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02x09 - From Tusk Til Dawn Adventure

Posted: 01/16/22 08:06
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Look up there ♪
- ♪ What do you see? ♪

♪ Nature and stuff ♪

- ♪ Like a rock ♪
- ♪ And a tree ♪

♪ Oh, the Great North ♪

♪ Way up here,
you can breathe the air ♪

♪ Catch some fish ♪

♪ Or gaze at a bear ♪

♪ Wow ♪

♪ Oh, the Great North ♪

♪ Here we live, oh, oh ♪

♪ Here we'll stay, oh, whoo ♪

♪ From longest night
to longest day ♪


BEEF: Hello, boys.

- How's the homework?
- You know, Dad,

I've never thought to ask.

- How are you, polynomials?
- I'm getting nothing.

I see Moon is outside doing
his daily perimeter watch.

Yep. So far, no bogeys.

Ah, poor guy.
He would love to see a bogey.

Come on, bogeys.

Another all clear.

I got one!

Oh, no. Is that...?
No, no, no, no, no! [groans]

Code Chartreuse!

Code Chartreuse?
Grab the binder!

Burgundy, cerulean,

Oh, no, no!

Great Gary's Gonads.

- It can't be.
- What's Tusk?

Tobins, I know you're in there.

I can hear Wolf. He breathes
really loud through his nose.

[breathes loudly through nose]

[whispering] I do not.

[laughs] Ol' Beef.

HONEYBEE: Ugh, look at it.

That's prime kiosk
real estate right there.

And it'll be all mine
when I win

the "Kiss the Kiosk"
competition this Friday night.

Okay, now, walk me through

this whole "Kiss the Kiosk"
thing again.

Are you judged based on
how romantic the kiss is?

It's actually
a three-part contest

where you have to keep
a body part on the kiosk

as long as possible.

The first round
is "Hug the Hut."

Second round
is "Butts on a Booth."

And in the third round,

whoever kisses it the longest
gets to kiss it forever.

It's based on how
we used to decide

who got to be governor of Alaska.

I did not know having a kiosk
was your big dream, Honeybee.

I didn't either, until recently.

I've been reading
Guy Fieri's new book,

I Believe I Can Guy,
and it's really helping me

believe in myself.
He made me think,

"Why shouldn't I sell
my leggings at a mall kiosk?"

Ooh, are you sure
you want to do that?

Mall kiosking is
a pretty cutthroat lifestyle.

Really? Everybody seems
like they're having fun.

Like the light-up
flyer toy dude

and my friend Leslie
of Leslie's Lotions.

- Oh, there she is.
- Honeybee, hey!

Hey, Leslie! Busy day?

Bulbs above my kiosk
went out again.

Been working at this mall so long,

I feel like I could maintain
the whole place myself.

See you at "Kiss the Kiosk"
on Friday.

Wait, she's gonna try
to win another kiosk?

Yup. She has an idea for hand
soaps that smell like soups.

They're called Soup Soaps.

I'd have to stop myself

from eating my own hands,
but I love it.

TUSK: I know, it sounds crazy,
but I've cleaned up,

doing my steps.
I've cut out the booze,

the liquid cocaine,
the regular cocaine,

and I no longer participate

in the black market
for endangered animals.

Not the same guy I used to be.

Oh, good, because that guy
almost got my son k*lled,

and if he was here,
I'd certainly glare at him.

Like this.

Tusk Johnson's on his way here,
and... Oh.

Well, guess I'll go put on
some tea, then.

Tusk, what are you
really doing here?

Well, that's the big news. Your
old pal Tusk is getting married.

- Congratulations.
- Impossible.

Come on. To a human?

Or is this like
that situation in France

- where the lady married a bridge?
- I'm marrying Doris.

You remember,
my gal pal from the bar.

Yes. She threw up
on our doormat.

That's my angel.
We got sober together.

And it turns out, you can
get knocked up at . Who knew?

Anyway, baby's due next month,
wedding's this weekend,

and I just wanted
to stop by and, uh,

say I'm sorry, and ask you
to give me a second chance.

Well, Tusk, you did lie to me,

turn me and my dad
against each other,

and let me dangle
for my life over a canyon,

but I can't stay mad at you.
Second chance initiated.

That means a lot, Wolf.
Beef? Second chance-a-rooni?

- Fine.
- Thank you, Beef.

- Oh, one other thing.
- Ah, here we go.

I was thinking of having
a bachelor party.

- Sweet!
- And I was hoping that maybe

you could throw it for me.

Something simple,
like on your boat.

I sold mine after I got sober.

Needed the money
for a family car.

Before that, I was just renting the
boat out for porno sh**t anyway.

If you've seen a porno, it's
probably been shot on my boat.

- Go ahead, name a porn.
- I'd rather not.

Yup, shot on my boat.
Name another.

- No, sir.
- Also shot on my boat. Name another.

- This is so fun.
- Yup, parts one and two.

- I feel uncomfortable.
- Again, shot on my boat.

- What's a porno?
- That one, too. Very educational.

Orgy Ahoy?

That was shot on a
soundstage, believe it or not.

Uh, Wolf, can I speak to you out
on the porch for just a moment?

If you want to talk wedding
gifts for Tusk and Doris,

I know for a fact
that they adore cigarettes.

Wolf, we cannot throw that man
a bachelor party on our boat.

- I don't trust him.
- But you just said you'd

give him a second chance, Dad,

and if you say it, you got to mean it.

Remember you always used to
think that the checkout lady

at the grocery store, Connie,
would always manhandle your bread?

But then you tried self-checkout,
and what happened?

I dropped and then
stepped on my bread.

That's right. You dropped it
and you stepped on it,

and Connie came over
and gave you new bread,

and you gave her
a second chance,

and your bread's been
A-OK ever since.

My point is,
sometimes you got to give people

an opportunity to be better,
a real second chance.

Fine, let's throw
a bachelor party on our boat

for a man that
almost m*rder*d you.

That's the stuff.

Now, what do you say,
father-son forgiveness snuggle?

Bring it in, Dad.

Tusk, will you make me
the happiest man in the world

and have your bachelor party
on our boat?

Yes! [laughs]
Oh, thank you so much.

Me, Doris, and Adonis
won't forget this.

Yeah, we're naming it
Adonis, boy or girl.

If it's a girl, Adonis Rebecca.
If it's a boy, Adonis Mike.

How's party planning
going, babe?

Well, I've already got
the perfect guest list:

me, Dad, Jerry, Moon,
Ham, and Crispin.

Doesn't Tusk have
any friends of his own?

I guess there's his old sidekick Dan.

The guy he used to make do

all the dangerous
stunts on his show?

Yeah, but Dad and I are
pretty sure he's dead,

so that's probably a touchy subject.

But enough about Tusk's party.
I'm so excited for you

to compete
in the kiosk competition.

Just remember,
if it gets down to the wire,

try the tortoise move.

You just shout,
"Hey, look, a tortoise!"

Then watch your competitor's
concentration shatter,

because who wouldn't want
to see a tortoise?

And you've actually tried this?

Thought of it just now,
but, trust me, it's solid.

Hey, it's the man of the hour.

Welcome to bach-town, baby.
Population: you.

And the rest of us, so, uh,
like, seven people.

This looks great, Wolf.
All my favorite buds are here.

You, your dad,
your child brothers,

- this guy...
- Hey, I'm Jerry,

and I have
no idea who you are either.

I just know
I'm not supposed to trust you.

[laughs] Easy, Jerry.
Where'd you hear that?

I'm bad at lying.
He heard that from me.

That's fair. Jerry, truth is, I
used to be a bit of a bad seed,

and now I'm trying
to be a good tree,

but trust is earned, not given.

All right, time to pull up
anchor and set sail.

If this boat's a-moving,
Tusk's party is grooving.

Wait. Wait up.

I'm looking for Tusk Johnson's
bachelor party?

- [Wolf and Beef gasp]
- Well, split my wood.

Oh, my God.
It's Tusk's old sidekick Dan.

Dan, great to see you
and tell you face-to-face,

I'm sorry I let you take the
fall on that bogus land deal.

I was a different person back then.

Oh, no biggie.
Jail wasn't all bad.

I had a job in the prison cafeteria,

so I got to put extra oatmeal
in my pockets.

When you didn't respond
to my E-vite,

I figured you weren't coming.

Well, I-I mean,
I guess I was mad at you

when I was in jail, but I'm out,

and I can eat sour cream
and onion chips whenever I want,

so my life is perfect now,
and all is forgiven.

Would you look at that?

Two of my best friends
being best friends again.

I mean, I know
I just met you, Dan,

but I got a great feeling about it.

Now, let me walk everyone
through tonight's P-plan.

That's short for party plan.

We got a snow cone machine,

a banging bag of chips,
a cake by Ham...

With a special Tusk Johnson
surprise on the inside.

If it's a puppy,
I will be so excited.

We've also got the Ship-N-Slide
inflatable for Moon,

and to cap off the evening,

a sweet-ass laser light dubstep
show that, believe it or not,

I found on Craigslist.

- I believe it.
- But, right now,

who's ready
for Lone Moose's number one

nautical-themed a cappella group?

Hi, I'm Captain Randy, and we're

the New Kids on the Dock.
Two, three, four...

♪ What a boat,
what a boat, what a boat ♪

♪ What a mighty good boat... ♪

I guess it's official,
I don't like music.

You're gonna do great, Honeybee.

Just imagine that kiosk
is a door, and you're

Kate Winslet floating in
the freezing cold ocean,

and if Leonardo DiCaprio
or any extras try to get on,

- you just kick them off.
- Great plan, Judy.

- Hello there. I'm Ruthina.
- I'm Honeybee.

My name's Dabbie. Maybe you've
heard of my online store,

Dabbie's Crabby Babbies.

I sell a line of baby bibs
with pictures of crabs on them.

Hey, Honeybee.
Oh, my gosh, look at...

[singsongy] u-us.

All women over here.
Uh, can you say girl power?

Yeah. Girl power.
That's easy to say.

Why would anyone
not be able to say that?

Good evening.
I'm the mall administrator,

Mr. Jarvis Dufraine,
for those who don't know me,

and for those who do know me,
yes, I did get a new haircut.

I'm not sure I love it,
but I'm not sure

- I'm ready to talk about it.
- It's all right.

I just said I'm not ready
to talk about it.

Okay, now before we Hug The Hut,

please join me
in a moment of silence

for the previous owner
of this kiosk, Burt Galasky,

who recently died doing what
he loved, being in his kiosk.

Oh, my God.
Someone died in this kiosk?

You're so brave to be here
because everyone knows,

late in pregnancy,
a thin portal between our world

- and the netherworld opens up.
- Leslie, stop scaring her.

I'm not. I'm just saying,
in her condition,

it's very easy for a ghost
to get in her baby.

Okay, that's enough silence.
Everybody, hug the hut.

Listen, if my water breaks

while we're still
hugging this thing,

one of you will have
to deliver this baby.

I delivered all six
of my own kids in a cedar bath,

so if push comes to shove,

we can get in the fountain
and go for it.

Can I get your phone number
for when I have kids?

- Yes, it's four.
- Just four?

I'll tell you the rest later.

Gonna be a long night, don't
want to run out of conversation.

♪ Bee-bop-a-doo-bop, boats! ♪

Hey, great party, fellas.

I haven't had this much sober fun

since the hallway carnival
at my rehab.

I'm a little nervous about this
wind and my laser light show.

Eh, what's a little wind?

I'm sure the ol' Kathleen
can take it.

Hmm... you seem very interested

- in keeping us out here in this weather.
- Classic Tusk.

If he wants to stay out,
we're gonna stay out.

And if he wants a bag of blood,
he gets a bag of your blood.

Uh-oh, guys, looks like
we're in serious Trouble.

We're also in serious Scrabble,
Parcheesi, and Operation.

I'm in.
Ooh, let's play Operation.

I took my own appendix out
in the wild once,

and I was not bad at it.

Hey, uh, Beef? Quick word?

Listen, I'm a little concerned
that Tusk might be

up to something here tonight.

Only because he's always
up to something.

I had those same concerns,
but I'm prepared.

- I've got a detachable radio...
- Mm-hmm.

- extra set of boat keys...
- Mm-hmm.

...and our exact nav data in the cabin.

What about a way
to defend yourself?

I'm sure it won't come to that,
but I've got an antique trident

in the hold for predatory birds.

I wouldn't be opposed
to using it for predatory turds,

if you know what I mean.

[chuckles] Yeah,
you're saying Tusk is a turd.

[chuckles] Yup.
You nailed it, buddy.

That ends round one.

now please turn around

and put your butts on the booth.

You're doing great, Honeybee.

Your butt's looking
super solid so far.

Oh, I love putting
my butt on things.

I once put my butt on Pierce
Brosnan for a few moments

at a farmers market while he
was selecting some rhubarb,

but I didn't get
to keep him afterwards.

Okay, Honeybee.
Keep your butt on the prize.

Oh, so nice that you have
good people here to support you.

What about you? Any family
or friends in the crowd?

No, no. Kids moved away
and the old hubs died

last month when a tree
fell on him in our orchard.

I've always said
you can't trust trees.

They're jealous of us
'cause we get to walk around.

Anyway, now I pass the time
making little figurines

from that very tree for revenge.

I need the kiosk so I can have
a place to sell them.

Uh-oh. I felt the baby kick.
Do you think the ghost got in there?

- No.
- Probably.

I know for a fact there's
a really nasty poltergeist

that hangs out in the
Gags and Goofs store over there.

- Leslie!
- No. No. This isn't worth it.

Too many ghosts. I can't let
them get in my baby. I can't.

Oh, no, Dabbie.

♪ When the working day is done ♪

♪ Oh, boats,
they want to have fun ♪

♪ Oh, boats just want to have ♪

♪ Fun. ♪

Let's hear it for
the New Kids on the Dock.

Okay, everybody,
the doctor is here,

and he's about to perform
some laser sky surgery.

[imitates lasers sh**ting]

ALL: Whoa!

Getting a little too choppy
out here for my liking.

- We'd better head back in.
- But, Dad, the party was just getting started.

Actually, Wolf,
I think your dad is right.

No, Tusk, I said...
Oh. Yes, correct, I am right.

Okay, I'll head into
the cabin and steer us home.

- Ha!
- Dan, what are you doing?

Back it up, Beef Breath.
This ship isn't going anywhere.

DAN: I'll hit you with
the b*llet points on this.

One, I am still pissed at Tusk.
Two, prison hardened me,

and I did nothing but think
of how to get revenge

the whole time,
even on visiting magician night.

Listen, Dan, I know
you're mad at Tusk,

- but you don't want to do this.
- Of course I want to do this!

Did you not just hear
everything I said?

Prison? Revenge?
Visiting magician?

Now, Tusk,

remember those smugglers
you double-crossed

by getting them to buy
a bunch of baby ostriches?

Oh, right. I told them
they were baby pterodactyls

and they could open
a Jurassic Park franchise.

They were very dumb.

Well, those smugglers
are still pissed

and they're gonna
be here any second

so I can hand you over
to them and get $ , .

Two? I bet you could've
gotten five. They hate me.

Wait, really? Five?
I mean, shut up, Tusk.

JARVIS: Again, my apologies.
Some kind of short in

the system has shut off
all the heaters in the mall.

We're working on
getting them back up.

Oh, I don't think I'm gonna last
much longer in this cold.

Very lucky that you're wearing
that parka, Leslie.

- Huh.
- What do you mean, "Huh"?

It is pretty convenient
that you happen to be

all bundled up indoors and then

the heat mysteriously shorts out.

I wore it because
this is my lucky parka.

Worn this baby
to four colonoscopies,

and they went great.
Polyp-free, baby.

You're always bragging to me
about how you've been working

at this mall for so long
that you know it inside and out.

What are you saying, Honeybee?

That I know this mall
so well I was able

to preset the heaters
to shut off at a certain time

so that I could win this kiosk,
which I deserve?

Well, that wasn't exactly what
I was thinking, but now it is.

And I guess you think
I made up those ghost stories

just to scare Dabbie away, too.

Uh, yes, now I'm also thinking that.

Look, you want to be
in the kiosk biz, Honeybee,

you better toughen up.
Everybody's like this...

the flying toy guy,
the calendar lady.

There's a reason
I don't know their names.

We are not friends.

You wouldn't be able
to hack it, Honeybee.

Neither would that old lady
right there

who wants to sell
fancy sticks at a mall.

Sticks, my ass.
They're figurines. [shudders]

Here, sweetie, use my body heat.

Oh, thank you. The second digit
in my phone number is six.

Ugh, this is all my fault.
I just had to throw this party.

Actually, it might be my fault.

No, no, guys.
I'm the one who invited Dan.

But I may know a way
we can get out of this.

I happen to know
he's terrible with a spear.

I'm telling you, he couldn't s*ab

the broad side of a barn,
and we tried.

I literally tried to make him
s*ab a barn, and he couldn't do it.

If we work together,
we can take him

before he can s*ab
one of us, or at least before

he can s*ab one of us
in a vital organ.

It's not a terrible plan.

It's better than the one
I had in mind,

which, honestly, where would we even get

the detonator or the nuclear material?

- All right, Tusk, let's give it a try.
- Okay, here's what we do,

I'll create a distraction and then...

- BOTH: Hello.
- Ah, panther penis.

Uh-oh, the smugglers.

Okay, why does everyone
have a trident?

Is it weird, or is it weird
that I don't have a trident?

Oh, hi, everybody. I'm Cal and
this is my twin sister Jennifer.

And we're smugglers.

- So, whose boat is this?
- It's my dad's.

- It is gorgeous.
- Hey, guys.

Here's Tusk Johnson.
You can take him off the boat,

and I'll be taking two grand
and one of these lifeboats.

Not so fast, sidekick.

You were with Tusk back then,

that means you
double-crossed us, too.

We're taking both of you.

What? Wait.
What are you gonna do with me?

I don't know.
What do you think, bro?

I don't know.
What do you think, sis?

I don't know.
What do you think, bro?

- No idea. What do you think, sis?
- Are they gonna k...

You know what?
We don't have to have

our entire hostage plan
figured out right now.

That's a great attitude,
just enjoy the journey.

But twin sis and I have
great news for you, bushy beard.

We're giving you a brand-new
boat, and we're taking yours.

Oh, come on,
these people aren't involved.

- Take me, but leave their boat.
- No can do, Tusk.

Excuse me,
Mr. and Mrs. Smuggler,

could I take
the inflatable bouncy slide?

Oh, great call, Moon.
It's a rental, too,

and I really don't want to lose
my deposit on that bad boy.

Sure. We're not monsters.

The deposit on those inflatable
party things is insane.

We totally get it. We have kids.

Oh. Together?

And can we take the cake?
I worked really hard on it.

That's fine. We're doing
a keto thing anyways.

We want to look good
for the wedding photos.

And you're marrying...?

All right. Let's get you guys
over to your new ride.

There she goes.
I've lost another Kathleen.

Two, three, four.

- ♪ Oh, what a boat, what a boat... ♪
- Guys, no.

Those were some of
the most poorly tied knots

I've ever had
the displeasure of untying.

Well, seems like they disabled
this boat, so we're stuck here.

Chitty-chitty dang-dang.

Sorry, Dad. Feels like
this was all my fault.

Actually, son, this was my fault.

I was so blinded
by my mistrust of Tusk,

I let my guard down
with someone I barely knew.

What do you mean?

I was so worried about Tusk
that I trusted Dan.

I let him trick me into giving him

everything he needed
to hold us hostage.

I basically gave him the trident.

But my biggest problem is,
I didn't follow your example.

If I'd listened to you
when you said to give someone

a real second chance,
this wouldn't have happened.

I stepped on my bread
all over again.

Well, do you want to follow
my example now, Dad?

'Cause I may have a haphazard,
ill-conceived way

- to get back to the boat.
- Sounds perfect.

Are you sure you guys

are gonna be able
to catch the boat using this?

Nope, but Tusk was right,
they are very dumb,

and they are steering the
Kathleen right into the wind,

so she's gonna list around in a circle,

and we're gonna pass right by her.

- Ham, you got the remote?
- Uh-huh.

- You know what to do?
- Yup.

But hold on, Wolf.
The cake surprise.

I baked a stainless steel
tusk into the cake,

you know, for Tusk. Take it.

So that's why you wanted
the cake, so we'd have a w*apon.

Actually, I just really wanted
everyone to get a piece.

- The w*apon was kind of a bonus.
- All right, Dad, let's bounce.

Crap, this thing's busted.

We're supposed to be doing
keto anyway, Jennifer.

I can only eat so many
salami cheese roll-ups

dipped in mayo, Cal.

I think that's the signal.

Oh, good. I thought those were
the northern lights,

and I was like, "Damn, the
northern lights are garbage."

Jennifer, what does
"een-gene" mean?

I don't know.
How do you spell it?


[dubstep music playing]

Aah! What's happening?

Wolf, you son of a g*n.

Well, lads, shall we sing
our grand finale song?

♪ He lives in the woods
and survives on the land ♪

♪ And he never met a beast
that he couldn't tame ♪

♪ He'll take down a bear,
fight a wolf in his lair ♪

♪ If you live in the wild,
then you know his name... ♪

- Tusk!
- ♪ Tusk Johnson, mountain man ♪

♪ Living in the woods
just because he can ♪

- ♪ Tusk Johnson, mountain man... ♪
- I caught it.

And now I'm throwing it.

♪ Did we mention that
Tusk has a sidekick, Dan? ♪

- Ah, so close.
- [chuckles, grunts]

♪ Tusk! ♪

Well, the twins shouldn't
give us any more trouble.

We'll take them back to shore
and hand them over to Edna.

She's the owner of the boatyard
and the chief of police.

She also runs the sticker store.

Oh, could you ask her to put us
in the same jail cell?

And what are you guys
gonna do with me?

I think that's up to Tusk.

Dan, I get why you did
what you did.

I treated you like crud for years,
and I got you thrown in jail.

I just want to offer you
my amends once more.

You know what, Tusk?

[water splashes]

- [whimpering]
- Wow.

- He's bad at swimming, too, huh?
- He sure is.

Should we throw him a rope?

Nah, he's climbing aboard over there.

Does he know that
their boat's disabled?

- DAN: Damn it!
- Now he does.

DAN: Stupid Dan.

- Tusk, I guess I owe you an apology.
- Oh, no, you don't.

Thanks for throwing me
a very memorable bachelor party.

You know, I might just
name the baby

Adonis Beef.
Middle name: Adonis Wolf.

JARVIS: Well, it's getting late,

but we've got three contestants
still kissing that kiosk.

I believe I can Guy.
I believe I can...


Honeybee. Hey, Honeybee.

Guy Fieri?
What are you doing here?

Well, I'm kind of worried
about this competition.

I thought we could have
a little "Guy" talk. Get it?

'Cause your name is Guy.

That's hilarious.
Is there anything you can't do?

I can't wear my hair flat.

This is my natural color and
shape. It's just how it grows.

- It's beautiful.
- I know, but listen, Honeybee,

are you sure this kiosk
is what you really want?

Do you really want to end up
like Lotion Leslie?

Moist but miserable?

Being successful
doesn't mean being cutthroat.

That's what Food Network's
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

is all about... supporting small
restaurateurs across the nation.

Helping people... that's
the "key-osk" to a happy life.

You do that,
and the Guy's the limit.

Thank you, Mr. Fieri, and, um,

you got some queso in that
hair triangle under your lip.

Honeybee, it's always there,
just in queso.

- Hey, Honeybee.
- Wolf?

She's still in it.
There's only three people left.

You can do this, babe.
I believe you can Guy.

Looks like the old lady's about
to kiss this kiosk goodbye.

GUY: Helping people...
that's the key-osk

- to a happy life.
- Ooh, Leslie!

- Leslie, look, a tortoise.
- A tortoise? Where?

Uh-oh, and now there's just two.

Wait, that is not fair. Who
wouldn't want to see a tortoise?

I give up. I give up.

Oh, wait a minute now, and
Ruthina Jean wins the kiosk.

[gasps] I-I won?

Sweetie, what did you just do?
This was your dream.

Ruthina really needs this

because a tree fell on
her husband, so I helped her,

and that's the most
Guy Fieri thing I could do.

How was the bachelor party?

Oh, it was great.
We almost died!

And don't even get me started
on the snow cone machine.

♪ I'm the mall administrator ♪

♪ You can see me now
or catch me later ♪

♪ For those who haven't met me,
here is my name ♪

- ♪ It's Jarvis Dufraine ♪
- ♪ It's Jarvis Dufraine ♪

♪ That's my name,
people shout it ♪

♪ Got a new haircut,
but I'm not sure about it ♪

♪ Just really quickly,
here's the refrain ♪

- ♪ I'm Jarvis Dufraine ♪
- ♪ He's Jarvis Dufraine ♪

♪ I love this mall, it's my all,
that's the truth ♪

♪ Raise a toast to the ghost
near the Gags and Goofs ♪

♪ I worked here for ten years,
but if you don't know my name ♪

♪ It's Jarvis Dufraine. ♪

Oh, are we not, are we not doing
the backup thing anymore?
