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04x15 - No Exit

Posted: 01/09/22 12:25
by bunniefuu
I could use a drink.


You've always been there for me when I need you.

You just go to sleep.

I'm sleepy.

I'm so exhausted.

I'd do it all again.


Oh, no!

Will you help me up, please?

It's okay.

You can do that much.

Thank you. You're very kind.

Among bright stars, I'm lost.

You're not lost. I'm right here.

There's a new tide.

And all the forgotten faces, all the forgotten children...

We seek the great forgotten language.

It's gonna be okay. We made it through the mutiny.

Not yet, he hasn't. He's got a b*llet in his brain.

Then take out the b*llet.

The colony never forgets.

See that pale spot over there?

That's a massive hematoma pressing on his brain.

We gotta drill holes in his skull and drain it.

Then when the swelling goes down, I'll bring the brain guy over from inchon velle and we get a look and see how we can get at that b*llet.

The mind is its own place.

Then get the brain guy?

Get the frakkin' brain guy.

We don't need a specialist yet, starbuck.

I can drill.

And a hell of heaven.

I'm right here, sam.

He whose guile...

Stirred with revenge, I'm right here, sam.

I'm not gonna go anywhere.

Give it a rest, starbuck.deceived the mother of mankind...

He's talking, but he can't hear you.

Shut up and drill.

We seek...

He's in pain.

No, that's just a reflex.

We'd been to that beach too.

Yes, we'd been to that beach.

Sometimes ellen would be there too.

Because she loved the water.

She loved the water.

Hello, john.

I don't care for that name.

I think you know that.

I named you after my father.

And you made me in his image. Thanks a million for that.

I'd love a drink, john.

If it's not too much trouble.

I take it you're here because things didn't go very well down on new caprica with you and the mister?

I betrayed the resistance, and he poisoned me.

Nothing like true love.

He did what he thought was right.

That's all any man can do.

He's not a man.

As someone with first-hand knowledge, I beg to differ.

He's a machine.

So are you.

I think that depends on how you define things.

Your ancestors didn't crawl up out of the swamp.

Personally, I'm rather proud of that.

You really haven't changed at all, have you?

On the contrary, I've made vast improvements.

You'd be astonished.

And yet, you're still the same confused and petulant little boy I loved so dearly all those years ago.

It's sad.

I had such high hopes for you.

And I for you.

Unfortunately, it appears you still stick to delusional thinking instead of accepting the reality of your life for what it is.

Humans have a word for that, ellen.


You used my name, john.

That's good.

There's hope for you yet.

We'll talk later.


It's a bit cold in here.

I'll get you some clothes.

After all, I've seen it all before.

The mutiny did enough damage.

Now what, chief?

I first noticed it when I pulled the sync coil.

You're gonna need to get your people to go all the way down to the hull to see how far down it goes.

Do it.

Excuse me?

I know it's not your job.

Thing is, is I need a chief.

And all I have is a...

Is a galen.

That you do, sir.

See, you still call me "sir."

I think we have to accept what we are.

Will you accept the title, chief?

I'm still a cylon.

It's all right. So's my xo.

Fix my ship, chief.

Yes, sir, admiral.



I've seen everything.

Sam, I'm sorry.

No, no.i'm so sorry.

No.i never should have taken you out of that jail cell.

I should have k*lled that...

No. Shh. It's okay. It's okay.

No, it's's about as far from okay as it could possibly be.


You wanna blame someone? Blame me.

No, no, it's all right.

Kara, listen to me.

A wonderful thing has happened.

You have to get the others.

What others?

Galen and tory and saul and ellen. Please.

Ellen's dead, sam.

Of course.

Of course. I know.

There's too many layers.

Just get the rest of them.

Please tell them I remember everything.

Earth. Why we're here.


I've seen everything.

You know, I've often wondered what changes the mortal experience would have on you.

I never seriously considered the answer would be virtually none.

Do you still suffer from night sweats and scary dreams of dog-faced boys chasing you through the yellow mists?


That's a good example of a supremely unproductive human attribute that for some reason you chose to write into our software.

Fortunately, I was able to delete that particular subroutine.

And I stopped sleeping about 20 years ago.


If you really think we poisoned you and your siblings with human traits like sleep, and centurion values like belief in a living god, why then did you spend all these years in single-minded pursuit of such human ideas as vengeance and m*rder?

Why not just choose to explore this notion of being the best machines the universe has ever known?

Because justice pulls me back.

My forebears on the centurion side of the family were the slaves of humanity.

And I want justice for that.

Doesn't have to be this way, john.

Oh, lunch has arrived.

Here, dear.

Put it here.

I believe you've met this eight.

You knew her as sharon valerii.


I can't tell you how good it is to see another person I know.

I'm assuming there's a whole ship full of my children out beyond the guards.

There's no need to be shy.

Tell her how it feels to be in the resplendent presence of one of the fabulous final five.

He's taking a risk, exposing you to me.

It's not easy winning his trust.

How'd you do it?

We achieved a certain rapport.

Really? You're full of surprises today, john.

That's his real name, by the way.

No, it's not. I hate it.

Tell me more about this rapport you have with john.

He's teaching me to be a better machine.

To let go of my human constructs.

What about the swirl?

Has he taught you that yet?

If you'll excuse me, I have some people to k*ll.

Why, john, I think you're blushing.

No, it's just the faulty blood pressure in this miserable body you designed for me.

No, no, no. You should stay.

Stay and have a heart-to-heart with your creator here.

You can ask her why she made you the way you are.



Torn apart by conflicting impulses.

Tell her how extraordinarily happy this makes you.

You know why he brought you in here?

He likes an audience.

Someone to nod when he talks about justice.

Watch, boomer.

Make up your own mind.

We all worked in the same research facility.

You and ellen, you were married then too.

You two lived together.

What, like roommates?

No, you were madly in love.

You were planning on getting married.

When the nukes hit, I pulled ellen out of the rubble.

She said we'd be reborn.

Does that mean we downloaded somewhere?

Yeah, on a ship that we placed in orbit around the planet.

So we knew the end was coming.

We'd been warned, yeah.

We downloaded.

But the cylons on earth could have children.

So why did we even have that technology?

Probably invented resurrection.

Okay, you're cold as ice. I'm fine.

You still have a b*llet in your head.

You wanna take a break? Kara, I still have so much more to tell them.

We didn't invent resurrection.

Okay, we reinvented it.

Organic memory transfer came from kobol, along with the 13th tribe.

It fell out of use after our people started to procreate.

We worked night and day to rebuild it.

Galen, your work was amazing.

But it was ellen...

It was ellen who made the intuitive leap that brought the system back online...

All right, I said you could have five minutes.

It's been over a half an hour.

I'm fine.good gods, man. You're soaked in sweat.

He said he was okay.ishay, get your ass in here.

Where were we going? What was the plan?

Look, colonel, you may be the xo, but in sick bay, I call the sh*ts.

Now everybody, out, right now.

Out, out, out.

Please, please.

He said he was okay.

Oh, gods.

Gods, so much k*lling.

Look at this picture of jacob.

This is just a terrible picture. He'd hate it.

I'm trying... I'm trying to find another one because everyone will see it up on that wall.

You sure you want to be here?

Yes, I definitely want to be here.

It's such a...

Senseless, horrible way to die.

These people only wanted to try and keep us civilized.

Sometimes I hated them, but I knew every one of them, and now I wonder who we are without them.

Well, actually, I've been thinking.

We need a new quorum or something else.

These... These old planets, that's not who we are anymore.

We're a fleet now, and our daily lives are defined by the ship we're on.

We're not capricans anymore.

We're from galactica. We're fromcolonial one.

Maybe we should acknowledge that.

I think that that's a very excellent observation, lee, and I think that you should keep it in mind when you are assembling new representatives.

When iassemble the new representatives?

I will, of course, remain by title as president, but...

Madam president, you can do a lot more than that.

No, I can't, lee.

It's time I let someone else do the heavy lifting.

I don't know what to say.

I would be honored if you think I'm the right one.

You are the right one, lee.

You have always been the right one.

My only concern about you is that you're so hell-bent on doing the right thing that you sometimes don't do the smart thing.

Well, then, um...

I'll try and be smarter.

And wronger.

I gotta warn ya.

It looks bad.

Frak me.

How many are like this?

There's about a dozen bad spots, the length of the ship.

If they go, this thing'll slam shut like a book.

How'd it get this bad?

Galactica was 50 years old when the w*r started.

Put her through some things that would crush lesser ships.

Slammed her down on the atmosphere.

Most ships aren't built to spec.

There's lots of places where the skin's too thin.

And the bolts are just too small.

You're frakkin' telling me they cut corners?

Yeah, they did.

But these big cracks, it's a good, clean break.

You can fix that, you just...

Just don't jump her for a while.

I can squeeze some more life out of her.


But the crew...

I want it all human, all right?

Yes, sir.

So why did we go to the 12 colonies?

We needed to find the other tribes and warn them.

We knew they would continue to create artificial life.

We needed to tell them... Treat them well.

Keep 'em close.

But by the time we got to the colonies, they were already at w*r with the centurions.

It happened again.

But the holocaust on earth took place thousands of years before that.

How is that possible?

We hadn't developed jump drives.

We traveled at relativistic but subluminal speed.

Time slowed down for us, but thousands of years had passed...

Hey, hey, hey.just give me a second.

Cottle said to stop...

Kara, I'm fine. I have to do this.

You remember the demetrius.

You know what it is when you have something that you have to do.

I used to.

Kara, if I had the answers for you...

All the answers about why you came back, what you're supposed to do, you would want me to tell you, right?

Do you?

Kara, no.

I... But so much is coming back. Maybe.

I just... Please.

Let me keep going.

The centurions were already trying to make flesh bodies.

They had created the hybrids, but nothing that lived on its own, so we made them a deal:

You stop the w*r, and we'll help you.

We developed the eight humanoid models, and we gave them resurrection.


You said eight. We're missing someone.

Whoa. Oh, wow.

Oh, everybody's glowing.



Get doc cottle!

Get him.

Get doc cottle!

Sam! Get cottle!

Oh, I always did love a good slideshow.

Vacation snaps?

You know what it is.

The temple of hopes, built by the 13th tribe

3,000 Years ago when they left kobol.

They stopped and prayed for guidance during their exodus, and then god showed them the way to earth.

And now it's a monument to your vanity.

The temple of the five.

Nice touch, the exploding star.

When the star went nova, one of your children saw your faces.

One of the threes.

The one who called herself d'anna.

So I just boxed her entire line.

Boxing isn't permanent.

Not like number seven.

You can undo it.

It's not likely.

By planting that carnival trick to reveal your own faces, you left me no choice.

We didn't plant anything.

We backtracked the path of our ancestors, found their temple.

The one true god must have orchestrated these events.


In all your travels, have you ever seen a star supernova?



Well, I have.

I saw a star explode and send out the building blocks of the universe.

Other stars, other planets, and eventually, other life.

A supernova.

Creation itself.

I was there. I wanted to see it.

And be part of the moment.

And you know how I perceived one of the most glorious events in the universe?

With these ridiculous gelatinous orbs in my skull.

With eyes designed to perceive only a tiny fraction of the em spectrum.

With ears designed only to hear vibrations in the air.

The five of us designed you to be as human as possible.

I don't want to be human!

I want to see gamma rays.

I want to hear x-rays.

And I want to...

I want to smell dark matter.

Do you see the absurdity of what I am?

I can't even express these things properly because I have to... I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid limiting spoken language.

But I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me.

I'm a machine.

And I could know much more.

I could experience so much more.

But I'm trapped in this absurd body.

And why?

Because my five creators thought that god wanted it that way.

You have something to say?

Don't you feel the slightest bit of remorse for what you did to him?

What you did to us?


Because he's wrong, boomer.

There's no need for remorse or blame.

We didn't limit you.

We gave you something wonderful.

Free will.

The ability to think creatively.

To reach out to others with compassion.

To love.




Why would I want to do that?

Who would I want to love?

What, are they still in there?

We're running out of time. We gotta talk to him.

You heard what he said, right?

The centurions couldn't build skin jobs, so we showed them how, then gave them resurrection.

It all traces back to us.

No, no, no, he said that weended the first cylon w*r.

We bought time for humanity, right?

The old man said humans had to own up to what they made.

But we made the skin jobs.

It's all about what we made.

The destruction of the colonies.

But the humans on kobol made us.

Go back far enough, it's always them.

Yeah, you point a finger back far enough and some germ gets blamed for splitting in two.

No, maybe we share the guilt with the humans, but we don't get to just shove it off onto them.

What are they doing in there?

Some picture of his brain. Some kind of scan of something.

No, it's true.

In a way, the seizure was actually a good thing.

It let me get in there and take this new picture.

Look what I found.

That's your... Your b*llet.

You see how it's lodged there in the vascular ring.

That's where all of the major arteries converge.

Mm-hmm, the vascular ring, that's what binds the thoughts in tight sheaves in the field... You need that.

Sam.i'm good. I'm here.

I'm good.

Okay, what's... What's really fascinating is how it's eroded this blood vessel here.

And in fact, it leaked.

It was just the tiniest squirt of blood.

Caused your entire seizure.

It's remarkable, really.

Of course, if it happens again, we're talking major hemorrhage.

I mean, death within minutes.

So take out the frakkin' b*llet.

Yes. And we need to repair that blood vessel.

Luckily, the swelling's gone down, so I think we actually have a shot at this thing.

Whoa, hold on.

These memories that I've been recovering, is there any chance I'll lose them?

Any time you go digging around in the brain, there's always the possibility of ancillary damage.

No, no, no, then we need to hold off until i... That circle... Start... And... N-n-n...

The words are...

Okay, something's obviously wrong with him.

What is it? It's aphasia.

It's affected his language center.

We call it "word salad."

It's not unusual.

Starbuck, this boy has a b*llet that needs to come out, and he's asking us to wait.

If I kick this decision over to you as the wife, what would you do?

Wait, what? No, that's not the first opening...

That's not...

That's not the random motor...

That's... Frak it. Godsdamn it.

Kara, i-i'm okay.

I'm fine.

Okay? I'm okay.

Please, don't take this away from me.

I need more time, okay?

Prep for surgery.

Kara, please. Please.

I need more time.

So much is coming back to me. Just a little more time.

You have until they knock you out.

Okay.that's all I've got.

That's... Until they knock me out, and as long as...

You have the words, sam.

If I can just complete the circle, I can get the words.

He has a remarkably clear image.

Well, that's a nice wakeup call.

Something's happened.

They've destroyed the resurrection hub.

Begun contemplating your mortality?

More than that.

Our extinction.

Always so dramatic.

It's true, ellen.

We can't procreate biologically, so we're going to have to find a way to rebuild resurrection.

Well, good luck with that.

Don't need luck.

We need your help.

They destroyed the hub, but they don't even know about the colony.

All your equipment is still there.

I only know part of the system, john.

It would take all five of us to rebuild it, and even then, I'm not sure...

You're, I'm not, john.

Don't insult my intelligence.

Your children are dying, ellen.

And you won't lift a finger to save us?

Why? Out of spite?

Because I refuse to kneel to your orthodoxy?

Now you finally see the truth about your final five.

Just tell us.

Tell us about resurrection.

I can't. It would take all of us.

See how she forces me.

You're no better than the humans that enslaved us.

If you don't tell me how to rebuild resurrection, I'm gonna cut open your head...


And look for it there.

The brain is a marvelous thing.

It's a big electrical grid.

Just lay it open, stimulate it at the right places, and I can trigger your deepest memory.

Your deepest fears. Your deepest guilt.

And even the recipe for life everlasting.

So cavil was the first one we made?

John. We treasured him.

He helped us... Build the others.

So we didn't think this was a bad idea?

Building cylons after we had already seen the cycle?

The centurions had a single loving god.

Ellen said it changed everything.

If the cylons embraced love and mercy, then the cycle of v*olence could end.

Single god? Like a one, true god?


And that came from the centurions?


Cavil rejected mercy.

He had a twisted idea of morality.

So he turned on the five of us.

He trapped us in a... A thing.

A... The pocket.

It's a compartment.

And then he took the o2 offline. He suffocated us.

He k*lled us.yeah.

So when we downloaded into new bodies...

He blocked our access to our books...

No... Uh, our memories...

And implanted us with false ones. Yes.

Set us up like a boomer.

Memories that we thought were real.

I guess he boxed us for a while.

Introduced saul first, not long after the w*r.

And then the gazelle.

The... The ellen.

And back on earth, the warning signs that we got...

They looked different to each one of us.

I saw a woman. Tory, you saw a man.

Funny. No one... No one else could see them.

Galen, you thought... That's it, it's time to go.

Listen to me.

The seven. Tell me please please tell me.yes, seven... Seven...

Seven was the daniel.

You sure about the word?

Yes. He died. Daniel died.

He was seven.

Okay, take him. I'm sure.

It was daniel. I'm sure.

No, we need to finish.let him go now.

Saul, listen to me. Saul, stay with the fleet.

It's all starting to happen.

It's the miracle. Right here.

It's a gift from the angels.

Stay with the fleet!

Kara, make 'em stop!

I stood up for you on demetrius!

You owe me!



How'd it go?

Oh, you're awake.

Where's the booze?

We haven't had any around for weeks.

Remember? The smell of it was making me sick.

Was that weeks?

I'm glad you're back.

What did he have to say?

Cottle kicked us out.

He never got to finish.

I'm sorry.

Something new started.

He's been moving like he just came alive tonight.

Just tonight, huh?

I don't feel anything.

Wait. He'll do it again.

You know, we should, uh, get, like, a crib and all the stuff that a baby...

Ha. He moved.

I felt it this time.

I did.

I felt my son move.

He wants to come out and play.

That's a little dated, isn't it?

He needs a patch over his right eye.

I prefer to remember saul before you did that to him.

Sentimental till the end.

The simons are prepping the o.r.

I think you'll be impressed with the progress we've made in memory recovery.

It might take a while.

I'm sure you'll make the procedure as long and painful as possible.

You're mistaken if you think I enjoy this.

Oh, come on, john.

Of course you do.

You're a sadist.

Why not just k*ll us and be done with it?

Why send us to live among the humans?

I wanted you to see what they're like up close and personal.

So I gave you all grandstand seats to a holocaust.

But we didn't die.

And then you decided that we hadn't suffered enough.

So you picked me up, put me on a transport, took galen's confession, played resistance fighter with sam, tortured saul, but didn't k*ll him.

You had a dozen chances.

But you wanted to wait so that when it finally happened, when we'd download back, we'd be ready to admit we were wrong and pat you on the head for giving us the right amount of suffering, the right amount of punishment, all weighed out.

Then we could give you the approval that you've always craved.

You see, you claim to be a perfect machine, but you are driven by the most petty of human emotions.

Jealousy and rage.

I know what you did to daniel.

That seven didn't thrive.


And it's too bad we're not made out of something more sturdy.

Metal. That might be nice.

Daniel was an artist.

And so sensitive to the world.

I was very close to him.

But john decided I was playing favorites.

Maybe I was.

Someone contaminated the amniotic fluid in which we were maturing all the daniel copies.

And then corrupted the genetic formula.

I knew it was john.

Envious. Sadistic.

And who made me?

That's what we're dancing around here, isn't it?

If I'm so irredeemable, if I'm such a mistake, if I'm so broken, then whose fault is that?

It's my maker's fault. And that's not god.

That's you. This is on you.

No, no, john.

God, no, you... You have done terrible things.

But you are not a mistake.

If you could just accept yourself as what you are, as the boy I made, you can be good.

You can be anything.

I love you, john, because I made you.

It's okay.

It's okay, john.

It's o... Don't you dare!

I've gotta scrub for surgery.

I can't wait to see what perfection looks like on the inside.

No, no, down there.


Across the beams.

Cross, not lengthways.

Run a support there.

I know what patching looks like, chief.

This isn't about those cracks, admiral.

I started thinking about damage that you can't see.

You know, stuff that's deeper in.

That you normally see on an x-ray.

Dealino, fire it up.

Okay, chief.

It's online.

We prepped the beam with this liquid that fluoresces.

Now it's not an x-ray, but you get the idea.

It's throughout the entire ship.

Hairline fractures in all the beams.

It's in her bones, admiral.

Her bones are rotten.


I have an idea.

There's something on the base ship that can help.

Cylon technology?

It's this organic resin.

It'll grow into the metal.

Make it stronger.

It'll take the load as it matures.

As it matures?

It's biological.

Out of the question, chief.

All due respect, admiral.

You asked me to do this job.

What's your life worth to you?



I'm so very sorry.

I was greedy.

I kept you too long.

I thought maybe I was the seven.

I need to be something.

I'll be here as soon as you wake up.

And I'll give you all the time that you want.

We'll learn all the secrets, okay?

Okay, okay, okay, here we go.

All right, kara, time for you to leave.

Here we go.

Thank you. Yup, yup, yup. Let's go.

Retractor. Thank you.

How do you stand it?

Knowing that he hates you for the things you've done?

Maybe he doesn't.

Love's like that sometimes.

The simons are ready for the surgery.

They'd like you to put this on.

A prop to legitimize john's final bit of theatre.

No, thank you.

You should have brought a tumbrel.

Never mind.

Let's get this over with.

Still in there?

Doc said, like, two hours.

Been in there a lot longer than that.

We only needed a little more.

I wanted to ask him about that frakking song.

Ask him when he gets out.

Starbuck, I got something for ya.

There's your b*llet.

Doc plucked it outta there and repaired the artery.

He's gonna live.

When's he gonna wake up?

I'm actually surprised he's not awake by now.

That's not necessarily a bad thing.

His brain is repairing itself.

We're hooking up an eeg and gonna take a look and see what's going on.

Go ahead.

Boomer, have you really thought about this?

I're gonna regret your part in this.

I'm sure I will.

What are you doing?

Forgiving you.

Hey, sam.

You're gonna be okay.

You got a room full of rabid cylon-types that can't wait to hear the next chapter of their life story.

I think they're hoping for a musical.

So you better hurry up and get better.

They're starting to look a little mean.

Don't bother.

Excuse me?

There's almost no brain activity.

He doesn't hear you.

He's not in there.

Give me the chief.


This is the chief.


Do whatever you have to do to save our girl.

Yes, sir.

I think we should rewrite the...

Oh, my god.