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04x07 - A Peace Of Light

Posted: 02/22/22 14:37
by bunniefuu
♪ Ey ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I just been ridin' ♪

ZOEY: After all the turmoil and unrest

over the last few months,

I was really appreciating getting back

to some semblance of a normal life.

♪ Got a new lawyer,
he need a retainer ♪

♪ I told him I'll make the deposit ♪

♪ Cheesin' all up
in the cam and it's... ♪

And I even started to rediscover

my old passion for designing,

thanks to all the inspiration around me

in the small amount of downtime
I had at my new internship

with superstar
streetwear designer Esme Sharp.

♪ Lifestyle changed up
and I'm going up ♪

- What's the "Z" for?
- ♪ But got the same ones around me ♪

- Oh, it's for Zoey.
- ♪ I got new pains, but I know I'm made for it ♪

- My name.
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Oh. Nice.

♪ Not in my nature
to save it for later ♪

♪ I'ma take her sailing
in south of France ♪

♪ Take a trip out to Paris,
I'm eating pasta in Naples ♪

♪ I'm on the beach in Barbados ♪

Here are your six packets of sweetener,

two stir sticks,
a package of madeleines,

and one strawberry cake pop,

which goes right into the garbage

to not, uh, waste those extra calories.

- You see this guy?
- Hmm?

He's blowing up off the look we created

almost two freakin' years ago.

Yeah, I remember the line.

You had a... a pop-up fashion show

on some helipad of a building downtown.

- ESME: Yeah.
- I stood outside for two hours

and was denied entrance because
I had a nail file in my pocket.

Well, now, the fashion blogs
are celebrating

this White dude
like he came up with it.

- Mm.
- It's such nonsense.

- [Sighs]
- Yeah.

But it's nothing new, right?

We innovate, and the world
continues to appropriate.

It's too bad there's not
some sort of reparations

for stuff like this,

because if people wanted
to "keep it so real,"

then they'd compensate
Black folks for years

and years of stealing our ideas.

But, then, again,

h-how do you assign
monetary value to an idea

that's not technically
intellectual property?

I really don't know.

Zoey, right?

Oh, my God,
we're on a first-name basis.

Have a seat.

♪ I'm gone ♪

Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Where you're from,
what you're doing here.


♪ But got the same ones 'round me ♪

After just a few weeks
of working in Esme's office,

I was finding my voice,

and my creative light
was shining brighter than ever.

Oh. [Laughs] Look, my boss.

Oh. Look, my words.

with my light growing brighter,

there seemed to be a tendency

for some to want to steal that shine.

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know, so I'mma feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets, this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪
♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

I understand what you're saying.

I just don't see what the problem is.

Well, the problem is that
Esme repurposed my words

as her own in this article.

Are you sure they were exact?

Maybe she just took
the essence of what you said

and remixed it.

Err, no, because a-a "remix"
implies some sort of elevated,

hip-hop style change
that may or may not feature

DJ Khaled... which this is not.

Okay, okay, okay, let me see it.
Let me take a look at it.

I know a Zoey Johnson quote
when I see one.

- Yep.
- All right.

"Appropriate"... nice.
"Compensate"... very good.

- Mm-hmm.
- "Reparations." Wait a minute.

This brilliant quote
is all Aaron Jackson.

- You stole this from me.
- Wha...

These are my ideas.
I told you this the other night

over chimichangas.

- You don't remember?
- Wha... You said that?

- Yes.
- Over chimichangas?

Yeah, he said it over chimichangas.

Well, that's beside the point, then.

That means that
Esme stole from us, babe.

Okay, well, look, maybe she just

did to you what you just did to me.

- Mm.
- You listened.

You internalized
my already brilliant idea.

Then, against all odds,
you elevated it,

- making it even more brilliant.
- Mm-hmm.

The point is,
it doesn't matter who said what

as long as the message got out, right?

- Right.
- Right. You're right.

And neither of us could have gotten

- those thoughts published, so...
- Speak for yourself.

I'm, uh... I'm in academia, so...

Barely. Can you not ruin this moment?

All right, I'm just gonna do it.
I'm gonna go with it here.

Be honest.

Does it make me look like
Will Smith in "Hitch"?

Serious question...
do you want to look like

- Will Smith in "Hitch"?
- Today?

- Mm-hmm.
- Yes, absolutely.

Remember I told you mid-semester
that me and the other TA

- were gonna be swapping duties?
- Yeah.

- Today is that day.
- Yeah?

Yes. He's gonna be grading papers.
I'm gonna be leading lectures.

- That's today.
- Yes.

- Oh, my God, that's so cool!
- Yeah, it is, but I feel like

- I have this huge reputation to live up to.
- Mm-hmm.

Right? Because last year,
I shut school graduation down.

That's what I did.

Also got the school to divest
from private prisons.

That was you.

Also single-handedly created
Black Minds Matter,

Cinema Paranegro, Cornbread Thursdays.

They're my greatest hits here.
You know what I mean?

I know all of his greatest hits

because he never fails
to run them down every day.

I just want to make sure that
when I walk into that classroom

for the first time
looking at all their faces,

that I represent... that I...
that I fulfill their...

their expectations;
their hopes; their dreams.


Like Will fulfilled mine
when he delighted me

while also teaching me
how to politely hit on women

in "Hitch."

- It's a great movie.
- Okay.

Well, babe, calm down,
'cause you're gonna be great.

And you were born to do this,
Alex Hitchens.

- What did you just call me?
- Alex Hitchens.

Thank you for saying that.
You know what that means to me.

- Yeah.
- I like that.

You're my Black Eva Mendes.

- Am I?
- And I love you.

- I love you, too.
- Rrgh!


I gotta say, that community service

has taken your cleaning skills
to the next level.

And I gotta say, the bums that
live in the public bathrooms

we have to clean each week
have nothing on you ladies.

Filthy slobs,
each and every one of you.

Yeah, you know,
I'd really love to help,

but I gotta go to therapy.

M-Maybe talk about why
you and your roommates

can't clean up after yourselves.

Oh, I'd make up any nonsense in
that dumbass hour

as long as it gets me
out of running track

and keeping my scholarship.

It's not made-up nonsense.

You have a real problem.


Here's your lunch.

[Dramatic music plays]

Well, that's dope.

Can you fix the collar on it
just a little bit?

Yeah, perfect.

Or dopely familiar.

It's brilliant, right?

Yeah, it is.

[Chuckles] Especially that "Z."

I know. Inspired.

- Mm.
- Iconic, even.

Esme says it stands for "Gen Z."



'Cause in my identical,
equally brilliant sketch

that Esme saw and commented on,
the "Z" stood for "Zoey."

My name.

Okay, so, they're for sure similar,

but it's not like I'm the first person

to ever design
a cropped letterman jacket...

in green and purple with a satin lining

and a yellow "Z"
with red stitching around it.


And either way, even if
she was inspired by my sketch...

which she clearly was...

I'm sure she just hasn't gotten around

to singing my praises yet.

Oh, here comes the boss.

Get ready for those vocals.

Cool design, right?

So, so cool, right?

Right. You know what, Zoey?

I should really be thanking you.

Here it comes.

You, Kaylon, Luther,
Turquoise, Iverson...

it really is a team effort around here.

And it's been so nice to have an intern

that just fits into
our family so seamlessly.


You know what I'm gonna do?

For an afternoon treat for everyone,

I'm gonna get one of those fancy...

you know those coffee carts
that set up in the parking lot?

Celebratory matcha for everyone.

- Wha...
- Cool idea, right?

So cool.

Yeah. You set that up for me?

- S-Seamlessly.
- I knew you would.

Thanks, Zoey.

Well, she did sing my praises.

It just wasn't a full song.

More of like, um, an interlude.

Or a bridge, even.

Okay, so, can anyone tell me
why Malcolm X

decided to visit
the city of Mecca in ?


Anyone can answer.

No? Okay.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, that is okay.

That is why they hired me.

Let me drop some knowledge
on you real quick.

So, after being silenced for days...

days... by Elijah Muhammad,

Malcolm X decided to go to Mecca
to further his what?

Further his learning of the...
of the, uh, Muslim faith.

Excuse me, young lady.

Yes, with the chunky braids.
Yes, you, my dear.

What is it that's on your phone
that's more interesting

than Malcolm
and his pilgrimage to Mecca?

Uh, I don't think you want to know.

Oh, no, I definitely...
I definitely want to know.

How about you guys?
Don't you wanna know?

I think we all wanna know.

I just started an Instagram
account for your sweater vest.


AARON: It's funny, is it?

So, just to get this straight,
you think that, uh,

creating an IG account
for an extremely tasteful...

dare I say dapper...
cashmere blended sweater vest...

you thought that
that was more important

than learning about the Hajj.

I personally think
it's more interesting

and definitely less distracting
than that vest.

Okay, all right.

Um, do we all feel this way?

Because if my sweater vest
is distracting you

and compromising the lesson,

how about I just take it off
and I teach in a T-shirt?

How about that, all right?

Let's focus up.

I mean, sure. [Laughs]

You just created another
IG account for my T-shirt?

She didn't, but I did.


All right, how about this?

Maybe this will help you guys focus.


- Bro, you are on one.
- No, no, no.

What I'm on, young man, is academia.

- [Camera shutters clicking]
- Do you understand me?

I'm a proud Black king trying to lead

his very first day in class
and teach you right from wrong.

I've made a terrible mistake.

Okay, so, I get how Esme
parroting my words

for some story is a bit murky,
but this whole...

this whole design thing... Like, this?

This feels like
a direct rip-off, right?

Oh, no question.

Yeah, it's a % rip-off.

[Inhales deeply]

You gotta confront her.

No, she doesn't.

Look, Zoey, stolen or not,
you need this internship.

I know.

We're almost halfway
through senior year.

Confronting your boss now
could jeopardize you graduating.

I know, I kno... So, what do I do?

You do what Luca said.

You call the woman out
for stealing your shit.

All facts.

Okay, wait, I am confused.

Don't people like Esme
hire lower-level designers

who create for them all the time?

Yeah, but those are employees
that are on her payroll.

This chick stole an idea
from her unpaid intern.


Okay, well, I'm just saying
that Zoey has nothing to gain

and everything to lose
by calling her out.

I know, and I do not want

to do anything
to jeopardize graduating.

But I don't want to be
blatantly disregarded.

I just... I honestly don't know

if this was malicious
or even intentional.

Whatever it is...
whether she smiles in your face

or smacks it...
your boss stole your idea.

Yeah, and, also, if she did this
so easily to you,

then she's definitely done it before,

and she's probably
going to do it again.

So, if you're not gonna speak up
for yourself,

at least think of others.

Again, all facts.

You're right. [Sighs] You're right.

I need to speak up for myself
and for others...

and, really, to let those
punk-ass bullies know

that they cannot mess

with the beautiful
high-cheekboned little guys.

No, not in my house.


That's the spirit!

Or about as close to the spirit
as she can get.


♪ I play for keeps,
and you know I came to win ♪

While I still wasn't totally sure

that Esme had intentionally
stolen my idea,

I had to admit that
it didn't look good,

and I knew I needed to channel
my newfound confidence

- to get to the bottom of it.
- ♪ You know I came to win ♪

- ♪ Play for keeps, and you know I came to win ♪
- Do you have a minute?

♪ Yeah, yeah, you know I came to win ♪

So, like, I really left here wondering,

how do you combine your love of track

with your passion for street dancing?

And I-I actually got into Maryland,

but I had to make
the really tough decision

and say goodbye to all that
and come to Cal U.


All right, well, we've unpacked a lot

in the past couple weeks,

and good news... in my opinion,

you seem to be in a much better place.


I think you're good
to go back to the team.


Wait, what?

As much as I was captivated
by your story

about being a rebellious dancer
struggling to fit in

at a prestigious arts school,

I'm afraid that it's strangely familiar

to the plot of
"Step Up : The Streets."

So, unless there's any more fiction

you'd like to delight me with,
I think we're done.



Please just listen.

And I promise, this isn't fiction.

I really don't want to go
back to track.

But why not?

You dedicated your entire life
to it, Jazz.

What's changed?

[Sighs] I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know. Everything.

M-My sister is gone.

I'm not good enough
to get into the Olympics.

I let go of my whole
relationship for all of this,

a-and now I'm a senior,
and I don't know...

I don't know.

I don't.

Well, you think maybe
that's some of the stuff

we should be discussing?

[Sighs] Sure.


All right, let's...

Let's start over.

Why don't you tell me about
not feeling good enough?


Come on, Charlie.
You know better than anyone.

It takes one kid, right?

One kid to drag the other kids
into a cycle of disrespect,

and that's what I was trying
to prevent from happening.

But, you know, I got caught up
in the moment. I...

It's just, it's crucial to me
that these kids understand

the important facts about our culture.

My mistakes, they...
they stem from my passion.

You've seen the movies...
"Stand and Deliver,"

"Dangerous Minds," "Lean on Me."

You know? [Sighs]

If you don't stop the descent,
they'll eat you alive.

Look, I get it.

And my preferred method
of teaching is also shirtless...

pantsless, if possible.

Although, there might be a way
to get around the whole

"mandatory pants" law with some chaps.

You don't have to do that.

But, look, if you go down that route,

don't even think about
facing the blackboard,

or you are done.

I don't think I want to teach shirtless

or pantless, um, at all.

I just want these kids

to absorb the message, you know?

Well, unfortunately,
we got a complaint.

Damn it.

I'm getting fired, aren't I?

Now, now, keep your pants on.

Fortunately for you,
I found a opportunity

that would allow you to lecture
instead of grading papers...

and, luckily, this position
has a high turnover rate.

That's never a good sign.

It's a place for rebels...

or, as I so dare say, iconoclasts.

Or, as I like to say,
"icons with class."

Like me and you,

who meet at the witching hour.

You might remember.

We met there.

Wait, are you assigning me
to teach the midnight class?

- That's correct.
- Okay.

Now, to be clear,
this punishment is not about

body shaming you... at all.

I saw the photos.

You saw my... Okay.

- Your body's bangin'.
- Right.

Hope you don't feel offended,
'cause I could get fired.

Little uncomfortable, but...

Only saw it for five seconds.

That's a little too long.

- Little too long?
- Two, three, four, five.

- That's not too bad.
- Five.

That's entirely too long.

I couldn't do it.
I could not confront Esme.

What happened?


I went in all gung-ho
to confront her...

Hey, do you have a moment?

Yeah. Come on in.

I'm just finishing up this e-mail.

Okay. What's up?


well, I have your
six packs of sweetener,

stir sticks, madeleines.

I hate to admit, I ate your cake pop.



Was there anything else?

Hey, I get it. You got cold feet.

You needed to protect your internship.

That's not quite it.

It's more like...
I just... I had to protect her.

Okay, look, I saw this photo
on Esme's wall with her

and just a bunch of White designers,

and it dawned on me how many obstacles

she's had to overcome
to make it in the fashion world.

And then the one
she'll undoubtedly encounter

as a brown woman in this world, period?

I couldn't be another one
of those obstacles. Okay?

I-I just can't bring myself to
call out another woman of color.


I just want to let it go.

You know that I think
you did the right thing.

- Yeah.
- And you did it for even better reasons

than I would have thought of.

Really, I was just pushing
for self-preservation,

so congrats.

Hey, if I'm not gonna stand up
for the beautiful,

high-cheekbone little guys, who will?


Proud of you.

♪ I'm getting tired
of these solo nights ♪

So, while the incident with Esme

may have dimmed my shine a little,

it was also a boost to my confidence

that someone like her took
my design and made it her own.

And honestly, I was okay with that.

In fact, I felt really good about it

because I knew setting aside my ego

allowed the culture
to shine a little brighter.

But unfortunately,
Luca saw things differently.

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

Good evening.

I'm Aaron Jackson,

and I'd like to thank you all
for taking this class.

Um, looking around,
I can see that this is still

the most eclectic, diverse group
of students Cal U has to offer.

I mean, I can see we still have
our working parents

who spend their nights
doing everything they wish

they could do during the day. One love.

And to my independent
sex contractor in the front...

not my personal independent
sex contractor,

she is one... her name's Little Dragon.

She's feisty. Leg off the desk.

We talked about this. Thank you.

I'm not entirely clear on why
you still have time to be here,

but more power to you.
And to all our freshmen, okay?

All our freshmen that are here
due to late registration... don't know it yet,

but this class will change your life.

I hope.