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09x12 - The Big Blue

Posted: 01/23/22 07:05
by bunniefuu
-Cody: good morning mitch.


-What are you looking for?

-A couple of friends.

-In the sky?



-'Morning guys.
-'Morning guys!

-What's up?

-I thought you
guys were going

Diving for lobster.

-We are.

-Yeah, what's going on?
Aren't you coming?

-I got an offer
I can't refuse.

-Cody is a lifeguard on
a commercial sh**t today.


-Pays double over time,
man, need the cash.

-I knew you were just
in it for the money.

-Mitch: ah there they are.

-Jessie: who?

-Cody: where?

-Mitch: is that a
thing of beauty or what?

-J.d.: What are
you talking about?

-Golden knights.

-Let me see.

-Jessie: who are
the golden knights?

-Mitch: army
precision jump team.

-Cody: wow, are they
like the green berets?

-Well they use to be
with special forces.

Now they jump for
the army, air shows,

International competition.

-Jessie: wow now
that's cool.

-Mitch: best in the world.


Where are they
gonna land?

-Jessie: it looks like
they're coming down right here.

-Mitch: just watch.


-[Theme music plays]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready,
I'll be ready ♪

♪ Never you fear,
no don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here


Hey, thanks for
dropping in.

Could you be a little
closer next time?

-We'll work on it.

-Good to see you.

-It's good to
see you too, mitch.

-What's it been?
Eight years?

-Yeah, yeah, and you
haven't changed a bit.

-Is that tracy?

-That's her.


I really appreciate
you doing this man.

-Well I just hope
it works out.

As far as I can see
she and her father

Aren't on the best terms.

-Well they haven't
spoken since she enlisted.

He asked me to try
and talk to her.

-And being a good soldier
you couldn't say no.

-Well, he really wants
her at the ceremony.

-Well, all I can
say is good luck.

Sargeant mccabe,
front and center.

-Tracy: yes sir.

-At ease.

-Hi, tracy.


Mitch buchannon.

-Good memory.

-Like I would
ever forget.

-Long time, huh?

-[Tracy laughing]

-Well you look
great in a uniform.

Even though it is
an army uniform.

-My father didn't tell
you I was a traitor?

-Well he mentioned it.

Anyway, I'm really
proud of you.

-Thank you, mitch.

So you two
know each other?

-Colonel frasier trained
me during desert storm.

-Is that the last
time you jumped?

-I bet once since
then, that's it.

-Excuse me mitch.

-What's up, jess?

-I was wondering if I could
answer your friend a question.

-Oh yeah, ben,
tracy, this is jessie

Owens, one of our
top young lifeguards.

Tracy's father was my commander
when I was a navy seal.

-So what is your
question, jessie?

-Well, in my spare time
I'm also trying to become

A stunt woman, one of the
things that they always ask

Is if I know
how to skydive.
-Do you?

-No, but I'd really
like to learn.

-Why don't you
go up with us?

We tandem jump
all the time.


-Sure, why not?

Mitch is gonna do it.
-I am?


As long as we can
whip you into shape.

-[All laughing]

-I'll definitely do it.

-Well you'll have
to train first.

-Right, just tell
me when and where.

-Okay, I'll call you
and we'll set up a time.

-Thank you so
much you guys,

I mean officers, I mean--

-You're welcome, jessie.


-Come on, I'll
show you around.

-All right.

-Tracy: all right.

-[Slow music]

♪ Falling faster

♪ Treading water

♪ Facing forward

♪ Beauty captured

♪ Take me on

♪ Make me want to

♪ Keep your haunting

♪ Majesty

♪ I'll satisfy your wanderlust

♪ Your siren is a dream to keep

♪ I'll fill your lungs

♪ Just breathe my love in

♪ Just breathe my love in

♪ Just breathe my love in

♪ Just like you

-Whoa, that's a wrap.

-Hey, it looks your crew is
gonna be busy for a while,

Want a lift home?

-Ah, that'd be great.

-All right.

-Meghan, where're you going?

-You just said we wrapped.

-Well hop on my boat,
I'll take you back.

-I've got a ride.

-You sure?


-I'll call you later,
we'll grab some dinner, huh?

-No, jared, I
don't think so.


-I'm ready when you are.

-All right.

-[Boat engine revs]

-J.d.: All right we got
a pretty good haul here.

-I wanna go back
down one more time.

-Jess, we got all
the lobsters we need.

-Come on, j.d.

I saw a big one
on the way up.

I just checked the tanks,
we have enough air left

For one more dive.


-All right, one more
dive and that's it.


Come on!

-Cody: so what's the
deal with the director?

-He's my ex.

-Cody: husband?

-No, boyfriend.

-He can't seem to accept that
we're not together anymore.

-Must be real fun
working together.

-I don't really have
much of a choice.

Modeling pays the bills
so that I can concentrate
on my diving.

That's really why I'm here, for
the nationals in free diving.

It'll determine who's
on world cup team.

So how far can
you go down?

-I hold a national
record, a 165 feet.

-Straight down,

-Yeah, just a
mask and fins.

-That's pretty amazing.


-[Slow music]

-[Dramatic music]

-[Jessie groaning]


-[Intense music]

-Kmf295, this is hunter
sail, I got a diver down.

Two miles south
of venice pier.

-This is rescue boat three,
what's your emergency?

-Jessie is
trapped in a cave.

She's almost out of air.

-Hold tight, we'll be
there in three minutes.

Hold on.

-[Boat engine accelerating]


-[Slow intense music]

-Where's jessie,
still trapped?

-Yeah, and the
amount of air

She's got less than one
minute left in her t*nk.

Hey, my t*nk
is totally dry.

All I've got is three
minutes of spare air.

-I got three minutes too.

-We need any more than
that we're in trouble man.

Let's do it.

-[Slow music]

-[Gasping for air]

-J.d.: Come on,
right over here.

-[Breathing heavily]


-Thank you.

-Cutting it awfully
close down there.

-[Breahing heavily]

J.d.: You all right?

-[Breathing heavily]


-Whoa, whoa.

All right, down easy.

-J.d.: What happened?

-Check her vitals.

She's breathing.

-She has a pulse.

-She probably just passed
out from exhaustion.

Meghan, you all right?

-[Breathing heavily]


-Let's help her up.

You all right?

-Yeah, I just sort
of got light headed.

Must've worn myself out.

-Thank you.

-I don't get it.

Yesterday you get trapped
in a cave and nearly die

And now you wanna
go up 20,000 feet

To jump out of an airplane.

-Yeah, so what's your point?

-It just doesn't
make any sense, jess.

-It does to me.


-Because I've always wanted
to feel what it's like

To fly through the air.

They say the minute of free
fall before your chute opens

Is the most incredible rush
that you can experience.

Plus, it's a chance to learn
from the best instructors

In the world.

Look, if you want, I'll
ask if you can come too.

-Oh no, that's okay.

Call me your basic wimp, but
falling out of an airplane

Four miles above the earth

Is not my idea
of a good time.

-Okay, wimp.

-Tracy: so, I worked
out with jessie today,

She's really nice.

-Mitch: she's great.

-Tracy: yeah she's
an incredible athlete.

-Hey don't recruit her.

I'm shorthanded
enough as it is.

-Don't worry.

Did you know,
when I was 14,

I had the biggest
crush on you?

-You did not.

-First time I saw you, you
were wearing your dress whites.

My heart was pounding so
loud, I didn't hear your name.


-Tracy I wanna talk
to you about something.

-My father getting
the navy cross?

-You know about
the ceremony?

-I was going to say something
when you asked me to dinner

But I thought you might
rescind the invitation.

-So you're going to
attend the ceremony?




Mitch, do you remember the
movie the great santini?

Robert duvall plays a navy
pilot who everybody loves

And admires except
his own wife and kids.

That was my father.

He ran his family
like a platoon.

And when I left
that house I swore

I would never go back

And I intend to
keep my word.

Now I'm sorry he dragged you
into this, he had no right.

-No he had every right.

And he didn't drag me
into it, I volunteered.

You wanna know why?


-Eight years ago
the gulf w*r.

I was called up
on active duty.

We trained for two weeks

Then we got shipped
to a destroyer off
the coast of kuwait.

Some of the staff from
the american embassy

Had been in hiding
since the iraqi invasion.

Our mission was to go
in and bring them out.

We were coming in from
the marshes off shore

And we got spotted by
an iraqi patrol boat.

All hell broke loose.



-[Enemy fire splashing]

-[Muffled screaming]


-Over here!

-Man in water:
we're falling back.



-Bear in mind, I wouldn't
be here to tell that story

If it weren't
for your father.

Very, very few people
get the navy cross.

As a soldier I think
you should know that.

-As a soldier
I respect him.

As his daughter, I
lost respect for him

A long time ago.

Now, mitch, I know
you mean well

But there is nothing
that you can say or do

That would change
the way I feel.


What's wrong,
are you okay?

-Jared found out I was taken
to the hospital yesterday.

He's saying
I blacked out.

He reported me
to the officials

And now I might
get disqualified.

-What for?

-If the officials think that
there's a self-imposed danger

They can prevent
you from competing.

They're really strict about
staying within your limits.

-Why would jared
report you?

-I just found out
he's entered himself

Into the competition.

-Wait a second, I thought
jared directed commercials.

-Well he use to free dive

And actually he's the
one that got me into it.

But the better I got the
more competitive he became.

-Sounds like jared ol' boy
has got some serious issues.

-Yeah well he
started training alone

So that I wouldn't
know his depths.

And that's just something
you do not do in this sport.

It's way too dangerous because
of shallow water blackout.

Anyway, one day he did
blackout and he would've died

If some scuba divers
hadn't found him.

He quit after that.

Now his obsession is me.

Either making
me or breaking me.

-[Slow music]

♪ Nothing's gonna stop me breathing in
breathing out ♪

♪ Strength that's inside, there's no fear
theirs no doubt ♪

♪ Whoa

♪ I'm breathing in

♪ I'm breathing out

♪ Your faith in me

♪ Gives me no doubt

♪ I'm breathing in

♪ I'm breathing out

♪ Here I go

♪ Oh oh oh oh

♪ Oh I'm diving deeper in

♪ Oh oh oh oh

♪ Oh I'm diving deeper in


She's not coming, is she?

-Well it's not definite.

-Don't give me that bull.

I could tell how
a mission went

Just by looking
in your eyes.

What the hell.

It was a long shot anyway.

-I was a lot like tracy
when my father served.

Stubborn, I know
should've been forgiving.

-I never expected
her to forgive me.

I just wanted to
see her again.

-I'm sorry, sir.

-What are you sorry about?

It's not your fault.

It's me that screwed up.

-Well, I could give
it one more shot.

I'm tandem jumping
with tracy tomorrow.

-There's no point in
flogging a dead horse.

Besides you can't
re-write history.

All you can do is just hope
that the next generation

Learns from
our mistakes.

-Tracy: does that
feel snug enough?

I want it to be just snug
enough but not too tight.

Okay, how about that way?

-Jessie: better.

-Tracy: let's go.

-Man: yeah I
thought it was great.


-Got bad news about
commander mccabe.

-How bad?

-Doctors are the va say
he's got six months to live.

-I had a feeling it
was something like that.

-Do you wanna tell
her or should i?

I know how close you are.

-No, no, I'll
tell her, thanks.

-Might wanna wait until
after the jump, huh.

-Are you ready to skydive?


-You nervous?

-You kidding, piece
of cake, let's go!

-Sir, we're picking
up a distress call
from the coast guard.

-They give a location?

-Back side of catalina
island, pirate's cove.

-Pirate's cove?
There's no access
by boat ben.

-Adjust course.

Set wind and altitude
direction, we're going in.

-Yes sir!

-All right.

-Ben: everybody hang on.

-Mitch: I see
them on the beach.

-We're gonna have to
land in that front cove.

It's the only place.

-Let's do it.

You okay with this?

-She's in good hands.

-Yeah, I just wanna get
to those people in time.











There's a victim trapped
on the rock down there.

He's not gonna make it.

Can you invert and
get me close to him?

-Ben: we're about
to find out.

-All right.

Drop me at a 100 feet.

-You got it.

-[Intense music]

-Can you land
right over there?

-Yes, I think so.


-Mitch: I gotchya.

Grab my arm.

All right, easy.


[Breathing heavily]


-Mitch: you all right?


Where the hell
did you come from?

-Up there.

-Mitch, I need help,
she's not breathing.

-He's breathing.

His pulse is strong.

-Still no pulse, begin cpr.

-One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

-Still strong.

He's gonna be okay.

-One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three.


-Mitch: okay, just cough it
out, come on, that's good.

That a girl.

All right, take it easy.

All right, all right.

Here comes the coastguard.



-Woman: get ready!

-Thanks for helping me clear
up that misunderstanding

With the officials.

-You didn't blackout.

There's no reason you
shouldn't be diving

In this competition.

-Announcer: mark
kenter made it to--

-Yeah, alright, good job!


congratulations mark.

He now moves into
the number one spot

In the competition.

Next on the platform is a
diver who has just returned

To the sport, jared--

-What's his problem?
-Announcer: jared mcguire.

-I'm diving after him.

It means that I'm
planning to dive deeper.

-Announcer: jared is from fort
myers florida and plans--

-You think he can
dive to 165 feet?

-Well he never has before.

-J.d.: He's kind of tense.

-And I think he is.

I guess we'll see.

-Announcer: 30 seconds.

-[Cheering and applause]

-Announcer: 15 seconds.

-[Cheers and applause]

-Announcer: zero seconds.

Jared mcguire has
made the dive.

He has made 165 feet.

-Come on.

-[Dramatic music]

-Diver in water: we got
black out, black out!

-Let's go.

-Black out! Paramedics!

-Cody: let's go j.d.

-Black out, help me.

Cody, j.d., Help!

-Meghan: come on,
guys, get him out.

Get him out.

Watch his head,
watch his head.

-I got his head,
I got his head.

Check his vitals.

-No pulse, he's not
breathing, begin cpr.


-One, two, three.

-Get that ambu bag in here.

-J.d: four, five.

-Meghan: come
on jared breath.

-One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

-Cody: come on.

-One, two, three, four, five.

-Come on, jared,
come on, come on.

-One, two, three, four, five.


-Cody: all right,
sit him up.


I'm fine.

What's the matter
with you guys?

I'm totally fine.

-Announcer: jared mcguire
has been disqualified

From the competition.

The last diver is
meghan henderson

From naples, florida.

Meghan plans
to dive 175 feet.

This will mark a two minute
warning for meghan henderson.

-Don't worry about
jared, he's gonna be fine.

Stay focused and relax.

You can do it.

-Announcer: 30 seconds.

-[Breathing deeply]

-Announcer: 15 seconds.

-[Slow music]

-[Gasping for air]

-[Cheering and applause]

-Announcer: we have a
new national record, 175 feet

Set by meghan henderson.

-J.d.: Way to go, champ!

-[Cheering and applause]



You're gonna hate
me, but I gave jessie

The name of a
recruiting officer.

-Yeah, she told me.

-That rescue really got
her jazzed about jumping.

-Tracy, there's something
I have to tell you

About your father.

-I thought we were
through talking about him.

-He's dying.


-He has inoperable
brain cancer.

I just found out.

I'm sorry.

-Oh god.

-So what's this all about?

You told me we
were going fishing.

I hate that beach, damn it.

I want some answers now.

-Well, since you
canceled the ceremony,

I thought we'd have
one of our own.

-[Soft music]


I've missed you so much.

-Congratulations, daddy.

-Commander mc gabe:
I love you.

-[Triumphant music]

-[End theme playing]