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04x08 - Canceled

Posted: 02/22/22 14:38
by bunniefuu
ZOEY: Mob mentality...
it's been around forever.

People love to come together
over something

or someone they hate.

The court of public opinion
has always been harsh.

- ♪ Hey, you, get down ♪
- But now with social media,

they can do it instantaneously.

People from all corners of the globe
could now unite anonymously

against a percieved common enemy.

These days, all it takes
is the touch of a screen

and someone is canceled.

And thanks to Luca's tweet
outing my high-profile boss

for stealing my design,

I had unwillingly been dragged
into the public shaming

that we now know as "cancel culture."

Oh! You self-important, shortsighted,

dumb, disrespectful,
beady-eyed, boot-cut-wearing,

Lenny Kravitz-looking [bleep].

You're welcome.

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know, so I'mma feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets, this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪
♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

So, why the hell would you
accuse my boss of stealing?

Well, I obviously knew
you weren't gonna do it,

so I did it for you.

I didn't want you to, and, mm,

I really did not want you
tagging me in the post.

Well, then, how would
anyone know it was you?

You deserve the credit.

You're being mad ungrateful right now.

No. Just mad. Mad mad.

Did you ever think for a second
that there was maybe a reason

I didn't call out Esme?

Yeah, because you have a problem
with undermining authority,

any type of confrontation,

and when it comes to your talent,

you lack confidence.

Okay, all of that is true,
but you know I am not giving him

the satisfaction of admitting that.

No. That was not the reason.

It's that I did not want to
call out another woman of color,

and, quite frankly, Luca,
none of this is your business.

Well, regardless of what color Esme is

or whether or not this is my business,

she violated the sacred code of fashion.

Mm, and you violated
the code of our friendship.

You put my internship, my degree,

and possibly my entire career
in jeopardy.

So, delete the tweet now.



- Oh, my...
- [Twitter app chirps]


You had him delete the tweet? Why?

People need to see
that their favorite designer

is a piece of flaming hot turd.

Oh, they're seeing it.

Someone screenshotted
Luca's stupid-ass tweet

and now it's posted
literally everywhere.

- Are you serious?
- Esme just got Donkey of the Day.

Yeah, it was the hot topic
around my community service

roadside trash pickup.

So, Zoey, the only thing
deleting a tweet does

is pique people's interest.

It makes it seem like
you have something to hide.

Right, which you don't. Esme does.

It's why she was called out
to begin with, okay?

Shady people have to answer

to the shady things they've done.

Luca needs to get his shady ass beat.

No. No.

No one is beating anybody's ass,

and, guys, I talked to Luca
and I handled it.

Well, um, if by "handled it"

you mean "made things worse," uh...

#EsmeIsOverParty is trending
right now on Twitter,

right below

Oh, I saw that. It was truly hilarious.

Those people got so hurt.

Wait, maybe there's a chance
Esme hasn't seen this yet.

She gets so many mentions every day.

I mean, she can't keep track
of them all, right?

VIVEK: Totally possible.

I mean, I tweet at John Cena
every single day

and never even get so much
as a tweet back.

Why are you tweeting at John Cena?

Hey, I'm desperate, all right?

I've been kicked out of college
and I need a J-O-B.

And according to,

Cenation is among the top
places to be employed.

The free gym membership alone
is worth it.

Hmm. Thanks, Vivek.

You always show me that things
could be so much worse.

♪ Whip it up ♪

♪ Whip it up ♪

♪ That's what's up, bottom's up ♪

♪ Whip it up with me ♪

♪ Whip it up ♪
♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ Whip it up ♪
♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Start it up just for fun ♪

♪ Whip it up with me ♪

♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Unh-unh ♪

♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Ey-ey ♪

♪ Hey, yeah ♪

- What's up? How's your workout?
- Ooh, it was brutal.

I don't miss track at all,

but I do miss the endurance it gave me.

I almost threw up like
three times on that bike.

Let's be honest.
Your endurance was never great.

[Both laugh]

Okay, abs.

Your boy's gotta stay in the gym

if he wants any chance with
you superficial Cal U girls.

I didn't know you were checking
for Cal U girls,

let alone girls at all.

[Scoffs] Why would you assume that?

Because you said you came
out to your parents.

I'm assuming you didn't
come out as straight?

No. I came out as q*eer.

Look, sexuality is a spectrum,

and I'm not exclusively on
one end of that spectrum.

Bottom line is, I [bleep] with women.

Okay, damn.

Well, I need to clarify
some things up with Sky.

I may have misrepresented you

when we were chatting last night.

- My bad.
- Oh, so you and your sister

are talking about me now, huh?

Okay, okay, calm down.

Sky and I talk about everything,

so you can stick
to jumping those hurdles

and not to conclusions, okay?

Okay. I'll take that.

How are you doing without
having your sister around?

[Sighs] You know, I'm dealing.

It sucks not having someone
to do everything with,

and I miss her so much,
but, you know, it's whatever.

I can change that. Starting right now.

Okay, I'm not about to
get up on that bike again.

I was thinking breakfast, but hey,

if you want to go again,
we can go again.


Come on.


Ana was right.

Deleting the tweet only made
people ravenous

for more information,

like sharks smelling blood in the water.

I wanted to put an end to this madness,

and the only way to stop
the pile-on of Esme

was to publicly show my support for her.

Okay. We're live. We're live. Um...

Hey. [Laughs]

Hey, it's Zoey, and I
wanted to come on here

to clear the air.

So, I'm sure by now, you all have heard

about the whole Esme situation,

and I wanted to go on the record to say

that I did not give anyone permission

to post those photos
of my sketch and Esme's design.

This is not how I wanted
things to play out,

and Esme has been a great mentor to me,

and this internship has really
been a dream come true.

There is it.

Hopefully, this deads the situation

and takes some of the heat off of Esme.

Okay. Doo-doo-doo.

Oh. Uh...

[Notifications popping]

In trying to cancel Esme's cancellation,

did I just cancel myself?

Holy crap, these comments!

Zoey, why do you still have these up?

I mean, I didn't even know
that there are so many

creative ways to call someone a ho.

Are you serious? Are you being serious?

You guys just told me
never to delete anything.

Yeah, but when people start calling you

a slop bucket, you can delete it.

So, Zo, just curious, what made
you even think of doing this?

I was thinking I could make

the whole thing go away
by making a statement,

but now I'm getting
mad amounts of clapback.

Like, oh, "I'm a weak bitch.

I'm a clout chaser.

I'm bringing Black women down."

And I don't even know what I did wrong.

I mean, it's pretty clear, actually.

You didn't deny that Esme
was guilty of stealing.

Yeah, and by not denying it,
you're actually cosigning

Luca's accusation that
Esme stole your design.

Also, what people seem
to be really mad about

is that you're dragging
another Black woman.

I know! Which is ridiculous,
because the whole reason

I decided not to call her out

was to protect another Black woman.

Yeah, the irony's not lost on us.

Your social media naiveté is.

Oh, God, these are getting
uncomfortably personal.

- What?
- You're actually making me

feel better about my life.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Oh, wow. Somebody just said
I lost my last job

because I slept with Joey Bada$$.

[Gasps] I knew it! I knew it!

Pay up!

You have a bet? It's not true.

Oh, Rochelle just called you out
for stealing her boyfriend.

That is very true.

VIVEK: Ugh, and therein lies
the danger of cancel culture.

The ember of "calling out"

ignites into a simmering "pile-on,"

which then grows into a raging
forest fire of "cancelation,"

decimating everyone
and everything in its path.


As much as I love fire and metaphors...

don't get me wrong, I do love fire...

but I need to know what to do right now.

You do nothing.

Something bigger and more
scandalous will come along

and it'll shift everyone's
hate onto somebody else

because that's how social media works.

Yeah, and just hope that when it's over,

there hasn't been too much damage

to your life and reputation.

In the meantime,
just hunker down and wait

for it to blow over.

[Cellphone chimes]

Well, this definitely blows.


Oh, wow. It is so cool up here.

I can't believe I've never been
to the press box before.

And look, you can even see
the Cal U Cheer Memorial.

Stick with me, kid.
I'll take you places.

- [Laughs]
- [Cellphone ringing]

Hey, um...

Oh, damn.

Did you just decline your sister
to kick it with me?

Wow. I'm honored.

I'll call her back later.

It's just... Sky gets really jealous

when I experience things without her.

Mm. She sounds weak.

It's a good thing you got rid of her.

[Laughs] Never.

Well, she's really going to be jealous

when she finds out that
I'm taking you out

tonight to experience someplace new.

- Oh, word?
- Mm-hmm.

Then you should know we're gonna have to

drive to Monrovia if you want to
experience someplace new,

'cause I've been to
every spot around here.

No shade to Monrovia,
but you've never experienced

these local spots with me.



[Cow lows]

AARON: I never thought
I'd say this out loud,

but maintaining
a virtual sustainable farm

is the most exhilarating thing
I've ever done in my life.

DOUG: That's a fact. Have you
seen how big my okra's growing?

My shit is thriving.

I didn't know okra could grow that big.

LUCA: Y'all in this game, too?

I just had a situation
with my Lima beans,

but I don't really wanna talk about it.



- LUCA: What's up?
- You know what's up.

- I'm sorry?
- You're sorry?

Don't be sorry to me. Say sorry to Zoey.

She's the one who's getting canceled

over your dumbass, overzealous tweet.

Okay. Well, you know,
this has been nice,

but we should probably go.

What that lady did to Zoey
was foul, so I spoke up.

But hey, if you're good with your girl

getting her shit jacked, cool.

- You wanna run that comment back real quick?
- All right, all right, come on.

No, no, I'm just asking what he said.

- Do you want to run it back?
- We're all friends here.

This is probably just some misplaced
anger because it's lunchtime.

You know, low blood sugar
is not good for nobody.

Yeah, you know, and you haven't
had anything to eat today,

so, like, let's go get you
a parfait or something.

I don't know why
you're coming at me, bro.

If anybody should have
called out Zoey's boss,

- it should've been you.
- And what you should be doing is keeping

my girl's name out your mouth.

Whatever you say, playboy.

- Whatever you say.
- [Cows lowing, thudding]

You see? Look at you.

- What?
- You're trying to be a hero,

and all your cows is dead.

Pick up your controller, man.

ZOEY: And Esme,
I really thought the video

was just gonna make everything go away.

I don't know how else to say it.
I am so sorry.

- ESME: And I accept your apology.
- Okay.

But the problem is, I don't know
how we move forward from this.

Well, we could pretend
it never happened.

- Mm.
- Like a fun game between us.

We could, but the truth is
everyone knows.

And wouldn't you be
uncomfortable knowing

that no one can trust you?

I mean, the ill will from your coworkers

will create a hostile work environment

that's not gonna be good for anyone,

especially you.

[Sighs] Okay.

So, let me get this straight.
Are you letting me go?

No. If I let you go,

then it's like I'm punishing you
for your accusations.

Honestly, my hands are tied.

But if you stay, chances are

you're gonna be
incredibly uncomfortable.


Truly at a loss here.

Which is why I brought you in.

To help me figure out what to do.

What would you do?

What would Zoey Johnson do?


Well, I think Zoey Johnson
just fired herself.

The thing is, at the end of the day

Esme did a great job on the jacket.

And she even elevated the design
in a way that I couldn't have.


Could I have?


I want my design back.

ESME: I'm confused.
I thought we had an agreement.

No, you tricked me into coming
to an agreement.

- Did I?
- You did.

- I did?
- Did you?

- I did not.
- No, you did.

Damn, she's good.

Okay, I never wanted to call out
another woman of color,

especially a Black woman because
I thought it was important

that we have each others' backs.

And I completely agree with that.

But you clearly don't, because
you obviously never had mine.

And if I let this slide, you're
gonna do this to someone else.

What exactly would you like me
to do here, Zoey?

The right thing.

I want you to stop production
on the jacket

and give me my design back,

or I can come out with
a very definitive statement

about how you not only
you stole my sketch,

but practically manipulated me
into quitting.


Honestly, Esme, I'm at a loss.

Help me figure out what to do.

Eh, what would you do?

What would Esme Sharp do?

♪ Yeah ♪

Oh, thank you.

♪ Put two and two together,
now the... add up ♪

♪ Damn, got fed up ♪

♪ Put two and two together,
now the... add up ♪

♪ Unh, yeah ♪

♪ Watching... add up ♪

♪ Watching... add up ♪

- ♪ Watching... add up ♪
- ♪ Add up ♪

- ♪ Yeah, watching... ♪
- [Music distorts, fades]

DES: Damn. You look fire in that dress.

Thank you.

You, too.

- Appreciate it.
- [chuckles]

How you feeling?

[Cow lowing]

AARON: Well, between losing
my cows earlier

and this typhoon wrecking my crops,

my farm is ruined.

Yep. No more berries for my people.

DOUG: Eh, I told you
you planted too early.

It ain't got nothing to do
with no typhoon.

Your irrigation system's just whack.

My irrigation system is fine.

- It's this right toggle that's not really working.
- ZOEY: Hey.

Guess who took her power back from Esme?

- Wait, what?
- Mm-hmm.

- What happened?
- So, bad news first.

I lost my internship!

But it's okay, because after
I fired myself, which...

i-it's a long story...

I walked straight into Esme's office

and demanded my jacket,
my design, and my pride back,

plus, ooh, I got this stapler
for the road just because.

Mm. Look at my baby, stealing staplers,

- taking her power back. Come here.
- Ooh, I know.

I can't believe I actually
stood up to her.

It was so powerful...

- Mm-hmm.
- ...and thrilling and scary,

and I had suspected that
I hadn't worn enough deodorant.

In that moment, for sure confirmed.


I mean, gross, but wow.

- Thank you.
- I'm proud of you, Freshman.

Oh, see, bro? You lost your cows

and almost got into some
Black-on-Black v*olence

for no reason.

What are you talking about?

- Hmm? Oh.
- What is he talking about?

Uh... [Sighs]

What are you thinking here? Um...

Me and Luca exchanged some words,

and then also, all my cows are gone.

Forget the cows, Aaron.
What happened with Luca?

Nothing, honey, okay?

I just wanted to make sure
he knew to stay in his own lane.

- That was it.
- Mm.

After I specifically asked you
not to say

- anything to him, honey?
- You did,

but it's not like
I went looking for the guy.

He just happened to be where we were at,

and he needed to be checked.

I checked him, so...
I don't see what the problem is.

The problem is I'm tired of people

interfering and stepping in
like they need to protect me.

I was defending you.

I really didn't need you to do that.

Okay. All right.
So, I'm just supposed to

sit back and pretend
that everything's okay

- and watch this dude blow your life up?
- Mm.

He's not your man and he
overstepped some boundaries.

This has nothing to do
with him being my man

and everything to do
with your bruised ego.

DOUG: Oh, you know,
I-I'mma just head out.

I swear, I left something on the oven.

No, please. I'll go. I feel like...

uh, spending the night alone anyway.

Are we really...
Are we doing this right now?

- Really?
- Yeah, Aaron, I am.

I'm making a decision for myself
to be by myself,

but do you need to go
check in with Luca,

make sure you guys
are both cool with that?

[Door opens, closes]


Don't be mad at me. I...


- ZOEY: Hey.
- ANA: Oh, hey.

I didn't think I'd see you tonight.

Me either. Why are you still up?

I couldn't sleep,

so I thought reading about maritime law

would do the trick
and put me out, but so far,

I've gotten through shrimp regulations.

- Okay.
- Oh, is that the jacket?

Oh, yeah, it is.

I got the jacket back
and the design, too.

- That's amazing.
- Mm-hmm.

And what happened with the internship?

Well, the internship is history.

But hey, wait.
At least I got this cool...


Hmm. Parents gonna put that in a frame

- instead of your diploma?
- Ana, Ana, Ana,

please let me have this.

You're right. You're right. I'm sorry.

Congratulations on sticking up
for yourself.


So, what are you gonna do
with the jacket?

Absolutely nothing.

♪ I'm pulling my weight in gold ♪

ZOEY: The thing about "cancel culture"

is that it's all about
controlling the narrative.

Who's telling the story?

Who has the most compelling argument?

Who's trying to gain or hold onto power?

And in that moment,

I was done with letting
other people control mine.

Whether they were my boss, my friend,

my man, or some
faceless troll on Twitter.

I was done allowing anyone
to talk over me or for me.

My voice, my sketch, my jacket.

They would be my own.

Whether or not I wanted to do anything

with any of those things
was nobody's business but mine.

NOMI: Just do it.
You're desperate, are you not?

VIVEK: The most. Okay, it turns out

having a misdemeanor
and no degree on your résumé

doesn't make you a very
desirable candidate

for any jobs, Cenation or otherwise.

Okay, look, I think it's time
to just roll the dice,

lie on your application,
and hope that the company

is too lazy
to do a background check on you.

Isn't that risky?

It's the American way, Vivek.

It's the American way.

VIVEK: "Have you ever been convicted
of a misdemeanor or a felony?"

Education level...


"Never forgets keys.

Understands Siberian Forest Cats."


Hell, yeah.