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03x11 - Alright

Posted: 02/22/22 14:17
by bunniefuu
Historically, American
colleges and universities

have been hotbeds
of social change

and grassroots
political movements.

In recent years,
college students

challenged the status quo
more than ever,

protesting everything
from student loan debt

to sexual as*ault
to police brutality.

And for Aaron, who waited
his entire college career

to lead
his own political movement...

This one's "Black Lives Matter,"
I got "I Can't Breathe,"

"Michelle 2020."

The time had finally come.

Turn around,
put your hands behind your back.

He recently learned
about Cal U's investment

of the school's endowment
in private prisons

and was arrested
while protesting on campus.

♪ Back to sinnin'
like a week later ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, mm, mm, mm, mm ♪

♪ Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm ♪

What up? What up?

- Babe, you're home.
- Hey.

I was so worried
about you.

Bro, I was just about
to put some money

- on your books, man.
- Man, will you stop?

They just held me in campus
security for a few hours.

Did you see how much
your arrest video blew up?

is trending hard.

I'm sure it will all
calm down by tomorrow.

No, it won't. Because Angela Rye
just DM'd me an hour ago.

She wants
to interview you.

Hey, G.

So now that Aaron finally had
the political spotlight,

the question became, what was
he gonna do with his platform?

♪ Watch out, world,
I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new
every day ♪

♪ I don't know,
so I'm-a feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world
on me ♪

♪ But no regrets,
this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world,
I'm grown now ♪

- ♪ I'm grown ♪
- ♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

While Aaron spent
the next few days

gearing up
for his national interview,

I was winding down and enjoyig
a couple of free days

before I had to return

to the whirlwind
of "Hurricane Joey Bada$$."

- Hey.
- Hey!

Are you coming to Hawkins
to watch Aaron's interview?

Oh, no.

I figured
I'd watch it here.

- Cool. See ya.
- Hmm.

Oh, you know, it's just that
we had that weird situation

where I embarrassed myself
by telling him how I felt,

and then he
embarrassed himself

by telling me
he had a girl.

The whole thing was terribly,
equally embarrassing.

Sounds right.

You embarrass yourself
all the time.


W... It's just that
I feel like

it may be best
if I stay here.

I don't want to be in Hawkins,
sitting there all awkward.

But this is a huge deal
for Aaron.

I'm sure he could use
his friends' support.

It's not like you were there
for him when he needed a job.

But in your defense,
you were, uh,

prepping for that
big photo sh**t...

that you didn't even
go to.

Damn, being nice
is so hard.

Rodney's been giving her
some feedback

on her bedside manner,

and... now she's working on
being more human for him.

he didn't like it

when he said "I love you"
and I said "bet."

Look, Doug and I are on
weird terms right now, too,

but I'm gonna put
my big girl panties on,

go to Hawkins anyway,
and you should, too.

Okay? Bye!

I cannot believe Aaron

is doing a televised
political interview

before I ever do one.

I cannot believe that
we're actually here,

- supporting this guy.
- Wha...

I mean,
I support the cause.

I just... The dude
was kind of a d*ck to you

when we met with him
about the auditorium.

Republican pep rally
inside the auditorium.

Uh, we'll just have to make sure
that our sprinklers

are high-functioning
for all those tiki torches.

Oh. Well, t-that's just
our dynamic.

You know, it's...
It's a... it's complicated.

But, no, I promise you'll like
him once you get to know him,

or at least find him
mildly tolerable.


♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Came from the mud with a pack ♪

- ♪ And a strap and a g*ng full of thugs ♪
- How they treated Aaron was so foul.

They just didn't want
to hear a Black man

challenge their r*cist-ass
investment policies.

They never would have treated
a White student like that.


The cops caught our
mom's one White friend, Nancy,

starting a garbage fire once,
and all they did was tase her.

And on the lightest setting.

White Nancy
got hit harder

by the laser
from her hair removal.

Okay, wait.

You guys, this is perfect
for the documentary.

Can you just repeat some
of the stuff you just said?

Sure! We think this is
an unfortunate disagreement

between the administration
and the students.

We understand that the BSU
has filed paperwork

requesting that
the administration divest.

We hope they can reach
a quick resolution.

Uh, okay.

Can... we just maybe try
and dig in a little deeper?

So as Black students, do you
have any personal feelings

about your friend Aaron
being involved in the conflict?

I'm quite sure
all Cal U students

hope this matter
gets resolved swiftly.

We sure do.


So, I decided
to set aside my ego

and join everyone.

Watching alone while picking off
my nail polish

could have never
compared to

this communal display
of support.

Guys, it's time.

Hey, hey, hey!

Everybody shut up so we
can hear my best friend.

We go way back.

Welcome back
to "Pressure Points."

I'm Angela Rye.

And joining me today
is Aaron Jackson,

a student
from California University

who was recently detained
after protesting

his school's investments
into private prisons.

Tell us
about the events

leading up
to your detainment.

No problem.
Uh, well,

I've recently made
the disturbing discovery

that a portion
of Cal U's endowment

was being invested
in private prisons,

which is particularly disturbing
to students of color,

considering the disproportionate
incarceration rate

of minorities
in this country.

And as you know,

Black people make up 35%
of the prison population,

yet only 13.2%
of the national population.

So, essentially, Cal U
is using our tuition dollars

to enable
the mass incarceration

of our Black brothers
and sisters.


- My man!
- My man!

On his Marcus Garvey!

I'm actually planning a huge
demonstration as we speak.

We're gonna protest not only
the school's investment policies,

but all other injustices.

I'm talking about
predatory student loan debt,

as well as the lack of resources
for Black mental health

and Cal U's eradication
of the black boards

in favor of their
"white boards only" policy.


Is that a real thing?

Oh, yeah.
I don't think anything

gets realer than that,

I thought
he had moved past

the whole
white board thing.

I mean, you can't hit them
all out the park, right? Yeah.

As we continued watching,

Aaron went from being polished
and prepared

to being neither.

And why isn't anyone
talking about

the food deserts
in these inner cities?

Happy birthday, Grandma!
She's a retired teacher.

Speaking of which,
are we gonna talk about

the state of public education
in this country?

Is anyone gonna do it?

Well, I just did.

"Pressure Points."

If you ask me, I-I-I think
that there's a...

Well, honestly, I didn't.

And, unfortunately,
we are now out of time.

- Are you sure?
- So... Yeah. I'm positive.

Thank you so much
for joining us today.

- Um, when we come back,
- I mean, Aaron and I are cool,

- we'll be talking to a mother..
- But Doug and I are best friends.

- who thinks her 4-year-old s not - too young to wear makeup.
- We... We are not.

4 is definitely
too young.

Even though he'd always
pictured his first big moment

as an activist
in the spotlight differently,

a small part of Aaron
held out hope

that no one else thought
he performed as poorly as,

deep down, he knew he did.

Hey, yeah! Alright,
man! Yeah! My boy!

These were the faces
of a bunch of people

about to lie
to their friend.

Dude, that was, uh, sick!

Yo, my G!
You bodied it.

You guys think I did okay?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Sick.
- Your diction was excellent.

Posture was next level.

I unfollowed you.

I think
I could use a drink.

Okay, it doesn't matter

how awkward things are
between Aaron and I,

because right now,
he needs a friend.

And you know what a friend
would do?

Go over there, smile,
and focus on the good.

And that is exactly
what I'm gonna do.

Hey. Don't listen to
any of the noise, babe.

It was only
your first time. Alright?

You're only
gonna get better.


You know what?

I can congratulate him
some other time.

So, we should figure out

when Aaron's
demonstration is

so I can get some footage
of you two there.

Oh, we're not going
to that.

But don't you want
to go and show your support?

I mean, obviously, you two
have very specific opinions

about the issue.

And we also have
very specific goals,

like keeping
our scholarships,

which we
are not gonna risk

by demonstrating against
the administration.

But you have
such great platforms

that you could possibly use
to effect change.

We didn't sign up
to effect change.

We signed up
to be athletes.

We're not activists.

But you could be.

I mean, look at Billie Jean King
or Muhammad Ali.

Their legacies
go beyond sports.

Do you want to go down
in history

as two women
that ran fast

or two women
that ran fast

and used their platform
to make a difference?

So, you really shit
the bed earlier, huh?

Okay, you got
that one off.




You might be
the only right-wing

Republican Christian
weed smoker I know.

Even believe
in climate change.

Don't tell Ana.

Seriously, you raised
some good points

in that interview, man.

You were just
all over the place.

Yeah, I guess
I panicked a little bit.

I just wanted... to get the message
out about all the issues

I've worked so hard on
over the years,

cover as much as possible,
you know?

I do know.

Actually, I used to be
the same way.

I used to try
to tackle everything.

I didn't start
getting results

till I learned
to focus my message.

How'd you do that?

I worked backwards.

I thought about
the outcome I wanted.

Then I realized you
can't just complain.

You have to have

Then the message
comes easily.

There you are.

Smoking with Aaron,
'cause why wouldn't you be?

Alright, man.
Handle that.

- Good luck out there.
- Yep.

What has happened
to our world?

I can't even speak
to Aaron on his big day.

Everything just feels
so weird.

I know.
It was really strange

being in the same place
as Doug

and not getting to laugh
or joke with him.


Guess this
is our new normal?

- Yeah.
- Hey.

What's wrong?

Church was closed?


It's just a little
Aaron/Javi thing

I'm trying to figure out.

And I want
to be sensitive

to what Zoey's
going through with Aaron.

Oh, be as insensitive
as you want,

because there
is nothing happening

between me and Aaron.

We are completely

So are we.

And it seems like Aaron and Javi
are friend-zoned, too,

and I'm wondering
if I have to tell Javi

about the intersection
of our, you know, zones.

You mean like how Aaron
used to be all up in them guts?

Ooh, wow!

I'm actually gonna tap out
of this conversation.

I appreciate
your sensitivity, though.

Sky... not yours.

Okay, guys, seriously,
does he deserve to know?

Yes! Unless you want him
looking stupid

out here
in these streets.

If you were interacting with
some girl that he messed with,

you want to know?


That is because Ana
is a crazy stalker, okay?

We are talking
about Javi here.

Most guys would rather
stay in the dark

when it comes to who has
blown their girl's back out. - Hmm.

What is that sweet-faced Rodney
doing to you?

Excuse you?

That's personal.

The next morning, I was gettig
ready to go shop for Joey

and feeling more at peace

with the new normal
between me and Aaron.



Zoey, I need you.

So, what can I do
you for?

Zoey, come on.

You don't have to be a weirdo
around me, okay?

And by the way,
I saw you leave

without speaking to me

- Was I that bad?
- No. G...

No, no, not at all.

It's just, like, you
were obviously upset,

and I didn't feel like it
was my place to check on you.

Checking on me
isn't your place?

Are we not cool?

Of course we are.

Uh, matter of fact,
why don't you come in?

Please come in.

So, how are you doing
with everything?

And not just
the interview,

- but the arrest, all that?
- Yeah.

Uh, well,
if I'm being honest,

it was a little rough.

I'm so sorry that
happened to you. - Yeah.

But, look, I-I can't afford
to focus on that right now.

Right now I need to funnel
my anger into the cause.

And that's
where you come in.

- Okay.
- Yes.

So, do you remember
the conversation that we had

fashion for a purpose

when you were trying
to figure out your major?

Mm. You mean the one
where you made fun of me

for saying fashion
isn't political?

But then you started talking

about the Suffragettes,
the Black Panthers,

and how fashion
unified their movement.

And I feel like that's
what I need right now.

I need something that people
can wear that...

That unifies them, but also
sends a clear message.

God, I love that.

You know I'm your girl!

I mean, you know,
not your girl girl,

'cause, obviously,
you have a girl.

She's really great.
Uh, whatever. Never mind.

Uh, I am... I'm so in.


♪ Baby, let me be
your waitress ♪

♪ I'm about to serve it up ♪

♪ I'm about to serve it up ♪

♪ They be handin' me
the blank checks ♪

♪ I be gettin' what I want ♪

♪ I be gettin' what I want ♪

♪ Like you more
if you say less ♪

♪ You can't tell me nothin' ♪

♪ You can't tell me nothin' ♪

♪ Ooh,
I wanna see you shake it ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ You got it right there ♪

Alright, so,
I'll just pick everything up

and bring it to Hawkins.

Thanks again, Freshman.

Oh, I thought you weren't
calling me that anymore.

Yeah, well, uh, "Dropout"
seemed a little sad, so...

- Oh. Wow!
- Yeah.


Sorry for the late call.

I just had a quick spark
of inspiration

I kind of want
to run by you.


So, what do you think

about adding an accessory
to the protest...

Something that people can take
with them and wear every day,

just like, uh,
those LIVESTRONG bracelets?

I love it.

Oh, dope!

I actually got the idea

"Real Housewives of Potomac."

Did you know that
one of the housewives

actually wears
a bracelet every day

to raise awareness for her
daughter's color blindness?

She's so brave.

You still
watch that trash?

Um, you're the one who put me
onto that trash

in the first place.

You're right,
you're right.

Hey, babe, it's getting
kind of late.

I'm gonna go to bed.

I'll be there in a minute.

Hey, I should get going.

Uh, yeah.

No, I'm so sorry.
It is late.

viva la Rattail Revolution.

Okay, bye.
Bye, bye, bye.

Attention, California University

and board of directors.

We, the students of Cal U,
demand to have a say

in your investment
of our tuition dollars

in the private prison system.

A system that profits

off the mass incarceration
of people of color.

So we will sit here in silence

until you allow us
to have an open dialogue

and give us a seat
at the table.

♪ Uh ♪

♪ Can't change the world
'less we change ourselves ♪

♪ Die from the sicknesses
if we don't seek the health ♪

♪ All eyes be my witness
when I speak what's felt ♪

♪ Full house on my hands,
the cards I was dealt ♪

♪ Three K's, Two A's
in AmeriKKKa ♪

♪ I'm just a black spade
spawn out the nebula ♪

♪ And everything I do or say
today that's worthwhile ♪

♪ Will for sure inspire action
in your first child ♪

♪ I'll begin my verse ♪

♪ In the land of the free,
is for the free loaders ♪

♪ Leave us dead in the street,
then be their organ donors ♪

♪ They disorganized my people,
made us all loners ♪

♪ Still got the last names
of our sl*ve owners ♪

♪ In the land of the free,
it's for the free loaders ♪

♪ Leave us dead in the street,
then be their organ donors ♪

♪ They disorganized my people,
made us all loners ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

I just want to thank all of you
for your support.

Uh, it's because of you guys

that we now have an invitation
to the next board meeting!




Hey! What's up, man?

- Congratulations, bro.
- Thank you.

And I appreciate all your help
for real. I do.

You're welcome.

We used to have sex!


What is wrong
with you?

I'm sorry.

I saw you guys
getting all bro-y,

and I was worried he
was gonna say something,

and I-I just didn't want you
to find out that way.

So you thought this was
best way?

You know what?

I'm gonna let you
two lovebirds process this.

Excuse me.

Well, that was crazy.

I'm sorry.

I thought you deserved to know,
and I panicked.

It's okay.
I already knew.

You did?
He did tell you?

I picked up on it

the moment you said
it was complicated.

Have things
ever been complicated

between two people
who haven't smashed?

Maybe next time,
pull me aside?

sh**t me a text?


- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

- Um, hey. How amazing was today?
- Hey!

You should be
so proud of yourself.

Yeah. Hey, and I'm proud
of you, too, you know?

We would have been nothing
without your jumpsuits.

They k*lled it.

Well, I'm happy that I could
actually come through for you.

don't get used to it,

'cause it probably
will never happen again.

Oh, I know.
I figured that.

I'm gonna grab a drink.
Do you want something?

Uh, no.
Actually, I'm good.

But, again,
this was incredible,

and... congratulations.

Alright, expl*si*n.

I'm gonna grab
that drink.

Yes. Go.

So big deal,
Aaron has a girlfriend.

Even if our dynamic changes,

I know that we'll always make
a good team

and that I'll always have
a place in his life.

- Hey, Zoey.
- Hey.

You got a sec?

Uh, yeah, of course.
What's up?

You and Aaron
really k*lled it today.

Especially your jumpsuits.

Thank you.
Today was amazing.

Yeah. And, like, I
mean, he was amazing.


Um, look, I got to ask you
a small favor.

Anything. I just
don't help people move,

nor do I do drives
to the airport.

I-I need you to take
a couple steps back from Aaron.

From here?

Um, in... in life.

I know you guys
have a history,

and, um, you obviously
have a bond,

but please put yourself
in my shoes.

And I'm... I'm not asking
for you guys to not be friends.

I'm just asking that you
please give us a chance

to form our own bond

without any old feelings
coming between us.

Of course.

I-I-I totally get it.

- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.

♪ Sooner or later, every boy's
gotta grow outta this phase ♪

As I stood in the middle
of all those orange jumpsuits,

I realized something.

Aaron ultimately learned

that sometimes silence
says everything.

And I learned that even though

you may know something
deep down inside,

sometimes you need
to hear it said

- ♪ ..what I'm telling myself ♪
- out loud.

♪ At least that's what
I'm telling myself ♪

Happy birthday, Grandma.
She's a retired teacher.

Speaking of which...

Aww! My baby wished me
a happy birthday!

Of course I did, Gam Gam.

Well, I just did.

Now, if you want
to talk recidivism,

we can talk recidivism.

Have you ever tried playing
basketball with no basketball nets? - Mm.

It's impossible. How do you
know if you made it or not?

And why
isn't anyone talking

about the food deserts
in these inner cities?

If you ask me,
I think that there's a...

Look, Aaron, I didn't.
We are now out of time.

- Are you sure?
- So... yeah, I'm positive.

Thank you so much
for joining us today.

- Um, when we come back, we'll be talking to a mother..
- You need to keep my name out your mouth.

- But, Gam Gam...
- ...who thinks her 4-year-old is not too young

- I'm sorry!
- To wear makeup.

- 4 is definitely too young.
- I'm still your favorite grandson, right?
