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06x12 - Imperial Match! Goku vs. Ten Long / Goku vs. Sky Dragon

Posted: 02/22/22 10:49
by bunniefuu

Goku, who has set out again on a journey to train himself,

headed ever southward while toughening himself up day in and day out.

"Imperial Match! Goku vs. Ten Long"

I made sure to toughen my tail up this time!

N-no good... So hungry...

My shirt...!

Here you go!

T-thank you so much!

No problem. Say, old lady...

Are there any strong guys living around here?

Strong guys?

Yeah! I wanna fight strong guys!

I've heard there's a strong person named Chin Taiken who lives in town.

Chin Taiken...

So, where's the town?

If you follow the river all the way down, you'll eventually find it.

Okay! Thanks, old lady!

So this is the town? There sure are a lot of people!

Fight! Fight!

Guess you don't understand even when I put it into words!

Likewise, how many times must I say it until you understand?!

My son has not stolen your wallet!

Yeah! It wasn't me!

Filthy liar! I bet you were starving!

After all, I doubt you get to eat anything decent at your trashy dojo!

Come with us to the station!


Shoken. Stand back!

Yes, Father!

He's good!

Old as I may be, I still refuse to give in to the likes of you!


You're gonna get k*lled at tomorrow's Imperial Match anyway,

so I doubt it'd matter if I did the job right now instead!


My wallet!

Give it back!

Were you the one who stole it?!

No, it was lying right here.

See! I told you it wasn't me!

How can I be sure?!

You could've stolen it then dropped it because you were scared!


Are you sure you didn't drop it yourself?

My grandpa used to tell me that it's not good to suspect people.

What?! Don't act like you know everything, brat!

Else I'll have to teach you a lesson or two!

What kind of lesson?

This kind...

...of lesson!

Knock it off!



It would seem my younger brother has behaved most rudely.

Please forgive him.

That's all right...

Can you forgive him as well, little boy?

Sure, that's fine with me...

Please excuse us.

Let's go, Shao Long!

Imbecile! I'm to k*ll Taiken tomorrow at the Imperial Match!

I told you not to lay a finger on him!


Are you all right?

Yeah! But you sure are strong, Mister!

Of course he is! My father's the strongest man in the world!

So who's stronger, you or the person named Chin Taiken?

I am Chin Taiken.

You're him?!

Hey, my name's Goku! Will you fight me?!

Idiot! There's no way you can b*at my father!

Father! There's no need to fight against someone like this!

Very well. I will fight you.


F- Father!

Hey! If you're gonna give up, now's your chance!

Come now, Shoken! That is discourteous to our guest!

...Well then, let us begin. ...Yeah.

Just as I thought, he is no ordinary boy...

F- Father!

Father! Hang on! Father!

What's wrong?

It's your fault, you know!

Wow! I had no idea when you got me!

No, you surprised me.

Say, how did you do that, Mister?

It's the Chin School's special att*ck, the Gensei-ken! (Illusion Star Fist)


The light of the stars is visible to the eye,

yet their true forms are unknown to it...

F- Father!

Shoken. Even if one learns about a technique,

it remains useless unless that person has reached the proper skill level.

I believe Goku-san understands.

I don't really understand, but is it something like the Zanzouken?

The Zanzouken?

I figured as much...

I thought you possessed extraordinary skill...

I'm sorry, Goku-san.

The truth is, I have made myself ill.

I tried to take care of myself before the Imperial Match, but...

Imperial Match...?

A martial arts match that is held in the presence of the king.

The winner is appointed to the position of martial arts instructor.

Who's your opponent? Is he strong?

Hyoga Ten Long, the master of the Hyoga Style!

The man whom you met earlier in town!

That huge guy?

No, that was his younger brother, Shao Long.

The older brother's strength is prodigious.

But his heart has been eaten away by demons!

I must place my honor as a martial artist on the line and defeat Ten Long

and restore the honor of the Chin School!

Father! Father!

Say, where's the medicine shop? I'll go get your medicine.

You should find it in town...


Shao Long is a vengeful person!

He will come after you again, should you two meet.

Don't worry, he's nothing...

No, I wish to avoid trouble with the Hyoga School if at all possible.

I cannot afford to desecrate the honor of the Imperial Match.

Okay! I won't do anything no matter what!

Is that alright?

Sake! Bring me sake!

You've had enough, Shao Long!

I would like another bowl of soup.


It's that runt...

You could've hurt me! What's the big idea?!

Oh, I just thought I'd settle the score from earlier...

Forget it! I won't fight you!

Scared, are ya?!

Hey, bro! I can't stand the sight of this brat one bit!

You don't mind if I take care of him, do ya?

Just don't k*ll him.

I said no! I'm in a hurry!



Nimble little bastard! Die!


It would seem you've gotten a little too carried away.

Get down!

That wasn't fair!

I'll show you just what happens when you mock the Hyoga School!

H-he's fast!

What's wrong? Are you so terrified that you can't fight back?

Shao Long! Let's go!

D-darn it...!

But at least this is okay!

Plus I kept my promise with the old man!

He's late. What's taking him so long?

l- I'm back...

W-what the heck happened to you?!

Look! I got the medicine!


What's the matter?

Fine, I'll refrain from using my feet as well.

Come at me!

Chin Taiken. Tomorrow you will fall before my feet.

Hyoga Ten Long...

If possible, I'd like to b*at you with my own hands...!

Come again, Father?!

Please understand, Shoken.

In my current health, I cannot fight to my fullest extent.

If this fight is so important that it will leave regrets,

then forfeiting the match may be the most sportsmanlike!

Then that means Ten Long will get the instructor's position...!

It is out of our hands.

l, too, detest the idea. Even more so than you.

Father! I'll fight!


I'll be in the match! I'll fight Ten Long!

Don't be foolish! I will not allow it!

...But, Father...! ...That is enough, Shoken!

F- Father...!

How about me?

Will you let me fight?

G- Goku-san...

This has nothing to do with you! Stay out of this!

I really wanna fight that Ten Long guy!

But Goku-san, what of your injuries...?

This is nothing!

You don't mind, do you, Mister?

I'm on a journey to fight strong guys! Please let me!

Very well.


You can't be serious, Father!

But your opponent is a genius who has never known defeat.

There is no guarantee you will survive!

Yeah, I know!

Father! Why are you letting him do it when I'm stronger?!

Don't be conceited, Shoken!

The difference between you and Goku-san

is like the difference between the earth and the sky!

Where are you going, Shoken?!

To get breakfast ready.

Is it ready yet?

I'm starving.

Almost done! Just hold on!

This looks great! I humbly accept this meal!


I'm going to be in the match!

So this is where the king lives? Wow!

That's weird. The medicine should be working by now...

Say, don't you want to go to the bathroom?

Not really. Why?

No, no reason...

What do I do? The match is about to start!

Is something the matter, Shoken? You look pale...


I apologize for the lengthy wait!

The Imperial Match between the Hyoga School and the Chin School

will soon begin!

But first, here is King Wonton and Queen Harumaki!

Thank you all!

Now then, here are the competitors from both schools!

It's too late!

Hyoga Ten Long-dono of the Hyoga School!

Alright, bro! You can do it!

Son Goku-dono of the Chin School!


What's going on?!

I'm your opponent!

Enough of this foolishness! This is cowardly, Taiken!

Fight me!

According to the rules, one fighter from each school must fight,

so anyone may enter.

Fine! But I won't hold back like I did yesterday! I'll k*ll you!

Okay! The match will last until someone gives up or loses consciousness!


Whoa! I had no idea he was that strong...!

Here goes!

A multiple Zanzouken! Who is this boy...?!

Hyoga Spinning Kick!

Not bad!



I have to take a dump!

A dump?! What a vulgar boy!

Say it more eloquently, you fool!

I can't hold it any longer...!

There are no timeouts during the match!

You heard the man.

I gotta go...!

It's all over!

Goku! Get up!

W-what's this?! Shoken, don't tell me this was your doing?!

Are you immortal or something?!

How dare you!

A little bit came out thanks to that!

End of the line!


Hyoga Spinning Kick!

Competitor Son wins!

Bathroom! Bathroom!

A magnificent show of "dump" strength! Well done, indeed!

l, too, was conceited.

I intend to use this loss as an opportunity to retrain

under Taiken-sensei's guidance.

I wish to fight you again when next we meet!


Are you really leaving?

Yeah, I wanna go and meet even more people!

G- Goku...

You know the miso soup I made this morning...?

Oh, yeah! That miso soup was great!

You're really good at cooking!

G- Goku...!

Well, I better get going!


These are from me! Just take them!

See you later, Mister! Shoken!

Take care!


Thank you, Goku!


Goku keeps running ahead, in search of even stronger opponents...

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,