01x20 - Manchovy Prison Break/Wrong Place, Wrong Time/Future Danny Finale

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Future-Worm!". Aired May 2015 - May 2018.*
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"Future-Worm!" follows an optimistic 12-year-old who creates a time machine lunch box and befriends a fearless worm from the future. Together, the duo get in many adventures throughout time, and save the world on many occasions.
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01x20 - Manchovy Prison Break/Wrong Place, Wrong Time/Future Danny Finale

Post by bunniefuu »

-All right, yeah. Pretty fun. Future-Worm.


Boom! Head Shot. Nice, Fyootch.

(BLOWS) You know it.

you're making a terrible mistake!

Only mistake I made
was letting you get away last time.

We got you now, Manchovy.

I'm afraid this Manchovy's gone fishin'.
Fly fishin'. (LAUGHS)



(CHUCKLES) Oh, that was
a delectable one-liner.

But the universe is in great danger.

You have to trust me!

Trust? All you ever did
was double-cross me

and burn me with your sick one-liners.

-But I have changed!
-And I've changed, too. (SPITS)

I'm not a sucker anymore!

Yeah! No talkin' your way
out of this, Manchovy.

You got yourself
a one-way ticket to Solar Max.

Good luck escaping
from a prison in the center of the sun.

You don't understand!

An evil force seeks
the gems of mystery and space!

Sorry, Manchovy, no time to chat.

-I've got bigger fish to fry.
-Oh, snap!



You hear that, D! I finally got him!


Hey, everybody.


Namaste, gusano.

Future Danny, Neil deGrasse Tyson,
and Future-Future Worm all in one place?

Danny, I'm afraid Manchovy
was truthin' you boys about them gems.

-Come on.
-Yeah, gems shmems!

The gems are not shmems.

If Future Granny Danny
gets them, the universe...

Wait, what? The big bad guy's
name is Future Granny Danny?

Afraid so. And she wants to wipe out

every alternate Danny
from every alternate timeline.

Even me!

And with all gems,
she'd be unstoppable.

Manchovy has the second biggest gem stash

and it's up to you to help him
protect it from her Granny clutches!

Yeah, right.
What do you know, Neil deGrasse Tyson?


But you already
sun-jailed Manchovy, didn't ya?

You might have to press
the ol' undo button on that.

No way we're doing
a go-back chango on this one!

It would undo my sick burn!

You know, "I've got bigger fish to fry."

How about a compromise?
Fyootch gets to keep his sick burn...


And we team up with Manchovy.

Booya... What? No!

Don't worry, Fyootch.
I've got a plan you're gonna like...

Puh-puh-puh-prison break!


Gettin' arrested was pretty fun.

And you know me, I love a free workout,
but this whole thing's a waste.

Manchovy's jerkin' your chain, kid.

But my chain's being reverse jerked
by NDT, future me, and future you.

I'd trust those guys any day.

Now check it out... (SNEEZES)

One nanobot serum. Inventor?

This guy.

When Manchovy slams a chugalug,
the nanobots'll temporarily mutate him

into an unstoppable juggernaut.

Boom! We'll bust out in style.

Can't believe I followed you
all the way here

without knowing that was
the plan until just now.

Visitor for Douglas, Daniel
and Worm, Future...




Oh, man, this isn't what it looks like!
I mean, it is, but we're only in here

to bust someone else out
so we can save the universe.

That's just what I needed to hear.


-Wha... Manchovy?


Hush, boys.

We're only in jail to bust you out
and you're already out?

And you have a mask
of my dad's face? Weird.

Can't trust him.

Probably got a Megan mask,
too, by the way.

Of course I have a Megan mask.
But that's not the point.

We're all on
the same team here, like it or not.

So I came back to aid
with your incarceration liberation.

And I have a plan. There's a secret...

(SINGING) La-la-la

I'm not listening
'cause you're a two-bit liar!

La-la-la... (GRUNTS)

No singin' allowed!



(SIGHS) You got a cat, Fyootch.
Let it out of the bag.

Why can't you
give Manchovy a second chance?

(SIGHS) It all goes back
to when we were partners.



(GRUNTS) Manchovy, help me.

Future-Worm, I had no idea
you were such a "book-worm."

Ah, Manchovy!


Sorry to double-cross you like this.

Try to stay...


-FUTURE-WORM: Manchovy!
-Fish kick!

I trusted you!

Indeed. You bought my story
hook, line and sinker!

Manchovy! Argh!


I can't risk him
double-crossin' me again, no way.

Not when I finally got the last one-liner!

Bigger fish to fry, Danny!
It works on so many levels!

-Cake. Got a cake for a Mr. Future-Worm.

Stupid cake. Whoa!

The time is nigh. Make haste.
This escape tunnel is most unstable... Oh!

Not falling for that old
collapsing tunnel trick.

Ugh! He told you it was gonna collapse!

How are we gonna get out of here
and protect his gem stash

if you can't trust him even a teeny bit?

Don't need to! Gimme some of that
watcha what's-it, juggernaut juice.



Get ready to meet unstoppable Future-Worm!

Wait, no! That's for fish DNA!

You'll turn into... A goo-puddle.



There's no time, boys,
we have to... (GASPS)


I'm coming.

Time to bust out
of this prison! What the...

Too late. I did what Manchovy said

and now we're in his secret gem vault
at the bottom of the ocean.


Oh, my sweet, trusting Danny.
You walked right into his trap.



It's no trick, Future-Worm.
Take them and keep them hidden.

If they fall into the wrong hands...


Oh, snap!

Manchovy, get the gems and... Huh?

He bailed?

Aw, man... Chovy.

We got duped, man.
Chovy... He didn't change at all!

Trust no one!

This looks like a job for...


Crush those clones!

Yes, master.

Preparing to...

Collect all-powerful gems!

You want to take it. Take it. Collect it

You want this, yes. Take it. Yes! Take it.

ROBO-CARP: Collect all powerful gems.

I am your master now!


Ugh! Weak.

Sorry, buddy.
This whole dying thing is totes my bad.

I should have been
a cynical jerk like you.

There's already enough jerks out there

taking advantage
of good people like you and me.

If only Manchovy had a heart like yours.

But he doesn't.

So I guess we're dead.

Don't be so sure...

Say hello
to the real Manchovy, you cheap knockoffs.

Fish kick!

Whoa! You came back for us!

Whoa! Your double-cross was actually a...

A triple-cross?

Quad-cross if you're multiplying.

But how'd you even have time
to get in their uniform and helmet...

I got a better question.
Is there a doctor in the house?

'Cause I'm about to get ill.



-We're done for.
-Do you trust me?

-Bite my fin-foot.


I had no idea you were such a "book-worm".

Try to stay safe.

Hook, line and sinker.


I have changed.

I have changed.

Oh, just do it. Don't be a baby. Bite it.


That was rad-city, you guys!


-I hate being wrong, Manchovy.

But you did change.

You really are a fish
of your word. Respect.

The feeling's mutual, old chum.



BOTH: Manchovy!

Regular Danny,

we meet at last.

Future Granny Danny?


Hello, and goodbye. (CACKLING)




Also, um, could you wait there
while I reload?


I should have known you'd
get me shot through a...

Worm hole.


(VOICE BREAKING) Good one, fish face.

-Let go.

We can still thaw him out.



You'll never get away this!

Nope. They're gettin' away with it.

Stop sh**ting, lunkheads!

You're bringing the whole place down!


Retreat, retreat!


(GASPS) To the sub. Follow me.

Dude! Getting beat
by future-old-lady-me is mega-weak.


Sorry for not believing you, Chovy.

When it comes to trust, I guess I'm...

Just a fish out of water.

-I'm tryin', okay!

One-liners don't work for sad stuff.

NARRATOR: Future-Worm.

I now call this meeting to order.

I'm Future Granny Danny.
I've gathered you today to discuss...

Danny destruction.

-Please keep the chatter to a minimum.

We're on a tight schedule now.

There'll be a pastry break at :
and time for questions at the end.



How do you get yourself
into these messes, Clock Face?


Um, excuse me? I'm not actually a villain.

You may not see eye-to-eye
on all your evil plans...

Pardon me, there's
been a misunderstanding.

(STAMMERS) I'm not actually
supposed to be here.

My wife and my watches
are waiting for me at home...

But we all have
one thing in common, right?

A hatred for regular Danny.

-Um, hey, if I could just...
-GRANNY DANNY: And so...

Now listen here!

I don't know what got mixed up,

but as a clock-faced
civillain... Civilian,

I clearly don't belong...

Excuse me,
is this the new media innovations seminar?


Let that be a lesson to any non-villain.

There's nothing
I hate more than a good guy,

or just a regular person
intruding on an evil meeting.

Someone have a question?

Um, nope, nope. I was sneezing.

-All right.

I've prepared a video presentation
explaining my plan.

Hello, I'm Klaxica Anderstein.

You've probably noticed
that Future Granny Danny

has been intercepting and freezing Dannies
across space and time.

-(SCOFFS) What's the deal with that?
-It all comes down to a prophecy.

A powerful old granny will assemble
all gems of mystery and space,

giving her one ultimate wish.

It's to destroy the universe.

But, a single Danny could stop that wish
from ever coming to pass.


But which Danny?

One million three hundred
and two Dannies later,

she's narrowed it down to this guy.


-That guy? I hate that guy!

I know, right?

Granny D just needs
one more gem to get her wish.

Well, where is it?

Regular Danny's home town.

Crazy co-incidence, right?


And that's where you come in.

Destroy Danny, find the gem, or do both

and receive mystery prizes.

-There's dollar signs, that's for money!


Long story short,

get rid of regular Danny
and bring me that gem.

And here's me rapping about it.

Future Granny Danny has an evil dream

Be the one true Danny
'cause he's evil and mean


Phew. You did it, Clock Face.
I'm coming home, Pendulina.

To you, our three beautiful watches,
and even ol' Grandfather Clock Face...

Oh! Ahh! I mean, uh, sorry...
Sir. I was just...

On your way to the villain conference?
I'm runnin' late, too.

No, see. Look, I'm not a villain.

Hey, don't sell yourself short.

I'm sure you're a great villain.
I love the whole clock theme. Great look.

Thanks. Wait, that's...

Look, I don't belong here,
do you understand?


I'm just messin'. Ha-ha. Come on.

I'm Future Granny Danny's
right-hand sword golem,

I'll make sure no one gives you any guff.

s*ab Killforce.

Uh, uh.

Let's resume. Time is short.

This room's only booked till : .

-(GRUNTS) That's my seat.
-Arr. I sit here.

No, you don't.

Hmm. There's one too many!

Regular Danny must have sent
a spy to meddle with my plan!

Mr. , lock the door!

Right, boss.

It's those bird
bounty hunters, I tell yous.

Us? What about you?

I distinctly remember a certain snowman
working with Danny's friend, Bug.

Hey, I'd take Bug over some bird
any day of the week.

Nar! It's that slimy Mer-Person.

MR. : The Mer-Person,
what are you talking about?

I'm not slimy, I'm a person.

-Clock guy's the traitor!


-MR. : Get him.
-Your time's run out.

Whoa, whoa, wait. Let me explain.
This is all a big misunderstanding.

No explanations!

Any last words?

Yeah, I wanna explain myself.

Well... Too late.


Listen up! Clock Face ain't a traitor.

s*ab KILLFORCE: Look at his face.
It's a clock. Clocks don't lie.

You want him? You gotta go through me.

Oh, yeah?

And you just
brought a sword to a snowball fight!



Hurry up and find the spy!

We don't have time for this!

That's it. Time!

You can do this, Clock Face.
For your watches.







(SNARLS) Enough!

Look what you nitwits have done.

It's :

(SIGHS) Phew.

Now we lose the room
to the new media innovation seminar.

Ugh! Forget the spy!

Just go get regular Danny
and my final gem!


Clock Avenue, Clockton please.

All right, everyone. You know the drill.

Villain it up.


I'm not a villain.

I'm not supposed to be here.

This is all a misunderstanding.

I vouched for you. (GROWLING)


Clock Face!

NARRATOR: Future-worm!

NARRATOR: Previously, on Future Danny...


Pretty nice plan, Plierates.

Pity you overlooked one thing,

I'm nowhere near ten feet tall!

Yo, laser stilts.


My lucky cards!

Just what I need to relax at home.

Any last words?

Why, yes.

Robo-Carp .

Let me guess, want me to blow up?

Uh, duh.



(SINGING) I'm getting ready to trip

You wanna just pass swinging

Swinging out past the Big Dipper

I hope ain't no pirate ship around

You found a good time


Sweet boredom, how I missed you.



-Get him.

Now, get off me you, One-eyed Jack.

(SCREAMS) What is this?

Never heard of a card trick?

Future Granny Danny.

I'll raise your card trick
with a carp trick.

Robo-Carp !

Ha! That clunk of junk can't save you now,
I made sure of that.

Never been asked on a date before.

I think I love you,
is it too early to say that?


So, come crawling out of
your parallel dimension, eh?

Remind me, is everything there all whack
and old lady-themed?

Or just you?

BOTH: Burn!

Shut it, shut it, you jokers!

Actually, there's been
an influx of Dannies recently.

(SCREAMING) Knock that off.

I heard that one might
stop me from collecting

the gems of mystery and space.

So I thought I'll eliminate
the whole lot of you.


(GASPS) You're nuts, you old...


Now that I've got you,
there's only one Danny left,

regular Danny.

You'll never manage it,
the boy's too smart.

Yes. But you have
the same weakness all Dannies share,

you're good people.

I, however, am not.



And so begins your end, boy.


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