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01x04 - Deep Cover

Posted: 01/24/22 16:38
by bunniefuu

Come on.

No phones allowed.




You've got good taste in vodka.

Seriously? What, you think

we've not met a teenager before?

Or do you think
you can outsmart us?

You've gotta be kidding me.

Not in the least.

You're one of us now.

What is it?

Yeah, we need to meet.

What's with all the guards?

Our students
are our most precious resource.

We take your safety
very seriously.

You wouldn't want us
getting out you mean.

Heh. Oh, Alex.

Do you want to escape?
To run away?

Be my guest.

It's 20 miles
to the nearest town

and the temperature here
never gets above freezing.

You would be dead of exposure
within the hour.

Do you know, in Siberia,

the Russians didn't even bother
putting fences

around their labor camps?

Because to run away was to die.

And we don't want anything
like that to happen to you.

The importance of a healthy diet
is not just to...

Excuse us, Dr. Baxter.

Of course.

Our new arrival.

Everyone, this is Alex.

Please welcome him
to Point Blanc.

Hi. Hello.

Perhaps you could all
introduce yourselves?

Hi, Alex. I'm Sasha.

Arrash. Good to meet you, Alex.



Kyra, say hello to Alex.

Hello to Alex.

Where are the others?

Oh, there are no others.

This is everyone.

What, like six of us?

Quality not quantity, my boy.

Dr. Greif's program relies
on a very focused approach.

It's not for everyone.

Now that you've met everyone,

would you like to tell us
something about yourself?

My name's Alex Friend.

You've probably heard
of the Friend Foundation?

Well, that's me.

Actually, that's my dad.

What did you do
to get sent here then?


I like smoke-bombed the chapel
a little bit.

That's kind of funny.

Oh, I'm sure Alex thought so
at the time as well.

Although possibly now,
with the benefit of hindsight,

he's realizing that was not
the best life choice to make.

How does that sound, Alex?

Sounds like you and my dad
should get a room.

All right,
we will pick this up later.

James, Laura,
show Alex to his room?

What is it?

Good news. They bought it.

North Korea.

Ian being targeted,
they bought all of it.

What about the school?

You can relax, okay?

They went for Korea
and they got nowhere.

In fact,
they're suspending the file.


They are suspending
the investigation

into Ian Rider's death.

As of now, it is shut down.


They've given up?

Thought you'd like to know.


You sure they're letting it go?

You're clear.

Go home.

What is the situation?

We may have a problem.

Not what you're used to, right?

Two hundred grand for this?

Yeah, and it gets worse.

we do our own laundry,

we clean our own rooms,

we cook the food,
we wash the dishes.

It totally sucks. So, what did you do?

my parents got me a new personal tutor.

This totally up-himself guy.

I couldn't stand him.

He was so serious.

So I shot him.


Only with an air r*fle,
in the ass.

It was soft tissue. He was fine.

You know, but apparently
that was one step too far.

How long have you guys
been here?

Eight weeks.

Three months.

Yeah, three months.

Do you wanna see my place?

Yeah, sure.

Did you do that?

Yeah. I thought, you know,

"You're a precious flower,

You should express
your individuality."

Stellenbitch had
a category one shitfit

when she saw it.

It was totally worth
it. That's actually sick.

So Arrash and Sasha
are around the corner,

Kyra's over there,
and I'm in there.

So how long
do you have to stay here?

Like, when do you get
to go home?

Pfft. When they think
you're ready, I guess.

I bet that Arrash and Sasha
are going home very soon.

I mean, they're like perfect.

What do you think of him?



Of course.

But apart from that?

Physically he looks good,
wouldn't you say?


He's athletic.

He seems clever.
He's not unattractive.

That's disgusting.

You shouldn't be so jealous.

It's to all of our advantage
if he's...


So, what's up there?

Why is there a wall?

No one knows.

Seriously? Yeah, seriously.

It's totally blocked off.

The official line

is it's inconvenient
to heat the whole building.

So when they turned it
into a school,

they blocked that part off.

Me, I think Stellenbitch
keeps the husks

of her used-up lovers up there.

You're so gross, James.

Anyway, that's not true.

Baxter told me
before this place was a school,

they used to store
hazardous chemicals

or some crap like that up there.

And it's in the walls.

So even if you,
like, just breathe it in,

it's instant cancer.

He was yanking your chain.

I don't know.

I don't like it.

Well, let's finish the tour.

I've been saving the best
till last.

So, what about this
Dr Greif? He's in charge, right?

Yeah. In charge
of crawling into our heads.

What does that mean?

He does
these group therapy sessions

so we can get in touch
with our true selves.

And twice a week,

he gets everyone
in the common room here,

sits us all down,

tries to get us in touch
with our feelings.

He's having a tough time
with Kyra.

She does not have feelings.

I think she
prefers machines to people.

Don't take it personally,

She is a machine.

Hey. What are you up to?

Playing Donkey Kong.

Kind of prefer Space Invaders

Any past illnesses?

Long-term hospitalization?


Chicken pox, when I was a kid.

Have you ever undergone
general anesthesia?

Why does that matter?

Well, if anything should happen
and I had to operate on you,

wouldn't you rather
you were anaesthetized?

We have storms up here.

Getting to a hospital
isn't an option.

I'm sure you understand.

Right, uh...

So never had general anesthesia?


1-4-5, you're in good shape.

So I'm okay?

Oh, yes.

Better than okay.

Very good indeed.

Keep going.

Get your tires
kicked and your oil changed?

- Yeah, that was fun.
- At least it got you out

of European Colonial History.

Give me the choice,
I'd probably take the medical.

Look at that.

What's wrong with them?


Have those two
always been like that?

Not sure,
but they're getting weirder by the day.

Cut it out.

So, what does that make us?


Catch you later, man?

What's this?

Oh, didn't they tell you?

Washing up's on the rota.

Me and Laura were yesterday.

Don't let her eat the soap.

See you.

What, all of it?

It builds character.

And what if we don't do
it? What are the guards gonna do?

You really want to find out?

Come on,
we'd better get started.

Yeah, well,
if we're gonna do it,

we might as well liven it up
a bit.

When me and Jack
do the washing up,

we always do this,
like, stupid party thing.

Who's Jack?

No one.

Why were you washing up?

Look. Do you wanna have fun
with this or not?

Fun is not possible with this.

I bet you it is.

Whoo! Hey!

Welcome to the party.

Come on.

Yo, check this out.

If you want
that real Ibiza vibe.

Who is responsible
for this music?


Who is responsible?

Me. Heh.

And all of this?

Yeah, I got that.

And what did you do, Kyra?

Conspicuously failed to dance.

So, you weren't involved.

Go upstairs
and get ready for bed.

You two are going to clean
this mess up.

All of it.

And you, Alex,
are going to come with me.

I think it's time
you met Dr. Greif.

So this is Alex.

Why do you think you're here?

Because of the music?


Why do you think you're here

in my academy at Point Blanc?

What brought you here?

A helicopter?


Very funny.

Eva told me
you had a sense of humor.


let me explain.

You are here
to change the person you are.

This should be
your only concern,

your ultimate aim.

You are what this is all about.

The only subject we teach
is you.

The only teacher we need is you.

Sounds like hippie bullshit.


Do not speak like that
to Dr. Greif.

We are not your parents, Alex.

You need to show us
some respect.

You're not allowed to hit me.

The sooner you realize
that here we are allowed

to do exactly what we like,

the sooner you'll begin
to make some progress.


First day's the worst, they say.

Here's your MP3.

I nabbed it
before anyone else could.

Thanks, man.

Ah, shit.

Who did that?


Oh, man, that's out of order.

That totally sucks.

Oh, it's nothing.

Have you seen anything weird?

Anything strange,
like someone else.

Mate, look at this place.

What's not strange about it?

Why'd you ask? Seen a ghost?

Oh, I don't know.

I'm probably just tired. Yeah.

Well, whatever's lurking
in the shadows,

it's probably better-off
than we are.

At least they don't have

smacking them about.

What was that, James?

You should hurry along now.

Hang tough, man.

Yeah, you too.

I think after closedown

you should really take some time
to consider your attitude, Alex.

You might find things
a lot easier if you do.



Everyone in their rooms
for a proper night's rest.

You can't learn if you're tired,

and you have a lot to learn.

Good night, Alex.

New Kids on the Block.

Awesome, Smithers.

Miss Starbright.
What you doing here?

I need information. Come on.

I know he's
at some sort of school,

but where is it
and what's it called?

I can't tell you.

Look if I have any news,
I'll be in touch.

I'm going crazy sitting at home.

I understand,
but there's nothing I can do.

Miss Starbright,

you were there
the evening when Ian went out.

You mean when Ian got k*lled.

Yes. He made a phone call
just after 8:00.

How do you even know tha...
Of course you do.

I don't suppose you heard
what was said on the call?

No. Not much.

I don't know who
he was talking to.

He wanted them to call someone
in Moscow, a friend.

In Moscow?
You're absolutely sure of that?

Yeah. I was wondering
what he was doing,

banking in Russia,
but, you know...

Okay. Thank you.

I'll be in touch soon.


Excuse me.

So the phone call Ian made
the night of his death

had nothing to do with Varna.

Nothing to do with Korea either.

He'd made the connection
between Serenkov and Roscoe

and he was chasing down
Point Blanc

and he told Wilby.

Wilby called his contact
and they authorized Ian's death.

Shall we detain him?


Wilby's nothing. Watch him.

We need to find out
who he's working for.

Climate change,
resource exhaustion,

polarization of society.

What's brought us to this?

Too many people?


Too many people crammed
into one small world.

Just imagine
that we could have a wand

and remove 99 percent
of those people.


What happens now?

A fresh beginning
for those who remain.

Who would get to choose
that 1 percent?


It's just a thought experiment,

And I know it's not an easy one.

Change is never easy.

Change hurts.

But it can be for the better.


It seems you need
some medical attention.

Why don't you pay Dr. Baxter
a visit down in the infirmary?


Uh, no. I... I'll be fine.

Of course you will.

Off you go.

And this is not a new idea,
by any means.

In the past,
some great men thought

exactly the same way.

Mao, Stalin, the FuĆ¼hrer.

But history has condemned them.

And unfortunately it is only now
that we begin to realize,

perhaps they were right
all along.

Your family sell weapons?

yeah. In it for generations, man.

My great-grandfather invented

this, like, jacketed
water-cooling system

for machine g*ns.

Made a fortune
of getting other people shot.

Heh. Since then we just carry on
the grand tradition.

Tanks, jets, drones,
all sorts of cool shit.

Which is what I tried
to tell my tutor

when I shot him in the ass,
but no one was listening.

So that's arms dealers,
Internet, telecoms,

semiconductors, shipping,

and I'm food and farming,
I guess.

That's kind of odd, right? What is?

Well, like,
where are the pop star kids?

The royalty kids?
Instead, we're all

global industries of some kind,
and we're all different.

What's that got to do
with anything?

Nothing, it's just weird.

Do you know what's really weird?

The freak twins,
in perfect harmony.

we're good to go. He's on the move.

Bug Wilby's entrance hall too.

I want everything covered.


We haven't met.
I'm Martin Wilby.

I worked with Ian.

He mentioned you.

Well, I know it's very late,

but I wondered
if I could come in?


Thank you.

I should have come here sooner.

I just wanted to say
how sorry I am about Ian

and about what happened.

And what did happen, Martin?



I'm sorry?

You're talking
about the car accident?

I know the truth.

What you really do.

And it's not a bank.

Oh. They told you?

They didn't have much choice.

I should've guessed years ago.

Ian hated lying
to the two of you.

It is the worst part of the job.


Why are you here now?

You've never been here before.

I, uh... I wanted to see you.



I feel bad.

I wasn't able to save him.

And I need to know
that you're okay.

Did Ian tell you
where he was going that night?

Oh, Mrs. Jones asked
the same thing.

Did she?

There wasn't much to tell.

What did you tell her?

Nothing really.

Just that he had a call
and he went out.

Look, Martin.

Nobody will tell me anything.

Mrs. Jones just says
everything's all fine,

and I should sit and wait.

But you were Ian's friend,


So you'll tell me the truth.

All right.

Is Alex okay?

Alex? Yeah.

Because I know
you're not allowed to talk

about your work and all,
but I need to know where he is.

Uh, yeah.


Yeah, Ian... Ian mentioned him.

A lot.

He showed me photos sometimes.

He's a good-looking boy.

I'm worried sick, Martin.

I just need the name
of the school.

When did this happen?


I thought you knew?


Hello? MRS. JONES: Jack.

Is Martin Wilby with you?


Right, listen to me.

You do not tell him anything.
And do not mention Alex.


Mrs. Jones, what's going on?

I thought he was one of you.

This is Jones. I want Wilby
brought in right now.

Well, then find him.
You had him a moment ago.

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

Let's go!


Where's Laura? Faking flu

to get out of this horror show
is my guess.

Greif shows us his dumb films
every week.

Get those sacks, boys!

There's something weird
about you.

Not bad weird, exactly, just...


Like you don't really
belong here.

Whoa, what are you doing?

Do you think I'm pretty?

I do.

I'm lucky. I think
I'm much prettier than Laura.

It's an asset.

Do you wanna kiss me?


Why not?

What are you doing?


Don't you like kissing?

No, I just don't like
kissing you.

You should have enjoyed it

while you had the chance.

We're closing.

I've left something
in my locker.

I'll be two minutes.

A bit late
to be taking exercise.

You're making a mistake.
They don't know anything.

They're nowhere near me.

I really wish that was true,

I have information. Okay.

You're in danger.
I came here to call you.

All right.

Tell me. It's true, I swear. I promise...

Come on.


Excuse me? Is this my room

or can anyone just walk in...?

No, I just came
to wish you good night.

And see how you're settling in.

I'll be fine when I'm on my own.


Sleep well, then.


He's ready.