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09x08 - Swept Away

Posted: 01/23/22 06:44
by bunniefuu
-Hey, bud, how you doing?


-You here all by yourself?

-No, my dad's around
here somewhere.

He knows I'm okay.

-What's your name?

-Tanner. What's yours?


-Tanner: mitch what?

-Mitch buchannon.

Tanner, want some
real sunscreen?

-Tanner: sure.

-Mitch: right on.

[Phone rings]

Excuse me.

Buchannon, tower 12.

-Alex: yeah, mitch, it's alex.

Listen, I just got a
report on a lost little boy

Who is supposed to be
at venice breakwater.

I doubt he got
up as far as you,

But I just wanted to check to
see if you've seen anything.

-What's he look like?

-Alex: he's 10 years
old, he's got brown hair,

And he's wearing red trunks.

His name is tanner sloan.

-I got him. He's right
in front of my tower.

Been here all morning.

-Good, I'll be right there.

I've got his father
in the truck.

-Tanner: hey, mitch.


Doesn't that black thingy
mean that there's no surfing?

-Yeah, why?


Hey! Black board
out of the water!

Out of the wa--

I'll be right back, tanner.

-What's the big idea?

Who said you could
run off by yourself?

-I would've asked except
you were passed out.

-Don't smart-mouth me!

Come on. Get your
stuff together.

-Tanner: okay!

-Come on, let's go.

We got to get home.

Come on!

Get your stuff and let's go!
-I got to get this--

-You don't need this.


-Come on!


-Did you see that?


Hey, you okay?

-Get your hand off my boy!

And mind your
own damn business!

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrenders in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's going to be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready, I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear,
no. Don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Well, the way I see it,
we've got three choices.

We can call the police.

We can call the county
children's service department,

Or we can just make a note
of the father's behavior

And let it go at that.

-What do you
think we should do?

-I don't know.

I mean, was that child abuse,

Or did the guy just
fly off the handle?

I remember getting spankings.

Haven't you ever
spanked hobie before?

-Yeah, but that
wasn't a spank.

-You're right.

-So, what do you want to do?

You want to pursue
this thing or not?

-I don't know.

I just hate like hell to
see stuff like that happen.

-I know.

Listen, why don't
you think about it,

And you let me know
what you want to do, okay?

I'll see you later.

-Hey, kristi, you know
j.d. Pretty well, don't you?


-Is he seeing
anybody at the moment?

-Not that I know of.

As far as I know,
he's out there.

There is just one
small problem, though.

-What's that?

-You're in competition
with the new muscle boat.

-All right!

-All right!

♪ Standing still is really such a drag

♪ Waiting out an early heart attack

♪ You look like you're really
♪ on the move


-Kristi: see you!
-Newmie: go get them!

-Woo hoo!

-Kristi: all right!

-Tanner: hey, mitch!

-Hey, partner, what's up?

-How come you're
not in the tower?

-Because today I
get to drive around.

It's called mobile patrol.

-Where's that lady lifeguard

Who was driving
around earlier?

-She's actually trying
out for a game show.

-Which one?


-She must be pretty smart.

-Yeah, she's pretty sharp.

-Do you have to be really
smart to be a lifeguard?

-No, you don't
have to be a genius.

-Good, because I
wanted to be one

And, well, I didn't
actually get straight a's

On my last report card.

-Where's your dad? I don't
see him around anywhere.

Does he know you're here?


-You sure?

-Positive, he lets me come
to the beach a lot by myself.

-Really, that's not
the impression I got.

-Last time, he was
just in a bad mood.

He's not that mean.

Sometimes, the
pressure gets to him.

It's not easy raising a
child all by yourself.

-Mitch, we got a rip pulling
really hard on the jetty!

-Go for it, I'll
call for back-up!

Rescue three from 201.

-Go ahead, 201.

-Mitch: respond
to avenue b jetty.

We got a guard in the water.

We need back-up.




-Attention swimmers.

There's a strong
current out there.

Do not try to
swim directly in!

Swim sideways or
parallel to shore!

Thank you.

-Get ready, newmie!

-Hold on to the
can with two hands.

Kick with your feet.

-You all right? Okay,
go sit on the beach.

All right, here you go.


-You're okay. You're okay.

-Radio: 201, this is
scarab one on site.

-J.d.: You're
going to be okay.

We're going to bring
you on the boat.

-Newmie: you're okay.

Take deep breaths.

-Just take it easy.

Did you swallow some water?

You all right?

All right, come on.

-Newmie: okay, give
me your hand, son.

-Feeling better?

-Yeah, that's right.

-She'll be all right.
She's just a little tired.

Give her some water, huh?


-Is everything okay?

-Everything is
copacetic. We got 'em all.

-Way to go.

It's cool the way you
guys work as a team.

-Mitch: yeah, that's what
lifeguarding's about, pal,

Being a team.

-And that boat's
really cool, too.

-Newmie: good job, you guys.

-Uh oh, something tells me the
audition didn't go too well.

-You're so perceptive.

-What happened?

-I choked, that's
what happened.

-You choked?

-Yes, I choked.

I mean, I did so great
on my written test.

They asked me to play a
game for the producers.

My brain, it just
stopped functioning.

I couldn't find the clicker.

When I did buzz in, I wouldn't
give the right answer,

Or I wouldn't phrase it
in the form of a question.

It was so humiliating.

-Well, there's always
"wheel of fortune."

-Tanner: hey, mitch!

Look at me!

-What are you doing?

-Oh, nothing, just
signing up a little boy

For junior lifeguards.

-Uh huh, you sure
you want to get involved

In someone else's
family problems?

-I'm not getting involved.

I'm just signing up a little
boy for junior lifeguards,

And giving him a ride home.

We'll talk about it later.

-Tanner: hey, dad!

-Hey, what's going on?

-It's a permission slip.

You have to sign this.

-What is this?

-It's a program
baywatch runs for kids

Who want to become lifeguards,

Or kids who just
like the water.

I thought it might
be good for him.

-What makes you think you
know what's good for my son?

Are you his father?

-Tanner: but, dad--

-Stay out of this, tanner.

Why are you so
interested in my son?

-He told me he might want to
become a lifeguard someday.

-Well, that's today.

Last week, he wanted
to be a rock star,

The week before that,
a fighter pilot.

The kid lives in a fantasy land.

You know what I think?

I think the best
thing for you to do

Is go recruit somewhere else.

-Thanks a lot.

-Get in the house!


Was that it, or would you
like to stay for dinner?

-No, that's it.

Have a nice night.

-Hey, I guess I won't
be needing these.

-No, no, that's
okay, you keep them.

It's a gift.

-You sure?

-Yeah, I'm sure.

-Tanner: thanks, mitch.

Sorry my dad's such a jerk.

I'll try and talk him into it.


-Mitch: all right,
danielle, go, go, go!

Adam, go, go!

Sophia, go, baby, go!

Sophie: thank you!
Mitch: alright.

Have a good one,
all right, let's go!

-He's late.

-Yeah, it's 9:25, we should
probably get started, huh?

-You know, we could wait a
few more minutes if you want.

-That's all right.

I don't think he's
going to make it.

-Mitch, you know you have
done everything you could,

Maybe even a little more
than you should have.

-What's that supposed to mean?

-Just that I'm concerned.

I think you're getting
emotionally involved
in a situation

Over which you
have no control.

-What can I say?
It's a character flaw.

-Well, I wouldn't call
it a character flaw.

I mean, you care about people.

That's a great thing,

But sometimes, you just tend
to overdo it a little bit.

[Mitch laughs]

-Alex: what?

-That's exactly what
my ex-wife used to say.

-Tanner: mitch!

-Hey, tanner, you made it!

-Sorry I'm late.
Can I still get in?

-Absolutely, here you go.


-So, what made your
dad change his mind?

-Who knows?

He just woke up this morning
and told me I should go.

-Well, we're glad
to have you, tanner.

I'm going to introduce
you to everyone, okay?


-This is tanner.

-Hi, how are you?



-All right, all right,
everybody is looking good.

-Mitch: all right, let's go!

All right, good job, good job!

-We're going to
go in the water.

Are you sure you want to
leave your shirt on?

-Yeah, I'm sure.

-It's going to fill
up with water.

-I know, I know.

-It probably won't
be that comfortable.

-I'm still not taking it off.




So, what's the next
move with j.d.?

-[Laughs] I don't know.

I can't decide whether I
should sit back and wait,

Or pounce.

What do you think?

-Pounce. [Laughter]

Guys love it when women
are the aggressors.


-Just go and ask him out.

-What if he says no.

-He's not going to say no.

-I don't know how
I feel about that.

Besides, all j.d. Has
to do is smile at me.

I'm completely
off in la-la land.

I feel like I'm
back in high school

When I had a crush on the
captain of the swim team.

He'd stop by my locker and I'd
always forget my combination.

-I'll talk to him if you want.

-What would you say?

-I'd say, "j.d., Jess
has got the hots for you.
Go get her."

-Thanks a lot.

That's all I need. [Laughter]

-Oh, hi, j.d.


-Hey, kristi, jessie.

-Jess: hey.
-J.d.: How's it going?

-Uh, great.

Um, I was just getting out.

Um, have a nice shower!

-J.d.: Thanks.

What's wrong with her?


What are you still doing here?

-Waiting for my dad
to come pick me up.

-You gotta get some dry
clothes on here, pal.

-Not really.

-Take your shirt off.

-I don't want to.

-Come on, take your shirt off.

You can wear my jacket.
Come on, come on.

Here you go.

Better? Okay.

-Tanner: thanks.

-Still on hold?

-Yeah, it's been
10 minutes now.

-Yeah, they're
severely understaffed.

You think we've
had budget cuts.

You should see what
the county's done

With children's services.

-How's tanner doing?

-He's working out.

I called his house.
There's still no answer.


-Where you going?

-Taking him home.

-There's no one there.

-I'm know that. I'm
taking him to my house.

-You can't do that!

-Alex, he hasn't
eaten since lunch.

The least I can do
is fix him dinner.

-Mitch, please,
let's work through

The proper channels on this.

If there's evidence
of child abuse,

We need to get it documented.

You can't just take a
child from his father.

-I'm not kidnapping
him. I'm feeding him.

-Look, I am on
your side on this,

But if you don't work
within the system,

It's going to backfire.

-If you hear from his
father, you call me.

I'll be back here
before you know it.

Come on, pal, let's get
something to eat, huh?

[Knock on door]

-Be right there.

-Hey, it's me.


-I don't know how
these got in my bag,

But I think they're yours.

-Yeah, they are.

I thought I lost them.

-Sorry about that.

-No, it's great. Thanks.

These are my favorite.


Would you like to
come in? [Laughter]

I just had dinner.

I have some pasta
left if you're hungry.

-Sure, I'd love to
come in, that is.

I already had dinner,
but thanks for the offer.

-Some cappuccino?


-All right.

-Where's cody?

-Cody went back to indiana.

It's his mom's birthday.

They're throwing her
a surprise party.

-Oh, that's so sweet!

-Very sweet.

-So you got the place
all to yourself, huh?


It gets kinda lonely, though.

Glad you stopped by.

[Jess laughs]

-Mitch: yeah, mm hmm, no, no.

Mm hmm, mm hmm.

-Tanner: can I
have some more milk?

-Yeah, sure.

-Alex: hey, did
you ever get the dad?

-No, no, he wasn't home.

Any news on your end?

-No, nothing, he
hasn't called yet.

I called the police. I
called children's services.

I don't know what else to do.

-Tanner's doing great.

He's actually on his second

Peanut butter and
jelly sandwich.

Listen, I gotta go. I'll
get right back to you.

-Who's this with you?

-This is my son, hobie.

-Tanner: how old is he?

-He's 18, almost 19 now.

-Tanner: why is he so little?

-[Laughs] because it's a
very old picture, tanner.

-Oh, where is he now?

-He's actually visiting
his mom in ohio.

-Why is his mom in ohio?

-Well, because we're divorced.

-Tanner: oh.

Is that what happened
to your parents?

-No, my mom died.

-Sorry, I didn't know.

-Yeah, it was pretty bad.

She and my dad were
driving home from a party,

And my dad crashed the car.

Things kinda fell
apart after that.

-You know, tanner,
we never talked

About those marks on your back.

Did your father have
anything to do with that?

-Uh, no, no, it
wasn't his fault.

I've got a big mouth. I've
gotta learn to keep it shut.

-It's okay, it's okay,
sit down, sit down.

Nothing you say or
do gives your dad

The right to hit
you like that, okay?

-I just don't want to
get him in trouble.

-Mitch: I know.

I know you don't.

-I just wish he'd
be like a normal dad.

-You know, I'm
going to do my best

To make sure
that happens, okay?

-Meantime, you know
how to play checkers?

-Do I play checkers?

-Yeah, do you play checkers?

Yeah? All right, let's go.

Red or black?


-You got it. Now, let's go.

-How is it?

-How's what?

-The cappuccino, too hot?

-Oh, um, no, it's
perfect, thanks.



-J.d.: You okay?

-Oh, my gosh, I
guess it is a tad hot.

-You got some
foam on your lip.

I'll get it. There you go.

Is that better?

-Mm hmm, thank you.

-I'm sorry about that.

-No, it's okay.

J.d., I have a
confession to make.

-A confession?

-Mm hmm.

-I'm not really trained
to handle confessions.

-When I asked you
where cody was earlier,

I knew he was
back in indiana,

And I didn't exactly find
your sweat pants in my bag.

I took them while you
were in the shower

So that I'd have an
excuse to come over.

-So, this is a setup?

-Mm hmm. I know, it's crazy!

I don't even
know why I did it!

I am not
usually this insecure.

-I think you are.

-No, I'm not. [Laughs]

This is so embarrassing.

You must think that I'm
a complete nut.

-Uh huh. Oh!

-Oh, here--

-God, that's hot!

-Let me help you.

Let me help you wipe it off.

-Jess: we gotta rinse this.
-J.d.: It's okay,

-Jess: no, it'll
stain, seriously.

-It's o--

Is this a setup, too?

-No, that was just
me being a klutz.

[Phone rings]


-Alex: yeah, mitch, it's
alex. We found the father.

-Mitch: where is he?

-Alex: the
ventura county jail.

He got picked up for speeding.

He had a bunch of
outstanding traffic tickets

So they pulled him in.

He's not going to be able to
make bail until the morning.

-Well, at least we
know where he is.

-Alex: so, what
do you want to do?

-Tanner's asleep
on the couch.

He might as well
spend the night here.


-Mitch: yeah?

-I know you don't always
appreciate my advice,

But I'm going to give
it on this one.

Don't get too
close, all right?

-I won't. I won't.

-Good night.

-Mitch: come on, you guys,
you're k*lling me here.

Let's go, all right. Hi,
danielle. How you doing?

All right, come on in.

-Alex: you have your paper?

-Mitch: tanner,
all right, in you go!

-How's tanner?

-Doing okay. I thought I'd
take him along for the ride,

You know, keep his
mind off of things.

-It sounds like you're
in for a fun day.

-Yep, any word
from his father?

-Yeah, yeah, he's going to
be here in the afternoon,

Along with the caseworker
from children's services.


-At least that way, he can
still go on the field trip,

And then we'll deal with
everything when he gets back.

-Thanks, I appreciate it.

-All right, have fun.

-Mitch: thanks, see you!
-Alex: see you!

-Mitch: let's go!

-J.d.: Alex, you've
got a phone call.

It's some producer
from "jeopardy."

-Hello, this is alex ryker.

Hi, rocky.

You're kidding me. I'm
going to be on "jeopardy?"

This is so great!

Yeah, those dates are fine.

You know what, if they're not,
I will rearrange my schedule.

-No, I swear, I
don't know a soul.

And I'm still a lifeguard, yes.

Uh huh, sony studios,
next tuesday.

You know what,
I will be there.

Okay, thank you, bye.


-Did you get it?

-Oh, my god! I
got on "jeopardy!"

I'm so excited.


-Thank you, thank you.

-Why'd you tell them
you don't know a soul?

-Yeah, what was up with that?

-They have strict

If you know someone,

Or you're even
remotely connected,

You can't be a contestant.

-You're in there!

-Yay! I did it.

-Are you guys having fun?


-All right, everybody
remember their numbers?


-Ones, raise your hand!


All right, do not forget.

Hey, tanner,

Your dad's going to come
pick you up later on.

When he does, there'll be
somebody from the county,

Called a caseworker.

She's going to want
to talk to him.

-I don't think
that'll do any good.

-Well, we'll see.

-All right, all the
ones off the bus!

Have fun, you guys!

Be safe. Be careful.

-Men: whoa!

-You okay?


-Sophie! Tanner!

-Here, I got you.

-Mitch: are you okay?

-Tanner: yeah.

-Hang on, hang on, guys.

-It's okay, we're
going to get out

The emergency door exit, okay?

It's all right, you
guys, don't worry.

-Radio: rescue three,
201, come in rescue three.

-Go ahead, 201.

-Radio: code r, a
school bus just went down

In ballona creek, just
off the bridge, spotted one.

-Flying in, 201. Let's go.

-Is everybody all right?


All right, tanner, listen up.

You're in charge.

We're going to find
a way out of here.

Keep these kids' heads
above water, all right?

We'll be back!

-Everybody stay calm.

Mitch said he was going to
save us, and he will.

-J.d.: Circle to the left.

-Did you get it open?


-All right, listen to me.

Can you guys hang on?


-All right, we'll be
right back, all right?


-Here's the spare
air, go for it.

-Thanks, man.

-Are we going to be all right?

-All right, listen to me.

Help is here.

It'll take a couple
of more minutes, okay.


-Throw me a line.

-All right, can you hang on?


-All right, I promised
I'd take care of you.

I'm not going to let you
down. Be right back.

-All right, give
it all she's got!

-Yes! Yes!

-All right, listen up.

We tore a window open.

Newmie's down there.

You take two kids down.
He'll get 'em out, all right?

-Okay, come on,
you come with me.

One, two, three!

-All right, let's go, let's go!

-On three, ready?

One, two, three!

-J.d.: Rescue
three to 201. We got 'em!

-Radio: bringing
backup on scene.

-Okay, listen, I need
some towels, sweatshirts,

Everything you have!

Get it down here!

-All right, bud.

-Tanner, thank
god you're alive.

I heard what happened.

You almost k*lled my son!

-That's not true!

You're going to pay
for this, buddy!

We're talking
reckless endangerment.

I'm going to sue
your butts off!

-You signed the release form.

-Quite frankly, I don't
think that's the issue

We should be
dealing with here.

Sir, your son needs you.

-Who asked you?

And I don't know what the hell
you people are talking about.

I never signed nothing!

This little stinker must
have forged my signature!

-Where's the caseworker?

-He's not coming
until this afternoon.


What the hell you people up to?

Come on, tanner,
we're out of here!

-You're not taking
him anywhere.


You have no authority to
stop me, so out of my way!

-Don't do anything stupid.

-That's funny.

I was just about ready to
say the same thing to you,

But all I got to say to you is

You'll never see
this boy again.

-Okay, the category is
actors and their roles.

-400, Please.

-Ratso rizzo.

-Dustin hoffman.

-Right, but who
is dustin hoffman?

Don't forget to
phrase your answers

In the form of a question.

-Okay, keep going.

-Howard beale.

-Howard beale,
who is peter finch?

-What movie was that from?

-That was from "network"

With faye dunaway
and william holden.

-Fisherman: oh!


-Radio: kms
295, to rescue three.

-Yeah, this is rescue
three. Come in, 295.

-Radio: got a
fisherman in the water

Off malibu seawall.

-All right, we're on it.

-There he is!

-Hang on. I got you.

You're okay.

Hold on to this.

All right.

-Headquarters, this
is j.d., Rescue three.

We located the fisherman
and just got him on board.

-Radio: roger
that, rescue three.

-Aren't you the
guy from "jeopardy?"

-Newmie: hey, alex, did you
see who you just rescued?

-Hey, alex, meet alex,

Alex trebek from "jeopardy."

-I don't believe this.

Look, this never happened.

You never met me, okay?


-Hi, thank you for coming.


I'm sorry. They're gone.

Thank you again for coming.

-You're welcome.

-Damn it!



-I just got off the phone
with children's services.

They're aware that
tanner may be in danger,

And they're doing everything
they can to find him.

-Yeah, well, good luck.

-I know you must feel
bad, but the bottom--

-Not as bad as helpless.

You think you could make a
difference in somebody's life,

And it turns out to
be a waste of time.

-I don't know if I would
call it a waste of time.

I don't think tanner
would call it that either.

-I guess we'll
never know, huh?

-Alex: excuse me.

Could you tell me where we
might find alex ryker, please?

-Yeah, yeah, she's right here.

-Thank you.


-Mr. Trebek, what
are you doing here?

-Hi, alex, I just
wanted to come by

And thank you personally
for saving my life.

-Oh, I was just doing my job.

-I know, but I also wanted
to be here to tell you

That I'm really sorry

That you won't be a
contestant on "jeopardy."


-You see, one of the rules is
that you can't be on the show

If you know someone
who works there.


-Don't you think you could
make an exception in my case?

I mean, I did save
your life you know.

-Boy, I really wish I
could but, unfortunately,

I don't make the rules.

But, I knew you'd
be disappointed,

So I brought you some of our
"jeopardy" parting gifts.

Take a look at this.

Now, here's the latest version
of the "jeopardy" home game.

Here's something you
can play on your computer.

Here's a game you
can have fun with

Because it talks back to you.

-This is so great.

-You're working in
the sun all the time.

You need a "jeopardy" cap.

Take a "jeopardy"
tee shirt, also.

Hey, it gets cold at the beach.

Have a "jeopardy" sweatshirt.

-Alex: hey, mitch.


-Hey, I found this
in tower 12 today.

Thought you might want that.


-I'll see you back at
headquarters, all right?

-Yeah, right.

-Tanner: dear mitch,

Sorry I didn't get a
chance to say good-bye.

My dad got a new job
and we had to leave.

Thanks for everything
you did for me.

I'm really, really
going to miss you,

And I'll always remember
how nice you were.

Love, tanner.

Don't worry about
me. I'll be okay.