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03x12 - The Perfect Storm

Posted: 03/01/22 09:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dance Academy... Cut! Print!

Everybody, that is a wrap on Katrina Karamakov!

Ollie, are you here to network or to hang out with me?

This is my career. It's important.

Marcus, you put a ring on it! Are you all planning on moving to Texas?

Ignore me. Zero impact again!

When your back improves, you'll do the solo I selected.

I'm going to keep working with Saskia. I'm learning a lot.

Game on, Tara Webster. Game on.

It's hard to comprehend tomorrow night I'll be auditioning for the National Ballet Company.

The final time we dance as students.

The culmination of the past three years.

Careful! Don't oversell it.

Do I get a special clover?

I don't have a company audition, but it is my world premiere.

What if the movie sucks?

What if I suck and people throw things - sharp things?

Everyone gets a clover, even Grace.

I'm making it my mission to end the year on a positive note.

And not just to get my karma points up so the universe rewards me with a contract.

That would make me...

You're a cold, ruthless warrior.

These people think they've sucked you of your competitive marrow?

Prove them wrong. Take them down.

Could the company take both of us?

He still deserves it more than I do.

His prince is dreamier than mine.

Is that a gay thought or a jealous thought?

Jealous thought. Definitely.

He's a fraud, a mere blow-in.

Sheesh, stop being polite and make a move, buddy.

I'm not superstitious - there's no such thing as luck.

Oliver, did some research. The Macbeth curse is potent.

I doubt even your lucky cardigan can save you.

It's not lucky.

It's sentimental.

Because if I believe in luck, I have to believe I've been unlucky for a very long time.

I guess right now, we all have our own hang-ups.

Literally a thousand thoughts are running through our heads.

The hardest one to accept - what happens next is out of our hands.

I'm predicting four stars.

What about a thankyou dance at the start of class tomorrow?

We all launch into a choreographed tribute?

Negative points for originality.

Miss Raine's moving to Austin. It's the end of an era.

We have to show her how much she's appreciated.

Pretty sure she'll cope. You're all just students to her.

Shh! Showtime.

What's great about this local film is that it takes a tired genre, the dance movie, and gives it real heart and depth.

And not to mention Rhys O'Leary.

Who would have predicted that performance?

I thought his chemistry with newcomer Kat Karamakov was particularly strong.

She is very new, isn't she? I mean, there were some moments.

That were a bit clunky, but overall I thought it was thoroughly engaging.

Oh, so did I. I'm giving it four stars.

Me too. Four stars.

Four stars! Oooh, my girlfriend's thoroughly engaging.

I'm calling it 'impending abandonment anxiety'.

Oh, look! Sarah Vistarini. First student I ever made cry.

Any time you want to move to Austin, we'd love to have you.

You'll be newlyweds. I'd be in the way of all that constant nakedness.

Grace! Punish myself with the image.

Yeah, well, believe me, it is a selfish offer.

Even if Lucy wasn't a factor, my company would still be angling to get you, so think about it.

OK, he would be calling them alarmist on a morning like this, but the Bureau of Meteorology has issued a severe weather alert predicting a midday change, with strong winds and heavy rain.

And in entertainment news, Rhys O'Leary is in town to promote his latest offering Over The Rainbow.

The stars will be at the film's world prem...

He's your dad. Is it not worth a quick text?

We didn't leave things on texting terms.

But you're graduating! He'd still wanna be here.

Isn't it liberating that I can say stuff like that now that I'm not your girlfriend, or potential girlfriend, or heartbroken ex?

Didn't stop you in the past.

So, this is how you're gonna prepare for your audition?

Father-son miracles, thankyou dances.

I just don't wanna go on stage until everything's...


You can't wrap the entire academy experience up into a bow.

It's time to want to win.


You and I have different genitalia.

I'm not your competition, so why are you trying to psych me out?

It's calming. Like meditation.

I can easily get you an audition, and it would be good for us to have some family comforts next year.

Lucy is not the greatest cook, but watch her wax her upper lip.

I can only think about the National.

After that, Austin doesn't even make top five.

We need to make sure that the company is a lock for both of us.


Last class.

Alright, that's enough.

To the barre, like you've done every day for the past three years.

See? Note the T-cut.

You wanna work the collarbone to the elbow, minimise the duck face.

This is all just window dressing to disguise how much I clunked.

You cannot ditch your own movie premiere.

Oliver! Don't you think I should be at the theatre supporting you guys?

I don't care. Wardrobe somehow shrunk my other costume.

Can I pull this off?


Uh, I was gonna message. Good luck with the premiere tonight.

You are trying on these and these.

Grapevine's accurate, then.

She's pushing the company more contemporary.

Yeah, which means she'll hate my Prince Charming.

The thing you get all twisted up on is that we're the talent.

She needs us.

I do have an interview to get to.

Of course, and, hey, we're not trying to start a bidding w*r.

We just felt it was respectful for you to know that there are other companies getting a tad poachy.

That must be very flattering. Congratulations.

Oh, but we're committed to this company.

I'm getting tattooed 'I love the National'...

Well, it's on the shortlist, although it's hard to know for sure until we have an idea of your plans for the company, how we might fit in.

You two want to know what's on offer before you deign to audition?

Well, as the pri champion, I do have options, and we are a package deal.

Well, I'll keep that front of mind, then.

Hooked and gagging for us!

She thinks we think we're too good for the company!

People need to chase to know they want something, and I'm wrangling it so that we can stay together.

But we're not together now! We revenge-pashed a couple of times!

This is all the freaky workings of your head!

Ben... No, stay away from me!

All the studios are booked. How long do you think you'll be?

I don't mind sharing.

What's with the costume? I thought you were doing Persephone.

Persephone's beautiful, but Miss Raine thinks Firebird is more dramatic, and my back's not hurting, so...

I'm just about to ditch Prince Charming.

What? But that role may as well have been invented for you.

They'll say Christian's Prince is edgier, and I have a contemporary piece I've been working on, in case.

Well, why don't I watch you and give you feedback, and you watch me, and we'll both pretend we're not cracked, switching last minute?

Ben, it's me, the person who hasn't ruined your career because I am going to fix this!

Go again.

Should I do it again?

Here, intact, I spit on your alleged curse.

Abigail Armstrong?

Better not be flowers.

I explicitly told Mum and Wes no distractions.

I will not be humanised. Thank you.


Are you OK? Are you choking?

What do I... do?

Are you OK? No!

I AM superstitious, and I have to go.


I need my lucky cardigan. What?! Ollie!

He's a little bit overexcited, but don't worry, I've given him strict instructions.

Polite applause only, which is a real shame, because I've been practicing my 'Tara Banana' shout-out.

Christian! Hey. Thanks for the invite.

Uh, Mum, Dad, this is Raf Reed. Hi.

Hi. G'day.

You tell me if you want me to go. I don't want to distract you.

No, I... I didn't think you would want to come.

Are you kidding? This is my first ballet.

I hope you enjoy the movie.

Come on, smile, smile!

What was it like working with Rhys O'Leary? Were you starstruck?

It's alright, smile.

Kat, over here! Just relax, relax.

It's almost over. Just smile away.


You're not smiling.

I'm just... I'm gonna stay down here for a while.

Distinguished guests, artistic director of the National Ballet Company Rebecca Braithwaite, teachers, students, parents, friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this year's graduating class.

I'd like to begin tonight's performance by introducing Christian Reed, dancing Prince Charming from Cinderella.

Costume sabotage. Takes me back.

Sorry, can we, uh... can we stop the music for a second?

A good friend of mine has been trying to figure out the right way to say thank you to the Academy.

But it's impossible, because we can never repay what it has given us.

What you've all given us.

So, I'm not a speechmaker. I should probably dance now.

I loathe watching myself on screen too, but I do it anyway.

How else are you gonna hone your craft?

Not a pressing concern, as this will be my only acting foray, so...

Yeah. Clunky!

Clunky is too generous! I'm horrific!

Turn out from the hips...

How is that there even remotely believable?

I'm not ashamed anymore. You're never gonna...

You should come to LA for pilot season.

I'm gonna hook you up with my manager.

I just have this little thing called third year.

Oh! Oh, I'm duck-facing! Oh, no!

Hey, Ollie's just tweeted me, 'SOS, no phone, stuck in boarding house.'

Someone's starved for attention.

So, still following Ollie's tweets, huh?

All move to the rescue!

Benjamin Tickle to the stage. 30 seconds.

Hold tight, precious. We're gonna bust you out.

Don't bother. The universe has been clear.

I am not fated to get a contract. I am not the lucky one.

That's disappointing.

You mean to tell me that on the day of the auditions, you and Ben have decided to change dances?!

I knew you were upset that I went to Saskia.

I should have trusted your judgment.

No, it's time to trust your own.

Students outgrow their teachers.

It's natural, but it can still be difficult for us to accept.

I would never... That could never happen.

It means you're ready.

Now, it's time for you to go on stage as Persephone, and if you dance it the way I know you can, your future, it's written in the stars.

I had your back, which goes against all competitive logic, however...

You had my back, yet you destroyed my costume?!

Grace destroyed it.

I neglected to tell her that you'd switched to Firebird.

I just switched back! Well, whoops.

You are cursed!

No. It could have decapitated us.

How about I stop blaming the world for not giving me what I want, and just take it already?

Sounds pretty intelligent to...

Tara Webster, this is your one-minute call.

Hey. Hey.

Look at you. Nothing sticks!

I've gotta go.

You know the one thing I've looked forward to all year is stopping you from getting into the company?

I'm not listening, Grace. You're better than this.

Always with the condescension!

You are, I know you are, because you and I were friends once.

You were so loyal when I broke my back.

And you treated me like I was disposable!

I would give anything to make things right between us. I really would.

I'm a farmer's daughter.

I know you can plant the crop and do all the work, but the weather has the final word.

Those forces of nature bigger than you that can't be controlled.

Dad explained to me once how a perfect storm is created, that a combination of harmless events occurring together conspire to produce an outcome that is disastrous.

If not for a bead.

If I'd danced first.

Or last.

Or not at all.

If my back wasn't already fractured.

Tara, you OK?

I can't feel my legs. Tara?


I can't feel my...

OK, guys, move away, move away, please.

Abigail, ambulance.

You're gonna be OK.

Can you squeeze my hand? That's it.

Oh, my God, I can't feel them... You're gonna be fine.

It's gonna be OK.

It really doesn't matter if you call it random chance, bad luck, my fate.

The difference between everything and nothing comes down to 'if', 'if', 'if'.