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03x08 - Trust Destiny

Posted: 01/13/22 15:33
by bunniefuu


She's not here.

You stay sharp, Montoya.

Pamela Isley...

Show yourself!


Surrender, or we will use force!

I'm right here.

Stop! Please.

Please don't make me do this.

OFFICER: Take the sh*t, Montoya.


No, no, no, no, no! No!

Why are you doing this?

Because someone has to care.


FLORA & FAWNA: ♪ Baby, take it slow ♪

♪ Turn the lights down low ♪

♪ Take it slow, take it slow, slow ♪

Very few people can pull off
green with any swagger,

but I actually don't hate this for you.

Ahh. Yeah. It's interesting.

I, um... I'm sorry.

I've never been in a position before

where I couldn't be honest because I was

worried about hurting someone's
feelings, so I'm stalling.

Aw! I think that's the sweetest thing

you've ever said to me.


- Did you order more food?
- No.

- Did you order more strippers?
- Um...

Ms. Hamilton, it's time to ask you

to pack your things
and part ways with us.

Um, rude.

You've racked up an $ , bill

without showing
any ability to pay for it.

Oh! I told the lady at the desk times

try all my other cards.

They've all been declined, Ms. Hamilton.

Oh, actually, it's Dr. Hamilton.

It's not Ms.

I'm afraid I need to ask you to leave,

or the Metropolis PD
will be escorting you out.

This is all a misunderstanding.

Give me some time to figure it out.

Please take all the time you need.

We'll accept your apology

and a complimentary bottle of Dom

for the inconvenience.

You're very kind, ma'am.

Ha! I know.


Did the Bat b*tches cut me off?

All your fancy degrees, and
you didn't see that coming?

I thought we were past this.

I mean, one would think
that nearly vine-squeezing

the life out of your bestie
and then crushing

the only cure for you in existence

was a pretty good indicator

that it was time to move on
from the friendship.

Anyone else find it ironic
that when I beg

Ryan and Luke for their attention

they're too busy with their own drama,

but then when I finally step away

for some much-needed me time,

Mary Hamilton is the coveted
Batmission of the week?

If this is a lecture on being
Batwoman's most wanted,

trust me, I already took the exam.

Well, what do I do?

Uh, you k*ll them immediately.


Fine. As someone who had a
so-called family member obsessed

with the idea that I could change,

here's what you do.

You make your friends hate you so much

that they want to give up on you.

RENEE: Flowers aren't a fix-all, Pam.

My partner lost a kidney.

But they're white tulips.

Technically from the Liliaceae family.

They symbolize forgiveness.

Would you rather it be a kidney?


I'm trying here, Renee.

He could have d*ed.

He was going to sh**t me.

Because I couldn't.

I'm supposed to have his back.

No. You're supposed to have my back.

Ohh. Don't you see how unfair that is?

I took an oath to uphold the law,

and you're out there
breaking it constantly

for the sake of what... mother nature?

I know global warming, water shortage,

extinction of species is
an inconvenient thought for you,

but unfortunately,
this reusable coffee mug

isn't the solution.

What is the solution then?

Quitting your job,
ostracizing our friends,

becoming so obsessed to the point

where I don't even recognize you?

Are you coming with me or not?

Not if you go where I can't follow you.

Stay here. Stay the...

Quirky, brilliant scientist who
loves reading and baseball

that I fell in love with a decade ago.

She's gone.

She's blossomed into someone
who can stand up for herself

and, more importantly,
for those things that can't.

LUKE: I froze Mary's
bank accounts. I think.

Internet's cut out times.

And now I have
the spinning wheel of death.

That's... awesome.

SOPHIE: Does asbestos have a smell?

Anyone smell that?

RYAN: Dead rat in the wall.

Give it days. It'll pass.

RENEE: We don't have days.

You saw her clinic.

It's completely overrun by plant life.

You don't find that symbolic?

We won't let her forget who she is.

Oh, hope. That's sweet.

How's that working out for you?

I'm sorry. I left my sarcasm meter

in the Batcave I no longer
have access to.

Is there something you
would like to say to me?

Take off the kid gloves, Ryan.

- Kid gloves?
- You wouldn't have Marquis

arrested because he's family.

You underestimated Mary
because she's your friend,

and now you're locked
out of your Batcave

and your bestie's on the lam

with a serial k*ller.

Jump in if I'm missing anything.

Okay. What the hell
was I supposed to do,

pummel Mary with batarangs,

let them throw Marquis
in Arkham for a brain injury

that isn't his fault?

It's called making hard choices.

Why are we even here?
There wasn't a toxic sewer

with Wi-Fi access?

Renee's not wrong, Ryan.

We need a harder stance.

By agreeing with the woman

who's blackmailing me

because you're sleeping with her?

LUKE: Ahem. Wow. Um, I
think I smell that asbestos.

Maybe we should go get some air.

RENEE: Look. I get it.
Mary's your friend.

I thought I could plead and hope

and rationalize with Pam, too.

It didn't work.
Eventually, it got to the point

where she made me choose...

my obligation to the city or her.

So what did you do?

Something Pam will never forgive me for.

I sold my soul to Batman.

He knew he couldn't
trust Arkham to contain her,

so he developed a desiccation serum

that mimicked the process
a plant goes through

when it's denied water or sunlight.

The device used to inject it

is coded to the serum, meaning it's also

the only way to extract it from her.

LUKE: So if we got more of the serum,

we could use it on Mary?

I have the device,

but he only made one dose of serum.

It's currently pumping through

Pamela's bloodstream.

- So where is she?
- No one knows.

LUKE: Okay, but if we find her,

then presumably
we could siphon the serum

and use it to stop Mary, right?

Wrong! First of all,
accidentally unleashing

an ecoterrorist would not
be a good look for us.

Second, do you know
what desiccation means?

We would be dehydrating
Mary to the brink of death.

RENEE: No. The serum
was just to put Pam down,

and that was years ago.

If we remove it,
my guess is she stays dormant

unless she comes into contact
with sunlight or water.

As for point number two,
kid gloves, Ryan.

Did you hear what Renee just said?

Pam will never forgive her
for what she did to her.

We are not putting Mary
through that same t*rture

so she can hate us, too.

SOPHIE: This could be
our only chance to save Mary.

The true Mary would want us to stop her

before she can do something
that she can't take back.

We cannot help her unless we stop her.


If I were Batman,

where would I stash Poison Ivy?

Our best bet is that
Bruce wrote about Pam Isley

in his journals,
which are in the Batcave here,

but Marquis' state-of-the-art interior

and exterior cameras means

no roof, balcony, or garage access.

Can you hack into the feed
and buy me some time?

- Not with dialup.
- Manpower?

There's security guards per floor.

- Digital upgrades?
- According to our former staff,

every executive elevator
requires a thumb scan,

and his office is locked
with a retinal scan.

SOPHIE: Guys, we're not
getting into this building.


Why is Marquis calling me?
Am I supposed to take this?

What the hell does he want?

Guess I'm about to find out.

I'm sorry. I was
a detective for years,

and I'm just learning now that...

Bruce Wayne was... Batman?

MARQUIS: What up, sis?
Quick question for you.

Is this thing legit?

What do you think I can hawk it for,

a buck , two?

What are you doing, Marquis?

I'm redecorating my office.

You do know you had a chess set, right?

You should be in jail.

Oh! Samesies, sis.

Remember when you had me kidnapped?

That's illegal! Tsk, tsk, tsk.

You want to call it sixes and move on?

You need help. You need a doctor.

It's not too late.

- Hold that thought.
- Sir.

The planner's upstairs ready to take you

through the staging
for the party tonight,

and your mask is here for a fitting.

Yeah. Two seconds.

Sorry about that. You were calling me

a mental case.

You wouldn't have called me

if a tiny part of you wasn't
reaching out for help.

Just like there's a tiny part of you

that loves me, right,
or else you would have had

my ass thrown in Arkham,

and because you love me,

you tried to turn me into an ice cube.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you.

The cold, the near death of it all,

got to say, it awoke something in me

because I've never felt this alive.

Marquis Jet is coming for you, Gotham!

You'll be hearing from me soon.

Want to talk about it?

I think Marquis is throwing
a party at Wayne tonight,

and we're gonna crash it.


So we should run our identities. Go.

Ahem. Hello. I'm Spencer Glad,

former Olympic athlete, rumored to be

the next owner of the Gotham Knights.

I'll hit you up for floor seats, Spence.

The name's Cecelia Langley,

heiress to a whiskey fortune
and world traveler.

Penelope Devereaux, who for some reason

runs a board game empire?

- Honestly, dream job.
- Just gonna say it.

My girl sounds hot.

Also, how are we not gonna
run into these people tonight?

Yeah. I sent some e-mails.
They think they're uninvited,

and, yes, she is.

I fitted your mask
with ocular mesh scanners

from the Batsuit.

Be careful. Sophie, yours is
from the dollar store.

- LUKE: Go nuts.
- RYAN: Okay. So we get in,

get past security, get to the Batcave,

find Bruce's journals, and find Pam.


Oh, and, Penelope, you're French.

Wait. What?



of clubs? What's this about?

Hopefully we'll be long
gone before it matters.

wants to play a game?

There's nothing worse in life
than a fake smile.

A couple days ago, I sat down

at the table of my brand-new board room,

surrounded by men and women
who were supposed to be

my soldiers,

and they told me that
I wasn't the right man

to lead Wayne Enterprises.

On your right.

Oh, oh, man. Oh. I'm so sorry.

Hi. I'll take this for you.

MARQUIS: But it was
the way that they said it.

No cr*ck or anything. That's crazy.

MARQUIS: So condescending,
like they were mad about it,

like this.

So I fired their asses!


Each of you has proven
to be of savage mind.

That's who I want
at my Wayne Enterprises.

Jack of hearts.

Did we just crash a deranged
group job interview?

SOPHIE: I'm afraid so.

Hands on the table, Jack of hearts.

True or false...

when we climb to the top,

we got to be willing
to get a little crazy.



RYAN: How's this? Close enough?

LUKE: No. We need a full retinal
map to fool the scanners.

You need to be a lot closer.

How am I supposed to do that

while he's playing game show host?

Look. All I know is
I switched the SIM card

on his assistant's tablet,
and now I have

full access to tower security cams.

Okay. Ahem. It's not a competition.

Yeah. Sure thing,
but, uh, Sophie just got

Marquis's thumbprint, so kind
of just waiting on you here.


Complete this sentence.

The sick among us deserve our...



Ha ha ha!


Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

The answer we were looking for was fear.

Tough luck.

Who's next?

Come on. Don't be shy.

Look. I promise this is
the opportunity of a lifetime.

of diamonds.

Oui. C'est moi.

MARQUIS: Oh. Miss Penelope Devereaux

I presume.

Okay. Here we go.

MARQUIS: The only Parisian
on my guest list.

You created the game
murders at the bowery.

May I say your work is most...

Thoughtfully deranged.


LUKE: Just... just a few more seconds.

True or false...

an artist always puts herself,

no matter how dark, into her work.


Whenever we reveal
our darkness into the light.

We are no longer scared.



Finish this sentence.

A mother's love is...

Scan complete. Good to go.

Eh, not my problem.



You know, if my therapist were here,

she'd say it's never a good idea

to hunt a desiccated body while angry.

Just tell me why she wants
to be here all of a sudden.

It's not all of a sudden.

We were planning to spend
our entire lives together.

Bruce mentioned anything about Pam,

there's a good chance
I'll understand it.

Just because you want to
kiss and make up with her

doesn't mean we're good.

I get why you're pissed,

but remember something.

Poison Ivy cost me the love of my life.

Trying to help.

I'll take your help.

Then I want my name...

Batwoman's name... out of your mouth.

We've pretty much cleaned
up everything on your list.

That's a fun way of saying
the Joker's Joy Buzzer's

still unaccounted for.

Okay. We need Alice to find it.

Wait. Alice was your job, right?

And you were hooking up
with her at her place,

which... phew... I hope
it's nicer than her office.

My place is rent controlled.

Who cares if it's nice?

Really thought Wayne Tower
was tall enough

for us to get to handshakes, ladies.




Hi. Hey. I thought I told
you to lock the door.



We're the cleaning ladies.

MAN: Let's go.

WOMAN: ♪ Ain't no polite way ♪

♪ Running ain't so easy ♪

♪ Cross the country, that's me ♪

♪ That's you, that's me,
that's we, that's me ♪

♪ Ain't no polite way ♪

♪ Running ain't so easy ♪

♪ Cross the country, that's me ♪

♪ That's you, that's me,
that's we, that's me ♪

Sorry about the mess.

Can you face the other way?

We kind of got a hidden
entry situation going here.

WOMAN: ♪ Don't you underestimate me ♪

♪ Don't you ♪

♪ Don't you underestimate me ♪

♪ Size you up, I bring on the heat ♪

Let's have some fun.

Guys, please tell me you figured out

where Poison Ivy's buried.

- We just got to the journals.
- Be quick about it

because Mary just got here.

Are you serious?

Mary came home. Is she looking for us?

Uh, just judging
a book by its cover here,

but I think it's more likely
that she's looking

for freak fertilizer.

SOPHIE: Any sign of Alice with her?

No, not yet, but I'll keep
my eye on the security cams.

Don't let her leave this building.

Great. I mean, she's
been so cooperative lately,

I see no problems there.

Okay. Call if you need backup.

If Mary's here, it's for a reason,

and I can assure you it's not to dance.

Let's just get to these.

WOMAN: ♪ Ooh, baby ♪

♪ You got a rhythm like... ♪

Okay. I promise I just want to talk.

Okay. I'll just grab
a number and stay right here.

♪ So in a hurry... ♪

Mary Hamilton.

Well, well. I should probably

fire my publicist, Mary Hamilton,

because you should know your
friends no longer live here.

Well, I'm no PR rep,
but if she's the one

who came up with your
deck of cards theme,

it's definitely something
you should consider.

Heh. I'm not feeling the
vibes you're putting out,

and that's a shame because you...

You look like you'd be a lot of fun.

Don't give up on me
so fast, Mr. C-E-Bro.

You haven't even heard the reason
I came all this way to find you.



Okay. Okay. Okay, okay,
okay, okay, okay, okay.

We don't have time for this.

New plan. Bruce archived
these chronologically,

so let's start there.

When was the first time you
contacted Batman for help?

It was early June .


Does any of this look familiar?

This. This is the Gotham City Dam.

Bruce wouldn't have desiccated
Pam around that much water.

He didn't. He needed to
stop her from destroying it.

The dam was her next target.

Okay, okay. I'm... I'm sorry.

Why did you love this woman?

Because through it all
I knew it really wasn't her.

What's happening to Mary,
what happened to Pam

wasn't a fair fight.

I appreciate the symbolism,

but technically,
you just k*lled a tulip.

You going somewhere?

Yes, I am.

The question is do I pack

one toothbrush or two?

Guys at the precinct mentioned something

about a break-in at
Gotham Dam last night.

You wouldn't know anything
about that, would you?

I haven't been studying my ass off

for my detective's exam for nothing.

What are you planning to do there?

You want the truth so you
have to break up with me

or a lie so we can stay together?

Don't do that. Don't put this on me.

Why not? You already know what I want.

I want to save Gotham from becoming

a toxic waste dump, and
I'd like you to support me

while I do it,


What do you want?

FLETCHER: ♪ Just staring
at the ceiling fan ♪

For you to choose one...

your cause, flooding the city,

wiping full neighborhoods
off the map, or me.

FLETCHER: ♪ So I'll drink this wine ♪

♪ Like it's medicine for the mind ♪

Above all else, I want you.

♪ Because I still taste your love ♪

But I need you to trust that
I know what I'm doing here.

♪ Head to my toes ♪

♪ Doing time, trying to heal ♪

♪ Do anything so I don't ♪

♪ Feel you ♪

♪ Feel you, feel you ♪

What is this for?





RYAN: You think of something?

You good?

SOPHIE: Hey. Got something.

Bruce wrote that Poison Ivy
would have to be kept

where no one would look for her

but somewhere he could
get to her if he needed.

So close. He wouldn't
have buried her anywhere

near their usual hot spots...

docks, shipyards, back alleys.

No. It'd have to be dark and dry,

no water, no light, no other plant life.

Water was his biggest concern.

A single drop could be
enough to reanimate her.

Gotham city is a damn island,

where it rains days a year.

Are you sure he didn't
make a deal with GCPD

for some kind of special
protective custody?

Well, she's not at Blackgate,

and I checked the off-books
wing at Arkham, too.

There has to be an answer
we're not seeing.

Oh, my God.

What if she's here?

You spend your whole life in service

to logic and forensic evidence,

and then you know what love does.

It makes you want to say things like,

"I know she's down here.

I can feel her".

If she's in there, are you sure

you want to see her like this?

Ryan and I can handle it.

Thanks, but I owe it to her
not to run away and hide.

RYAN: This has the schematics
for the tunnel system

below the Batcave.

I have no idea where we're gonna end up,

so make sure we find our way back.

How far down does this go?

Even closer to hell than your office.

Okay. I need total quiet.


Sorry, guys. Damn fraud
alert on my credit card.

Y... silencing.




I think I got something.

Trying to isolate it.


Okay. I'm locked in.

I can hear it clear enough
to track the source.

Hear what?

- Pam's heartbeat.
- Oh, my God.

- You have the device?
- Yeah.

Then we need to move.
Whatever Mary's up to,

she doesn't stay in one place for long.

Luke, we think Pam's somewhere

in the lower tunnels.

LUKE: Ah. That is actually brilliant.

A lot of solid rock down there,

so we might lose contact.

Keep Mary there. Help is on the way.

Let's go.


So I keep wondering two things.

Why are you here, and where's Wilder?

You're seriously thinking
about your sister right now?

So you expect me to think that
I could steal her company...

And she's just cool with it?

Hmm. It's honestly kind of annoying

how much clinginess runs in your family.

You want to know why Ryan
isn't paying attention to you?

It's because she's too
obsessed with fixing me.

You don't look broken to me.


Long story short,

I just want to move on with my life

with the one person left
who understands me.


But then I thought to myself

this Marquis guy has
a lot of weird baggage.

Maybe he wants to take
revenge on Ryan on my behalf.

What do you have in mind?

Oop. Well, look who stopped talking.

Um, a little bonus for you.

It might help open up some
doors for you in the future.

Heh heh heh.

Ryan, are we hot or cold?

Tell me we're scalding

because we're almost
at the end of the map.

Well, it's getting louder. I just
don't know how much further.


- RYAN: Agh!
- LUKE: Batwoman...

- Mary and Marquis...
- Luke?

Luke, you copy? Damn.

Okay. There's something
going on with Mary upstairs.

We're almost out of time.


Tell me she had a charming personality.

RENEE: That's the desiccation.

The serum leeches water from the cells.

Includes skin and tissue.

You want to do this to Mary?

I'm trying to prevent
a Poison Ivy outbreak

from wiping out Gotham's
best and brightest upstairs.

Look, Ryan. I was you once.

I wanted to believe that there
was some magical solution

where I saved the love of my life

without her hating me forever.

There isn't. Mary is at the party.

The serum is here.

It's time to step up.

All right. Got it.

Hey, Luke. If you can
hear me, I'm headed up.

- We're coming with you.
- Stay and make sure

Pam doesn't wake up.

I'll check in once Mary's down.

Remember, no water breaks,

and if you so much as
have to sneeze, don't.

Just in case.

Hey. Batwoman, if you copy,
I lost eyes on Mary.

Where are you?

- Didn't know you were coming.
- Get the hell off me, man.

Oh, I don't think you should
be talking like that.

You're not wearing the right costume.

What are you talking about?

See, I just wonder where you keep it.

Plug it in like a Tesla charger?

I don't have time for this.

But I think you do, Batwing.

She'd forgive you.

You have no clue how much
of a fighter she was.

I'm talking about Pam,

the woman you fell in love with,

not Poison Ivy.

For the record, I take half the blame

for Alice going free.

Not the wisest move on my part.

We'll find her. She'll
screw up eventually,

ping a traffic cam, Rob a bank.

Alice? More like hold up
a doughnut shop.

Oh, my God. The fraud alert.

Whoever stole my card, they purchased

a -tier strawberry cheesecake

and a grape soda, then had it sent

to her hotel room.

And you think it was Alice?

Knowing her, she won't
be there much longer.

I need to get her back.
Are you good here?

Doesn't look like she's
reanimating. I'll be fine.

Be careful.

Sorry, ma'am. Elevators
are temporarily down.

All of them? Why?

Just some hiccup with the
building computer system.

We'll get you on your way shortly.

Oh, Ryan, when will you give up?

The stairs are better
for my calves anyway.

Took you long enough.


I believe you get % cash back.

- You lured me here?
- Lured you?

Let's not get kinky.

Alice, what the hell is this?


I made a juicy discovery,

and I've been dying to tell you,

but you've been so hard
to get alone lately.

Honestly, I don't know what's
happened to our friendship.

We don't have one, for starters.

Besides the point. You have been so kind

to house me on that prison
cot you call a pull-out couch.

I just wanted to return the favor.

Your little lover has been playing us.

- Renee?
- Sure,

or whatever you call her
under the sheets.

Since when do you do me favors?

Because Re-Nay-Nay is a liar,

and she needs to pay
for being a bad one.

Says the world's biggest liar.

You know, Renee's huge mistake

was leaving me alone in her office.

Did she not think I would snoop
every nook and cranny?

Left cabinet, second drawer down.

See for yourself.

I don't want to hurt you, Mary.

There's another promise broken.

Oh! What is that? Do you even know?

Batman made it to stop Poison Ivy.

When, a decade ago? Do you
even know the half-life

of its chemical compound?

You don't even know what
that'll do to me, do you?

You gave me no choice.

MARQUIS: Hey, Batwoman. Hold up.

You ready for me to blow your mind?

How about we k*ll
your two little sidekicks

at the same time, hmm?

A little brother-sister bonding action?

Come on!

MARY: It was me. I told him

so you don't have to put
us all through that

"I don't know what
you're talking about" phase.

Mary... how could you?

You gave me no choice.

MARQUIS: I always wondered
why I was the kid

that got chose on that bus that day.

A couple dozen kids, so why was
I the one that got buzzed?

Everyone says the world's gone mad,

but I get it.

Batman had the Joker,

and, Batwoman, you got me.

True or false, sis...

you gotta trust destiny.

False. We make our own destinies.

You wish.


ALICE: I've been in the bedroom trying

to finagle my way
out of Sophie's handcuffs,

and you've been in here
drinking all the Dom?

Ryan had me b*at.

She was about to inject
me with something,

and then she hesitated.

Whatever she was about
to do to me scared her.

Don't tell you're getting
the conscience tingles.

Before I even knew what was happening,

she used the syringe on Marquis.

I don't know if it was to save Luke

or protect her secret.

But all I know is in that moment,

I was the least of her problems.

She still underestimates you.

I know it's silly, but a part of me

just wanted her to see me as powerful.

Do you know all those looney
tune delusions I've been having,

postcards from Dad, imaginary friends,

walking in on Sophie in the shower?

That last one happened.


Anyway, since your whole
Poison Mary metamorphosis,

I have yet to have
a single delusional thought,

which means baby-sitting you, my dear,

has made me less of a crazy person,

and if that's not powerful,

I don't know what is.


I know you can't hear me.

I know you hate me...

But I am sorry.

I've been sorry every day I wake up

to a badge and not to you.


Oh, my God.


Pam, can you hear me?


GLEESON: ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪


Oh, my God.

Desiccation is not pretty.

RYAN: Do you think we should
hook him up to fluids?

Not unless you want him to wake up.

He knows who we are.
The second he wakes up,

the whole world will, too.

That's a big, fat if he wakes up.

Jada Jet, this is Batwoman.

I have your son.
If you're looking for a way

to fix his brain,
I suggest you find it quick.


Sophie, how do you have
reception in the tunnels?

I'm not in the tunnels,
but you need to get there ASAP.

Sophie, where's Renee?

You know why you and Alice
haven't been able

to cross the Joy Buzzer off her list?

Renee has had it this entire time.

What do you mean she had it?

I mean, she was never
gonna let Alice free.

She lied, Ryan, to Alice, to you, to me.

She was holding it over your heads

till one of you found what she wanted...

her soul mate Pamela Isley.