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01x01 - Lies

Posted: 01/24/22 16:06
by bunniefuu

Well, I'm on my way.

Okay, Dad.

I'll see you later.

You got plans today?

There's an exhibition
at the Rubin.

Faith and Empire.


Sounds interesting.

I thought so.

Well, maybe we could get lunch
or something later.

I'd like that.

Suzie, change of plans.

Cancel my 3:00
with Senator Andrews

and tell Parker
we gotta reschedule our lunch.

And get the jet ready
for a trip to London.

This is Alan
Blunt. Leave a message.

Yeah, Alan,
it's Michael Roscoe here.

I need to talk to you.

It's, um...

It's a little difficult
to explain.

It's about Parker.

I'm coming to London.

I think I may be
going out of my mind.


Not doing it.

Hey, come on, mate.

No. No.Two minutes.

Just two minutes' worth of film.

Haven't you got a lesson
to go to?

No, we can get it on the walk.Oh...

The thing I most remember
about Tom at school

was his creative determination,
his drive.

That's what
really set him apart.

Just talking about it now,

almost as if I can still
see him, right in front of me.

If you don't take it seriously
it's gonna look stupid.

It's stupid. How can you do
a Making Of documentary

when you haven't made
any movies?

sh**ting out of sequence.

"get someone else to do it."

Very witty, smart.
Looks good on you.

Well, it was Jahid's idea.
Get Jahid to do it then.

Jahid had another idea.

He said,
"Oh, that's a really good idea."

We should get footage tonight
at the party

that Ayisha's going to."What?

That perked you up a bit.
I knew that would work on you.

Which party? Typical, so predictable.

You won't do anything for
your friends, but the ladies...

When we talk about the classics,

we think about ominous,
dusty, Victorian tomes

and forget that these books
were written to be enjoyed.

How come Jahid knows
about the party

but doesn't know where it
is? Because he's not invited.

He was in a stall in the girls'
toilets when he overheard.

Lianne tell Kellie
she and Ayisha were going.

What was Jahid doing
in the girls' toilets?

That's what you're choosing
to focus on here?

How can we go to the party
if we don't have an address?

Who says I don't have
an address?

Phone. Right now.

No, I was getting
my phone out to...

You know the rules.


See you tomorrow, gents.

We all have our own
particular set of skills.

This is a more
your-skills thing.

You got it confiscated,
you get it back.

The lights are low.

You're next to Ayisha.

The magic starts to happen.

Or a horror movie marathon
and a long cold shower.

It's your call.

Everything all right, Tom?

Yep. Yes, sir, all good.

All right. Get home safe. Will do.

Excuse me. So sorry. Can
I borrow your phone? No.

No, like really quickly,
just like two minutes. No.

I need to make
an emergency call.

I'll give it back to you.

Don't do anything
like calling Australia

or anything like that. No, no, no.

Got it. Abort, abort, abort.




For heaven's sake, Alex,

what were you thinking?

I forgot my coursework.

Don't lie.

Tom's phone got confiscated.

All I was doing
was getting it back.

By breaking into school?

Seemed like a plan at the time. Did it?

You should answer that.

And put it on speaker phone,

Yeah? EDDIE: You and Alex

coming to the party?
I texted you.

Tom and Alex won't be available

for any parties this weekend.

They've got a lot of revision
to be getting on with.

Put that in the glove box,

Come on. Actions have consequences.

Put it in the glove box. Now.

There's no food in the fridge.

Your uncle
looked a little uptight.

He's always uptight.

What did you do this time? Nothing.

That's a lie. Okay, something.

It's just he wants me
to be just like him.

What's wrong with that?

Jack, come on. He's the world's
most boring man.

He works at a bank.
His casual wear is gray.

You guys go scuba diving
in the Med.

Canopy climbing in the jungle.

And that thing with the yurts
and the camel dung,

that was not boring.

It was disgusting,
but it wasn't boring.

What is that? It's just cutlery?

Is that how you set
the table? It's takeout.

No. It's dinner
that I cooked from scratch.

You forgot to buy food again?

I had stuff. Important stuff.

So, what we're gonna do
is we're gonna take this wok

and take a little sauce
out of here and put it here.

We're gonna throw
all these empty containers

into the trash and we're
never gonna speak of this again.

You really have this down
to a fine art.

Shut up.

Oh, by the way, you owe me half.

You were supposed to buy food.

If I chip in for this,
can you talk to him?

Come on, Alex.

You have to fight
your own battles.

Is it difficult time,
Mr. Roscoe?

I thought we had
a no-devices-at-dinner rule?

This is work. Michael Roscoe was
a client of ours at the bank.

Parker looks so weird in a suit.

How do you know Parker Roscoe?

I'll see if I can find it.

This is called Having
Your Cake and Eating It.

Everybody needs cake.

An operation of this magnitude

takes a lot of people,
but I'd especially like...

what is the matter with you?

I'm so sorry.

Hey, Dad, say "cheese".

Ooh. Wow.

It kind of puts things
into perspective,

like getting your mate's
phone back from school

isn't such a big deal.

When was this?

Like last year.Mm-hm.

Oh, his dad had some hissy fit
and sent him off somewhere

to get straightened out.
And now he's in a suit.

Sent him off somewhere?
What do you mean?

You know, like a boot camp.

That sounds like a good idea,
doesn't it, Jack?

You remember the name?



It was only mentioned
in the comments.

Somewhere in France.

Martin, hi, yes.

Sorry to bother you so late,
something's come up.

Do you remember Serenkov?

Yeah, he had a son, didn't he?

And there were issues there,
I think,

and he got sent to a school.

For troubled kids. I think that
school was called Point Blanc.

Just one sec.

Yeah, could you call our friend
in Moscow and double-check?



You wanted a word?

I did, I did.

The school tried
calling you today,

but you didn't pick up. Yeah,
sorry about that.

It's okay, though, right?
You got there.

Yeah, I did, I did.
I was just a little concerned.

Because, um...

Well, you know Alex,
he's bright and he's determined,

and he questions everything.

But he can be impulsive,
and he can be irresponsible.

I need you to help
set him clear boundaries.

He's not a kid anymore.

He doesn't need me
to tie his shoelaces

and pack his lunch
and run his life.

He can do that all himself.

You hold this place together,
Jack, remember that.

I got my graduation papers.



Well done.

What's...? It's been six years?

Six years. Six years.

Well done. We should celebrate.
You shouldn't have cooked.

We should've got a takeaway,
opened some champagne.


was supposed to be
a part-time thing.

While I got my degree.

And now you've passed.

Are you saying
you want to leave?

I don't want to...

Sorry, it's work. Go on, it's okay.

Sorry, Jack.


What, he took it off you?

I know.

I told him,
but you know what he's like.

It's just in the car. I can
get it later, it'll be fine.

All right. Well, anyway, Jahid
sorted us out the address.

I know where it's on.
You coming?

I'm not allowed out.
I'm grounded.

Dude, are you serious?
It's a party.

Look. Hold on one sec.

Sorry, big man,
it's just constant with...

Look, I'm not
going by myself, man.

If you're... I've to go back to the office.

I'll see you later?


Oh, Alex. That, um...

That school
you were talking about,

wasn't Point Blanc, was it?

Yeah. Why?

No reason, just well-remembered.

And the window of opportunity
swings open.

Come on through.

- He's quite a tosser.
- Someone might like it.

Why don't we try it?

Um, sports.

Yup. Of course.

Of course it is.
Hey, don't try and work.

Heh. Hey.

Hey, man, you've got your own.

So, what have you got?

Well, it's kind
of interesting, actually.

I called our friend in Moscow,
but he's not there.

Turns out he's here, in London.

Really? Yeah.

Yeah, and he says
he wants to see us.

Look, everything was normal.

We're talking, he's fine.

Then I mentioned
this school of yours,

there is one hell of a reaction.

What kind of a reaction?

The second I mentioned
Point Blanc,

he clams up.

He's completely paranoid
all of a sudden.

He won't say another word
over the phone.

So why are we meeting
at this place?

Zero surveillance?

Like I say, he's paranoid.

Did you shave?

Why would I shave?

There's nothing to shave.
Stole some cologne, though.

That's why I'm asking.


Welcome to the party,
man. This is the party.

See you in a bit.

We're not expecting
any trouble, are we?

No. But unexpected trouble's
always the worst kind.

scripts are just copy and paste.

There's no real feeling
behind it.

There's no energy, you know
what I mean? It's just...

And that's what's so great
about the X-Men movies.

Well, I always thought it was
just mutants with superpowers.

Well, I mean, yeah,

but the thing with X-Men

is they're hidden
in plain sight.

They walk among us, but they
keep themselves to themselves.

Until they don't,

and people realize

and people react with fear

and confrontation and paranoia.

Oh, Ayisha.

Oh, hey, uh...


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hey, uh... Hey.

We have... Uh, history.

Yeah. History together, yeah.

What is that?

I think it's like beer
and vodka and like whiskey.

There's a guy back there,
he's making them.

Yeah, that is beer
and vodka and whiskey.


I'll see you around then.Yeah.

See you.

The X-Men, that's got real grit.

That's real. You know?

The whole thing
is like a metaphor

for the LGBTQ community.

I mean, just swapped superpowers
for socially permissible sex.

I mean, the X-gene even
kicks in during puberty.

And it's like their version
of coming out, you know.

You're kind of hot.

You know that?

I... Well, I...

Shit! Shit.

Oh, are you...? I...
I'm so... You...

I am gonna... You stay there.

I think I pulled?

Yeah? Yeah.

Drink? Drink.Drink.

Drink.Drink. Drink.

Something doesn't feel right,

I agree.



Small world, no?

How was New York?

I didn't see much of it.

Mainly the inside
of an elevator shaft.

And Serenkov?


Wasn't me.

Someone else.

Where do we go from here, Yas?

Well, I'm afraid
you're not going anywhere.

Drop the g*n.


You have no idea
who you're working for.

I know what I'm being paid.

You really think
you're gonna be around

long enough to enjoy it, do you?

Drop the g*n.

Who else have you told
about this?

No one. He was just running down
a hunch, that's all.

No one knows.

And this meeting?

I hid it in the Varna files,
like you asked.

I'm sorry, Ian.

I really am.

So am I.

You did very well.

Blunt's never gonna believe
Varna as a cover.

Well, maybe you're right,
but don't worry.

We've done
this sort of thing before.

If you don't mind?

So keep pressure on the wound
and, um, breathe easy

and go call it in.

I want to see him.

I'm sorry.

The crash was very bad.

I want to.

It's best you don't.

I don't understand.

It was a head-on collision,

and your uncle
was over the speed limit,

so there's a lot of damage
to the body.

I don't understand. He...

He wouldn't...

We started a full forensic sweep
at 1 a.m.

It's taking longer
than we would like.

It's very clean. We'll have
ballistics later today,

but it was a 9 mm p*stol.

Wilby is back at the department.

He was lucky.

Let me speak to him.

And what about the boy?

You do it.

First his parents,
now his uncle.

Ian was more than a
colleague. He was our friend.

All of us at the bank
are here for you, Alex.

They say he was
over the speed limit.

Yes. I understand
that was the case.

He never did that. Never.

Sometimes people make mistakes.

Not my uncle.

Alex, if there's
anything you need,

anything at all,
my number's on there.

Point Blanc.

I'm sorry?

It's the last thing
he said to me

before he went out.

He wrote it on his desk.

Where was he going?

I don't know.
But we'll find out.

So he called you?


Ian said he had new information
about the Varna file,

and he wanted me
to come with him.

As backup? Yeah.

So he was expecting trouble.

He didn't say.

Varna was a data-focused

When we trace that
all the way back,

we're gonna find
a sweaty Maths graduate

with a broadband connection.

People like that
don't carry g*ns

and don't get the drop
on people like us.

So it's obviously not that.

Well, then if it wasn't Varna,
then what was it?

I don't know.

He didn't mention anything else?

No other connections,


None. Nothing at all.

Hi, Tom.

How is he?

He's upstairs.

No, Rider.


Yeah, well, can you check again?


How are you doing?

Well, I mean,
I know you're not good.


Um... It's all right. I'm okay.

Look, man, I'm no good at this,

so we can talk
or we could watch a film...

I can't find
where they took him.

There's no hospital record,
no mortuary transfer.

There's nothing.

Mate, this really
doesn't matter.

No hospital in London has any
record of him being brought in.

Maybe they spelt his name wrong.

They're always doing stuff
like that.

Yeah, or maybe it didn't happen. What?

He never went over
the speed limit. Never.

Mate, I can't imagine
how hard this is for you, but...

But what if it's bollocks?
All of it?

What if it's bullshit?
What if they're lying?


Have you got...? Have you got
Find My Phone switched on?

What? On your phone.

Have you got Find My Phone
switched on?

The battery's probably dead now.

Doesn't matter. It will have
saved the last location.

How's this gonna help?

We find your phone,
we find the car,

maybe we can find out
what really happened.


Okay. Come on.


Where's that?

Somewhere by the river.
Some kind of industrial estate.

Why would your uncle go there?

Yeah, Alan,
it's Michael Roscoe.

I need to talk to you.
It's not...

It's not easy to explain.
It's about Parker.

I'm coming to London.
I may be losing my mind.

Roscoe's death
reminded Ian of something.

Another case entirely.

Gregoriy Serenkov from Moscow.

He died in a yachting accident.
He had a son too.

And this was found
in his apartment in London.

We didn't think
it meant anything.

Then we found this.

That's Roscoe's study
just after he died.

Point Blanc.

It's a school
for troubled teenagers.

How did you make
that connection?

I didn't.

Alex Rider did.

Stay here.

All right! Let's wrap this up.

I want this area swept and clear
by 1900.

Let's get the car printed
and moved on.

If anyone asks,
it's the usual cover story.

All right! Let's wrap this up.

I want this area swept
and clear by 1900.

Let's get the car printed
and moved on.

If anyone asks...

Oy! What are you doing here?

Alex, leave it.

Leave him, man!

Jesus Christ.

Right, who was that man?

What did you see?
Is it about Ian?

Do they know...?

What happened, man?

Can you do something for me? What?

Go home, tell Jack
I'll be back later.


Just do it!

Well, call me.

I don't have...
Don't have a phone.

Good evening, Alex.

I know Krav Maga.Well...

I know sh**ting people
in the head.

Why don't we calm down

and have a cup of tea
and a chat?

this is very embarrassing, isn't it?

He sees straight
through our cover,

traces his uncle's car
to the scene of his death

with remarkable ingenuity.

Gives one of our agents
a broken nose

for trying to apprehend him

then follows you
all the way across London

and finds his way here.

I find it very impressive.

He's a walking security breach.

An emotionally unstable teenager
who knows who we are

and who assaulted
one of our people.

And isn't that exactly
what we need?

An emotionally unstable

So he didn't work in a bank,

He worked for us.

And who are you?

Who do you think we are?

Security Services.

MI6 or something.

Or something is about right.

My name's Alan Blunt.

I'm in charge
of this department.

We are a specialized subdivision

of the British Secret
Intelligence Service.

MI6 gather information,
we apply it.

We take care
of the bigger picture,

and we use any means necessary.

And your uncle was one
of our very best field agents.

He lied to me.

My whole life.

Who he was, what he did.

Secrecy is
an occupational necessity

in our line of work.

Your uncle was shot
and k*lled doing his job.

There was no car crash,

But you know that already

because you are very much
your uncle's nephew.

And why does that matter

Because there's something
we'd like you to do for us.


A job.

You want me to help you?

He died in some scummy warehouse

because of you.

You can piss off.

All of you can piss off.

Just pick up the phone
in the morning, Alex,

if you change your mind.

This is just wrong.

The world is changing,
Mrs. Jones.

If we play by the old rules,

we're going to lose
the new battles.


He shouldn't have died.

I know.

He shouldn't.

They shouldn't have let him.

Sweetie, it was an accident.

No one can stop that.

No. It wasn't.

Someone did this.

Someone did this to us.


Jack Starbright? Yeah?

Home Office
Immigration Department.

Mind if we come in? JACK: Uh, I suppose.

May we see your passport
and visa, please?

Why? Your passport, Miss Starbright.

This won't take long.

What's all this about?

Yeah, this looks fake. JACK: What?

I'm afraid
this visa is not valid.

We have a deportation order
in your name, Miss Starbright.

How long have you been working
as a housekeeper?

Alex Rider? Yeah?

Child Protective Services.
Can I come in?

I suppose.

Not wrong, I can assure you.

What's all this about?

You were told
about the care order?

No. What?

There's no longer a responsible
adult in the house.

We have to relocate you. Relocate me?

You should've been told. I'm here with him.

I don't need anybody...

Got an overnight bag
you can gather?

Some clothes and a toothbrush?

You're not help...

Wait. Wait! Wait!


Just wait. A moment. Please.

I don't even need to dial, do I?

You're listening right now.

I was gonna come in.
I was already going to.

All you've done is show me
what kind of people you are.

But I'll do it, all right?

I'll do it.

Call off the dogs.

Go ahead.


What the hell? What was that? Jack,
I have to go out.

No. Alex, tell me
what's happening.

I can't. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'll be right back, I promise.

Alex. You saw what they can do.

They can deport you,
take you away.

I'll be right back, I promise.