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05x12 - Amending Fences

Posted: 02/22/22 11:37
by bunniefuu
You know the worst
thing about you

being the Princess
of Friendship?

The dishes.

Thanks for taking
care of that, Spike.

After three events in one week,

I really needed to relax
with a good book.

That's kinda funny, isn't it?

All these ponies comin' to you

for advice about friendship?

What's funny about that?

You know. 'Cause you
used to be famous

for being such a bad friend.

What are you talking about?

I had good friends
in Canterlot.

Come on, Twilight!

Look at the wall!

D'ya see any photos from
before we moved to Ponyville?

And look at you now:

The Princess of Friendship.

This is a disaster!

All my old friends!

I can't remember any of
their names right now!

But do you really think that
they think I'm a bad friend?

Well, I only meant that
you've come so far.

W-Well, you're a
great friend now and-

Oh, I feel terrible! I've gotta
make it up to them!

Pack a bag, Spike!

We're going to Canterlot!

And make a list of
my friends' names.

Aw. Me and my big mouth.

Come on, Twilight.

You're getting worked
up about nothin'.

The only logical place to
start is at the beginning.

It's exactly
how we left it!


It's Predictions and Prophecies!

And it's still open to
the Elements of Harmony!

And here's that present
I was gonna give Moon Dancer!


Guess she won't be needing that.

Hey, look!

The rest of it's still here!

How could I have
let this happen?

Come on, Twilight. Princess
Celestia gave you an assignment.

Nopony could blame you for that.

But look at the way
I left this place!

It's a total mess!

Just like how I
left my friendships.

I've gotta make it up toooo...uh...

Oh! Uh, Minuette,
Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts,

Lyra Heartstrings, and Moon Dancer.

Yeah. Them.

Spike! Come on!
We've got work to do!

Have you been awake all night?

I did a little research!

And I think I know where
we can find Minuette!

That is one of my friends, right?

Uh, it's not too late to forget
I opened my big mouth.

No, Spike! I'm glad you
opened your big mouth!

These ponies have probably
been suffering ever since I left!

Wondering why their supposed
friend would treat them so badly!


Twilight Sparkle!

You old so-and-so!
What are you doing here?!

Hey, Spike!

Look at these wings, huh?!

Hey, grab a picture of me
and the Princess, will ya?!

I tried to tell my co-workers we
used to be friends back when.

But they've never believed me!

Really fluff 'em up, huh?

So what are you doing here?!

I mean, I know you're
here all the time,

but you never come to see me.

Hey, I just had
the greatest idea!

You wanna go see Lemon
Hearts and Twinkleshine?

Of course! My old friends!

It'll be great!
Come on!

Let's fly!

Get it?

This is perfect!
I can apologize to all three of them at once!

Let's hope they're not
as traumatized as Minuette.

She did! Twinkleshine
literally spit out her oats

when she heard you were
the Princess of Friendship!

We saw you at the coronation.

That was some shindig!

You did?

Sure! We see you all the time!

You remember our
old friend, Lyra, right?

She lives in Ponyville, too.

We're always over
there visiting her.

Or she's coming over here!

We thought about asking you
to join us from time to time,

but we just sorta figured
you'd moved on.


So what brings you by anyway?

All those times you've
come back to Canterlot

you never had donuts
with us before.

Well, uh, you see...

I came to apologize.

For what?

Before I left Canterlot, I didn't
really appreciate my friends.

And that's because I didn't know
how important friendship was.

But I've learned so much
since I moved to Ponyville.

I learned what it means
to be a good friend

and that I certainly wasn't
one to the three of you.

So for all the pain I caused
you, I am truly sorry.

Oh, come on, Twilight!

Sure, it might've stung a little
bit when you ran off to Ponyville

without saying goodbye,
but it's not like

we weren't used
to that from you!

Yeah, we didn't
take it personally.

But it's really good
to see you now.


Anypony up for a
blast from the past?

It's our old science lab!

I have so many great
memories of this place!

Remember when Lemon Hearts
got her head stuck in that beaker?

But according to this book,

you're supposed to add
the sodium chloride first.

I read ahead and to
make a proper saltlick,

you need to add
the molasses first.

Well, I read ahead,
too, Moon Dancer.

And I'm sure it said
sodium chloride first.

Oh. I've got the wrong book.

That's so hilarious.

What ever happened
to Moon Dancer?

Moon Dancer?

Yeah. You know.
Our other friend.

Oh, right! Moon Dancer!

I remember her!

I wonder what she's up to.

Yeah, I always liked her.

We just sort of lost
touch after you left.

I think she went to live out
by the stadium, didn't she?

Well, let's go see.

I think this is the place.

Didn't used to look
like this, though.

Moon Dancer?

What do you want?
I'm trying to study.

It's us! Your old friends!


That's old Moon Dancer, alright.

She always did like her books.


Kinda like you used to be, huh?

Exactly how I used to be.

Come on, Twilight!
We've been watching her for three days!

Library, house.

That's it!

Nopony looks at her or says
hello or even gives her a smile.

It's like she
doesn't even exist.

Was she always like this?

Well, she always
was a little shy.

But for a while there,

she was really starting to
come out of her shell.

Remember when she
threw that party?

Oh, right.

I think you might've
been busy that day.

There you are, Twilight!

Moon Dancer is having
a little get-together

in the west castle courtyard.

You wanna come?

Oh, sorry, girls...
I've got a lot of studying to catch up on.

Thought she finally
might be letting

her guard down a little
with that party.

We invited her out a few
times out after that.

But she was always
too busy studying.

So, eventually, we
just stopped asking.

I had no idea that party
was so important to her.

I've gotta find a way to
make it up to her!

Oh, my gosh! Moon Dancer?!

Is that—


Moon Dancer, can I talk
to you for a min—


What is this?

Eh, a bubble of silence.

I haven't seen you in a while

and I thought it might
be nice to catch up.

For what purpose?

You know. 'Cause we're friends.


I'm really sorry to bother you.

I was just hoping we would go
outside and talk for a bit.

I'm sorry I skipped
your party.



Why won't you
leave me alone?

I'm trying to study!

You've got the wrong pony!

I don't have parties!

You did once.
And I was so caught up

in my own studying that I didn't
take your feelings into account.

Look, Twilight Twinkle—


Whatever! I just need to
be alone so I can study

without some crazy pony
trying to make friends, all right?!


Wait. How did you get
into my book like that?

I've been studying a
new studying technique.

I can only do it for a few minutes,

but you'd be amazed how
much you can pick up

when you're actually in a book!

It's one of Haycartes' methods.

You know Haycartes?

Of course! He's a genius!

I have a copy of his
Treaties on Ponies, you know.

What is this place?

This is where I used to live.

You mean, I never
had you over?

Wow! A first edition
of Principles of Magic!

Hey...didn't I give this to you?


I did! Look, I even wrote something!

To my friend, Twilight Sparkle.

Thanks for introducing
me to the classics.

I can see by the fact that you left
it here that it meant a lot to you.

Look, I didn't bring you
over here for even more

poignant reminders of
what a bad friend I was.

I brought you here
to give you this.

You can come here
whenever you want to

and study to your
heart's contempt.


But first, you've gotta
do something for me.


Have dinner with our
old friends tonight.

I can't. I'm already reorganizing
my biology scrolls.

I've been spending a lot
of time with Minuette,

Twinkleshine and Lemon
Hearts since I've been back.

They really miss you.

I already told you!

The last thing I need is
a bunch of ridiculous

friend-making keeping
me from studying!

Moon Dancer, wait!
A wise pony once taught me

that there's more to life
than dusty old books!

I tried friendship and
it's just not for me.

Now if you'll excuse me.

What if I taught you
Haycartes' method?

So, uh, what are you
studying these days?

Science, magic, history,
economics, pottery.

Things like that.

Yowza! You planning on
being a professor or something?


So you're just... studying.

Can I go now?

Moon Dancer, please.

It's all right, Twilight.

We're having a good time.

Right, everypony?

So, uh... Spike, tell Moon
Dancer that story 'bout

how Twilight had to read a
book about doing a sleepover!

Slumber ?
I've read that.

Oh! Really? Well, uh, did
you know Lemon Hearts here

works at the Canterlot palace?

Uh, yeah. It's true.

I do the big events mostly.

State dinners, that sort of thing.


Moon Dancer!

You've gotta give
friendship a chance!

Dah! I gave friendship a
chance a long time ago!

It didn't work out then – it
isn't gonna work out now!

Twilight, are you all right?

No. No, I'm not.

W-Where are you goin'?

I don't know, Spike.

I really messed this one up.

That party was everything to her.

I can only imagine what it must've
felt like when I didn't show up.

Hey, Moon Dancer!

Look at this spread, huh?

Thank you so much for coming!

Of course. We wouldn't miss
one of our best friends' parties.

Is Twilight coming?

Oh. Okay.

Hey, we'll still have fun, right?


If there was only a way
to undo the damage...

I know what I need to do.

And I know just
who can help me.

Huh. Guess they must've
gone back to Ponyville.

That was awesome!

We gotta go flying
more often, Twilight!

There you are!

I thought you threw in the
old towel and headed home!

I did head home.
But not to throw in the towel.

I went to get my secret w*apon.

Minuette, meet—

Hey! Pinkie Pie!

Hi, Minuette!

Twilight, you didn't say
Minuette would be here!

You two know each other?

Oh, sure! She was one
of Cadance's bridesmaids!

We hang out all the time
when she's in Ponyville!

Didn't you know that?


And you call yourself
the Princess of Friendship!

Twilight briefed me
on the way here.

We'll need fifteen
bags of confetti

and as many hooves
as we can get.

Let's go! We can pass by
the donut place on the way!

And what are we gonna do?

Just come with me.

Ooh! A Brief History
of the Wagon Harness!


The Life and Times of
Morari the Maneless?

What is this?

It's a party. For you.


Come on in!

Thanks but no thanks.

I don't do parties.

I know. And I think it's my fault.

Back when we were
in school together,

you invited me to a party.

I was so focused on my
studies that I didn't show up.

Big deal!

It was a big deal.

And now that I realize
how important friendship is,

I'd like to make up for
my mistake with a new party.

A party in honor of
my friend Moon Dancer!

Please, you've got to let
me make this up to you.

And you think this is
gonna do it, huh?

Uh, yes?

Well, sure, why wouldn't it?

That was only the first time
I put myself out there,

and then you didn't
even bother to show up!

Then you left town
without saying goodbye

even though we were
supposed to be friends!

I was humiliated! I felt
like I wasn't important!

I never wanted myself to let
myself be hurt like that again!

Those three finally convinced
me that I had value!

That other ponies might like
me and want to be my friend!

And you!

Didn't! Show! Up!

You're right.
This party can't make up for the way I hurt you.

But please, don't let my
mistake be the reason

you can't be friends
with anypony else.

We were your friends then and
we'd be honored to be your friends now.

That's the librarian!

The bookseller!

My sister!

You've got a lot of
friends, Moon Dancer.

I'm sorry, Moon Dancer.

I've faced magical creatures,

the end of Equestria,
all sorts of things.

But seeing how my
actions affected you,

that was one of the worst
feelings I've ever had.

Thank you, Twilight.

I never realized how much
I needed to hear that.

Now come on, everypony!

Let's party!




I think it's time for us
to go, Moon Dancer.

Thank you for helping me
make some new friends.

Even if they are
my old friends.

Oh. We'll come back
and visit soon.

That would be great!

You've still gotta teach me
that Hayscartes technique!


Um, Moon Dancer?

It got kinda banged up,
but here's a little something

I wanted to give you
back at your first party.