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05x21 - Scare Master

Posted: 02/24/22 17:11
by bunniefuu
Fuzzy Legs? Do you think you
could secure those windows?

And you'll alert me
if anything scary

comes close to
the cottage?

Oh, who am I kidding?

When something scary comes
close to the cottage.

Please tell me my
hiding place is ready.

Oh, look, you've filled
it with everything I need

to survive this awful night.

Thank you. Thank you all!

Now I don't have to
step a hoof outside

until this whole
thing is over.

Oh, no! You don't
have any carrots?

Do we have any other fresh
veggies you may enjoy?

Or maybe some hay?

But that means I'll
need to go out...


? Nightmare Night,
what a fright, ?

? Give me something
sweet to bite! ?

? Nightmare Night,
what a fright, ?

? Give me something
sweet to bite! ?


What are you doing
out and about?

It's Nightmare Night, remember?

How could I forget?

Oh, I don't suppose
I could borrow

a few pieces of
hay from you.

I forgot to stock
up on food for Angel

and you do seem to
have quite a lot.

We need it for the Apple
Family Haunted Maze.

The scariest maze
that there ever was.

Who knows what
lurks inside?

Oh, I'm sure I don't.

Is that a mummified pony
that just leaped out at you?

I don't know, is it?

And what's that crunching
sound beneath your hooves?

Maybe it's the bones of ponies
that didn't make it out alive!


Are those peeled grapes or
a thousand slimy eyeballs

starin' at you from
beyond the grave?

Please tell me
they're grapes.

Oh, I'll never

I wonder what got
stuck in her craw?


You think it's scary now.
Just wait until it's done.

That's OK. I'll take
your word for it.

Hey, wait a minute!
It's Nightmare Night

and you're here and not
holed up in your cottage!

Does this mean what
I think it means?

That I foolishly forgot to
stock up on food for Angel

and had to go out
to get him something

but got spooked in
town so I came here

hoping Twilight had some
lettuce I could give him?

Oh. I thought
maybe you'd decided

to come out with us tonight.

Goodness, no! I couldn't be
out tonight. I just couldn't.

Technically speaking, you
already are out right now.

Oh. I guess that is true.

So what if you stayed out a
little longer with your friends?

I know they'd be super excited.

You think so?

You would make them so
happy if you joined in.

They wouldn't
believe their eyes.

Come on, Fluttershy,
what do you say?

And then it
got very, very quiet

and suddenly they


Did I ever tell you about the
night the mannequin came to life

and haunted all the costumes?

What happened?

I just told you, darling.

Hi, everypony.

Fluttershy? What are you
doing here? Is everything okay?

Everything is fine. In
fact, it's more than fine.

I've decided to join you in your
Nightmare Night festivities.

Seriously? You?
Out? Tonight?

Every Nightmare Night I
shut myself in my cottage

and refuse to come
out until morning.

But it's just like when
I was afraid to sing

in front of anypony.

If I hadn't given it a try,

I never would've found
out how much I enjoy it.

And we'd have missed out
on how great you sound.

Fluttershy with us
on Nightmare Night?

Why that's positively
the most wonderful news

I've heard in ages!

You can get dressed up
in a costume with us

and play Nightmare
Night games with us

and eat candy apples with us!

Don't forget the best part.

Goin' through my
family's corn maze.

Oh, right. The maze.

Only if you're up for it.

I am! I am ready to
take on Nightmare Night!


Just practicing.

Mummy? No. Headless Pony?
No. Vampire Fruit Bat.

Ugh, definitely no.

You see, Fluttershy, the
beauty of Nightmare Night

is that you don't have to
dress up as something scary.

Ooh. Yes.

This one will look
gorgeous on you.

Period costumes are
all the rage this year.

What? No good?

What if we encounter
something terrifying

and need to get
away quickly?

All those layers could slow me
down, or worse, make me trip!

I never
considered that.

Never Fear!

Oooh, now this is a real
stunner! I call it "Masquerade!"

Just a simple black
dress underneath

but with this ornately
decorated mask!

A mask?


They can just be so
difficult to see out of.

Yes, but this one has eyeholes.

What about being able to
see what's to the left

or right of me?

I suppose your vision
would be somewhat obscured.

It's your first Nightmare
Night out and about

and we do want you
to be comfortable.

What if I just
wear the dress?

Oh. Sure, dear.
That's fine.

It's so plain,
it's frightening.

Oh, my, look at all of you!
My costumes fit you to a T!

Hoo-ee we're gonna
have the best time!

Hey, Fluttershy,
where's your costume?

I'm wearing it.

I get it! You're a robber
escaping into the night!

You're a NINJA escaping
into the night!

escaping into the night!

Close. I'm going to a masquerade
ball. Without the mask.

Oh, that's great!
Isn't it great?

Oh, yeah.
Great costume.
So creative!

I figured I'd save the really
scary games

for next year when Fluttershy's
more used to it.

Round and round and round you
go where you stop nopony knows!


Good luck b*ating
THAT, Fluttershy!

Well, um. It's just
that if I'm blindfolded

and somepony were to
leap out in front of me,

I'd never have the
chance to defend myself.

That's fine, darling.

You don't have to do
anything you don't want to.

We're just glad
you're here.

We don't have to
finish that game;

I have another one I KNOW you'll
love! Bobbing for apples!

Fluttershy, what's wrong?

It's just that, um,
what happens if,

when my head is deep
down in the water,

some kind of scary
monster appears?

How would I even hear to
know I was under att*ck?

Time for candy!

It is?

I made candy bags!

Each bag has been made
with each of YOU in mind,

complete with each of
your favorite candies!


Here. Take it. Take it!
What are you waiting for?

Well, it's just...

what if when I'm eating one
of these chewy taffies,

my mouth becomes glued shut and
I can't scream for help?

Oh, goodness. We've only
just started to celebrate

Nightmare Night together

and I'm already taking all
the fun out of it, aren't I?

You're not taking
out ALL the fun.

Just like, per--

--some of it.

I really want to do this.

But there's just so many things
that terrify me about tonight,

I couldn't possibly predict
what might upset me.

Unless... YOU were the
one doing the scaring!

HER scaring US?

Oh, you're being serious.

The thing you hate
is being scared,

but if YOU'RE the one
doing the scaring then...

....then I can help
you all have fun,

and I can still be a
part of Nightmare Night!

So you like that idea?

I think I do!

And I don't want to
get ahead of myself,

but I think I have the PERFECT
idea for how I'm going to do it!

Really? This is so exciting!

Meet me at my
cottage in an hour.

I'm excited to see
everypony soon!

to Fluttershy's tea party!

Did she just
say tea party?

It sounds like it's
a scary tea party?

Have a seat.

Don't be scared of
what awaits you!

Go on. Pass the sugar.

Oh, no! There is none!

You're a terrible host!

Rarity, put your coat on!

Why would I do that?

You need to cover up because no
one has complimented your dress!

Pinkie Pie, look to your left
and ask your best friend

to pass the cucumber sandwiches!

Huh? I can't!
There's nopony there!

That's right. Because she
didn't care to show up!


A friend who didn't
come through!

That must scare you to the core!

Quick, everypony,
look behind you!

Uh, what are those?

They're unplanned guests!
Your worst nightmare!

You don't have
enough food for them!

Oh, no! There's a tiny
kitten that needs a home!

But you are
over-scheduled right now.

You don't have time to help!

I said, you don't
have time to help!

This should appear to scare you!

Why don't you look terrified?
You showed up to a party

and everypony was extremely
disappointed in you.

Can you imagine
anything more upsetting?

It was a really
good try, darling

but the scares at
Nightmare Night

are of an entirely
different nature.

It was really
creative, though.

I never would have
thought of... all this.

Oh, I'm just not cut out for
this. Just go on without me.

Oh, no, we
couldn't possibly.

You have to. This is the night
you look forward to all year.

We could...stay here?

It's OK. I really want
you all to have fun.

This is how I spend
every Nightmare Night!

Please go, I'll be fine.

It's funny; I actually
thought she had an idea

for something really
scary for a second there!

She definitely
tried her hardest!

I did try my hardest.

Or maybe not.

I suppose I could have gone
with something a bit scarier.

You're right. I've
been taking baby steps.

I think it's time
for grown up ones.

I don't suppose you have any
ideas how I could do that?

Everypony's lining up for the
corn maze, y'all. Let's go!

Oh, yeah! I can't believe
we're finally doing this!

It's a good thing
Fluttershy isn't here

because she would NEVER
be able to handle this!



What. Is. That. Sound?

It looks like...bones!

Looks like a bunch of dried
sticks painted white to me.

Hey, TRY to keep up the
illusion, would ya?

Agh! What was that?

Don't you know?

Uh, course I do.
It was uh...

Fluttershy had a point with
the layers on the dress.


What is this? Is it a
tunnel? Where does it lead?

Which way are we
supposed to go now?

I don't know! I don't
know what's going on!

What do you mean? Didn't
you help plan this?

Oh, there's
Granny Smith.

Not that I was EVER
scared. Cause I wasn't.

I'm a pretty good
actress when I wanna be.


Applejack, didn't you
know about any of this?

All right, I gotts admit I
didn't know about any of this.

But maybe they're just tryin' to
make it interestin' for me too!

I'm sure Granny Smith or
Big Mac is behind this.

Are those
peeled grapes?

Or eyeballs starin' at you from
beyond the grave.


That's what WE were
supposed to do!

I don't know why
we're down here!

This is really
scarin' me now!

How did that get down here??


I can't see!

I can barely move!

It's like glue!


Oh, my!

I'm so, so sorry,
can you ever forgive me?


It was you the
whole time?

I can't believe it!

That. Was.


It was way more terrifying
than the most terrifying thing

I could have thought of!

You out-nightmared the scariest
part of the corn maze!

How did you do all this?

After you left, I realized
that I wasn't ready

to give up on Nightmare Night.

So I asked Granny Smith if I
could try to make the maze

even scarier for
my friends.

You came up with
all of this?

I had some help.

Angel was the scary figure
that kept scurrying after you

in the maze.

Fuzzy Legs made the sticky wall

that made it difficult
for you to see and move.

And of course Hairy was the
especially scary monster.

Wow. That was inspired.

You have to do

We could celebrate Nightmare
Night together every year.

But the truth is I
really don't want to.

You DON'T?

But you've done it.

You've found a way we can all
have a fabulous time together.

Yes, but I've also
realized something.

You all may love
Nightmare Night

and I may be good at being a
part of it, but it's no fun

for me to see my friends
feel like they're in danger,

even if I know they're not.

I really don't like it. It's
just not my cup of tea.

Spooky tea?

No. Just regular tea.

We do lots of fun
things together.

But I'm afraid this just isn't
going to be one of them.

Actually, I'm not afraid;
I'm perfectly fine with it.

Then we are too.

I don't know why I doubted
myself for a second.

Now THIS is what I call a
perfect Nightmare Night.