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01x18 - Betty Bunheads

Posted: 03/03/22 16:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dance Academy...

Not bad.
We k*lled it.

I've got a bunch of dance freaks
that would k*ll to come to a taping.

You promised.

I can't risk these kids
with someone they can't trust.

You have everything
and you rub it in my face!

I'm so sick of that
self-righteous attitude!

Girls. Enough!

But the thing is... I need you.

You obviously think I'm stupid,

otherwise you wouldn't
have checked to see if I cheated.

Interesting. It's another thing
you're brilliant at.

This is Petra Hoffman,

on exchange from
the Berlin Ballet School.

Your new roommate.

Look at Petra's lines. Lovely.
Lovely training.

Can you take a photo of us, Abigail?

Before I left home
Mum gave me the talk.

Not THAT talk.

She was worried one day
I'd regret missing out

on being an ordinary teenager.

I told her point-blank
that there wasn't any choice,

because who wants to be ordinary

when you have the chance
of becoming a professional dancer?

Taurus. The dream you desire
is within your reach today.

So she's staying?

It's an online horoscope service,
people. Can we get some perspective?

So you don't want her to stay?
No, of course I do.

I just don't think that the little
horoscope man inside Kat's phone

knows exactly what
Mr Kennedy is saying.


Mr Kennedy made it very clear.

- He wants me to stay!
- Yes!

I'm so excited.

So, well, he said that...

Typical Lieberman.
You're a walking safety hazard.

I'm... I'm running real late.
But that's great news, Petra.


You don't own the barre, Armstrong.

Um, I... I could go...
Or we could just both...

It's OK.

Ready for pliés.

Everyone, step out.
I want you all to watch Petra.

See how she maintains her line.

Miss Raine's actually smiling.

Can you see the look in her eye?
I think it's love.

Definitely the new favourite,
don't you think, Abigail?

Auditions for the junior
summer school program

continue this Saturday afternoon
and Sunday morning.

A roster will be
on the notice board.

If your name appears there,
you have volunteered to help me.

I'm allowed to be here.

Lucky you.

Please, don't let me stop you.

Barbecue flavour's better.

You might want to try chewing.

Yes, Mum.

Is she here?

My sister.

You know, I liked to do
my own thing when I was your age.

Junior summer program, huh?

If I get in. My shoes kinda suck.

Alright, come with me.

You'd never believe how many shoes
the girls here go through in a week.

Do you mind?

We were...

I was just helping Abigail.

How's he helping?

Um, I think she was
having trouble breathing.

Right, Sammy?


As you were.

What are you waiting for?

Go stop him before
he tells the whole school.

Stop laughing. This is a disaster.

People are going
to find out about us.

What do you mean 'us'?

This is just this.
It doesn't make us 'us'.

OK, so what does this make us?


How'd Tobi take the news
you're staying?

He didn't say it,
but he wants me to come home.

It must be really hard for them

to think that you'll be staying
here so much longer.

Mmm, not that.

The company in Berlin,

they want me to start
in the corps straightaway.

Wow, that's huge!
That's child abuse.

You're still a student.

I haven't accepted.
Why not?

You could be a principal by the time
you're 20. You're easily good enough.

It's like they heard
I was having some fun

and they got together
to take it away from me.

Teen snatchers.
They're the fun police.

You know what?

Being a teenager
for the first time in my life,

that's my only dream right now.

I like a girl who's got
her priorities straight.

Guys, I'll...
I'll catch up with you.

I just want to say hi to someone.

And step to the right and curtsey,
and to the left and curtsey.

Thank you, girls. Very good work.

Now, when I call your number, please
stay behind for your callback time.

5, 6,

9, 18.

The rest of you, keep dancing
and come back next summer.

Miss Raine, Scout's a natural.

Number 14.

Right. She's flexible
but there are physical limitations.

She just hasn't
been trained properly.

She also has a very bad attitude.

That is something that can't
be fixed, as we both know.

Yes, Abigail?

I'd like to volunteer
to help with the junior auditions.

Oh, you can do the rosters.
Just make sure you include Petra.

I think the young girls could
learn a lot from a dancer like her.

OK, Petra's Sydney
summer experience starts now.

First, we need to camp out
for Vibrant tickets.

No, first, boyfriend.

All these pictures of other people
kissing and none of me.

We need to remedy that.

I know who I like.

He's your best friend.

Do you think there is a chance?


Is he seeing someone?

We'd know!

So it could be me.

Yeah. I could totally
see you and Sammy together.

Aren't we generous? Looks like we've
volunteered for tomorrow afternoon.

Isn't that good of us?

I haven't volunteered at all.
That's so unlike me.

Hey, so we're all free
this afternoon.

Why don't we do something?

That might be fun, Sammy.

I... I've got to stay here
and finish this history essay, so...

Oh, come on.
History's not going to change.

Do it tomorrow while me
and Petra are volunteering.


I could never get my leg
that high at your age.

Look, Scout, I know I really screwed up
with those tickets, and I'm sorry.

It happens.

You know you were as good as those
other girls that got a callback.

Then why didn't I get one?

Well, you're not a prissy
little Betty Bunhead

strapped into her ballet shoes.

I know I had the wrong clothes.

No, you had a personality,
that's why.

Anyway, I knew I wouldn't get in.

I just wanted to see
what it looked like inside.

Grand battements have to look
like you're not even aware

your leg's up next to your ear.

And quiet. No banging down.

You know what would really help?

Practising in front of a mirror
at a proper studio.

What's the point?

What if I got you another audition?

I won't flake out
on you again, Scout.

Lauren Lancaster Hall?

Who is that?

Lauren. Alright, number 20.

Abigail, have you seen
Petra and Tara?

No, I thought they were supposed
to be helping you this afternoon.

I thought so.

Well, I was just off to do some extra
practice, but I could always help.

Could you?

- Alright, girls.
- Those of you with a number, follow me.

The rest of you,
line up for Miss Raine.

OK. Soft arms now,
floating in the breeze.

I'm really sorry
I ever told you.

I can't believe your ballet
teacher never let you learn.

Injuries. Can't risk it.

Yeah, it's a crime.

My bike meant freedom.
They stole that from you.

So what if I fall?

Who cares? How many fouettés
have you fallen out of?

Yeah, we'll catch you. Ready?

Let's do it.

You got it. You're riding.

- I'm riding.
- Keep pedalling.

How can I stop?!

Onto the grass!

That was close. You alright?

Yeah, I am.

The sky's never this blue at home.

But you have snow - white Christmases
and reindeer and ice skating,

everything sparkling and glamorous.

And freezing cold.

I'd love to see snow.

You've never seen snow?
Hey, you've never ridden a bike.

I've never been on a plane.

That's why I can't wait
to join the company and go on tour.

I'm the opposite.

I've always wanted
to join the Berlin Ballet

so I can stay close to Tobi.

He's sick, yeah?
Cerebral palsy.

But we don't see him as 'sick'.

He's the coolest person I know
and my best friend.

That's why I want to stay close.

Yeah, I want to k*ll
my little brother most days.

That too.

I think I'm going to go take a walk.

Yeah, I'll come.

Alone, because Petra's
story really moved me.

So you stay here. Talk to Petra.

All that chocolate.
I think I need the exercise.

See the line
your foot is making?

Watch the mirror.
I am!

Come to help, have you?

What are you doing?

She's good. She deserves
a second chance.

And you're the one
who's gonna give it to her?

What's your problem?

I've been the project before, OK?

I know what it's like
for people to come in and help.

But what happens to that kid
when you get bored?

Hey, Christian, thanks
for giving me these shoes.

I look like a real
ballerina now, huh?

You were saying?

Alright, forget all
that pretty tutu stuff.

You're going to hurt
in there like nothing else.

Do it slowly. Work through the pain.

Hold yourself.

Again. Just like a ballerina.

OK, what do you think you're doing?

What are YOU doing?


Petra. She likes you.

Oh. No, really? Yeah,
you made it obvious enough.

Look, I don't need your help.


Uh, excuse me. Open-door policy.

I don't want to get in trouble
for breaking the rules.

Somebody's interested in me.

Nothing's happened yet, but you
should be aware that I now have options.

Good for you, Sammy.

Yeah, so I need to know what this is.


Are we ever going public?

What, like holding hands

and 'swapping chewing gum
under the monkey bars' public?

No, that's not what I mean.

Or matching public tattoos -
"Sammy and Abi 4 eva".

Even better, in Chinese characters
so it's more cultural.

Maybe I should just go out
with Petra, then.


Yeah, because at least
I know where I stand with her.

So what are you waiting for?

Why won't you admit that you like me?

OK, am I that embarrassing?
You are at the moment.

And where were the two
of you yesterday afternoon?

But we're on today.

Then how do you explain this roster?

I'm especially
disappointed in you, Petra.

I can see it's better
that you remain a student.

You're clearly not ready
for adult responsibility.

But we...
Yesterday could've been a disaster.

I'm just pleased that Abigail
was able to cover for you.

I know it's in here somewhere.

Wow. She's like the most
beautiful dancer I've ever seen.

That's my mum, Natasha.

She is a self-obsessed diva
who only cares about her career.

I get a card from my mum sometimes,
even money if it's my birthday.

So who do you live with?

My sister. Well, my
half-sister, actually.

I always wanted a sister.

Hey, what's this?

Oh, that's an old concert I did.

Which one are you?

That one.

What a Betty Bunhead.


Oh, here it is.

You sure you want to be a bunhead?


OK, I'm officially creeped out.

What are you doing?

You saw that picture.

All they do is squash you down

until everything you loved
about dance is gone.

I'm not you, OK?


Well, then, looks like
Operation Scout is go for launch.

Alright, girls, let's keep warm.
What about a polka?

Everybody hold hands and face me.

Point your right foot and hop.

She's in.

We make a good team.

No, not THAT kind of team, just...

Um, so, my party and the...

Oh, yeah.
We never talked about it.

Mistake, obviously.

Not that it was bad or anything.

No, not bad at all.
Just not like that...

Yeah. Totally.

Yes, Scout's in.

Excuse me, I have
to speak to Miss Raine.

There's a problem
with the head count.

If you tell Miss Raine about Scout,

I'll tell her you
switched the rosters.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

I know you did it.
I'm just not sure why.

Can't handle not
being the favourite?

I'm not here to be the favourite.

The way I hear it, you're here
to get Sammy to be your boyfriend.

You know why I am a better
dancer than you, Abigail?

You're not a better dancer than me.

I dance because I love it
and because I can, not to be the best.

So you'd rather stay here for love
than dance professionally?

I heard you turned down
the company in Berlin.

You know what the really
sad thing is?

If you put the same amount
of effort into ballet

that you put into being mean,
you'd be a much better dancer.

And five and six
and seven, eight.

And bend and stretch,
join your feet, lower your heels.

And bend and stretch, join your feet,
lower your heels.

And bend and stretch and turn.


And you are?

Number 15.

Scout. You're not
on my callback list.

Quite a transformation, I must say.

Are you going to kick me out?

Well... perhaps there was
an... administrative error.

Now that you're here,
you might as well stay.

Alright, we'll start again
from the beginning.

Six and seven, eight.

Bend and stretch,
join your feet, heels down.

At least summer school
will give you a chance

to figure out if you hate it here.

Like the pain. Christian
said there was a lot of that.

Christian said that?

Uh-huh. He's the guru.

Well, we'll be here,
me and Kat and Petra.

We'll help.
Not me.

I'm going back to Berlin.
I accepted the company's offer.

What about our summer?

I want to be near my family
and it's such a big opportunity.

I might not get a second chance.

At this exact moment,

my friends back home are getting
ready for the Year 10 formal.

It's all they've talked
about for months.

I'll miss you.

Here, Sydney snow.


For my collection.

Sometimes I dream
I'm back there, living my old life,

and when I wake up,
just for a second,

I wonder if I made the wrong choice.

That's how I'll remember you.

But I don't think so.

- 'Bye!
- 'Bye.


- You enjoy that?
- Yep.

Are we going public now?
