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01x14 - Thank You Tes

Posted: 02/22/22 19:41
by bunniefuu
Because of me,

my dad died.

Yes. I heard.

I don't think I can handle another death on my conscience.

That's what scared me.

It wasn't that I saw ghosts.

It was the idea that someone else could die because of me.

Now I know for sure.

I can't live like that.

So teach me.

Make me a doctor.

A doctor that saves patients.

You said you were...

sick and tired of hospitals and patients.

It was you.

You shook me up and changed me.

The weight of the doctor's gown that makes you...

save people even in death.

I'll try to live with it, just like you.

Like the old man.

(Episode )

My gosh. Thanks to you,

I got back here in style.

It's best to be home.

Oh, my home.

Thanks for the ride.

See you around.

Are you...

unable to leave because of me?

That day,

did you miss your ride trying to save me,

or were you punished...

with the fate of remaining here?

What if that were so?

Will you let me move on?

That day,

why did you save me?

That day,

I was wearing my doctor's gown.

Two, three.

Get the pump.

Seung Tak. Wake up.

Seung Tak. Come on.

With a face that said you had no idea what was going on,

you looked up at the old man...

who was the only one looking at you.

The look in your eyes...

was so terribly sad.

What choice did I have?

The living were failing to do their duties,

so the ghost had to help.

I'd been a doctor for years and still the white gown...

weighed me down as if I wasn't good enough.

I couldn't fight it.

Since then,

have you been watching me?

Why would I care for a fool who ran away because he was scared?

As a kid, you ran away because you were scared of ghosts.

And older, you tried to avoid becoming a doctor...

when you wanted to be one.

All you did was run away,

until one day you met someone just like you.

Then you changed and fought...

and struggled to save people.

That was kind of cute.

If I keep waiting, one day...

I'll be able to face the person...

I've been missing for a long time, right?

It must've been him.

You and I.

It wasn't about religion, blood types, or star signs.

He borrowed someone's body to save you,

then he borrowed mine to save someone else.

Then the ghost that possessed you...

Yes. Cardiothoracic surgeon Oh Joo Myung.

What is it?

You stood here and stared that day too.

Is something not working out?

You betrayed me.

You said you'd teach me.

Why did you die so soon?

If you'd stayed a little longer,

I could've become a decent doctor.

Come on.

Don't blame anyone else for your lack of skill.

Don't think too much about it.

Just like that day, let go of how it happened.

I just hope that you can be happy...

that we were able to save a boy's life.

And that kind of your attitude makes you a great doctor, you know.

I miss you, sir.

Dr. Jang. I'm glad that you changed your mind.

This is the best hospital for Professor Cha.

And he also used to work here.

We're practically a family here.

We'll do a better job taking care of him.

You are already doing an excellent job.

When we asked you to stay, you wouldn't even budge.

But you changed your mind the moment Dr. Ko talked to you.

That hurt my feelings a bit.

I'm not staying here because of what Dr. Ko said. It's for him.


He wants to stay here.

(Eunsang University Medical Center)

Look at this slowpoke.

Don't you know what time it is? You're late on your first day.

Don't you know why I'm late?

Exactly. You should have left sooner.

I left early in the morning.

And I rarely run errands for anybody.

No. You're talking back to me.

Come with me. There are people you have to see.

Doesn't he know he's not allowed to order me around like this now?

(Administrative Deputy Director Han Seung Won)

How many times...

How many times must I tell you? It wasn't me.

If you were going to do it, you should've done it right.

Or you shouldn't have at least ruined my plan.

Everything would have been over in a few days with his surgery.

Why did you make this worse than it already was?

Gosh, you're not listening to me.


Have you ever seen me do any of the dirty work myself?

Then what about that footage?

I have you going in and out of his room on camera.

And that's driving me crazy!

I remember coming out of your office.

But when I came back to my senses, I was in the lobby.

I was blacked out after leaving your office.

It's like a ghost is playing a trick on me!

Cha Young Min.

Hey, when did you come back?

I know I've been away for some time.

But why do you look as if you've seen a ghost?

You seemed happy that day.

But you seem irritated today.

Why? Are you mad that you won't get to open that bottle of champagne?

Are you...

He said it was expensive. So keep it somewhere safe.

Let's open that once I wake up.

I see.

You were the one who went inside Jang Min Ho's body. Right?

I thought you could only enter his body.

That's private and none of your business.

Then why are you here?

Are you going to punch me or something in my cousin's body?

I wouldn't do something like that in someone else's body.

You'll get what you deserve later in one go.

I'm here to talk to you today. So listen up.

Gosh. Why do you want to tell him that? That's not necessary.

How do you expect me to say that? That's embarrassing.

Gosh, just do it.

Fine. I'll do it then.

Tell him exactly this.

I was so frustrated all this time because I couldn't say this to him.

Seung Tak, relay my message verbatim.

No one can ruin Ko Seung Tak.

Watch and see. It's just getting started.

This is his message.

No one can ruin Ko Seung Tak.

Come on. Glare at him.

What are you doing?

Gosh. Forget it.

You've been plotting again while I was away.

As you can see, I'm back.

Let me warn you. Don't you lay a finger on him again.

Cha Young Min is my teacher now.

- Teacher. - Yes.

Gosh. I should karate chop your neck.

And don't lean on your leg like that.

(VIP suite)

Hello, boss. I mean, Professor Jang.

What's going on?

The guards will be guarding the room...

around the clock in three shifts.

You decided to stay here because of me.

I should make sure you two stay safe.

We're using suction and antibiotics together.

We're giving him Tazocin four times a day.

And we're running a sputum culture and CBC...

and observing progress through a chest X-ray.

He can improve within a week or two if he recovers quickly.

If we find bacteria like Acinetobacter in his system,

it may take longer than that.

I'm sure he'll pull through.

He got this far.

Some germs aren't going to get him.

He's my mighty professor.

I'll leave Jang Min Ho be for the time being.

We only have the footage of him entering and leaving.

But that can't prove anything.

And I stepped out. So it's partially my fault too.

It's not your fault at all.

I'm sure Professor Cha won't want you to beat yourself up...

for what happened.

You need to stay strong at times like this.

And that will keep him strong too.

Is that what Professor Cha told you?

Yes. What?

Then can you give him my message too?

Tell him not to worry about me because I'm doing fine.

I waited this long, so waiting a few more weeks...

is totally doable.

So tell him to come back to me regardless of how long it takes.

After everything you told me,

I'm starting to wonder if you two have a special bond.

Is it some kind of spiritual conversation? Like telepathy?

Gosh. Dr. Jang. I'm not some shaman.

I guess not.

So you wanted to ask me something.

Right. I did. But not anymore.

I'm going to put aside other thoughts I have for now.

And I'll only focus on him.

I'll focus on his recovery and surgery, so he can wake up.

Did you tell her the truth behind my back?

Did something happen when I was away?

Come on. Let's be careful.

You are so careless.

You always tell me to be careful...

when you're the one who caused the trouble.

What? Is that how you talk to your professor?

Let's go. We have to see a lot of people today.

Have you forgotten already?

You need to be nice to me. I have the upper hand here.

I'm your teacher. You, my student.

Wait. That line sounds familiar.

Ko Seung Tak? You're back! Yes, you're here.

Come on. I told them to change the beds a long time ago.

What happens to all the profits the hospital makes?

Change all the beds and the frames here.

The frames too?

Brother, you have a disruptive sleeping habit.

I heard the bed creak every night.

Ko Seung Tak. I missed you so much.


Get new desks and chairs on this side.

I want comfortable, yet high-end furniture.

Only this side?

Seniors who gossip about their juniors...

going through a tough time don't deserve them.

But a senior who can embrace his juniors does.

He's back.

I didn't say anything.

Hey, you're back.

He's back.

What's this?


He granted our wishes.

Actually, I was curious about how much the flavor improved.

I wonder if she was able to thank him.

Why are you throwing money to celebrate your return?

What about me? Anything for me?

You're smiling? Hey, Ko Seung Tak. Seung Tak?

- It's all set. - Good day.

You had a nice one at home.

You can use it after the surgery once you wake up.

Seung Tak.

Hey. As a matter of fact, I really needed one.

Gosh. Seriously.

Isn't a thank-you in order?

It's not like you paid for it. Talk about a credit hog.

There's a strap for the head.

I paid it out of my own pocket.

I'm paying the tuition in advance.

This is so nice.

Gosh. Every inch of my body from my neck to my back was sore.

That hits the spot.

Who knew a ghost liked massages?

What? What brings you here?

Tae Shik...

I mean, Chief Ban.

I wanted you to take good care of your joints.

Take care of yourself.

Your hands are already weak.

At least your legs need to stay strong.

Why are you giving this to me?

This is a very nice present.

Gosh. Your hands are already weak,


So you should make sure your legs stay strong.

Here you go.

To thank you for your guidance and to pay for betraying you.

Here. Drink up.

You keep speaking informally to me. May I do the same?

Anyway, how did you know I had bad knees?

Funny man.

Is she interested in me?

Oh no. That's not good.

Seung Tak. You're here.

Nice, Seung Tak.

You make your return with a bounty.

- This isn't from me. - Then who?


- Mr. Chairman. - Mr. Chairman.

Don't mind me and return to work.

Take a break and have a snack too.


What a sudden visit to encourage your grandson.

I'm not here to encourage you.

Seung Tak.

Grandfather. What brings you here?

I came to go on a date with you, Dr. Oh.

I meant to call you first this time.

What is all of this?

It's a bribe to ask you to use my grandson...

and order him around.

It's tough dealing with this punk's rudeness, isn't it?

He's high maintenance, but it's bearable.

Sure, it's bearable. You take it out on my back.

You know my grandfather?

We've known each other for over years.

She knew me longer than you.

We go on a date every quarter.

- Would you like some tea? - Sounds good.

I knew it.

I knew you'd be back.

I'm glad you're back.

How did you know?

I wanted to rip up your letter of resignation, but there wasn't one.

No, not that.

That your late grandfather saved my life years ago.

How did you know?

Did your grandfather tell you?

He knows too?

Well, the thing is...

I'm not sure but...

What happened?

If it was years ago, you were only .

What did you see that day?

I was very sick that day.

What's wrong with her? She's burning up.

You should greet him.

(Rest in Peace)

Don't be sick like you are today.

You have to grow up to be strong and healthy.


be happy...

doing what you enjoy.


loves you a lot...

and I'm very sorry.


This way.



Get the epinephrine.

Stick on the EKG.

His oxygen level keeps dropping.

What should I do?

He needs an ECMO but Professor Oh's not here.



Hey. Why are you here alone?

Where are the adults?

My grandpa...

went into some doctor.

What do you mean? So...

Who went in where?

My grandpa died,

but he went in there with a little boy.

Hey kid, are you okay?

I woke up in a hospital room...

and your grandfather was next to me.

He said that the little boy was his grandson,

the surgery went well, and that he lived.

I found out in med school that the boy was you.

Was that why you mistreated me?

Of course. My grandfather did all that...

to save your life.

How could I like you when you were wasting your life like that?

You should've told me sooner.

Your grandfather told me back then...

that I had either hallucinated or dreamed due to my fever.

He said not to tell anyone else and to keep it a secret between us.

He probably said that for my sake...

since no one would believe me.

So many people were there that day.

Did I really have a dream? I don't think so.

It's not like I see things like you do. Only that one time.

I was confused and kept it locked up inside,

but I realized when I saw you here...

that it wasn't a dream.

That what I saw that day was real.

Back when your grandfather was the director...

and my grandfather was a professor,

they were friends because they wanted the same things.

He came every year for my grandfather's memorial.

So you'd better shape up.

My grandfather's watching.

He's always watching.

Not just me though.


don't tell Soo Jung...

that I'm here, okay?

I need to protect my precious granddaughter's mental state.

Seeing her is my joy in life.

So... What was that about?

What you said there.

There? What did I say?

- What? - About your heart racing.

That I was cool. Did you mean it?

What if it was? What about it?

I was just wondering.

So it was true.


I'm here.

Are you here?

My man.

Why do you always ask?

It's not like you know whether or not I answer.

Your granddaughter grew up very well.

She did.

Your grandson hasn't finished growing up yet.

Maybe if things go well,

you and I can become in-laws.

My man. Don't get ahead of yourself.

Well, it depends on him. Let's see how he acts later.

She's going to be a great asset.

She's a great doctor with whom we can entrust patients.

It was worth...

supporting her secretly...

from behind, right?


I'd be grateful...

if they keep repaying that debt...

to society.

Both of them.

I shouldn't have let you go like that. It was truly a waste.

If I could go back in time,

I'd cling on to you tightly and not let you go.

It's not like you're a deity.

You can't hold back those who must move on.

I hope you stay among the living for many more years.

Once I'm gone,

there will be a lot for you to do.


What can she do?

- Ko Seung Tak's back? - He spent a fortune already.

He acts like he's returning in glory as if he did a great deed.

I heard he ran off in shock.

He must be fine, then.

He really has a strong mindset. I give him that.

That's all because of his background.

He's really something.

I would have never been able to come back.

The patient will have gone to a better place.

(Resting Room)

Did you speak to the grieving family for me as well?

I almost lost my sight staring at the cameras to find you.

(Funeral Hall, north corridor)

(Funeral Hall, main entrance)

I thought the Ko Seung Tak I knew...

would show up there if not anywhere else.

(Funeral Hall, main entrance)

(Funeral Hall, main entrance)

(Funeral Hall, north corridor)

You punk.

It was so good to see you even just like that.

As you know, I can't be there even if I wanted to.

Thank you. And well done.

Are you done saying hi?

Shall we get to work, then?

Here we go.

Did you bring everything? Did you not forget anything?

There are lots of tools here. Did I have to get your old stuff?

Don't you know you always learn to drive in an old car?

Be honored that you get to practice with my old tools.

Did you lock up behind you? Did you do the cleaning?

The cleaning?

If my place is a mess when I get back,

I'll sue you for trespassing.

Something that interns do...

You almost skipped that year.

No wonder you don't know the basics.

Pretend you're meditating. You need to start over.

Give it a go. Start with a suture.

Darn it.

Are you chatting with the banana?

No, that's not how...

Oh, my gosh. Move aside.

They must be evenly spaced.

Even, like this.

Like this. See?

Can't you do this? Can't you?

Don't do that. Try again.

Not like that.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Practice on... All of them. All of these cushions.

Do this all night.

My gosh.

I can't do all this in one day.

It's not like putting a single payment on a credit card!


You're smiling?

Are you teaching him so he'll save you?

He can barely walk on his own. It'll take forever.

Who knows?

Look what you did to me.


I taught you?


Seung Tak said...

I'm a competitive warrior.

He's right.

I wanted to win.

Win against whom?

The people who looked down on and harassed you?

The ghost that possessed me.

The being I didn't know,

which prevented me from complaining to them...

was forever my competition.

I knew I had to do better to stop you from possessing me.

I see. No wonder.

You did improve very fast.

Seung Tak will do the same.

So that I won't have to possess him again.

So he can beat me.

I think that's why we were given this time.

So I can train him up well.

You need to cheer up at a time like this,

so Professor Cha can cheer up.

[font color="# ff"][VIU Ver] tvN E 'Ghost Doctor'[/font]
[font color="#ff "]"Thank You Tes"[/font]
[font color="#ff "]-♥ Ruo Xi ♥-[/font]

Did you have dinner?

Your hair...

I had it done to cheer myself up. Is it weird?

It's lovely.

What got into you? I'm proud of you.

Did you buy flowers too?

I noticed them on the way back.

I wanted to liven up the room.

Aren't they pretty?

You're so pretty. It got me going.

I want to wake up soon.

What I can't revive, no one can.


It's different.

Are you okay?

What? Yes.

The floor is slippery.

Watch out. Don't hurt your pretty face.

I hope handsome you recover as well.

And achieve your dream.

This is for you. It's a gift.

What is it? Is someone there?



I asked our parents...

to set a wedding date for next spring.

Isn't that you?

Don't creep up on people.

You said you were a courier. Were you an actor?

You were in this movie.

I'm not an actor. It was just a part-time job.

I was offered good pay.

That's so cool.

You should've shown it to Bo Mi. She'd have loved to see it.

That's just embarrassing. I don't appear too much.

Are you putting on an act?

You looked like a real actor.

If you get a lead role and become a star later on,

sign something for me.

Will you just stop it?

"Later on"? What later on?

I don't have a later on.

I don't dare talk to him.

I'm home, Mom.

Who are you? Why would you call me "mom"?

What else should a daughter call her mom? "Grandma"?

How have you been?

What kid never listens to their mom?

I'll come home regularly now.


I'll switch majors too.

You will? You changed your mind?

You'll do as I say?

I have to switch next month anyway.

To Cardiothoracic Surgery.

What? Must you really...


I went to med school to become a doctor like Grandpa.

To live like Grandpa did.

How dare you say that?

What? "A doctor like Grandpa"?

A doctor who cares only for his patients...

and not for his family?

A doctor who overworks himself and dies alone?

No. A doctor who saves lives...

and changes people.

Are you trying to get me to die of anger?

I wouldn't complain if you were strong and healthy!

You're always getting sick and having to take breaks!

Why do you insist on taking the tough route?

Because I want to do what I want and be happy.

I promised Grandpa I'd do that.

(Perm Hair Salon)

I tried to talk my way out and just dug my grave deeper.

No, I'm not saying you're a burden. Don't get me wrong.

(Perm Hair Salon)

I lost the first battle.

Where should we go now?

Seriously? The patient is dead now.

(Eunsang University Medical Center)

Great. Now, use your left hand.

(Did you get your medical checkup?)

You're doing great.

You must be able to use your left hand too.


Look. This is the pattern.

Okay. Pattern, checked.

- Sorry. - Are you crazy?

Come on!

Nothing. I was just frustrated.

Keep going.

- Keep checking the vitals. - Yes, doctor.

Gosh. Please.



The CBC results show that...

his white blood cell count went down to , .

And CRP and the level of procalcitonin went down as well.

That's great news. He's getting better.

Yes. He seems to be recovering little by little.

Actually, Dr. Ko has been visiting him less lately.

He used to come here every single day.

I guess he's busy these days.

I heard that he's been holed up in Professor Cha's office lately.

Maybe, that's why.

Gosh. I wonder what he's doing in there.

There you go. Keep the gaps even.

Yes. In that gap.

Take your time.

You were training here.

Young Min,

you're here too. Right?

(Eunsang University Medical Center)

Newbie, I know that you pulled an all-nighter.

But you need to wake up.



Dr. Ko. I was actually going to call you.

Well, you know the thing is...

Why are we transferring Hwang Gook Chan all of a sudden?

Did you already tell him, Dr. Kim?

No. I just found out. How did you know?

I told you not to tell them. Don't bother them. They're busy.

- No, you should have! - Of course, I was going to.

Did Han Seung Won order this?

This has been discussed before.

But his family was against it, so I had been turning a blind eye.

And he's throwing a fit again today.

I mean, he pointed out that it hadn't been taken care of.

He said he was going to cut the support for his medical bills.

I told his family about the transfer...

because the hospital had been footing his bills,

so she had no choice but to give her consent.

That bastard. How could he do this now?

What do you mean the hospital had been covering his bills?

There's a story behind that.

Is he the only patient we have to transfer?

What about Choi Hoon Gil?

His guardian is pretty set on keeping him here.

And his guardian is paying the bills.

I brought it up the other day.

But it fell on deaf ears.

His guardian was a former minister. So we can't touch him.

Why can't you?

Just do it.

Leave Gook Chan here, and transfer me instead!

I'm put away in this hospital, so no one can find out about me.

Who cares where I end up?

You said I could die at any minute and I was a ticking time b*mb!

Why don't you do me a favor and k*ll me?

(Ko Seung Tak)

Who are you? Ko Seung Tak? Or Cha Young Min?

Identify yourself first.

Those patients didn't do anything.

Why are you taking it out on them?

I see. Seeing how you are here, my guess was right.

I knew those coma patients were helping you.

Did they turn into ghosts?

Are they roaming around the hospital?

I talked to his guardian.

The transfer has been put on hold.

So you'll start meddling with hospital administration now?

I see that you're paying the bills.

The hospital had been covering his bills up until now for a reason.

You're quick to calculate your gains and losses.

I doubt that your generosity was the reason.

If you want to protect those patients,

bring me the medical facts that you all worship so much.

What's your teacher doing?


He didn't even look at patients...

who had no hope of recovering.

Is he still the same?

Gosh. He really has a way of surprising people.

That makes sense. A guy who used to work as a courier...

can't afford to stay in the hospital for months.

You must have known.

I was the one who operated on him.

But I guess he didn't get along with his parents.

They never came to see him in the hospital.

When he was in a traffic accident, he was alone at the hospital.

So I thought he didn't have any family.

- He was in a traffic accident? - Yes.

He had a scar on his arm, so I asked him about it.

He told me he had a motorcycle accident three years ago.

That guy is probably scared.

Bo Mi left. And you'll be gone too.

And once I leave, he'll be left all alone here.

I know how it feels...

because I was all alone here before he got here.

It's such a scary...

and lonely feeling.

I've been looking for you.

What are you doing here?

Do you remember?

The central line incident with Hoon Gil?

Who inserted the C-line?

That patient has a slight fever due to a urinary tract infection,

so he needed painkillers and his central line drip was old.

We inserted it in a new spot yesterday.

His fever should have gone down with antibiotics.

But ESR was . And CRP was .

He had those numbers before too.

It means his fever wasn't caused by the urinary tract infection.


He suddenly experienced shortness of breath during his shift.

So he was unconscious when he got here.

He had infective endocarditis. The surgery itself was successful.

But there was a brain bleed. So he fell into a coma.

He was young,

and it wasn't a big bleed. So we were observing him.

But seeing how he still hadn't woken up,

there must be another cause.

And do you know what could have caused it?

No. I have to start looking now.

The last head CT he got was five months ago.

Let's get him another CT scan.

He was hospitalized three years ago due to a traffic accident.

I'm sure they took a CT scan three years ago.

Find out which hospital it was. And get me the scan.

Let's compare them.

- Okay. - He asked me to look into this.

I'm sure you know it better than anyone.

I was told...

to prepare myself several times.

I know I may die at any moment.


he's still so young.

His dream is to become an actor.

I want...

to save them if I can.

As long as...

you think it isn't over yet...

for yourself or them.


Practical training time. Ready?

This way.

Five victims of a car accident.

One lost consciousness after hitting his head.

He shows signs of nausea. He needs a brain CT.

Seung Tak, I'm glad you're here. Come take a look at him.

Look only at the patient. Focus only on him.

Let's go.

One, two, three.

A taxi and a motorcycle collided,

and a bus broke hard behind them.

Many passengers fell and were injured.

He's the most injured. He was on a motorcycle.

Multiple trauma. He needs to be intubated.

Send him in for an examination after thoracic duct cannulation.

Seung Tak, you just do the intubation.

Dr. Lee Seon Ho will be here soon. Get ready for intubation.

What? You won't do it yourself?

Stay calm and do as you practiced.

First, fully extend his neck.

That's it. Slowly.

Press down on the tongue with the hood...

and position it on the vallecula and pull.

That's it.

Seung Tak. Why did you call me if you were...

He's a multiple trauma victim, suspected hemopneumothorax.

He needs thoracic duct cannulation.

Stop spacing out, Seon Ho.

Can't you see he's critical?

Why aren't you starting?

It's in. Right? I got it, right?

- Good job. Next. - Okay.

This way.

Right angle. Deep bite.

(Deep bite: deep stitches)

That's it.

Get the margin right. Don't make it too taut.

That's it.

- Let's get a scan. - Okay.

Don't you think Seung Tak has gotten weird?

He used to perform difficult surgeries himself.

What's with him today? It's not like he's an intern.

I hear he won't even go into the OR anymore.

Maybe what happened last time traumatized him.

Dr. Jang, this way.


That's it. Good.


Cardiac arrest. Prepare for CPR.

Darn it.

Two, I don't treat emergency cases.

Why? Because there are a few steps until they reach me.

Send Dr. An and skip the ECMO.

Priming the ECMO circuit costs , dollars.

It's a waste of money.

These hands are for those who have at least a one percent chance.

Seung Tak.

It isn't over yet.

Do something or he'll die!

Darn it.


The desperation that holds on to one's life.

Those desperations met, connected,

and became intertwined.

Their eyes that bewitched people...

and ghosts...

I wonder if they'll bewitch the one above as well.

Look. I think he's back.

You did it, Seung Tak.

On your own.

He did.

(To be continued)


The training worked.

Dr. Ko did it on his own, right? Without Professor Cha.


I'm sure he's watching beside him.

(Emergency Medical Center)

Well, he's never been this good.

But after operating on Professor Cha,

he's just become a totally different person.

Since then, he has started to operate on...

major surgeries all by himself.

The truth is... I didn't tell anyone this but...

At times, I feel like I'm watching Professor Cha.

When I see Seung Tak in the OR.

Didn't you hear what I said?

I guess Professor Cha hasn't caught on yet.

Or are you...

hiding it from him?

What are you talking about?

Ask him yourself.

Ko Seung Tak... No.

Professor Cha.

What do you hope to specialize in later on?

Cardiothoracic Surgery.

Is Dr. Ko seeing someone?

Seung Tak has a girlfriend?

He was known to be single his whole life.

I promised a girl.

That I'd major in CS, and she'd major in Neurosurgery.

Do you want to go elsewhere?

Is your judgment about me still valid?

Okay. Let's stay here.

Where I am. With me.

(Emergency Medical Center)

So teach me.

Make me a doctor.

A doctor that saves patients.

It was you.

You shook me up and changed me.

I'm not inside Cha Young Min.

Cha Young Min enters my body.


How could this be?

How dare you blackmail Se Jin?

How could you do such a thing, you piece of trash?

I haven't cooked at home in a while.

I should've practiced had I known I'd have to cook.

Young Min...

That was it.

He was next to me all along.

He was there.

He was with me.


What are you doing late at night?

As you see, I'm trying to become a great cardiothoracic surgeon.

You saw me, didn't you?

Did your heart race then too?

My heart almost jumped out of my body.

Is this the protein drink from before?

What great timing.

Good for you. It's even better after exercise.

It's even more refreshing after a productive day.

Why are you so down?

Is it your mom? Are you still avoiding her?

No, it's a ceasefire.

There was a battle and I retreated.

I do understand where she comes from if I think about your grandpa.

I do understand her.

But I'll keep trying.

Moms always give in eventually.

How is Dr. Jang these days?

- Is she okay? - What?

I know you're busy catching up on intern stuff but check in on her.

Come on. I'm no longer an intern.

I even saved someone today.

Look. My hands are special hands.

You knew as well.

How did you find out?

Did Seung Tak...

He'd have told me from the start if he were going to.

If he didn't until now, he must have a good enough reason.

I don't know the details,

but I guess that's what Professor Cha wants.

Which is why I'd like you to keep it from Dr. Ko.

My legs ache so badly.

(Eunsang Medical Center)

Aromatherapy helps you sleep.

I heard you like lavender.

Hey, watch it.

I mean, I heard lots of people like lavender.

I'd been finding it hard to sleep recently.

Thank you. I'll use it well.

You broke your special mug.

Hey, watch it, will you?

I mean, people outside heard it break and word spread.

Did it?

I'd been meaning to get a new one, but I kept forgetting.

Thank you for this too. I'll use them well.

Onions and pickles only, no cucumbers.

Hey. Are you trying to get caught?

That's what I used to like.

- What? - I eat cucumbers now.

And not pickles.

I want something other than bread.

Have you eaten yet?

(Ilmiri Geumgye)

(Ilmiri Geumgye)

- Enjoy your meal. - Thank you.

I brought you here because I heard it's nice. Do you mind?

No. I love chicken.

It's good.

What kind of food does Dr. Ko like?

He said he doesn't like soup.

- What? - Fish, meat, beef, chicken.

Among those.

He prefers meat to fish.

He doesn't eat chicken. It made him very sick once.

(Ilmiri Geumgye)

Why did you want to meet elsewhere?

I just wanted to treat you to something nice.

You must be sick of the terrible cafeteria food.

- Shall we eat out tomorrow too? - What? Tomorrow as well?

I'm tired of eating alone,

and I want to thank you for cooking for me.

The rolled omelet and tofu...

were very good, and I should've eaten it all.

I shouldn't have left any.

It's nice to be out for a stroll.

The night air is crisp, and the street is pretty.

It is.

It must be stuffy being indoors all the time.

Shall we walk like this sometimes?

What? Go on a walk?

That place you took me to was lovely.

Next time, I should take Young Min there.

It'll be winter by then,

but I think it'll be pretty in winter too.

It is pretty in the winter.

I promised him that...

once we passed the board, we'd visit the Alps.

It wasn't after the board, it's after our internship...

Shall we have a hot drink?

- Then I'll... - I'll get it.

Wait here.

Something's not right.

What is it?

Answer your phone.

Must you make me come to you?

Something is going on.

Does your comatose boyfriend know you're cheating on him?

The hospital gives me the creeps and I can't go back there.

I had you followed, so I could meet you outside.

Let's go somewhere quiet to talk.

We still have some talking left to do.

I don't. Get lost.

Stay still. I won't bite.

It'll be a brother-and-sister chat.

Let go. Don't touch me.


You're only going to ruffle my feathers.

I can't sleep at night when I think about how he punched me before.

Hey. It's payback time.

Dr. Ko!

Move, Dr. Ko!


Watch out, Young Min!

Seung Tak.


- Seung Tak. - Stay with me.


Stay with me.

Stay with me.

Young Min.

Cha Young Min!

Young Min!

(Ghost Doctor)

You said you'd do it in one go.

That's not something you can hold back.

Since we're on the subject, how about another round?

It must have hurt a lot, honey.

Your honey is right here.

You've been using his body way too often lately.

Why don't we come up with a rule?

I've already got my hands dirty.

Doing it again won't make a big difference.

I don't have much time.

I'm his guardian. I'll make that decision.

I'm also responsible for his health and have the right to be heard.

You'll operate on yourself, right?

- Where did he go? - What's going on?

Seung Tak, can't you see me? Can't you hear me?