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03x13 - No Halo

Posted: 02/22/22 14:19
by bunniefuu
The Theory of Relativity,

fellow college dropout
Albert Einstein's notion

that time moves faster
for a person on Earth

than a person traveling throuh
space at the speed of light.

And why am I talking about
any of this?

Because I had a few days' brek

from my rocket ship
styling career

and returned home
to "Planet Cal U"

and realized how much
everything had moved on

without me.

[ Sighs ]


When did you do all that stuff
with Nomi's room?

Oh, like, uh,
a week ago.

Don't you love it?

[ Chuckling ]
Yeah, it's -- it's cute.

You hate it.


It's just, I kind of wish
I was a part of it.

It feels like
so much has changed

since the last time
I've been home.

Zo, no!

Trust me, aside from
Nomi's room, nothing's changed.

[ Door opens ]

Oh, my gosh!
You're finally home!

Okay, you guys
have not responded

to any
of my text messages.


How were
the track finals?

We won
the NCAA championship!

[ Both laugh ]

And we were on the news,
and we got a medal.

I knew it!

And someone had
her first one-night stand.


Her. Not me.
I've had plenty of 'em.

♪ Watch out, world,
I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new
every day ♪

♪ I don't know,
so I'm-a feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world
on me ♪

♪ But no regrets,
this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world,
I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪
♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

Okay, Jazz, I thought
you weren't having sex.

No, that's me. can't have sex,

No, Jazz can have sex,
but just not with Doug.

And Ana can't have sex.
Because of God.

But ever since my baptism
and backslide with Javi,

that's all
I think about.

Okay. Hold on.

There's a lot
to process

because I've obviously missed
way too much.

Let's start with
the most pressing issue.

Jazz, I thought
your whole break thing with Doug

was so that
you could focus on track.

It is.

And it's working --
we won!

So if you won, why didn't you
just sleep with Doug?

Because it was only
the NCAA Finals

and we still have a month
before the Olympic Trials.

Then, technically,
Doug and I are in the clear.

We were on the road,

our amazing victory...

...with an unhealthy amount
of sugary cocktails...

...when Jazz here
just wanted some sex...

[ Sighs ]

...some disconnected...

Not one feeling.

Completely in the moment.

What? No.

Sky, please stop.

...rando sex.
[ Sighs ]

Okay, I did what I did,
and now it's done,

so if we could please
move on from my sex life

so I can go
and take a shower

and get prepared
for JVS Field Day.

Oh, my God!
It's Junior vs. Senior Day?!

Yep, and I have our T-shirts
right here.

Whoo! Whoo!
Thank you!

Over here, over here.
[ Laughs ]

Wait, there's no shirt
for me in here.

Zo, I'm so sorry.

I didn't know
if you would be here.

But I'm sure you can -- we c--
we can get a shirt there.


Yeah. And we can just
cross out "junior"

and write "dropout"
on the back.

So, while I was catching up on
all the changes with my girls,

Aaron was checking in on the
change he was trying to make -

his crusade
against Cal U's choice

to invest in private prisons.

Mr. Jackson, we've received
several media requests

since your
widely publicized protest --

ABC News,
The Washington Post,

The Daily...

and something called
The Shade Room?


They're making a formal request
to..."Spill the Tea"?


[ Whispering ]

Oh-- Ohh.

Ah! Oh!

So the "tea"
is the "hot goss."

Okay, got it.

Well, Chancellor Mitchell,
there'd be no "tea to spill"

if Cal U would just
do the right thing

and take
their endowment dollars

out of
the private prison system.

Which brings me
to one of the reasons

why I invited you
in today.

I wanted
to tell you personally

that there is now a plan
in action

to begin the dialogue

about setting a meeting up
with the Regent

to formulate another plan
to begin the divestment process.

Oh. Well, when will
this actual process begin?

In the next
5 to 10 years.

[ Chuckles ]



Well, no, my "great"
was me thinking about

how dapper
I'm gonna look on TV,

chopping it up with
Rachel Maddow

about your failure to comply
with student requests.

Well, we figured
our divestment strategy alone

might not have been enough,
so we have a proposition

that might make our plan
more palatable for you.

We'd like to forgive
your student debt.

Um...I'm confused.

You want to erase
my -- my student loans? Why?

Look, you've made it
more than clear

that you don't approve
of your tuition dollars

going to
the private prison system,

and we'd like
to respect that.

So everything I owe Cal U
would gone?


I don't get it.
What's -- What's the catch?

There is no catch.

You would just sign a standard
Non-Disclosure Agreement,

and, moving forward,
we'd politely ask you

to refrain from speaking
publicly against the University.

That's all.

Sorry, man.
Special event surge prices.

Junior vs. Senior
Field Day.

People want
that good-good.

I'll take that so-so
for a lower price.

Oh, come on, Horatio.
You're better than that.

And it's just business.


See you tomorrow
in Fluid Mechanics.

Yo, bro.

Your girl's
looking for you, man.

And, frankly, I'm tired of
making small talk with her.

I-I mean, I just don't find her
that interesting.

I mean, she's cute, though,
so I get it...

I guess.

after Parents Weekend,

this is my biggest
dealing day of the year.

but don't tell me that.

Go tell her.

She keeps on asking me
where you are,

and I don't know
what to tell her.

I don't know.

This is my first
real relationship.

Honestly, I don't want anything
to mess it up.

I really like this girl.

Hey, Vivy.

Where you been?



Looking for you,
Heidi Heidi Ho Ho!

[ Giggles ]
I love when he calls me that.

Mm. You would.


Let's do it.

...there, so it's not like
they can say anything, you know?

That's crazy.

Yeah, I know.

Guys, it's Zoey.

Apparently, she couldn't
get in because she's
no longer a student,

so she's gonna go get a drink
at Titanium.

She threw in a crying
emoji, so does that mean
we need to go, too?

And miss the biggest event
of the school year?

I'm sorry,
but as a college dropout,

this is
the first of many doors

that will be slammed
in her face.

A stable career...

a 401(k)...

and, I hate to say it,
but a respectable husband.

It doesn't seem like
you hated saying that.

I didn't. I loved it.

No, see,
she's talking about a square.

It's got to be
a whole thing.

[ Laughter ]

You good?

Yeah, yeah.
No, I'm good, I'm good.

[ Chuckles ]
She doesn't look good.

[ Chuckles ] Looks like
she just seen a ghost.

Actually, two --
ghost from her past

and a ghost
from her one-night stand.


[ Ding! ]

[ Ding! ]


[ Chuckling ] Hey!

Uh, my bad, man.

it's all good, man.

I was just coming to say
what's up to the champ here.

But I guess I'll...catch up
with the champ later.

[ Clears throat ]

Mm. Double champ?
Who's that?

That's the president
of your fan club or something?

No. No, that's just Ricky from
the track team being extra.

Oh, okay.

'Cause it looked like
Ricky from the track team

was trying to be
all up on your team.

[ Laughs ]

Stop playin'.
[ Laughs ]

Nah, but,
um, seriously, though,

I-I came over here
to congratulate you.

I wanted to hit you up
when I heard the great news,

but, you know,
I know you been focused,

so I respect that.

Thank you.

And I know
it's been a struggle,

but, clearly, this whole break's
been worth it, right?

I'm proud of you, baby.


So, I can't go to Field Day
because I'm no longer a student,

and, apparently, I can't even
hang out at Titanium because,

per Rochelle, I have to fall
all the way back from Aaron.

So in the spirit
of non-student sisterhood...

[ Knocking on glass ]

Zoey! Zoey!


Oh! Aaron! I-I didn't see you
sitting there.

Well, I don't want
to disturb you

and your
super-frothy coffee.

Yum, yum, yum!
K, bye.

Why are you running off?

Can you stop being weird,
please, and come sit down?


[ Chuckles ]

Yeah, hey.


What's this
stack of papers about?

That is a proposal
from the Chancellor.


In appreciation
of my fighting for Cal U,

they want to forgive
my student loans.

Oh, my God.
[ Laughing ] Oh, my God!

Dude, that's amazing!


Yeah, yeah, no,
they're gonna wipe out

my student debt

All I have to do
is stop fighting for them

to divest in private prisons
and sign an NDA, so...

Oh. Wow.

So I guess it's more "messed up"
than amazing.

what are you gonna do?

I don't know, man.
I don't know.

What do you think
I should do?

Okay, I don't feel like
I can answer that.

Just want to know
what you think.

And be real with me.

Okay, if I'm being real...

you know, I feel like
you'd hate yourself
if you took that money.

Might hate myself
if I don't.


I just know how dedicated
you are to that cause,

and I worry that,
you know,

your guilt is gonna be worse
than your regret.



where you going?

To the bar.

We're gonna need
a lot more alcohol.

[ Hip-hop music plays ]
[ Chuckles ]


Yes! Yes!

Okay. Alright.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Okay, and...

[ Crowd cheering ]

Babe. Get your head
out of your phone.

One more shot,
and we win.

I know. No, I just
got to take care of
something really quickly.

Take care of what?
[ Cellphone whooshes ]

Uh, man business.

Yeah, it's my doctor.

I accidentally
zippered my balls.


What is wrong with you?

You know what?

Go deal with your balls.
I'm going home.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

It was just
a little white lie.


I make Rodney lie to me
all the time that he's Black.

It's our little
Black lie.

but this is different.

I never lied to Doug before,
and I did right to his face.

Okay, look, normally, I would
never condone dishonesty,

but, Jazz,
this is something that you did

to protect his heart.

And don't forget,
at the end of the day,

he's the one
who brought up

this whole "sleeping with
other people" stuff.

I promise you,

he is not stressing
about the girls he's slept with.

Yeah, maybe you're right.


[ Gasps ]
Oh, my gosh!

These are
so beautiful!

they smell so good.

Who are they from?

Really expensive.

[ Sniffles, whimpers ]
Yeah, I know, right?

They're from Doug.

"Congratulations, babe.
Hope to see you at Field Day.

We're almost at
our finish line."



You want to talk?



Where are you going?

To make things right.

I lied to someone I love,
and that's just not me.



Seriously? You're just
gonna let her go when
she's this emotional?

I know my sister.

And when her mind's made up,
nothing can stop her.

[ Door opens ]

Thanks for coming over.

I'm sorry
I was so distracted today.

But I got you this.

That's very sweet,
but I don't need a trophy.

I need an explanation

as to why your head was
buried in your phone all day

and why you kept
sneaking off

to have weird,
shady conversations
with random people.

What is going on
with you?

Babe, come on.

Like the trophy says,
I'm your number-one girlfriend.

You can tell me anything.

Yeah, um...

Here, I'll just...

[ Sighs ]

So, what has been
going on today

with me
and all those randos is...

me selling them dr*gs.

Are you kidding me?


[ Laughs ]

Come on! You really think
I'm a drug dealer?

[ Laughs ]
You should've seen your face!

Look at me!

Engineering student
secretly a big-time drug dealer.

Burner phone."
[ Laughs ]

"I ended up
in the hospital

'cause I got beat up
over selling cocaine."

[ Both laugh ]

Come on, babe.

That's not me.

[ Chuckles ] No, y-you're right.
That's -- That's crazy.

[ Both laugh ]

You'd be so bad at it.
Can you imagine?


So, then,
what were you doing all day?

Well, I was
selling them something..

...but it was...

term papers.



So, you don't happen
to have anything

on mid-century
Korean architecture, do you?

[ Chuckles ]


Do I?

[ Muffled R&B music playing ]

Aaron, that's, like,
your fifth pros-and-cons list.

Why don't you just
sleep on it, alright?

You don't have to make
this decision tonight.

Hey, I feel like
I have to, okay?

'Cause the more I prolong it,
the more I feel like

I'm gonna try and justify
taking this money.

You don't have to justify
anything to anyone, alright?

Accepting the money allows you
to take a job you want

rather than
a job you need.

Maybe you could
even travel

to see the world
you fight so hard to save.

It's a win-win situation,
babe. Take it.

I don't know. I'm not sure
it is a win, you know?

It's like
what Zoey said earlier.

Will I be able
to live with myself

if I take
the hush money?

Wait, you already
talked to Zoey about this?

Yeah, I ran into her earlier
on campus.

I just had to
get it off my chest, you know?

Like with her?
Before talking to m?

I guess, yeah.
I don't know.

I-I ran into her first.

[ Chuckles ]
Are you kidding me?

Are you seriously mad
about this?

A little bit.

But mostly just hurt.

Hurt, uh -- Okay.

Uh, Rochelle, come on.

It's cool, alright?

I'll call you tomorrow.

[ Door closes ]

Oh, hey.

You got the flowers.

You like 'em?

I love them.

Uh -- [ Chuckles ]

This note...

these words...

[Voice breaking] supportive you've been.

you don't have to cry.

You deserve
all of this.

No, I don't.

Because I wasn't -- I wasn't
honest with you earlier.

About what?


that guy, Ricky.

There's more to it.

[ Inhales shakily ]

Look, I know it wasn't
a part of our deal

to tell each other
about stuff we've done,

but I can't lie to you.

That's not who we are.

[ Breathes shakily ]

When I was in Austin,
after we won,

a bunch of us,
we got together,

and we were drunk
and celebrating and --

You had sex with him.

It meant
absolutely nothing.

I'm so sorry
I lied to you.

[ Sniffles ]



Thank you
for being honest with me.

You didn't have to
at all,

so I'm glad
that you did.

And, look, you don't
have to tell me anything

about anyone
you've been with, okay?

Well, that's good to hear,
'cause, honestly...

...I don't have anything
to tell.

Jazz, I haven't
been with anyone.

[ Inhales shakily ]

I was waiting for you.

Dude, what are you doing?
My car's here.

I have to fly out of town
for work again!

Zoey, will you please
stop whining?

This will just
take a second.

I wanted to do
something special for you.

[ R&B music plays ]

Okay, are you serious?

I just hope you know
that no matter how far you are,

you'll always be here
with us.

Ana, that's so sweet.

Thank you!

[ Indistinct conversation ]

[ Sobbing ]

Oh, no.

This is gonna require
all hands on deck.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

The worst thing
about coming home

and finding out
that everything had changed

was having to leave again

before you had a chance
to make any sense of it.

And so, as I prepared
to leave town yet again,

I had to wonder how many thins
would be different

the next time I touched down
at Cal U.

[ Knock on door ]

Got the stuff?

Yeah, Horatio.

You got the stuff?

I do.

Well, I do, too.

Then give it up.

You give it up.


We'll do it
at the same time.

1, 2...

How's this?


How's this bibliography?


[ Laughs ]

My man!