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11x12 - Old Friends

Posted: 01/27/22 11:13
by bunniefuu
I was right. Jess Waddel.


Charlie Sheppard!

- You saw his horse?
- Yeah, I saw him.

If we was to put a b*llet right at his
feet, he might just spook and run off.

Don't make me k*ll
an old friend, Charlie!

Come on down out of there!

No sh**t', Jess.

- Your word on it?
- You got it.

Here's my g*n!

I'm comin' out.

His horse!

How bad is it, Pa?

b*llet tore up my
arm, b*rned my side.

I'm ready to go.
Let's get out of here.


- You fellas got troubles?
- Nothing I can't handle.

Is that a b*llet wound?

D'you mind if I
take a look at it?

- Oh!
- Easy, friend.

It's gonna have to be bandaged.

We're gonna have to get him
into Virginia City to a doctor.

No, no.

Pa's not going to Virginia
City, and neither are you.

Medicine and bandages
on that pack mule,

but I can't very well get
'em with that g*n on me.

Just stay where you are.

Hand me your g*n,
butt first, nice and easy.

Now you can get up.

- Where's Jess Waddel?
- I don't know him.

Tall man.

Gray hair, mustache.

And he's... he's
riding a sorrel horse.

I ain't seen him.

Who are you, mister?

I'm Hoss Cartwright.

You any kin to Ben Cartwright?

I'm his son.

I knew your pa a long time ago.

Name's Charlie
Sheppard. My son, Morgan.

- Howdy.
- How is your pa these days?

He's just fine. As a matter of fact,
the Ponderosa's not far from here.

I can take you there and bandage that
up and you can say hello to him in person.

Obliged to you, but
maybe some other time.

Morgan, get that
r*fle off his horse.

Get his rope too and hog-tie
him and leave him here?

Now, that's no way to
treat the son of an old friend.

The Ponderosa's
back that way, huh?

That's right.

You know, that pack horse
says you're making no short ride.

Where you headin', Cartwright?

Line camps? You're getting
ready to move the herds?

- Up to the high country, right.
- Well, that's real good news.

See, we need a place where
I can rest for a few hours.

Be obliged if you'd
show us those line camps.

Not the nearest one.

You'd be a lot better off
if you gave yourselves up.

You got us all figured out, huh?

Well, you're packin' a
b*llet and you're runnin'.

I gotta figure
you to be outlaws.

You ever figure maybe we
were runnin' from an outlaw?

Pa, we gotta move.

Yeah, we're goin' to.

As soon as Cartwright
helps me on my horse.

You keep him covered, boy.

- Do it.
- I'll do it. You don't need that g*n.

I think he'll be
all right now, Bob.

You just put a saddle on him
and give him a good hard ride.


Ben Cartwright.

Jess Waddel.

Ha! My goodness.

Well, it sure has
been a long time, Jess.

- Sure good to see you, Ben.
- A long time.

It's good to see you too.
My goodness. Jess Waddel.

It's been, what, 20
years at least, hasn't it?

Longer than that. I had a
chance to figure it out walkin' in.

27 years and three
or four months.

27 years. Well, I must tell
you, time's been good to you.

Well, that's one of those
lies old friends tell each other.

Well, what are you
doing around these parts?

Well, I was just passin' through, but I
got a lame horse on my hands, Ben.

Yeah, well, I think we can help you
with that critter. Get you a fresh one.

But you're not going anywhere
until we can catch up with the years.

You're gonna stay
for supper, aren't you?

Oh, you know, I was
hopin' you'd say that.

Well, let's get the
horse to the stable.

- What happened?
- Oh, I think he just pulled a tendon.

- A lot of rocks out there.
- Yeah.

You gonna make it?

I ought to be ashamed. A grown
man can't pull his own weight.

Here, Morgan, open that door.

Here, come on, I'll help you.

Unroll that mattress.

Go take care of the horses.

Oh, no. I'm staying
here with Pa.

You do what I tell you,
boy, or you take care of him.

Do it, boy, do it.
Bring some water first.

My mouth's dry
as a cotton field.

I'm gonna heat some water. I'm
gonna have to have it for that wound.

- You're Ben's boy, huh?
- Yeah.

How is old Ben these days?

Just fine.

That's good.

That's good, Ben.
Just what I needed.

Yeah, it sure cuts the dust
from the throat after a long ride.

Sure does.

Jess, let's sit down.

Ben, you and me
go back a long way.

Yeah, we sure enough do.

Three of us worked that claim down
on Poor Indian Creek. Remember?

- Yeah.
- You, me...

- Charlie Sheppard.
- Yeah.

One whole season and we
divided a profit of 300 dollars.

I'd say you've done
right well since then.

Oh, I've been lucky.

Lucky? Another
word for hard work.

You wanted to be a
rancher, and you sure are one.

I wanted to be a lawman.
That's the way I went.

Never could figure out what
Charlie Sheppard wanted.

- I don't think he knew himself.
- Hmm.

Well, I guess you're wonderin'
what brings me out to these parts.

I figured you'd tell me
when you were ready.

Well, I'm... I'm
on a huntin' trip.


I hunt men. It's the only
thing I know how to do.

I'm very good at it.

I'm sure you must be.

Back when I was a sheriff, a wanted
man could cross the county line,

thumb his nose at me.

They can't do that anymore.

I go where they
go, bring 'em back.

You're a bounty hunter?

Some folks say it
like it was a dirty word.

- How do you feel about it?
- It's a dangerous game.

But if it's done properly and
legally, it's a decent enough job.

I thank you for that.

- To the old days.
- To the old days.

The b*llet went
clean through that arm.

It's wedged in your ribcage. It's
gonna have to come out of there.

That's gonna be a job
for a doctor, not me.

I told you, no doctor.

There's no hurry. It
ain't botherin' me any.

This is gonna hurt. Hang on.

Oh, sufferin' Siwash.

That stuff's pure fire.

I had to get that wound clean.

I'm not complainin',
not about you.

It... It's just a high price to
pay for something I... I didn't do.

Then that... that outlaw, that
Waddel, was after the wrong man?

Waddel, he ain't
exactly an outlaw.

I expect you guessed that.

No. No, he's worse
than an outlaw.

He's a cold-blooded k*ller.

Only he calls it bounty hunting.

Then you are wanted, huh?

Just me.

My boy didn't do
anything. He ain't wanted.

I ain't done anything either,
since I got out of Yuma.

I sure didn't rob that Salt Lake
stage and g*n down that driver.

You know, Waddel, me and your pa

was all friends.

Worked a mining
claim, way back when.

Was closer than brothers.

Now my... my good old friend...

tried to k*ll me for a
thousand dollars reward.

I was in Mexico when
that driver was k*lled.

Ask Morgan. He was with me.

Keep your hand
on there real tight.

I'm gonna have to
have some more water.

I'll get it.

I'll have the door in sight all
the time I'm gone, Cartwright.

Don't try and leave.

You two are just full
of threats, ain't you?

They're not just threats.

No, that's right, they sure
ain't. Not to me, they ain't.

You in the condition you're in,

all I gotta do is wait
for you to go to sleep.

Then I can take the boy easy.

You're gonna get sh*t.

Ain't likely.

I've took a lot bigger
and better than him.

You say he ain't
wanted for nothin', huh?

Not by anybody anyplace.


In that case, I'm gonna
do both of you a big favor.

I'm gonna give you some time
and let you get your thinking straight.

Sure would hate to see
that boy hang with you.

Look, he... he's
trying to help me.

That's all he's guilty
of, stickin' by his pa.

I tracked him to Twin Falls.

He picked up a friend there
and both of 'em headed south.

Then I caught up with 'em again about
six, seven miles out here in the rocks.

Gave 'em a chance to
surrender and they tried to k*ll me.

Hey, come on, now.
Put down your g*n.

Nobody pulls a g*n in this
house, not even an old friend.

Sorry, Ben.

My son Joseph and
one of our hands, Candy.

- Howdy.
- Pleasure.

- This is Jess Waddel.
- Howdy.

Now, Jess, what's spookin' you?

Ben, I tracked those K*llers to
within seven miles of your house.

It's just likely they
might show up here.

Why here?

One thing I didn't tell you.

The fella that sh*t that stage
driver was Charlie Sheppard.

- Charlie?
- Charlie Sheppard.

He turned bad, Ben, real bad.

Eight years in Yuma prison.

Wanted now for m*rder.

I'll tell you
somethin' else too.

If I was Charlie Sheppard,
runnin', wanted, wounded,

I'd stop at the Ponderosa and
see my old friend Ben Cartwright.

You hadn't told me
he was wounded.

When he tried to
k*ll me, I fired back.

- Old friends trying to k*ll each other.
- I told you, I hunt men.

Charlie Sheppard's
wanted dead or alive

and I'm gonna bring him
in, one way or the other.

Easy. Easy,
Charlie. Take it easy.


I heard something.
Forgot where I was.

What you heard was Morgan.
He's outside chopping wood.

He's a good boy. A man
couldn't ask for a better son.

Charlie, let's take
a look at that side.

I told you, that b*llet ain't botherin'
none. No need to fuss with it.

If it ain't botherin' none, it won't
hurt me to take a look, will it?

It's all right, huh?

No. It's gotten real ugly.

- You're just saying that.
- Ain't no use in me lying to you. Here.


What'd you wanna
go and do that for?

I had to find out and
I wanted to show you.

I just barely touched you
and it almost broke you in half.

That b*llet's gotta come out
of there, Charlie, it's got to.

I must be gettin' old.

Time was a little chunk of lead
wouldn't even slow me down.

12 more hours and you ain't
gonna get out of that bunk.

Two or three days,
it'll k*ll me, huh?

What time is it?

It's about an hour till sundown.

Waddel ain't found us yet.

He won't now until after
sunup in the mornin'.

All right, you...
you better do it.

- Hoss, you got any whiskey?
- No. I'm sorry.

A doc did some cuttin'
on me in Texas once.

He gave me whiskey
to deaden the pain.

I can give you a piece of wood
to bite on. Maybe that'll help, huh?

Get away from him
and drop that Kn*fe.

Don't be a fool, Morgan.
Gonna take the b*llet out of me.

That's what the Kn*fe's for.

All right, Hoss, go ahead.

But be almighty careful.

Bring that pan of water over.

- Ben?
- Yeah?

I tangled with these
fellas just about right here.

Then they rode off this
way, turned north and east.


What's in this
country over here?

Well, it's Ponderosa land.
Timber and meadows.

- These crosses line shacks?
- That's right.

Probably in one of them. They'd
have water, wood, place to fort up.

Ten minute ago have hot
roast beef, hot gravy, hot potato!

Well, we'll be right
there, Hop Sing.

Hurry, please, or you have
cold roast beef sandwich. Hmm.

I think we better do as he says.

Now, Jess, sit yourself
right down here.

Yes, sir.

All right, Hop
Sing, bring it in.

- Mm-hm!
- Uh-huh.

- Your cook sure sets a fine table.
- He sure does.

This'll be the first hot
meal I've had in two weeks.

- You been trailing Sheppard that long?
- Longer than that.

That hot meal I had
was back in Twin Falls.

Isn't it tough
tracking an old friend?

Well, he quit bein' a
friend when he turned k*ller.

Don't matter whether
you know 'em or not.

Bringing in wanted men's hard,
dirty business, but it's gotta be done.

There's somebody else
ridin' along with old Charlie?

Young fella. Could be his son.

- How old a boy would he be?
- Oh, early 20s. That's just a guess.

Might not be his son.
That's another guess.

Did he have anything to do
with k*lling the stagecoach driver?

I don't know.

But he took a sh*t at me, so as far
as I'm concerned they're both felons.

Ben, this is awful good
roast beef, awful good.

Put it down. Back away.

Your pa tells me

that you two are figurin' on
ridin' out of here in the mornin'.

If that's what he says,
that's what we do.

I got the b*llet out all right,
but he still lost a lot of blood.

He tries to sit on a horse,
he's gonna lose a lot more.

If he says we ride,
we ride. You too.

Don't you think it makes a whole lot
more sense if we went to the Ponderosa

and got a buckboard and
took him into Virginia City?

With a wagon? No way.
We'd never get past Waddel.

I'll take enough men.
We can make sure we do.

Besides that, the sheriff's a good
friend of ours, and he's an honest man.

He'll see to it you
get a fair shake.

And if you two were in Mexico
when that crime was committed,

and you can prove that, you'll
walk out of there scot-free.

You're talking to the wrong
man. Pa does the decidin'.

I'm just gonna
get a cup of coffee.

Go right ahead.

Morgan, your pa was in
Yuma for a long, long time.

What were you
doin' all those years?

Gettin' kicked and stomped.

Run out of jobs because
my pa was in prison.

- What kind of work'd you do?
- Different kinds.

Washed dishes, swamped in a
saloon, rode fence, herded sheep.

Cowmen b*at me
up for workin' sheep

and sheepmen b*at
me up for workin' cattle.

Morgan, you and your pa get
yourselves square with the law,

and I'll guarantee
you a good job.

Finish your coffee and get on
that bunk. I'm gonna tie you up.

That way we can
both get some sleep.

- Mornin', Ben.
- Mornin', Jess.

- You're up early.
- So are you.

It gives me a chance to say goodbye
and to thank you for your hospitality.

Well, there's no need for that.

Your horse is walkin'
pretty good now.

Good. Good.

- Morning.
- Howdy.

Pretty good?

Yeah, seems to be fine.

We're ridin' with you, Jess.

No. Taking Charlie's
a job for a professional.

All you'll do is just
get yourself k*lled.

We'll have to take that chance.

Ben, I appreciate it, but I
don't need you. I don't want you.

You're on Ponderosa land, Jess.

Whether you want it or
not, we're ridin' with you.

Friend, don't get in my way.

That coffee sure
smells good, Hoss.

Eat you some of them pancakes
and that bacon. You need the strength.

Hurtin' you, ain't it?

A little.

That chair ain't
trottin', Charlie.

What's that horse
gonna do to you?

Don't you worry about me.

I been sh*t up worse than
this and rode for a solid week.

Where's Morgan?

He's outside saddlin' the horses,
where you sent him. Don't you remember?

Yeah, that's right.

I'm gettin' forgetful
in my old age.

It ain't your age, Charlie.

It's that wound. You
ain't thinkin' straight.

Hoss, how many sons
does old Ben have?

There's three of us.

He's a lucky man.

I only got one,
but he's the best.

He'll do to take along.


Too bad you haven't been as good
a father as he has a son, ain't it?

Well, I ain't been up to my hips
in land and money like your pa.

I done the best I could.

Did you, Charlie?

That old kid's spent half of his
life waitin' for you to get out of jail,

and the minute you get out,

you put him to runnin' with
you one step ahead of the law.

- He been complainin' to you?
- Of course not.

- He loves you too much for that.
- Loves me?

Well, he's given up
everything he wanted,

everything he ought to have,

just to ride with you.

I don't know what
else you'd call it.

That's right.

I guess that's
what you'd call love.

Kind of a waste, ain't it?

You're right, Hoss, I... I
ain't been much of a father.

- You can correct that, Charlie.
- I will, I... I swear.

- As soon as we get to Mexico.
- Make him a wanted man?

Put the same brand on him
you've carried all your life?

- Is that what you want for him?
- No.

No, it sure ain't.

Then give yourself up, Charlie.

There ain't no time like
the present. Tell him.

How do you feel, Pa?

Fine, Morgan. Just fine.

Think you can ride?

- You know it.
- Then let's go.

Morgan, wait a minute. Your pa's
got something he wants to tell you.

- Tell him, Charlie.
- Later. We'll talk about it later.

You go on out. We'll
be right with you.

Sure, Pa.

I couldn't do it, Hoss.

Why not?

When a man's as poor as I am,
you gotta hang on to what you got.

That boy is all I got.

You're gonna get him k*lled.
You know that, don't you?


Look, I... I been in tight spots
before and got out of 'em.

And I'll get us out of
this one too. You'll see.

Come on, we gotta get goin'.

Blood spots.

That's Charlie all right.

Met two men here.
They rode out together.

That makes four of 'em.

Special shoe,
heavy on the outside.


That's Brown Jim's, one we made
for him so he wouldn't cut himself.

No, not two more men, just
one man and a pack horse,

and that one man's my son Hoss.

- Your son?
- Yeah.

What's he doing,
trying to help 'em hide?

I'd hardly think so.

Candy, ride into Virginia City.

Get Sheriff Coffee
or Clem out here.

It's about time the
law got involved in this.

- Right.
- Hold it. Charlie's carryin' my b*llet.

I've tracked him across
this whole state. He's mine.

Jess, you want your
reward. I want my son alive.

Candy, track us from here. If
you can't find us, fire three sh*ts.

Will do.

You're gonna get your reward.

I don't want this thing
turned into a turkey sh**t.

Charlie Sheppard
and whoever's with him

is gonna get the full
protection of the law.

You tell him that.

And he'll k*ll you
while you're doin' it.

Charlie didn't have
this in his saddlebag.

b*llet. Somebody's
been doin' some cuttin'.

They took that out of Charlie,
bandaged him up, got him ready to ride.

Now, if your son didn't do it, he sure
supplied him with what he needed.

What did you expect him
to do? Rub dirt in his wound?

Why not? He's a wanted
k*ller. It's what he deserves.

That's where we disagree.

Hey, Pa. The stove's still warm.

They can't be more than
an hour or two ahead of us.

Ben, if you wanna put this stuff inside
out of the weather, I'll ride on ahead.

You can catch up.

- We'll ride with you.
- What I figured you'd say.

As soon as I catch my
breath, we... we go on.

This is no good, Pa.
We're movin' too slow.

I know.

Hey, now. Now, there's a
place to wait for Waddel.

He'll never get us out of there.

Charlie, you'll never
make it through those rocks.

Yeah. Don't you worry about me.

I'll make it, just as
soon as I get my breath.

You keep pushin' yourself like this
and Waddel ain't gonna have to k*ll you.

You're gonna do it for him.

Stopped to rest again.

That's four times
in the last two miles.

Can't be too far ahead now.

Time to start being careful.

Charlie'll be dug in up there just
waitin' to bushwhack the lot of us.

See somethin' up there?

I can't tell. I thought I saw
a flash of light up there.


Take a look.

Jess brought along some help.

Your pa and somebody else.

Yeah. My little brother, Joseph.

Gonna help cut me down,
earn that thousand dollars.

Not ever. Now you got witnesses.

Waddel's gotta
let you surrender.

I'm not so sure.

Waddel'd sh**t his mother
for a thousand dollars.

Get out of sight.

There's no profit in waitin'.

If you gents'll give me some coverin'
fire, I'm goin' up there and take...

Jess, I told you you're gonna
get your reward, and you'll get it.

I'll go up there and
talk to him, Jess.

Ben, the Charlie
you knew's long gone.

That man up there'd as soon
blow your head off as look at you.

That's as far as you go, Ben.

Start sh**t', Charlie.

I'm unarmed, Charlie.

How's Hoss?

You heard your pa. Tell him.

I'm fine, Pa!

Thank you, Charlie.

I know how you feel.
I got a boy of my own.

You're gonna have
to give yourself up.

No, Ben. You ain't gonna take me in
and hang me for something I didn't do.

Are you saying you're innocent?

Me and my boy Morgan were in
Mexico when that driver was k*lled.

- Well, that's good news.
- Ain't it?

Only my name's Charlie
Sheppard, outlaw, jailbird.

They got any unsolved
crimes, they pin 'em on me.

- Whereabouts in Mexico were you?
- A lot of it. All over.

- What town?
- What's that to you?

Well, you... you're gonna have
to prove you was down there,

and it'd sure be nice if you
could remember the town.

El something. I can't
remember those Mexican names.

- El Paso?
- You're tryin' to trick me?

El Paso's in Texas.

I'll get you a good
lawyer, Charlie.

You're an old friend, Ben,
and I'd like to believe you.

But there's another old friend of
mine down there. Jess Waddel.

He's been trying to
k*ll me for ten days.

Well, I told Jess he's gonna
get the reward money anyway,

so there's no reason for
him to wanna k*ll you now.

If you're innocent,
there's nothing to fear.

- I'm innocent.
- Then walk down the hill with me.

No, I don't have to now, Ben.

You see, I got the hole
card, the ace: your son.

You ain't gonna
see him alive again

unless you and the rest of
them go on back to the Ponderosa

and stay there for
at least 48 hours.

Charlie, the sheriff's
gonna be comin' this way.

Well, that's bad news
all the way around.

Now... there's gonna
be some sh**t'.

That'll be the sheriff
tellin' me he's arrived.

And we're gonna be firin'
back, to tell him where we are.

But no more sh**t'
after that unless you start it.

Go on down the hill, Ben.

I want you to think
about this, Charlie.

Think it through real good.

And when you have,
you just sing out,

and I'll come back up this
hill and I'll walk you down.

Ben, go on, get.

Talked to Hoss. He's all right.

- What now?
- Well, we'll wait.

I told Charlie we'd give him
a chance to think it through.

I think he's gonna
give himself up.

You ain't gonna take
him up on his offer, huh?

Not on your life.

You should.

Old kiddo here don't remember
what town you was in down in Mexico.

He was there. He just forgot.

He's lyin' to protect you.
That's gonna get him ten years.

And it ain't gonna help
your case a whole lot

when they get through tearin'
him up on that witness stand either.

- My pa's innocent.
- Perjury ain't gonna prove that, boy.

Why don't you shut up?

Hold it, boy.

That's the sheriff comin'
in. You watch Hoss.

Right up there
between those rocks.

Get behind that rock.
You're sittin' ducks out there.

He's right, Candy.

Charlie ain't gonna sh**t.

What'd you do that for?
What'd you sh**t him for?

- Charlie was gonna surrender!
- You think he was.

He's got no choice now. He's got
another one of my b*ll*ts in him.

And that sh*t could
cost my son's life.

Get back where you
belong, Cartwright.

I should have known.

He said no sh**t'.
He lied to you, Pa.

No. It wasn't Ben.

He kept his word. It was Jess.

I should have known
he'd never stop tryin'.

- I'll get some bandages.
- No. It's no use, son.

You... You look
out after yourself.

I'll look out.

He lied for you and now
he's gonna k*ll for you.

Why don't you let me stop him?

He's my son. It's my job.

I'll take care of it.

Uh-uh. Don't.

I'm givin' up, Ben.


- Come on there. We got him.
- Hold it!


That reward money's mine.

My b*llet that k*lled him.

There'll be no reward.

The law won't let you profit
from cold-blooded m*rder.

You're gonna stand trial. I
think you'll do time in prison.

I'll get him, Pa. I'll get him.

No, son. I lied to you.

Tried to get us some
money for Mexico.

I... I k*lled that driver.

Don't try to talk, Pa.

I'm sorry, real sorry.

You're a good boy.

You stay that way... for me.

He will, Charlie. We'll give
him all the help he needs.