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01x05 - Secrets

Posted: 01/24/22 16:38
by bunniefuu
You look rough.

Yeah, I didn't sleep well.

I had this dream.

You know, when you're
becoming a grown-up,

those dreams
are perfectly normal.

No, no, like...

Like a nightmare.

Like I was floating
down the corridor.

And there were these people
standing over me,

only they didn't have any faces.

Or, like, maybe they were
wearing masks and...

And then I was in this room,

and there was
this hissing noise.

Like this piercing,
hissing noise and...

I can't remember. Everything was white.

And there were bright lights
shining over you,

getting closer,
you couldn't move.


And you were naked and scared.

How do you know that?

I had that dream.

People don't share dreams.

It doesn't happen.

You had it too, didn't you?

Ah, finally, she's returned.

Did you get over
your fake flu then?


I'm much better now,
if that's what you mean.

Oh, your recovery
time's perfect.

Back in time for breakfast.

I thought you said
that stuff was rank.

Well, today I'm going to try it.

People are allowed
to change, you know.

Yeah, whatever.

We're just swapping

psych-out dream stories.

Wanna play?

I don't really find dreams
all that interesting.

How are you feeling?

Very good. Thank you.

It's good to be back.

It's good to have you back.

Cut it out!

Cut what out?

Whatever this is.

All of you!

Nobody's doing anything, James.

Why don't you calm down?

You always overreact.

You really need to learn
to control your impulses.

You'll be a lot happier.

Serenkov and Roscoe both
sent their sons to Point Blanc.

That's what Ian spots.

That's what he mentions
to Martin Wilby.

And that's what gets him k*lled?

Why would the school go
to the bother of turning Wilby?

It's someone else then.

The school being
the point of connection?

Let's find out.

I interviewed him myself.

Did the background checks
myself. He was clean.

I approved him.
Ian thought the world of him.

Whatever's in your head now,
John, does us no good at all.

You can't just change someone
like that. It's not possible.

It's like they flipped a switch,
and now she's different.

But that's the whole point.
That's Greif's process.

We need to get out of here.
Before they do that to us.

Outside we'd be dead in an hour.

Besides, all the doors
have keypads.

Can't we just
keep plugging in numbers

till we get the right code? No,
we got one chance.

The alarm sounds and
the guards are all over us.

I've tried it before.

What about hacking it?
You could hack it, couldn't you?

And why would you think
I could do that?

Could you do it or not?

I'd need to get
into Greif's office

to access the system
through his computer.

Greif's office has a keypad.

There's a chicken-and-egg
logic issue.

Okay, but if I could get you in,

could you do it?

Okay, then that's what we'll do.

We'll get the code
to Greif's office,

and then use the computer
to hack all the keypads.

Then we'll work out
what to do next. Deal?

Yeah, deal.

At some point,
you're going to have to start

telling me the truth.

About what?

And there you go again.

One sec.

I know you?


It's, uh, at Kellie's party.

Oh, right. Heh.

I threw up on your shoes.

That you did. Heh.

Well, not so cool. Sorry.

No, don't be daft.

They were shit shoes anyway.

You know, just getting
kind of sick of them.

So convict or criminal?

Aren't they the same thing?

Well, technically no.

One got caught
and the other not yet.

Ah.You going?

No... I mean it's a bit... Yeah,
school prom.

Yeah, you know what I mean?
A little bit lame. Heh.

Still, could be a laugh? Yeah, could be.

Could be a laugh. You're right.

Have you asked anyone yet?

Me...? No, not yet.

Me neither.


Well, see ya.

Yeah, see ya?

- That's everything.
- Okay, okay. Great.

And our contact details
are just on the back.

Sorry. Sorry.

Careful, Tom. Oh, don't worry.

That's all right. I'm so sorry.

Harris, you douche.

The year tens are supposed to be
in charge of the dance.

Your children would be
coming into year...?

Year nine, yeah.

Tom Harris, right? Yeah.

Do you know him?

Well, uh...


I have a message from work,
I'm afraid,

so we'll have to reschedule.
Thanks a lot.

You've got my details.
Really appreciate it, thank you.

Take care, bye.Bye.

All right.
Laptop from Wilby's home,

phone from
a concealed compartment

in his gym locker.
On the laptop,

we have a surveillance virus
hijacking the webcam.

Whoever was watching Wilby
would've seen our chaps go in

and cover the flat.

The code self-erased,

so that pipeline is dead.

No joy there.

The phone?

Far more interesting.

The whole thing
is clean and empty.

Almost. There are only two
user-installed items.

Now this
is a cryptocurrency wallet.

It took us a while to find,

but the balance
is just over £700,000.

Couldn't be simpler.
What's the other one?


- What is that?
- That's the mystery.

We're not sure.
The wrong structure for an IBAN

or a bank identifier.

Wrong set length
for Social Security

in pretty much any country.

Wrong bit-depth
for computer-generated code.

Improper sequencing for
a digital digitalized log.

You could be overthinking this.

It's a number in a phone.
Maybe it's a phone number.

It's the wrong format
in any country, I'm afraid.

Well, there's one way
to find out.

You mean, just call it and see?

You are so Scooby Doo.

Yeah, well,
I'm open to better ideas here, okay.

Where did they take Laura

Infirmary. Where's the infirmary?

In the basement. You know
the stairs past the guard post?

Anything else there? I
don't know. I've never been.

They took Sasha there
on my first day here.

Well, we should go down,
we should take a look.

Why do you care so much?

Do you not wanna find out
what they did to her?

Not as much
as I wanna get out of here.

That is what we're doing, right?


So stick to the plan.

Hey. Dr. Greif.


Amazing lecture this morning.
It was inspirational.

And I thought you were sleeping.

No, not at all.
I was just concentrating, man.

And it gave me a lot
to think about, believe me.


I'll see you later, man.



All right. It's not all right.

Are you sure?

Yeah, it's just the three.

He's repeated one.

That makes it easier, right? Wrong.

Between the numerals zero
and nine,

there are 10,000
possible combinations.

If we narrow that down
to four numbers,

we have factorial four

Four times, three times,
two times, one,

equals 24 possible combinations,

except we don't know
which number he repeated.

So things are worse.
And we only get

one chance to make a mistake.

You mean we're still screwed?

No. Wait.

All that stuff Greif said

about getting rid of
99 percent of the population

and leaving 1 percent in charge?

What did that sound like to you?

It sounded like bullshit.

It sounded like one person
deciding the fate

of millions of people,

who lives and who dies.

Make sense faster.

It's the year Hitler was born.

That's his code. I promise you.

All right,
the voice print's set up.

It can say whatever we like.


This is Martin Wilby speaking.

State your identity.

Martin Wilby.

We're disconnected.

Four point three
seconds, no trace.

The number you have dialed

has not been recognized.
Please check and try again.

We've just been played?

No, there's only a handful
of organizations in the world

with this kind of capability.

We just narrowed the field.

Forty-nine minutes
to deliver a pizza.

has been a security breach.

We need you to update
everyone's security protocols.

I understand.

We will need to act quickly.

I'll leave immediately.

State your identity.

Zulu, nine, four,
delta, six, six, three.

Why are you contacting me?

The assignments were completed.

I've made the transfers.

As of today, this number
will no longer function.

We are altering
our security protocols.

Why? Did something go wrong?

New security protocols

will be assigned to you.

Find out if Dr. Baxter
has finished his procedures.

Something's happened.

We may need
to accelerate things.

They're in the basement.

Come on, come on, come on.

I have privileges and...

root access.

Security's on a subsystem, so...

Yeah, there we go.

Key codes are stored
as text files.

I can add ours on top
of the existing codes.

What do you want it to be?
Something simple, just zeroes.

Done. Okay. Cool.

Can you do something for me? What?

Just search a name? Ian Rider.


Who is that? Just do it, please.

Not on system.

Okay, let's go. No.

Not yet. What do you mean?

James is an idiot. No one
is getting down the mountain.

We need our brains,
not muscles. The plan was the keypad.

Let's go. I get online,
I get us proper help.

Blow this place open. Game over.

Come on, come on...

we need to go. Why isn't this working?

Kyra, come on, we gotta go.

Oh, shit, shit, shit.

What? This is a military spec.

You put a physical card
in a physical slot

to get the line to connect.
Who is that paranoid?

It really is excellent work,

It's more than excellent.

It's somewhat ironic
that my greatest achievement

will go very literally

So the money and the
opportunity are not enough?

You also want recognition
for what you've accomplished?

Wouldn't you?

Finish up your notes, doctor.

We'll speak again tonight.

It is excellent work.

But also now he's finished.

Wouldn't you say?

Oh, yes.

We can deal with him
this evening.



Okay, go.

Oops. My bad.
Thought I was alone.

Won't happen again.

My father built a global empire,

but always remained dedicated
to one thing:

Bringing the news to the people

who needed to hear it.

Now more than ever,

that is an ideal
worth fighting for.


Now you shift gear,

pave the way,
tell them what's coming.

Now, there will be changes.

And change is never easy.

Change hurts.

But this is going to be change
for the better.

It certainly is.

I'm flying to London today

to begin
our European restructure.

Now, we have a lot of work
ahead of us,

but I believe that,
with your help,

we will succeed.

Any word from Alex?

No. We're listening,
nothing yet.

You seen this?

Parker's assumed control
of the board.

It's a power grab.

He's after
a controlling interest

in four separate media
companies spanning Europe,

and it's looking
like he's going to get it.

And he just buried his dad.Yes.

This coming from a boy

who used to throw cakes
in peoples' faces for a laugh.

Whatever this school does,
it works.

This is why Michael called me.

This is what was driving him
out of his mind?

Perhaps it's time
I paid Parker Roscoe a visit.

How the hell...?

How did you...?

Your new security protocol.

You shouldn't be here.

Not ever.

Is everything under control?

Of course everything's
under control.

Good. Good.

That's all I needed to hear.

One more thing.

I took this from
the hand of a dead man.

It's an uncomfortable

don't you think?

Him having a photograph

of one of your
billionaire students.

Then look into it.

Find out what it means.

But we're not partners,
Dr. Greif.

One of the services
my employer and I provide

is to make people disappear.

If you decide

that is what is needed
in this case,

then you know what to do.

Although seeing as he's here,

I imagine
you could handle it yourself.

After all,
everything is under control.



Goodbye, doctor.

I hope we don't need
to see each other again.

Can I help you?

Alex... Friend?

Who are you?

Just visiting.

Another time, maybe.

There's a man here to see you.

Get rid of him.

He knows you.

A friend of your father's.

You'll have to deal with this
sort of thing eventually.



My name's Alan Blunt.

Does that name mean anything
to you?

I'm afraid not.

My father knew a lot of people.


I was a very close friend
of your father's,

before you were born.

I just wanted to offer you

my condolences. Thank you.

Can I get you a drink?

No, no. Thank you for
taking the time to see me.

I, uh... I know that you're busy
taking over half of Europe.

You don't miss much, Mr. Blunt.

Oh, well, it's common knowledge.

Look, I wanted to tell you

I got a phone call
from your father,

quite out of the blue,

actually on the day
that he died.

I don't know why he
called me particularly.

But I do know that he was
concerned about you.




Well, I don't know.

Because to my eternal regret...

I missed the call.

Well, I don't know why

he would have been concerned.

I'm fine.

And I see that.

Point Blanc
obviously worked wonders.

How do you know
about Point Blanc?

He mentioned it in his message.

Must've been pretty tough,
getting sent away like that.

But necessary.


Well, I'll let you get on.

You have a lot
of hard work to do.

As my father said:

"He who would live, must fight."


Well, indeed.

Sir? Something's not right.

Put a watch on him.

From what
Stellen-bitch has said,

our chances of getting down
the mountain on foot

are less than zero.

Which means we're gonna need
to borrow a snowmobile.

Now, the keys
aren't locked away,

but if we wanna grab a set
without being seen,

then we're gonna need
a distraction. A big one.

I'll handle that. We maximize
our chances that way.

Get out, get to a phone,
tell people.


I'll stay and help Kyra.

She said it herself,
she can handle it.

I just...

I think I should stay. Why?

Maybe we should ask
Ian Rider? Whoever that is?

Right, well, it's now or never.

Let's do this.

I got that...

Go. Hey.

Shut that noise off.

Well, hello, James?

And where are you going?

There's a...
There's a fire alarm.

You're supposed to go outside.


Well, you can't get out here.

And it's a false alarm anyway.

But I'm really glad
I caught you.

I wanted a quick word.

It won't take long.

Come with me.


You seem to have a habit

of trying to get in places
you're not supposed to.

No one escapes from this school.

I was hoping
you'd have learned that by now.

Although to be quite honest,

I struggle to see
you've learned anything

since you first arrived.

Here at Point Blanc,

we are dedicated to making you
all better people.

I think it's time I showed you
exactly what that means.


Miss Stellenbosch,
sorry to bother you...

"He who would live,
must fight."

It's Mein Kampf.

Why would Parker pass it off
as something his father said?

Michael Roscoe
would never quote Hitler.

I also mentioned Point Blanc.

His friend shut me down

So who is he?

His name is Langham.

He joined Roscorp Media

as Parker's personal assistant

immediately after
Michael Roscoe's death.

Before that, someone's worked
very hard to cover his tracks.

But he turns up in Cape Town,

armed forces originally,

then a dishonorable discharge,

then private security
after that.

His last contract
before he drops off the radar

is at the same
research institute

where Eva Stellenbosch worked.

Why would a school
provide a minder

for one of its graduates?

Whatever this program is,

maybe it doesn't stop
at the school gates.

So they just vanished
into thin air?

Yeah, I know it sounds stupid.

No, not stupid.
Scary and strange.

What are you doing? I wanna find out

what happened to James,
don't you?

Is your plan to dismantle
the whole building

one piece at a time?

What's this?

Put your coin in the slot
and you get to play, right?

I'm betting there's another way
out of Stellenbosch's office,

and it either leads
down to the basement

or up to the second floor.

Either way,
it'll lead us to James.

You're like a ninja.

A really, really bad one.

So this is the second floor?


Alex, I don't like this.

This is my photo.

What is this?


Look at this.

This isn't my
room. That's my room.

Who's in your bed?

I put pillows.

They're watching us.

Not watching. Studying.

Everything we do.

They've copied his graffiti.

Let's get out of here.

So, what do you think of Kyra?

I think we've got
as much out of that one

as we're ever going to.

I agree.

So we can start tidying up
our loose ends,

starting now.

Ah, Doctor.

As I said, a lifetime's work.

These are my completed notes
on the process.


And this is the only copy?

Of course, as you insisted.

I just wanna tell you that your work here

has been astonishing.

I can honestly say

that I couldn't have done this
without you.

What you've accomplished here
at Point Blanc

will help to shape
a better world.

Well, that's very kind of you...

Be proud of yourself.

You have achieved miracles.

Tomorrow will be brighter
because of you.


It's a shame.

But change is never easy.

Have this taken away
and disposed of.

Of course, doctor.

And take care of Kyra tomorrow.
