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11x03 - Bad Boyz

Posted: 02/07/22 17:47
by bunniefuu
when you see these coves and inlets from
the air you get incredible inside out

exactly how strong the currents are here

it's like you're ready to look


those still just not actually it was so
Jack she's Coast Guard Auxiliary Zach

they know her

that was like a respect you man you're
one of the dogs know how to use a stick

kind of nuts

please tell me we're not drowning in
testosterone they pass out intensity

around here like gatorade now the fan
with Zach time I get near these things

it is intense yeah but you don't wig out
on it like Jason

I don't know maybe he's having girl
trouble or something only problem he

seems to have its keeping them straight

let's rock n roll ladies

tell me



you are being such a jackass mic drop
your skin is amusing take two more

months to heal back up

look at out there it's pure stuff that's
going to notice your knee brace buddy

the surgery ya for weeks ago and Mike
thinks he's ready for the Olympic Trials

I'm fine all right Mike how about some
this one out

I mean winds up I could overpower your
knee you're obviously experience so you

know what that means you're right

I'm experience and I don't duck a day
like this ever

the other days grow not blowing now am I
drowning know and I know I didn't ask

for your help

so going to watch for lost kids ok blah
blah blah boner

take it easy man

might Purcell this vacation ends up like
our ski trip

you are going to the ER alone

Roger that tower ready for clearance so
I know you think adjacent man

the we know that things up with that
that there's a whole

send it back come on you know you can't
resist me back already

Oh where it at least getting close the
door is cracked

shut up give up with who's your daddy










all right he's calling his rig got to
save him doors away

we'll get a cover the beach

Jason meter support take my possible
entry bragging about can you look at me

Roger that Jake


I gotta live in a clock


hi Porter here doing

when taking themselves out



Jesus ladies tote i am james what's your

I'm going in

thank you i don't get back

this guy's only kid











my leg


what's your name


you can carry lower carry in the pair
jump or feet




I can't jump



I got it

thank you


hi stay with us yeah it was going to
k*ll me


which brings us to Zach what were you
thinking you want a broken neck

you jump from that height again and you
can kiss the babies and the surf goodbye

now you can carry need to both keep your
ears open all right

and when Lee tells you not to jump you
do not jump and when she says jump carry

you kiss that sky

ah ok look I'm clear on the fact that a
lot of crap goes on out there to

distract you

all right and I know that you only have
seconds to make major decisions but you

trust your guard and charge and you
trust your team

got it

well as you can see this place is very
special location location location

sufferers bad as you this if you do you
think . you will follow me who could

slap down to a little stud sugar here
it's packed

what's up at the Corleone's took a wrong
turn in vegas

all right well let's hit it come on

and it's beautiful over there because
the Chinese means happy

Diamondhead Fingal obviously that's not
diamond we're on the North Shore doesn't

matter . still beautiful still being

then what are you doing we're checking
out the view Sean

we love it and we're going to send your
neck no problem

what is talking excuse me could you give
us a moment please

we'll go to the beach I think we're
going to need to throw down some more

black people more pokémon estate
holding up

whatever you say Angelo if this is a
joke it is not funny

no joke Sean councilman McCann and I
decided that since you refused to come

to friday service we make work waste of
time that you made up to message you

haven't paid your water bill or your
proper you want your mind

that wasn't part of the deal Jenna oh
well it is now as a matter of fact those

men are building a restaurant here that
will cover that and more

and what about saving lives as beach and
tourism liaison that's my job

now you listen to me

I don't know what you did to get this
Lance on job created for you but

whatever you're doing with mckenna and
whatever your revenge fantasies are

you're never going to get this Center
for me ever

have you ever noticed how a drowning man
makes the most noise before he goes

under for good now you should know Jenna

that isn't true whatever the point is by
next month you guys are out of here and

angela is going to be plopping down
overpriced umbrella drinks

you better have a group meeting sean let
everyone know the dream is over

avoiding me

Carrie I explained the situation we
can't see each other and you can relax

cowboy I don't want a piece of you

I need some help that jump really
screwed me up I could use some political

cover so if you talk to slow walk I'm
not saying jack

I'm your friend on time didn't that
night and telling me to at least that

look you want some help

will do extra drills put some time on
the wall it's not what I'm looking for

Jason Terry I don't do politics

I'm straight up and I work if you want
to stay here you will too

what's going on

just checking some gauges Sean I found
this on your desk

yeah well belongs in the trash how could
you be so casual about this

this is the third and final notice for
the center's property taxes

I know and and don't worry about it

God could you be more aggravating

I want to help what's going on I it's
between Jenna and me okay

at first the state was covering all this
crap and then

jenna gets this new position with the
tourists lace on with Councilman mckenna

and surprise Sean's got a brand new deal

how long do we have look I will handle
it okay

you know you're not getting rid of me
icare Shan


fine I'm gonna stand here all day long

do you answer my question well you got
sunscreen on

yeah all day out here and it's a hot one

three days

three days or the center becomes a
money-laundering lobster counts

what yeah no worries I'll figure
something out

I'm not worried we'll figure something





this is beyond stupid

you're driving me nuts come on just fall
back i will catch you

I just don't see the reason for this
hello it's a trust exercise

ok you trust me here you're going to
follow my lead in the chopper

now do it yeah shouting at me is really
doing the trick I so trust you

Jason take five but

not giving up on you

you were at San Diego what two years
state beach

yeah they really liked you down there
you remember your first rescue a drunk


mine was a kid fell off the pier

I had this strut when I first started
gardening i thought i was a man


anyway I am get to the end of the pier
get to the edge and I can't jump

really telling you the truth I just
stood there like a fool with my stomach

clenched and just scared stiff

there's gotta be some disney ending here
because nothing scares you kidding me

there's always fear the trick is you
learn how to work with

I don't know I've always trusted in my
own call

i hear ya i'm the same way but would
eventually got me off that pier with

fact that that kid was trusting in me so
i had to trust my training I had to

trust the team and I jumped and I know I
say it all the time Carrie but if you

trust in the team they will get you

I don't know it's

that easy

well afterwards anything



what's with the shark suit closes the

I found a sponsor spot for the center we
give her full signage for full block

sunscreen and she gives us money

that's great that's beautiful it's not a
done deal yet

grabbing dinner tomorrow night where you
do the song and dance Oh me

we know it's better you alone hey I
can't close this without you

we i'm not i'm not good at this stuff

surfing rescuing motivating i'm your man

ah Sean this is your Center your dream

you're coming I need you



Zack what are you thinkin I'm thinking

Zach you're the hero of the day the man
of the hour and this little bunny is hot

for you

so I said to myself better feel the love

I don't want Jack oh come on i was in
you gave me like universal sides i


trust me you're gonna like this I don't
trust anybody Zach

never have never will I trust me Carrie
and everybody else can go straight to


now get out ok sure ok chill I k*ll you

I said get out



I have clothes you do but I want to
shake it up a bit for the sponsor dinner

the number one rule of business walk the
walk and talk the talk and we're

gorgeous shirt

okay that's that's rule number one rule
one or two I get them confused

yeah Maggie go nuts picking on my surf
shorts for competition flowers animals

palm trees you name it

I work Maggie that was your wife right
there since mother

you've never mentioned her before


it's really none of my business

Maggie's story for another day okay and
um thanks for this displaces it's pretty

important to me



kara breath

completely rock they usually involve
multiple sometimes for another book

everybody get some air when you kick off
less belly flops injuries that way you

can handle this Carrie


anybody have a water-ski off the back of
this thing not a party both Zach carry

your own

brought it up

all right Kari

Carrie this is basic I know

love this book now back to get off my



but he eventually came back to us

the boy was under water that long and
you still brought him back

you know you never give up I love w*r
stories but let's get down to why we're


Erica I was thinking that we'd give you
sign it outside the center

maybe even pass out samples of the
towers fast blocks on screen will eat

that up for a fee up front and fifty
percent of the return that yields and

fifty percent is Steve and how do we
measure the source of the return

hey you like what we do I'm not looking
to make a k*lling Erica I just want to

keep my Center going

a year deal with the monthly payment
schedule I perfect quarterly

ok kamiya cut through the numbers bowl

my Center trains lifeguards to be the
best that's what I do I'm not a money

guy I'm not looking to get rich

I just want to keep the water safe for
you friends your friends kids

so you tell me how much you want to pay
for it

your passion is admirable and so rare
these days but there are details to


well like I said this is not my thing oh
I'd say you're doing fine

wouldn't you greatly anyway I say
goodbye to him and my old life and I've

just run my fifth marathon

yeah what was your best time I don't
remember but I've never been in better


really and you still manage to gobble
down that creme brulee

I think I'll go fresh

ok what is with the attitude you're
screwing this deep screwing this deal

no I'm making this deal look I'm
explaining to what the center does and

what I do

if you let me do what I do I could have
secured % I don't give a damn about a

few extra bucks

I don't want to be here all i care about
is my Center and my team

I'm gonna sit around and argue for an
extra buck should give us what she can

and wants to give wake up Sean ok she's
breaking down the payment to nothing

you got your mind off her body you'd
realize it oh is that what this is all


ok fine she's a beautiful woman but I
work with beautiful women every day you

know that like I'd like to get out of
this restaurant

get out of this damn shirt and run my
Senate I'll tell you what I'll handle it

from here on in ok fine i keep
forgetting that you don't need anybody

else but Shaun Munro Lee

there's a problem

actually yeah I need to take care of

I'm sorry excuse me it was it was nice


ok standard run down

Zach Zach listen up you keep your eyes
and ears open Jason running through it I

want a tight ship here

check the two cycle oil reserves the gas
and battery cranking amps and of course

the safety equipment

pft is the radio and fire extinguishers

you gotta help me all right I'll leave
you guys to it

hello general somebody has side of
intense pills with their wheaties today

do some boxes training you need to
lighten up man too intense

reading carrying on her oh you think
this instructor crap is easy man Sean's

beat me with a stick not even six months

like I'm the man with two brains I gotta
run around here like some general art

ass like a dead son

that's what I'm saying head you gotta
put the Grandmaster back and play

come on now let's hit some bars tonight
no no not that

wakeboard home and I'll pull my chain

oh crap is gonna blow you away get a
life that's right

you here to measure for table claws and
bar stool

you need to work on that he was Shawn I
need a copy of the tower schedule need

to find out who's on when and where
police got him

now why don't you tell me what this is
really about Jenna

this is valuable property Sean the city
council would love a hot spot on the

North Shore it brings in money

that's not what I'm talking about and
you know it you're smart woman you know

that my operations are ways to your time

actually it isn't and I've got ideas on
how to run this training program and

make it into a money-making operation

fine you want to pretend that this isn't
personal so goodnight

of course it's personal

you made it personal the day remix

we have some

but as soon as it got too close

the rain

so so whatcha now we're going to run
through this again again

I never got a decent explanation just
some garbage about your wife

garbage do you think my life is so hard
why bother you never understood me and

you never understood me yeah we'll get
this or poisoned together okay we're

like oil and water

I want this Center and lifeguarding and
he knew that you kept pushing your your

City Council nonsense your political
agendas in my face and that's not me

it's never gonna be

you're scared

you're scared because you actually feel
things with me and you're not willing to

compromise to make it work


life I don't feel anything for you
general not a damn thing

tell me you don't feel that

just knowing it




alright a ride

Erica hey listen I want to talk to you
about last night i like you sure

and I like your program will make the
deal with that that's great that's

beautiful you won't be sorry

listen we are doing some serious good
here showing you already sold me right

I know hey do you want to grab a drink

I've got some time to k*ll before my
flight tonight and yeah we could


sure why not ok ok



a dodge grand well the man

please don't do this




what the hell's you touch nothing

but don't know

no what

so it's all feel get right again we're
going to swim it all the way in




bad time no no I'm sorry I do you need
to talk i want to jump the chopper

I don't think you're ready to jump I
know me I'm ready

don't get pressured into this i'm not i
just need some help

I just seemed to be nothing but a magnet
for inappropriate behavior and you saw

Jason on the Scarab he was rough and
then I come home and I am back in my bed

and what is going on

yeah Jason go ahead please <operand] two
</operand] there

it's me and Carrie what's up

you're gonna have to tell her bra what's
on our butts

he spills everything in the man
everything it's gonna take us all night

to swim to smother it

you don't want shut up

right at his feet



Zach and I are on patrol and in here
Jason I'm waiting on you to close shop



you are ticking me off Jason

see that's exactly what i'm talking
about it's rude

exactly you know you put your butt on
the line and nobody respects that i know

and you care

I do I really do and you offer a lot to
this team besides dressing up and

drumming up business

you're more than a shoulder to cry on or
crisis pal you care about what happens

in place and when you reach out your
just shut down

who are we talking about exactly are you

you are going to jump carry

you are going to jump


that's why

I'm not looking for more tonight show


life God's

thats just looking for way

bang blow from the center manage your
bad karma brought this on the first


God to be bright side down just like the
best friend start

no man you are seriously uptight

turning into like a mini

Sean I'm not shun the white turning into
psycho traitor

Kerry Wood

sold sorry down






that you win




watching me one thing

I want to take you

so write this this isn't right and it's
me it's all me it's just that with you

giving me the money and everything how
it seemed right it

I think you are our gorgeous don't get
me wrong

you're joking right I mean this is some
kind of sick joke

you come up here you come up to my room
and I don't want to touch me

don't get me wrong i find you incredibly
attractive which it's just screw you and

your Center

you're right what's your name

Zoe following head he's not talking to
you my don't sign up boat

what who sewing the rear delays she
passed out

all right we're going out quickly you
gotta work with me on this one of the


no here a book I back you up that's my
place you're not going anywhere

thank you get off don't be an idiot shut
up straight foot



got it

the world

you go

cover you can get

all right in the front end to be

Oh up there




all right

looking looking looking

we're getting out of here

stay close to me

actually it's









why don't you tell me

what's wrong it's me i'm cold wind no
you're just you're different

no I'm a bully my last two boyfriends
were impotent and now you don't want me

what's wrong with me

I run marathons for Christ's sake i was
i mean i do I i I'm sorry I got angry

cause i'll be your sponsor

what kind of a woman would that make me

it's just so I mean

caught it on the next tell zack and
Jason are back in everybody's okay why

don't you me

I guess you'd be busy and I can see I
was right about that

Jason and Zac are back and the Coast
Guard's towing the boat

Lee listen I want to tell y'all want to
talk to me right now

Lee let me explain that I can guess you
got the money and I can guess what you

did for it

I hope the center was worth it



Jason enough to want to have been
writing you but not for the reasons you

know what this train like made it clear
that I

I didn't listen

I think maybe f*cking you too

Gary Europe good for this program

I know I am

and I'm gonna do it on my own merits

okay all right you go girl no worries
okay ladies wait in the water

trust me

you can do this I know only I wish on

what I'm not

shiner sympathy card

the paint's love it hey man what was set
out there stays out there it would be so

buddy here

can I



please on you don't need to explain i
think to meet you want to explain

nothing happened between Eric and me it
started son you don't need to tell me

yes I do

this isn't easy for me but you have to
understand something

I messed up okay I know it sounds crazy
but when I put my arms around another


I don't feel anything

it's empty

all I want is my wife

my wife and I want

more than anything else in this world

gone and now my family is gone and i
can't see my way into a relationship

with anybody it wouldn't be fair to me

I have been an idiot ok I've been
running around acting like I could

handle all the business myself

I can't I can't handle the business I
can't handle the girls Sean I'm we shut

up I'm trying to ask you for your help

telling you i need you i need you to
handle the business

you need my help



welcome to the team

you know leave this could be the
beginning of a beautiful friendship




