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01x02 - Die Alysis

Posted: 01/16/22 11:48
by bunniefuu

Drew Dunbar.

Drew Dunbar.

Uh, I was in a pretty
dark place last time we...

I talked, and...

I turned to you, and...

it was... helpful.

You're a good listener.

And I'm a therapist, so I know
a thing or two about listening.

Not comparing.

Anyway, uh, good news.

I found a kidney donor.

Although I suppose
you think you did that.

Answering my prayers. [CHUCKLES]

Uh, uh-uh.

Well, um...

the point is...

I just don't think this is appropriate.

I'm just not a believer.

Because, you know,

uh, science, evolution,
rational thought, et cetera.

A-And I'm not the type of
guy that just ghosts people.

Or omniscient deities.

Don't smite me. [CHUCKLES]

We cool?



Hey, Dr. Mahadian.



I thought you said I could
avoid this with a donor.

Yeah, uh, okay, sure.

I'll be there.

Dude, you are not gonna believe this.

- ♪ The more you give ♪
- ♪ The more you give ♪

- ♪ The more you live ♪
- ♪ The more you live ♪

- ♪ Your happiness is relative ♪
- ♪ Happiness ♪

♪ But if you're feeling like crap ♪

♪ It's time to face the fact ♪

♪ It's your prerogative ♪

♪ Your prerogative ♪

♪ To be positive ♪



Hi there. Dr. Mahadian called?

Dunbar, Drew.

We had an appointment
scheduled for : .

I'm so sorry. I went to
the men's room to, you know,

pee, and, uh...


And now : .

Follow me.

Sorry, I'm just still trying to
wrap my head around all this.

It's happening so fast.

You'll get used to it.

Sessions are three hours,
three days a week.

The dialysis machine works
just like your kidneys...

It filters your blood,
puts it back into your body.

I usually make a joke here
to lighten the mood,

but you were late,
and I can't reward that.

Okay, all set.

Keep that arm completely straight,

and I'll be back to check on you.

Okay. No, that didn't hurt at all.

Yeah, Gideon's good.

Gideon's not good. Gideon's the best.

Hey. Eli Russell.

Drew Dunbar.

Eli Russell?

Drew Dunbar?

- Eli Russell.
- Eli Russell.

He used to play for the Seahawks,

which I'm told is a football team.

Did I? Hey.

Did I win a Super Bowl
with the Seahawks?


I guess I did. [CHUCKLES]

Hi. Jerry Platt. Just a dentist.

There's no reason you should know me.


You, uh, carry a lot
of tension in your jaw.

Oh, I assure you it's everywhere.

They can't have that meeting
without me... it's my account.

Mitch? Mitch is in the meeting?

Hey, tap on this.

Okay. You know what?

You listen to me,
you keep your eye on that snake,

and I will be there as soon as
my mother's done with her chemo.


- Hey, Samantha.
- Hey, Sam.


Hey. Sorry about your mom.

- What?
- The chemo.

Oh. No. My mother's fine.

She's dating a guy younger than me.

I just can't let work know I'm sick.

That'll get you fired
faster than being pregnant.

Who is this, anyway?

- Oh, he's the new Cheryl.
- Cheryl?

Yeah, she used to sit in that chair

before she got her transplant.

Hmm. Lucky bitch.

Cheryl, I hope they told you
the wait for a kidney

on the registry is ten years.

Well, uh, first, it's Drew.

And, uh, I already have a, uh,

uh, a, uh, I already...

I already... uh... you know what?

I-It doesn't matter. [CHUCKLES]

You already have a donor?

Yeah, I-I guess so.

I want to punch you so hard right now.

All right, people,
Stern Medical Building,

for all of your X-rays, MRIs,

CAT scans and miscellaneous
radiological needs.


Oh, hey, Drew. What's up?

Oh, yeah. Okay.

I'm at work right now,
but I'm off at : .

Yeah, okay.

I'll see you then.

All right, bye.


Hmm. That your kidney fella?

Uh, yeah. He wants to meet for coffee.

[CHUCKLES] I bet he does.

- What's that look?
- Has it ever occurred to you

that he might not even need a kidney?

Maybe it's just a way for him
to get into your pants?

Points for originality,
I'll give him that.

No. No, no, no.
Nobody's trying to get in my pants.

NORMA: All right, darling.

You know best.

Bet you a dollar this is

one of those "kidneys
with benefits" situations.

So, how are things going
at the retirement home?

Uh, not bad.

Uh, Mr. Kaplan passed away,
but Mrs. Scavo's tumor is benign,

- so we'll call that a draw.

Um, d-do you mind if we switch seats?

I just, I want to keep
an eye on my motorcycle.

Oh. Uh, sure.


Uh, not to be a worrywart,
but, uh, you...

you really think riding around
on a motorcycle's a good idea?

Oh. Don't worry. I wear a helmet.

Ah, good, good.

Not your brain I'm worried about.

Donor? Vanilla latte for Donor?

Oh, that's me.

- Donor?
- Yeah.

Tell people you're giving away a kidney,

you get a lot of free stuff.

Well, I'm glad you're getting
something out of this, too.

- Yeah. Win-win.

So, what's going on?

Uh, okay. Well, here's the deal.

Seems as if my condition has...
taken a turn.

- Everything okay?
- Yeah.



[CLEARS THROAT] Taken a turn. Go on.

Uh, well, I, uh, actually had
to start dialysis this morning.


Well, you won't be there for long.

Your kidney is a-comin'.

Other side.

It's a-comin'.

Uh, is-is there anything else
that you want to talk about?

W-Well, um, yes.

Uh, Gina, we haven't seen
each other since high school.

We barely know each other.

I just want to make sure

that you're really
committed to doing this.

Drew, I gave you my word.

And where I come from,

that's the only thing
a person has to give.

Except for, you know, money or sex.

Okay. Well, so you...

you think you can stay
clean until the surgery?

Totally. I have been so
good so far... three days.

I mean, not in a row, but still.

- Drew, you need to relax.
- Mm-hmm.

Fate has brought us together,

and there is nothing that
is gonna get in the way of...

I got to pee. I'll be right back.



- You got a minute?
- Sure. What's up?

Well, I've got something this Saturday,

and I was hoping we could
switch Maddie's days.

What do you got?

Just a thing.

A date?

Is it a date?

We're not married anymore.
You can tell me.

Are you gonna switch with me or not?

Sure. Yeah, I can switch with you

when you're out there
getting your groove back.

- Drew, please don't...
- You know what?

I actually have to go. I'm, uh,

out with a lovely young
lady on a coffee date.

Good for you.

Oh, it's k*lling you and you know it.



Everything okay in there?


I'm coming in.

Oh, come on.

[SIGHS] What was I thinking?

She's such a flake.


Flaky corn flake.

Battle Creek, Michigan...

- flaky...

- Drive! Drive!
- What the...?

Drive, drive, drive, drive, drive!

- What's happening?!
- Just drive!

- Okay, okay, okay!
- Drive, drive, drive!


So, why'd you run away?

It's not important.

You didn't happen to bring
my latte, did you?


Stop yelling at me!

Sorry. Gina.

[PANTING]: Thank you.

I saw a gentleman I owe some money to.

What kind of gentleman?

The bad kind.

What kind of money?

The kind they break your thumbs for.

[GROANS] Oh, my God.


Well, can I ask why?

I really wish you wouldn't.

- Oh, no.
- What?

Oh, okay. There's a black Sedan

been following me for
a couple of blocks now.

Is this the guy? This is the guy.
I knew it.

Oh, geez, he's pulling up on the left.

Okay. Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.

Hey, back off, man!
You do not want to mess with me!

That's not him.

I am so sorry, sir. My mistake.

You have a wonderful afternoon.

So, how come I can't be on
my phone at dinner, but you can?

Just checking up on a friend,
but you're right.

I'm sorry. Phone is down. Let's talk.

You want to talk?

Yeah. What's going on in your world?

Some girls in my class
started taking the pill.

Okay, let's not talk.

Uh... hey, will you
promise me something?



See the world.

Travel? You have a panic attack

whenever I spend the weekend
at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Well, when you're older.

And remember to always
celebrate the little victories.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

And-and-and... and
be sure to do something

with your life that you love.

You know, something that
you're really passionate about.

Why are you telling me this now?

Because... you never know. I...

may not remember to tell you later.

You're so weird.

Hey, hug?


Love you.

Yeah. Great.

And remember, the key to
a healthy relationship

is to be a good listener.

You hear me?

Gideon, can I skip out early?

- I've got a meeting at : .
- Is it with God?

You keep skipping dialysis,

that's the only meeting you're going to.

: . Better.

- Hey.
- JERRY: Hey.

Hey. I don't know you too well.

Are you upset,
or is that just your face?

Both. It's my donor.

Oh. What happened, Cheryl?

Please stop calling me that.

If it makes you feel better,

whoever gets that chair next,

I'm gonna call "Drew."

I've got to find someone else.

I cannot count on this woman.

Why not?

She's just so... out there.

She's still drinking,

and there is some shady stuff going on.


Isn't that enough?

Hell no.

Not even close.

I would take a kidney
from Hannibal Lecter

if he was offering.

You know, assuming it wasn't chewed on.

Ayatollah Khomeini, hand it over.

Mother Teresa, give it. [LAUGHS]

How is she a terrible person?

Did not see the pattern.

Guys, guys, don't you get it?

I can't risk investing all this time,

only to have her let me down.

You want to talk about being let down?

My brother offered to be my donor.

The doctor tells him he
just needs to lose pounds

before the surgery.

That's a year ago. He's up eight.

JERRY: How about this?

My cousin offers to donate,
and then bails

because his girlfriend doesn't
want him to have a scar.

SAMANTHA: Or your best friend

backs out because she
may have a child one day

who might need a kidney.

This woman is .

Where is the miracle baby coming from?

ELI: You have somebody
willing to donate.

Okay, she's a mess. So what?

You hang on to her

until they're wheeling
both of your asses

into that operating room.

'Cause you know what
your other option is?


Wasn't sure it was obvious.

I guess it was.

Hey, there. Hope you can help me.

Ugh. Got to go.

It won't bite. Just put
it back in the cage.

[SCOFFS] Yeah?

I'm, uh... I'm looking for
someone who works here...

Gina Dabrowski.

What is this regarding?

It's a personal matter.

Uh-huh. Why don't you go have a seat?

I'll go check and see if she's here.

Gina? Gina?


You like intimidating women, punk, huh?

Make you feel tough?

- Excuse me?
- Huh?

You want to rough somebody up, try me.

What are you talking about?
Gina's my kidney donor.

Oh. I'm terribly sorry.

Uh, excuse me.


False alarm. It's the kidney guy.

And I get now that
it's nothing romantic.

Look at your life, Gina.

You're hiding, peeking around corners,

jumping out of windows.

You can't live like this.
I know I certainly can't.

Yeah, well, I don't really have
much of a choice right now.

Yes, you do.

Look, you're doing this
incredible thing for me,

so I want to do something good for you.

What do you think about...

moving in with me?


I mean, no one will ever
find you in Connecticut.

Take it.

Plus, I can keep an eye on you,

make sure you're healthy.

I can look after you until the surgery.

[SINGSONGY]: Take it.

Norma, please.

I'm sorry, Drew. I can't.


You can't?

This guy wants his money back.
He's dangerous.

I know. I'll try to work out
some sort of payment plan, or

maybe I'll get lucky and
he'll get sent back to prison.

Gina, think about this.

It's the answer to your problems.

Thank you, but no.

I need to be independent.

You know, not have
someone hovering over me.


Will you stop that?


Well, I guess that's all I have to say.

Hey, I can still be your donor.

Yeah, sure, sure.

That is, if you don't get whacked.

Look, will you at least

tell me why you borrowed
money from a loan shark?

I needed it to help a friend
who was in money trouble.

So you put yourself in money trouble?

Well, clearly,
I didn't think it through.

Good luck, Gina.

What is the matter with you?

That is a question
that gets asked a lot.

Well, I'm late for water aerobics.

I'm not gonna let some goon
keep me out of my own home.

- It's my life and...
- Shh.

- MAN: There's nothing in here.
- [WHISPERING]: Door's open.

- MAN : Check the bathroom.


ELI: You gonna be okay?

I think so.

I put my name back on
the donor registry. We'll see.

Okay, you are fully charged.

Go forth and be fruitful.

Have a nice day, Jerry.

This is the nice part of my day.

Oh, well, you have a nice day.

Eli, tell him.

Samantha doesn't have nice days.

- Hey.
- Hey.

What are you doing here?

Um... I, uh... [CLEARS THROAT]

I got to thinking,
maybe Connecticut isn't so bad.


If the offer's still open,

I will make this sacrifice

and move in with you.


Yeah, of course it's still open.


What made you change your mind?


I walked into my apartment

and I realized

my life is here with you.

Wow. Yeah. [LAUGHS]

Thank you, Gina.

Are these your dialysis buddies?

Uh, yeah. Uh, hey, guys,
this is Gina, my donor.

- Hey, Gina.
- GINA: Hey.

I wish I had more kidneys.

Well, she doesn't. Just the one,

and it's mine, so, off you go.

They look nice,
but they are a pack of jackals.

Hey, where you been?

Just taking a walk,

- checking out my new hood.
- Hmm.

Probably a little quieter
than what you're used to?

Mm-hmm. Little bit.


The suburbs.


Sub... urban.

"Sub" means "below," right?

- It's one of the meanings, yes.
- Hmm.

Below urban.

When Nicole Kidman
is having missionary sex

with her husband,
she is... sub... Urban.

Are you high?

I wish.

I met Alicia and Doug.
They seemed so nice.

Who are Alicia and Doug?

Your next-door neighbors
for the last seven years.

Oh, yeah, sure. Cute couple.

They said they never met you,
and they are not cute.


So, what's the plan?

- Plan?
- Yeah, what you want to do tonight?

I was just gonna read.


I'm sorry.

I'm being a bad host.

What do you want to do?
What would make you happy?

- Really?
- ­Really. You pick.


I have a bunch of friends in
the city who are homeless,

or living in their cars.

So let's go get them

and bring them here to live with us.

Where are you going now?

I'm going to hang out
with Alicia and Doug.

You want to come with me?

With those uggos? No, thanks.

Come on. It would not hurt
you to go out and meet people.

Nah. 'Cause then,
for the rest of my life,

I'm gonna have to say "hi" to them

when I'm going to my car,
getting the mail.

But look on the bright side.

You may not live that long.

Let me just get my coat.