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11x22 - Rescue Me

Posted: 02/07/22 19:00
by bunniefuu


well yes I did

lame i'm certainly did

yeah change on


come on we going out on the water this

morning or not

how long you been having this great

every night for the last two weeks i'm

losing my mind right yeah

are they got to get the girl led the

change of scenery

I'll tell you the truth I don't think

I'm ready to do either

you too extreme at leeds really go to

Turtle Bay tax long way to paddle

already talking about is just a morning

workout from a man robbed here

that's right my back him up from

Queensland to India and back again to

launch yeah yeah yeahs your arms give

out guys keep on the next time I'll

sensible for you the whole yeah we'll be

done before you finish setting up the

tower JD your people have a lot of


yeah some of the best in the business

that's for sure because you train them

sure we sure could use you in Australia

Rob come on don't start that again

shot and robbed him

outside of being nuts enough to

paddleboard from here the turtle bay

they seem alright it's a matter of fact

I haven't seen Shawn happier in a while

they are training exercises take us on

the water today we're going to try and

see the boss even more intense than

usual to people like Sean love pushing

themselves over the top and that's what

we're going to teach our kids today the

new me dives off the boat that's be

cement or so

all depends on how you hit it hey don't

let these guys scared to death their

wants trainees to not nearly as good as

you are

don't listen to the man behind the

curtain we are the great and powerful

instructor time swim to the buoy and

back for you too scared

beauty to learn bra brunette at nine

o'clock and closing fast eyes on the

water turbo


stay with the trainees I got it

alright what's your name back trying to

stay calm solution okay we're gonna fix


Jason I've got a serious laceration any

first aid kit and paramedics pronto

JD cold paramedics are coming up to get

the med kit keep your eyes on the

trainee here we have sure building the

sh**t resort in Queensland

one-of-a-kind in the world a height of

extreme sport surfing is the perfect

place to your training soon training

center belongs in Hawaii

and what about shuman dr sounds like he

could use a new challenge away from at

the moment


no Rob as long as I've known you didn't

think I want to learn not to tell you

that stuff anymore i'm here to change

your life not tell you what you wanna


sean is a real bad leader back here

paramedics on every way training in the

water is because that way

we shared through that hole on Susan

okay you getting over the place or

pressure pressure points to stop jenny

where the hell are those paramedics

I think I minutes tops

anytime you to get from back from

Zacatecas expect them to streetside

single in the paramedics you in the


let's go

bring it back this girl's room it's like

looks like re haha

hi bandage around the area elevation

pressure points on that run

don't see the ambulance soon will

transform yourself rap take the board

back I'll meet up with you later

let's take a look at her

starcast you know that old saying that a


I wasn't looking at matinee show times a

half hour ago

no you weren't

Sam we said we were going to the movies

we don't need no stinking matinee we can

make all the movie magic in the world

right here you know I have don't know


answer me a question for you to come on

your merry melee



he's in the ER what happened to Sean all

right yeah of course i'll come in sure

I'm so sorry made knocking you down

Caliban no worries all right it was an


the team got the girl the paramedic

she's okay no harm no foul right Sean

listen to me what you look Rob I finally

have my dream set up here and I just

don't feel like leaving behind but in

Australia i'll give you twice the salary

and twice the space via center just

think about it

more money more space and no City

Councilwoman on your butt

did you see twice the salary I sure did

that before taking any exchange rate

sure is

look I can't talk about this right now

I'm gonna go see if i crack my head open

what's the verdict doc

not a problem i'll cover the tower to

Jace gets back and then we'll take the

trainees back out again later

alright cool you better do something

about your trustee for you

Zach JD when is Sean you back how long

it's gonna be alright though Jason just

call from the hospital as x-rays are

clear but this one keep for another hour

so right that's good news i'm going to

suit up and head out like it's back

that'd be great

female invading clear

I have to say there was some pretty

impressive lifeguarding after Zach it

right back atcha mechanic man

okay where have you been i've been

covering for you all morning but you're

way late again and today was not the day

to do it believe me yelling at me in the

middle of the floor is coming from ed

thanks but I'll cover myself

hey it's been happening you lately I'm

just gonna go change my shorts

what my father is half dead so now i

have to answer to

didn't you check the sign

oh stop the apt you've seen a naked

woman before yeah what this is your well

I'm I'm sorry

alright then go I'll be out in a second

Zach right this offer from Rob's going

on Australia's you get all right good

why do I feel held back Sean ok i was

looking for you

I was over helping a pipeline for a

couple hours so i wasn't sure when you

got back from the ER well I money back

now as good as little well I probably

won't be paddling with Rob for a while

well you do manage to beat yourself up

on a pretty regular basis function

look at me i want to thank you very much

for coming out of the day off

are you kidding


anyway talk to you later okay

if I'm

maybe you should finally admit what's

going on between the both of you and do

something about it


Hey look I was wondering if you're free

tonight i want to talk about some things

why something wrong we had a ceasefire

going Jenna the city counts no no

everything's fine i mean with the the

center anyway it's just that i'm talking

about some some other things that i've

put off avoided really Shawn if their

bills just give them to me I'll figure

out some delaying tactic only it's more

important than that right so I'm sorry

NOS business hours but maybe doesn't

count because really it's her day off

you know Sam as a matter of fact we're

right in the middle of some are you

here you go I falling to my knees roses

at your feet and begging you for

answering the question so cruelly left

hanging in the air of my hotel room

I'm sorry you know he's kind of crazy

yeah but Sam this really isn't the place

for fun and games i am thinking

yes baby

it's really sweet new really sweet I

mean there's more money down there let's

put the castles wait a minute this is

sean's gig and neither one of us are

Sean ok I've tried Horning in on one of

his deals before but never again your

head Zach thinks gonna happen this place

Shaun thinks that you

yes that on the toilet door and we

enough a spot so Sean starting this new

place and he needs experience second

banana still set it off teach whatever

we got this percent no reason i thought

about it yet is because he's all screwed

up but sleeping

wait what leads it Jason back around

lunchtime I wanted to talk to you guys

about doing some community outreach in

high schools about the ride HD through

these kids about safety

Zach know right yeah yeah I'm fine

you know i can't meet you for lunch

though but don't really need to i'll go

wherever merry freaking i'm cool just

you know gotta keep working the beach

that's the main thing that you saw me


so what I the body everybody has a body

no different from anybody outside

yes you are i believe me you are I mean

I didn't think so at first I mean even

in the suit and all but after the locker


you have no idea

no i don't this is really starting to

get on my nerves you know if it doesn't

bother me it shouldn't bother you

keep it up and i will start to get

bothered ya and you don't want

wait a minute you peeped on her

I've had a purpose i walked into the

locker room of adjacent she is so

beautiful i think i felt for I mean

maybe it's good sh*ts going on scary i

can stay here with Lee mend a broken

heart do she just got engaged

Sam that was trying to tell you for what

the Navy intelligence guy did I thought

she dumped him

wait man are you sure completely sure

you get your people on his woman and

bring it up to her and coming on to work

taking off rope Matt good so you think

she's gonna tell Sam count on it

ok so how soon can we leave for

Australia great to be honest completely

unexpected give it my best shot and

didn't think you were gonna get on board

that will rob some things changed and

what you said start making sense to me

really am done here

ok right got some papers drawn up we'll

be in business

I don't know how long it's gonna take

you to get yourself out of this is a

month too soon to start down in


I don't think so the sooner the better

right now I got the phone is not working

on it right now you gotta love account

beat the heck out of this I'll talk to

you sir


find about grabbing audience with you no

not at all

I thought you and I might need to clear

the air little before leaving I got

hitched not on my account samp great

i'll see the bachelor party that it's

incredibly hot band

alright what thanks anyway



can be straight




you don't like me for some reason or

another and I was a betting man which

actually i am i'd wager there's

something going on at least from your

side you know romantically totally have

a point is I don't want least personal

life especially her marriage to me your

problem for here at work there is some

history between you and now you will

even saved my life once more than the

same thing for anyone same as you

hello think you even do for me but I'd

like to pass on that then shut up all


I don't find you nearly as charming as

you do and you're right Sam I don't like

you one bit

I don't like arrogance self-satisfied

slick guys in general especially ones

who attach themselves like a leech to a

friend of mine this friend happens to be

one of the kindest most decent people

nor a let's lighten up okay Sean no i

won't you came down here to shove this

in my face and it doesn't matter to me

what matters to me is lee's well

so you understand this slick

if you cause her home or pain or gonna

help you you abuse her in any way I will

find you and shove that mama's boy grand

down your throat then break your neck

have a good party sample so I was right

hotshot my meds you did have your chance

don't believe in a bad

I love her just as much as you do

yeah okay let have you know detects it

up a second

now this band go away from Baltimore

where we like to play

like I sleep very well but my back to

the party

they're gonna kick my turn now


I'm a girl last night of freedom the

last chance of picking the forbidden

fruit of Sandman

back leg

what am I gonna do with you Sam grants


no I k*lled a manacle I'm here for my

bare hands

no I didn't know that and that's man had

done nothing to my fiance and violated a

privacy hadn't obsessed over her naked

form and I k*lled that's nothing see

because it had still would've k*lled him


so you would have felt every second


take oh come on it's time we go away no

I'm not gonna do that let's go

no one tells me what to do or where to

go anymore leave me a home that the

loser gets her own now we're talking

yeah let's go

I know how troublesome your engagement

thank you for bringing cake or a genie

her father really needs to see her he

really does

honestly against my better judgment mr.

Tanaka but if they're both able to find

some peace

oh yes they will I know it I'll get it


I think you'll make a wonderful


thank you


it's gonna be okay promise

daddy I'm sorry

cook LA

that is so happy for you now know say

nothing no need to speak this nonsense

all of from now we just be family or hot

you tell this boy can go


you gonna fight me again about it there

are you going to k*ll me to stop no more

enough suffer this but not your daddy

you one

please he's confused

you just watch you need to put doesn't

know what he's saying mom he knows

he knows exactly what he's saying

I brought her back for that

I feel very sorry for you mrs. Tanaka

this is not ohana the way I understand


this is poison


I you why is that well let's see i'm

getting married today and it's one of my

best friends is gonna go to the big

island and join in the festivities at

least like to get your blessing

oh oh yes hey Leah really I i hope

you'll be you'll be happy

Thank You Sean

that means a lot to me

I'd be happier if you'd come it's at the

Hilton Waikoloa there's this great

little chapel there and amazing that

we've got it on such short notice

ya ali why am I so quick

Sam's got a break between assignments i

see anyway I have to go in and get the

center in order

Maris is coming by other mayor's coming


yeah yeah he wants to give us a

certificate of approval too bad you're

flying off right oh I'll take the


get a dignified moment when you get what

you need

what's that to see

laughing human heartfelt moments

thank you

things can change you know so fast


have yourself a great thing


you're not really gonna go to Australia

are you oh yeah yeah

is it

not today


and so on behalf of the City and County

of Honolulu it gives me great pleasure

to present the certificate of


Shaun Munro and the Baywatch why a

lifeguard training center for all

they've done to promote water safety and

awareness Sean congratulations

everything alright Sean yeah yeah it's

fine german why and seem a little

preoccupied is that Jenna Abbott causing

trouble again because i can put in a

call you no no no thanks so I'm I'm fine

Richard yeah thanks for this thing

deserve it and call me if you need

anything thanks Jeremy take take care of

display boss x so very nice went to the

gold coast but guys it's just an offer

that's all right so get down there Sean

you look around your seniors where are

my dogs where the guys that I can depend

on to with these people in shape but

then you remember authority with you

that's right Jace zman talking shorthand

we understand you write in longhand we

can read it

let's face it they'll talk for the tie

me kangaroo down sport and my uncle used

to love me then she died

that's American Roger Miller he gets the


the point is you cannot go down there in

the land of extreme sports more money

more space opportunity without singing

that's right guys I'm not really keen on

the idea of getting Baywatch Hawaii to

start a program in Queensland that we

need see no Robin from Peter to pay Paul

it's not like that at all don't turn

even our names it enough get back to the

beach now alright I think about what I

want you to know I do have some


we need to have his reservations and

qantas yeah and quick release w

husband's gonna tie wire around my neck

and pop it good i hope it doesn't pan

out of play

thanks for your support all signs are

that it will though you know the best

thing I've ever learned from you it's

not about life saving it all about life

the whole thing

the king of lost causes shot and people

dump nose on you by the truckload need

to shake them off and keep coming its

most irritating thing in the world about

you most admirable

thanks I guess the point is now you're a


leaving the center letting league away

that's not sean roe that some guy I

don't even recognize that changes in

necessarily quitting JD this time it is

i'm going to the airport which less

Lights Big Island today so that maybe I

can convince Kitco whose bridesmaids the

one that should be your wife did I never

give up that she could abandon me no

matter what your psycho father does come

with Sean come with me and get Lee and

your centre-back one thing has got

nothing to do with him


three o'clock flight your last chance

ready to start with a dress by the

Kraken DJ and we're now one I guess

Sam's a wonderful guy funny imaginative

dangerous always good and he wants me

very big plus it's just

how can you have your best friend be the

guy that you love and you know loves you

and not marry him no matter how screwed

up he is or you are sorry my life

hey you know it's like you're Sean and

JD's me

yeah I don't know about that yeah I mean

you know you love me I mean JD I just

don't know if JD are you will never have

the patience to let me or Shawn work

through all the jugular heads you know

you love JD inside out in sideways

you've told him you've been with him

not lately the point is I only think

that Sean feels that way about me and

there's no evidence except that he acts

weird around you all the time

edge extension

hi yes i need the number for ye

helicopter I get you as far as the cone

airport brought you get a car from there

that's cool i owe you for this problem

and then I move my car till I get it on

record you give me

we're trying to wash their course I

guess you'll be whining about a nick

injury next I know I didn't touch your

car from the hip to this is your fault

not mine yours yours

that's crap where's the cops somebody

call the damn cops

a man you see it you witness i didn't

get him off

alright listening yo-yos are blocking


alright obviously no one's hurt swatches

pull over and give the rest of us a

break all right are you some kind of

officer something I'm a lifeguard now

move it come on

hey I want to Stephen it i want to go on

record before i move my car inch look

look what this jerk is having six

alright shut up both of you

I don't care just move your cars off the

road and let the rest of us off the hook

now you're late

just pull over and give me a break will

ya no really I think this guys having a

heart attack

call now

this wasn't my fault

that's so beautiful thing thanks

you know

I think this is the right thing to do

I really too


that's great

and you're right

it's a great



Sam what are you doing here hey cool i'm

sorry i got to see me

shouldn't see your dress it's bad luck

okay all right

Wow look amazing

can't believe it

it isn't fair don't say it all right

no betrayal

there's some kind of international

emergency somewhere you can't tell me

where you don't know when you'll be back

you really really sorry but you'll make

it up to me when you do get back will

happen even better wedding men

sorry sir really have to go

just one more thing

this is for you what is it

fathers fire everything the Navy has on

the accident is record


watch secrets yeah

please no one

five years


tell me it didn't happen like I have so

much have to say i don't want I don't

want to hear reasons or explanations

from anybody anymore

so sorry don't say anything Shawn please

anything at all

it's not that I don't love you as much

as before i do even more

there's so much I can't figure out about

myself and why I few things

ok it's alright we can get married


can i still wear the ring i mean even

though we're not officially engaged


I thought you guys would be disappointed

oh man we've been following you stayed

in paradise

we're happy to make the attack by which

will have to go to and

tell them passes out

any more talk about my body I won't have

to cost am Sean o just tie you to the

back at scare for the trip back to one
