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10x19 - Maui Xterra

Posted: 01/29/22 08:52
by bunniefuu











take them still on the way down


just another victim still down







haha i was he weird thing I've ever seen

she didn't seem like she was in trouble
are you sure you sorry yeah no I'm not

sure but you know how can water plays
tricks on you think you can see my shoes

on the water like shoulda stayed on the

what happened uh the clapping she's part
of it

what clock

come on my gosh she's wrapped up in it

Jason kind of painting this morning
whitish kind of see Jewish the current

like my grandma's house

I just got a call from ems she to make


god bless you made it


step my interval stink my stroke is
collapsed haven't been paying attention

and all of a sudden I only have days
before the xterra triathlon

you think I'm not with the time you

right che how did better than you think
being in shape is not like being in race

shape though and I didn't want to do
well I wanted to win

can I help you know thanks for the offer
but I hate seeing you so disappointed

now you're not the only one what about
my sponsor Valley total fitness

we may have been doing so much to help
me and I would hate to disappoint them

with a poor showing you have to do it

yeah I've already committed look I'm
just gonna have to go over there and get

my foot which

thanks for standing by no problem

Sean I need a favor big time

what is it I want to take a leave of

I don't think that's such a good idea
right now ten days just until after the

maui race

Jesse this isn't a summer gig you can't
come and go with every race I know that

I've dreamt about winning a triathlon
for my entire life it's the reason I

came to Hawaii in the first place

I'm committed to compete I thought you
were committed to this team

I am but this race is important and I
need time to Train

goodbye and good luck

that's horrible

because you know how much this team
means to me

and what about putting your personal
needs in front of this team and leaving

this team short a person in that
horrible -

son I have an idea about Jesse let me
work with her gone out of everyone I

thought that you would understand why I
did what I just did

I would love to suggest you run that
race hell I think with her ability she

could do great and it kills me to see
the disappointment in her eyes look at

what it will do to this team and we're
all making sacrifices here with our

personal time and are our goals not
gonna let the fabric break down now

what about Jesse what do you mean her
spirits just she's tough she'll think

this through and in the end you'll see
that I was right on the main reason

which wanted me here was to improve the
physical ability of the team

ok here's your chance with Jesse she's

let me see how much better I can make
her all part of team training

all right fine do it make her better
make us all better but she is not

running in that race we don't need that
kind of distraction




it's not your truck that's coming into
your time what reason your intervals are

off it's not because your stroke and you
know all about it

it's my field it's what I do and I do it
well you're right it's not my stroke my


I just can't seem to focus there are too
many distractions

well the training you've been doing with
the team has been pretty intense but not

designed towards building to a peek

you need to restructure everything
you're doing and any more road work

it doesn't matter if I racing off the
team there's no chance that Sean's gonna

change his mind

I talked to Sean so if there was no
chance would I be here talking to you

he knows you do wow that's a surprise

maybe I can just suck it up and try

how much time do you have days till
the race Jesse over training is not the

answer is how you train and how do you
suggest i trained well there's this new

thing now called the computer maybe
you've heard of it sounds familiar

will measure you and run some tests to
show what just put yourself in my hands

get you where you need to be

sounds like a nice offer yes it does
doesn't it

so why the charity all of a sudden
you're just an excuse for me to do what

I do

Sean skeptically doesn't think I can do
it or maybe he doesn't think you can do

it but I know I can improve your
performance so dramatically when shawn

says I can do that I can do it with the


let's do it


hey Jason


this is a model named ki Hong bikini she
was garden

Obama cool yeah , close the ancient
rulers from what the legend says that

she would travel the islands and your
evil people into the water and then if I


wait wait wait let me that's right so do
you think that i saw ki halloween

mhm and you think the mall this up
lizard in the woman's form k*lled the


Oh Jason just so you know she had just
been tried for m*rder

she was just released for insufficient

you're talking like a crazy person

Jason I'm telling you you saw me how we
hanging I mean just look anything like


there's something the matter I'll tell
you suffered

don't believe everyone wives tale you
here Paul Bunyan tooth fairies don't

believe in hershey no i don't but
anyways I didn't see her and you did so


you know


now why when I heard you're going to try
and Jesse didn't I think to myself

yeah it was always the first to lend a
helping hand and she's such a great

power of Jesse's why did I think what
has she got up their sl*ve

I don't know perhaps you're a natural
Senate or maybe have difficulty with

strong women or maybe your mother was
scared by a kangaroo i don't care i

don't like people in my face about was
basically none of their business

well I know how much this race means to
jesse and if you spoil it for her

it'll rip her guts out I do we'll deal
with it won't we

you can count on it hey Jess hey Allie
and I stayed on

very good

I mostly believed you meant it

it's getting up

Ali thinks i'm going to ruin your dream
destroy your chances and live your life

and spirit and tatters

don't forget to fasten your seat belt












yeah you lived on this island longer

what do you think about all these myths
and stories

well I can tell you my favorite one is
the one about not cutting your hair at

night cutting your hair and that's bad

oh yeah the lizard will steal your soul
or the one about the woman in all white

with all white dog

now if you see you're on the road you're
supposed to pick her up and you believe

this stuff

Polynesians had no written language so
the way they kept their history was

through stories that were passed on from
generation to generation sometimes these

stories got a little village at this
number is small right but it always

starts finish

every Hawaiian myth began with you know
some sort of truth

so you believe the stuff

well I put it to you like this I don't



the computer will read these points and
generate an image of you as a structure

points and axis fulcrums and hinges

it's not like an engineering project
well that's exactly what the body is a

complex machine

all right


so what's happening you're being
measured the longer the leg the longer

the step

it's that simple you can practice all
day maximize with the leg can do but you

can never change the physics computer
will tell us what your body is capable

of and we will work towards it

so you just want me to keep going back
and forth right

ok now face towards me stretch your arms
bend down

keep going yeah


we need to find out how you burn oxygen
how fast your heart delivers blood to

your muscles and how hard you can work
your muscles before they become deprived

of oxygen in the blood equals energy how
efficiently you use energy will tell us

whether you're a sprinter or a long
distance runner

pick up the pace


your reaction time your bone density and
body fat

when we have all these numbers the
computer will tell us what your body can

do it faster


the wages where



that's how to do

you're in great shape I like that you're
in the top range of all the categories

pretty much maxed out your potential but
you can't win a triathlon

you won't even finish in the top ten but
it's the bike race

he's never say you cannot be competitive
in the bike race look I know the bikes

not my best event but Jesse the
triathlon is an endurance contest

so your numbers have to match these
numbers I don't need you to tell me what

the iron man is I eat sleep and dream it

look you're not listening to what I'm
saying to you hear the numbers say that

you are a fabulous swimmer

I think that you would win that leg of
the contest right now

so you start out ahead but by the end of
the bike race

you'd be back in the pack too far back
what about the run

it doesn't matter that you can run you'd
be too far back to catch up

well then we'll just build up my biking
skills you can lift weights all day and

never look like Arnold Schwarzenegger
you could pedal till the day you die and

you'll never be world class

you can try as hard as you want but
you'll never win a race that includes




that's the way it curves

I don't know why I came back here I
don't know i'm expecting to see

well you're not going to hear the legend
says that she only lowers the equal


over there

is that her

I don't know


but a campaign we can see her

maybe in her eyes were evil no one



thank you

we did

I'm gonna go asking















previous y'all come on senior night
gender equality in the block

you know




how come I can see here but that you

I don't know

wait a second did you try to k*ll you

go that would be an evil

was it arrives


sumotori just like

depends on the back on well why didn't

I was mesmerized

like i know i shouldn't but I just had
to anyone you want to me

no I don't know what you mean Jason if
you see her again

get out of the matter what if I'm not

more about well that's the thing about
the key while we're heating

she's a lizard everyone knows just

promise me stay with me

ma I promise




hey Jess

don't make me so angry to pick you

you can't blame her i mean numbers are
numbers maybe I knew about the bike

thing you know what are you going to do

pull out that seems to be the best thing
all around just so just concerning to

have someone come up to you and tell you
that because of jeans or bone structure

the length of your fingernail that you
have no chance at winning

well I'll get over it Getty

whoever wins this rice is you have a
once in life

how do you measure that

you can't

that's it

you have more heart than anyone I not if
you want this enough you can

I think


have a great day you know every day is
perfect here

the water the air we need to talk about

oh you're gonna hurt my feelings and my
head more than that

why couldn't you just be straight with
Jesse I was straight with Jesse

completely one hundred percent straight
that race meant everything to her and

you purposely built up a hype so you
could not go back down

I'm disappointed you think that's what I
did that's exactly what you did and it

was vicious and it was cruel man . i
need to talk to you

oh boy you said that I wasn't good

that's not exactly what I said I said
you weren't good enough to be guaranteed

to win

leave that up to me you also said that
you could make me better

yes I did so make me better I can make
you better

I don't do miracles no guarantees no
tricks to winning the xterra

I'll take whatever you can do to give me
that extra edge

you just do what you do and leave the
rest to me what do you say I say

congratulations for what we're finding
your mental game you didn't have it

before you were you were to accepting -

Jesse that's why you were blowing your
times don't don't get disappointed get


don't get upset go into a blind rage

sometimes you have to have your guts
ripped out before you find out if you

have them


see you in the morning

sorry if I disturbed you


you were expecting hi

let's say I was hoping she'd come back

dawn I am I misjudged you

okay you're not the first

sometimes you're just not what you
appear to be


well for what it's worth

I was wrong

you were here for Jesse and the team all

that's worth a lot

take it

and that was

- power


and you

you know





not bad

God you haven't had to be one of my best
times ever well you got your adrenaline

going out to pressure you need that

so that's the secret is not getting my
emotions involved

that's part of it ok so what's the rest

controlling your emotions it's like
remember when we work the banzai

pipeline for the first time when we got
there there wasn't a ripple

the body was flat the bay com that I
need to start this race

no emotion then as we watch the water
from somewhere deep in the ocean swells

began slowly at first just like you in
this race

you need to let your emotions rise like
those waves remember how they came first

the four-footers then the six footers
then the eight footers the power

building like a great rage highly
foot waves crashing on the rocks

relentless angry emotional yeah that's
the rest of it


keep your elbows in

don't need a break anything to you me

no way good go ahead and send now we're
going to go here

okay here's the deal

you're as good as you can be physically
even if you weren't there is nothing we

can do about it in the next week anyway
but i keep studying the computer numbers

and I found something I think i can get
you a three percent boost in your wind

oxygen utilization three percent

I know it doesn't sound like much but no
hey it's an extra stroke in

freestyle and in the two mile swim it
could mean an extra minute if you pulled

ahead of the pack by a minute in the
swim then even if you hold your own in

the bike race and I can blow me away in
the run and that's how I think you're

gonna win

thanks let's go

okay thanks again you when I when what I
hope not that race I told you not to run


you said he knew Jesse when we started
out I may not have told you everything

you like to me

I didn't think it would matter I thought
when she started training you'd realize

you couldn't win this race and you lose
interest but Sean things changed

Jesse changed she can win this race can
she yes the xterra is tougher than any

other triathlon and Jesse can win it

and that's supposed to change things
because she's trained for this dream I'm

supposed to break all the rules and make
an exception

you know every day is in Saturday on

you do what you want to do I have
nothing to say about what you do on


especially this saturday because on this
saturday i won't even be here I'll be in

maui watching her kicks amounts

you manipulated me it was for a good

don't ever do it again and welcome to
Hawaiian Airlines in like beautiful

island of Maui for those of you
participating in the xterra world


we wish you luck and thank you all for
flying with the line airlines the hollow


wow I don't think it was this big deal
should have entered today so yeah you

can win this

maybe next year this year belongs to

that's right just gonna kick some butt
I'll do my best anyway

this place is just beautiful

yes it is hey you feel like getting up
tomorrow a little early and going for a


okay great thanks Jesse

I I talk too much last night he wanted
me to wish you good luck and i want to

wish you good luck as well go there
tomorrow and just nail and thanks i'll

do my best




contestants from around the world

welcome to the beautiful out of the
mountain and sterile world championship

in the difficult


starting line

just keep your rhythm all the way out to
the booty and then I want you to kick it

for the mile back don't save anything i
want you way out ahead and get back here

will skin you out of the suit get you
dressed and you're out here

I got a man your neck pretty sexist the
bigger first

that's not where you start it's where
you end up





this is a big

now in shock at the moment


my shot an ally or molecule

an accident stay in the race we have it


a shot

want to take a leave of absence

justice isn't a summer kid you can't
come and go with every race

I dreamed .

my entire life is the reason I came to
fly in the first place

I thought you were committed to this

I am



without Johnny's



what happened

expl*si*n probably small military
ordinance got a diver down

adding are probably unconscious three
books now they were diving the shop runs

like this you some more on it

the currents pushing that way all right
we're gonna do a pattern search from

this . yards out

standard interval



Johnson got the back

coming around

that's good careful one sentence

that's it



what you watching

HC TV sent over some footage from the
contest for my comment

they also want to do an interview with
you feel like being a star

no I think I'll let you handle that

I wanted you to see this because I know
what a costly the contest was you know

the result of your choice

you know it's funny when it came down to
it really wasn't a hard decision to make

in fact I think that all the training
that I've been doing for the iron man

was just really my way of staying

for what it is that i really want this

this team this life staying ready


you knew didn't you I didn't know I hope

now we both know right listen I'm
springing for our very own new out to

replace the one miss can you make it

yeah i'll have my side for the
minutes okay

we're getting close

we're definitely

definitely getting close


