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09x05 - Faster than Lightning!! / Quicker than Lightning

Posted: 02/23/22 09:00
by bunniefuu
Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling
secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out!
The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful
miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more
than ever, Adventure!

The love of a
pounding chest is GISSIRI,

Multi-colored dreams
rain down DOSSARI,

Somewhere in this world,
they are glowing.

Let's go on out there
and find them, BO Y,

All the while pounding on
mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day
on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky,
while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try,
such an adventure,

Our strange little
journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand!
The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable
gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down!
The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable
drama in the world.

This life is one
big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more
than ever, Adventure!

Goku swore to Kami-sama that he
would undergo rigorous training... order to defeat the double that
Piccolo left behind in this world.

Immediately prior to his expl*si*n,
he left behind a double of himself.

The only one who can defeat him
and bring about true peace is you.

Kami-sama, who revived Shen Long,

...then brought the Turtle Hermit,
Kuririn, and the rest back to life.

And Goku's training for his battle
with Piccolo at the Tenkaichi
Tournament in years has begun!

"Faster than Lightning!! "

Is this really a way to train?

You make many unnecessary movements.

Standing as quietly as the sky.

Moving faster than lightning.

You must empty your mind to do these.

Become a stone.

A stone?

Very quiet. Unyielding
to neither rain nor wind.

A stone.

That's easy!

Like this?

Stones do not speak.

Ow... !

Stones feel no pain.

Being a stone sure is tough!

Nice moves! You're pretty good, Kuririn!

The show's just getting started!

Wait, Kuririn!

I'll take him from here.

OK! Come at me!

Pu-erh, could you?

Certainly! No problem at all, Bulma-san!

What are you doing, Pu-erh?

Not so fast!

Come on, Pu-erh, hurry up...

Yes, ma'am, right away!

...Allow me...
...Hey, now!

Why, you!

Now you get to die again!

Wait! Stop!

It's true, everything seems
so quiet when you do this...

I somehow feel silent now...

...Go, Goku!
...We're rooting for you!

Yeah, I wonder how everyone's doing?

I wonder if the old Turtle Hermit, Kuririn,
and the rest really came back to life?

I can't wait to see them!

Oh, right... I'm a stone...

Stones aren't supposed to think anything...

The results of your
training have begun to show.

Popo jumped to conclusions.

Popo will use this pole now.

You stay there and watch. Do not move.

Got ya. What are you gonna do?

Well? Scared?

Why would I be scared?
It's too far away to reach me.

I give up!

Why did you run?

Your pole almost hit me!
It extended out like Nyoibou...

This is not like the Nyoibou.

It is an ordinary pole.

You're right... That's weird...

It looked like it extended really far, but...

You tried to see with your eyes only.

Eyes alone cannot see the truth.


Put this on.

What are we doing?

You will catch this cat while blindfolded.

That'll be a cinch!

You're right over here!


It's over here!


This way!

Over here!

Over there!

Got you!

Ow... !

What?! You had another bell?!

That's a dirty trick, Popo!

You tried to do it with only your ears.

Not again...

The truth is not clear
with sight or sound alone.

This is an important point.

If you empty your mind, many
things will become clear.

Empty my mind, huh? That's hard!

I'm still not good enough!

Popo, didn't you say
you trained before too?

I wanna try the same training you did!


It is very grueling.
Will you put up with it?


Very well. Come with me.

You've decided to try it, Goku?

I'll do anything!

It may be even crueler than death.

So I heard!

You will bring back the
Holy Crown atop Mt. Thunder.

A crown? One of those
things you put on your head?


OK! Got it!

All I need to do is bring it back, right?

But where is Mt. Thunder?

I will take you there now.

What are these?

Using this, Kami-sama goes wherever
he wants, whenever he wants.


What's going on?


Do you know where Mt. Thunder is?

Ah! So that's where the
Holy Crown thing is! OK!

Oh yeah! Almost forgot!

Thank you!

I get the feeling there's
gonna be some kind of monster...

There's the Holy Crown...

Wow, was that all?

That was so easy!


I can't get it off!

This is weird... !

If I don't get outta this
dangerous place right away...

My only choice is to dodge it!




Where could she have gone?

Mom! There's someone over here!

You rescued me?

It's a good thing we weren't too
late. Isn't that right, Chu-li?

Your name's Chu-li?

I'm Son Goku.

Son Goku?


Is it just you and your mom who live here?

Yeah! And Pippi too!


Pippi is a small bird that
my daughter is very fond of.

Chu-li has been caring for
it ever since it was a chick.

But she disappeared a short while ago...

I certainly hope she's all right...

Cheer up, Chu-li!

When I'm done with my task I'll
come help you look for her!



But Goku-san, what is this "task"?

I'm supposed to take a Holy Crown thingy
that's on Mt. Thunder back with me.

The Holy Crown?

You know about it?


According to local legend,

...whoever obtains the Holy Crown will
become the strongest man in the world!

Really? Now I feel like
getting it even more!

If I wanna take that crown back with me,
I need to move faster than the lightning!

Then I can avoid it!

But how... ?!

Ahh! Chu-li!

That's dangerous! Come down right away!

I'm scared to!

What's going on?

Chu-li climbed all the way up
there and now she can't get down!

OK! Just stay where you are!

Alright! Hold on!

Okay, grab my hand!

A little more!

Everything's OK now!

Thank you very much, Goku-san!

But what were you doing on the roof?

I thought Pippi might come back if I
was somewhere where she could see me.

So you're that worried about the bird...

Really now! What would have happened
if Goku-san hadn't been here?

But I heard her!

She lost her way but she's
finally made it this close by!

So you got on the roof to try
to show her where the house is?

She had me scared half to death!

What is it, Chu-li?



It's Pippi!


Chu-li? Are you sure it
isn't just your imagination?


I was right! It was you, Pippi!

I'm so glad you came back, Pippi!

Good for you, Chu-li!

I didn't sense it at all...

How could you tell?

I just did somehow.

I could sense her presence.


Presence, huh?

That's it!

Thanks, Chu-li!


That's it! I gotta focus my energy!

Stand as quietly as the sky!

The truth is not clear
with sight or sound alone.

If you empty your mind, many
things will become clear.

Energy disturbances and
slight movements in the air.

With these, you can sense things
without relying on vision.


Yahoo! I did it!

The training has only begun!

Will Goku be able to stand up again?!

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the
mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even
more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance,
I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me
you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance,
I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart
a glittery, shining dream!