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04x14 - Blood on the Scales

Posted: 01/09/22 12:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on battlestar galactica...

The world is frakked.

It's upside down, and somebody's gotta turn it right side up.

Are you that man?

I'm one of them.

Combat, gaeta.

We've got civilians arming themselves down here.


Sergeant of the guards, get your marines in here.

Nobody gets in or out.

What the hell are you doing?

Admiral adama.

I am removing you from command of this ship.

Admiral, don't do this.

I'm damned if I'm going to let a guy like you run me off my own ship.

The colonel and I are going to make sure that the president's raptor gets out of here safely.

No, dad, you can't stay here... Admiral.

I'm depending on you.

Make sure these animals don't dishonor this ship.

I'll see you soon.

Look out! Watch out!

Fire in the hole!

Raptor just took off from an aft air lock.

Arm all weapons. Engage the target.

And destroy.

Narcho, galactica, hostile raptor outbound.

Bearing six, three, four, at two.

Order your flight to engage the target and destroy.

Roger, galactica.


Well, well, well...

It's the brig rat.


Galactica, narcho, blind out of the sixth gate.

Breaking, go in zone five to pursue.

Red viper two, narcho, the target's in your front yard, hot dog.


Narcho, hot dog, tally, I got her.

Colonial raptor, red viper two.

Identify yourself immediately.

Repeat, identify.

Hot dog, dig the crap out of your ears.

Engage and destroy!

Narcho, hot dog, target in range.

Waiting for raptor i.d.

Damn it, hot dog...

Galactica, narcho, coming around.

Bearing niner, three, four. Still no joy.

Hot dog, narcho, destroy the target or disengage.

I repeat, destroy the target or disengage.

Where's the... Where...

This is president laura roslin aboard the raptor, do not fire.

Gage, jam her transmission.

...escape from the mutineers that have taken over galac...


Grabbed it, sir.

They're still on us. Sit down, and hang on.

Hot dog, narcho, target status report.

I don't know.

That was the president, she's on board the target.

We've got adama and tigh.

They were in the auxiliary air lock.

Put tigh and adama down with the cylon prisoners.

Belay that.

Put tigh with the cylons. Bring adama up here now.


Kareem, patch me through to red two.

Lieutenant costanza, galactica actual, you were given an order, now follow it.

Hot dog, stop frakking thinking and sh**t, gods damn it.

Galactica, narcho, tally, I have the target.

Maneuvering in position.

Frak, narcho!

I'm in, I'm in.

They've got a m*ssile lock on us.

Missiles missed the target.

The raptor boarded the base ship.

Why are we under attack?

Colonial vipers are firing on our ship.

You're not under attack, they're firing at us.

What did you do?

Their government has lost control.

Our government has not lost control.

Excuse me, how would you describe it, madam president?

Adama is a fugitive.

Gaeta has an army, and zarek has control ofcolonial one.

Adama is free. Don't listen to him.

The last time we saw adama, he was cornered in an air lock with colonel tigh.

If you were forced to escape, gaeta and zarek must've had substantial support.

They don't!

In fact, we're here because a pilot refused to sh**t us down, tell him.

Yes, but the other pilot had no qualms about sh**ting down the president of the colonies.

If they're willing to do that.

It's not safe. We have to jump. No.

I have to agree.but what about the final four?

Tyrol, anders, tigh, they're still over there.

What about them?

If you jump, you'll never see them again.

If you stay put, you give adama a chance to save them.

Put your ship in the middle of the fleet.

Use the fleet for cover. Give adama some time.

But what if... No, gaeta won't jeopardize the fleet.

He doesn't have the guts.

Come on, do it.

Welcome back.

I had a feeling you wouldn't be on that raptor.

I care too much for this ship to let it be overrun by rats.


If only you cared as much about the people on it.

You have no frakkin' idea.

Well, then show me.

You want to save some lives?

Get on the radio and call roslin.

Tell her to come back and surrender.


I'll ask you one more time, admiral.



You're the admiral now.

So you call up roslin.

Make her laugh.

All hands to battle stations.

Set condition one.

g*n battery, stand by. Target bearing...


The baseship.

They're moving into the fleet.


They're hiding in the fleet.

Battle stations, stand down.

Marine launch, blue squadron have them quarantine the base ship.

Gage, spin up our ftl.

Alert the ship captains to do the same.

Kelly, prepare for mr. Zarek's arrival.

Now you're going to sh**t me, mr. Gaeta.

Shall we save the kid?

And the attorney says, "frak him."

And the priest says, "do we have time?"

You're gross.

Damn it.

This is president laura roslin.

This is the president speaking, th... The...



Gods damn it.


It's okay, he's going to feel better.

Wonder what gaeta's gonna do.

In your case, cut off one of your frakkin' legs.

I have a net over the base ship, you know.

You didn't have to bring the whole quorum with you.

You're insisting on the trial.

I'm insisting.

That I want them where I can keep an eye on them.

Look, I know you want to do the right thing.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I was under the impression that you did too.

I do. But we need to move on.

We can't move on.

Until people have answered for what they've done.

Which begins with adama.

One world at a time, tom.

I don't suppose anyone's gonna feed my dog.

The admiral is charged with treason, desertion, giving aid and comfort to the enemy, and gross dereliction of duty.

The punishment for these crimes is death by firing squad.

Well, I'm not a very good shot.

The admiral is entitled to a court-martial.

We need a lawyer to handle his defense.

They need a pimp.

Commander gaeta will represent the people.

Commander gaeta...

Why are you doing this?

For justice.

Justice, uh-huh.

So it'd be fair to assume that should I choose to pass on this field trip for justice, winkin' and blinkin' over there will use me instead for target practice?

Just get on with your job.



Bring in the judges.

I will be serving as judge.

I see, so we've run out of ship's captains, then.

Captains are too busy protecting their vessels from the cylon baseship admiral adama welcomed into their fleet.

Shove it up your ass.

I don't need a frakking lawyer.

You are charged with treason...

By who?

Desertion, with giving comfort and aid to...

This is a joke.

And you will answer for these crimes...

Aid and comfort, oh, yeah.

I did bathe and wash them.

Made their meals.

I love the enemy.

Could I have have a few minutes with mr. Adama?

Just to impress upon him the gravity of these charges?


You want him to understand, I know you do.

Make it quick.

This is the president.

This is laura ros... Hello?

Hello? Hello?

We don't even have the protection of the fleet.

They've scattered.

And the viper patrols, they've gotten bolder.

Some of them check their g*ns.

Gods damn it.firing into space is like they're inviting us to react.

I think we should all talk.

"The world's upside down.

And someone has to turn it right side up again."

Felix gaeta said that to me.

He believes he's that someone.

I believe he's that someone.

But he has very big shoes to fill.

I brought you here because I wanted him to meet people who refuse to give up, people who have the courage to voice their dissent.

But at the end of the day, still stand by your president.

I think you should leave now.

Mr. Vice president.

Hear, hear.

sh**t them.

Go get mr. Gaeta.

I never agreed to this!

Yes, you, this is m*rder!

This is a coup.

That you began.

To take command and destroy our enemies, before they destroy us.

What've you done?

This is what happens.


No, it's a lie.

This is all based on lies.

Don't you get it?

We... We had the truth on our side, now...


The truth is told by whoever is left standing.

Adama has to go.

There's no turning back now.


It was a difficult choice but we made our decision.

We're jumping away.

We have a chance to survive.

I'm sorry, I would've thought as one of the final five, you'd have a broader vision than that.

If he hasn't done it already, gaeta will air lock tigh, tyrol, anders, then he'll start with the rest.

Kara, helo, adama...

Don't. Stop.

His fate has been all but decided, count on it.

Please, don't.

Ours isn't

No one believed that we would survive the cylon nuclear holocaust, or the hell on new caprica, or the 50,000 other crises we've lived through.

But we did, we're here.

We've made this veritable habit out of defying the odds particularly, william adama.

And he is alive.

He is alive.

And he will take command of this fleet again.

And when that day comes, he's gonna know...

Who stuck with him and who ran.

Now who do you want to be?

Who do you want to be?

Hey, chief.


Looking for a g*n?

Hey, aaron.

Sprung you, did they?

Long live the revolution.out.

Just sh**t me now.

I'm too frakking tired to get out.

You're a frakking machine, get out.

That's right, I'm a machine.

What does that make you?


This was a hell of a ship once.

Huh, yeah, it really was.

Heard your kid's not a cylon.

Could have told you she was trouble.


Wouldn't have mattered.

Go on, keep going. Go!

Go on, skinjob, go.


Forget it.

You think you can get me to cooperate, you'll get a pat on the back instead of a b*llet.

Don't let your pride get in the way.

Put your innocence on record for the fleet.

Your statement...

I won't do a statement.

Gaeta and zarek are gonna fail.

You really believe that?

What do you think?

I won't betray my beliefs with a testimony.

You have people out there mobilizing, I saw them.

Give them a chance to do something.

Stall or play dumb...

We've been ready to proceed for some time.

Are you injured?

I believe the word is damaged.

No frakking way.

It's never gonna work.

Up close, I can take two of them before you take your sh*ts.

From back here with a side arm?

We only got one chance to get this right.

And I'm gonna take it.


Never pulled the pin.

Not funny.

Yeah, it would have been if you'd thought of it.

No. Not funny.


It's kara. It's lee and kara.

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Where is he?!

Bastards went to town on helo.

Where is my father? Kelly took him.

What? You were with him. What happened?

I don't frakking know.

Come on, damn it.

Let's get out of here before they find us.

I have hera.

You okay?

Go left.

Kara, frak that, let's go! Got it, we'll catch up.


Oh, gods!

Okay... Oh, my...

Oh, my gods!

Look at me, look at me. Look at me, do you hear me?

Okay, okay, okay.

Kara! We can't stay here.

I'm here.

Watch his neck, gods damn it.

Kara, we got to go! We got to move sam.

Take hera and go to baltar's people.

No one wants to go near those nutjobs.

Okay, he's gonna bleed out.

Don't move his head.

I can take care... I can take care of myself.



You gotta help sam!

Lee, go, get your father.

Now go.


Okay, get him to cottle.

Athena, go. Okay, company, move out!

Okay, let's move, let's move.

Let's go, let's go.

Okay, okay, baby. Okay, okay.

Okay, okay, okay.

You deserted us on new caprica.

You let us twist in the wind.

I saved your frakking ass.

Why can't you just admit that you've been derelict in your duties as an officer?

Not only do you give aid and comfort to the enemy, you were about to grant them access...

Objection, he's badgering the witness.

To jump drive to every ship in this fleet.

About to? I did it.

I gave them access.

And you know what?

I didn't give them aid and comfort.

They gave it to me.

We just got word that tigh and the skinjobs escaped.

Don't worry, sir. We're on it.

Um, saul tigh was k*lled trying to escape.

I'm sorry.

But you did give aid and comfort to the enemy.

Saul tigh was a cylon.

And even when you discovered that he was, you let him remain the xo, didn't you?

I'm not answering any more questions for you, mr. Gaeta.

The prisoner...

Is guilty as charged.

This isn't the trial.

This is an asylum.

Ah.we're done here.

This is president laura roslin speaking from the cylon baseship.

Felix gaeta has seized galactica by force.

The cylons were defending themselves.

They will not harm you.

I repeat, the cylons will not harm you.

Jam that signal.

Why, by the frak, is she still broadcasting?

Where's hoshi?

Get that little frak back into cic.

Shut down your ftl drives...

It worked.

They couldn't jam it.

I thought this might do the trick.

Show me your frakking hands.

You have to help me get him to cottle.

No, no.

No, just on the way here, me and my pen pal were shot at two times.

Once by his own men.


He's gonna die.

I'm sorry.



Ten ships shut down their ftl drives after roslin's transmission.

10 Ships out of 35.

Frakking, she did us a favor.

Now we're clear who's with us and who's trouble.

Gage, give the jump coordinates only to those ships that kept their ftls online.

Order them to jump immediately.

Yes, sir.

I need you to assemble an execution detail.

Only men you can trust.

Secure the main hangar deck launch tube.

Take adama down there and wait for me.

Can I count on you, noel?

All down the line, sir.

Spying on me, tom?

Let's just get through this and move on, all right, felix?

Where's the old man?

Where's the old man?

Their gonna sh**t him.



Main hangar deck launch tube.

Come on, come on, let's go, gods damn it.


I'm coming with you.

Detail ready.




Shh, shh... You were dreaming.

I couldn't wake you.

Oh, god, they're gonna to sh**t him.

Shh.i feel sick, i...


This is all wrong. It's wrong.

Please, stop, stop.

But... I want to make you feel better.

Then cut off my legs.

I ran... Again.

I disappeared in the nick of time...


Fear makes people behave differently.

I didn't run out of fear.

Not this time, anyway.

I ran away from those people. God, those people.

I've got a kind of following on galactica.

Like a fan club.

Publicly, I heeded them.

Privately, I scorned their provincial intellects.

Their unfailing willingness to make me feel better.

I have to go back.

I have to go back, they're my responsibility.

I am sorry.


This is president laura roslin.

Release all those being held against their will, and return command of this fleet to admiral william adama.


You have five minutes.

Lieutenant allison.

Carry out the execution.

Yes, sir.

Dad.thank you, son.

They told me you were dead.

For a while, I was, bill.

I want to take back my ship.


Sorry, sir.

I've always respected you.

But I hate the cylons.

And I can't take orders from a leader who won't fight them.


Stand down.

Tie him up.

Put me on speaker.

This is tom zarek.

President of the twelve colonies.

It's over, laura.

Saul tigh was k*lled attempting to escape.

Bill adama was tried and found guilty of his crimes.

Firing squad ex*cuted him this morning.

It's done, laura.

You need to think about the people of this fleet now and surrender.


Not now, not ever.

Do you hear me?

I will use every cannon, every b*mb, every b*llet, every w*apon I have down to my own eye teeth to end you.

I swear it!

I'm coming for all of you!

So now we have a military leader and a president all-in-one.

And how would you have answered her?

If you would have been here.

Baseship's arming itself, sir.

Are we jump ready?


Set the rendezvous jump coordinates.

Set your board to green.

There's been enough k*lling.

I'm leaving them behind.

Unless you object.

Oh, yeah.

Galactica, this is president laura roslin.


Gods damn it.

Sir, board is green.

Counting it down.

Jump in ten...


Eight... Ow!





Ftl just went offline.

Get a crew.

Get someone down to the engine room, right now.

Come on, move it!


Gaeta, launch your birds.

Gaeta, wake up. What the frak are you doing?

Launch your birds!

Gaeta, gaeta, we have to defend, do you understand that?

Do you understand?

Gaeta, we need to defend!

One day soon, there's gonna be a reckoning.

g*n batteries have fixed target bearing.

Standing by to fire.

Gaeta, what the frak is wrong with you?

Wake up!

Weapons hold!

Give me a w*apon.

Put your weapons down. Drop your weapons!

Connect me with the president.

Right away, admiral.

Madam president. This is the admiral.

Stand down.

I repeat, galactica's secured.

Stand down.


Oh, no.


Suppose a long time ago, it was...


There was a year there where I scribbled floor plans on everything.

Dining room table, patio tiles, rare books...

Drove my parents crazy.

How old were you?

I don't know, uh, eight, maybe, nine.

I tell you one thing, though, I had some pretty frakking amazing ideas.

Restaurants shaped like food.


And top-heavy buildings, and stairways, every... Everything had to have a stairway.

Spoils of w*r.

When I was older, uh, then it became medicine, and, uh, engineering, photography.

I think I would've made a better architect than any of those, though.

And then, I discovered science.

And i...

I thought I was really, really good at it.

Until I met you.

Felix... Don't.

And please, no religion.

I'm fine with how things have worked out.

Really, gaius, I am. I...

I just hope... I hope that...

People realize...


Who I am.

I know who you are, felix.

I know who you are.



It stopped.



No, no, please! Aah!