01x26 - New Mission

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba". Aired: April 6 to September 28, 2019.*
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Japanese anime television series based on the manga series of the same name.
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01x26 - New Mission

Post by bunniefuu »

How amazing.

How strong.

That's enough!

Kanao, you're really fast.

Today's result is ten wins and ten losses.

I still haven't trained enough.

I'll go for a few laps.

Are you guys up for it?

Do we have to maintain
Constant Total Concentration Breathing?


Do we have to keep doing this?


What a buffed fool.

Let's go.



What's this place?



Is this that woman's Blood Demon Art?

It seems that this space is centered
around that woman and became distorted.

Only the Lower Moons
of Twelve Demon Moons are gathered here.

This is my first encounter
of this situation.

Lower Moon Five isn't here yet.

The space moved.

It's caused by the Blood Demon Art.

Who's this woman exactly?

Who is she?

Bow your head and kneel.

Prostrate yourselves.

It's Lord Muzan.

It's Lord Muzan's voice.

I didn't realize it at all.

His appearance and smell
have changed completely.

His shape shifting power is so precise!

I'm so sorry.

Because your appearance
and smell have changed--

Did I give you permission to talk?

Based on your meaningless thinking,
you have no right to speak.

Just answer my question.

Rui was m*rder*d.

He was Lower Moon Five.

I only have one question.

How could the Lower Moons be so weak?

Even if you join the Twelve Demon Moons,
it doesn't signify the end.

It only signifies a new start.

Consume more humans
so that you'll grow stronger.

It's time for you to start helping me out.

For over a century,

the Upper Moons of Twelve Demon Moons
have never been replaced.

The ones who k*lled the Pillars
among the demon slayers

have always been Upper Moons.

What about the Lower Moons?

Why are you guys always replaced?

Even if you tell us
this kind of thing, we...

"Even if you tell us
this kind of thing, we..."

What is it? Tell me.

Can he read my mind?

This is bad.

What's bad?

Tell me.

Please forgive me, Lord Kibutsuji!

I beg you.

Please have mercy on me.

Please forgive me!

Why did this happen?

Will he k*ll me too?

I finally become part
of Twelve Demon Moons.


From now on, I will work harder.

Are the demon slayers scarier than me?


Every time you meet the Pillars
among the demon slayers,

all you think about
is running away, right?

No, that's not what I think!

I'm willing to put my life
on the line and fight for you!

Did you just deny what I said?

This is bad. I'm doomed.

He can read our mind.

It doesn't matter if we speak or not,
he'll k*ll us.

Even if I fight him,
it's impossible to win.


I can only run!

How foolish.

I must figure out an escape route.


I've run so far. I should be...


It seems Twelve Demon Moons
is sufficient with only Upper Moons.

The Lower Moons will be disbanded.

He caught me?

How did this happen?

Is this the power
of that female biwa player?

No, I didn't hear the sound of biwa.


My body can't regenerate.

Do you have any last words?

I can still work for you.

If you're willing to give me more time,
I'll definitely come in handy.

Specifically, how much time do you need?

How would you be useful to me?

What can you do for me
with your current strength?


If you're willing to give me your blood,

I'll definitely be able to withstand
and adapt to your blood

and become a stronger demon
to fight for you.

Why must I listen to you
and give you my blood?

You're so shameless.

Who do you think you are?

You've got it wrong! I...

Shut up.

I've got nothing wrong.

I never make a mistake.

Every decision is mine to make.

My words are absolute.

You don't have the right to deny.

If I think it's right,
then it's definitely right.

How dare you give me instructions?

Of course, you deserve death.

What are your last words?

This guy will get k*lled too.

Our life and death
depend on our lord's mood.

I'm dead for sure.

You're right.

I feel like I just had a good dream.

It's an honor to die in your hands.

I'm pleased to hear the wailing
of other demons before they die.

I'm way too happy now

because I love watching others
when they are miserable and suffering.

It's the feeling of pleasure
from having a sweet dream.

Thank you for saving me until the end.

I admire you.

I'll give a large concentration
of my blood to you.

You might die
because you can't withstand it.

However, if you were able to adapt,

you will receive
a drastic increase in power.

After that, you will work for me.

k*ll the Pillars among the demon slayers.

If you were able to k*ll the demon slayer
wearing hanafuda earrings,

I'll share more of my blood with you.

What happened?

It seems like I saw something.

That thing and Lord Muzan's blood
entered my body together.

If I k*ll the Pillars and this child,
I'll get more blood.

It's like I'm having a sweet dream.

It's morning! Wake up!

What's wrong?

Did anything happen?

Casualties on the Infinite Train
has increased.

More than 40 people are missing.

Travel to the scene and rendezvous
with Kyojuro Rengoku.

Head west at once.

I already assigned the Infinite Train's
mission to Tanjiro and the others.

Can I hear your reason
for recommending Tanjiro?

Tanjiro has always been brave
in moving forward.

He can work towards his goal
one step at a time.

Through this way of growth,
he may give us unexpected results.

Most importantly,

he has a clear goal to defeat Kibutsuji.

Regarding this point,
I have the same opinion.

Also, I heard Tanjiro said
that his dad used Breath of the Sun.

With his current state, I won't deny
that his power is still insufficient.

I was thinking that
the Flame Pillar, Mr. Rengoku,

will be able to guide him
and make him stronger.

You're right.

His younger sister doesn't consume humans
despite being a demon

and he bumped into Kibutsuji.

From these two incidents, Tanjiro can be
a child born with a special destiny.

All right, I'm heading out.

Someone's coming.

I already avoided him,
but he still bumped into me.

Wait, that guy...

He was at the Final Selection.

In this short period of time,
he grew so tall and buffed.

But what's with this smell?

Long time no see!
It's good to see that you're doing well!

I see.

You're leaving.

Although it wasn't long, it has been
a pleasure spending time with you.

Please do your best.

Be careful on the road.

You were so busy,
but you still took care of us.

Thank you very much!

Thanks to you, I can fight again.

Don't thank me.

I was lucky enough to survive
during the Final Selection.

After that, I'm just a coward
who can't fight because of my fears.

That's not true.

You already became a part of me
because you helped me, Ms. Aoi.

I'll carry your will
to the b*ttlefield, Ms. Aoi.

See you!

If I get hurt again,
I'll have to trouble you!

I found you!


We're heading out.

Thank you for everything.

What is it?


I only followed my master's instructions.

You don't have to thank me.


She talked to me!

What did you throw just now?


Was it a coin?

"Heads" and "tails" are written on it.

Why did you throw it?


It's spinning so much.

When I don't receive instructions,
I'll throw this to decide.

I was deciding whether
I should talk to you just now.

If it's heads, I won't talk.
If it's tails, I will.

It was tails just now, so I did.


Why don't you decide it yourself?

Kanao, what do you want to do?

I'm fine with anything.

As I'm fine with anything,
I can't make my own decisions.

I don't think it's possible
to be fine with anything in this world.

It must be because the voice
inside your heart is too soft.

But following orders is very important.

Can you lend it to me?

Thank you.

All right, I'll toss this
to make a decision.

What is it?

To decide whether from now on,

you should listen carefully
to the voice inside your heart or not.

I used too much force.

Heads. Please be heads!

If it's heads, Kanao,
you must live by following your heart.

That's odd.

Where did it go?

Is it there?

I caught it!


Look, Kanao.

Which side will it be?

When the coin fell, I couldn't see
because he was blocking me.


It's heads!


You can do it.

The heart is the driving force for humans.

The heart will keep on getting stronger.

Goodbye. We'll meet again!

How did you throw it to get heads?

I saw he threw the coin with his hand.

He didn't play dirty.

It's a coincidence.

Plus, even if I get tails,
I plan to throw it until I get heads.

Take care!

-You can do it!
-You can do it!


Please eat.

Thank you.

You can't eat it now.

-Please defeat many demons.
-Please defeat many demons.

I'll try my best.

I told you that you can't eat!
Do you hear me?

Shut up!

You should shut up!

Mr. Tomioka!

Are you heading out on a mission now?


It seems you have mastered
Constant Total Concentration Breathing.


Maintain it continuously.


Mr. Tomioka.

Regarding Nezuko, thank you very much.

You actually gamble your life for us.

I didn't know about it.

How should I express my gratitude?

You can thank me by working hard.

The duty of Demon Slayer Corps
is to slay demons.

That's all I have to say.


Please take care of yourself!

You girls will be lonely
after I leave, won't you?

I don't mind staying back.

Mr. Zenitsu, when you talk to girls,

please mind your words and actions
and know your limits.


I feel like I'm floating.

But if I'm no longer here,
you girls will feel a bit sad, won't you?

-We won't feel sad at all.
-We won't feel sad at all.

Goodbye, everyone.

We're leaving!



What kind of creature is this?

This is it, right?

The owner of this land.

The ruler of this land.

This length
and this feeling of oppression.

I'm definitely right.

It seems it's sleeping now.

I mustn't let my guard down!

No, it's a train.

You've never seen it?

Keep quiet!

I'll attack first.

Hang on, Inosuke!

Think about it.
Maybe it's the guardian of this land.

It's not appropriate
to suddenly attack it.

No, I told you. It's a train.

Train. Do you understand?

A transportation vehicle.
It's for carrying people.

You bumpkin.


Is this what the Kasugai Crow
was referring to?

What's wrong with that guy?

Rushing in like a boar!

Stop it! This is embarrassing!

What are you guys doing?

They are carrying swords.

Call the police!

Call the police quickly!

No! This is bad!

Run now!

Thanks to Inosuke, we're in trouble now!

Apologize now!


Why must we run if the police are here?

Because Demon Slayer Corps
isn't recognized by the government.

Actually, we can't walk in public
with our swords in view.

Even if we explain what a demon is,
the people won't believe us.

It will only create chaos.

We are risking our lives to k*ll demons.

We don't have a say in this matter.

Anyway, let's hide our swords
on our backs.

We can see them clearly.
Put a shirt on, you idiot.

No way! The train is leaving.

I wonder if the police are still there.

We still have to go.

Let's have a showdown,
the owner of this land!

This idiot...

Let's go too.

You three!

Tanjiro! Inosuke!


It's so fast.


Is it okay to bring Nezuko along?

Keeping her at the headquarters
of Demon Slayer Corps

should be the safest option.

It's fine.

No matter where we are,
Nezuko and I will always be together.

I'll never part ways with her again.

I'll definitely save you.

I will save you!

Muzan Kibutsuji!

No matter where you go,

I'll never let you off the hook!

But we want to be together.

We'll never part ways.

No one can break

my bond with Nezuko!


I will definitely...


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