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09x11 - The Edge

Posted: 01/23/22 07:03
by bunniefuu
"The edge"

[Water splashing]

Swimmers, take your mark!

[Faint shouting]



[Frustrated groaning]

[Opening theme song]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ The edge of surrender's
in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry
it's going to be all right ♪

♪ Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here


Yeah, you too.

All right.

Hey, are you cody madison?

The odds on favorite
for the '96 team until a diving

Accident kept you from competing
in the olympic trials?

You've got me confused
with someone else.

No, I don't think so,
I've been following your career

Ever since you swam
for pepperdine.

I was getting my m.b.a. There
at the time.

I didn't know
you were planning a comeback.

I wouldn't exactly call that
a comeback.

Not after today.

No offense, cody,

But you're not ready
to compete at this level.

Now, I'm not saying
that you're washed up,

Not by any means,

But just out of curiosity,
how much do you weigh?

Who are you?

Liz brooks. Hi.

I'm the regional sales manager
for energy edge incorporated.

We market a nutritional
supplement called the edge 4000.

Never heard of it.

You know, three of the swimmers
you went up against

Are on our program

And you can see,
it gets results.

No thanks, I have no desire
to get into anything like that

The edge 4000 doesn't contain
any hormones or steroids.

It's 100% natural.

That's nice.

Cody, let me ask you a question.

How badly do you want to be
on the olympic team?

Because if that's not
the driving force in your life,

If you're not dreaming of gold
at night,

Then you're right,

Maybe we shouldn't
be having this conversation.

Why are we having
this conversation?

I just finished dead last!

Because you were once
a world-class swimmer.

with the proper conditioning,

You can regain that form.

You can be a champion,
you've got what it takes.

So do i.

Good morning, newmie.

Hi, alex.
Sugar, no cream. Right?

Right. Thanks.


The edge 4000 comes
in liquid or powder form

Which you add to each meal.

Put it in your cereal
for breakfast,

You can make a smoothie
for lunch.

Prepare yourself for life
without cheeseburgers.

Life without cheeseburgers?
He's never going to survive.

What is this stuff, huh?

Ah, mitch, alex,
meet miss brooks.


Hi, nice to meet you.

This is called the edge 4000.

-Would you like to try some?

What is it again?

It's a nutritional supplement
designed to enhance

Athletic performance.

How's it do that?

By building stronger muscles
and reducing body fat

Which is achieved
through a highly regimented

And disciplined diet.

Six grams per meal,
four meals a day,

-Seven days a week.
-So, what's in it?

Well, the primary components
are pyrovate

And ketosom which is natural
fiber found in shellfish.

I assure you,
it's perfectly safe and legal.

The edge 4000 is not a drug.



Oops, excuse me.


Do your children know
how to swim?

[Speaking in korean]

Do you know how to swim?

Yeah? Ok.

All right, it's a rescue can
for the water.


Ok listen,
keep them close to shore,

Especially the little one here.

Ok, keep her up here. Ok.

Listen, have a good day.

Hi. Ooh,
that's a pretty nasty cut.

Ocean lifeguard

How's it going?

Pretty quiet so far.

Ah, calm before the storm.

South swells are due by noon.

Yeah, well it's already
starting to pick up.

Speaking of picking up,
was it my imagination

Or were you hitting on alex
this morning?

What are you talking about?

Bringing her a cup of coffee,
sugar, no cream?

Ok, I'll admit it,
I'm a little attracted to her.

You got a problem with that?

-No, why would i?
-I don't know.

I was just thinking maybe if you
two had something going on...

Me and alex?
What are you kidding me?

First of all, I've made a pledge
never, ever to get involved

With a lifeguard at work,
even if she was my ideal partner

Which she is absolutely not.

And secondly, in all these years
we've known each other

Have we ever let a woman
come between us?

No, because they always
go for you.

Well, those days are over, pal.

As far as I'm concerned,
alex is all yours.

Thanks, mitch.

All right,
now this may sting a little.

This will keep the sand out,
all right?

There you go, you're all set.

Be careful!

[Shouting in korean]

Who's missing?


Kmf 201 295,
lifeguard needs assistance

At 17, respond immediately.

That's alex's tower.

I'm on it.

Clear in back.

[Siren wailing]

Mitch, help!

All right, give her some space!

Come on, get her to the truck.

Give her some room!

Get her to the truck.

They don't speak english.

Ok, I'll cover for you.

[Shouting in korean]

Get back, get back.

Ok, go back, just listen to me!

Listen to me!

Hey, come here.
I'm a lifeguard, ok?

We're life guards, we know what
we're doing here, all right?

Your daughter's not breathing,
she's going to give her

Cpr and try
and get her breathing again.

But you gotta give us
some time, ok?

How's she doing?

Nothing yet.

One, two, three, four, five.

I know how you feel, ok?

If it was my baby, I would feel
the same way, all right?

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

It's going to be all right.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

You hear that, huh?

She's going to be ok.

Nice work.


You ok?

-Yeah, that was intense.

♪ Beat the time

♪ You gotta beat the odds

♪ You wanna win
the golden prize ♪

♪ Taking shape

♪ You gotta take your mark

♪ Clear the lanes
and set your sights ♪

♪ One shot

♪ One hope

♪ One chance to make it

♪ Let's go!

♪ You say you want it

♪ You got to fight
cause dreams come true ♪

♪ Let's go!

♪ I know you want it

♪ You got to push it
to make it through ♪

♪ Let's go!

♪ Make it fast

♪ You wanna make the grade

♪ The discipline
to be the best ♪

♪ You gotta work

♪ You gotta wanna to train

♪ To rise above all
of the rest ♪

♪ One shot

♪ One hope

♪ One chance to make it

♪ Let's go!

♪ You say you want it

♪ You got to fight
♪ cause dreams come true

♪ Let's go!

♪ I know you want it

♪ You got to push it
to make it through ♪

♪ Let's go!

Mm hm.



Isn't that a new personal best?

That's one and a half seconds
faster than the time I started.

Hey, don't look so amazed.

I told you
I'd whip you into shape.

In two weeks, we've reduced
your body fat from 7% to 4.

Get it under two and you're
going to be mr. Sydney 2000.

Let's not get carried away.

No, it's the truth.

You really think I have a shot
at going to sydney?

I wouldn't be here if I didn't.

Hey, where's cody?

Probably in the head.

That edge 4000
pretty much keeps you

On the edge of your seat,
so to speak.

Any other side effects?

pretty much works as advertised.

You know something,
don't you wish that was around

When we were in the game?

Standing up there on the podium,

Listening to star
spangled banner,

Soaking up
the world's adulation?

You have a serious
fantasy problem, you know that?


Hey, hey, what's up?

Check it out,
I just talked to liz.

The ceo of her company
wants to meet me

In an hour in beverly hills.

For what?

Liz thinks they might want
to sponsor me.

Can you believe it?

so is it cool if I take off?

Sure, go for it.

All right, thanks, man.

As long as you've got someone
to cover your shift.

Don't look at me.

Oh come on, mitch--

How many times
have you left early

The last couple of weeks, huh?

Or called in late,

Or asked somebody
to take your shift

Or taking double workouts?

I thought you were going
to cut me some slack on this.

I'll cut you some slack,
but I need somebody

I can count on here.

If you want to train
for the olympics,

Then I seriously think

You should consider
taking a leave of absence.

-A leave of absence?

And what am I going to live on?

I don't know,

But you've got to decide
what your priorities are.

[Doorbell ringing]

Hang on, hang on, I'm coming.

Newmie, hey,
what are you doing here?

-I hate to bother you like this.
-Come on in.

I need to ask you a favor.

Something to drink?

No, no thanks.

You look nice,
are you going out tonight?

Yeah, I'm going out
with a couple of friends.

So what's on your mind, pal?

I was hoping you could assign
alex to tower 24 tomorrow.

Tower 24, huh?

That's in malibu,
why would I want to do that?

Well, it's--

Hey guys.

-Hi, alex.

Listen, I was just jogging
around the neighborhood,

I thought I'd stop by and see
if we're still on for tonight?

Yeah, yeah. Dinner, right?

Yeah, I made reservations
at that new place

In malibu called beau rivage,
you know the one?

I hear it's quite intimate.

I just hope the food is good.

Yeah, me too,

But listen I still got
three miles to do, so

I'll see you later?

Newmie, you're the man.

Uhm, seven o'clock, right?


Ok, see you.

Here we go again.

It's not what you think.

I should have known.

Newmie, buddy.

I'm telling you,
it's not what you think.

she's going for lieutenant.

I have to write her
an appraisal of promotability

So she's buttering me up,
it's strictly business.

So what you're trying to tell me
is that you don't have

Any feelings at all for alex?

None whatsoever.

Any relationship I have
with alex ryker

Is purely professional.

what's this deal with tower 24?

Ah, it's nothing.

No, no, no, I'm your friend.

What's this deal with tower 24?

All right, well,

It's the closest tower
to the florist shop


I'm going to buy
two dozen roses, put them in

Before she opens up, with a note
stating my intentions.

Ah, the old fashioned approach.

Well, I'm an old fashioned guy.

Then you casually approach
the tower while she's feeling

Warm and gushy...

And how could she say no?

That's the plan.
What do you think?

Newmie, you're the man.



Here's your flan.


I hear the food's excellent.

Yeah, it's pretty expensive.

Yeah, well.

-Good evening.
-Good evening.

Would either of you
care for a cocktail?

Uhm, well, you know actually
I think I would like

A glass of white wine,
something dry if you have it.

We have a very nice chardonnay.

That sounds perfect.

Nothing for me.

Oh, come on mitch,
it's my treat.

Well, then I'll have a bottle
of mineral water.

We have several
different brands.

Well, since it's her treat,
I'll have something french.

I'll be right back
with your drinks.


Well, it's really nice
seeing you outside of work.

You seem different.

Different? How so?

More relaxed, maybe?

Are you saying
I'm too tense at work?

No, I'm not saying that at all

And I did not come here
to bicker.


ever since I came to baywatch,

I feel that we have had
this adversarial relationship.

Yeah, yeah, I've noticed that.

But the other day, that changed.

I mean, at least for me it did.

You know, I've never really
bought into the concept

Of a bonding experience
but I just

I feel like we shared
something special

And it has had
a tremendous impact on me.

What has?

When we rescued that little
korean girl, you know?

Oh, right, yeah.

I felt the adrenaline flowing

That moment, you know,

Between life and death,
it just...

And then when she started
breathing again

It was like this miracle,
you know?


does any of this make any sense?

Yes, yes, all of it.

I mean, totally.



I hope I'm not interrupting

No, come on in.

Oh, I can only stay a minute.

What's up?

I just wanted to tell you
that my boss loved you

And she wants you to be
the official spokesman

For our entire line of products.

Cody, we're talking about
a six figure

Personal services contract!

You're kidding me.

No, she sees you
as a potential superstar!

Yes! Whoo!

I don't believe this!

that your dream is coming true?


Feels good, doesn't it?

Sure does.

None of this would have been
possible without you.

Oh, that's nice of you to say.

No, I mean it.

And someday,
you'll get to thank me

But not
while you're in training.

You need to stay focused.

You have a lot of hard
work ahead of you, ok?

Good night.

Hey, wait a second!

When do we sign the contract
you're talking about?

As soon as you qualify
for the olympic trials.

I'll see you at the pool
first thing in the morning.

Would you like to see
the dessert cart?

-Oh yeah, that's fantastic--
-no, I don't think--

I could eat another bite.

I'll give you a moment
to decide.

Thank you.

Thank you.

To a man
who never ceases to amaze me.

To the woman who knows
how to get what she wants.

What did you mean by that?

Alex, you didn't have to go to
all this trouble.

Although I must admit,
the food was delicious.

What are you talking about?

About becoming a lieutenant.

You don't have to grovel
any more.

The job is yours!


I am sitting here pouring
my heart out to you

And you think
I'm sucking up for a promotion?

-I didn't say that.
-Yes, you did.

-I didn't mean it.
-Yes, you did.

I said it, but I didn't mean it.

You know what, don't say
another word. Just take me home.

I'm sorry, i...

Excuse me.

No dessert?

I would just like
the check please.

-Right away.
-You know, actually here,

-I will pay you now.
-Alex, come on--

Don't touch me!

She gave me nine dollars.

The bill comes
to $47.26 plus tip.

[Plates crashing]

Excuse me.

Plus the dessert cart.

[Mitch sighing]

[Cars honking]

What is with all this traffic?

Must be an accident.

And in malibu, rock slides have

Completely shut down
pacific coast highway

Between malibu pier
and santa monica canyon.

Oh, no.

estimates that the closure

Will remain in effect
until morning.


Once again, pch shut down
in both directions.


Please don't tell me
we're stuck here.

Well, this is turning
into quite an evening.

I am not spending my evening
like this.

I am going to walk home.

Ten miles in the dark?

I will stay along the beach.

At high tide? You'll never
make it past topanga.

Face facts alex, we're spending
the night together.

Oh dear god.

I'm not exactly thrilled
at the proposition either.

I guess this is what you
call a de-bonding experience.

No, this is what I would call
a nightmare.

Look, I do not have
the energy to argue with you.

I just want to get some rest,

Do these seats go back?


Jeez, will you look
at all the junk back here?

Where are we supposed to sleep?

Welcome to tower suite
number 24.


Well, this could be cozy.

Oh, I can't believe
you're still angry.

You know what, I can't believe
you're so insensitive.

I said I was sorry!

I don't accept your apology.

There has got to be
a flashlight here somewhere.

In the cabinet,
for the last 20 years.

Ah, god!

You are having
a horrible night.

You know, you are so not funny.

Oh come on, ryker,
will you lighten up?

I mean, for god's sakes,
don't you find it a little bit

Ironic that we're here
in this tower alone together?

Do you know
what your problem is?

No, but I got a feeling
you're going to tell me.

You have no clue
when it comes to women.

All right, blanket or pillow?

Blanket. Thank you.

I am going to sleep now.


-Good night.
-Good night.

Would you mind turning
your flashlight off please?

As soon as I undress.

Excuse me?

I'm only kidding, it's a joke!

God, will you relax?

What do you think
is going to happen here?


Ok, so chill out.

Oh, man.



What is the matter?

I have got a spasm in my neck.


Want a pillow?


Ah, give me the blanket.

You know, you just...

Oh, thank you.
That is much, much better.




I said "brr".

Oh, don't even think it.

You know what, the blanket
doesn't even halfway cover you.

Anybody ever tell
you you're like

An incredibly demanding wife?

Well, I'm cold!

You know, would you just
take a look at yourself

Mr. Random acts of kindness?

did I have you pegged wrong.

You are the most insensitive,

-The cruelest--
-oh go to sleep, will you?


Will you just go night-night?

Give me the blanket.

No way.

Give me the blanket.

It's not gonna happen.

Give me the blanket.

All right, ryker.

It will be a cold day in cuba

Before you get this blanket,
you got that?

-Oh, really?
-Yeah, really.

We'll see about that.

[Overlapping arguing]

Stop it, that's not funny!

[Head slamming]

Oh, god.

[Alex groaning painfully]

I heard that.



You ok?

Uh, yeah.



Uh, morning, newmie.

[Door slamming]

[Camera clicking]

You know what?

Open up to get some right here,
below their...

You're not looking, right here.

Fine, it's fine.

But I don't want full length.



What's going on here?

It's our dream team photo sh**t.

We're going to market a calendar
of our hottest clients.

The fascinating faces
of the 2000 games.


We're holding the cover for you.

Yeah? All right.

♪ La dah da di day

♪ The sun is shining
it's calling me ♪

♪ Feels so good
to laugh and smile ♪

♪ I'm exactly
where I'm meant to be ♪

♪ I'm relaxed and feeling fine

♪ Countdown to feel the heat

♪ I'm excited
to reach new heights ♪

♪ Won't miss the moment
or skip a beat ♪

♪ Together
we are taking flight ♪

♪ La dah da di day

♪ Soaking in paradise

♪ La dah da di day

♪ You know this is a lie

♪ La dah da di day ♪

♪ Soaking in paradise

♪ La dah da di day

♪ You know this is a lie

♪ Good friends surrounding me

♪ Changed forever
it feels so right ♪

♪ Step in new waters
I'll take the lead ♪

♪ It's bringing me
back to life ♪

♪ Photos of the ecstasy

♪ Ready to see with new eyes

♪ I can say that I'm happy

♪ Basking in the light

♪ La dah da di day

♪ Soaking in paradise ♪

♪ La dah da di day

♪ You know this is a lie ♪

♪ La dah da di day

♪ Soaking in paradise ♪

♪ La dah da di day

♪ You know this is a lie ♪

♪ This is a lie, this is a lie

♪ This is a lie, this is a lie

♪ This is a lie, this is a lie ♪

♪ This is a lie ♪

Careful out there, ladies.

Ok. Thanks!

Hey, stop it!

[Phone ringing]

Tower 8, this is madison.

Hey, cody, how you doing?
It's alex.

Eh, it's pretty quiet.

Not many people in the water.

Well, that's a good thing
cause the surf's pretty tricky.

As a matter of fact, I can see
a rip boiling right now.

All right, cool.
Hey, thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, any time.


I told you,
you don't have to explain.

Pch was shut down.

We were stranded,
there was no place to sleep.

Do you know how much
those roses cost me?

-Nothing happened, I swear.


Help! Help, I'm over here!


Help me!

I swear to you, nothing--

If you don't believe me,
ask alex, ok?

Amf 201 295.

Yes, 295, come back.

Lifeguard in the water, tower 8.

We're on it. Hop on!

[Siren wailing]

[Woman gasping]


Are you ok?

I'm ok but please,
my friend over there, help her!

Help me!

All right, all right.

Hold this.

Hold that, all right?

Yeah, is there a rescue boat
in the vicinity?

Tell them it's code r,
I'm leaving my tower now.

Over here!

Take my hand. Take my hand.

It's ok, I got you.

Are you ok?

[Siren wailing]

Ocean lifeguard

-Cody can't get her out.
-Why not?

Something's wrong.
I got a rescue boat on the way.

All right, you watch his water,
we're on it.

All right.

Please help!

[Distorted audio]

Something's wrong.

It's going to be ok.

Someone's going to help us.

It's going to be all right.


Here, hold on to the can.

Lifeguard baywatch

Hang on, ok?

I'm freezing.

Here, grab the can.

What's the matter?

I don't know.

Hold the can.

All right, take it easy.

Easy. All right, let's go.

Ok, I've got you.

Get a blanket on her, right now.

Got it.

Let's get him on board,
he's out of it.

Where's newmie?

He's trying to go to shore.

Get a blanket in here, come on!

What happened?

When he got to me
he was shaking,

Like he was really cold

And then he went into shock.

Let's go, he's hypothermic!

I'll get you warm.

Hey, that's enough water.

Get in the sauna and dry off.

Yeah, that's where I'm headed.

Your temperature's not up.

I'm taking you in
for observation.

No man, no hospitals. I'm fine.

I talked to liz
and I told her what happened.

Yeah, listen man,
don't blame her.

I'm the one who screwed up here.

I'm not going to stand here
and lecture you

On what you're doing
to your body.

That's your business
and that's not what concerns me.

What does?

Your abilities as a life guard.

Look, you gotta make
a choice here, pal.

You can not be an ocean
lifeguard and have 2% body fat.

Mitch, the only way
I can make the olympics

Is to stay on this diet.

You really believe that?

The numbers don't lie.

I'm swimming faster than I ever
have in my entire life.

What else could it be?

If that's how you feel,

Then you've got
a major decision to make.

If you were me,
what would you do?

Tough call.

On one hand, you're
the best lifeguard to come

By baywatch
in the last ten years.

On the other, I have been
looking for an excuse

To go to sydney next year.

Baywatch headquarters

Hey, mitch.


-You going to work out?

Hey, mind if I walk along
for a minute?


Hey, what was going on
with newmie this morning?

What was he so upset about?

What was with all those roses?

Uh, that's a long story

And I think he should tell you


Listen, I was thinking about
something you said last night.

What's that?

Well, you were talking about me
becoming lieutenant

And you said that I could.

I said the job is yours.

Does that offer still stand?


Good, I accept.

Have you written the appraisal
of promotability yet?

Still working on it.

-Can I see it?

Come on, look, it's not like
I'm going to rewrite you.

I won't change a single word,
I promise.

Speaking of change,

You owe me $47.13 for dinner
last night.


Plus $25 for the dessert cart.

Oh come on,
that was an accident.

They can't charge me for that.

They didn't charge you,
they charged me.

You know, that is ridiculous.

I'm going to call the manager.

You still got that receipt?

Yeah, but I already talked
to the manager

And they want 25 bucks
for the cart.

Well, I'm not gonna pay it.

Alex, you knocked the cart over.

You know what, it was
because you made me so mad.

Yeah, but I didn't start
the whole thing.

You started it.

I'll be back in three weeks,
right after the nationals.

Good luck.

Thanks, mitch.

You can do it!

Eh, whatever happens happens.

just don't give away my locker!

Not a chance.



So, cody take off, huh?

Yup, he's on his way.

You gotta admire the guy.

Let's make a deal
he makes the team,

We fly to sydney
and watch him swim.

You're on, buddy.

You know, newmie,
I've been meaning

To talk to you about something.

I may have jumped the g*n
the other day

When I said I wasn't interested
in alex.

so you are interested in alex?

Well, it's possible
that I might be interested

And I wanted to make sure
that's cool with you.

Have you discussed this
with alex?

No, because I wanted to talk
to you about it first.

Well you know something mitch,
I appreciate that

But I can't talk right now.

Why not?

Hey, newmie!

Hang on, I'll be right there.

Alex and I are going surfing.



Cowabunga, dude!

[Ending music]