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11x16 - My Father, the Hero

Posted: 02/07/22 18:50
by bunniefuu

stop complaining Sean it's not every day
you get to rub elbows with important


haha i'll have you know that I paddle
once a week with the city planner and

the District Attorney let's face it
Jetta you to bring me to the parks and

rec meeting to advance my career

those were some of the most influential
people in the state back there and I

need their deep pockets

the election is only a few months away
and i plan on a moment

well I'm very proud of you Jenna but I'm
not your campaign manager

no you're not you're a lifeguard you've
got a tan broad shoulders and my smile

when people trust you

besides it helps humanize me to be seen
with one of the working will excuse me

Your Majesty but it wasn't that long
with that you were a lifeguard - yes but

I'm a Councilwoman now

and in case you haven't noticed most
people are intimidated by a woman in a

power position especially one who's
smart successful and attractive

don't forget the modest

I prefer a magician so basic Sean

rubbing elbows with constituents is now
part of your job description

all right what's up you gotta help me

my friend hit his head on the reef lean
back hi get shorts we're ready when I

came in

I don't know what happened



each control different woman happen

there's been an accident on the beach
just west of a white head quarters one

victim possible head trauma need medics
out your stats you're not going to need

your help stabilize his neck

don't you come on up yeah well in a
minute it's gonna be wet let's go shine




it's gonna be okay

let me help

like you can hear you

what it was

okay here

I got him

keep his head straight


I'm going to need your question to stop
the bleeding

I don't hear anything where are they

beach control what the ETA on the
ambulance being delayed by road

construction on the h the estimate

that's wrong

losing blood I hear you

I tell them to have a police escort meet
us at the corner of him in all right

I'm gonna bring him in ourselves right

okay when I say on three we're gonna
roll it down that in

ok come on


thank you kids ready on three rolling
back one two three

thanks guys thanks



hang on all right

hold his head

Councilwoman out of it I need somebody
to meet us that can highway and

please hurry up we have a victim here





you know I totally lost it up there but
that last stock market crashed ship me

up but she'll eat that wave

you know i think that i will just leave
my wrist taken to the bullpen from now


I'll get it

financial as*ault

Jenna avid councilman

when you must be the prettiest cats a
woman in history

okay what do you want a liquor license
parking tickets revolved no no just a

dinner date

look at your friend's got a concussion
I'm going to come here for a few days

five critical check on thanks again for
your help

mention right and about that matter that
we discussed

call my secretary i'll have a pencil you
and if I have every time

I'll do it

so much for people being intimidated by
a woman in a power position

ladies and gentlemen please master
you're about to begin our descent now II

and thank you for choosing the blind
wine air a hollow

hi yeah we're at the royal lahaina going
to meet Derek off

it's gorgeous Jason heard the open the
trail up to the crosshead yout valley

I know there's flash flooding up to this
time here

Keiko i'm not going to do anything

you k miss you already

what do you mean what do you say goodbye
to an hour ago

what happened you manage your dignity
male pride family independence

it's not me man it's her you're right to
be here

they think I'm bad with teammate Derek
got a wife and two kids answer to that's

just great

my first weekend off and I don't know
how long as I get to spend it with the

whip brothers

Derek's the man is an in-house attorney
for a fortune company rates in the

dogs got the new house the course and
Gosling and make you wee man look

nothing personal

one we just get on the next plane back
to walk come on to this

give me a chance if you don't like them
you have my permission to toss them out

the nearest cliff

ok yeah and even stuck with your sorry
face all weekend alone

no there

it's like so what happened Thank pieces

what are you doing


my girlfriend google brothers from

Derek you and they're making see when a

there's no Jake Bobby get a knife rock

ah man JD just seen your face is sort of
a bitch i really thought you hung

yourself when I was intense you had me
spooked chasing the only their card

Jason and I work together baywatch i was
just telling him about some of your past


yeah what was her name now they pull
this little stuff to get back Jason


Obama you work with this schoolgirl and
keep it up and news goes around your

neck for real problems

better just watch your back smart ass I
owe you one


you better call nine one works you're

my brain of mice test



ha ha ha



right ok if you just got cream

your ribs like well I got completely out

it's like this over this trip after all

I love doing business in a while
especially here at the hilton hawaiian


let's um let's talk about you

how did a drop-dead gorgeous lifeguard
from Las Vegas end up running the slice

of tropical paradise

I wanted to get out of the desert so I
came to Hawaii

I worked hard and made some contacts and
now your counsel for the time being


you know what this won't take more than
two minutes just need to make a trade

before the market closes in Tokyo

hi Josh itachi new guy came at that haha

yaku would attack the major middle
school on the guys from us

everything ok

oh yeah

just made my client state that trade
just paid for his new assessment that he

had his eye on you know what

no more interruptions

promise you know I've been trying to put
together an exploratory group to raise

money for my re-election campaign

do you think any of your clients would
be interested in meeting my people

come on Jenna you're a beautiful woman

they're more important things that we
can talk about other than this money


not really not to me ok on my advice

think long term conservative investments

well correct me if I'm wrong mr. care
but nothing about You screams long term

or conservative is that align your feet
all your clients

well my clients can afford to make

can you however returns with me better
than even

how much better

eighty percent but I've just been
unlucky streak lately

you gotta risk big to win big right

you like to hear you have starting under
the right circumstances I like saying it

even better

waiter check please

my opponent just got engaged to the
daughter of the biggest import-export

company on the islands have you need a
date to the engagement party

don't they know i'm seeing this means
his campaign funds got a huge shot in

the arm

baby queen that mix business with
pleasure please Maya I'm a businesswoman

I manage budgets for the city and I know
how many works i've been following the

markets I've seen the technology starts
going to the relation of those stocks

are just smoke momentum investors are
pushing those prices too ridiculous


believe me ok there are no
get-rich-quick schemes

well somebody's making a hell of a lot
of money Jenna

mmm I really care about you and I don't
want to see anything mess this up

come on break a little rule for me

I Brooklyn feel last night yeah you did

all right all right but this is against
my will

ok and we're starting off small

ok ok no more than five thousand dollars
coming here when winds you and me

thanks dad Wow tell you

Roland smart like you

got it


like the r*fle

then don't

that's in June



and snow they'll be I'm day



it's not well

when you're just too


I know that soon have a JD I stopped to
check in with cake or something

i can't believe man gage can you just
give a four-alarm blaze but Jesse

so I'm saying man it's an accident or
bit better than you know and what I

wouldn't give for a slice of your life

no attachments responsibilities free as
a bird

I've been married to the same woman for

your kids to write two twin girls next

now i gotta worry about saving for
college top of the mortgage car loans

credit card bills so i got the
high-powered job from here

let's be

I'm gonna keep going to bed all right
well I'll wait for <time] two </time] i

will catch up to around the corner okay

good to hear about two miles back

thanks for the help oh sorry I didn't

and look at the start of the trail like
an evil shelter

how's he doing heading straight for the


what the hell are you doing Derek
there's a clip here in case you haven't


catching the view the view of what your
life flashes before your eyes right back

life guard vessel lady we're in the work
with the water with ice come on so


no harm no foul let's get back to it we
got a lot of writing before lunch

just trying to have some fun and up and
stick to the trail

I think so yeah

there is trying to k*ll himself just
blind crazy

my man that's cool just careful that's


so I took a gamble on an IPO up with the

oh my god this is a fantastic d*ck that

what you want me to cut you a check
instead uncle sam can take his forty


oh no oh no I think this is a great
$ , overnight

you're a magician no I just made a good

this time I don't believe in luck

you're obviously good at what you do I
want you to take this money back and


getting that distinct impression that
you are only afternoon for my financial


nothing gets me hotter than knowing i'm
gonna be able to put up a good fight

I'm glad I can help you out but my
clients that I deal with are big

excuse me I'm a Councilwoman quite
possibly mayor someday and you're just

getting started in this game

yeah you have some stocks and mutual fun
but the investors that I deal with

usually ante up with significantly
larger sons how much larger

we just have a drink and talk about
something else

I missed I want to know how much money
it's gonna take for me to come up with

for you to take me seriously it

I don't know thousand on top of your
, but even if you could come up

with it

I wouldn't put you in that kind of risk
you want to talk about risk

I never jump into relationships like
this but I do trust my instincts when

they tell me to go for it

maybe it's time you step up to the plate

ok you are not the only one taking a
leap of faith

I can see a future for us together

then show me the money

ok you got five minutes what is it I
need your body

excuse me I have a used car salesman
meeting here in minutes

you know how they are they see a woman
and immediately try to rip you off

I don't tell me you're selling your car
to raise money for some investment Jenna

I warned you about this little guy he
already put one of his clients in the


yes but he's never had a client like me
besides I've got an eating out of the


he's eating out of the palm of your hand
who's watching your purse

what you don't seem to realize Shan is
it your future is tied up with mine if I

don't win this election you think the
next council person is going to put up

with your money losing training center

all right all right you know what he's
used car salesman you're a politician

sounds like a fair fight to me you know
better yet why don't you use your new

broker friend as your hood on

together tiger thank you hi


sorry about going off

now JD it was my fault you were right I
should let the man you were just just

trying to have a good time


ladies ladies you're both pretty alright
take it easy much stuff

he's right just look at your face with
all the good time I mean hall

you mean your mom's face a good time and
don't be bringing in one moment this

yeah hey she dressed haha oh that's
gonna leave a mark

easy easy now boy Oh time out this
history is a pastry partially

hydrogenated soybean oil

that's my point what are you doing
eating something that's not even


that's well first you pick up my mama
now you're backing on my man for a sweet

to know something JD you're right

what am i doing wasting a perfectly good
cupcake on you


delicious promise

who took my knife

nobody took three night maybe you

who the hell is to take it easy dear
find it was just here a second ago

I know what you guys used it that's my
best hunting knife

I'm gonna k*ll someone I don't play

no civil check your belt right there in
its holster

there I'm sorry for a minute there I
thought you guys are acting like my wife

she's always putting stuff away right
can't find it

nice peanuts women are a trip dude

yeah you're a real funny guy sure it's
not your medication you're missing what

is wrong with me

haha there's a really funny I lost my


can snap fire over a dirty joke

what do you mean

what happened

I forward an expert a joke to the
company email to some guys that I work


somehow it ended up on this woman's
computer she gets pissed off next day

she marches into the president's office
demand that he fire me or she's gonna

scream sexual harassment take legal
action you got can over a joke

took me years to work my way up the
mail room

the vice president it's all over what
about Sarah

does she know she's got it

work my butt off first sign of trouble
she turns her background

says she wants to think about things
reevaluate what she can reevaluate her

ass right out of my life

you can't be serious what about the kids

what's supposed to happen


my-my Councilwoman to make sure there
are any photographers around cause a


take me away I need a break from my
civic duty


that's what I think it is

I told you sure that we take you for a




your steps


so what are you gonna tell me about our
new business venture you don't quit the

not when I see a golden opportunity and
neither do i

I don't really care about a woman in a
long time and I see something started

here something good and I don't want
anything to spoil it

nothing that's going to spoil this life

big girl

I know the risks involved in whatever
happens I can handle



up up and away













councilman have it i think they want a

so I made a joke about boobs that's
funny moves are funny right

hahaha lovin some winch decides to make
an example out of me ruin my life

screw em if they can't take a joke no
kidding women cry the quality and sex

additional to take with edition but they
can't can no matter what you say someone

gets offended by area man these days to
the flap look for nothing everyone's so


everything's politically incorrect I
think four guys right

the Prime we far from over laughing
stupid jokes they make an example out of


whole damn world is turning into a Girl
Scout camp nou the talk is effective

why'd you risk it all by sending it
let's see the voice of reason and we'll

get there JD don't go too fast

might get hurt going to carry not good
for you

don't laugh too hard someone might hear

school not what I did you always had a
rain on my parade

I'm your friend here sometimes you just
you go too far

rise spare me the sympathy

please Jase is my only friend here she
doesn't judge me

I'm not judging your man we have you
been taking five minutes think about

what you can do next

no you're running around here like some
kamikaze freak

maybe our talk to someone get your head
straightened out

sikka talk to you and everyone else tell
me how to behave

what to do screw them screw you

just released a new it's just that's not
such a good idea man

no go jumping in the water I don't know
it's the bottom come on man that's him


the white part to be a rush take it

be an idiot . this morning



to make me fight trapped in the
waterfall I can

- dark down there with your hands and
put your face down if you feeling things

coming home


he'll be fine if not

take her down university are doing

all right yeah it's there

go operation



ok i'm here alone for your orders

what's the emergency miles Sean he's

I was asleep downstairs I don't know I
think maybe he fell overboard

why didn't you call the Coast Guard
Jenner what if a dead shine my political

career cannot handle that sort of

all right just calm down tell me exactly
what happened

I don't know exactly what happened we
were drinking champagne then we went

downstairs and after that and I don't
know maybe it all the booze and the Sun

but my head is in such a fog right now

well maybe he slipped you something
that's impossible shine


then why is a residue in your glass what

was there a tender

we're talking a small book

oh my god

- damn ride up spit them out ditchin
wanted to do

oh you're just loving this aren't you

so help me someone wrote that man gets
away with my hard earned money i'm going

you know I don't know what I'm gonna do
but whatever it is you're gonna pay for


relax will you what's his cell phone

why were you gonna do , nothin chillin

I'll leave that to you I&I better and I
can speak to your supervisor please

hi Melissa yes this is Captain shaun
munro they watch your why I have a

possible emergency situation here and I
need to track the victim down his cell

phone number is you get that

yeah what I need is the location and
time of his last call


alright well thank you very much less oh
and if you stop by Councilwoman Jenna

habits office tomorrow will be a reward
for your kind assistance

thank you just eatin bribery and I
thought you had no future

here it's last call places and do
south-east of here which means he's

headed for the Ala Wai harbor


gary is

we just

take the wheel

shut it down


get off me



oh the trips over

staying here I got nothing to go home to
a turbo from some kind of reckless


why don't you wait to run a site we're
trying to do stupid because that nobody

wants to get out your ship

screw up screw up to him

I'm scratching

holding out

stepped up when you had to

do the same thing for the family I'm
going to face

such a loser

can I tell you man the world is unfair

your company made an example of you and
that's hard for you cause this thing

sure you just goofing around having fun

and now it's got consequences I wonder
why series not talking you got three

people out there who depend on you gotta
do right by the man



as far as I could tell and took her
money and was heading for the Ala Wai

harbor making a skank


you think you pulled one over on me
don't you hadn't been for your lifeguard

buddy I'd be halfway to the Caymans by
now you see people like you

you want wealth and power so bad

anybody could have taken you for a ride
is that how you get your rocks off

taking advantage of people get real

you're just as much of a parasite as I
am hey I'd be careful if I were you

canceled on the cameras are rolling

get him out of my sight

yes ma'am

what do you want first good news and bad

what could be worse than me being the
six o'clock headline they can't hold him

on the money con

what are you talking about Shawn
apparently he really is a broker license

and everything and you're willing to
authorize me to invest your money for

you he claims he was on his way to the
bank to do just that

I can't wait to hear the good news they
got him on the stolen boat and the IRS

is after it seems there's other
complaints against him

look you want me to handle this on to
try and put a spin on you know

lifeguard trustworthy broad shoulders at

this is my mess

my cover

you're welcome

hey everyone

what happened I'm sleep I don't know

maybe the work things out with his wife
or you won't hopefully move on

I can't believe it look at some stupid

do you know how many and get on my email
every day it's pretty tough penalty for

something everybody does

no you didn't mean to offend anyone but
even think it's going to sound like Sean

but everybody uses

the important thing is not to lose
lessons look how to go back right

it was just talking to you right start

yeah this is it

but we get a drink before we go yeah

there is just one thing and another was
a joke

and that right like what I'm asking you

that's the price that's what I need to
get one

please take it


take the check it out of my face and
never talk to you ever seen

the expression okay okay fine


I see you got your car back you're the
lady shun

i just spent two thousand dollars more
to get it back and i sold it for


thank you you're welcome

chalk it up to experience Jenna I hope
this whole episode was a phony broker is

going to take your edge off

are you kidding I've learned a lot from
the Tactical Air you see I realized that

I tried to control while with my
sexuality I shouldn't sleep with him on

the first day

well i would say that's a reasonable
policy to adopt you know don't get me

wrong I enjoyed every minute I mean he
was an exceptional man but in retrospect

it clouded my judgment do I really need
to hear all this

you know what I should have done was
probably just kept on the chase made him

think that he was in control and
actually I would've been the one in the

driver's seat

you know like it did with you

notes and i know you liked him

now you can talk all you want but he
hurt you

and it's okay to admit once in a while
that you're human

Sean how sweet your chance and you're


thanks for showing me that no matter how
badly I feel there's always someone

worse up

I'm back Sean with a vengence rising
