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04x03 - Demons

Posted: 02/22/22 14:24
by bunniefuu
Zoey: We've all seen a million
post-apocalyptic zombie movies

where the heroes are battling
the enemy

or running and hiding
for their lives.

But rarely do we see
the aftermath...

...when the hero has finally
defeated the monster

and society
is left to rebuild itself.

Well, there's a reason
for that.

I know it looks super grim,

but I promise,
it didn't feel that way.

♪ This ain't no type beat ♪
♪ No ♪

Yes, the world
had turned upside down

and everything had changed,

but after spending countless
months living with our parents

and attending virtual classes
from our childhood bedrooms,

the important thing
was we were all back together,

and even had an old-school
slumber party with the girls..

[ Ding! ]
...and Vivek,

to catch up
on everything we missed

and game plan for the last yer
of our college journey.

♪ Know that she like me ♪

The only thing that got me
through a global pandemic

which canceled our fall semester
was the anticipation

to finally be able to say
these three little words --

senior year, b*tches!

Ooh, it feels so good.

It's kind of like a
Pfizer vaccine right to my soul.

Clean hands, clean slate,
fresh start.

For real this time.

Working in the real world
made me realize

how good I have it here,

and how much a degree from Cal U
really means to me,

and now, the only thing
standing between your girl

and that diploma
are 12 classes, one internship,

and six feet between me
and the student in front of me.

[ Clicks tongue ] Safety.

[ Ding! ]

[ Ding! ]

Whew! Apparently, the only thing
standing between me

and that internship
is Aaron's ex, Rochelle.

Okay, did I mention that
Aaron and I kind of smashed

when they were together?

Dammit, Zoey.

My clean slate is dirty already.

♪ Watch out, world,
I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new
every day ♪

♪ I don't know,
so I'mma feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world
on me ♪

♪ But no regrets,
this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world,
I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪
♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

Okay. So, as mentioned before,
Aaron and I were in a shameful

and kind of steamy dalliance
while he was with Rochelle.

But, I mean, whatever.
Technically he was mine first,

and I don't know, isn't all fair
in love and college?

Oh, my God.
It's not, is it?

[ Chuckles ]

It's been a minute.

You look great.

What kind of psychological
warfare is this?


Really, Nomi?


I didn't spend half a stack
on Goldilocks so Luna

could get her baby drool
all over it.

[ Baby voice ] Aww,
wittle Viveky's been moody

ever since he lost
his drug income.

Hey, you know what everyone
hates more than anything?

Baby talk.
[ Chuckles ]

What am I saying?

Nothing makes me hornier.


I'm sorry, guys.
I'm in my feelings right now.

I spent all this money
on a handsome,

hotshot lawyer,
and for what?

I mean, to plead guilty
to a misdemeanor

without even setting foot
in court?

Having to start
community service today?

It's ridiculous, man.
Ana: [ Normal voice ] Wait,

so when you say
"all this money",

that -- that doesn't include
our rent money, does it?

Relax, freeloader.

The place is paid for,
so stop asking.


Unless you want to ask me
like a baby.

[ Baby voice ] Aww, t'ank you,
my sweet wittle Viveky.

And also, Vivek,

I would count
your blessings,

'cause you got off
super easy.

And I'm about to again,

to Ana's baby voice.

I'll be in my room
with the door unlocked,

if anyone wants
to join me.

[ Whistle blows ]

Alright, everyone, listen up.

Here are your interval partners
for the day --

Melanie A.
and Melanie J.,

Mikey and Greg,
Jazz and Des.



What are you doing here?

I figured you transferred
when you stopped showing up

for practice last year.

I was just laying low.

Took a little time off to get
some personal things handled.

Everything okay?

Nothing crazy.

Shit just...

got a little heavy
when I came out to my parents,

and I needed
a mental health break,

but, um,
it's all good now.

Oh, wow.

I had no idea
you could do that.

Come out?
[ Scoffs ] No, no, no.

No, like, I mean, like,
take a break from the team.

Oh. Yeah. It's covered
under a medical redshirt

so I keep my scholarship.

I mean, I still had to go
to classes and stuff,

but at least I didn't
have to deal with

all the pressures of practice
and meets and training.


Sounds like a good deal
to me.

But the real question is,
did you keep your times?


You're about to find out.


Look, to be honest,
since the pandemic,

internships are super hard
to get.

Students who couldn't
do them last semester

were all rescheduled
to this semester...
Mm. there are
hardly any left.

I mean, they do pop up,
but they go fast.

Okay, I'm sorry.
Hold on.

Let me just wrap my mind
around this,

'cause I struggled
to catch up in school

while isolated
with my family

in the middle of, like,
a fricking pandemic,

and now the one reason that
I might not be graduating...

is because
of this internship.

Of course.
Of course.

Oh, my God.
This sucks.

It sure does.

Which is why
it's a good thing

you know someone
on the inside.

I'll keep an eye out
for you.

[ Chuckles nervously ]

Is there something in her eye,
or did she just wink at me?

[ Chuckles ]

Honestly, that is so cool
of you, girlfriend.

I really can't believe

that you'd do something
like that for me.

Of course I would.
[ Chuckles ]

Why wouldn't I?


Uh, no -- no reason.

Aaron, what the hell?

Did you seriously
not tell Rochelle about us?

Uh, no.
Why -- Why would I do that?

Oh, why would you do that?

Why would you do that?

I mean,
why would he do that?

Is this [bleep] kidding me
right now?

Walk me through it,
step by step, what happened,

and what did you say to Rochelle
when you broke up with her?

Uh, well, you came to me

and told me
that you loved me

and that you were removing
yourself from the equation,

and that if we were meant
to be together someday,

then we would be.

And I wanted to be together
right then,

right there,
no questions asked.

Okay. Continue.
Okay, yeah.

So, then, I went over
to Rochelle's,

and I let her down

She cried.

We made love for our last
and final time,

and then that was it, you know?
We said our goodbyes.

No, pause.

You made what?

We made love.


[ Laughs ]

Zoey, I'm -- I'm kidding.

Your face was priceless,

Why would you joke
about that?
I'm sorry.

No, I let her down as
sensitively as possible, okay?

I kept it vague,
kept it brief...

except for the oral part.

That was very not vague
or brief at all.

It was pretty lengthy
and, um, specific.

[ Groans ]
[ Chuckles ]

These vivid details are starting
to really hurt my feelings.

Well, I had a little run-in
with Rochelle today,

and I think you may have
kept it too vague.

Well, what did you want me
to say, Zoey?

Huh? You -- You wanted me to go
and say, "Hey, Rochelle, look,

I know you love me,
but I don't love you.

I know that you want to be
in a relationship with me,

but I want to be
in a relationship

with only one person,
and that person is Zoey Johnson.

And also, PS, I cheated on you
with Zoey Johnson"?

How do you think
she'd take that?

That's rough.
Right. You know?

And if you're not
Zoey Johnson,

that would probably
hurt to hear.

But still, because you didn't
say anything,

now it's on me,
and I have to.

No, you don't have to.

It is in the rearview mirror,
where it belongs.

Let's just leave it there.


Kinda how I left Rochelle
in the back seat

of that Jeep after
we got hot and steamy.

Okay! Just joking.

I have no clue how you had
two incredibly smart,

beautiful women
fighting over your dumb ass.

Oh, come on.
It's not that hard to believe.

Oh, it's pretty hard.


Forster, 62.

Good stuff.

Great job today, everyone.

Damn, bro.

You are k*lling it.

You're making them
look bad.

I was smoking you, too.

Nobody can make me
look bad.
[ Laughs ]

Nice job today,

Keep up these times,
you'll be out there

with your sister
in 2024.

You hear that?
I do.


Seriously, do I be honest
with Rochelle

and tell her about
my relationship with Aaron?

No. Zoey, she doesn't follow
you or Aaron

or any of us
on social media.

Why would you tell her?

Because I honestly feel like
it's the right thing to do.

Otherwise, she's walking around
on campus all oblivious.

It's like
I'm making a fool out of her

by keeping her
in the dark.

Yeah, but, Zoey,
it was, like, on Aaron

to tell her
at the time.

Absolutely. I agree.

And you think he would,
but he didn't.

And I really want to start
my senior year

with a fresh, clean slate,

and not telling her
while she's legit helping me

is really getting
in the way of that.

Yeah, but sharing information
with somebody who doesn't want

or need it just scrapes
all the crap

off of your plate
and onto theirs.


I hear your point,
but it's also not "plate".

It's slate.

But it is selfish.

Yeah, well, I actually think
it's selfish not to tell her.


During the lockdown,
Javi and I

started going to virtual
couple's counseling

with our pastor
to deal with our issues.

Like how he's shady
and you're crazy?

and it's really helped us

become much less shady
and crazy with each other.

And according
to Pastor Babyboy,

everyone should know
everything all the time.

Yeah, that really sounds
like the right advice

from someone named
Pastor Babyboy.

Zo, before you
do anything,

just think about
whether your confession

is to make her
feel better

or you feel better.

And, well, if you do decide
to go right by Jesus,

just make sure it's after
she gives you an internship.

I mean, honesty's great,
but so is securing the bag.

That's also
from Pastor Babyboy.

Yeah, stop that.

Ugh. Community service,
am I right? [ Chuckles ]

Like we don't have
better things to do

than scrub public toilets
all day long.

I didn't have
any set plans.

You know, I have
a sweet senior schedule.

Classes only on
Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Could've run an errand
or something, you know?

Not that I care about you
or your situation,

but you did the right thing
by taking community service.

There's no way
you would survive inside.

I don't know.
My two favorite hobbies

are making friends
and working out.

Think I'd be okay.
[ Chuckles ]

You would not.

One last thing before you need
to stop talking to me

or I will hurt you --
when we get to our work spot,

be sure you grab the power
washer and not the scrub brush.

Could change
your whole day.

Thanks, man.

You're alright.

So, what'd you do
to get in here?

Remember that big fire
in Westwood?

Yeah, I do.

I didn't do that.

Girl, you should have
seen me out there.

I was k*lling it.

Sky: Are you serious?

I'm so happy for you.

Hey, who did Coach pair
you up with?

Oh, remember Des?

Of course.

He's back?

Is he still fine as hell?

and apparently gay.

Okay, Des.

and I have other big news.

Uh, Coach said 2024
is actually looking like

a big possibility
for me.

Oh, my God.
Jazz, this is huge!

We'd get to run together

And I could get rid
of my roommate

who cries herself
to sleep every night.

This is perfect.

Yeah, yeah.

It is.



I think I'm gonna quit.

Zoey: After talking
to Nomi and Ana,

I didn't have any clarity

on what to say
or not say to Rochelle,

but after she left me
a voicemail

saying she may have
found me an internship,

I knew
I'd have to figure it out

sooner rather than later.

Hi. Hey.

Good news.

Something just opened up
that I think you'll really like.


Well, look at Rochelle
pulling through for me.

I mean, I hate to say it,
but Aaron chose the wrong girl.

I mean, no, he didn't.

Like [chuckles] he didn't.

But she has
some great qualities.

Like integrity.

Which is something
I am severely lacking.

Rochelle, I have
something to tell you.

Aaron and I are together...

and I really
should have said that

the first time
I was in here,

but I chickened out,
and you don't deserve that.

You deserve to know,
and ultimately,

we would probably end up running
into each other on campus.

I wanted to try and do the right
thing or the respectful thing

and give you a heads up
before that happened.

You honestly think
I didn't know that?

W-- Wait, you knew?


I mean, why --
why didn't you say anything?

Because my job is not to
point out what a snake you are.

My job is to get
your snake-ass an internship,

and that's it.


Oh, are you uncomfortable
right now?


Because that's exactly how
I felt for the last six months,

knowing that I was dumped
for someone

as shady and backstabbing
as you.


Well, I mean,
it could've been worse, right?

[ Chuckles ] At least
she didn't call me a bitch.

Uh, bye, bitch.

♪ Weight on my chest ♪
Just like the heroes
in those scary movies,

I faced off against
my zombie and I survived.

♪ Weight on my chest, yeah ♪

Plus, I got an internship
with Esme Sharp,

a Cal U alum and prolific
streetwear designer.

All in all, this situation
was resolved,

and there was nothing
more to do.

But please for a second
hear me out.

Zoey, why are you here?

You got your internship.

We are done.

No, we're not,
because I owe you an apology.

I know that Aaron and I
hurt you, and we didn't mean to.

I swear --
What exactly
do you want from me?

I want to fix this.

How is that possible?

You pretended to be my friend,
reassured me

I had nothing to worry about
between you and Aaron,

and then you went ahead
and screwed him anyway.

And after all that,
I still do my job.

I still get you an internship,
and you're still here,

shoving all that humiliation
back in my face.

Please, Zoey...

just go away.

Can you leave?

I'm trying to get my internship
with Jason Biggs.

♪ Nothing to lose ♪

♪ Nothing to lose, yeah ♪

♪ Nothing to lose ♪

♪ I got everything to lose ♪

And in that moment,
I realized that as hard

as I had been working
to wipe my slate clean,

what I really needed to do
was give Rochelle

the clean slate
she ultimately deserved.

♪ Soul is yearning ♪

[ Shelly crying ]
Dammit, Shelly,
cry into your pillow.

I can't hear my sister.

So, what made you change your
mind out of the blue like tha?

Actually, it was when Coach was
talking about the Olympics.

But they're so far away.

I know, I know, but the thought
of dedicating myself

to something like this,

going through another
brutal season of training --

I just don't think
my heart is in it.

It's like I said, if I ever
didn't love it anymore,

I'd walk away.

And now...

I think it's time
to walk away.

[ Breathes deeply ]

I'm so sorry, Sky.

[ Scoffs ]
You don't have to apologize.

I get it.

If my heart wasn't in it,
I'm not sure how I'd survive.

I'd probably look a lot
like Shelly.
[ Shelly crying ]

No offense.

Hang in there, girl.

[ Chuckles ]

But wait --
if you quit track,

you're gonna lose
your scholarship.

How are you supposed to pay
for school?


I think I might have
a way.

♪ I saw it in a dream ♪

After filling everyone in
on the Rochelle drama,

I ultimately decided
to follow Aaron's advice

and leave it all
in my rearview mirror.


So, we celebrated
my new internship

and Vivek crushing
his community service.

You know, I didn't expect to,
but I had a really great time.

[ Laughter ]

I'll drink to that.


Hold up.
This is like the third time

this weird number's
calling me.


Um, hey, guys, just 'cause
I'm the only one

who can get away
with saying this,

his afternoon sounded
real gay, right?

No, no, no, no.

I will not go down
that road again.

I will, and, uh,
yeah, it did.


[ Laughs ]

As I get older, I've learned
that wiping a slate

totally clean is impossible,

that along with the more life
we live

come marks
that are permanent

because of the mistakes
we've made

and the people we've hurt.

And unlike in the movies,

you just can't
outrun your demons.

-Hey, Vivek.

You okay?

That was the Cal U
Disciplinary Board.

I'm being expelled.

I see here that you're

for a medical redshirt
from the track team

due to the state
of your mental health.

That's right.

[ Crunching ]

So, you feel like it's
impacting your performance?

Oh, yeah.


And how's that?

Well, because I'm crazy,
you know?

[ Crunching ]

Rap Snack?

It's Fetty Wap
Honey Jalapeño.

No, thank you.

I only like
Lil Boosie Louisiana Heat.

[ Crunches ]

But why
don't we circle back

to that "crazy" comment?