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09x06 - Quiet as the Sky / Secret of the Woods

Posted: 02/23/22 09:01
by bunniefuu
Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling
secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out!
The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful
miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more
than ever, Adventure!

The love of a
pounding chest is GISSIRI,

Multi-colored dreams
rain down DOSSARI,

Somewhere in this world,
they are glowing.

Let's go on out there
and find them, BO Y,

All the while pounding on
mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day
on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky,
while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try,
such an adventure,

Our strange little
journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand!
The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable
gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down!
The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable
drama in the world.

This life is one
big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more
than ever, Adventure!

Ow... !

You need to learn many things
from first-hand experience!

Goku has begun his training for the
Tenkaichi Tournament years from now.

But it has turned out to be much
more difficult than expected!

"As Quietly as the Sky"

I won't give up!

I will move faster than lightning!

I will!

Conscious at last, I see.

What happened... ?

You have been asleep for days straight.

That long?

Huh? I'm not hurt at all...

I could swear I was hit by lightning...

Your body alone is sturdy.

You have recuperative ability.

Oh, okay!

OK, let's go! I'll dodge the
lightning for sure this time!

That training was too advanced for you.

You will do something different.

Something different?

Follow me and you will understand.

Is this the next place?

Mr. Popo said it before.

In order to dodge lightning, you must
suppress your energy disturbances.

Feel like the sky.

This is an important point.

If you go deep within that
forest, you will understand this.

Got it!

So there's a strong guy there! Right, Popo?!

Mr. Popo can say no more.

You must find the rest on your own.

Ah! So there's another person that strong?!

Alright! I'll do it!

Are you ready?


It's a bottomless swamp!

Why'd he have to drop me here?!




Wasting my energy like
that made me hungry...

Food comes before training...



Found it!

What are you doing?!

OK! All dry now!

Sorry 'bout that!

I've been catching rabbits and
boar for food for many years now,

...but this is the first time
I've ever caught a person!

I was just so hungry, so, you know...

My name's Mousse.

This here's my wife, Eclair.


I'm Son Goku! Nice to meet you!

Lemme introduce you to the kids!

Hey, you guys! Come on out here!

There's a million of 'em!

Starting from the left,
there's Purin. (Pudding)





Please to meet you!

Bisuke! (Biscuit)

Nice to meetcha!


That's some face ya got there!




...Shuku! (Cream Puff)

I'm Goku! Nice to meet you!

Have supper with us!

I couldn't catch us any meat, but Grandpa
should be back any minute with lots of fish!

Stay and eat with us!

Oh! Speak of the devil!

There we go.


Welcome back, Grandpa!

Welcome back!

Grandpa! You caught so many fish!

Let's play cards, Grandpa!

No! He needs to read us more
out of the picture book!

Now, now, there...

Are you a guest, little boy?


Really yummy!

This is great!

There is still plenty left.
Have as much as you want.

OK! Thanks!

I still haven't asked you what
you were doing in the forest...

Well, I made this promise
to Kami-sama, you see...


What's a Kami-sama?

Kami-sama's Kami-sama.

So what's a Kami-sama?!

He's a wonderful person!


More wonderful than Daddy?

You could say that.

More wonderful than Mom?

No, he's less than her!

Wow! Mom's really wonderful!

Obviously! People say it all the time!


Sometimes people call Mom "Okami-san"!

What does he look like?

Like this, I bet.

No, he's more like this.

He looks like this!

So anyway, I hear there's this really
strong guy around here somewhere...

You must mean Yaochun!

Yeah! Yaochun!

Rumor has it he's really strong!

They say he tears out
bears' hearts and stuff!

That's right! Plus he's super fast!

People say he's so fast
he can dodge lightning!

That's him!

Tell me, where can I find him?!

He lives by himself in a hut in the
forest, about ri north of here.

He hardly ever comes down here so I've
only seen him once or twice myself.

Don't tell me you plan to fight Yaochun!

You'll die if you fight him!

It's part of my training!

Young'uns certainly are full of spunk...

You're just bursting with energy!

But I had no idea there
was someone that strong!

The world's such a big place!

I'm going fishing tomorrow, I can
take you part of the way there.


I'm going to b*at you this time for sure!

It'd be great if we got to
face each other in the finals!


Don't forget about me!

After all, I've d*ed before!
I won't lose that easily!

But why, Roshi-sama?

You've been training us this whole time!

Why won't you now?

There is nothing for me to teach you!

The only thing I could possibly
teach you now is how to catch girls.


Don't you at least have
any helpful advice for us?

I do. If there is anything I
must to tell you, it is this.

At this rate, you will never be Goku's equal.

Goku continued on his journey
alone, and became steadily stronger!

Fearlessly, he continued
pushing further and further,

...and now he has succeeded in
ascending to the Upper World!

But what can you say about yourselves?

You incessantly remain in the same place,

...and spend every day doing the
same exact thing, all buddy-like.

I understand, Roshi-sama.

I will leave this place and
start over from the beginning.

Me too...

Same goes for me!

That's the spirit.

See? You do say some pretty
good things once in a while!

Do you really think so?

By the way, Bulma-san... !

Um, Roshi-sama.

Before I leave, could you teach
me your method to catching girls?

Oh! Well, you see, the most
important thing to remember is...

What's with them?

Pardon me.


See you later!

See you later!

Do you fish everyday, Mister?

That's right. I leave at the
same time everyday and return
home at the same time everyday.

I've done this for some years now.

years?! Amazing!

It's nothing really.

Do you always catch something?

I most certainly do.

The stray dogs around here rely not on
just my family, but our neighbors as well!

So I have to bring food back.

Is that so?

Well then, this is where we part.


Try not to do a repeat of yesterday, okay?


I hope you catch a lot, Mister!

No, that's okay, I'll be content
with the same amount as yesterday.


Is that him?!

Who are you?

I'm Son Goku!

Are you Yaochun?

That's right.

Then fight me!


You won't change your mind, no matter what?

I won't go easy on you.

Are you still sure you want to do this?

Of course I am!

Here I come!

This is weird!
He's leaving himself wide open!

But... !


I give up!

Is it really true that you
can dodge lightning, Mister?

Of course not! I'm not Kami-sama!

I guess it wasn't him after all...


If that's the case, then
who am I supposed to meet?

I wonder if there really
is someone that strong...

Oh, so we meet again.

When did you get here, Mister?

What are you talking about? I've
been right here since this morning.

Huh? But until just now...

Half asleep, were you?

At any rate, how about giving it a try?


I've always caught fish with my hands...

This is the first time
I've ever done this...

There's no need to be so nervous...


Like this?

That's right. Next comes deep breathing.

Take a deep breath...


Look at the sky...

Pretty, isn't it?


As you do this, you will
start to feel quieter...

Almost like the sky...

Quietly like the sky...

Popo talked about that too...

What is it?

You should avoid being distracted, it seems.

Close your eyes.

Listen closely to the sound of the water.

Soon enough, you will be able to sense the
movement of the fish swimming in the water.

There, a fish has come near to your pole.

It is pondering whether it
should take the bait or not.

Not yet. Wait for it.

Pull it up the instant he takes it!


...I did it!
...Splendidly done!

I did it!

By the way, did you ever meet
the person you were looking for?

I did, sort of, anyway, but...

Oh, I'm glad to hear it.

He still does not realize a thing.

No, that isn't necessarily the case.

I did it! Wahoo!

I caught another one!

We'll be eating good again tonight!

I did it!

Out of his years of training, this
was the day that Goku laughed the most.

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the
mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even
more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance,
I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me
you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance,
I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart
a glittery, shining dream!