

Up until yesterday, the place was mine,


Yeah, but you know what? We need the money.

And it's working on motorcycles,

Which is exactly why you bought the shop

In the first place.

You're not getting me here, all right?

You're not getting what I'm saying.

I'd be working for him.

There she is. I'm sorry. Can we--

Just stay here for a second. I'll be back.

Of course, that's assuming he keeps getting better,

The way he's been doing.

I'm sorry. I missed what you said.

Can you start again?

I was just saying, I've been studying his charts,

And charlie's doing really well.

If he stays on track, he should be out of the hospital

In a couple of days.

Wow! Really?! That's--

Which also means we're safe

To start back up with the radiation treatments.

And he can stay on schedule?

No extra radiation on the other end?

Oh, god! That is fantastic.

Isn't that great, charlie?

See, charlie? People do bounce back

From these things.

I guess so.

See? We told you you'd beat it, huh?




He doesn't seem any better, does he?

I don't know.

I mean, you get news like that...

She practically told him that he's going home.

And that doesn't make him feel any better?

Give it time, bailey. He's still gettin'

Over this thing.


No. I mean it.

Let him get out of the hospital

And let him feel normal for a while.


So I guess it's your turn to make me

Feel better now, huh?


I guess that's how we work, huh?

One of us gets crazy. The other one calms 'em down.

It's gonna take a while for us to see how

All this turns out.


I don't think any of us should make any big,

Sudden moves.

Don't...don't quit school yet, bailey.


Wait and see how things are when charlie gets home,

And if you're still too busy, then get

Some help from someone.


Like, I don't know, I could help you.

I could.

I could take classes for you and take notes or whatever.

It might even be fun, you know?

Assuming that you're taking something more challenging

Than remedial macrame.

I'm done with school, jule.


What, that's it? You're not even gonna

Think about it?

I have. I have thought about it.

And you know what?

It's like what charlie was saying.

It's so much easier to stop pretending.

And it's the same thing with you and griffin

With the bike shop.

That's not working out for you, so instead of

Pouring more into it,

You cut it loose.

That's how school is with me.

It's not how I wanna spend my time,

So...i'm cutting my losses,

And I'm moving on,

And I'll tell you something, jule.

It feels good.

It's late. He must have turned the phone off.

Yeah, probably.

It sounds like he's getting better,

Though, right?

He's better, but... He's still in there,

You know?

Listen, I've got to tell the travel agent something.

We're almost halfway through the week,

So if you're thinking about--

I'm not going, paul.

You're not?

I just...if I went,

I would be at that pay phone

Every 5 minutes.

It wouldn't be fair to you.

It wouldn't be any fun for you.

You need this, I know that,

So you should go.

You should go and take the vacation

That you need.

Don't even say that, ok?

Just look at the position you're putting me in.

I'm a jerk if I tell you not to worry about charlie,

And I'm an idiot if I don't use this vacation time.

I'm sorry.

I don't want your apology, kirsten.

I just want your... I want--i want...


Paul! You can't be jealous!

I can't?! Are you kidding?

How many times have you been near or at an altar

With this man?

I mean, I'm not an idiot.

I know those feelings just don't disappear.

You're right. They don't.

What does that mean?

I know that you want me to tell you exactly...

How I care about him.

Like--like I love him this way

But not that way.

But...i don't know how to do that.

I just--i just love him...

Enough so that I can't go.

So the magazines and your mail.

And here's some quarters for your vending machine


'Cause if charlie's feeling better,

He's gonna want some junk food.

And then I have a surprise.

I went a little overboard

With the leatherette cover, but...

Annie... You shouldn't have.

Why? You needed it typed, didn't you?


This is mr. Bigham from the principal's office

At grant high school.

I'm calling about claudia salinger.

She's been absent from school

For several days.

We've called all her contact numbers,

But no one's gotten back to us.

I'm afraid we can't overlook her truancy

Any longer

Without some kind of word from her family.

So if somebody--

Erase this message. You have no messages.

Bailey: hey.

The nurse said you wanted to see us?


Julia: hey, you actually ate your...

What was that?

I have no idea, but it was bad.

Hey...you seem...

You're sitting up, and you're eating.

I feel a lot better.


That is so great.

Yeah, I've been thinking about stuff, a lot.

And, um...

I need to see emmett, so could you call him up

And get him over here for me?

Emmett? Why would you...

I want to write a will.

Charlie, a will, why would you want--

You just said that you were feeling better.

Guys, it's not just--

Listen, it's not a horrible thing, ok?

Because, yeah, I guess the pneumonia

Is getting better,

Which is fine, but...

That's not my biggest problem here.


And please don't tell me

That I'm gonna beat the cancer, too.

I know you think that, but...

Really, no one knows.

And I've gotta look at those odds,

And I've gotta be straight with myself.

I've gotta accept that there is a chance

That I might not make it.

So if the worst happens, you know...

What next? Do I just sit here and let it come?

'Cause I've been doing that.

I've been trying to be ok with whatever happens to me,

But...it feels wrong.

And you know why?

You guys.

Because of you guys.

I have to be ok with whatever happens to me,

But you guys are another story.

I want to know about that.

I want to know that you're gonna be ok.

And...it's not like I haven't spent enough time

Figuring out how I'm gonna live through this.

I've also gotta spend some time

Figuring out how I'm gonna die.

Which is why...

In a weird way...

Planning for the worst, it's actually...

For me, it's...

It's a good thing. It feels good.

So, please just get emmett over here, ok?

And, um...

Bring owen and claud, too.

I want to see them.


(Banging) woman: stupid, stupid, stupid!

Damn stupid server!

Uh, hello?

Uh, who are you?

Um...i'm griffin,

And I'm...supposed to work here.

Oh, um...

Ok, the time clock's not installed yet,

So I'll just take your name and the time.

Time clock?

Griffin what?

Oh, um...holbrook.

I know that name.

That's on the vendor agreements.

You used to own this place.

Yeah, it's... Ancient history.

Wow. Well, I'm--i'm rosalie.

Man, that must be-- I'm sorry if I was

Rude before.

Is that horrible, coming back to work here after...

A little.

I feel like I should get you a cup of coffee or something.

You used to be the boss.

Well, don't worry about it.

I didn't really have time to get used to it.

Charlie's still a little sick, owe.

That's why he has to stay in bed.

But he's getting better.

He's in bed, and he looks pretty tired,

But he's getting better.

And he's got some tubes and stuff,

So we gotta be careful of that.

There's no roughhousing, ok?

Ok. Ok.


Hey, munchkin. How ya doin'?


Where's claudia?

Oh. Uh, I think she had to take off

For school early.

Next time.

Hey. Want me to show you around my room?

Bailey says your bed has tricks.

That's right, it does.

Get up there and I'll show you, all right?

All right. I'll show you this little

Remote thingy here.

All right, now, you push this one...


Push this one, and it goes down.

(Bed motor hums)

Push this one...
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