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02x09 - Heartburn, Woodstock and Ribs

Posted: 01/16/22 16:51
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "B Positive"...

Hey, Mr. Nomad,
how's your trip going?

Great. Just great.

The freedom of the open road
is truly exhilarating.

Just do me a favor.
Text me your location

every few hours, you know,
to help with the search.

So, tomorrow I have to be
at the hospital...

9:00 a.m. I know.

It's in my calendar.

You're the reason
I'm doing this.

And you remember that
when you're able to run

and play with
the other children.

I saw a hip replacement surgery
on YouTube.

They pretty much
hang you from the ceiling.

If you're trying to make me
jealous, it's working.

Oh, my God.

Is everything okay?

Call 911.

- How's Harry?
- I haven't talked to him yet.

You're not at the hospital?

I'm in jail.

Any word on Meredith?

She's still in the ICU.

Let's just get there.
We'll get my car later.

What were you busted for?

Remember a few years ago

- when I got arrested for selling fake IDs?
- Yeah.

Why is it even illegal?

All you were trying to do
is help kids drink.

We come here too damn much.

My third husband
died in this hospital.

No, my second.
My third died on a boat.

Well, in the ocean.

He almost made it back
to the boat.

I don't want to die
in a hospital.

I want to be out in the woods.

Perhaps a sylvan glade,
like Walden Pond.

That just means your corpse
will get eaten

by the coyotes
and rats and whatnot.

That's fine.

I'll still be part
of the cycle of life.

They'll start with your eyes.

Would you please shut up?!

- Any news?
- Not yet.

I can't believe
you're walking already.

They made me, sadistic
sons of b*tches.

Thank you.

Is your doctor American?

What does that have to do
with anything?

So... no.

Hey, how's Meredith?

We don't know.
Harry's with her.

Oh. Norma,

I am so sorry I wasn't here.

Can we please
not do this now?

Do you forgive me?

What's important is that
you forgive yourself.

- I don't.
- Then I'm happy.

How is she?

She's gone.

- Hey.
- Hey. Oh,

I'm so glad you're here.

- I came as quick as I could.
- Oh...

How's Harry?

He hasn't come out
of his room,

and he won't talk to anybody.

- Mm. I'll check on him.
- Thank you.

Here, sit.

Sorry you had to
cut your trip short.

Oh, it's okay.

Things weren't going
that great.

Oh. Why not?

Well, I met a woman.

We got drunk and, uh,

you know...

No, I don't know.

Come on, you know...

I don't know.
Tell me.

We had intimate relations.

Which I was led to believe
were mutually satisfying.

However, upon my awakening,

I discovered
she had robbed me.

Oh, oh...

She took my cash,
credit cards, laptop,

even my EpiPen.

Luckily she didn't find
my backup. Heh.

You poor thing.

I thought we had
a real connection.

Then she took everything.

It was like a two-hour
version of my marriage.

So what about you?

You spent the night in jail.

Oh, it's not a big deal.

Me and a shoplifter
from TJ Maxx,

we talked about winter looks
for under $30.

Still, behind bars with
a common thief. Frightening.

You had sex
with a common thief.

Yes. Yes, I did.

♪ The more you give ♪
♪ The more you give ♪

♪ The more you live ♪
♪ The more you live ♪

♪ Your happiness is relative ♪
♪ Happiness ♪

♪ And if you're feeling
like crap ♪

♪ It's time to face the fact ♪

♪ It's your prerogative ♪

♪ Your prerogative ♪

♪ To be positive ♪

♪ If we become ♪
♪ If we become ♪

♪ What we believe ♪
♪ What we believe ♪

♪ Then as ye think ye shall receive ♪
♪ As ye think ♪

♪ So just let go of the past ♪
♪ So let go of the past

♪ Pull your head from your ass ♪

♪ It's your prerogative ♪

♪ Your prerogative ♪

♪ To be positive. ♪

Season 02 Episode 09

Episode Title: "Heartburn, Woodstock and Ribs"
Aired on: January 06, 2022.

Harry? It's me, Drew.


I know you're in there.
I heard you grunt.



I'm so sorry about Meredith.

- She was a wonderful woman.
- Yeah. Thank you.

So, uh, how you doing?

You want to talk?

Well, we're talking now.

Can you not hear me?


There's nothing to talk about.

I knew she was gonna die,

she died,
I'm sad.

End of story.

So what's going on here?

I'm giving away her clothes.

See anything you like?

You don't have
to do that today.

You might want to take
some time.

For what?

It's just stuff.

Doesn't mean anything.

I'm just saying you might not
be ready

- to part with...
- Drew,

I appreciate
you stopping by.

But I'm good.

Okay. Well, I'm here
if you need me.

Thank you.

You know, that thank you
kind of implied goodbye.

Oh, let me give
you a hand.

Ah, thank you.

do me a favor.

Go to my room
and get my painkillers.

- Okay.
- I've counted them.


So, how you feeling?

Tired, but for the first time
in months

my hip didn't
wake me up last night.

Hip-hip hooray!

Did you see what
I did there?

I hope you don't have a scar.

Aw, who cares?
No one's gonna see it.

Ah, sure.
For you that's probably true.

It's open.



I was wondering
how it went with Harry.

He'll be okay.

He just needs some time.

Uh, I hope so.
What's that smell?

Oh, I microwaved
some salmon last night.

Do you want a chunk?

I think I'm eating it now.

Is that dill I'm tasting?

Good for you.

I just wanted to say again

how happy I am
that you're back.

- Yeah.
- Me, too.



So this van girl...

- Hannah.
- Hannah.

Yeah. What's the deal
with Hannah?

Well, I told you.

You know,
we spent the night together,

and then she ripped me off.

Wow, that's crazy.

Is she cute?

I think so, yeah.

In a "doesn't shave her arms
or legs or really anywhere"

kind of way.


Why do you care?

Well, why wouldn't I?

You know, you're my friend

You're my friend!



What's interesting?
Nothing's interesting.

You know what, it's cold
and it stinks in here,

so I'm going.


- Interesting.
- It's not interesting!

Oh, it's interesting.

- Can I tell you something?
- Sure.

I'm more comfortable
with all the touching

because you're gay,
but it'd be a lot sexier

if you were straight.

You sound like my
high school girlfriend.

We gotta get that hip moving
before you start

your physical therapy.

Now, hang on.

Ooh, careful with those.
They're pretty strong.

Oh, I can handle it.

I took the brown acid
at Woodstock.

Who is it?


Ugh. All right.

What do you want?

Okay, come in.

The cashier tried to sell me
some fruity seltzer.

I reminded her
that I pee standing up.

- All right. Thanks. Thanks, thanks.
- Ah.

And I won't waste your time
asking how you're doing.

Thanks again.

You know, when my Jackie
passed, everybody was all,

"How are ya? How you doing?"

And I'm like, "How the hell
do you think I am?

I'm sad, and I don't know how
to work the dishwasher."

You know what I hate?
"I'm here for you."


Well, will you go
somewhere else for me?

The weirdest thing,

I started having
terrible heartburn.

- Really?
- Yeah.

So I went to my doctor...
American, by the way...

And he says, "Have you had
any changes in your lifestyle?"

So I tell him my wife died,

and it was like a pipe burst.

All of a sudden I'm spilling
my guts about Jackie

like I'm at a slumber party.

Don't tell me you cried.

Like I was watching
Brian's Songall over again.

But, I gotta tell you,
right after that,

the heartburn was gone.

So what are you saying?

You're gonna do what
you want to,

but talking helped me.

Mm. So you want me to talk?

You want me to open up.


All right, how's this?

I can never look at you again
without picturing you crying.

That's fair.

- I was told that this was your idea.
- Yeah.

I was thinking maybe we could
start a tradition.

Every time a resident passes,
we could gather together

and celebrate their life.

- Every time?
- Is that a problem?

It is during flu season.

Here, try this.

I made it specially
for our older residents.


Delish. What's in it?

Kahlua and Ensure.

You gotta be kidding me. What?

Does my attire not
meet your approval?

Uh, no. I mean...

You gotta be kidding me
that a woman could look so hot

and yet appropriate.

Thank you.

Good save.

Bert, what is this?

Baby back ribs, baby.

I thought you were
making finger foods.

Ribs are finger food.

Show me how you eat 'em
without using your fingers.

No, I was thinking
little sandwiches and canapes,

hors d'oeuvres.

Take a bite.

- Bert, I don't want to.
- Take a bite.

- Oh, my God.
- Right?

I forgot there was
a dead woman for a second.

Pork. It's the meat that
heals a broken heart.


Thank you for coming
to celebrate Meredith.

I bet you she's
in heaven right now

with some serious FOMO.

Serious what?

Fear Of Missing Out.

Would it k*ll you to say that?


Harry, would you like
to say a few words about

your wonderful wife
of 55 years?

I'm good.

Oh, um...

Okay, would anyone like
to share some memories?

I've got something.

When I first moved here,
which was years ago,

I was going through
a rough time.

whom I'd never spoken to,

one day invites me
to a casino.

We played penny slots
for hours,

and then hit
the all-you-can-eat buffet.

Then she pulls out
this big tote bag.

What we lost gambling,
we took home

twice as much
in king crab legs.

She was my first friend
here, Harry.

To Meredith.

To Meredith.

I-I'd like to say something.

Some time ago,

Meredith and I started
a book club.

We never got a chance to talk
about our last book,

Catcher in the Rye,

but she left me her thoughts.

"Holden Caulfield was a schmuck.

"All he does
is call people phonies.

"I wish he'd taken the time
to get to know them.

"He would have seen
everyone has something

"that makes them special.

"And connecting with people

is what gives life its meaning."

Meredith enriched
my life's meaning.

Her passing means the end
of our book club,

but I'll always be grateful
for our time together.

I got her hooked
on the classics,

she got me hooked on
The Bachelorette.

And this year...
she's black!

- To Meredith! - To Meredith.
- To Meredith.

Gina, thank you for
putting this together.

It was very nice.

You're welcome.

Are you sure you don't want
to say a few words?

Oh, very.

Okay, um, then I will.

Watch it.

Everybody! Hello!

Um, will you turn off
the music?

Thank you.

I would like to take this moment
to talk about

what Meredith meant to me.

Who wants buffalo wings?

Bert, not now.


Even before I bought
Valley Hills...

I'll just put 'em here.


There's spicy and mild.


They're all mixed together,
so be careful.


She said she wanted
finger foods.

Even before I bought
Valley Hills,

Meredith was...

one of my favorite people here.

And after I took over,
we got even closer.

I guess I've... I've grown
closer to all of you.

And so...

And so now that she's...

I'm so sorry.

Oh, boy, I got a hot one.

Hey, buddy.

Meredith's not here anymore.

Don't believe me, huh?


It still smells like her, huh?

I miss her like hell already.

But honestly...

part of me is relieved.

I dreaded losing her
for so long,

but now that she's,
you know...

I feel like this, this...
this weight has been lifted.

And I... I hate myself
for thinking like that.

The worst part is that

she would know exactly
what to say

to make me feel better.

There you are.

- You okay?
- No.

I'm sorry.

It's not just Meredith, it's...

it's everyone in this place.

What do you mean?

When I looked around

and I saw all their faces,

um... I realized
they're all gonna die,

and I'm gonna have
to give that speech

over and over again.

You've worked here for years.

Other people have died.

Yeah. It was always sad, but...

it feels different now.

When I was driving the van,
I was just trying

to get through the day
so I could go back

to my real life.

And now these people are
my life.

And when they die,
it feels like

I'm losing a family member.

Except you actually
like these people.

I'm just gonna keep
getting close to them,

and I'm gonna keep
losing them.

And when they go,
a whole new batch

will come in, and then
they'll become family,

and then they'll die,
and I-I can't handle that.

You're thinking about this
all wrong.

It's not about losing people,

it's about connecting with them.

Drew, that's what
makes this so hard.

Well, yeah.

It's never gonna be easy.

But you are making
a huge difference

in their lives when they
need someone the most.

Just like you did with me.

So what do I do now?

You go back in there
with the people you love,

and you enjoy every moment

you are lucky enough
to have with them.

I'm glad you got robbed
and came back.


- It's not interesting.
- Oh, I'm telling you, it's interesting.



What are you doing?

Going on the road with you.

Get out of my bed.
